Interrogation with a Twist Part 2

Story by Nickylion on SoFurry

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Alexxi's body groaned, still taxed from his asthmatic fit earlier, as he lifted the lion's limp form in his arms and ascended the steps out of the dungeon. "Ssshhh, lad," he whispered sweetly as the lion groaned and twitched a little, "Old Alexxi, he will help you. The potion, she will wear off in time, for now, just rest." The lion only nodded to the voice he heard, sighing slightly and drifting off, the dreamy smile on his face quite unexpected given the state of his body. The lion's once noble mane lay matted with dried blood from the wounds that Alexxi had inflicted and in places, areas of accumulated grime and blood were still wet, dripping from the savage beating. Alexxi emerged from the dungeon stairway, quietly produced a set of keys, and locked the door, holding the lion all the while. Dungeon secured, he made his way up another set of stairs, onto the second floor of Alexxi's modest home.

The door to his bedroom lay slightly ajar, and Alexxi nudged it with his foot, pushing it open enough to avoid catching the sleeping lion's head or feet on anything as he made his way in, laying the lion gently down on top of the sheets, making certain that the lion could not roll off before dashing off into the bathroom. Alexxi returned with a number of cloth towels under his arm, a steaming bucket of water in one hand, and a first aid kit in the other. Gently he laid down the bucket, dipped one of the towels in, and gingerly began pressing it against the lion's face and mane, mopping up the blood and cleaning out the wound before infection could set in. Tossing the now soiled towel aside, Alexxi placed another in the bucket and began sifting through the first aid kit. After a moment or two he produced a small bottle, which he opened and shook over the water, dying it a dull red color. Dipping his hand in and grabbing the towel, Alexxi leaned in next to the lion's ear, whispering, "Lad, brace yourself...this may sting a bit, even through the drugs." He waited a moment for the lion's dreamy nod before going to work disinfecting the wounds. With the lion's wounds cleaned, Alexxi quickly worked to bandage the cuts, treating them as best he could.

The lion's wounds treated, Alexxi yawned a little, a tear or two in his eye as they wandered over the young lad's naked flesh. The lion was small, but Alexxi could tell that he was a full-grown lion, "Probably the runt of his litter," Alexxi mused as he brushed the lion's mane affectionately, "Poor lad. Alexxi will take care of you...he owes you that much." The lion merely smiled, still deep in a drug induced sleep, dreamlessly resting yet still listening to every word the husky spoke. Alexxi stood, wearily, as moved to the other side of the bed, pulling the covers back, and gently rolled the lion's slumbering form into them and tucked him in, leaving him to sleep as he descended the stairs into the kitchen.


Nicholas groaned as he opened his eyes, the pain of the previous night's activities dimmed yet still ever-present. He sat up with a start, wincing as a bruise on his stomach cried out in agony, and looked about, wondering where he was. His memories came to him, slowly at first, but flooding back a second or two later: the husky, his vendetta, being mistaken for some "Doctor," interrogated... He shook his head, wondering what strange twist of fate brought him now to this rather comfy bed, and looked about the room, eyes searching for his clothes, as well as a way out.

The room appeared to be a rather well furnished, if a bit Spartan. The bed stood out in the center, a large four-poster bed with what appeared to be satin sheets. By the side of the bed lay a nightstand with a small, white lamp on it. Opposite the bed stood a large wooden armoire, and beside that, the opening for a walk-in closet could be seen, and on the last wall, a wooden door stood out against the rather drab white paint.

Nicholas struggled a bit, rolling into a sitting position, gingerly creeping out of bed, staggering towards the door, clutching his sides as he went. He crept down the stairs, ears and nose intently searching for sounds or smells of the husky. Taking a deep breath, the lion smelled instead an overpowering aroma of cooking meat, baking bread, and several other scents of breakfast that the lion had not smelled in days. Limping forward he poked his head gingerly inside the kitchen, taking great care not to be noticed. The husky sat at the stove, watching a pair of steaks as they cooked. Nearby lay two plates bearing what appeared to be toast with a jam of some sort spread onto them. The lion pulled back, creeping back to look for his clothes when the husky said with a sidelong glance over his shoulder, "You know, lad, one of these is for you. I'll understand if you don't trust Old Alexxi after last night, but then one of these steaks will have to go to waste." Nicholas turned, licking his lips yet still trembling, not sure if he should trust his captor. Alexxi seemed to notice this, and his face darkened, "You don't trust me. That's understandable, given what I've done to you." He bowed his head, "I am truly, truly sorry for the torment and trouble I caused you. If there is any way this old husky can repay you, please tell me." As the lion watched, the husky pulled both of the steaks off the grill, onto two separate plates, followed by a pair of eggs, "Come, at least let me serve you breakfast. Old Alexxi makes the finest steaks on this island!" He barked, his voice flush with pride.

Cautiously, Nicholas approached the table in the kitchen, "W-what brought on this change of mood, if I may ask?"

Alexxi looked at him sideways, "You mean you do not remember?"

The lion shook his head, "All I remember is the dungeon, then a lot of pain.... you jabbed me with something, didn't you?"

Alexxi nodded, "It was a truth serum, designed to make you very compliant. I'm not surprised you did not remember. Sometimes it does that. Sometimes it does not. At any rate, you saved my life under the influence of that drug. That is something that the person I thought you were would never do." He bowed his head, still obviously ashamed of himself, "My instincts must be getting rotten with age, for I never would have made that mistake a few years ago."

The lion looked at him, down at the steak, and then back up at him, his paws moving on their own to cut it into small, bite-sized pieces and shoving them into his mouth, "W-what did he do to you, if I may ask?" His voice still timid, his ears bowed in and eyes averted to the husky, watching for his reaction out of the corners of his eyes.

The husky sighed, "He hurt...the people I loved. My friends and family, all because I stood against him and his...experiments." The husky shuddered, "But that is none of your concern, lad. You should eat, and then rest. You will heal better on a good stomach, and you may stay here as long as you like.

Hearing this, the lion raised his head, "I c-can stay here? Really?" For the first time since he'd laid eyes on him, Alexxi saw the lion's ears perk up.

"Yes, really, lad." Alexxi fixed him with an even stare, "I am in your debt, having wronged you once, and having that wrong compounded by your saving my life."

The lad nodded, his ears splaying back as he thought about last night, "D-do you normally strip your prisoners?" he asked, a hint of red beginning to show on his cheekfur.

Alexxi nodded, "Yes normally, it is good humiliation for a prisoner, and it starts the process of breaking them." He smiled a little, "I must say, lad, I did have to admire your body as well. For one so young, and on this island, it is amazing for you to be in such a condition." Watching the lion's face become more crimson, he probed further, "May I ask what brought you to such a godforsaken isle such as this one?"

Nicholas head lowered down, "I w-was banished, f-from my village," he said, his voice choked, "for loving another whom I was not supposed to."

Alexxi nodded, "I have heard that story many times," he fixed the lion with an even stare, "mostly from other males, for loving other males. Is that true lad?" He studied the lion's reaction, scrutinizing every shiver and nod Nicholas made. He decided to assuage the lion's fears, "Do not worry, young one. Old Alexxi, he was sent here for much the same reason. You are in good company here." The lion only nodded, his face a deeper shade of crimson than the husky had ever seen before. Alexxi stood, walked around behind the lion, into the kitchen, and returned with two glasses of orange juice, "Drink this, it will help you feel a little better," he said as he placed one hand against the lion's back, rubbing it gently, "After that, I will carry you up to my bed, and you can sleep there, tonight."

Nicholas' ears perked up, and he looked at the husky, "W-where will you sleep, if I may ask?" His eyes were a mixture of fear and anticipation, searching the husky's face for any sign that he might wish to take him to bed with him.

Alexxi smiled, "I can sleep on the couch, if you wish, lad. It does not bother me in the least." He watched the lion's look of relief, and gently reached down and picking up the lion, cradling him in his arms, "Just relax, lad. Let Old Alexxi take you to bed." The lion nodded dumbly, looking at the empty glass, then back at Alexxi, "Something to help you sleep, lad," the husky whispered, watching the lion's eyes flutter, then close. With great care he ascended the staircase, placing the lion in the same place he had put him last night. He stood, looking over the bandages and changing any that appeared to need it, and tucked the lion into bed, exiting the door, but leaving it slightly ajar, should the lion wake in the night.


Nicholas awoke slowly this time, the pain from his wounds only a faint shadow of what it once was now. He sat up slowly, taking his time to stretch his limbs as he stood, yawning. It was the best night's sleep the lion had had since...Nicholas winced, thinking of his lover, holed away in some dank dungeon, or worse, tied to a stake, burned like a witch. Unbidden an image of Alexxi sprung to the forefront of his mind, and the lion sighed again, struggling to keep his composure. It had been almost a week now, since that fateful and painful night he had met Alexxi, and the lion had grown to greatly admire the husky. Alexxi had taken it upon himself to meet the lion's every need; glasses, clothes, a place to sleep, food. Indeed, every need but one was taken care of.

"Do I love him?" Nicholas said idly to himself, "Or am I just seeking a replacement..." The door creaked a bit, and the lion sat up with a start, "Alexxi? Is that you?" His voice piqued a little, his mind still adjusting to his recent change of environment.

Alexxi's voice echoed back, "Yes lad, who else could it be, neh?" He chuckled as he entered the room, bearing some fresh clothes for the lion to wear, setting them on the bed, then turning to the armoire for his own clothes. "Would you like to shower first lad?" he said, turning to face the lion.

Nicholas blushed a little as he realized he was still naked, and gathered his courage to look up at the husky, his eyes wandering up, finding the husky's own eyes and locking with them, "I-if I may, c-can I shower with you?" He managed to stutter out the words, unsure of how the husky would receive them, and watched, hoping for the best.

The husky's face brightened a little, "Certainly, lad. I will call for you when it's nice and hot, okay?" The lion nodded and the husky disappeared into the bathroom. Gingerly, the lion stood, stretched out his limbs again, and proceeded down the hall, into the bathroom, where the sound of rushing water could now be heard. A moment later, Alexxi appeared, a little wet, smiling broadly, "Come on in, lad! As they say around here, 'the water's fine.'" The lion smiled, reaching out to take his hand and followed the husky into the shower.

Nicholas sighed, trying to relax and let the tension of being in the shower with such a splendid older male fade away as the warm water washed over his body. He looked up into the showerhead, letting the water hit his face full on, and could not help but yelp slightly when he felt the rather sudden presence of Alexxi's hands on his shoulders, gently massaging away any tension that tried to appear, "Just relax, lad. I will not hurt you."

The lion turned, looking over his shoulder and up at the taller husky, "I'm sorry, Alexxi," he stammered, "I j-just can't help thinking about m-my mate." He looked as if he wanted to say more, but his voice and emotions failed him, wracking him with sobs.

The husky's eyes widened a little and he reached out, brushing his hand along the lion's cheekfur, "It's okay lad. As I said, I shall not hurt you." He leaned down, reaching his arms around to hug the lion, letting him feel the husky's warm, wet fur, and whispered into his ear, "Where is your mate now, lad?"

The lion shook his head, his tears falling unnoticed amongst the water from the shower, "I don't know..he said...he said he'd come for me, here, but I haven't seen him since I got here." He buried his head in the husky's chestfur, his crying becoming a whining, low moan, mournful in its tone.

The husky could only nod, patting the lion's back and letting his sadness pour out, washed away with the water. "Lad," Alexxi waited until the lion's crying had mostly subsided, "You have my word. I shall help you find your mate." He smiled cunningly, "The town's guard, they listen to me when I speak with them," he patted the lion on the back, pulling him away and pulling his muzzle gently yet firmly, up to look into his eyes, "But you, my young lion, must relax, and if you can not, I will make you." He wagged his finger playfully at the lion, causing Nicholas to giggle, a soft sound broken slightly from the lion's earlier sobbing.

Nicholas looked at the husky, a little curious now, focused on the husky's gaze, "How would you make me relax, out of curiosity? More drugs?" His gaze narrowed, showing how annoyed he was that the husky had had to drug him to get him to sleep twice this week. Alexxi looked positively horrified, thinking he'd hurt the lion again, albeit inadvertently, but the lion's gaze quickly brightened into a joking smile, "Just kidding!" he said, hugging the husky warmly, the tears of a few moments ago forgotten; washed away by the torrent of shower water.

As Alexxi stepped out of the shower to towel off, he could not help but notice the swelling feeling he was getting between his legs from the closeness of the naked lion's body. He sighed, refusing to act on his impulses for now, pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind as he wrapped the towel around his mostly dry waist. The lion stepped out a moment later, his mane looking all but regal in its sopping wet incarnation. Nicholas took the offered towel and began to dry himself, as Alexxi gave a most casual appraisal of the lion's form, noticing to his tortured delight, that the lion's cock hung slightly larger than he had seen it previously, almost semi-erect. Alexxi chuckled a bit to himself, walking out into the bedroom and donning the clothes he had laid out earlier.

Nicholas emerged, still drying himself, and looked at the older male, a glean of curiosity in his eyes, "Alexxi, with all due seriousness, what did you mean by making me relax?" As the husky turned to look at him, the lion looked down at the ground, his face aflush with embarrassment, "I mean, I have been a little tense this week, and I think its mostly because I don't know where I fit here," he shuffled his feet, aware that the husky's eyes were now upon him and the husky was approaching him. He looked up, and the husky was staring at him, closer now, with the same look that he had given him during the interrogation nearly a week ago and his voice rumbled low.

"Don't play games with me lad. You said you wished to find your mate, and Alexxi will find your mate," he said, his voice sounding a bit pained, "but please," a tear formed, "do not play games with Old Alexxi's heart, for you will surely break it." Alexxi turned, wordlessly, expecting the lion to run away from his little show of anger and he nearly yelped when he felt the lion's hand placed on his shoulder.

Alexxi turned, looking at the lion, who was now staring at him, several tears in his eyes, "I'm just so confused," he sobbed, "Dee was always there for me, always good to me, but with him, there was always something missing." He took the husky's hand and lead him to the bed, "With you, all my needs are attended to, I'm well cared for. I feel so loved, but I also feel so," his voice trailed off, unsure how to finish his thought, searching for the word, when the husky picked up on his line.

"Lost?" the husky's voice was full of emotion, tightly lidded, "Like you don't know your place?"

The lion nodded, looking down at the husky's chest, "I love Dee, I always will. But," he looked up, into the husky's eyes, "I need to know where I stand with you. If I love you, too." The husky's expression broadened into a smile, and he pulled the lion in close, hugging him. Their hug lasted a good while, when Alexxi finally decided to break it, looking up at him with a grin.

"Lad, you said you needed to know your place, hmm?" he reached down, taking the initiative and grabbing hold of the lion's cock, slowly, gently and methodically, "What if," he ran his fingers along the cock, causing the lion to shiver, "it was beneath me," he stroked the lion again, eliciting a low whimper of pleasure, "and alongside your mate." The lion looked at him, confused, and Alexxi chuckled, "Come now," he said, stroking the lion's cock to keep him off balance, "You don't think I keep a dungeon downstairs for nothing, do you lad?" The lion shook his head, and the husky chortled a bit, "My last mate was also my pet, my slave if you prefer," he said, stopping just a moment to see Nicholas' reaction, "And I would like to see if you, and your mate should he wish it, served me in the same capacity he once did." He released the lion's cock, "I cannot, I do not have the heart to withstand another love, but perhaps, with your help, I can share in your love of your mate." He paused another moment, watching the lion, "But lad, that choice, it is for another time. For now, come here," he barked, rising from the bed, and the lion jumped to obey, "and let this old husky show you a bit of what's in store for you."

The lion hesitated for a moment, looking at the husky, a bit confused, then quickly knelt before the husky, his eyes resting on Alexxi's sheath, bulging just a bit in the soft light of the bedroom. Alexxi grinned, mussing the lion's mane just a bit as his cock began to peek its way out of the sheath, "Good boy," rumbled the husky, "Now does this little lion know what to do from here?" Alexxi smiled as the lion began to lick, gingerly at first, but with increasing confidence as Nicholas relaxed a bit, growing accustomed to Alexxi's fur on his rough tongue. The husky's cock, under the lion's skilled tongue, quickly sprang to attention, slipping out of its sheath as Alexxi moaned, mussing the lion's mane fur encouragingly. Nicholas stopped momentarily, looking the husky's cock up and down as if studying it, then slowly, arduously, his muzzle opened up, swallowing the member down the lion's eager maw.

Alexxi moaned a little, his canid body pumping just a little at first, increasing just slightly as he marveled at the lion's skill with his tongue. The lion's tongue snaked through his muzzle, surrounding and teasing the cock that was nested inside. The moans of pleasure from the husky alerted the lion that his skills were not being wasted here and Nicholas was further rewarded with a large dollop of salty sweet precum, spurring the lion to continue his ministrations. As the lion worked his magic, the husky reached down, patting the lion on the head and whispering, "Good boy," into the lion's ear as he did so. The lion only moaned in response, concentrating solely on the task set before him, pleasing this husky.

After a few scant moments more the lion felt the husky's hand gently pull at him, motioning him to stand or at the very least look up. Nicholas paused, looking up at the husky, who smiled, "Very good, kitten," the words had the lion's cock bobbing again, "now onto the bed, on your back. Alexxi would like to see you for this." The husky grinned as the lion complied, silently sliding the top drawer of his armoire open and grabbing a few things before the lion noticed. He looked over and found Nicholas lying on the bed, on his back as instructed, his legs bent as if in anticipation of the husky's next move, his arms laid back behind his head, ready to grip the headboard if necessary. Alexxi growled lowly, climbing onto the bed slowly, his cock at the ready and the objects from the armoire hidden from the lion's sight behind Alexxi's back.

Alexxi smiled, producing a length of rope and a length of silk, using the rope to securely bind the lion's paws to the headboard, much to Nicholas' confusion and surprise. He nuzzled the back of lion's neck, smirking as he slipped the silken rope around his eyes, blindfolding the lion, "Do you know what I'm going to do to you, kitten?"

Nicholas shivered as he was bound and blindfolded, his ears perking up instinctively, the room for sounds, emitting a low whine that Alexxi recognized from the earlier interrogation, "N-no sir," he said, voice full of trepidation, "I d-don't know what you're going to do to me...P-please don't hurt me, s-sir."

Alexxi smiled a bit; glad to finally be able to repay your kindness to him in his own special way. He laid down onto his stomach in front of the lion, slowly taking one, then both of the lion's balls into his slender maw. Nicholas whined, afraid that Alexxi was going to bite down, only to find the husky beginning to lightly suckle and lick over it with his warm, wet, rough tongue. Nicholas yelped just a little as he felt the warm wetness that now encompassed his balls, unable to hide his arousal anymore; his breath started to catch in his chest, the feelings bombarding him overloading his mind with pleasure, fear, enjoyment, and lust. Alexxi continued his attentions with Nicholas' entire sac; slowly entering and leaving his jaws, his tongue weaving and caressing over them ever so slowly as he teased the lion.

Alexxi crouched before the lion's form, looking over your erect lionhood with his bright, bicolored eyes. "You really do enjoy this, don't you, kitten?" He murred a bit before leaning over to whisper into the lion's ear, "Purr for me, kitten." Nicholas shivered, purring as the husky commanded, falteringly at first, then with more confidence as he felt the husky's warm body closing in with him. His cock started to throb, eager to feel the touch of the soft fur and the pleasure of that mouth again. Alexxi took the malehood into his maw, slowly working it over from tip to base with his rough canine tongue. His paw cradled and caressed the lion's balls, pushing the feline further and further into the confines of lust. Nicholas mrowled, purring louder now as he felt his natural feline instinct taking over, the warm pleasure from the husky's mouth on his cock pushing everything else into the background, his body trembling slightly as he felt his orgasm come ever closer with every passing moment. Alexxi seemed to sense this, pistoning his maw up and down in and out with increased speed and ferocity. His paw massaged over the base of the leonine cock every time his maw left it, eliciting a moan of pleasure as the lion felt himself pushed to the point of climax and beyond.

Nicholas gasped, "S-sir, I'm cc-ummming!" as the throes of pleasure overtook him, releasing of a torrent of lion-seed down the husky's eager maw. Bucking wildly, his arms struggled against the bonds, his body twitching and convulsing in pure ecstasy as Alexxi simply smiled inwardly, greedily swallowing every little bit of the lion's salty gift. Licking his lips, he withdrew, picking up and gently placing the lion down onto the bed a few moments later, the lion's bonds now loosed as he tucked him into bed, "Get some rest, kitten, I could use your help in finding your mate, among other things, and tomorrow will be a *long* day."

Nicholas could only nod, smiling weekly and add, "Thank you sir...for everything," before sleep claimed him, sending him off to peaceful dreams of husky's and jaguars, bound together by chains of love and emotion.


The jaguar looked down at the note, checking the street address again before proceeding. His steps were a wash with nervous tension, quivering and threatening to go out from beneath him at any moment. He grunted just a little, steeling himself as he raised a trembling hand and brought it down against the hard wood door, sending a loud, dull, thumping noise throughout the house. Twice more, he did this before the door open, a husky of roughly 30-35 years peering out through the opening. He gave a slow once over of the cat, then a smile broke out onto his features, "Come in! Come in, little one. He has been waiting for you." Darrius smiled, something he hadn't done since the day of his banishment, and stepped inside, allowing the husky to close the door behind him, smiling as well, "He has much to tell you, and we have much to talk about."