White Chocolate Mocha: Chapter 2

Story by arxidan on SoFurry

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#2 of White Chocolate Mocha

I awoke the next morning to a single ray of light beaming through the centre of my curtain right at my eye. I toss and turn noticing that my alarm clock had yet to ring and still trying to get that extra few seconds of sleep before it does, but after a few minutes my attempts are failed and I begin to slug my way out of my bed. Oh how nice it would be to have that hunky Sheppie waking me up with a nice mug of my coffee. Especially if he delivered it to me with nothing but a pair of skimpy underwear that perfectly accentuated him within. I decided that I needed to get ready somewhat early, I had to pick up some stuff before I go to work this morning.

I quickly hopped in the shower, paying myself only a slight bit of attention before jumping out, drying off, and returning to my room to find something suitable to wear for work today. Of course I started by putting on a pair of boxers, an undershirt, and socks. I thumbed through the selection of shirts and slacks hanging in my closet before giving up, for the most part, and grabbing a white shirt and khaki slacks. I finished my ensemble up with a blue and grey stripped tie and a black leather belt with a silver buckle. I returned to the bathroom to put on deodorant and brush my headfur slightly. I checked myself in the mirror for any stray furs on my dark brown fur, and upon lack of discovery I returned to my room to put on my pair of shoes before grabbing my keys, wallet, and walking out the door and locking it behind me.

Today is going to be good, at least, I feel like it is. I'm going to start off by heading to the coffee shop, getting my white chocolate mocha, then store, then work, none of which are particularly much of a chore. So, I went about my day, walking the block and a half or so to the coffee shop where I met the wonderful stud of a German Shepard of which I now have a date with tomorrow! As soon as I walked into the store, I saw his smiling muzzle as he talked to another customer, an elderly squirrel paying him for her soon to be prepared beverage. Upon her moving his vision moved to me, his gleaming green eyes shone into mine with that same enthusiasm he has always had, only now do I realize that it wasn't just his love for his job, but also his interest in me, or whatever he'd call it. I walk up to the counter.

"Hey there again! The usual I presume?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Haha! You know me too well, yup, a large white chocolate mocha., here," I say as I reach out my was towards him with the usual 4.75 that I give him. This time however, he does not accept my money, grabbing my open paw and closing it around my money.

"This one is on the house, there are some perks to being a regular after all," he says with a wink before getting to work on my drink personally.

"Thank you!" I awkwardly stand for a short time while I wait for my drink, once it is completed he passes it to me and I make my way to my usual place where I drink my coffee. The small table in the corner that still has a perfectly uninhibited view of the barista bar, namely the area where Rey usually stand. I unpack my laptop and turn it on before getting to work as usual. I connect to the shop's wi-fi and then go over various files, news reports, and graphs before I finally take a sip of my coffee. As I place the half emptied cup down, as it usually is after the first "sip" I notice something. A small note on the cup sleeve. In small black lettering, "Can't wait!" is written. The note filled me with joy. I too was very excited. I mean, who wouldn't be, I have a date with the guy I've been flirting with for the past couple of months. I'm fucking stoked! To be completely honest.

I look over at him to find him busy at work, as I should probably be, however, how could I help but look over at him, working all hard and whatnot, serving people their drinks and taking orders and money. I kind of envy him, it seems so simple. I wish I had something that simple and stable. Instead I have to fight tooth and claw each day just to make sure that I'll have a job next week. I guess its not too big of a deal, the work is something that I'm good at, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. It's not like anyone else could really do very much better anyway. Oh well, duty calls soon, I still need to go to the store. I guess I best be going then. I stand up, chug the rest of my drink before packing my laptop up and leaving, throwing my cup away on my way out, and stealing one more glance of those emerald eyes. I make my way back to my apartment complex and make my way to the parking garage to find my car and make my way to the supermarket.

As I walk into the supermarket I think of the things that I need around the house. Definitely some actual food, I need to stop eating out so much. So food some bare essential food is definitely on the list, so I quickly make my way to the bread, deli meat, cereal, and milk before reevaluating what I need. There is that date tomorrow, should I maybe pick up some cologne while I'm here? I haven't had to thought about impressing a man since... hmm, I cant even remember myself. I think it was last February? I count my digits to make sure. Damn, that was a full 8 months ago! Wow, maybe Jay was right, maybe I have been a bit dick deprived. Eh, I haven't really notices, so I guess it must not be too much of a deal, I've been too busy with work this summer to have to deal with a relationship, thankfully, things have slowed down this month, so I'm pretty sure that I have time for Rey. So, yeah, cologne, I think its a must. I make my way to the health section and stare at the various vials of fragrances with confusion. Geez, its been much too long. I have no idea what the hell I'm looking at here. I scan the vials for a while before coming across a name that I recall, only vaguely but I do recall it. I think it was the same cologne that my boyfriend in the 12th grade wore. I did always like the way he smelled. I pick it up and spritz some on my wrist and take a sniff. Yup, I do love the smell. Alright, I'm down for it! I toss it into my cart and drive away and pass by a certain aisle with hesitation. The aisle is full of condoms, lubes, and other safe sex items.

I wonder if he and I will go all the way on the first date, in which case, should I get a pack of condoms? Nah, I'm certain we won't, I don't give it up that easily. Then again, it has been a while. Maybe I should get some, although, I think he would probably have some. I think, regardless of situation, I'll be fine. I make my way to the cashier and quickly pay and make my way into my car and home to put the items which could parish away before making my way to my job.

As I walk through the office the receptionist waves and smiles at me, not like her usual flirty way, more along the lines of a sincerely happy smile and wave. Something is up. I quickly make my way to my quaint cubicle and set my laptop case down and pull it out. Before long a pair of pointed ears pop up over the edge of my cubicle, followed by the spotted face of a certain feline which may have made my life both more enjoyable, and probably more difficult.

"Heya! How you doing there Dyl!?" He says as perkily as ever.

"I would have been better, what have you been telling people?"

"Haha! There no getting anything past you is there, I guess that's why you're next up in line for a promotion. Well, I sorta told all the girls that fawn over you that you were off the market. They all started getting messed up jellyfish girl rage, so I kinda had to tell them his name was Rey."

"You what!? Jay!!! Do you know how hard I've worked to keep my personal and professional life separate? And now just because of you everyone knows my dirty laundry!" I barked at him, softly however, as to maintain the flow of work.

"Don't worry guy, not everybody know, I told the girls to keep their lips shut," he says with a proud smile on his face.

"Think about what you just said. You told girls to keep their mouths shut. You do realize how ridiculous that sounds right?" It took him a moment to mull it over, but once he realized, his smile was gone.

"Shit! You're right! Well, one thing is good, the rest of the guys here aren't really worth talking to here anyways, and since its only women, the news won't get very high up! You're good man!"

"Oh, you better hope so, I'm looking forward to that promotion. I don't want to lose it because my life is "too complicated" or that I'm "too distracted" or whatever. This year was supposed to be good!"

"It will be! Don't you worry your pretty little homo fabulous head, I've got your back!"

"You better! You don't want to see me angry! You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"

"Bitch, don't you try to act all hard! You ain't nothing but a little puppy dog! You wouldn't do shit!"

"I could try my bark, couldn't I?"

"Not really! Now get back to work!" I grunt in response to him and resume my day, quickly finishing my work as most of the research had already been done. The life of a stock forecaster sure is cushy, at least, it is when analysis comes easy to you. I don't know why analysis of stocks comes easy to me. I'd never been much of a math buff, or a history buff, or a science buff, my only real perk was my english skills, but that's not really helping me out, so maybe its just some sort of prodigal skill? I don't know, all I know is that it pays the bills so I'm not complaining.

Once I finish I return home, back to my fortress of solitude, my place of inspiration, my home. It felt good to walk into my door and know that I had something to eat. So I quickly made myself a basic sandwich and devoured it before taking my laptop out and checking my email. Nothing noteworthy, just some spam ads for penis enlargement, and some ads for some of the stores I shop at. I close my laptop and plant my tail in front of the T.V. and turn it on to a comedy show and sit there blankly. Its nice to be able to allow my mind to rest after work. To just lounge on the couch. It feels...

\ **BUZZ**

My phone starts buzzing in its usual vibrating manner depicting a text. I pull it out and find a number that is unknown, there aren't very many people this could be so my tail starts wagging.

'Hey there Dylan, it's Rey. What are you up to?' his text reads, my suspicions are confirmed and my tail wags erratically.

'Not much, just tv after a day at work, wbu?' I reply.

'Same deal, somewhat, just have a down period at the shop and decided that I needed to talk to you about tomorrow, I was thinking of waiting till tomorrow, but, I just didn't want to wait.'

'Haha, yeah, I was hoping that you would text me soon too. So, what are the plans for tomorrow anyways?'

'well, I just need you to text me your address and i'll be there to pick you up at about 7:30. I'm going to be taking you to my favorite restaurant, that is, unless you find that you have something wrong with it when the time comes'

'Don't worry about, I'm easy!' just as I pressed send, I immediately realized what I had just said.

'That's good to know, at least you shouldn't absolutely hate my restaurant choice. :P'

'Well, I think I'm about to hit the hay, good night to you, hope you have a great rest of your work day.'

' "Hit the hay"? Its only eight o'clock! What are you, an old man? Hahah, jkjk! Alright, good night then, I look forward to tomorrow!'

'me too, good night Rey'

I waited for a reply for a bit, but I didn't get one, so I simply took off my clothes down to my underwear and slipped into my bed. At least the day of wait is almost over, soon, it will be tomorrow, and I could be on my date with the white chocolate mocha barista!