Dreams: Chapter 1

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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"Marcus! Please don't..."

"No, NO! Fuck you. How could you do that? Were you even thinking?"

"Please it was a mistake babe. I promise I won't do it again."

"You won't do it again? How can I be sure of that? I gave you everything I had, everything that I had going for me I gave to you! I trusted you..."

"I know Marcus... I don't know what else to say. You're my world, I love you more than anything. I would kill myself without you. I know I'm not the best person in the world, I know I'm not perfect but you are to me and I would do anything to be with you."

"Than why did you do it Jacob? How can you say this after what you just did?"

"I'm sorry ok! I don't know, it just... happened. Please Marcus believe me I didn't want to hurt you"

"I do believe you Jacob, and I do forgive you. But what you did I can't forget, at least for as long as I am with you..."

"Marcus please don't! Please!"

"I'm sorry, I have to. It's over."

"Marcus... I, I can't live without you"

"There will be more loves in your life besides me Jacob, who knows maybe even someone better. Goodbye hun."


Present Day:

"Hey Lou! Lou! Wait up man!"

"Shit sorry Marc, couldn't really hear you. All these damn girls slamming their lockers shut."

"Oh stop, we both know you were looking at their ass. Anyway what's going on?"

"Um, nothing today actually. I was just going to hang out at my house and sleep. Parents are gone so no one to bother me, or pound on my door for random ass reasons."

"Heh, I though us felines were the lazy ones. Guess these wolfdogs are just cats in disguise."

"I would watch your tongue kitty."

"Oh, what are you going to do? Kiss me maybe, ha like that'll ever happen."

"Get me drunk enough and we will see. Anyway back on topic why'd you need to know what I was doing?"

"No reason really, just thought we could hang out for a bit. Study, play some games. Truth be told though my parents didn't want me home until after five today so I have nowhere to go. My mom said she would be cleaning and that my father would be paying bills."

"You believe that shit?"

"Hmm, well yes. My mom will be cleaning my father's..."

"Marcus shut-up before you make me puke a hairball of my own on you. I don't want to hear about your parent's sex habits."

"Yes, wouldn't want you pitching a tent walking down the hallway and "tying" it down along the way."

"Please for the love of God Marcus stop. Too many damn puns, it's not healthy to overdose on that stuff. Tell you what, you can come over it you want but you leave those puns outside my front door."

"Hmm last time I remembered I normally like coming from the back, sometimes the side door even works."

"Marcus I swear... wait side door? Huh?"

"Yea, you know the one on the back of the knee."

"Ok... Marc, I'm going to class. Meet me by my car and I'll just drive straight to my house, that way you don't have to walk."

"I didn't plan on walking Lou, I'm a cat."

"No you're a panther. Panthers aren't as lazy... What am I doing? Go to class Marcus!"

"Ok puppy! See you after class."

"Later man"

It's honestly kind of funny him and I, I mean who would have thought that us two can click so well. Sure he may... well like men but that doesn't mean he is any different. I don't want to say he's gay or homosexual, for some reason labels just seem offensive to me. Hell I don't even call myself a jock even though it is what I am. I remember the day eight months ago when he came to my house, said I was the only friend he had left. I didn't get it until he told me his boyfriend cheated on him and that he called it off. Ever since then, I've been protective over him, so much so I've kind of forgotten about my own life, just so I can help him with his.

"Louis! Louis you damn sexy wolfdog where do you think you're going"

"Huh, oh. Biology Sam, why?"

"That's downstairs doggy, you're at the right room but wrong level. What would you do without me huh?"

"Damn, how long do I have?"

"You have about 20 seconds. Later Lou, I'm not going to be late just because you are. Oh 15 seconds. Mwah"

"I'm going to be late again because of Marc. What is it with me lately; I just can't seem to get my game on. Class, practice, anything really is just becoming a blur. Hell I'm going to be late so might as well do it with some fashion, maybe I will just casually stroll in 5 minutes late and sit like nothing is wrong. Heh wonder what Mr. South will have to say."


"Damn Lou, where have you been? I was starting to get worried that you got beat up for hanging out with the local gay"

"No, no one could take me anyway if they wanted. Look at me Marcus, I'm big, strong, plus I'm a wolf."

"Wolfdog Lou, not a wolf, bit of a difference."

"That smirk, something about it always makes me laugh, or want to anyway. I don't understand why though, it looks so mischievous yet friendly at the same time."

_ _ "Lou is something wrong?"

"No, I was just... thinking."

"About what? You know you can tell me anything. I mean, I've told you I was gay before anyone else. You're still my friend and I promise I will be yours."

"It's nothing Marcus, It's just some stuff I need to clear up in my head. It's nothing bad I promise. Though even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to tell you for sure what it is."

"Alright Lou I won't push it, so long as you promise it is nothing serious."

"I promise Marcus, now let's go."

As Marcus and I drove to my place, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I've done this with him many times in the past; have him stay at my place or vice-versa. I've never felt so... apprehensive before though, but it doesn't look like he has noticed. Why do I choose to hang out with him when others are so afraid of him, why others avoid him just because he likes men? Maybe it's because we have been friends since we were eight and we've grown up with each other. I'm not sure but I know for sure that I feel somewhat odd at the moment, but it could just be from other things on my mind.

I pulled up my driveway noting that neither of my parents were home so they were both working late nights. It always made Marcus uneasy when they were there for some reason, and he tried his best to hide his "gay" side. I never understood why though, neither of them hated homosexuals and in fact on several occasions assured me if I was gay, due to my lack of girlfriends, they would be happy no matter what. I've told Marcus several times and to this day he hasn't changed.

"Hey Lou, can I ask you something?"

"Yea, but let's get inside first. The heat is killer today."

"Afraid you will start panting rapidly?"

"No, I've gotten over that since all dogs do that. Tell me how often do you clean yourself?"


"The look of genuine confusion is always a great one. The faces that one can make are just about the most outrageous thing on the planet."

_ _ "You know" I started licking my arm to give an example than pointed to my crotch.

"You sick bastard! I don't do that!"

"Aww is kitty deprived?"

"Even if I was, what would you do about it?"

With that last comment we entered the house and set our stuff in the living room. It was a pretty average house for the most part with a few nice things, but everything else was pretty generic of what a middle class household should have.

Marcus sat down on the couch and started digging through his backpack for the homework he had to complete for the next day. I however had weightlifting for my last period and was in the need of a serious shower before I did anything.

"Hey Marc, I'm going to hit the shower ok. You know the drill and such right?"

"Hmm, do your math since it's the same as mine and you do the history since I fall asleep in that boring ass class? You got it boss see you in fifteen."

This was pretty much our routine, and it was honestly nice. It has been this way ever since he broke up with first and last boyfriend. It was odd at first, having another guy around all the time, but my parents were very supportive. The fact that he liked men though didn't bother me in the least, when it would have normally freaked other guys out. Again that was probably due to the fact we have known each other from childhood and we trusted one another.

As I turned on the water, I couldn't help but think to myself "What if Marcus likes me but hasn't said anything?" I know it sounds outrageous but when you think about it, we already to everything in a relationship except the intimate parts. We hang out more than two guys have a right to, we go places place with each other more often than we do with other people, we always have each other to depend on and to protect. Hell we even give each other full blown hugs like couples do.

I finished washing and toweled myself off the best I could without having to use the dryer. For some reason I enjoy the feeling of slightly damn fur on a hot summer day even if I am inside with air conditioning. I walked to my bedroom with towel around my waist in search for my pair of favorite jeans and button up overshirt.

"I'm done!" I heard from across the house. It never took him to long to do math, hell he was the fastest one in his class apparently.

"I'll be right there, getting dressed" I yelled back. I finished slipping the shirt on and like always just left it unbuttoned. Marcus never seemed to mind or be affected by me showing off my body and it was a hell of a lot more comfortable to leave it unbuttoned. Walking back to the living room I noticed him laying down on the couch with his ears and eyes following me intently. This was something I had never seen him do before so I became concerned.

"Is something wrong Marcus?"

"Nah Lou, I just wanted to mess with you. You seemed a little freaked out, kind of funny seeing the face you made."

"Geez don't do that to me, you had more worried honestly. Anyway let's see this history assignment that's due."

"I already did that in class and just copied my answers for you, with a bit of word change of course. I would put it in your own handwriting before you turn it in, after all it seems teachers have the uncanny ability to memorize everyone's handwriting."

"Oh, alright... So what do you want to do then?"

"I brought us a movie to watch, and I promise it's not a chick flick. It's called, well here take it"

"The Revelation of the Dawnguard?"

"Yea it's a Sci-Fi, since we both seem to like that type of stuff. It's really futuristic too and has a lot of action."

We both settled down on the floor sharing the space between the couch and the television, using the front of the couch to sit up against. At some point during the movie Marcus fell asleep, I didn't notice until his head came to rest on my shoulder. I thought about moving back, than just picking him up and laying him on the couch. Instead I just settled with letting him sleep like he was since I didn't mind, and for some reason it comforted me. I watched the up to the main battle of the movie and decided to call it quits for the night since I was getting tired myself. I didn't want to wake Marcus so I decided to grab the blanket hanging over the couch and put it over the both of us.