Vampires of the vacant lot 4

Story by Zecon19 on SoFurry

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Zecon is now in trouble. a strange man appears and he seems to know more then he should. witness as she tires to handle it. 0.0

Chapter 4

A funny turn about

"Young lady. Young lady! Madam are you listening to me?!"

            The words Linkz said to me the night before echo through my mind like a chorus. The amulet, still nestled between my breasts still refused to warm to my skin, giving me a constant reminder of its presents. It takes a moment for the ladies words to breach the fog of my occupied mind. I shake myself mentally and physically as I tear myself from my daydream.

"Ye...yes! Sorry I was preoccupied." I state lamely as I pick up her books and scan them into my computer.

"Well if you were paying attention you would have heard me!" The women practically huffs.

I look up at her and take in her round figure, beady eyes and over flowering dress. She is a wood elf who obviously nabbed a rich husband somewhere.

I feel sorry for the poor fellow.

The sale range and I ask, "Is there anything else you like?" smiling tightly.

"Yes!" She huffed again. "If you bother to pay attention this time?"

 "I am all ears." I emphasis by pulling my pointed one.

"Good! Then I would like a double mocha with three jelly rolls to go please! Do hurry on now I have business at the tailors.  My daughter is getting married soon and I mustn't doddle."

Turning on the mocha machine and heating up a few jelly rolls (like the women needed any more) I begin to prepare her order as fast as possible.

As I work a commotion starts as Lady Ugy sails through the doors as if she were a ship rushing from a storm.

"News all! I have news!" She practically shouts and hops in her summer dress.

A thin sun elf, her white eyes and gold skin seem to light up the room.

"News I tell you! You all must know this!" She is practically frantic.

"Calm yourself Lady Ugy and just say it. I don't want my customers to be overly upset." I say calmly as I finish up the chubby women's order.

"Yes do." The chubby one said. "I must be at the tailors." But even as she says it, she takes her order sits down at one of the round tables and begins to search for her first roll.

Now understand I would never tolerate someone barging into my store for some silly news, but this was Lady Ugy. She was the news, anything that came from her gapping mouth had to be past on. It was a wonder the mayor could stand having her as his wife. She could never keep a secret.

Many of my customers (and myself) stood still and waited for her to continue. "Oh it is bad news for Eligwood my dears!" She nearly simpers with drama. "Word is that there is an unsavory lot heading this way! Mad men, unholy men who clam to do business for the Gods and the holy houses! The call themselves bounty hunters, but the many filthy bounty hunters that have crawled in and out of this town in the past, these men are even more so!" She pauses to sniff into her hanky. "My dear husband had a rude call from some of the ruffians last night. Claimed that they were here to eradicate the scum of the night?" She huffs. "Why, do you suppose they want to bother with scrapping scum in the night. There isn't much in the water and no real use for it anyway."

Several customers and I chuckle.

"Maybe they are here about the ancient vampire legends you think?" Said one of the customers. A short lanky dark elf who is enjoying his third cup of coffee. Two sugars, one cream, stirred three times to the left.

"Oh that." She sniffs into her hanky again. "I don't believe in such rubbish. And even if there were vampires in this immediate area, don't you think they would be smart enough to leave before those scoundrels come. They are wandering around in a large pack like cattle..."

"You mean herd!" One man chuckles.

"Pack, herd, what's the difference."

"A very significant one if you wish to compare them to cattle!" said another voice.

"Oh I don't see the difference! Anyway I warn you all to keep a lid on your doors, and a lock on your pots....."

"Isen't that the other way around?"

"Your doing things backwards again Lady Ugy!"

She huffs and says, "Never mind that! Isn't it more important to just listen to the information and not scrutinize how it is being delivered. Especially if it is important?"

"Depends Lady Ugy, if you want people to take your news seriously. Then you may want to put a bit of effort in insuring that it comes out correctly don't you think?" I state softly. A few customers murmur in agreement.

Ugy rolls her eyes and waves her hanky in the air dramatically.

"Oh bother. Well my final words, my dear friends, is the fact that I wish you all to stay away from the eastern woods, those blighters have taken refuge in the Redwood district near the Creaking falls. I advise you to spread the news! Don't let your children out of your sight when those beasts are in town, those lechers could snatch any unwilling prey at a moments notice!"

I roll my eyes slightly, only because she always indicates the lecherous and the prey speech whenever a group of newcomers are in town. But in this case it is a good note to stand by.

"We'll keep that in mind!"

"Thanks for the news Lady Ugy!"

"Your so generous!"

"Free coffee and muffin Lady Ugy?" I say calmly as I smile at three of my customers who gave her the praise. She loves praises.

"Oh I do have to go on. Must spread the news you know!" But even as she says so she glides over to my register and looks over my menu of different coffees. "But It wouldn't hurt to have a peaches and cream capa with a berry muffin to go please. Be quick I must spread this news!" she posses in a dramatic fashion with her head thrown back her arm extended and her body in a bowed arch on my bar stool located in the very front of my register.

My customers get back to shopping and I prepare the coffee and muffin. In two short moments Lady Ugy leaves with a hot cup and a bag and is silent as she sips her free drink. I smile and get back into business.

"Bitter and riff raff I say, that women always overly romanticizes a situation. She can never seem to keep away when news is afoot." States the chubby women as she brushes sugar from her face.

"She's only helping my lady. Or in her mind she is, many people don't mind her intrusions." I say as I ring up a few books.

"She needs to learn a thing or to about timing! As for that I am late!" The large lady waddles out of my doors and I give a sigh of relief. I hate her negativity. It sours my day.

Three hours pass and I look up to see that it istwelve o'clock. I sigh and look about. My customers are everywhere and their minds are content. I feel one having a problem understanding a book and I lend them a bit of insight. This power enables me to deal with more then one person so that I could run the store smoothly. Although it is a lonely working by myself here, it is also satisfying and a challenge, to see how many people my mind could find and help while I ring up sales.

I chuckle and feel good for myself as I drink some mint tea. Suddenly a fissure strikes the air and my smile dies instantly. It is cold and yet vaguely  familiar, but oddly it only lasts for a brief moment before it evaporates into nothing. Frowning I try to pinpoint the source, but am interrupted by a group of customers. The amulet vibrates faintly as I try to grasp the books being handed to me.

Ringing sales I try to calm my breath that has suddenly become faster and uneven. My hands even shake as I quickly calculate the prices and give the customers their merchandise.

The front door bell rings as new customers come in. I am on the last customer, an elderly man with a tendency to suck his teeth every ten seconds, When a small pair of arms wrap themselves around my middle. I yelp and glance down to see a familiar pair of green eyes.

"I got you!"

"Todd? What are you doing here?" I kneel down and give him a hug. I couldn't help it. The boy is such a sweet thing that I had to give him a hug.

"I came to see you!" his voice muffled against my shirt.

"I see that you little brat, what I mean is what are you doing here alone. Your mother will kill you!"

His eyes and smile widen as he says, "I'm not...."

"Mr. Ramsi I don't think it's wise to be behind the register. What would your mother think?" Came a deep voice.

I look up and shock courses down my spine as a pair of golden swirling eyes, blank of any pupils, stare down at Todd from the other side of the counter, as the boy clings to me.

"She knows me Spink! And besides, who said it again, what mama don't know can't hurt her." The boy looks up leeringly at Spink.

"Ah you smart hick. But she's your mama not mine. I'm just your new stable boy innocently shopping in town for supplies for the horses. It's not my fault if a fungus clings to me boots as I was walking from the mansion." He winks at me and I swear my face is heating to five hundred degrees.

"Spink! You promised!" Whined Todd as his arms tightens around my middle.  

"Oh I guess I did, but remember it's your butt not mine." Spink turns his face away and folds his hands across his chest.

"Yeah!" Todd turns to me. "I got money! I'll be right back!" He rushes away and under the counter entrance. He zips to the children's section, nearly knocking over two customers.

"He is something you must admit. Full of energy and spunk." Spink said with a bit of a smirk.

I turn and give him my full attention. He is around six foot two, with golden brown hair that reaches his shoulders. His face is handsome, all sharp angles and smoothed points. His ears are long and tuffed with little hairs on the ends. His body is as streamlined as a practiced swimmer and his posture is straight and proud. He wears a straw hat, brown vest, and a flowing white work shirt. His pants are unseen due to the counter being in the way. His clothes are worn and slightly dirty but never the less they look like they are of good quality.

But out of everything else it is his odd eyes that held me. I have never seen the like, and for some reason they seem very familiar all of a sudden.

He turns his full gaze at me and smiles in a way that looks cocky and charming at the same time.

I gulp.

Looking around his smile fades slightly and he asks, "So...ah, do you work here alone?"

I blink. Where did that come from? "Yes alone. I have been doing very fine in the last few months and things are really picking up. I have been thinking about getting some help but..." I stop suddenly as I witnessed a flicker in his odd eyes. Did I just see impatience or is it anger?

"You work here alone, in this big building with no one but yourself?" His voice is very level and if I'm right then I swear he's...

"Are you angry about something sir?" I ask levelly as my temper is suddenly pricked.

Those eyes look back into mine and the full impact sends a shiver up my spine and I straighten. I stare back challengingly and smile when his eyes glance away first. But when I focus back on his face I relies that he is smiling to.

What is he smiling about??

"I got it I got it!" shouts Todd as he races back toward the counter. My gaze falls away from Spink and spots Todd making his way back to me.

"Ohh no you don't!" Spink says and grabs Todd as he tries to get behind the register again. "You stay in line like everyone else." He places Todd behind two customers that had just walked up to check out.

"But..." Todd begins.

"No buts. They were here first and if I am going to teach you anything while you're here with me, disobeying your mom on top of that, then I will show you common curtsy to others."

Todd looks up at Spink and then around one of the customers to me. I smile at him as I speed my way through purchases. Todd is a trouper as he waits patiently for the other two people to be done with their orders.

Finally he stood before me and with a prideful smile he hands me three books. I stare at them then back at him as he hands me a handful of bills.

"See I pay! I have money and I hope your three for one offer is still open." He smiles and stands there hoping.

I glance at the books, the juggiling book being the one on top. The other of his choices is the rights of passages book, and a book on being a noble knight. The books were fine and they didn't seem inappropriate. However...

"Todd, last time you were here your mother didn't want you to get any books. She was sorely mad. I can't stop you from leaving your own home like you did today, but I don't think I can sell you these books." I say sadly.

His face falls and my chest aches. I wanted to sell them, I did, but if the parent found them and traced them back to me, and it could be a mess to deal with and clean up. Plus she would try to make my store look bad which is definitely something that I could not afford.

"Well then so sad." Spink says as he picks up the books and looks through them. I wonder what he is about as he places them back down and withdraws his wallet. "I guess I have no choice but to spend what little money I have to buy books for a spoiled brat and then hide them away in my little cabin so he can read them whenever he comes by." He drops a handful of bills on the books. "Wooisme!!"

I stare at him and Todd flings himself to hug Spink. Spink catches him and lifts him up in the air and sitting Todd on his arm they look back at me.

I smile and ring up the sales. I place the books in a bag and give it to Todd.

"I don't want to see your mama in my store to start a ruckus hear me?" I warn him with a playful grin. He nodes enthusiastically and takes his packages. Spink sets him down and says, "Listen sport why don't you go read some of your new books. I'll try to talk the nice lady to giving us some free ice cream. Kayness?" He winks.

"Okayness!" Says Todd and he walks off clutching the books to his chest. He sits down on one of the coffee tables and takes out a book. Spink turns to me and I turn my back to him as I clean my coffee station.

"Seems to me that you really take care of this place miss." Spink says offhandedly. I shrug paying him no mind. He was nice enough to help Todd out but something about him rubbed me the wrong way.

"It's really nice here. Almost gives off that homey feeling." I here a creek as he sits on one of the bar stools lining up and down my counter.

"That's how I wanted it." I state quietly and dully as I wipe down some Sundae glasses. Placing them on their stands, I here Spink sigh.

"It's to bad that the king put so much of his effort into such an ungrateful little thing like you." Comes and equally dull reply.

I stiffen momentarily and then continue on working. I keep my back turned and fear eats at me. I grab a cart and start to fumble around with the books, not really seeing were I am placing them I try to think of a retort that didn't sound fishy.

"What king would that be?" I say as calmly and smoothly as can be. "I didn't no Eligwood had any kings other then the mayor who fancies himself to be one." I add a chuckle.

"Indeed the mayor is such a high strung man of foolish morals. Self absorbed though he is, and oh so easy to manipulate. Unlike our king he is a fool."

There he goes with that word again. If I didn't know better he could be a spy for the Hunters trying to probe people for answers.

I sigh and turn around with a washcloth in my hands. Spink sat facing off to the side fiddling with one of the one dollar post cards I had on display.

"Look your bugging me, and If you hadn't noticed I do indeed have a great amount of work to do, so could you please leave now. Todd needs to go home before his mother flips out again. He doesn't need that type of stress right now."

"And what do you think he needs?" Spink asks as his empty eyes rise up to stare at me. I shiver at the void of gold as he continues. "Your nothing more then a low grade book sales woman with no past that is memorable and a future doomed to failure. So if there is anyone who needs to focus on their own health and well being." He stands incredibly fast and grabs my collar. Jerking me forward he pulls my face up to his and whispers into my ear, "It's you and all your filthy kind. You better watch yourself little one, because I'm coming to get you."

He releases me with a shove and I catch myself quickly. Spink walks over to Todd and says something to him. Todd looks over and grins, waves and gathers his things to leave. As they go Spink turns around and looks back. For a moment I feel my chest tightening as those cold eyes fix me with a blank stare. Then without a final word, he leaves. The jingling of the bells the only sound that seem to resonate in the store.

I shiver as the final jingles fade into nothing and I find myself walking numbly to my office. I pass by customers that probably needed my help, but if I heard them then I could not say. For all I could focus on is getting to my office and calling someone.

I finally arrived, closed, and locked the door. Unlike the basement were I watch over the ancient scrolls and do my real work, here in this little office is the face that all customers and authors come to do business.

It is small but spacious enough not to be suffocating. It had many file cabinets, made of pine wood, a desk that is small and black that held a few desk items. The floor is made of marble, and the ceiling and walls of polished wood. A few of my home drawn and painted pictures were decorating the small space to bring in some color, and a single large plant sat in the corner.

I walk behind my desk and sit down on a large plump desk chair. I pick up my phone and dial Duglan's number. A few rings then I get an answer from one of Duglan's employees.

"Na the boss ain't here right now. Said he has some business to deal with the rum he had imported. Whole damn shipment gone sour."

"Thanks Tim, can you tell him that I called and that he could reach my cell?"

"Sure can ma'am." Says Tim as I hear the beginnings of a brawl in the background. "Ah shitten kittens! Sorry ma'am gots ta go! Damn forest elves getting frisky with the stone elves again." The phone hung up with a slam.

I called Red bullet next in hopes that this call would go smoother.

"Damn it who the *&(& calling me now!!"

Okay definitely not.

"Who ever the **&^%^ this is better make it quick!! Ro! Damn it Ro give em a smack! When I get my hands on that boy I swear I'll..."

I hung up with a sigh and then called my last hope.

"Hello?" Comes the familiar English accent.

"Hi Madam Dandy? Are you to busy at this moment? I need to talk to some one."  

"Oh Zecon dear! Of course not, I'm never to busy dear. What is it you need to talk about. Wait hold it sweetie, don't move I need to finish braiding your hair. Oh sorry dear I am in the middle of my customers but I am open for talk."

I shake my head, "It's okay Madam Dandy, I'll wait until after I closed shop, would that be a good time to talk then?"

"Oh dear, perfect. You can come over to the Shimmering Lady as soon as your done over at the Dragon's Study. Till then dear!" She hangs up.

I sigh as I hang up and lean back in my chair and rub my hands over my face then back over my long ears and pull at them slightly.

This is not how I wanted my day to progress and it seems that things were going to get very interesting later on since this would be my official first time going to the Shimmering Lady, Madam Dandies boutique.

I leave the office and continue on with the rest of my day. Hours pass before  I look up and relies that it is coming close to closing time. I finish with the last of the customers and shoo off the stragglers. After counting the days earnings and splitting the amounts, I close down the shop with my envelope of money tucked into my pocket. I walk down the street to my bank and deposit the money into my account before continuing on my way to the Shimmering Lady.  

Now understand that this is the first time I would be visiting her store, so how would I know where to look? Since the Elders are close, we often feed from one another to strengthen our bonds. Since I have feed from Madam Dandy a few times her sent and energy were easy to fallow and locate in the small town ofEligwood. As I walk to her store I pass a farmers market and make a note to stop by some time to check out some fresh produce that gleamed with its own richness in the sun. The smells of small street venders selling their freshly cooked foods fills my nostrils, making my mouth water to the point that I find myself in front of one waiting for my turn in line. As I wait I turn and see a cart about twenty feet from were I stand. In the market district the shops are close together and packet with people, bustling about with their wears and talking to others as they go about their day. Why this particular cart interested me I don't know, but as I watched the owner came out of a store with a young boy on his shoulders. I gasp and almost chock on my own spit as I relies that it is Spink with Todd. I turn my head away from them as I try to figure out what to do. I contemplate on going on to the Shimmering Lady, and that I should do it quickly before they notice me.

"And what would you like today young lady?"

I look up and see a frog faced man with a toothless smile grinning down at me from the other side of the booth. I give him a funny grin thinking up a quick excuse to leave when the smells of his food filled into my nostrils again.

" I would like a chicken wrap with extra lettuce, little mayo, lots of cheese, onion and peppers. A side of oven baked chips, with an apple, and a, ohhhhh hmmm, the ahhh, umm, lets try the cherry pocket pie with a unsweetened tea please." I end my order with a big grin as my stomach rumbles its hungry approval.

The frog like man smiles and wrings up my order as I fish out my wallet.

"That will be six royals and two peasants ma'am." The frog man holds out his hand that is long green and had fins between the fingers. I reach in my wallet to draw out the royals when the frog man says, "Thank you sir! Paying for the lady now? That's kind."

I freeze as unsuspecting doom rolls about my body. Looking up stiffly as Spink retracts his hand back down to his side and grins down at me from his height. I feel my breath quicken in fright. I gulp and turn to stare at the frog mans back as I place my wallet back in my back pocket.

"So nice to bump into ya again miss, miss ah, what was it? Oh yes Zecon isn't it? Yeah Todd told me. So watcha doin? Shopping?"

I don't answer and stare straight ahead. I didn't like this guy and I hoped that he would get the point and walk away.

Hopes are for fools.

"So the silent treatment. I guess I deserve that. Listen I was just playing, I want to be friends, you know the two of us getting together, sharing stories. What do ya think?"

I huff and turn away from him as he turned to me with his arms spread wide in a huggy like gesture. Trying not to giggle at his silly face, I strive to remember his words to me earlier. This guy seemed to know to much and wether I am interpreting his words wrong or not I could not allow myself to be taken by him.

"Here you go miss," Turning I reach out to get the bag the frog man had in his hands when he added, "May you and your mate have a lovely day."

Wide eyes stare at the man for a solid minute when cold hands grab my shoulders and push me away from the vender.

"Need to move love no need to gawk at the poor man its rude." Spink says as he pulls me to the side.

I grasp my bag and turn around to face him. His blank eyes stare into mine with the cold emptiness that I had seen hours earlier, and they filled me with a rage.

"You had no right!" I said as I jerk away from him and walk off.

"Hey wait!" He says as I hear him follow behind me.

I take off into a sprit and duck under tables and boxes to get away from him.


I kept running, I ran from the district, I ran from the noise and the smells. Running from the cold bottomless eyes of the strange man named Spink and his odd hold he had over me. I had to get to Madam Dandy and tell her. I had to tell someone.

I feel that our kind has been discovered.