Our Kind Just Don't Get Along: Our Kind Just Don't Get Along

Story by Leafykins on SoFurry

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#1 of Our Kind Just Don't Get Along.

Out Kind Just Don't Get Along

"Why don't we just throw you off a cliff ten times and see if you survive?" Vadan asked coldly his eyes narrowing at her.

"If it means getting away from you then be my guest!" she hissed.

"This would be a nice place to camp" Werand said raising his voice over the arguing of his companions.

"Wonderful" Rin chirped happily, her gray tail swishing behind her as she leaned into Werand slightly. "Feels like it's going to be cold tonight" she giggled keeping her

arm looped through his. She stood on her tiptoes and gingerly nipped at Werand's ear.

"Good I'm tired of walking" Vadan said dumping his stuff on the frosted grass.

"Well to bad, it's your turn to collect the fire wood. "Rin said looking at him. "And yes this time you have to go" she said holding up a paw to silence him. "We agreed

you and Aeria would collect the wood together, yet every time I end up doing your work" she said a frown on her face.

"Fine" Vadan grunted knowing better then to argue. He stalked off his paws clenched into fists. He had agreed to the arrangement before he knew what a pain

Aeria would be. He almost regretted joining the group, he figured it would have been better if he had continued to travel alone.

"You don't have to be so rude about it" Aeria said coming up along side of him. "She's right...you've been avoiding your work"

Vadan jumped, hadn't heard her coming. "You're one to speak" he growled as he looked at the thin black cat before him. Aeria tended to speak her mind, she said things bluntly and didn't care if they were rude sounding or not.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked the tip of her tail twitching behind her as her emerald eyes narrowed.

Vadan ignored her and bent down to pick up some wood. There wasn't much on the ground, he was going to have to break off some branches. He glanced

around looking for some loose bark. "Help me with this will ya'?" he asked as he grabbed a limb. He really didn't expect help from her though. It was getting dark and the chill in the air seemed to make his tail curl even more then it all ready did. He yanked at it trying to pry it off of the tree. It came off suddenly causing him to stumble backwards.

Aeria stepped to the side as she saw him falling backwards, but she stepped to late. He ran into her sending her sprawling backwards into a conveniently placed mud puddle.


Rin let out a low moan and shivered in delight. "Something tells me I'll be warm tonight" she said as she licked the white belly fur of Werand.

Werand couldn't help but smile as he pushed himself the rest of the way into her wet slit. He felt her claws dig into his shoulders slightly but he ignored the small pain. He was used to it by now.

They hadn't wasted time after Vaden and Aeria had left, with the two of them around they never got any alone time. Rin complained how Vadan always complained that the two of them could never get along because 'Our kind just don't get along! Wolf Husky's and Cat's are not meant to be friends!' .Werand

laughed at his love's imitation of the young lupine. "It's a good thing we are both foxes then huh?" Rin had asked him as she snuggled up against him. Her paw

had moved down to his lap and started stroking his package.

He let out a soft murmur of satisfaction as she started to grind her hips against his. He held onto her hips as he slid himself in and out of her.

Rin's ears lay flat on her head and her eyes were closed half way, in pure ecstasy.


Aeria was attempting to wipe the mud out of her fur but her attempts were in vain. As she worked she glared at Vadan who was stiffling his laughter. She knew she

couldn't get mad at him, at least not justifiably, it had been an accident after all. "Let's just go" she said her tail hanging limply behind her.

Vadan had a smug smirk as he walked ahead of her. "You get what you deserve" he said softly.

Aeria pushed past him as the drew near a river. She waded into it her fur standing on end as she did, the rushing water was freezing. She brushed her black hair, that

matched her black fur out of her eyes. "Turn around" she said bluntly looking at Vadan.

Vadan did as he was told with a heavy sigh. "Yes Major Pain" he muttered under his breath. He set the firewood down and leaned against a tree. They were there

in complete silence. "Can I turn around no-" Vadan had all ready started to turn around as he was asking. He stopped as he saw Aeria standing in the river a few

feet away.

Aeria had stripped her clothes as was grabbing water and dousing herself in it scrubbing her fur. She watched as the river water turned dirty around her feet and then was swept down stream. She leant down her back towards Vadan, her tail high in the air.

He found himself staring at the hint of pink that appeared from the black fur. Her tail was high in the air, revealing an inviting looking pink slit right below. It took a moment but it finally registered what it was. He looked at it again as though he was making sure his mind was right about what it was. He turned his head away. "Our kind don't get along at all" he muttered. His eyes wandered back over to her figure in the water, half hoping to see the same sight again. Vadan was taken back by this new sight.

Aeria had turned towards Vadan now as she washed her chest. The cold water mixed with the cold air left her nipples hard. It didn't help that she was rubbing her chest as she stood there. Her hair had fallen into her eyes once again so she failed to see Vadan staring at her.


Werand held Rin close underneath the covers of their makeshift bed. He listened to her breathing, moments ago it had been shallow as he finished letting out all his seed into her; now it was even as she fell into a peaceful, and happy sleep.

He licked the fur by her muzzle gently as he looked at her silver fur. He had been shunned by his parents when he had admitted who he loved. For centuries his family had prided themselves on being purebred. 'One hundred percent red fox' he recalled his sister repeating proudly after him. He had always found it fascinating...but then he had found Rin...who he had found even more fascinating then his families heritage. His father had kicked him out of the house, but he had Rin and that didn't matter. That had been seven years ago, and now his father was dead, he had died the year after Werand was kicked out. Werand had attended the funeral despite his fathers wishes that his son was kept away and every year he paid respect to his father on the day he died, even if he was not near the grave. Rin said that was part of the reason why she loved him, he didn't let things get him down, and he was caring. That and his butt was cute.

Despite the warmth that the friction of their two bodies had made while they rubbed up against one another, the night air was cooling down and Rin shivered next to him. He pulled her closer resting her head on his chest and wondering where Vadan and Aeria were.


Vadan had taken the time to notice that Aeria was not all black, despite what she would say. Around her left nipple was a patch of white fur in a shape similar to a star. He chuckled to himself as he looked away.

She walked up the bank of the river shivering in her wet fur and clothing. "I don't care...if it was an accident" she said through the chatter of her teeth. "I'm going to kill him!" she seethed as she drew closer.

"I thought cats didn't like taking baths" He said with a foolish grin. His triumph of his witty comment soon vanished as he felt her nails dig into his arm. Without warning he let out a light whimper which aroused a smug smile on the girl in front of him.

"We best get back to camp" She said sweetly as she let go of him she walked off swaying her hips, taunting him, telling him she had won.

Vadan sighed as he picked up the wood. His eyes widened as he brushed up against something that was causing his pants just below his waist to tent. He blinked in disbelief. He had to admit, she was pretty, but not even she could arouse an excitement like that in him.....could she?


Rin stirred as she heard Vadan and Aeria return back to the camp sight. "It was getting cold" she said as she sat up, the blanket that had been covering her tumbled to her lap revealing her ample bosom. "Did you two stop for something special?" she asked with a light giggle as she pulled on Werand's shirt.

Vadan and Aeria both shot her a dirty look causing her to giggle once again.

"Start a fire" Werand said as he slipped out from the blanket, he had pulled his boxers on first. He grabbed a bag and opened it pulling out a few parcels of food.

Vadan hesitated, his pants were still tented. He didn't want to set the wood down from fear of being teased by Rin, and then Aeria would probably attack him tooth and nail, believing that he had looked at here while she was bathing, and he had no doubt that he would lose that battle, despite her petite figure she was a fighter.

"Hurry up please" Rin said stretching. "I'm freezing!" she exclaimed and shivered as though to prove her point. "unless you want to come over here and keep me company...and perhaps meet some friends of mine, they are twins." she said with a sly smile.

Vadan felt his penis throb at the mention of it. He knew better then to accept though. If he did, the normally calm Werand would be on him in an instant, putting him into another losing fight situation. Rin was a flirt to, but only with guys that she knew, she knew better then to do it with men who actually would take her up on the offer. He shook his head as he dropped the firewood. He grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around himself hoping it would cover the erection. He started the fire and then excused himself for the moment.

Aeria pulled her blanket over to the fire, she had changed her clothes but her fur was still shining from the water she had bathed in.


Rin sauntered into the forest, her bladder felt like it was about to explode. She squatted next to the tree and relived herself. She sniffed the air as a musky scent filled it. Fixing her skirt she stood and glanced around for a moment. She breathed deeply as she followed the scent, a grin on her face as she managed to keep herself from her normal giggles. "Smells like someone is having some fun" She said slinking out from behind the tree and standing in front of Vadan.

Vadan felt his face grow warm under his fur as he saw the silver fox step out.

"Better not let Werand see what I've done to you or you'll be in trouble." She said eyeing his lower half carefully.

Vadan was flustered trying to cover up for the reason he had been letting himself go behind the tree.

"Or is it from someone else?" she asked moving close enough to him he could feel her breath on his fur.

"J-just you...." he said his hands limply at his sides.

Rin smiled flirtatiously and winked at him before walking off, her tail high in the air.


They finished their dinner, the whole time Rin was talking. Aeria and Vadan wouldn't talk to one another, Vadan was still flustered from being caught by Rin and Werand could all ready feel sleep tugging at him. He hadn't rested after his little round with Rin.

"I'm going to sleep" Werand said stretching as his mouth opened into a wide yawn.

"Me too" Vadan mumbled grabbing his blanket and pulling it to the other side of the clearing. He could sense the mood the two of them were in, even if Werand were tired he would go to any length to please Rin, so when she was feeling horny, he obliged.

Aeria also felt the actions that were going to take place and scooted away from the couple as they slipped under the blanket.

It didn't take long for moans, and excited sounds to rise from under the blanket.


Werand fought off his sleep as he grabbed Rin roughly causing her to gasp. His paw slid down her underwear, she had all read shed her skirt. He fingered her sweet spot a moan leaving her lips as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling as he continued to rub her. His other hand trailed up her body, underneath the fabric of his shirt that she still wore. She hadn't replaced her bra. He squeezed her nipple gently, the feeling of him working her from below and up top caused her body to buck gently. He could always make her climax easily. He slid his fingers further into her slit, he could feel her warm fluids seeping out of her all ready. He extracted himself from her and licked her juices from his glistening paw.

Rin undid the top two buttons on the shirt, they were the only ones she had done anyways, revealing herself to Werand. The cold air hit her nipples causing them to harden instantly.

Werand leaned in and licked one of them gently, as his warm saliva dried upon it she shivered. Werand pulled her closer and slid her nipple back into his mouth and sucked on it. He bit it every now and then causing her moans to heighten.

Her tail was wrapped around Werand's and he knew what she wanted. He abandoned her breasts and pulled her up so she was on her knees and front paws. He grabbed her tail and ran his hands up it for a moment, as he let go all of her fur fell back into place, he smiled at the bushiness of it all, somehow her tail seemed to get bushier the more she was feeling it, and right now it was one of the bushiest he had seen it the whole week.

She teased Werand with her tail in his face for a moment and then moved it out of the way, she murmured as she felt him prodding her hole with it. Just as she had teased him with her tail he teased her. The tip at her entrance and took it away. He did this several times, until she growled, though still in a playful manner.

He smiled at her in the dim light of the moon and grabbed her hips, she knew he was going to do it this time. She braced herself as she felt him thrust himself into her. She whimpered for a moment as his penis forced her anal walls to stretch. Werand shushed her softly. "The pain will be gone in a moment" he whispered as he pulled himself out.

Rin nodded her head and braced herself again as Werand started rhythmically pushing himself deeper and deeper into her. He sped up slightly and soon she was panting, clawing at the blanket beneath them trying to silence the shout of ecstasy that was building up inside of her. She felt Werand pull out again and before he could enter her she flipped over and turned around her muzzle near his throbbing member. She took the tip of it in her mouth exciting a pleased moan from her companion. She opened her mouth a bit wider as she slid him further into her mouth his claws tore through the blanket and into the hard earth below as she sucked on him and bit him gently, a few scars could still be seen down there from past encounters with Rin's fangs. He let lose a long and loud howl into the silent night air, causing Rin's lips to form a grin around him, she was pleased that she could excite him so, as his howl left him so did the fluid that had been building up inside of him. He let it all go shooting it into her muzzle.

Rin swallowed it still smiling, it felt warm as it slid down her throat. "I love you" she whispered as she released his hard cock from her mouth ."But my are you messy" she said as she licked him clean.

"That's what I have you here for" he teased as he felt his warm tongue wrap around the erection in front of her. Her paw slid up and brushed against his balls slightly causing him to excite again. She reached out and took them in her paw and started to massage them gently knowing he could get him excited again, she wanted to feel him inside of her once again before the night was over.

A few beads of pre-cum rolled out and Rin breathed deeply. She lay on her back and opened her legs wide, revealing her damp slit.

Werand leaned forward and licked her taking in her scent as he did, "Ohhhhhhhh" she said taking a deep breath. This time Werand grinned. He pulled back and placed himself at her opening. He slid himself into her slowly, as each inch entered her she let out another low moan.

He finally reached the base and Rin wrapped her legs around him, Werand grabbed her and set her on his hips her breasts right in his face. His upper lip curled up in delight, he took her in his mouth once again and slid part of the way out of her, he could hear a squelching sound as he moved back in. He started just like he had at her back and soon moved faster, and sucked on her nipple harder, she gasped and glossed her eyes, feeling the rhythm of her heart match Werand's pace. He rammed himself into her again and again causing her to arch her back, he kept her nipple firmly in his mouth even as she pulled away in her arch. He left her body and with the last of his strength he plunged back between her wet lips, down into her hole, he felt her walls contract once again, this time they weren't letting go, she squeezed everything he had left out of him.

He lay down, his cock still deep inside of her, his knot keeping them locked. Rin's moans slowed slightly as he continued to tease both of her nipples, massaging one while sucking on the other, he switched every now and then, until he felt himself go limp and slide out of her. He pulled her close her head resting on his shoulder and his tail wrapping around her's.

"Good night" She murmured feeling content.

"Good night" he repeated.


Vadan twitched in his sleep. He rolled over wrapping himself inside of his blanket, the moans that came from Rin and Werand left him feeling hard once again. He whimpered slightly at this fact. His paw had slipped beneath his pants and he was rubbing himself gently. As he did his mind kept wandering to the pink slit he had seen earlier that evening....he shook his head trying to get the image of her naked body out of his mind. Flashes of pink invaded his thoughts as he shut his eyes still trying to paw himself off. He moved his paw up and down faster his breath growing shallow, he was panting as he finally released himself. He took deep breaths as he felt himself loosing the hardness that had formed. His eyes were closed and his ears lay back on his head, he no longer forced the images of her out of his mind, As he fell into a peaceful sleep, he managed to dream about Aeria.