All heroes need to rest

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#2 of A boy's quest for lust

Another in the story set

Author's note: I promised I would post this up but I don't feel like it's ready. So Watch out this might be taken down in a few days or so and replaced. This also is the third in the set before some reason I can make it so.

I found Lucas smelled of copper, onions and faintly of sweat when I woke up hugging his chest, his arm around my waist pulling me close against him. It was still dark from what I could see over the dashboard so I didn't stir, but he seemed to know I was awake and pulled me closer. "Hungry?" Lucas asked and I nodded weakly with a sound of agreement that blossomed into a yawn. I would have raised my hands to stretch but they were wrapped up in a blanket. "Ok well there is a rest stop coming up soon, how about you get out and use the bathroom there while I get food?" he offered.

The idea of leaving his arms seemed like the worst one man kind had ever came up with, he was warm and comfy to snuggle up against but I did feel a rising need to pee. So I nodded and sat up with a bigger yawn. He helped me pull of the blanket I was in while he took a turn.

With the dashboard only showing me the barest stretch of night sky I had to stand up on my tippy toes to see where we were. Lucas steadied me by pulling me close and I didn't mind one bit.

The rode we had been on turned down and into a rest stop that looked as if half of it was shut down. The dinner and half the motels looked up to date while the other half of the motels and a square block of concrete I took for the bathroom was in serious need of attention. Lucas pulled into the parking lot of the bad motels because the one on the other side was full up with big tractor trailers.

"Anything you liked to eat my little cub?" Lucas asked while he turned off his truck, the radio I hadn't even noticed was playing cut off halfway through a pop song.

I had to think on that for a second before nodding and looking up at Lucas "Gummy worms and brownies." I said since my parents never let me have those because they said they would rot my teeth. This got deep belly laugh from Lucas and that smile came back.

"Something else we can have that for desert." He told me and rubbed my head, rustling my hair about. My aunt had always liked doing that too me and I never liked it, but with Lucas it was ok. Though after he was done I did start in on fixing it.

"Burger than?" I asked while I tried to keep a strand of brown hair from sagging over my forehead.

"That's ok, why don't you run over to the bathroom and use it?" he suggested and pointed through the back window towards the Bathroom. What had once been the sign telling people it was bathroom was now laying up against the building and left it lacking any features that weren't a door.

Looking up at Lucas I asked "Why can't I use the one in the bathroom." What looked like sadness spread across his face and I felt bad for asking the question even before he started to shake his head in answer.

"Sadly boy I have no clothes that would fit you, at least in there no one will see you" he assured me and until then I had forgotten I was naked or thought about walking naked. Suddenly I felt expose and liked the idea of walking towards the bathroom even less.

Folding my hands over my body to ward off a cold that was only in my head I pressed close to Lucas and asked hopefully "Do you at least have any shoes I could wear?" This got a better response from him and he reached behind his seat to pull out the girliest shoes I ever saw. They weren't even shoes they were those girly flip flops girls wore and were pink with blue and yellow flowers on it. The shoes were from some show because it had a character named Lanky Lane on the underside of them with a picture of a skinny girl in a dress on the underside.

"I can't wear those" I said and pressed harder into him. A disappointed look crossed his face and he was moving to put the flip flops away when I made a mewling sound that stopped him. "Ok ok, I'll wear them" I said, I didn't want to see him sad at all.

"Thank you Billy." He said and kissed me on the forehead. I was still blushing when he slipped on the shoes and left. Even though he had kissed my cock before I thought of him kissing my forehead as our first one and well it felt good.

"Maybe next time I'll kiss him." I thought while I wiggled my feet in the flip flops. They might have looked girly but they didn't feel half bad and when I wiggled my toes the plastic thing that held the flip flops together felt good between my toes.

After admiring the feel of the shoes between my toes for a bit I jumped out of the car and started to walk towards the bathroom. The air wasn't cold but rather felt like a summer breeze, cool but not too cold to make you feel cold. My cock instantly reacted to this and started to harden. I kept walking and barely made it a few steps away from the car when I was fully hard.

Just like any time I was outside, alone and with my hard cock I grabbed hold of it and started to stroke it. With the teasing Lucas had given me I felt myself needing to come, which I helped along. With one hand on my hip and the other one on my cock, stroking it, I walked towards the bathroom in almost sleepy trance. Each time I would pull back my foreskin and the cool air would get a chance to touch my cock head I would stop and moan out loud.

This went on for what seemed like ages until I could feel my cock ready to give off its load. Just not the one I was working towards. Piss streamed out of my cock and I didn't even notice till my chest was covered in the pungent stuff since I usually am pointing my cock towards myself when I come. With a sound of disgust I let my cock go and try to wipe the piss off my chest, only succeeding it getting my hands covered. While I did that my feet got the rest of the treatment.

A grunt of annoyance came from me and I almost cupped my face in my hand but the smell stopped me. I looked for a way to get myself clean and the only thing they looked like it would help was the bathroom or Lucas's car. I wasn't going to go back to Lucas's car smelling like I peed myself because then he might think I'm a baby so I kept forward to the bathroom. And wish I hadn't.

I was trying to shake myself dry when I pushed open the door, trying to speed up the process, and found the bathroom was occupied. Men who ranged from high school students to be the age to bald were chatting and talking among themselves in the bathroom. The first one to spot me was a black wolf and the smile that crossed his face showed so much teeth with his lips pulled back I wished for Lucas's.

"Well well well" the wolf said while he rubbed his hands together and stood up from the wall he was leaning on "Look like the little princess pissed herself." Dressed in only a white tank top and black jeans he reminded me of the bad guys on the cop shows my dad watched.

The wolf's words made heads turn and lock on to me. The room, that was filled with chatter got silent for a few seconds before small murmurs broke out between people. I heard words like pig, boy and him all directed at me and I suddenly understood what the cartoon mouse felt in the face of the cat.

I had turned around and was trying to get out of the door again when a heavy hand pressed on it and kept it shut. It wasn't the wolf's but rather a big bear who looked down at me in a way that made me highly doubt he was going to eat me. I still flinched back when his hands went under each of my arms and scooped me up. "Don't worry sweet meat we won't hurt you" the bear said and set me down on a sink.

"That's not my name." I said, it was the only thing that came to my mind and it made the room give a small amount of laughter.

"No I guess it wouldn't be but I think it fits you." The bear said as he ran water.

"Oh the little girl getting testy." The wolf said and tried to step close but the bear pressed him away. I didn't know if the bear was only being nice or wanted me all to himself. The first seem more plausible because soon the bear was rubbing me down with a wet paper towel he had wet under the running water.

Now that I wasn't worried the bear might hurt me, I was still suspected the other people might, I noticed what the bear was wearing. Rather what he wasn't wearing. The only thing beside a pair of black shorts he had on was a small necklace around his neck.

The bear had gone through a lot of paper towels when he got done with my chest and patted them dry. "Did you get anything else wet?" he asked while dabbing at my wet fur. I blushed a raised a foot, it was as if I had given him gold by the look on his face. "Well I get right on that." He said and that was what he did.

With great care he took off each of my flip flops, cleaned them and put them beside me again. Moving on to my feet he was a lot more gentle and took his time with them, that's not to say he wasn't gentle before. This time it was like he was cleaning something of great prize and well the treatment was not painful at all, the opposite really.

"Ohh" I moaned out and rested back on my hands while he dug his fingers into the ball of my foot, digging in deep with the warm rag. He spent more time than needed going over it but I didn't mind at all. A cougar in a dress shirt and slacks stepped up and started to do the same with my other foot and I went to heaven.

Small snorts and groans came from me as the men set their own pace of pleasure. The cougar liked the place between the heel and the ball of my feet more than the bear that rubbed and polished eat toe like it was a jewel. The cleaning had gone away a long time ago and this was just for pure pleasure.

The bear who I thought looked like a Victor was the first to go further and kissed my big toe. "Such beautiful feet sweet meat." He said and this time when he said it this time I didn't care. Some might of thought of feet as nasty and never thought of kissing them but I just thought a foot was a foot.

Following Victor's examples the cougar leaned in a kissed where he had been rubbing before running his tongue over the whole of the bottom of my foot. I was so drawn into what the men had been doing that I didn't notice when a hand pushed between the two and started to play with my cock until it was squeezed hard enough to make me buck my hips. Bleary eyed I looked up to see the wolf was the one who had my cock in his hand.

"Please don't" I whimpered and tried to pull away from him but none of the men were willing to give up what they had.

"I'm not going to hurt you." The wolf reassured me and kissed my cock head as if in peace offering. The seemed good enough bit was quickly dwarfed when his whole mouth covered my cock and sucked on the head. Fear and pleasure mixed together into something that I couldn't describe but god did it feel good. His mouth was warm, wet and felt oh so good as it wrapped around my cock and used his tongue to caress my shaft but the knowledge that he had sharp teeth was constantly in my head. IT didn't stop me from enjoying the pleasure of his mouth though.

Keeping his thumb and pointer finger circled around the base of my cock the wolf started to bob up and down, turning his head as he did it all. This coupled with everything else made sure I didn't last long and soon I drew in a large breath and moaned out. The men at my feet didn't stop their lick or sucking but the wolf kept my cock in his mouth. Surprise was plainly written on his face with is wide eyes that looked up at me.

I must have cummed a lot because it lasted longer than usual and when the wolf finally did pull off my cock it softened rather quickly, finally getting a rest from the constant arousals. "You were right big bear" the wolf said and rubbed over the bear's head that was rekissing over each toe for the tenth time "This boy is sweet." Using a long red tongue the wolf licked his lips and stepped back, going back to leaning against his wall. The smile he gave me now was satisfied though but still showed teeth.

As if following the wolf's example the men pulled back from my feet and Victor, the bear, got the pleasure of placing my flip flops back on. He did this was so much care and rubbed each toe before picking me up and setting me on the ground. "Go run off sweaty." He said and pushed me towards the door.

I wasn't so happy to leave now that all that was happened, I had to though. So giving one last look to all the men, most of which who seemed to have enjoyed what they had seen, I left. Lucas was already leaning against the truck, hands in pockets, when I got out of the bathroom. My feet did the work on running to him on their own. "Miss me Billy?' Lucas asked as I pressed my head into his thigh, clutching his leg for dear life. Even though the men had been nice to me I still wouldn't give them up for Lucas.

"Yeah" I replied and kept hugging his leg. Lucas hand to reach down and pull me to his chest to get ups both in the car, I didn't mind so much though.

"What kept you boy, you didn't fall in did you?" Lucas asked as he put me in my seat next to him.

"Well" I started and scooted closer to him "These guys were in the bathroom and we kind of did things." The idea of Lucas knowing about what those guys did in the bathroom made me blush and get butterflies in my stomach, I mean he was supposed to be the one making me feel good, not them.

"What kind of things?" Lucas asked and rubbed my thigh, this made me blush even harder.

"Well this wolf did more than kiss my cock and these men kiss and played with my feet." I said and expected Lucas to be mad at me for all this. But he just smiled that smile and pulled me to his side like I belonged there.

"Aww and I didn't get to play?" he said and even though he meant it as a joke I felt rather bad.

"We can play Lucas." I promised as the thought of doing what the wolf did went through my mind, I'm sure I could do that and even if I couldn't I could still do what the men were doing with my feet. That was surely easy to do right.

Lucas quirked an eyebrow and rubbed my head slowly, lovingly "What do you have in mind." He asked and in answer I grabbed his crotch. He must have not expected that and made a surprised noise that made me let go. I didn't mean to hurt me, only get his pants down. But what I grabbed wasn't his zipper, it was meatier and much thicker. It felt like his cock and I wanted to please it. "What was that for?" he said but then got the idea and started to unzip his pants.

Lucas's scent was double and maybe even tripled as his pants was unzipped and his cock let out. What had just been a faint enjoyable scent was now the only thing I could smell and god did it smell good. I breathed deep in that scent and memorized it before I turned my eyes to Lucas's cock. I hadn't seen Lucas without his shirt on so I didn't expect the hair around his cock to be black but it was and made a trail up his belly under his shirt.

His cock was still soft but looked big and thick, it made me move in closer and my hear race. The skin off his cock was black and had a foreskin just like mine. Two balls that matched his cock with their plum size sat under his cock. Without knowing why beside it made me felt good I knew I playing with his balls would make him moan the same way the wolf had made me.

"Go on" he encouraged me but otherwise did nothing. Reaching out a hand I grasped the cock and it felt hot in my hand. The first thing I did was pull back the foreskin to expose the big mushroom head he had. It was noticeably lighter than the rest of his cock and pulsed lightly while his cock hardened in my hand. I started to stroke his cock while I leaned in, planning on kissing his cock. The idea of that went out the window when his scent filled my nose and the very air around us. I couldn't just be satisfied with a kiss. So when I got close enough to get my lips to touch his cock I opened my mouth and took is cock head in.

A startled cry came from his mouth and his cock jumped in my mouth. Pre shot from his cock and over my tongue; I was swallowing it before I even knew what I was doing. I had tasted my cum a few times and never really liked it but god did his pre taste like the best thing ever. With no second thought I knew I needed more and was going to work for it.

His cock quickly hardened to a point that it made my cheeks bulge from how much his cock filled my mouth and I had to stand up. Trying to do what the wolf did I moved down deeper and felt myself gag before a few inches filled my mouth and Lucas held me off from going any further. I gave a whine at this because I wanted, no needed all his cock but he kept me from gaging or going in further.

So with what portion of Lucas's cock I could have I went to town, licking and sucking on it, my tongue whipping across his cock head collecting pre with each lick. I found that if I licked over the slit he had on his cock I would get more pre and kept doing that.

While I licked over his cock head and the first few inches my hands started to stroke the rest of his cock, his cock had gotten fully hard and I had to use both hands to get it all. I could feel his cock pulsing and jumping under my fingers with each action I did and it was the most satisfying thing only made better with Lucas's sounds of pleasure.

"Boy" Lucas tried to warn me but I kept going and pushed the other words he said from my head. So I didn't know he was coming till he had shot his second burst. I had thought it was pre cum again but this was too much of it and too thick. And it tasted so much better. My mouth latched on to his cock head and sucked down every single shot of cum he gave me, I counted five and tried to get more out but his cock was softening.

"That was good" he assured me as his cock slipped out of my mouth with popping sound. My energy was sapped and I slumped forward into his lap, my face against my belly and his cock press against me. I didn't mind though because I liked feeling his cock against my naked fur.

Barely noticing the hand that scooped me up I was placed against Lucas's side again and wrapped up in a blanket. I weakly fought against this but he rubbed his hand on my side and stopped fighting to drift off to sleep. The last thing I thought of was the scent of fries and a burger, I was hungry but that could wake till I woke up.

Super hero to the rescue

I neither condone nor endorse any actions with in this story, it is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. If done in real life actions depicted in this story can land people in serious legal trouble, so please don't do it. That being said...

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The cub and The stone

I neither condone nor endorse any actions with in this story, it is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. If done in real life actions depicted in this story can land people in serious legal trouble, so please don't do it. That being said...

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