Lost in This Moment

Story by Kilik Odagawa on SoFurry

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#7 of For the Love of Music

First off, this IS Chapter 7. Not 6. So if you don't mind, I'll make this quite clear.






Now that THAT is over with, we can move on.

Disclaimer: This story includes sexual situations involving two males. If you do not enjoy reading such content, I suggest you move on to another story. I can not express enough that if you are under legal age that you do NOT read this.

Now I know I'm not the best writer that everyone here reads (Borealis, AMixedUpPup) But as far as I know, I'm doing great so just give me a chance. I hope you all enjoy this because all my watchers have waited since Chapter 3 to read this. :3

Well I'm sick of typing all of this so ON WITH THE STORY!!

Chapter 7

Lost in The Moment

"...oooo. Wake up you stupid foxy."

Why was Kilik being nagged already? These were the words that were being whispered to the waking fox. Kilik's eyes slid open to find Mark's face just inches from his muzzle. The vulpine yipped and pulled away from the laughing timber wolf. "Good morning. How was your first few days in Canada?" Through excited breaths, he had calmed himself enough to manage a reply.

"Well, it was cool until I got raped. Then it sucked until I go to come back home."

"Speaking of home, why is Daniel here?" The forest lupine started getting uncomfortably close.

The fox was a deep red under his fur so he rolled over and looked away. "Well, ummm, we are, uhhh, well, ya know...dating."

"You guys, uh...," instead of finishing his sentence, he groped Kilik's rear firmly and the fox bit his bottom lip in a struggle to keep a moan down.

"Had sex yet? Nah. I don't think I'm ready for it, even though I want it really bad. At least that lion was good for something, he done went and turned me into a horny fox. Besides, these pills that those doctor's have me taking put me to sleep like NyQuil. By the way, while we're on Daniel's case, where is he?" He looked around the room briefly then back over to Mark.

The wolf sat on the edge of the bed looking away from Kilik. "He's in the shower...Why don't you go join him?"

The fox thought to himself for a minute. He hadn't had a good shower in two days. He also needed some good quality time alone with Daniel. He nodded and got out of bed and crossed the room to his suitcase. As Kilik opened his bag he said to Mark without turning his head. "No matter what happens...Please don't interrupt. The apartment's your until we come out. Deal?"

Mark nodded and let out a long, approving 'Hmmmm'. Kilik stood with a suit of clothes in one paw and a towel in the other. He crossed the apartment to the bathroom and entered quietly. The cascading water created an artificial fog in the small room. The sudden warmth felt good on the fox's exposed fur. The air was thick with the scent of water. But Kilik detected another scent in the room. He undressed and set his clean set of clothes on the counter as he tried his hardest to identify the strange smell. He heard a whimper from the shower. The new scent's name just slammed itself into Kilik's head. Arousal. He peeped down at himself, his pink friend started to come out from hiding. It recognized the smell as well. The vulpine grinned as he looked past the transluscent glass and saw a swollen pink cock being stroked by a paw. The fox knocked on the shower door only to be proven right as Daniel quickly withdrew his paw and turned around with great speed.

"Who is it?" He asked with a slight quiver on his lips.

"It's me Daniel." He replied with a slight grin on his own countenance.

The shepherd opened the door and poked his head out as steam and heat erupted from the small space, "What is it ba-.." He looked at Kilik's face first then noticed that he was naked. This caused him to burn under his dark fur. He looked back up to Kilik who had the biggest grin on his face. "What is it baby?"

The fox tried sounding as innocent as possible, "Ummm, can I join you? I mean, it's okay if you don't want me to."

Daniel stopped him there. "No, no, no. It's alright. C'mon in." He stepped back and pushed the door further open so that he could step inside. The fox did so and brushed so closely to his boyfriend that it caused them both to burn with such intensity that it made the space feel hotter. The chuckled nervously. This was a completely different situation that either of them had ever been in.

The fox felt tried to concentrate on the hot water running across his fur but he couldn't, as all of his confidence had been lost. The only thing he could find to think about was that he was standing in the shower, completely nude, with his nude boyfriend and the things that might happen.

Daniel's erection had completely vanished but his sheath stayed swelled and tight. The only thing keeping his little friend from joining the party was the nervousness he felt. He hadn't expected a situation like his for a long time. He was completely unprepared. He would have to think of something and soon. But Kilik had already beaten him to the thought. Not only that, but put his plan into action.

Their eyes met and Kilik took an easy, ginger step forward and placed a paw on Daniel's chest and moved his muzzle closer. Daniel met his boyfriend's approach and cracked his lips slightly, allowing the rough pink tongue to glide over the fox's lips, only to have it captured and trapped by the crafty creature's maw. They closed their eyes and wrapped their arms around each other, both allowing their tongues to dance and play around with each other. Kilik pulled back slowly and nuzzled his boy. The shepherd ran a paw through the soaked headfur a few times and said as he put some distance between the two, "I'm sure you're sick of hearing this but, I'm sorry. I'm really, really, sor-," he was stopped short by the fox's paw on his muzzle and he heard a whisper in his ear.

"If you're sorry...prove it." The shepherd perked his ears as he felt the emphasis of the statment being pressed into groin, grope by grope. He moaned and took a long breath, noting the powerful scent of Kilik's arousal mixed with his. Daniel had mixed emotions. He hadn't had any kind of sexual experience other than his own paw and he wanted it badly. But on the other side of the coin, he wasn't sure if Kilik was ready for that kind of attention after his accident. All doubt was removed as he heard, "Please."

There was no way Daniel could've expected anythng like this to happen. There was no one else that could've made him feel so cherished. His moans continued and an inch of his sex began to peak out from its confined space. The fox leaned in and kissed his cheek and the arched side and arc of his neck, eliciting more moans from the shepherd. His footpaws and legs shook with excitement and pleasure. It felt so good. It felt so...right. Daniel didn't know wether or not it was foreplay or intimacy but he didn't really care. Either way, he wanted it to go on forever. Kilik worked his way up from Daniel's neck back to his muzzle and hovered there before kissing the shepherd again but deeper. The older male groaned into the seal of love as a paw tapped and danced across his growing cock. He felt it being clutched and he instinctively bucked into the paw that had started stroking him lightly.

Kilik never stopped and he started to notice the forming knot of his lover. He massaged it and stroked his cock again, his paw slick with pre from the canine sex organ. Kilik's own cock stood proud at 7 inches but Daniel's was a solid, impressive 8 and a half inches. He grinned mischeviously as he heard Daniel whimper. He knew the shepherd loved the attention he was getting so he released him and took a ginger step back. Daniel whined and looked at Kilik with a hurt child's expression, "Why'd you stop?"

Kilik didn't say a word but instead turned and swayed his tail back and forth, taunting the larger, more dominant male. His taunt worked as Daniel stepped forward and embraced his fox tightly. The fox stepped forward and had Daniel pressed against the smooth shower tile. Daniel bit down on Kilik's shoulder and turned so that he could push Kilik against the tile. He ground himself against the vulpine for a minute before spinning him around and holding him against the wall. The fox moaned and swayed his tail to the side then felt a prod where his once fluffy tail had been. He turned his head to see what was being asked of him and he saw concerned eyes of daniel. Kilik nodded then braced himself completely against the wall. He thought about those eyes as he felt his love press into him. It was slow and it hurt like hell but this is what Kilik wanted. He wanted to be loved and he wanted his Daniel to show that he loved him. The damage from that wretched lion wasn't completely gone. Of course it wasn't completely gone. It had only happened a few days before. He felt the knot meet his wide, hungry pucker and heard a whisper in his head. "Are you alright babe?

Kilik nodded but the wince he gave as Daniel started to pull out said other wise. "Baby you aren't alright. You aren't completely healed up yet. This was a bad idea. I can't do this to you." He started to pull out altogether but the fox stopped him.

"If you love me you'll give me this. I know it's going to be hard but this is what I want. I also know that it'll be hard for both of us. I'll get used to it. Baby I promise so please. If nothing more, give me this." He looked into Daniel's watering eyes and kissed him gently. This gave Daniel the strength he needed to carry on. He pushed back in slowly up to his knot and pulled back out just as slowly. The fox whined and a tear started to roll down his cheek.

He tried to relax and enjoy the feeling but it was really hard to grow accustomed to Daniel while the damage was showing itself. He sniffled at another hilt and decided that his best chance would be to go almost limp. He did so and his arms fell to the racks on the door and wall of the shower. He gripped these and let his legs gain a little slack. It helped out a lot. The pain started to slowly faded and pleasure started to replace what faded. He wanted Daniel and himself to enjoy their first time thoroughly. The shepherd clutched the fox closer as he started to speed up.

"More.." Kilik whimpered, "..faster...please."

Daniel leaned forward as he thrust inside a little faster. "It will be done." Daniel put his chin over the fox's shoulder and began thrusting at faster rate. The fox leaned into his guardian angel and nuzzled him. Grunts, moans, and murrs were more easily heard now. Each individual sound came from the soul of the owner to its partner.

Kilik felt no more pain. He was completely relaxed and every hilting that Daniel completed, another pulse of intense pleasure through Kilik's body. The shepherd cock had found the vulpine's prostate and wanted to investigate it. So it began to poke and prod at the sensitive organ that sent even more surges of pleasure through the fox's small body. Kilik slowly moved a paw to his throbbing member that had been begging for attention since the entire expedition had begun. The paw grabbed its new friend and massaged him thoroughly.

Daniel moved his paw around Kilik's and pulled it away, then stroked his lover warmly. The fox clenched down on Daniel at the new sensation and let out a short groan. He wanted to keep the moment going so he thought of something else. 'This feels amazing because of the amount of cock...No. Because of the amount of serotonin...Awww fuck I don't care this is amazing.' Now Kilik concentrated on the feeling of love, oh how incredible it was, and his lover. He leaned his forehad against the wall and noted that his breathing was ragged and irregular. He leaned back against Daniel and whispered in his ear, "Daniel I'm close." The shepherd responded by feeling around his knot and giving it a nice firm squeeze.

The fox groaned into Daniel's ear and this time, the response was a good hard thrust into his stretched hole and stretched it further by tying the two together. Kilik clenched again around the length and the wide 3 inch knot which sparked a tear from the fox. This action also retrieved a much worked for orgasm from Daniel. The spazzing canine cock decided to grace Kilik's insides with 6 amazing spurts of warm, sticky, doggy cum. No room was given for escape for the knot had the entire opening occupied. This caused a chain reaction from the fox as he painted the white walls with a a sticky coat of his own. He had 7 layers of his seed to work with as they shot out across the tile and Daniel's dark paw.

They rested against the walls of the shower in total exhaustion, each basking in the afterglow of mating under the hot cascade. It was a few minutes before either of them could do anything and Daniel was the first to recover. He tested the knot gently and felt it slide out with relative ease and a loud slurp. He hugged the tired fox and finished his retreat from the warm, sticky place only to discover how wrong the word "tired" really was. Kilik immediately spun around and locked his muzzle with the shepherd's. They embraced each other and stood there for a few moments releshing the company of the other fur.

The vulpine made the first move. He pulled away which brought another whine to his ears. He grabbed a bottle of shampoo and squeezed a glob into his paws. He lathered it into Daniel's fur and bathed him. He started at Daniel's headfur and sang softly into his ear.

I see your momma and the candles

and the tears and roses

I see your daddy walk his daughter down the aisle

I feel my knees start to tremble as I tell the preacher

Don't she look beautiful tonight

All the wonderful words in my head I've been thinkin'

You know I wanna say them all just right

I lift your veil and angels start singin'

Such a heavenly sight

Lost in this moment with you

I am completely consumed

My feelings so absolute

there's no doubt

Sealing our love with a kiss

Waiting my whole life for this

Watching all my dreams come true

Lost in this moment with you

I smell the jasmine floatin' in the air like a love song

Watch my words draw sweet tears from your eyes

We bow our heads while the preacher talks to Jesus

Please bless this brand new life

Lost in this moment with you

I am completely consumed

My feelings so absolute

there's no doubt

Sealing our love with a kiss

Waiting my whole life for this

Watching all my dreams come true

Lost in this moment with you

Daniel sniffled as Kilik hummed the last few bars into his ear. He was kissed lightly and then graced with the words. "Apology accepted."

The shepherd cried into the fox's shoulder and squeezed him tightly. They nuzzled each other for a few minutes. The dog finally stopped his flow of tears and globbed shampoo onto his mate. Again, starting at the headfur. He worked his way down slowly, scrubbing and making sure that his mate was spotless. He turned him around to clean his back and worked his way down yet again. He found himself staring at the swollen, red pucker of Kilik's rear. The seed Daniel had sowed had run out of it and down his leg. His eyes widened as he saw red mixed in with the white cream. He lapped at the sticky cream and quickly cleaned the area. He licked his way all the way to the fox's ring. He slid a finger inside without any effort due to the fresh stretching. He rolled it around a small moan assailed his ears. He pulled it out and found it blood soaked.

His eyes were now wide with fear. He knew his mate was in pain so he needed to do all he could to make him feel better. He grabbed the warm, wet, cheeks and spread them slightly as to not hurt him further and lashed his tongue against the ring of muscles. More moans came from Kilik as he Daniel cleaned the area completely before pressing inside. The blood had a metallic taste to it but he wasn't worried much by it as he wiggled it around and felt some of the wounds caused by the lion's barbed organ. He felt as though he had made his mate as comfortable as possible so he retreated his tongue and whispered in Kilik's ear. "I'm sorry for doing that to you."

Kilik gently elbowed him in his gut. "Stop apologizing. You already took care of that didn't you? You just took a virgin item from me. That was my first rimming. Took all the pain and shoved a boot right up its ass. That felt amazing."

Daniel grinned, "Well I think it's about time we got out of here. Getting hard to breathe and Mark's probably already getting ideas."

The fox nodded and the rinsed each other off. Kilik then opened the door and quickly shut it. "It's cold out there."


Mark sat in the living room. His thoughts were on two things. What they'd be doing in the mall today and what in the hell were Kilik and Daniel doing. His thoughts were broken by a sharp ringing. He lazlily grabbed the phone and held it to his ear. "Hello?," said the woodland lupine.

"Yeah, is Kilik there?"

The timber wolf kept a straight face and replied. "He's in the shower. He should be out- Hey, he's out now. I'll let you talk to him"

Makr handed Kilik the phone.

"Talk to me," he said briefly.

"I'm calling for my explanation."

It was that nutty friend of his. "Hey I'm not completely dressed so i'm gonna let you talk to Mark for a second." Without waiting for a reply, he handed the phone back to his "landlord" and walked into his room.

Mark pressed the phone the phone to his ear, "So whatcha go to talk about?"

Jessica replied in a serious voice. "I hope that fox knows what he's doing. The cops are looking for him. He didn't tell anyone where he was going, who with or anything. So they're counting it as a kidnapping. Don't tell him this because I want him to enjoy his trip."

Mark now sat stonefaced and grim. Kilik had Daniel and even him fooled. This would be an issue later but for now, he had to hold his tongue.

Kilik walked out of the bedroom wearing black courdoroy pants and a deep blue shirt. He was also wearing arm warmeers that passed his elbows and a a chain with a dragon pentagram that held a small flourescent gem at the center. This made Mark get a little envious. How could a runaway fox look that good? He pressed the thoght from his mind. It might've been an experimental theought. Mark didn't know. He handed the phone back to the vulpine.

"What's up?"

Jess's reply was stern. "You are. But I want my explanation right now. No excuses."

Kilik nodded and took a deep breath then began. "Over the past few months you know I've been taking a whole lot of bullshit. So around Christmas, I aranged with Mark to visit Canada. His family's rich so he reserved an apartment for me. Well, I finally get up here and I see a shepherd named Daniel. This guy has me completely intimidated so my first few hours here were total hell. Come to find out he's gay. Yay me. Well, Well, I left a note with a time and place. He got held up and I got raped. No lie. Large, drunk lion. So I'm in the hospital and after my painkillers, cops and medical forms, guess who walks in?"

There was a moment of silence before she replied. "Mark?"

"No," he said bluntly, "It was Daniel. Anyways, we talked for afew minutes and well, we kinda made out before he left. God he's a good kisser. So he tells me he's moved into my apartment. So after I'm drugged up, he carries me up here by the stairs seeing as the elevator was broken and puts me in my room. He sleeps with me, no sex, and I wake up this morning and he's in the shower. Well, I really needed to talk to him so I step in with him."

Kilik was blushind a deep scarlet at this point and his next few words gave him away. "We kinda did some serious bonding. He showed me he was really sorry for what happened to me." He sat down and was running his fingers through the thick, soft fur on his big, bushy tail.

There was a withdrawn snicker on Jessica's end of the line. "Kilik Odagawa. You got laid into before I did? Awwww. You should feel special. You've got a mate."

The fox was now buried in his tail and was trying to go further. There was a door shutting and Kilik looked up and peered down the hall. Daniel was striding towards the living room. He was dressed in much the same manner as Kilik but his pants were black with chains and metal studs decorating the entire article. His shirt was also a deep blue and he wore a fingerless glove on his right paw. Daniel reached his target and pulled the phone away from his ear and locked his muzzle with the fox's. Kilik moaned and returned the sudden display of affection. A ferocious lover Daniel was.

The older male pulled away and flashed Kilik a grin. He walked to the door and waited. Mark scoffed quietly and joined the shepherd. Kilik nodded.

"Hey, Jess. I'll call you back later. Alright?"

Jessica nodded and let out an approving hum.

The call ended and Kilik looked at his friends as he hung up the phone. He joined the pair and grabbed Daniel's keys.

Mark opened the door and walked out excitedly. Daniel followed suit.

Kilik took a moment to close the door and look inside. He smiled as he thought. 'I've found love.'

I hope ya'll enjoyed reading. Comments and ratings are always welcome. I honestly think that this chapter was the best. Chapter 9 is all written and I"m currently typing Chapter 8. I know I should type more often and now you'll get more updates. Because now, I'm not having to borrow computers. I've got my own laptop now. So I can now type wherever I go. I'll see ya'll in the next installment of "For the Love of Music"