My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2 Chapter 6

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#7 of My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 2

Verdera now face a new issues with her life. Her family know of her mistakes, John has been hurt emotionally and Verdera may or may not know how any thing in her life will change for the better or worst.

My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2

Chapter 6

Chapter 5

I think many have stopped believing in these stories so it really is not as bad as I thought. I may need to take some time to really plan out the stories so it make take a while before a lot of this starts to make sense to any if not all of you.

(All characters belong to me, Heartless dragon.)

My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2

Chapter 6

_ _

In this time, you would have been tyrant.

In another time, you would have been a peasant.

In your time, we would have been best friends.

In my time, you would have died by my hands.

_ _

We exist in a time where we fall in the end.

And when we fall, we fall throughout time's end.

"Do you mind telling what you have done?"

Have I finally met my parents in an angered or disappointed way? To say that they were smiling or even just joking would be the biggest understatement of all time.

My mother and father had their arms either crossed or one crossed and the other on their faces with disappointment. I felt like I truly screwed my life over. My parents had taught me, well, how to avoid temptations of others in order to please myself.

The risks of either being impregnated or harmed during the mating was the biggest parts. Especially the impregnation.

I felt like I would lose my parents trusts or worse, that they would never forgive me and abandon me.

In our nature, if the hatchling is mated before her time or allowed by the parents, the parents would either lose their children's trust or disown their hatchlings.

I mean, if I was older or they allowed it, I would be fine, but I'm not either. I could already feel the tears running down my cheek and my head was lowered, looking down upon my parents.

My mother saw me but gave no hint of worry or care. She knew that I have done, so did my father and probably everyone else in this home. The raptors must've have told them or they noticed from the smell, I don't know. All I know is... I might lose my family.

"I asked you a question," my mother said sternly. "Do you realize what you have done?"

I nodded but never looked them up in the eyes. I wanted to break down but I tried my best to hold it in.

"Yes mother," I said in a weak voice.

"And you did it without our permission nor that you are in the right age." Said my father in a dark tone. "You are years away from leaving your hatchling hood."

"I know," I said again in a weak voice.

"Clearly you don't. Not even a day could you hold yourself and I deliberately told you to be aware and to remain in your room. You have disappointed us Verdera." my mother said. She said it with a sigh rather then anger. The very sentence was targeted to my heart and I dropped down to my knees. I couldn't stop myself from crying if I wanted to. I knew they were going to kick me out of the nest, or in this case, my family. I couldn't bare that thought, as I thought of Kila and my brothers and sisters. I wouldn't even get to see my new siblings when they hatch.

I just broke down, crying myself and looking away from the shun of my parents. I expected my mother and father, telling me to leave this part of the house but all I heard from them was their breathing. Clearly they didn't care that I was on the floor, crying that I would lose them.

This is a big deal, for me especially since I managed to control myself before and I would always win against my heat. I never felt myself lose control before but when they asked for me to join them, it felt like my body screamed to do it after all the years I suffered without having a male inside of me. To enjoy the beautiful ecstasy and do it not just with a male but a female.

I was taught to avoid my heat taking over and to control it no matter what. Because of this incident, my parents felt betrayed knowing that all I have been taught had been washed away.

I cried for about five minutes and my parents only stood there. If it wasn't for my mother's beautiful graze and my father's kind heart and my near-death experience, they would have banished me form the family.

They walked over and both grabbed my arms and lifted me to my feet. I stood up and slowly lifted my head to still see their disappointed faces. I though from here, there going to kick me out. However, they let me go and stood back and looked at me.

"We are not going to remove you from our family, Verdera." Said my mother.

I blinked , my tears starting to slow.

"Yo...your not?" I asked, with some hope in my voice.

"No," said my father. He hugged my mother around her waist and looked at me. "No matter that you failed to keep your promise to control yourself, we will allow you to stay. For the reasons, we will discuss later but for now, if you are willing to make up for it."

"Anything!" I stated loudly, quickly rubbing my tears away. "Anything! Mother! Father! I don't want to lose your or my siblings. Just please, don't make me lose you!"

My mother exhaled deeply, like if she was holding her breath for me to say that.

"We will allow you to stay, if you can rid the hatchlings that reside in your growing womb.

What? I'm impregnated? I'm pregnant, from the raptors? How is that possible? We are two completely different species!

My parents saw my inner conflict.

"Yes, you are pregnant." Stated my father. "Since the raptors carried very little of our blood from our ancestors, they can impregnate you. Not to mention, some parts of their reptilian nature has made also possible that it will double your chances. Normally a human female would take something for this but since we are not human, nor do humans wish to make something that will stop this, we ask you that you ask John to remove the fetus, if you are pregnant, before the shell forms. If the shell forms, the risks could be harmful."

I realized that, they were giving me a break but I still felt that they hated me somewhat. All I did was said 'yes.'

With that, I stayed but my mother quickly commented.

"Another thing is, we don't want you to interact with the raptors, Mencor or Alaya. They are most likely to do this once more."

I just nodded before I also realized that John was upset. He saw what had happened and was either embarrassed or annoyed.

"I don't think that John will be willingly do this," I said. "He walked in... when we were... well."

My parents sighed heavily and with much more disappointment. I feel so lost and hurt, knowing that I was slowly starting to lose things close to me. My parents with me, John. Kila is now starting to show closeness to Nliyn. My brothers and sisters are somewhat in their own world. I felt truly alone here.

A week as passed by since my incident. The beginning of June had most of my family a little heated. John had given me the silent treatment for the entire week and even though I confronted him and stopped him, he would only say, 'I don't wish to speak to you.'

It hurt my heart knowing that John had become so upset about it. I tried telling him about what happen but he just said that it was in my nature and that like an animal 'I just go on instinct.'

The last part was like a knife stab to me. I never knew John would take this so hard, nor would have I known that he would be hurt by this.

My condition with me being impregnated was still a mystery. I haven't showed any bulges or bumps but I was starting to feel the need to eat, alot.

Dragonesses have a faster rate to have hatchlings then human women with children. At the first month, the hatchling is starting to grow, forming the small body. From a small cell to the size of a dot on sentence to as big as your fist in three weeks. Stubs are formed like head, legs, tail. No arms yet.

At month two, the egg slowly starts to form. Here, the egg increases the rate in which the hatchling forms and is slowly surrounded by the egg. Some reptiles have the egg first then the hatchling grows in the egg. Due to our mammalian genes, the whelp's body is first created, then an egg slowly forms over it. It is a weird way for the hatchling to grow but it is nature.

At this time, eyes, arms, legs, tails and horns start to full forming. Gender is based on temperature and foods.

Warmer temperatures has a higher chance for females as well as warm meals. Not heated meals like microwaved or cook but live meat and warm blood.

Cool temperatures have a chance for males, meals being not a lot with water but again with animals that are cold like fish and other reptiles. Not only is for gender but also to help the eggshell grow. If kept in right paces, possibilities to have half and half are more likely.

On rare, super rare occasions, the hatchling is born alive.

Born alive, the hatchlings never got a shell formed over them so, for five months, they grew without a shell. Though since it takes nearly a month and a half for the eggs to hatch, varying with each egg, the live borns are asleep for a week. The lasts bit of food remains in their stomach till there is no more and the hatchling wakes up. As soon as the hatchling wakes, they demand food on the spot. Since we have mammalian genes, naturally females have mammary glands.

Eggs or live born, they still drink from the mother. At three months, the shell is completely covered the hatchling and the hatchling begins living off of the egg. Whatever the mother eats, the egg absorbs it and it feeds it to the hatchling. Scales start to form over the flesh; tails, eyes, claws, teeth and bone are almost fully complete.

At four months, the hatchling is nearly formed. Scales are covered and start to harden. Eyes are formed to make two lids for the hatchling. One is their natural eye lids and the other is for their element use. Bones start to form deeply and the hatchling's mind is now fully aware of what is outside of egg and the mother's womb.

At five months, the eggs are ready to come out. Since dragons breed a lot and mate constantly, there is more of a chance to have more than one egg. At most a female can lay up to eight eggs. She could control that, with how much they mate with each other. The more seed she absorbs, the more likely to have eggs.

However, it is also how much she can hold within herself. My mother for example, may only be able to have six eggs. She got lucky with my seven siblings. With the two new additions, it was kind of breaking her limit. Two hatchlings in one egg are just as rare as live borns.

The egg forms around two hatchlings at two months and sometimes end up together. It is possible that the hatchlings will be conjoined, but it is less likely to happen. Also since two are in one egg, naturally the egg is bigger and it needs more energy to give to the hatchlings.

The female will most likely start eating more to keep up with the eggs demand.

When the eggs are laid, the hatchlings are finishing up their forms. The egg gives the hatchling the last bits of energy to feed before they break off in a month and a half later .

Some hatch earlier which doesn't affect the hatchling so much. The hatchling may take a little longer to grow or it may need more food to help it grow at a normal paste.

Still, in the five months that a dragoness goes through that, it is the most crucial.

A mother would stay by her eggs for the month and a half. Leaving on a few occasions, it will make the mother upset. If the mother is too far, her body will scream at her to get back to her eggs. It won't let her leave so much and it kind of makes the dragoness a bit lazy.

This is where the males come in.

They feed, support and care for the female till then. They also must help keep the female warm as well as the eggs. Since both are elements, it is there duty to protect their eggs with their elements.

That is what my mother wants me to do. I am getting to the age of breeding. Although I had just messed it up with me still being young and all, I still need to practice.

I sighed heavily. There is no way in this world, this will be easy.

My family had finished before I got there and I didn't see John. When I asked if he came down, one of my little brothers came and gave me a note.

_ "Left to work... be back home late. John"_

A sigh left my maw and I just ate angrily on the table. What was left of pancakes, hash browns and sausage, I gobbled it down like a hungry carnivores raptor.... Not the right term but seems legit.

With only five minutes, I ate what was left of breakfast. As soon as there was nothing left, not even crumbs, I brought all the plates to the sink and began washing.

During the whole time I was washing, I was thinking. I was thinking really hard, harder than I ever thought in my whole life.

What am I to do now? What am I to do now with John? How can I make up for my failures?... Why did I receive a chip from Dian?

What was the purpose of the chip anyways? I never really tried to figure it out. I mean, I have it with my jewel box. It was small enough to fit in my personal computer drive.

I put the last plate on top of the counter so it could dry. I was about to turn away but I stopped. I then turned around and saw the plates as a rack held them all up so they could dry. I then recalled of what my mother told me and decided to try using my element.

In all honesty, it was not very difficult to summon wind, at least... it should not be. Wind for a Wind dragon comes from the breath and from the breath comes from the heart. The wind that gives us power lies deep within, same with all the other elements.

We can summon it at will but it must be controlled at heart. With a small turn of my fingers, almost like a flicker, I felt the wind around my hand formed, swirling around my scales. I inhaled, softly; letting the wind enter my lungs. I closed my eyes, letting the wind play around my palm and fingers. It was so joyous to be doing this once again.

I have not done this since... I... killed....

The wind stopped around me. I sighed and lowered my head. I used my wind powers to help kill that man. When I was... hurting him, I used my wind element to remove the wind from his lungs. That was the ultimate reason for his death. Since then, I have not used it.

But I have to learn to control it, not out of anger or hate, but for proper use. Once again I summed the wind around my palms. The wind tickled at my scales, feeling the wind enter my lungs and the wind began spinning around my palms. I exhaled and with a flick off my wrist, the wind around the dishes and the air blew around them. The plates shook in their holding places.

The wind whistled loudly as it dried out the plates. I smiled as the air grew stronger as the water dissipated and finally... they dried up. But I missed up somehow and one of the plates were blown completely off the rack.

I tried to react but... I don't now what happened. Something made me pause as I saw the plate fly into the air and gravity took hold. As it dropped, I still would have time to catch it, but again, I do not know what held me back.

The plate exploded to a million pieces on the hard tile floor. I flinched as they scattered all over the kitchen floor. I sighed as I stared at the broken pieces.

Leaning down, I began picking them up. I started with the largest piece. I lifted up but stopped as I saw my reflection on it. Seeing my own reflection on a piece made me see something now that I never saw before.

The piece I held had a crack but when I saw my reflection, the crack appeared over my face. Was it just a coincidence that I felt like there was a crack on my life?

No, it couldn't be. I didn't much minded after as I finished began picking up the larger pieces. Once that was done, I grabbed the sweeper and began picking up the rest of the pieces.

The rest of the day, I just spent cleaning the kitchen and the dining room. My life felt so unclear to me now. I never really understood how I, of all the living creatures in the world had become a drone to the world.

Everyday, it is the same thing, different day, with so little change whatsoever. As, I write this down on my journal on my computer, I can't help but feel that this will not last. I feel though that somehow, one little event will change my life and everyone I know.

I know that something will change our lives, whether it be a wonderful thing or horrible thing, our lives will change.

To the gods, I pray with every ounce of my... soul, if I have one, that my destiny will be shown to me. I pray that I will be a slave no more, in my future. That I will find a proper mate, who will lead us to freedom and make a wonderful life with. I pray...

When the night had approached, my sister and Nliyn were in their rooms. I passed by, hearing only Nliyn talk, hearing only a glimpse of what she was saying.

"My mother's name is Aliyssa and my mother's brother's name is Dra..."

I didn't hear anything more and walked into my room. As soon as I opened the door, I closed it behind me, not locking it so that my sister may come in. I walked over to my bed, not caring what I was dressed in and collapsed over. I felt so weak all of a sudden but maybe it was all of the days work.

I yawned softly, feeling my eyes feeling heavy. The world began to fade in and out. My last thoughts, as I laid dying were how the next day will be or how the next week will be. I never knew that my prayers went answered nor that until later, my life will never be the same when I woke up the next day.

I am so sorry that it took almost another year to type this but I was losing hope in these series and I hope that if you are reading this, that you have taken a vast intrest in this.

Any thoughts or comments are appreciated.

Editors and Proof checkers are always welcomed.

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