Rei's Story Chapter 2: Making Problems

Story by 1mastermind on SoFurry

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#2 of Rei's Story

Hey folks,

sorry for the long delay. But at last I have found the energy to drag my filthy ass from the couch and stop reading the stories of other artists and writing on my own story again.

I exactly knew what would happen in the next chapter and had the ending point of it clearly stated, but as all writers can atest, during writing your story it can somtimes begin to get bigger than you have ever imagined it would go. So during writing I realizedthat my first goal for the ending got a little bit far and I would have burst the marking of maximum pages till the end, so I desided to splitt it up in two seperate chapters, but as nearing the end I still haven't reacht that, so I now have splitt the original story in three parts. So really sorry if the telling is now a little lame, but please hang on for the other two. I'll try to be faster this time.

Just for info, names of chapters already complete but hope they won't erupt during writing just like this one. They'll be "Failure" and Redemption".

ebook version of both chapters here:

pdf version if you'd like to read it free from So Furry: here:

Font used for pdf is Bookman Old style as wished by watchers on SoFurry. The choosing of tzhe fonts by my whatchers is still possible, and I'll change it if the majority wants another one.To vote check here:

Pleae enjoy reading and comments and critics are welcome, as they can only hone my skills.

This is a story of complete fiction and features characters of anthromorphic being known as furries. It contains description of affections and interactions between male characters and is not meant for underage readers. If you are offended by this or are not allowed to read such "crap", please stop now clear your browser and go to the next pastor for mental guidance to absolve for your sin of just opening this file.

All other happy reading and comments are welcome.

Chapter 2: Making Problems

For Rei Loire the last months had been nothing but a mixture of emotions. First he had stumbled upon two of his low grade recruits in military training who were sparing without authorization in the gym at night. He would have kicked them out for that subordination, but during eavesdropping their conversation at training he was thrown into another turmoil as those two mentioned two club bouncers with stark resemblance to long dead comrades of him. After finding a somewhat decent method of punishing them for their insubordination and a little deal to get them on a better term for drills, he went to said club to see those bouncers in person. During his surveillance he was outsmarted by an unknown and made unconscious with a hit against his neck, just to be waking up on a couch in some unknown room. Here he met not only his assailant (also an old comrade) but also his two meant dead comrades and their new employer and savior. And if the realization that his old comrades and friends aren't dead wouldn't have been enough of a shock, the information that he got from the club owner that the government he had sworn to protect had abducted numerous civilians during the last war, in which his friends were thought dead, but also had conducted numerous and cruel experiments on them.

As he thought about all this, he came again to the realization that he had made the right choice after those realizations. Not confronting his superiors and instead making an alliance with his old friends and their savior to locate and rescue the remaining abducted had not only given him a new drive in life, but also the opportunity to work again together with them. He still had to reign in a growl and not fold back his ears whenever speaking with superior on the base, but the times with his friends made up for that at least double. His two recruits Stephen and Benjamin had even put up a lot more progress in their training after getting V-I.P-Passports for the club and the weekly sparring sessions with him and his old comrades from Special Forces. He even renounced his commission as drill instructor for basic military training to again be in the military Special Forces, even if it was just as drill instructor. He justified that to his superiors, with the fact, that as he is the last still living, even if he knew that better, member of all Special Forces that were available. Because of his achievements in the war none of them even grasped the true ulterior motive behind that move. It was not only to further push the training of his two "hobbies", as they went into Special Forces after basic training, but also to have the possibility to get a hand on a shuttle when ever needed, for his little side line as righter of done wrongs to civilians of his former enemy.

As he sat behind his desk writing a report for his superiors about the progression of his platoon in training and the filing of an application for survival training, a knock to his door brought him out of his revere of the last events. "Please come in." he said to the door. As it opened his mood suddenly dropped a few inches which displayed in a slight drop of his ears and the curling of his tail around feet of his chair, as Stephen stood there with one of his co-instructors right behind. The condition of Steven's uniform made apparently clear what the interruption was about. Torn sleeves on his jacket, missing buttons on both jacket and trouser and the pant legs in taters of course could only mean that he again had gone into a fight with one of the others. The missing bruises and bleedings on the Australian shepherd were speaking of his now outstanding talents in close combat. The fennec instructor on the other hand didn't look as good as he had a slight nose bleeding, a black eye around his left eye and his fur was roughly disheveled. Steven stance clearly said, that he thought himself innocent, but the moment he saw Rei's stern face his ears dropped and his tail began drifting between his feet. Trying to keep a neutral expression Rei waved them both in. "So Lieutenant Baker, what is the matter that brought you and Corporal Devreu to me?" "Captain Loire, this none of good soldier was again picking a fight with his teammates and some of the other platoon during lunch in the cafeteria." Rei looked at that at Steven, who dropped his head and his ears a little more. "I see. And if I might ask Lieutenant, of how many contestants on both sides do we speak?" "Well,..." Lieutenant Baker began, a slight blush creeping on his face. "I'm not quite sure, but before I tore this fling out of the mess and brought him here, it were approximately 10 to 15 against him." At that statement Rei couldn't keep a smirk from his face, which he fast reigned in not to unsettle the fennec and went on. "You say 10 to 15. That I cannot really believe, as when I look at the person before me, I would presume that he would look more beaten up, just like you. And as to that point, why are you so beaten up, if you just tore him out of that turmoil. May it have been, that you were also a participant in that ruckus?" To that the fennec looked totally dumbstruck and his tail and ears totally dropped. "Just as I thought", Rei thought to himself, "you were in that fight and after getting the floor wiped with your ass, you want disciplinary measures for the person who outwitted you. Serves you and the others right to think, that you could subdue the new one. If they only knew that he gets special close combat training." To his Lieutenant he just stated, "Thanks for the briefing. You can go now. I want to speak to Corporal Devreu alone now, to hear his side of the story and take measures that this doesn't happen again." A little bit startled Lieutenant Baker saluted and left closing the door behind him.

After Baker left, Rei Loire took a deep breath before looking Steven Devreu in the eyes with as much a stern face as he could muster. "So Stephen, I think you recognized my reaction to what Lieutenant Baker described to me. I'm very proud of you for taking a fight even being outnumbered and then getting out of it with just tattered clothes, but I do not approve that you use your honed skills from the secret training with me and my comrades to pick fights with the other soldiers on base." Stephen sagged slightly down but tried to keep a normal pose, as he knew that he had acted completely wrong, as he clearly knew, that his training had made it possible to him to even win a fight against 20 opponents, also then he might have gotten some bruises. "But know I want to know what could have pissed you so much, that you threw your normal 'the world is just an asshole, and I don't care' demeanor over board and pick a fight. You might guess that I can't let you go without some disciplinary measures." "Yes Sir. I know that my actions were uncalled for and I take whatever punishment you see fit for this." That was, as Rei reflected, another big and not so unpleasant swing of action that was new to Stephen, as before their little encounter in the Gym and shower and his little black mail action he wouldn't have submitted so easily to his command.

"We're here in private now, so you can drop the military addressing standards a little. But as always be careful to do this in public." "Of course Rei, and thanks. This makes me feel a little more comfortable to recount what happened. As you see, Benjamin and myself were just going over from the shooting range to the cafeteria for lunch as always and chatted about our plans for the next weekend. As we neared the entrance we saw 5 of the thugs from platoon 5 who were kicking and punching one of the new recruits on the lawn. We went over and as soon as they saw us stopped their doing und went inside muttering to themselves. Benjamin helped him up while I retrieved the beret they had unceremoniously tossed on one of the trees. He was slightly irritated and uneasy in our presence and after inquiring a few minutes he blurted out with the whole story. He told us, during his shower just after the combat swimming training with his comrades platoon 5 entered, just coming from their midnight open range fighting training. While putting his uniform back on, he spotted one of 'perfectly toned' soldiers, how he described it, and was admiring his built and just wishing that he at one time could also be so studly built, when one of the others saw that and shouted out loud 'Hey faggot, stop drooling, or I'm beating the fuck out of you!' At that the others turned around and started advancing on him, at which point he panicked and just ran out of the barracks, while he was chased by some of them. After they caught him at the entrance of the cafeteria, they caught him in a headlock and started punching and kicking him while saying, that they didn't need another 'faggot' here and that the two they already had would also get what they deserved."

During his recounting Steven slowly began to start growling under his breath, his tail stood completely erect and still and his lips started to drift apart as his canines stated to show more. "He also said that he would be thankful for our help, but he must now go before he is seen with us, which would only make matters worse. After he had left, I started to walk to the cafeteria entrance, but Benjamin stopped me and made sure that I first calm down before doing anything harsh. After two to three minutes of cooling down a bit, we entered and were just getting trays for our meal, when those 5 suddenly surrounded us. Benjamin in his usual calm demeanor suggested to them, that if they would go out of our way, we would forget what we saw just outside, but they just laughed and stated, that 'two faggots like us' just weren't made for special ops, that you must be a real man for this and the only time we would ever see a real man would be when he is plowing us thoroughly. We said that they might be right just to keep our peace with them and tried to go to the counter, when one of them cried what we were thinking to do here and attempted to punch Benjamin in the belly. Benjamin reacted swiftly and moved out of the way of the punch in such a blur, that the assailant completely missed him and tumbled into one of dish returning rags. Seeing their friend being fooled by Benjamin the other 4 attempted to pounce on him, but I caught two of them and hauled them in into the others. I don't really know what happened then, as suddenly another ten came to assist their friends and the whole mess began."

A sudden knock to the door stopped Steven during his recounting and Rei turned his attention to the door and announced a little bit annoyed "Come in" at which the door opened and none other than Benjamin, the yellow lynx, stood there, the concern for his mate clearly visible in his feline features and the nervous swaying of his bushy tail. "Captain Loire, I beg you to first hear my version of the events before you determine the punishment for Corporal Devreu. I was..." Benjamin began, before he was stopped by Rei's raised paw. "Corporal Nereus, please come into my office so we can speak in private, before you cause a ruckus out there. " Rei said and after Benjamin stepped over the threshold and had closed the door, Rei gave him a warm smile and proceeded. "I of course very willingly also hear your part of the story before I make any decisions, but as far as Steven has already portrayed the situation to me, I see a much greater problem than I first even believed in. But your arrival has interrupted the description of Steven just as the fight began and I'm more than interested how he managed to be so unharmed after it."

"Well, the new arrivals concentrated solemnly on me, which may be because I seem to be the greater threat compared to Benjamin, due to my more muscular physique. But they couldn't overwhelm me, as I anticipated all their movements and kept myself out of their combined reach. At some point Lieutenant Baker grabbed me at my scruff and dragged me here." Rei Loire intently watched the reaction of Benjamin during the whole rest of the events and his sharp eyes didn't miss the slight change in his stance, as Steven explained. A slight smirk again crept onto his face as he remembered those events in the gym again and thought that even after Benjamin had achieved so much in that short time, that Steven still thought he had to protect him from their superior. "Stephen, thanks for the detailed description, but I do find it a little bit odd, that you yourself bested 15 attackers without a scratch. Wouldn't it be more precise that as those were solemnly concentrating on you a certain lynx, with the stealth of a shadow and the speed of a bullet, was assisting you?" Both suddenly stood completely dumbstruck, as Rei had again hit correctly the mark. "Don't be so surprised. As Baker brought you here, one of the things that bothered me was that you, Benjamin, wasn't there too, as you would always protect Stephen to the blood. And the fact that you weren't gave only two options. You weren't present when it happened or you helped but no one realized it. I'm of course also proud of your achievements as I am of those of Stephen, but just like him I must scold you for using them against other in this battalion. What you told me is of course very unnerving and doesn't bode well of the current situation here and I am very proud of the way you handled the situation. As during your recounting I saw how your temper was again rising and I'm still very surprised, that we don't have seriously wounded with those that faced you."

"That is all thanks to the light of my life, as he instilled in me not to let my temper get the better of me, before we entered the cafeteria. But of course I must admit with a little shame, that I found a little bit of pride in hurting those 5 first a little bit more than the others." Stephen again let his ears and tail drop a few notches, which made clear, that he really regretted it. "That is something we will still have to work on, but I'm still happy how good you already can prevent your temper from taking the better of you. But now I do have a bigger problem than I first imagined. As you see, for what you did I would be more than tempted to let you go unpunished and even announce to all of the platoons what has transpired here. But the problem is that our little secret is at stake here and even the connection between you and me is not to be revealed just now, as that will bring more trouble than it is worth for. So I must instill a disciplinary measure on you Stephen to show that such a behavior is not tolerated here, but Benjamin will be punished with you, as he also participated in the fight and I think that this will have results that I and you both can live with, as you will endure it much better and those that underestimated our good Benjamin again, will never again dare to oppose you two, as they now know what will then happen." "Thank you Rei, we swear to you, that such a thing will never again happen." Both said in complete unison and their tails began wagging excitedly to the prospect of sharing time together, even when that would be due to disciplinary measures. "I will make those as harsh as possible so it is a severe punishment, but as I know you they will be a piece of cake to your outstanding abilities. But at first I will deny you any off time from base for 3 month in addition to it." "Of course, that's what I at least expected." announced Stephen, as he was holding the paw of his mate tightly in his.

"And I do have an assignment for you during those 3 months you're grounded." Rei went on, again slightly distressed, at what he was about to propose to his subordinates. "You see, I'm really concerned with what has happened there outside the cafeteria. I'm even more concerned that no drill instructor or otherwise superior has seen or reacted to it, as it was lunch time. My main concern is of course to the recruit you helped, as I'm sure he won't get off the hook from them so easily. What I want you to do is that you keep as close an eye as possible on him, whenever you have the opportunity. I also need you to find out his name and the unit in which he is during military training, as I will try to find an opportunity to speak with him in private, which I would like to do in some sort of training session, perhaps through a lecture about the requirements for an assignment in special ops. Can you do that to me, but you must be as discreet as possible, as we don't want to make matters even worse for him." "We'll see to it ASAP, and of course do the surveillance, as we had discussed doing that already before the whole mess in the cafeteria started." Benjamin explained with a proud smile across his muzzle and a slight waging of his tail, as he knew to have anticipated a situation the same way as their instructor and friend showed how good he had gotten in strategic thinking.

"Now to the other problem of the missing intervention the superiors. I have the feeling, that they have grasped some of the side business I am doing for 'Club Omega Red' and his owner. I really had no intention of bringing you into it completely and I only allowed you to participate in training with my old comrades, because the potential I saw in you during my blackmail training showed me that you have a potential that only a training with us could completely instill in you. So as this here is not the right location for such a conversation, I inform you completely during one of your punishments, when I'm sure we can speak freely. But for now, I wan t you to make a really low profile, so you get yourself not in any other problems. The only exception is of course to stop any other mobbing of comrades, but only to scare them away." The faces of Steven and Benjamin and the nervous flicking of their tails clearly showed, that the decision of Rei Loire to suddenly reveal the secret agenda of him and his comrades made them completely uneasy. "Do you really think that that is a good idea? We already know that you work on something against the government, which was clear to us, as your comrades are fighters above all standards and don't belong to the armed forces. But we don't think filing us in on it would achieve anything to your cause." said Benjamin. "To be honest, I always wanted you both to participate in it, but I was ruled in by the others, that you two should have a perspective in the force and first get your careers straight before we would have asked you. But this discrimination and mobbing of gay relationships and the attack against you two, does speak only to the fact, that you two are already thought to be in conspiracy with me and if that is so, you can then participate in it, 'cause the damage is already done." explained Rei. "I'll inform the others as soon as I get a chance and, when your disciplinary measures have ended, you'll be given the chance to choose if you want to help.".

With that and after assuring both that they don't have to fear any complications that may affect him he dismissed them to get a belated lunch before their usual close combat training. After he was sure, that both were out of earshot, his ears again dropped completely to his skull and his tail completely coiled around the foot of the chair he was sitting on. He turned his head slightly to the right and addressed a dark corner that his file cabinet made. "You heard everything, which was said?" "Yeah, and I must say, that I hadn't believed, that the relationship you have to them for advancing their progress in their fighting skill, could have backfired faster, then any of us could ever have expected." The person in the shadows said, while stepping out of them.

As the person slowly left the shadow you could see, that he was wearing a camouflage suit which completely covered his whole body. His features were sleek but the tight muscles that he packed were clearly seen under the garment. As he removed the hood the features of a yellow fox with white streaks along his muzzle and around the outer rim of his ears were clearly to be seen. His tail was also twitching nervously in the camouflage garment. "You know that, this will truly make our preparations a lot more complicated Rei." "Yeah, I know Jaden. But I think we have no other choice but to file them completely in, as I don't think they have any chance now to achieve anything in the force until things begin to change." "True, but they are still so young and what we do is seen by most as treason on the highest scale. But I'll inform Drake and the others about it. Seth and Corben won't be too happy about it, but with that we must live now." "I'll see you in a few days for our next meeting at the club and don't make a mess while you leave, even if you should stumble upon those our two friends have talked about:" Rei interjected with as much warning as he could muster before Jaden could leave his office through the door. "You should know that I'm the shadow in person, as no one will even realize I'm standing inches away from him if I don't want it." "Don't rely too much on your genetically boosted mind control trick, as you know from last training, that Stephen and Benjamin can now detect the changes you make to their nerve system through pheromones, which any soldier can learn in due time and enough training." "OK, you slut. I'll swear to just leave the base without further ado..." And with that suddenly the vision of Rei Loire got shimmy and Jaden was gone. With a frown Rei said to the empty space "I hate it when he does that to me."

That evening he began the disciplinary measures with a 50 mile full fighting gear march during the night, which he knew both, would pull off without any problems. After returning to the barracks and sending them to their normal tasks for the day he was taken in by his commanding officer and questioned to the incident and what he had in mind for disciplinary measures. Rei laid out to him, that both would have to make that 50 mile march at least once a week for the next 4 weeks and to that they would get also the assignment to scrub the toilets and showers with their toothbrushes on the weekends, as they were grounded and that they would have to realign the whole military obstacle course in their free time during the weeks to come. Of course his superior was shocked, at what both Benjamin and Stephen had to do and he asked, if that wouldn't be a little too harsh, but Rei answered, that no one under his command would be allowed to attack a comrade and that everyone is to know what awaits them, when he finds out. This was of course also meant for those who had bullied in front of the cafeteria and Rei was sure, that word would reach them about it. His little secret about those measures was that he 100% knew that Benjamin and Stephen would endure those assignments with no further ado, as they both had gotten enough stamina to endure everything that could happen to them and they had learned to function even with reduced sleep to their fullest extent.

The following days whenever both Benjamin and Steven returned with him from one of their marches or another night time activity Rei could hear the murmur of the other soldiers at how harsh and brutal he was handling them. They both looked of course worn down like they were nearly fainting, but that was a ruse he had instilled in them so no one would suspect, that this didn't really trouble them at all.

As promised Rei told them about the missions he and his old comrades had done during the war and those they were doing for the club owner of Club Omega Red during his free time while they were on one of their marches. He explained how they were making surveillance missions near military research facilities to get an accurate account of the personal and material that came and went from them. He didn't tell them just then why they were doing it, as he had promised the club owner Drake Morose due to his request, that he himself would file them in when they were next at the club. Steven and Benjamin were a bit disappointed, that they wouldn't get all info, but knew that Mr. Moroese might have a good reason to prevent them from hearing it just now.

One week after the incident at the cafeteria Steven informed Rei of the name and the unit of the humiliated soldier, at which point he immediately put in a request at his commanding officer for the tutelage of the new recruits for a career in the Special Forces. Unknown to the true intention of that request his superior congratulated him for the initiative he is showing and that he will speak to the drill instructors to find an appropriate time for it.

5 days later the lecture for the career in the Special Forces was held in the great auditorium. The audience was mostly bored by his description of the tasks and prospects in the Special Forces which could clearly been seen by drooped ears on most of his audience. The few that had their ears swiveled to him in pure fascination he made sure to talk to after his practical discourse on the training field. The one that was his sole reason for this sat almost in the center of the auditorium with bowed head and his ears were so tight against his skull, that one could think he didn't have any. As he was the only silver Persian cat he would have stuck out like a fire hydrant in a field, but the big room that was free around him made him stand out even more. What Rei agitated the most was that display of uncamaraderie that his colleagues showed him and he was now totally sure, that if he didn't do anything that might lead to much greater problems.

The training field and obstacle course was a short 10 minute walk from the auditorium which Rei made with the whole assembly right after his lecture and as all were assembled before him he whistled once to get their whole attention before he began to speak. "Ladies and Gentleman, as I know that the theory of the tasks and abilities that one that serves in the special forces cannot really show what it really means to be in that unit, I have arranged a little demonstration for you here on the training field. If you look around you may believe, that no one other than you and me are here just now. But I can assure you that just now 10 of our best soldiers are watching you and could pick one of you out of your midst without you realizing it before it's too late. As a little game, I'd like you all to look around from where you are now and think of the places where one of them could be lurking. This goes of course also for you drill instructors, because I want to show you, that they also can't spot them even with their long career and that perfect camouflage is everything. When you have made up your mind, choose from them 15 possibilities and we'll see how much of our specialists you might have found."

All the assembled swiftly began to check their surroundings for possible locations or anything that could be wrong around here and after a few minutes They had made up their 15 choices and had written them down on a piece of paper. Rei checked the locations on the list and got a little smirk as he saw that of the 15 only 1 was right. He returned his attention back to the recruits. "How much of those were from your instructors and was one of them mud pond under the ropes if I might ask?" "The first 5 on the list were from our instructors, but pond was from one of us, Sir." One of the recruits, a well toned pine marten with gray brown fur, in the first row said. "Do you know who had that ridiculous idea? Because I want to hear from him how he came to that." "Well I think that was Recruit Alexey Kirov the Silver Persian over there, Sir. He's our special case and we just took his suggestion to not discriminate one of them." "What do you mean 'one of them'?" Rei asked with as much a neutral tone to his voice as he could muster, even if his tail twitch agitated and his ears began to move dangerously to the back of his skull. He already knew what the recruit was about to say as the person who suddenly had a wide birth around him, was the one for whom he intended to this all along. "Well Sir, you know what I mean. He has certain 'desires' that are inappropriate for normal people." The pine marten said while making air quotes by the word 'desires'. Realizing, that when he didn't do something to shock that marten so he would shut up for a few moments, he would lose all his restraints and skin him right here and now Rei said with as much venom as he could do "Do you mean to imply he's a 'cocksucker'or 'faggot'?"

The sudden silence that permeated was only better for Rei as all assembled stood there with eyes as wide as saucers and muzzles as wide agape as possible. Alexey Kirov on the other hand seemed to shrink slowly, as if the earth under him would try to swallow him whole. "Well you seem to forget something very important. First discriminating one because of his sexual preferences is not well seen in society and second when you're in a combat zone and need sexual relieve to remove stress all of you will take whatever you get. I also want to advise you, that right now you're standing right before a proud 'cocksucker' who could tear you to bits without you realizing it before it's too late." Ears laid completely to his head and his tail completely tucked between his legs the pine marten before him was in complete shock with utter terror, which let the anger in Rei subside a little bit. Making a stern face he slowly walked to the silver Persian by the name of Alexey Kirov. "Now that is cleared, back to the task I had for you. So Mr. Kirov, why had you that ridiculous idea of the mud pond."

Completely forgotten due to the outburst of Rei suddenly all eyes were on the silver Persian again. Stammering and with his tail tugged between his legs the Persian tried to speak, but no voice wanted to leave his mouth. After a little cough he at last found his voice again. "Well, Sir, I... I... looked around and one thing that seemed a little amiss was the grass around the mud pond under the ropes. The grass is lightly trampled down and there are small mud puddles on one side in the grass. I'm totally sorry for making such an idiotic suggestion Sir." Alexey explained while slinking a little bit away from the towering white tiger before him. Rei heard some snickering from the bystanders and some hushed conversation like 'how foolish that was'. Rei put a paw on his shoulder, at which Alexey was so surprised, that he nearly fell over, but he was steadied by Rei who had a benignful smile on his face. "Mister Kirov, would you please shout the following words as loud as possible for me. Just say 'Surveillance Theta disengage'." Looking a little bit baffled and uneasy he inhaled and shouted as loud as possible in the direction of the pond.

Swiftly after the words had left his muzzle the surface of the mud stirred and a weasel in complete water-resistant Special Forces uniform stood at the edge of the mud pond with a slightly sour face after removing his breathing mask. He slowly went over to his commanding officer and saluted before speaking. "Sir, I'm totally sorry for my error as to not clear away the mud puddles on the grass. That won't happen again." "No need to apologize Corporal Stinger. This was only a slight error and the others also made themselves not completely unnoticeable, but that we will discuss after debriefing." He then returned his attention back to the assembled recruits while still having his arm draped tightly across recruit Kirov's shoulder. The look on most of the group was again that of complete amazement, but some made thumps up signs to the still intimidated cat beside Rei. "You see, that even the slightest discrepancy or thing out of the normal can make your position revealable. But now we should disengage the other 9 who are hiding here also from their misery." And with a booming shout that startled the tiny cat next to him Rei announced. "Surveillance Alpha to Kappa disengage."

Within the blink of an eye suddenly 8 furs in complete camouflage suit appeared from their hiding places scattered in a circle around the gathered. After saluting to Rei they slowly stood in a line next to Corporal Stinger and awaited their next orders. Alexey looked a little bit startled at 9 gathered and said a little meekly. "Excuse me Sir, but why are there only 9 of them when you said it would be 10." "Well I think the last one wants to make an entrance as special as possible, which I do not want to deny him. I'd advise you to stand as still as possible. So just wait and see." Rei said while tightening his grip on the cats shoulder. A few moments later a tiny explosion occurred in the midst of the gathered recruits, which startled them and all sprang away in utter confusion and near panic. Rei and the 9 Special Forces soldiers stood stock still as if nothing had happened and snickered silently about the ruckus that unfolded before them.

Standing in the place of the tiny explosion was a yellow Lynx in normal military clothes with a combat knife trained at the throat of one of the drill instructors but still standing totally casually there. "Captain Madison, I would advise you to keep your surroundings under a better watch, so you may live a little longer." The lynx said while the captain, a muscular doberman about the same heights as his assailant, slowly came back from his initial shock and shot angry stares at the lynx. After chuckling a little on the situation before him Rei addressed the lynx. "Corporal Nereus you have done an outstanding infiltration job, so please save our poor captain a new fur cut and come over here." With a wicked grin Benjamin flicked the knife once again near the throat of Captain Madison before swiftly sheathing it in its belt holster and marching to the others.

"I think know you see, what I meant with my initial statement, that one of the 10 could have easily assassinated any one of you without you realizing it before it would be too late." Rei addressed the assembled. "But do not be too embarrassed, that you didn't realize you had an infiltrator in your midst, as even your superiors didn't realize that they had one soldier too much under their command today and I mean all day." An agitated murmur went through the soldiers, as they were totally irritated what was meant by that comment. Waiting a few moments he rasped and went on with his explanation. "You see, since the beginning of your training today, even before you came into the auditorium, Corporal Nereus has participated in all your drills today and none of you did realize it. But that is totally normal, as he has made himself keep his achievements in the middle field, to not call any attention to him."

"As you have surely a lot of questions, which you would like to get answered about personally you can ask them to my underlings here, as they will be more than happy to answer them. You are all dismissed until evening drills." With that the still standing Special Forces soldiers saluted and the assembled recruits started filling out and separating into little even groups at one of the soldiers. The drill instructors assembled waited shortly to see how their recruits behaved before meeting with Rei and congratulating him on his spectacular show. Even the doberman Captain Madison complimented him, but advised him to never in his lifetime do such a thing again, or he might see the inside of a holding cell for quite some time. Strangely none of them commented on Rei's outburst of being homosexual, which Rei thought could only mean, that this will be used against him in the future and that they would see to it, that this would somehow destroy his career completely.

Turning back to the gathered soldiers, Rei realized that Alexey Kirov was still standing, where he had left him. His whole posture and that he stood a good 30 feet away from the others showed, that he was afraid of his comrades which also showed in his posture with his ears were tucked against his skull and his tail tightly wrapped around his left foot. Rei sighed and thought to himself, 'how low has the service fallen, when such a thing can happen.' He slowly went over to the cat and as the Persian looked up into his eyes it was clear, why he waited there. "Mister Kirov it seems you want to talk to me." Yes Sir," the cat answered, while his body began to nervously sway around. "I'd like to talk to you in private." "Would you like to take a walk with me, as I think you would feel better, if you're farther away from the others?" And with that Rei started to walk in the direction of the shooting range directly behind the obstacle course, while Alexey followed a few paces behind. Realizing that their commanding officer was leaving, two of the Special Forces soldiers turned swiftly around to see where he was going, but as they saw who followed him, the both just smiled and returned to the questioning recruits before them.

A few minutes of walking Rei turned and faced the silver Persian again. "I think now would be a good moment to discuss the questions you have, but I think the first one I can take from your mind without you asking. Yes, those two that helped you the other day as you were beaten by those thugs were my men and I clearly know what has transpired there." Alexey relaxed a little bit by that statement but he suddenly realized that they were so alone now, that no one would ever find him, if Captain Loire decided to get rid of such a pathetic being. Before he could even attempt to make a move, he felt the strong paw with unsheathed claws of the towering tiger on his shoulder. Whimpering a little, as he thought that this would be the end of his pathetic life, he looked pleadingly in the unwavering stare of his assailant. "Sir, I know I'm a wastage of existence, but please don't kill me." he pleaded. Totally taken aback by the pleading cat before him Rei sheathed his claws again and with a soft tone spoke "Sorry if I have scared you, but I saw your movement and my body reacted of its own accord. But why do you think you could be a wastage." "That's what my instructors always say, as I'm not very good in training, and my stamina on combat marches is so low, that I can't keep up with the rest of the team."

That statement brought Rei back to his attitude about Benjamin, before he became friends with him and his mate. As he himself has had the same attitude on his slow progression in training and his failures. He still couldn't believe how he was only 5 weeks later a top notch member of the Special Forces. Ending his revere there Rei spoke again. "That I find a very harsh statement, as I think with the right training and high enough goals anyone can get better. But for that to achieve, one should never give in to despair or be bullied around." And just with that he suddenly had a devious idea in his mind. "But you do know that because of rescuing you from those others, my men have now to endure the most excruciating disciplinary measures for their actions thereafter. So I think that the person who brought them that dilemma should not go unpunished." Whimpering again a little and being scared even more, the smaller cat just nodded his consensus with that, as he was sure his voice would fail him. "I'm happy to see, that at least one of our new recruits has the courage to stands up for his wrongdoings and accept his punishment without trying to find a scapegoat for it. So from tomorrow on you will be mine to use after supper and will undergo whatever they have to do, and you are lucky, as they have already two weeks of punishment completed and there are only 2 more weeks to come. But they are top notch fighters and you're just a recruit so those two weeks will be even more hell on earth for you than them."

"But now back to the questions you have for me. Please shoot and as we are on our own here, please skip the formalities and just call me Rei." Rei said in a friendly tone and Alexey started fidgeting with the tip of his tail, before he found the courage again to speak. "Sir, I mean Rei are you really gay, or was that just an outburst to stop those hot heads from fretting me?" "Yes I am and I normally I don't announce it so loud, but for two weeks since the incident with you so many things have transpired, that I lost my temper just there, which shouldn't have happened to me. But as you have asked me, now I do want to know, if you are attracted to men or was that really only a misunderstanding in the showers." A little bit nervous and still holding his tail Alexey took all his courage and went on. "Before that incident I thought I was totally straight and I still think I am. I really only admired that lean physic with well defined muscles, that I was really envious as I'm just a little paunchy and can't really get that defined whatever I try. But since then and with all the hostilities I get from the others now I don't know it really anymore. And since then I'm really in a complete turmoil of emotions, which doesn't really help to stop the hostilities, as I now try to prevent every eye contact during showers to not get in the same trouble as last time."

During the account from Alexey Rei observed the body language of the smaller cat intently and the twitching of those ears, the constant fidgeting with his tail and the subconscious shuffling of those digitigrade hind paws made it totally clear, that the question, that burned on the smaller felines tongue next would not be so easily to coax out. The short silence thereafter confirmed his suspicion.

'Should I advance to speak the question he wants to ask next? Will I scare him off when I do it? Am I right with my suspicion or am I just too sexually pent up to think straight? Can this next act I'm about to do destroy another career just like I'm surely have done to Benjamin's and Stephen's?....' were just a few of the thoughts that went through Rei's mind before he made up his mind, that if he wouldn't do it, Alexey wouldn't find the courage to ask and that could lead perhaps to greater problems.

Before Rei again started to speak, he swiveled his ears to the front and made his features as stern as possible without being intimidating. "So you now want to know what your heart desires and want to ask me if I'll yiff with you?" That sudden statement froze the smaller cat completely to the core that even his tail went totally rigid. "N.. N.. No.. Sir. Th.... That isn't..." Alexey began to stammer but was stopped by Rei raising his paw to silence him. "No need to be ashamed. We are still talking in private and I will take no offence as to your thoughts about me. More so I'm honored, that you had the intention to ask me, but what I find a little bit sad, is, that you hadn't had the courage to ask me yourself and that I had to speak it out loud. You should never fear to speak of your mind even to superiors, as long as you don't insult, as a soldier who only follows orders blindly is surely to die or do actions that he later will never forgive himself."

"But we are told to always follow orders. That's what is the most important rule, as the military can only be effective if all orders are followed." Alexey interjected heatedly and Rei was happy that the feline overcame his shyness towards him. "Yes that's true, but let me give you a scenario and then you might see my point. You are on a mission to prepare a tracking signal for an attack against a partisan camp. During the surveillance you realize, that over half of the people there are mothers and children which would be innocent victims to the attack. As you report that your superiors just say, that those are mere collateral damage and you should progress as told. Following your orders to the word would mean their deaths and a feeling of guilt that could never be amortized for in your life." "But Sir," Alexey interjected "wouldn't it be my job there to eradicate a danger for society?" "I told you to call me Rei while were speaking here in private and yes it would be your obligation to eradicate dangers, but the price should never be paid in innocent lives. There must always be an alternative because mass murder on innocents would make us not better than those we fight. The alternative here would be to make a surgical strike to just eliminate the partisans, which could be more dangerous, but still better than the original plan."

"To be the best soldier any army can have means to follow orders that are given to you but to never let you defile humanity for the mission goal. But we're not here so I can give you a speech about decision making, but to sate your questions. As we could not possibly do any yiffing just here in plain sight and as your curiosity needs a little sating let's try a shorter and quicker method to distinguish your preferences." Before Alexey even could react Rei suddenly stood directly before him and his arms were completely pressed against his body by a tight grip from the imposing cat. Alexey wanted to open his mouth to protest what this sudden attack should show but the opening of his mouth was the moment Rei had waited for, as he wrapped his muzzle around the others and pushed his tongue through the opening. Out of shock Alexey tried to break free from the assault but wasn't even able to move one of his arms. Rei's tongue meanwhile inspected every inch of the inside of that new territory and after a few moments of fruitless struggle Alexey felt a warmth slowly spreading from that passionate assault in his muzzle down his spine and slowly converging in his groin. At the same time his mental functions slowly began to dwindle away and he was totally lost in that emotional feeling and began start pushing his tongue against Rei's while trying to get his in the others muzzle. He didn't even realize that his arms were no longer restricted in their movement, as Rei began inspecting every section of the smaller feline's body.

After releasing the arms Rei's paw pads slowly began to rub and squeeze every section of that body before him beginning at the shoulders and slowly transcending deeper. Each little squeeze or rub brought a slightly exasperated moan from the feline in his arms as he found one sweet spot after the other with skillful hands. Reaching that bubble but of Alexey and squeezing it Rei was a little shocked, as due to that stimulation Alexey began grinding his groin against the greater felines and that there was quite a straining bulge there already. That sensation of course stimulated his own barbed rod to leave its protective sheath and pressing against it tight confines.

As he at last cut the passionate kiss the small feline was panting heavily and a little bit confused about the sudden loss of that lovely feeling. He himself was also panting a little and after taking some calming breaths and seeing the creeping fright in the others features he put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and began. "I'd say that would be a 70% positive, that you're swinging that way. And I must say that what I felt under that uniform is quite a nicely defined body you have there." "Then why did you stop?" Alexey interrupted. "Well for once I'm still on duty here and the next step would be inappropriate right now and second doing it in the open is more than a total idiotic move. Also I see in your eyes, that you are still in a total emotional turmoil and you should first analyze those feelings you experienced and see what they mean. You should first sort your feelings and emotions out before doing anything that might still be wrong for you. When you have made a choice just come and see me as I'll have an open ear for you." "But what about the other recruits. They hate me and I'm afraid what they'll do." "Rest assured that nothing drastic can happen to you here. Since that incident I'm keeping a close eye on you. Also the next weeks you'll get so physically and mentally broken due to participating in the disciplinaries, that they even might fear, they could be the next to get that. But now I'd advise you to return to the others and be ready by tomorrow evening." Still a little bit distraught Alexey nodded before saluting and walking back to the training grounds.

As soon as the feline was out of earshot Rei again spoke while turning to a cluster of bushes and trees. "Do you think that that last action of me was uncalled for Benjamin?" "Not really sure" a figure said while leaving the shadows there. "if doing nothing wouldn't lead to a much worse outcome in the end. But one thing is sure your little idea with the participation could help him better fight back against new assailants." "Was it so obvious what my intentions were?" "Not to the normal soldier. The all see an 'evil son of a bitch' in you as you're never show any kind of mercy during training. But only Stephen and I know what a kindred spirit you posses. But you know that your little idea can back fire more than it really will help him. Me and Steven's career prospects here seems to end quite just like yours as we are now suspected to be attached to you and we all know that they suspect you of doing something against government. And when he is also with us that will then make him a suspect too." Not really looking the yellow lynx before him in the eye Rei interjected. "How did you conclude, that the time I can remain here is getting short?" "Well for once don't forget how good you and your friends trained us in surveillance. We overheard enough from the other superiors to make a picture out of it, that they all snoop around you to get the secrets you hide from them. And as we both were under standard a few weeks ago and are suddenly the top notch and you also returning to Special Forces might have given it away that there is a relationship between us and thus we just concluded that we wouldn't be able to stay here."

"If you know all that already, than I should apologize to both of you for ruining your career. As that was not my intention." "Rei, you are our friend now and without your help both of us would have failed the final exam and already been sacked. So don't grief about it." "But still your talents are wasted outside the military."

The sudden laughter coming from the person beside him caught Rei so unaware that his ears splayed to the back of his head and an angry growl left his muzzle. "What's so funny about it? Spill your beans or I'll rip your gut out." After a short period of reigning himself in Benjamin, with still a little giggle in his voice, explained. "It's just so funny, that you said that, as I recall me saying the same thing to Stephen about your two friends Cody and Seth who are just bouncers at club Omega Red. So you must excuse that I find this a little humorous." Having totally forgotten about that, Rei suddenly began to laugh. "Ok. Point taken. So it seems that certain club gets another two bouncers when you two are sacked from military service. But now let's return to the training field before anyone realizes you're missing too." Nodding Benjamin and Rei slowly returned to the others.

Just as expected as word got through the next day, that recruit Alexey Kirov now also had to participate in the disciplinaries no one dared to do anything against him but were sure that he could never endure it and would quit soon thereafter. That evening, as he made his way slowly over to the barracks where Captain Loire's office was situated for the disciplinary measures he would have to endure he was a downright frightened for what should await him. Reaching the designated door he first took a few calming breaths before getting his wits together to knock. After being called in he saw the towering white tiger standing directly behind his desk with an evaluating look on his face.

"Recruit Kirov, as you are now here, let's go over to the gym, where you will help the other two delinquents by their task tonight." "Yes, Sir." Came Alexey's quick answer and leaving the barracks he followed Rei over to the gym. During their walk they met some other soldiers who all scurried away as soon as they saw the fearsome tiger and the silver Persian cat. After a few minutes of walk the smaller cat became more and more irritated by that behavior and as they reached the gym he had the courage to ask the Captain. "Sir, why were all those we met scurrying away as soon as they saw us. I felt like I was somehow contagious with some deadly disease." Paw holding the door to the gym open Rei frowned a little before answering. "Well you see. They all heard about the fact, that I now punish you as well and they fear that the same could happen to them. But I would say you shouldn't think about that too much, as you must first survive that night first." That last comment made the small cat shiver and with lowered ears and tail he passed Rei who had a hard time not laughing out loud as he held that cold and unemotional look on his face.

As Alexey reached the big training room with the bench presses and the weightlifting machines he was a little confused, that the whole room still was totally dark. Turning around to address this to the Captain he was startled, as no one was behind him anymore. A little bit nervous he went into the room and went immediately right to the place where the light switch was. Moments before getting a hold on it he felt a strong paw gripping his arm and forcefully turning him around by twisting his arm before he felt his feet being swept from under him. Before the panic could completely take over his mind he was already painfully pinned to the ground by some stranger kneeling on his back. Struggling as he tried he wasn't able to even move the slightest inch and even his calls for help didn't get anyone to his rescue and with each try the pressure on his back became greater. As a warm, wet breath tickled his ears and those began to twitch unintentionally because of it he stopped his struggle shortly and the stranger whispered in his ear. "No point in struggling little one. You can't hope to escape and no one will come to your rescue." "That's not right you asshole" Alexey cried with full resolution. "Captain Loire is right behind me and will clean the floor with your ass." "Oh, really? And why hasn't he been here already. Tell you what, I overwhelmed him the second he entered the gym and is now nicely stowed away so I can completely have my fun with you. As you are known to be a good cocksucker on base, why don't we see how good you are with the other end?" Reaching behind him with his free paw his assailant roamed over the tight bubble but before pushing it under the fabrics of the uniform. All the while Alexey struggled but as he felt one digit of that paw press against the opening of his tail hole his struggle became even more frantic. "Squirming around wouldn't help you much, bitch. Just let it be and you might even like it." His assailant whispered into his ears. With the last bits of desperation he could muster Alexey screamed with all his voice. "Never you son of a bitch. I'll sooner die than give in to your perverse notions."

A sudden humorous chuckling from somewhere deeper in the completely black gym made him stop his thrashing as his thoughts only found one possibility. 'Oh no. There are two of those perverts here. No I'm totally finished.' But the voice who spoke up made it even worse for him as it was that of the drill instructor Captain Rei Loire. "That's more than possible, little cat," He began while slowly coming nearer. "as the one on your back is not known to be kind to his opponents. But as you are here of your own accord and willingly agreed to participate in the disciplinaries you can be assured, that he won't harm you." "Then what is this all about!" Alexey yelled at the tiger standing now before him. "Well my friend here thought it to be funny to scare you out of your skin and I thought it to be a good opportunity to see if you are worth my time. But why don't you stand up first. I think Stephen here has had enough fun with you and I think he now wants to apologize for it."

Alexey was totally shocked at the realization, that he was able to move and hadn't realized it until Rei suggested to stand up. Slowly standing up he turned around and saw for the first time the muscular but lean figure of an Australian shepherd before him. But what irritated him the most was the look the shepherd gave him with his grey-green eyes. For such a manly figure he had the most begging puppy dog eyes. "Sorry for my little joke" he said, "could you please forgive me." "But you won't be able to be mad about him. As he can entrance you if he likes." Rei spoke with a little chuckle in his voice. "But now let's meet the other convicted. But don't worry. He isn't such a shit bag and the only restraint for that no good dog there."

As the lights went on and blinking a few times to adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness Alexey could now make out the color pattern of the shepherd The coat that was visible through the olive green uniform at his head and paws was a deep tan of mud brown with some grey streaks mingled in. Only the fur under his chops had a light yellow color and Alexey suspected that that would go down his belly. Turning a little around he could see the person who switched the lights on. It was a lynx of about the same size as the shepherd, but still a little bit smaller than the tiger that towered over all of them. The fur, which could be seen through his uniform, was a sandy yellow with a few black and brown spots at his cheeks and on the backside of his paws. The eyes were ice-blue and had an intensity to them, which made you think he could spy your innermost emotions with just looking at you.

Slowly going over to the tiger and shepherd, who had made his way to the side of the tiger, the lynx first padded Rei on the shoulder and with a swift movement suddenly had the head of the shepherd in both paws before giving him a passionate kiss. Mouth hanging open totally agape, his eyes having a look of total shock and his tail completely rigid Alexey couldn't believe what he was just seeing. There just before him two sexy Special Forces soldiers were having a tongue fight just before his eyes. The sight was so enthralling, that he felt a stirring in his groin, as his cock was trying to retreat from his sheath and pressing against the fabric of his trousers.

After a few moments and seeing the stare the smaller cat gave his two subordinates and of course seeing the reaction in his lower section Rei rasped shortly before he addressed the two others. "I think that's enough you two. If you go on, recruit Kirov is in need of new undies in no time. I think you two should introduce yourselves now, so he at least knows the names of his participants in his wet dreams." Blushing a little under his fur the lynx disengaged from his friend and while holding out his paw for a greeting said to the still a little stunned Alexey "Hey there mate. Nice meeting you now in a more private fashion. My names Corporal Benjamin Nereus, but as you now also belong to the damned who must endure this torture known as disciplinary measures for inappropriate behavior you can call me Benjamin." The sudden addressing to him dragged Alexey out of his daze and he grabbed the offered paw in a friendly handshake. "Nice meeting you. My names Recruit Alexey Kirov." he said.

"We know who you are, little kitty." the shepherd announced as he had joined Benjamin to greet him. "We have been monitoring you for the last weeks since the incident to secure your wellbeing. And I must say that a piece of chocolate before turning in for the night is good for mental stability, but not a whole bar." "H.. H... Ho.. How do you know that!!" Alexey exclaimed completely shocked. "Well," the canine began while scratching behind his triangular left ear "we're Special Forces and monitoring is what we do the best. And I must also state that you have a good physique and a nice bubble butt and it would be a shame to destroy that with too much carb, Yeouch !!!" the dog suddenly exclaimed due to a hard kick against his sheen by Benjamin standing next to him. "Dear, stop embarrassing him and just introduce yourself." "Oh, yes. My names Corporal Stephen Devreu, but you can call me Stephen."After shaking also hands and due to the relaxed atmosphere, that now permeated the room Alexey was eager to ask them a question that disturbed him since their passionate kiss. "So you two are boyfriends?" he asked with a little blush. The sudden laugh that followed that question reminded him of the fourth person still present.

"Nice try Alexey, but way of track." the tiger said while joining the others. "If they were just boyfriends, that would make things so much easier. No, they are mated, even if no one on this base knows about that. And their display of passion they have for each other since then is making me get slowly grey hair." "If that could anyone ever notice with your white pelt." Both Benjamin and Stephen said in nearly complete synch and Benjamin then went on. "By the way, that sometimes gruffly and imposing tiger, as you might already know, goes by Captain Rei Loire. But I think you are also allowed to call him just Rei for your time being with us."

After shaking a friendly paw with Rei Alexey thought to get the other question out of his mind, which was also bothering him till the announcement from Rei, that the disciplinaries were held in the gym. "So what now is the disciplinary that befalls us here?" "First of you'll have to clean the whole gym off. That means cleaning every seam in the showers with toothbrushes until they shine," Rei began to explain with a stern and dominating look. "than check and repair all machines available. When all is ready and it still isn't dawn then you three will go through a bone breaking physical workout to your limits and beyond."

That recapturing made the small cat again a little nervous and he thought again, that he might never be able to endure this whole 2 weeks. During his reverie he didn't realize, that both Benjamin and Steven had arranged themselves to both sides of him and he was completely startled as he felt a paw on both of his shoulders. "No need to be so concerned, Alexey." Stephen said to him. "Truth be told, this here has so little to do with a punishment, we just let it look like that. Rei is just trying to brush you the wrong side. The march we'll do tomorrow his extreme, but this here is more like a physical training for you, so you can endure that. And we are in consensus, that a little extra sparring could help you stand more for yourself." "Really? But why do you do this for me?" "We were just the same as you and without the help of Rei we wouldn't be here anymore, so we want to help you, that's all."

"You'll have enough time to discuss that during this night, so let's start so the remaining time can completely go to training." Rei piped in and they all began to file into the showers to begin work there.