Cub Services | Chapter 13

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#13 of Cub Services

Chapter 13 of Cub Services.

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes, I'm still learning. ^.^

I love comments so please share any and all thoughts in the comments section below.

All characters and ideas from this story are mine and are not to be used without my permission. The views expressed in this story are not necessarily my own, nor should they be construed as anything more than part of the fictional story they are presented in. This story series contains graphic sexual content between an underage fur and an adult.

Finally got that stupid transition figured out and we're back up and running. Enjoy!

Chapter 13

The sun sat high in the milky blue and white sky of the mountain town as its warmth began to melt the thick puffy blanket of snow that covered the tall evergreen trees, curvy black canyon roads and large mountain homes on the outskirts of the growing little town. The red brick home Liz Moreau's had grown up in stood among them and in sharp contrast to the snow covered forest surrounding it. Chilly winter air radiate into the large bay window of the sitting room as the red haired Vixen and her mother watched the little silver white wolf as he open a pile of hot wheels cars.

Liz sat in a large squishy white arm chair in a short black cotton skirt and a stretchy fabric shirt that seemed to hug every curve of her luscious breast. Mikey sat sideways in her lap with his Levi clad legs stretched across hers and his bottom planted between the tall arm rest and her hip. Her mother, Linda, sat with her back to the bay window and on the other side of the large light wooden coffee table centered in a sitting room filled with book shelves and a walkway of thick beige carpet surrounding an intricately woven Persian rug.

Liz tenderly stroked her slender finger across the black patch of fur between her wolf cub's silver white forehead, brushing the thick curly black hair from his beautiful mismatched eyes as she and her mother watched him begin to organize the large black plastic tray's he'd put all the Hot-Wheel's cars her mom had purchased and given to him.

Love and adoration seemed to course through every fiber of her being as she watched his little paws move quickly across the three tray's he had splayed in his and her laps as he mumbled incoherently to himself. Liz couldn't seem to determine how Mikey was organizing the cars as he plucked them from the rows of the black plastic trays, almost at random, before placing them in new spots in different rows and sometimes in different trays.

"How are you organizing that Mikey?" Liz's mom asked in a warm soprano voice as she indicated the tray's with a vague gesture from her paw. Liz simply smiled with joy as she watched the little wolf cub's blue and yellow eyes dance across the trays. She could watch him for ever, as long as his warm body stayed cradled in her arms in the large white arm chair they shared.

"Favorite car, then model, then year." Mikey mumbled in a soft tenor voice as his mind flashed through the mental list of the cars he'd made as he'd opened each package. He already new exactly how he wanted them, it was just a matter of getting them that way.

Linda's eyebrows rose in surprise as she readjusted the pink button down shirt she wore with a flick of her paw and watched the little cub pick up one car and then put it in a new spot, moving the car it replaced to another new spot before repeating the process with barely a glance. "How do you know what year and make each car is?" She said as she looked over at the pile of blue and yellow cardboard packaging.

Mikey's paw froze in place as he looked up at the warm motherly smile of the older version of Liz in confusion and sharp a pang of anxiety spread through his chest and disappeared into the excitement and love he felt as he looked at his new grandma. His forehead scrunched in thought as he tried to understand what she was asking him. "I have a list." He finally said, unsure how else to answer the question. Mikey shifted his bottom in Liz's lap and leaned back against her chest as he looked from her mom to her.

"What?" He asked as his furry cheeks and pointy ears began to warm with embarrassment. Liz's arm curled around his shoulder in a warm embrace, tightening around his shoulder as she squeezed him. "Its ok sweetheart, she was just curious." Mikey nuzzled his head against Liz's chest as her comforting arms pulled him against her body.

Liz cleared her throat and looked across the light wooden coffee table at her mom as she searched for a way to change the subject and felt a slight pang of relief wash through her chest as the elderly vixen gave her a way to keep Mikey from getting any more uncomfortable. "Sara MacMillen had her first cub a few weeks ago. A little boy, 9 lbs 3 oz. You should see the pictures; he's almost as cute as Mikey."

Mikey shifted uncomfortably in Liz's lap, slightly embarrassed by the remark but happy to see the conversation turn away from his freak memory. Liz and her mom began to talk about fur's he'd never heard of, allowing him to settle back into the warm crook of her arm as he finished sorting the last of the black trays and stacked them back in the blue carrying case Linda had given him. His muzzle began to cool and his heartbeat began to slow back to its normal speed as the two foxes continued chatting.

He smiled happily as he set is car box to the side and rested his head against Liz's large round squishy breast as he looked over at the stack of packages on the intricately designed red rug in the middle of the sitting room, trying to decide which of the toys he wanted to play with first and marveling at how quickly he'd gone from having a very few sacred toys, to having so many he didn't know what to play with first.

His tail wagged excitedly against the soft cloth seat as he eyed the PS Vita in the heavy white and blue bubbled box. It was a tempting choice and he had two games he could try, or he could put together one of the two Hot Wheels tracks he now had, or the transformers action figure, or the remote control car! With each toy listed in his head Mikey's heart jumped in his chest as excitement and joy flooded his little body. He tried to control the urge to squeal with excitement as he continued to eye the pile of toys and with each new thing he listed the urge to get up and play with it first swelled through his body.

In the back of the pile sat a large blue box with half a dozen little jars of paint and a tiny brush next to it. Liz had said it was a kit that would let him build his own little car out of plastic pieces, glue and the little bottles of paint. As he eyed the blue box at the back of the pile, curiosity burned through his chest at the idea. It was almost more intriguing than the PS Vita and as he traced the lines of the black 1985 Porsche 911 Turbo on the front of the box, a burning need to understand how it all went together spread through his chest. He shifted as his cheek brushed against a hard bump on Liz's chest, drawing his attention and causing her to jump very slightly under his body.

He looked up at Liz and noticed a familiar twinkle in her deep green eyes as she continued to chat with her mom, unfazed by his brush with her now hard nipple. Mikey bit his lip and looked around as the urge to touch and play with Liz's chest momentarily overruled all other interest. He looked at her mom and sighed in his head, sure that she would never allow such a thing.

With a slight whimper of disappointment Mikey scooted from Liz's arms and slid down to the ground with a soft thump. The uncomfortable pulling sensation swirled in his chest as he grabbed the blue box, making him swallow anxiously. He resisted the urge to jump back towards Liz as he used a sharp nail to cut through the tape holding the two halves of the box together.

The blue top of the box opened like a clam shell, exposing the yellow brown cardboard bottom that contained a stack of white plastic parts. Mikey put the lid to the side as the dark brown cardboard dropped to the ground with a clatter. Inside sat a stack of plastic sheets with little parts scattered across them like a web. At the top of the pile sat a little newspaper booklet with the words instructions printed across the front. His ears perked up as the uncomfortable pulling sensation began to grow through his chest, making him squirm and shift from one footpad to the other.

His ears folded back against his head and he began chewing on his fingernail as he picked up the thin booklet and returned to the squishy white chair Liz was sitting in. He clambered up the side of the chair, using the arm rest and Liz's furry red knee. He felt her warm paw hook under his shoulder as he climbed, pulling him up and supporting his weight as he returned to her lap. Her body seemed to radiate waves of soothing warmth as he sunk sideways into the crook of her arm with his legs stretched across her lap. Her paw settled back against his thigh as he shifted and adjusted his tail until he found a comfortable sitting position.

The urgent nagging in his chest cooled quickly as one soft arm hooked around his shoulder while the other settled in his lap. Mikey opened the first page of the booklet and began reading curiously as Liz's paw tugged on the hem of his black shirt and slid up underneath it to rub his tummy. The warm touch of her finger pads against his fur and skin sent a tingles of pleasure and warmth wash through his body, causing him to murr in pleasure as she entwined her fingers into his thick silver white fur and began to gently rub in slow even circles.

Linda watched Mikey with a curious fascination as he opened the plastic model kit box and removed its instructions before returning to her daughters lap. She'd been worried that the kit would be to difficult for him and was surprised that he'd not gone straight for the Ps Vita but he seemed to be doing exactly what he should be by reading the instructions before he began and she watched with amusement as his curious muzzle disappeared behind the newspaper print instructions.

A soft low rumbling emitted from the little wolf cub and his footpad began to twitch as she watched one of Liz's paws disappear under his shirt and began rummaging around. He slowly sunk deeper against Liz's body as he began to get his belly rubbed. Adoration blossomed through Linda's chest as she watched the little cub as he lost all interest in the instruction manual and turned his full attention to Liz's belly rub.

Liz's fingers slid effortlessly through Mikey's thick silky silver white fur as she gently dragged her nails against his skin, drawing small circles on his tummy with the furrows of displaced fur as she massaged his belly under his baggy black shirt. She and her mom seemed to have stopped talking at the same time as they both watched Mikey as he melted against her with a look of complete tranquility spreading across his muzzle.

A sadistic smile spread across Liz's muzzle as she took the instructions from Mikey's paw and placed them on the coffee table with a paw. With the other paw she began twitching her fingers along Mikey's skin turning the gentle message to a tickle fight she was sure to win. Her finger's danced across Mikey's tummy as his eyes expanded to the size of saucers in surprise. He let out a loud squeal and began flailing and squirming as Liz slipped her other paw down under his arm and began tickling his ribs, causing him to jump in her lap. Laughter trilled from his muzzle as it split into a wide smile allowing his beautiful tenor voice to spread forth through the room.

Mikey squirmed and flailed helplessly as Liz seemed to hit every tickle spot on his body at the same time, sending tingles spreading through his entire body and causing his limbs to twitch and jump with a mind of there own. He could hear Liz and her mom laughing but not as much as he was and a sense of pride swelled through his chest as he realized he didn't mind that they were laughing at him.

The little cub laughed until he could barely breath as he tried to get away from Liz's busy paws and as his bottom bounced and jumped in her lap as he unconsciously made his way to the edge of his perch on her legs until with one final twitch he slipped on the silken red fur of her knees, tumbling to the soft squishy red rug below and missing the wooden coffee table my a fraction of an inch.

Liz's stomach dropped to her toes and her heart skipped a beat in her chest as she watched Mikey tumble from her lap, landing in a heap on the floor with a dull thump. The back of his head barely missed the edge of the coffee table and Liz felt a shock of pain split through her chest as guilt began to spread through her whole body. Before she could even move to see if he was ok a dull rumbling growl reverberated through the air and as Liz jumped forward to see if Mikey was ok he sprung from the ground, his eyes alight with joy as he attacked with a vengeance.

Tears leaked from Linda's eyes as she laughed, completely frozen in place on the large white couch as she watched the spectacle unfold in front of her. The little white wolf cub moved like lightening from the ground, knocking Liz against the back of the chair and putting in a precarious position, stretched across the seat of the chair. Some how the little cub managed to pin Liz to the large squishy white chair as his paws danced across her ribs, under her arms and up her thighs from his perch on her chest, tickling her every bit as mercilessly as Liz had been doing. The elderly fox laughed all the harder as Liz squirmed in the large white chair, unable to slide down without exposing herself in the short skirt and unable to ignore the silly tickling sensation spreading through her body for long enough to use her paws to push Mikey off of her.

"Uncle. Uncle!" Liz wailed between bursts of laughter as she gasped for breath and tried to fend off Mikey's attack. She squirmed as she tried to find a way to push him off and was astounded to find that she could not lift the 40 lb cub from her body in her current position. Sharp tingles swelled in her chest and slowly migrated south as Mikey ignored her plea until the sensation settled in her loins and began to swell.

"I'm going to pee!" She wailed as she tried desperately to hold back the flood that was suddenly bursting forth in her loins. She gasped and squirmed as her statement finally got Mikey to stop as he gasped for breath and continued to laugh.

Linda struggled to quit laughing at the hilarious sight as the little cub stopped tickling her daughter. When he'd finally relented Liz slid all the way down the front of the chair until her back rested against the bottom of the seat. Her legs sat folded up under her bottom on the rug and she immediately pulled her skirt back down to hide her lack of panties as the little wolf cub sat proudly on her chest.

"I win!" Mikey proclaimed with an almost smug smile on his muzzle before sliding down Liz's front to sit in her lap on the floor. His stomach growled loudly, proclaiming that the delicious chocolate white chip cookies he'd had as a snack were no longer enough as he settled back against large round breast. His heartbeat flared for a new reason as he noticed that in the sun he could see through her tight blue shirt to the large firm mounds of white fur and flesh beneath.

Liz took a deep breath as her heart beat slowed and the tingling in her body faded, leaving her with the strong urge to use the bathroom. "Yes you did." She admitted in amusement as she tried to hold back the swelling in her bladder and with a gentle paw Liz hooked her arms under Mikey's legs and picked him up as she scooted back onto the white chair.

With each move she made the urge to pee intensified, causing her heart to beat faster as her legs twitched under Mikey's boney bottom. She really did need to use the bathroom, badly, but how could she leave? Would leaving Mikey here alone hurt his feelings? The red furred vixen clenched her jaw as the strange swelling sensation in her loins seemed to expand until her teeth felt funny, making her desperate to get to a toilet.

An idea sprang to mind as she felt and heard Mikey's tummy rumble against her side. At almost the exact same moment she decided against risking Mikey's feelings and discomfort by leaving him alone with her mom so soon after he'd met her. "I'm going to go upstairs and use the bathroom and give Mikey a tour of my old room, would you mind putting something together for him for lunch?"

Mikey's ears perked up at the word lunch and he looked over at Linda hopefully as he nodded his head in agreement. The cookies had been amazing, but he was still hungry and if he ate any more of them he was going to get a tummy ache. He swallowed as he tried to think of a way of saying so without sounding rude, and failed. In the end he gave up and simply hoped Liz's mom would make something less sweet.

Linda nodded her head in agreement as she caught the distinct sound of a growling stomach and remembered Liz tell her about the doctors recommendation for Mikey's diet on the phone this morning. She could definitely see what Liz meant about him being small and skinny. If she was still teaching she'd have called Cub Services based purely on his mall malnourished appearance alone. "Of course. What would you like Mikey? I have tuna and turkey and ham and pastrami for sandwiches, I also have ravioli and some spaghetti O's."

Mikey licked his lips as his stomach growled and his maw watered at the thought of all the different kinds of food. "Ravioli please." He said in a tiny voice. He squirmed in place as his tail twitched in excitement. He had not eaten ravioli in a very long time.

The elderly wolf nodded her head in agreement. "Alright, why don't you two go get cleaned up and I'll get us all some lunch, Liz would you like something?" Mikey looked up at her and hooked his arm around her neck and under her long orange red hair as she nodded and said "I'd love a pastrami sandwich." In a strained and anxious voice. Had he really tickled her until she had to pee?

He heard Linda say ok as Liz nearly jumped to her feat, squeezing and supporting Mikey's weight with both arms as she carried him out of the sitting room and back into the well light kitchen in a rush. Liz's boots knocked loudly on the hard dark wooden floor as she moved quickly through the room and Mikey hung on as best he could as he wondered what the urgency was.

Liz tried her best not to think about what she was doing as she walked out of the kitchen and up the clean tan carpeted stairs towards the next floor of the house, barely touching the light wooden banister to her left or the white wall to her right. The dirty icky feeling of peeing in front of Mikey was already back, sending an uncomfortable crawling sensation over her skin and upper spine as she took the stairs two at a time. She didn't want to pee in front of him again but the thought of seeing him upset like last time turned her stomach and left her with only one option.

Mikey held on as best he could as Liz topped the stairs and turned to the first white door on the left, entering the dark bathroom with a white tile floor, baby blue painted walls and a small frosted glass window on the opposite wall from the door. A large claw footed bathtub sat to the left of the door with a thick white cloth shower curtain tucked to its side and a white marble pedestal sink with gold fixtures stood across from it, neatly accentuated with a little bottle of hand soap and a thick bristle brush. A 3 bulb light fixture clicked on over the 3 pain mirror against the wall and above the sink as Liz turned it on and whipped the door closed with a bang behind her. He looked around curiously as she jostled him in her arms, pulling her skirt up her thighs as she made a B line for the clean white toilet in the corner next to the sink.

Linda walked out of the sitting room as the bathroom door closed with a loud bang, jostling the pictures on the walls and sending gust of air billowing down the stairs. Amusement spread through her chest as she looked up the stairs for Mikey, realizing that he'd actually tickled Liz until she nearly peed herself. Her brow furrowed in confusion as she searched the dark hallway for the little silver white cub, scanning the darkness but unable to find him. She frowned before moving over to the dark wooden cabinet to get his ravioli started in the microwave, assuming that Liz had sent him ahead to her bedroom for some reason.

She grabbed a can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli from the dark wooden cabinet against the wall and dumped it into a large white glass bowl before deciding that it wouldn't be enough. A second can followed and both the empty cans went into the trash can under the sink before she popped the bowl into the stainless steel microwave mounted to the wall next to the matching refrigerator.

As Linda grabbed bread, mustard, pastrami, cheese, and pickles from the fridge she looked back over her shoulder at the stairs. Liz wouldn't have taken Mikey into the bathroom with her. The elderly fox banished the thought with a frown, knowing Liz would never do anything so inappropriate as she began making there lunch with an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Liz let out a sigh of relief as she stood up from the toilet and pushed the brass metal handle with a paw, filling the room with the roaring sound of rushing water as the toilet water swirled and disappeared down the drain. Her skin felt like ants were crawling over it and she had the slight taste of bile in her muzzle but she'd managed to pee in front of Mikey for a second time. She prayed that it would get easier with practice as she released the death grip she had on him and let him relax against her breast.

"Are you ok?" Mikey asked in a small voice as he looked up at Liz. A pang of anxiety and nervousness spread through his chest as he tried to figure out why she looked so uncomfortable. His ears folded back slightly and his eyes scanned her muzzle, searching for any sign that she was hurt or in pain.

Liz nodded her head yes and did her best to let the feelings pass as she smiled at his concern. "Yup, you just tickled me to well and I almost wet myself." She said as she did her best to assuage his concern.

The adorable wolf cubs ears perked back up through his curly black hair as he smiled cheerfully. "You started it." He said, almost defiantly. Liz smiled in amusement as she walked over to the sink and bent over until Mikey's footpads touched the tile floor. He gave her one of there special kisses and nuzzled his wet nose against her furry red cheek before reluctantly letting go and settling to the ground, noticing as he did that the light from the frosted window created a nice silhouette of Liz's breast through her shirt.

Liz turned the brass knobs and adjusted the water temperature until it was where she wanted before washing her paws with soap, being careful not to splash water everywhere as she did. When she was finished washing and drying her paws with a white towel from a hook next to the she felt Mikey's arm hook around her leg, just above her knee as he leaned against her and rest his head on her side.

She smiled down at him and stroked his cheek with a paw as warmth and joy blossomed through her chest, washing away the last remnants of the discomfort she felt at using the bathroom in front of him.

"I'll give you a quick tour of where we'll be sleeping and then we can go eat, ok?" Liz gave him a warm reassuring smile as pride welled up in her chest. He was doing so well around her mom. It was such a relief to see him back to his normal curious happy self.

Mikey watched Liz with rapt fascination as she washed her paws in the large white marble sink and dried them with the towel. He tried to keep his eyes away from her large perky breasts as they shifted and jiggled under her tight blue shirt and again resisted the urge to play with them as she hung the towel back up.

As her large breasts bounced back and forth with every movement Liz made Mikey wondered if her lack of bra made a difference in how much they moved. He swallowed as his cubhood began to grow in his crisp blue Levi's, pushing against his shorts as it struggled for room. He let out a tiny yelp as a dull ache spread through the tip of his thing, like a sore muscle being forced to work longer than necessary. He tried to get it to go away by looking around the clean bathroom but as Liz finished cleaning up and opened the bathroom door his eyes kept drawing back to the silhouette of her furry white breasts.

As the red furred vixen walked out of the bathroom and down the dimly lit hallway Mikey tried to distract his growing cubhood by looking at the pictures along the wall, examining each of the family photographs as he followed Liz to her bedroom. His cubhood pulsed as his eyes caught Liz's swaying hips and firm round bottom in the tight skirt she wore. A thin haze of arousal crept through his mind and his heart fluttered in his chest as he lost interest in the pictures on the wall and nearly bumped into Liz's backside as she stopped at the third door on the right and opened it.

Liz smiled excitedly as she opened the door to her bedroom, reveling in the memories the room held as she flicked the light switch on the wall next to the door, illuminating the room with a single large light that hung from the ceiling fan in the center of the room. The walls of the large room were covered in posters of movies and rock bands from her cubhood and a twin size bed with thick plush red bed covers sat against the opposite wall from the door, under a large bedroom window that looked out over the front lawn. An empty desk sat on the opposite wall and a large closet door sat ajar, exposing and next to a large desk. The room was just as she'd left it the day she'd moved out and she mentally thanked her mom for keeping it clean as she looked around and realized there wasn't a spec of dust or dirt in the room.

The vixen turned around as she realized she no longer felt the warmth of Mikey's body clinging to her own and found him standing a step behind her, staring at her bottom as a bulge grew against his trousers. Liz's eyes flicked nervously down the hall, checking to see if her mom was also watching as Mikey ogled her bottom.

Mikey jumped as he realized he'd been caught staring and looked up at Liz's beautiful vulpine face as his ears folded back in embarrassment. Her dark green eyes seemed to glimmer with a mix of amusement and uncertainty as his cheeks warmed slightly. He took a quick step forward until he was standing next to her again and murred softly as her paw hooked around his shoulder and hugged him against her thigh.

"This was my bedroom when I as growing up." Liz said, as she swallowed back a lump in her throat. Uncertainty flared through her chest and overpowered the amusement flooding through her body and a realization flicked into her head like a light switch turning on as she felt Mikey's arm hook back around her thigh. His thin warm arm wrapped around her upper thigh, lifting her already short skirt up a few inches and leaving only a few inches between her moistening unclothed sex and the warm air of her bedroom. The sensation of his paw against her inner thigh sent a shiver of pleasure up her spine, even as she realized how dangerous her current situation was becoming.

What would happen if her mom caught Mikey staring like that? She wasn't sure she could tell him not to look without hurting his feelings, or discouraging the attention she craved from him when they were alone. She looked down as the little cub leaned towards her paw as it stroked through the silken silver white fur along his neck, unsure what she should do.

Liz bit her lip and tried to steady her quickened breathing as she took a step in to her room before turning and checking to see that her mom was not coming up the stairs. As she closed her bedroom door behind her and guided Mikey into her room another shiver spread up her spine, moistening her sex as Mikey's paw furrowed the fur of her inner thigh and shifted up her leg as she walked.

She needed to think about this for a minute before she went down stairs and she was sure Mikey would appreciate it if she helped him adjust so that his erection wasn't so obvious since he had not yet mastered the art of keeping it adjusted properly.

Mikey looked around as Liz lead him over to the red bed and sat down on the edge. It was much lower than the one at her home and the squishy mattress only came up to his waist. As he was about to clamber onto the bed next to her, Liz's knees parted slightly, allowing him to step in between them and get even closer than when he was in her lap.

Liz's mind warred as the feeling of Mikey's hips brushing the red fur of her inner thighs sent a tingle of excitement up her spine. Now was not the time for them to do anything naughty, but the burning ache that spread through her body was a strong persuader and her needs were beginning to become more insistent as she opened her muzzle to tell Mikey how important it was that he keep his eyes where they should be around her mom.

An idea slowly formed in Liz's mind, fighting against the thin haze of arousal that filled her mind as she watched Mikey openly ogle her breasts as he stood between her thigh's, inches from the warm moist folds of her sex with what was obviously now a raging erection.

Mikey let out an excited yip as Liz's paw slid down his front and gently adjusted his cubhood in his shorts. The feeling of her warm paw against his thing, even through his pants, sent a shiver of excitement up his spine as his heart fluttered in his chest. His hips twitched against her paw as she left it resting on his groin, causing it to throb as she watched him.

Liz gave him a warm smile as a thrill of excitement spread through her body and a tingle spread through her loins. She could feel Mikey's heartbeat through his trousers as he pushed his hips against her paw, encouraging her attention as she bolstered her confidence. As if to punctuate her need to talk with him about where it was appropriate to stare, his paws tugged at the tight hem of her shirt, pulling it up to the bottom of her large perky breasts and exposing the silken white fur of her flat stomach before slipping under it to cup one of the large mounds with both paws. Liz's heartbeat began to accelerate in her chest as she unconsciously began to gently stroke the wolf cub's erection through his pants.

Joy, love and excitement blossomed through Mikey's chest as arousal filled his mind with a thick fog of need. He ached to feel Liz's body and his tail began to wag excitedly as he wondered if he could put his thing inside her again. Waves of pleasure spread through his loins as Liz's paw began gently stroking along the length of his erection.

"Can we..." Mikey began before losing his train of thought as a strong wave of excitement spread up his spine at the grating sound of his zipper unzipping. He waited anxiously for the warm soft contact of Liz's paw against his skin and fur but the feeling never came. Instead Liz trailed her paw up his front and hooked her arms under his shoulders, lifting him up onto the bed to sit next to her as his paw's kneaded and squeezed her furry red breast.

"I need to talk to you about something really quickly." Liz said in her warmest voice as she hooked one arm around Mikey's back to support him as he nuzzled into the crook of her arm with his arms under her shirt. She rested her paw on Mikey's thigh, inches from his undone zipper and directly over the bulge in his shorts as he looked up at her with a look of confusion in his beautiful mismatched eyes.

"About what?" His voice came out in barely a whisper and Liz swallowed as anxiety swelled up in her chest. She slipped her paw into the opening of his trousers, taking the smooth hot skin of Mikey's cubhood into her paw with a gentle touch. His sheath slid down easily and a tingle of pleasure spread through her loins as she gave him a very gentle stroke in the confined space of his boxers.

Liz scooted in closer to Mikey until there bodies were pressed together, side by side on the edge of her cubhood bed. With another tender stroke Liz took a deep breath and said. "Mikey, I need you to do something for me. It's very important." Her fingers glided over his slick hard cubhood as she stroked him again, causing him to jump against her body.

Even as a look of complete and utter bliss spread across Mikey's muzzle Liz could tell he'd heard and recognized the urgency and seriousness in her voice. The little cub's beautiful mismatched eyes opened from the half hooded expression as he turned his head from her chest and looked up at her.

"I want you to promise me that you will try your absolute best not to do anything naughty when anybody else is around." She gave a number of purposeful strokes, punctuating each word by sliding her fingers up to the very tip of his now drooling cubhood, before sliding them back down to the growing base, using the drizzle of liquid that came out as lube for her gentle paw.

"Do you know what I mean when I say something naughty?" Liz's heart began to pound in her chest as a thick haze of arousal began to overpower the urgency and anxiety that came from possibly hurting Mikey's feelings by talking to him about this.

Mikey shook his head 'no' as he struggled to fight the waves of ecstasy flooding up from between his legs. His breathing was beginning to quicken and his toes curled and flexed with every stroke Liz gave him but he fought to pay attention to her words. He swallowed as her warm paw slid back up his cubhood, causing him to let out a tiny moan as a familiar tightening began to grow in his loins.

"I mean things like what I'm doing." Liz whispered into his ear, gently squeezing his erection as she spoke and accentuating what her paw was doing between his legs. A wave of understanding washed through his body as she stroked him again, sending a fresh wave of pleasure pulsing through his body.

"We can still do everything we did at home." Liz pushed her breasts against Mikey's side as a dull ache began to spread through her loins. "But I need you to do your very best to not even look, unless we are alone in my bedroom." The red fur'd vixen took a shaky breath as she resisted the urge to feel Mikey inside her for the third time that day. "Can you do that for me, sweetheart?"

Mikey nodded his head as the tightening in his loins grew and the thick haze of arousal washed through his mind, blocking out all other thought as he realized what she was telling him. "I. Promise." He murred as his hips twitched and bucked against Liz's paw. He gasped again as her paw shifted and rummaged around in his boxers before gently slipping his cubhood past the plaid boxers, being careful not to let it even touch the edges of the zipper or the abrasive jean fabric on either side of the opening.

The little wolf cub let out a moan as something in the back of his head whispered for him to keep quiet, washing through the ocean of ecstasy that shot through his body and floating through his mind. Mikey stifled a second louder moan as Liz stroked the drooling red tip of his cubhood as it poked a few inches out of his pants. Her lead lowered and nuzzled against his cheek as a look of relief spread across her muzzle before continuing on until the vixen's head was nearly in his lap.

Liz felt Mikey jump against her body as she slid the wolf cub's erection into her warm muzzle and gently began to suckle at the few inches of exposed cubhood. She adjusted her paw a bit to help keep the hole he was sticking out of from closing and scraping against the tender red skin of his throbbing member as she ran her tongue along the salty slick length of flesh.

The taste sent a thrill up her spine as a stifled moan escaped from the little cub's throat and she felt him jump and curl roughly against her body as she sucked harder, drawing the warm liquid from his cubhood and into her muzzle. She slid her paw around the growing knot at the base of Mikey's cubhood and gave it a gentle squeeze as his breathing turned to soft pants and his body quivered and shook against her side.

A flood of hot sticky liquid filled her muzzle as Liz squeezed again and she immediately began swallowing, taking the globs of Mikey's cubseed into her muzzle and down her throat without even tasting them. She looked over at the door and felt a wave of relief as she confirmed that her mom was not watching her as she violated her cub and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, she felt a slight pang of guilt over what she was doing. . The little wolf cub curled against her body jumping and flailing as he came in her muzzle. She congratulated herself at how well her plan had worked as she tried to hold back the tide of need that began to well up in her chest.

Mikey gasped and heaved as his whole body throbbed and pulsed in time with his pounding heart. It didn't seem to matter how many times Liz did this for him, the world seemed to stop when ever it was time to cum and the throbbing waves of pleasure that erupted through his body blacked out his vision as he let Liz's arms support his weight. Warmth from her body seemed to radiate over him, accentuating the feelings of ecstasy as he buried his head against her side to keep from screaming.

With each flick of Liz's warm tongue a fresh flare of pleasure spread up Mikey's spine as his the sharp feelings of pleasure began to slow in his body. He took another shuddering gasp and blinked as explosions of color blossomed through his vision. Liz's warm muzzle slid off his cubhood with barely a sound, leaving the shrinking red appendage clean and moist as her paw readjusted it in his underwear.

Liz sat up as she swallowed the last of the warm sticky cubseed in her muzzle and squeezed Mikey against her side. As she raised her head back up she nuzzled her nose into his curly black hair and whispered. "I promise the only reason we're not having sex right now is because my mom is expecting us down stairs." Liz slipped her paw under Mikey's shirt and rubbed his tummy. "You can still sit in my lap and cuddle all you want, but the naughty stuff has got to be are little secret, ok?"

Mikey nodded his head yes as he said "Ok" between raspy breaths of air. His body was still tingling and pulsing but he understood what Liz meant and he mentally vowed to not do anything inappropriate again. As he blinked his eyes again and focused in on Liz's face he could almost read the uncertainty and nervousness in her eyes as she watched him. "I love you." He said, hoping it would sooth her discomfort as she zipped his pants back up.

Pride and relief exploded through Liz's body and she let out a slow warm breath at Mikey's words. "I love you too sweetheart." She murred as love and adoration slowly began to pulse through her body as she patted his back and pushed down the burning urges that were swelling in her aching sex.

Liz stood up from her bed feeling like she was floating on a cloud of relief and joy as she realized she'd managed to convey her message without hurting Mikey's feelings. Better still, he seemed to understand and as she pulled her shirt back over her stomach and checked to be sure her skirt was pulled down tight over her hips he hopped off the edge of the bed and stepped over so he was at her side, resting his head on her hip as he hooked his arm around her waist.

Mikey stood on weak tingly legs and hung onto Liz's waist for support as his heart began to slow and his breathing began to return to normal. The red furred vixen looked down at him with a warm smile as he looked back up at her loving muzzle, framed in long orange red hair. His tail wagged happily as the two furs left her bedroom to go have some ravioli and play with his new toys.