Born to Serve - 04

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Born to Serve (Unfinished)

Aggressive Negotiations?

A rough hand pushed her into the room and the door crashed shut behind her. A moment later, a heavy bolt slid into place and the room all around went dark. Before the light from the hall had been shut out, Maya had gotten a good look at the two other young women. The older of the two had been a fair skinned brunette woman, likely in her late twenties, the other had been a darling little girl with olive skin and haunted eyes, who was on the younger side of what men generally desired.

"Give it a moment, dear," said the older of the two said, speaking English, "your eyes will adjust in a moment."

"What ... in God ... go here?" Maya's words were also in English, but it was a difficult language for her and she knew that she sounded like a simpleton to those who were fluent in the language.

"We are slaves," the brunette said with a sigh. "I'm Elizabeth, and this is Natasa."

"I Maya," she said and then she paused to look for the words which followed, "I been a slave all my life."

"Did your owner finally sell you off?" Elizabeth asked with some steel in her voice.

"No ... I was running," Maya said with a sigh. "I run from master to different master."

"Oops," the olive skin girl suddenly giggled, and Maya blinked at the dark. "I guess you'll need to try that one again."

"Tasa," Elizabeth scolded in the tone of voice a mother uses when her child has done something which they are too amused by to be truly angry, "be nice. She's had a rough day." The younger of the two giggled again and then stretched in an unconcerned manner.

Elizabeth had been right, Maya's eyes began to adjust to the dark and she discovered that their light and their air were both coming from some tiny grates along the edges of the ceiling. Some activity had begun to shift around above them and soon there was movement as they began to cast off.

"So ... what now?" Maya asked glumly as she found a clear spot to sit down. A few cheap rags made for an almost usable cushion by the other women and soon she was sitting near them.

"Oh," Elizabeth said and then thought for a moment, "there's breakfast and dinner, and a chamber pot over there." Maya cursed in Italian, paused, and then cursed again in French. "You'll get used to it. At least they're good enough to empty it every day."

A loud call from above sent the men to work and a few minutes later they were moving. Maya's stomach lurched to one side and it took some focused effort not to spill her breakfast into the chamber pot. The thought of the unsavory object caused some pre-vomit burping and then she swallowed that down as well.

"You've never been to sea before," Elizabeth stated.

"No," Maya whispered as she swallowed hard.

"Then you'll need a hand," the younger of the two said as she slid over to where Maya was now sitting.

"What are you-?"

"Hush," the girl said as she proceeded to place her fingers on the other's temples and massage them lightly. The bony little fingers seemed to resonate a strange, tingling, energy through Maya's skull, and soon she found the world growing heavy with drowsiness. The girl's lap received her head and the sensation intensified, smoothing away her discomfort and causing a light and almost arousing sensation of trust to settle into her veins.

"This was something my mother used to do for me," Natasa said softly as her little fingers made gentle circles. "There is something about the touch of another that can make all of the world's problems seem like they are not so hard to bear." Maya let out a little moan in response, and then a strange metallic noise drew her back to reality.

"Food," Elizabeth said softly, and a moment later they were all leaning against a section of the wall with a try in their laps. It was simple and unpleasant, but Maya knew she needed her strength, and if she was going to escape this place she would need whatever strength they would allow her. A series of random thoughts distracted her as she forced the hard bread and watered down grog into her system, and when she finished, she set the try aside and pushed it back towards the door.

Another strange tingling sensation flowed through her, and her mind drifted to a faraway place. One hand absently slid up her flank and came to rest on her breast. Without thinking, she gave herself a squeeze and then pinched her nipple. The sudden sensation caused her eyes to flick open and she became painfully aware of the arousal between her thighs.

Across the little room, Natasa was sitting on Elizabeth's lap with her legs wrapped around the brunette's waist. Their mouths had drawn together hungrily and their hands explored the other with comfortable trust. Maya was only partially in control of her hands as they began to touch her body in stimulating ways. Though the Pope had declared it a sin, she could not stop herself.

Something primal stirred inside of her as she watched Elizabeth's hands slide Natasa's blouse up and then drop it onto the deck. Small pert buds, which were larger than the breasts which surrounded them thrust up and full lips surrounded them. The skin around Elizabeth's mouth caved in slightly as she suckled and the girl let out a pleased moan. Bony fingers tangled themselves in thick brunette curls, clenched into fists, and then pulled in an effort to press the woman's head harder to her chest. The act excited the older woman who let out a throaty little growl as she switched nipples and bit hard enough for the girl to cry out in excitement.

Maya's mind swam in a fog of horror and arousal. The entire situation was maddeningly wrong but she could not stop herself from enjoying it. One of her hands slipped up her skirt and down into her breeches. Excitable fingers pressed into the heated wetness that was contained within, which released a pent up moan. The sensation flooded through the rest of her and caused the world to push even farther away from her senses.

For several moments all that existed were the shivers of pleasure that lanced up through her body. Fallacious fingers stirred her insides in a rhythm which built a light pressure under her skin. This pressure might have overflowed into an orgasm had the door not suddenly opened. The shock of metal dragging across metal caused her mind to seize control, and in a moment of frantic movement, she pulled her hands from their sinful play, tugged up her breeches, and swung her legs into a kneeling position that caused her skirt to drop back around her knees.

"Good evening, ladies," Joseph said with a slight bow. Behind his attractive form lurked a few of the other sailors but their body language said they dared not enter without his permission. Maya stared hard at him with a seething hatred that burned like a fire in her chest. Though she was certain she had a right to be angry at him, the intensity of the emotion surprised her, and she began to put the pieces together.

Natasa released Elizabeth and stood, facing the man and panting at him like a hungry beast. "I know, Tasa," he said in the soothing tone one uses with pets, "I've brought you a pair. It looks like poor Elizabeth will be sitting this one out." Maya's eyes flicked down to the brunette who was pitched over on her side, her eyes were closed, her body was limp, but she breathed quickly as if recovering from some type of extreme exertion. The leader of the men motioned to the men at the door and a pair of them entered the room.

Natasa launched herself at the two subordinates. The men were still struggling out of their cloths when the girl freed one of the men's erections and sucked it into her mouth as if she were a starving woman. A few moments later the other man moved around behind her, hiked up her skirt, and pressed into her presented backside. The girl made delighted squealing noises, though the man in her mouth muffled the sound.

The rest of the details faded into the background, though, as Joseph stepped closer to his prey. "It looks like you will be my lady tonight," he said, and Maya soon found herself staring hard into his eyes. Fury raged in her chest and she pressed herself back against the wall. Joseph's smile increased the heat inside of her and she bared her teeth in a growl of pure menace. A sense of primal longing began to take hold as he approached and then stopped an arm's length away. The scent of the man flooded over her, and the sounds of the nearby rutting seemed to press her toward a carnal attack. Maya licked her lips, swallowed, and sucked in her breath in an effort to control herself.

"It's alright," Joseph told her in a gentle tone, and the sound of his voice was like a honeyed potion being poured into her ear. "You aren't mad ... there's an aphrodisiac inside of the food." He took a small step closer to her and she pressed against the wall. "This is how you shall pay for your passage ... you do this for us and no harm comes to you. Do this for us ... and we shall lead you to safety."

Joseph leaned forward, pressed his hands against the wall on either side of Maya's head, and stared hard into her dark eyes. There was no malice there, but she could read all of his desires. The words he had spoken settled into her mind and she began to realize that this voyage could be much like her old life. True, she did not have any of the luxuries here which made her such a high end delicacy, but the rest of it.

"No," she spoke out loud ... she was high end and this sort of treatment was beneath her. The word caused Joseph's face to darken, but she was not going to back down from his anger. "This is not how it works," she recovered her voice into the steady tone of an Italian noble. "A lady like me would cost a man like you a year of pay ... and you would remember the experience for the rest of your life."

"Lucky me," he said as he flexed his fingers into fists. "This should be extra special, then."

"Only if you do as I say," Maya said in a haughty tone which furrowed Joseph's brow. She could see him considering his actions and she seized upon the moment of confusion. Forcing herself off of the wall, she moved on the offensive and glared up into his eyes. "I can massage the cares from your body and I am both fluent and literate in Spanish, Italian, and French. I know music, dance, and even a little medicine. My skin in unmarred, darker than the local girls, and has been maintained so that it will please unlike any other." She closed into his personal space and brought her face so close that she could smell the lemon he had recently eaten. "I am a professional and my madam could have sold me for my weight in Spanish gold. Abuse me, and you are spoiling a fortune."

Joseph's eyes danced in fiery contemplation as pride, lust, and greed all fought for control of his next action. Maya held the intense gaze, intending to reposition herself into a place of untouchable value, but the drugs were still in her system ... he was so close ... so rugged ... smart ... vicious ... a strong predator whose potency would fill her with ... with ...

A leering grin formed on his face as Maya's fingers moved on their own, and slid into his thick hair. Slowly, her fists closed and she pulled him forward. Standing on tiptoes allowed her to kiss his lips. The acidic lemon lingered on his lips, dissolving the sea-born foulness which was typically layered upon sailors. A sensual caress of her tongue slithered along the inside of his mouth, tasting him, drawing in his hunger, sending sparks upon the kindling that might ignite into a passion so intense it might shatter her mind.

Maya ended the kiss, pulled away from him, and shuttered from the swirling mixture of emotions. The hunger in the man's eyes made her want to lunge forward. A hard push allowed her to escape his embrace and she forced herself to look away. The rest of the room was not safe from temptation, however, and the carelessness of her gaze caused it to fall upon Natasa.

More men had entered when Maya's attention was away and the lithe, olive-skinned, girl had straddled one man, had a second draped over her back, and delighted in the attentions of a third whom stood before her. All three of her openings sloshed in the service of the men's excretions. Wet, slapping sounds filled the room as they all thrust into her. The primal noises of the girl announced her delight to the world in a chorus of gasps and hungry screams.

Maya tried to escape this display of carnal savagery, but she simply looked toward Elizabeth ... who had recovered from her exhaustion and was now engaged in her own carnal debauchery. One sailor lay upon the ground and the woman's bottom surrounded his primal parts, bouncing up and down as her skin slapped against his. Her long legs were spread-eagled, allowing another of the sailors to drape over the top of her, press his hands against the wall, for support. His aching body slurped into hers with the grunts of a savage. A scream erupted from her lips as one of the men came into her body, and the shivering release caused the other man to peak a moment later.

Maya grew light headed and stumbled forward. Strong arms caught her and for a moment she found herself in the protective embrace of a man whose motives she did not know. Drawing away from him allowed her to see a look of concern before he hardened it away. The moment of surprise had given her a read of the man who had tricked her into this situation. Though she was annoyed as hell that he had brought her here, she was losing the battle with her body as it screamed at her to knock him to the ground and fill her body with his power.

"Get me out of here," she growled at Joseph as her fingers closed into fists around the material of his tunic. His eyes studied her a moment and then slid around the room. A moment later, Maya found herself no longer standing. Joseph's powerful arms were cradling her like a child and she pressed into him. The muscles of his strong chest rippled under her touch, and her head swam in a sea of bliss as they crossed the threshold and left the noise of the orgy behind them.