Differences part 1

Story by BunnyLR on SoFurry

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beware.... gay stuff going on... no yiff yet but part two should be up sonner or later with all the smut you're probably looking for. you have to be at least 18 to read this.

This story was written a year and a half ago.... look me long enough to complet it.... only got it done last may.... now i have to type it up....


The sky was dark. It was almost midnight a day in the middle of June. The rain was pouring heavily over the city. I was walking down a road, not really caring of which way I was going. I was wearing my usual tight t-shirt, my baggy cargo pants and my bag on one shoulder. I am a 17 year old black panther about 5 ft 11 tall, 165 pounds, dark brown eyes, well toned muscles with not an ounce of fat. It was pretty hot outside so the rain was not making me too cold. I was listening music, my usual R&B and D&B songs Genuwine, Montel Jordan, Brian McKnight, Dj Shadow and DJ Tiesto all love songs.

Then the song Differences of Genuwine started. It totally ripped my inside off, tearing my feelings apart. That song meant a lot for me, it's a song about the differences that happen in life when you find the right person. I couldn't help my self to but to cry. Tears were running down my face, mixing with the rain that soaked me completely. I no longer had the energy to continue, I had to stop. I turned to see that there was a park not to far away. I walked up there and sat on a bench, laying completely exhausted on it, admitting that I needed to sleep.

It was worthless; there was no way I could get to sleep with what I had on mind and the heavy rain soaking my fur. That day at school I had decided to make my coming out. It really went well except for a couple of people that already hated me, but I didn't care. Sure it was not to every ones surprise, but within the people that didn't had a clue, most people were ok whit it; not happy, but ok. I had thought that people were more mature in college then in high school, so that's why I waited one year to make my coming out. It really was the good decision. But it's what happened the next that really putted all the mess in my "new" life.

When I got back home I was feeling great, like I was floating on a cloud. My parents and my older brother were not home yet. That gave me a little time to prepare my self for what would happen next. I knew I needed to tell them soon or someone else would do it for me. My biggest fear was my father and brother. My father had grown up in a really straight family where he had to show no feelings and where the father was the alpha of the house. So I didn't know how he'd react. What really made me anxious was my brother. He was the most important person in my life. I loved him really much, but I was what he seemed to hate the most.

-We're home!

Shit! That was them.

-Hi how are you? I tried to speak as normally as possible.

They all just nodded, which seemed weird to me, but I was probably just fooling my self. We just went trough our routine of preparing the meal, eating and washing. The phone rang, at that time it was usually for me. Even if I had rushed to pick up the phone my father had already answered, no big deal. Yeah right! I could hear the voice of Mat, a new friend I had made that same day- no wonder why.

-Ho! Eh... ok. Look I have to speak to him can he call you back? Ok. My father looked to be in shook. I knew there was something wrong

-Eh... Tom you... are you..." He took a step back, looking disgust by what he had just heard

-I don't want to see you anymore, pack up your things; you are no longer my son. And he pointed me my room.

It was not long before I realised what had happened and I was way too confused to move.

-What is it? What's happening? My brother looked really confused.

My mother had already understood- she was right, mothers do know everything.

-No you can't do that only because he's gay. I know it might... my mother tried to convince my father but in vain.

-What? Ho! Wow eh... was all my brother could mumble.

All I remember is the heavy knock against my head and me falling on the floor.

I don't know exactly for how long I had been unconscious, but when I wake up it was late. I could hear my parents and my brother shouting.

-Look it's not really complicated you don't have a choice. He is out of here. I didn't raise a fag! That was just too much for me to hear from my father.

Contrary to what I was used to, I didn't cry. I just stood up, dressed up, packed a few things in my bag and I was ready to leave. I took a paper and wrote a letter to my brother.

-Look, all I want you to know is that whatever you think, we're brother. I don't want to cause problems anymore so I won't fight against dad. I am what I am, I can't do shit about it. I hoped he'd reacted differently but I am not mad. I still love you all deep in my heart. It's you who taught me that. You told me that when we were kids, that when mom or dad were angry, they still loved me. I hope it's still true for you and that you understand me more then dad.

I love you


I folded it and went to my brother's chamber, putting the letter and Mat phone number on his pillow I went back to my chamber, I opened my window, I took a look at my chamber one last time and went outside. Now that's when it started to rain and I went to the park.

It must have been around 1 o'clock when I finally fell asleep too tired to think.

I was waked up by the lights of a car in front of me. Then I saw a silhouette getting out of the car and walking towards me. It was raining much harder. That's all I could see or hear, my headache hadn't allowed me any thinking. When the silhouette was near enough, I instantly recognized Mat. He approached, took me in his arms and brought me in his car.

When I woke up I was in a bed near a fire place. I knew that it was Mat loft; he'd talked about it the day before. He had some rich parents he hated but they were trying to buy his love back. It didn't work but he, after all, had a new car, a cool loft and all the furniture he needed. That was comforting, I knew I had only known him for a day but I already had kind of a crush on that guy. He was a very good looking otter, a little smaller then me, by maybe an inch or to. We had meet at the school's swimming pool where I had the chance to take a look at his slim muscular body covered with light brown fur. His eyes were of an astonishing flawless green, almost unreal. It was like looking at the universe from the outside, you could loose your self for hours in the deepness of his look.

After the few minutes that I past remembering how he looked, I heard a noise behind me. It was him.

-How are you feeling today? Not to bad I hope, you have that big bump on the head. He asked me as if nothing really had happened.

-Why...? How...? Who...? How did you find me? I finally formulated.

-It's your brother he called me. He told me what happened last night and the little letter you wrote to him. You know your brother was probably the last person you should have expected to react bad about the news. He almost cried all the time I spoke too him. He really loves you.

Hearing that was really reassuring

-He did?"I said with a smile and started to cry and reached for a hug of Mat. I had always loved physical contact.

-*Sniff*! How did you find me?

-Well I must admit it was not really easy but I knew you would be somewhere not too far from home since your brother called me about half an hour after you left.

He said it with I slight smile trying to make me do the same. I tried but I couldn't.

-Has my father said anything? He looked insecure for a moment.

-Well yes he... He paused for a moment.

-He wants you to come back but only to pack the rest of your things. I am sorry.

I already had it in mind. It hurt but I kind of knew it would be that way.

-Thank you. You know there is not a lot of people that would do such a thing for someone he barely knows. That means a lot to me.

I really was grateful for what he had done and the more I knew him, the more I was falling for him.

-Hey! That's because you mean a lot to me. Isn't it what friends are for?

Friends! What would I have given just to hear something more intimate?

-Well! Do you think you can walk and come eat something?

He said just after giving me a light kiss on the forehead.

-Sure. I never say no for something to eat.

He looked at me whit an odd look. Then I realised what I had just said and I licked my lips to turn my error into a joke. I started to laugh at loud when I saw him blush heavily.

-Hey that cuddly fur fluff can smile after all!

He was right.

-Come on then I'll make you something to fill that pretty tummy.

It felt so nice to be with him. It didn't take long before I stopped thinking about my problems. And that wonderful meal he had prepared was pure bliss. So we talked like that for about 3 hours in a row, just learning to know the other a little better. I was feeling much better but in that situation I just knew it couldn't last.

-So eh... sorry to ask but when are we going to pick up the rest of your things. Your father seemed to be quite clear about that, he wants you to go and get your things as soon as possible.

He really didn't seemed to be comfortable to ask and for the good reasons. It brought me back to earth really quickly. I knew I would have to do it sooner or later but I wished it would have been "later" and not "sooner".

-Yeah I know... there's only one problem I really don't have any place to put all my stuff.

-Hey I thought you had understood, you don't have to search for a place, you find it.

He looked at me with a smile.

-What? I...I...

-Shhhh! Don't worry. There's no problem at all. I don't even pay the place... and I... I feel kinda lonely in that big apartment.

He was obviously blushing. I had wished this, but I really didn't expect it to happen.

-Are you serious? As I started to cry and I hugged him once again.

-I could not be more serious, plus I really kinda like you and... and you're really cute.

Those words brought a slight smile to my crying face.

-I really like you too, and to be honest I find you quite attractive too.

Our eyes met for a short time. We both looked down, blushing.

Silence... Looong silence...

My eyes met his, once again. They stayed locked for what seemed like eternity. I loved his eyes, I loved his face, I loved his presence, I loved h... I don't even really know him... Yeah but I do love him... That's just to fast. I was really confused about how I felt. Ha fuck it!

-Man... Having those eyes should be illegal. How could anyone possibly resist that look?

I paused. I was blushing.

-What I mean is... I... How could I?

My eyes were once again filled with tears.


Tears started to run down my face. I wasn't sad; I was just really happy and really confused. We both looked in each others eyes silently. Nothing had to be said, there were no words to express what was going on. How can you describe pure love?

By the time I noticed, our muzzles were only inches away. I was feeling all weak, but it was in such a good way; a really good way. I could feel his breath on my face. It wasn't my mind that was moving toward him, it was only my body. Not that I didn't want it but I still thought that it was a bit fast. I couldn't care less about that part of my brain that was telling me to back off.

Our lips finally touched, which ended our slow movement. We both plunged in the most passionate kiss ever. We kissed, exploring each others mouth, tasting the other, feeling the other. It sent shiver of pleasure trough my whole body. I had dreamt about kissing other males since the age of 12 and never, in 5 years, I had thought that it could be that good. It felt so natural, so nice, so sweat, so soft and that guy was just... heaven. I truly loved him. We kissed for an eternity, just holding each other really really close, enjoying the feeling of a male body, so strong and so delicate at the same time.

Slowly, I broke the kiss. I opened my eyes and I gazed into his.

-I love you and always will.

-I love you too Tom.

We once again plunged into a kiss, it wasn't as passionate as the first time but it was way more erotic. It wasn't long before I was knocked back on the bed....

To be continued...

Hope you all enjoyed it.... I know there is no yiff in it... but still.... Next part involes other characters.... A lot a character development..... I already have it written... but I just need to find the time to type it up... and it's pretty long so.... It'll be up when I want it to be I guess.... Critique is always welcome!!!!