Part One: The Risk of Anonymity

Story by Aaidin on SoFurry

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#1 of An Unusual Pack

Uhm... Hello. My name's Aaidin McLaine -- a 24-year-old wolf (okay okay, I turn 24 in a couple months). I'm about 5'10" tall -- a bit short for a wolf, yes. My eyes are somewhere between gray and blue; I can't really think of a color to describe it right now. My ears pretty much stand up from my head. Over all, I'm pretty slender. I walk for over an hour late at night when no one else is out and about.

My fur is colored in a pretty traditional pattern for wolves. The first (main) color covers the top of my head and muzzle, then continues down the sides of my head beneath my ears. It falls back to the back sides of my neck, over the tops of my shoulders, and then down my arms (paws) and back all the way down my legs (foot-paws and tail included). It also covers my sides for the most part and goes just a little around the front of my torso. That's just the mid-gray colored fur. The rest of it is completely white. That color covers the sides and chin of my muzzle, and my face below my eyes. Then, it goes down the front of my neck, covering my chest and under-arms, waist, my erm... unmentionables... and part-way down the inside edges of my legs (about half-way to my knees). As a whole, my fur is pretty soft. Usually, a wolf's fur on his back is coarse, but mine isn't for some reason. My most noticeable feature as far as fur is concerned would have to be my head-fur. In spite of my mid-gray and white patterns of fur, my head-fur is pitch black. It's long and straight, kept cut at about the small of my back. I always have it tied into a pony-tail to keep it from blowing in front of my face in the wind.

I live at home with my mom still, although my dad had to move. He visits just about every week-end, considering he and my mom are still married. He got laid off at his work-place, and there just aren't many job opportunities in his field; he had to move to find a new job. Luckily for us, the new job was in a town that's a good 90-minute drive -- an hour if I'm the one driving.

My mom works at the local country club, she's not some server or janitor either. My mom practically runs the place in its entirety, since the GM -- the only person above her in the chain of command -- doesn't do a damn thing to help run the place. She works nearly seven days a week, and LONG hours at that. Basically, I usually have the place to myself. It's a nice house -- a four bedroom pad in the suburbs of our back-water city (if such a thing as a back-water city exists).

Well, that's my family. You may be curious to know who *I* am; funny, I'd like to know the same thing. As I stated above, I'm a wolf and am nearly 24 years old. I work at the local pizza place, and I deliver pizzas. Laugh all you want, but it's good money. I make around $12-$15 dollars an hour to do what? Drive around and listen to music? The work environment is a very healthy one, too. We're always joking on everyone, even the managers. Hell, I made a crack at the big boss just the other day, and he flipped me the bird on camera as a response, with a CUSTOMER standing right there! Told you, it's a wonderful work environment! On the outside, I love a good joke or prank and have certainly played my share of both. I'm very fun-loving, although not very out-going.

Like I said -- on the outside. On the inside, I'm always very depressed. My mother and my father really do love each other, I think... However, something happened a few years ago that really messed me up. They almost got a divorce -- yeah, almost. I'd moved out for college, and my sister had moved out years ago. They had the whole empty nest thing going and really started picking at each other a lot. College didn't work out for me, so I moved back home right into the middle of it.

My mother was treating my father like crap, to say the least. I listened to her vent a little bit, and the conversation went a little like this...

Mom: "I don't know, I just don't feel like he's 'the one' for me."

Me: "Well... if he wasn't 'the one' why did you marry him?"

Mom: "I guess, all of my friends were getting married, and it wasn't like MY mom was going to give me any money."

That'd done it. I realized that there was no love between my parents, and never had been. It hurt me deeper than she will ever know, and I've only recently come to realize that. Ever since then, I began pondering my own existence. Honestly, why am I here? I'm like some sort of an accident. I always wondered why my life never went the way I wanted it to, and perhaps this is why. Maybe I was never meant to exist in the first place...

This led to a constant effort to find a point to everything. If something didn't have a point in eternity, I didn't do it. Needless to say, I did little more than work and play video games all the time. Four years passed since that day, and I'd done a lot of on-line gaming. I made a hundred friends on the internet, from all over the world no less.

I think, though, what I really wanted more than anything else was "love." I looked back on my life a lot over the past four years, and I constantly wondered whether my mom ACTUALLY loved me at all, or if it was just some sort of facade much like she's been doing to my dad. I haven't trusted her a bit ever since that day; honestly... that hurts. Perhaps some of you grew up without a mother, and sometimes I wish I had. I don't HATE my mother at all, but if it came between having someone pretend to love you and not having that person at all, I would choose the latter. Needless to say, I was pretty miserable from that point on...

I'd begun to realize just how alone I was. I actually started to believe that "love" doesn't exist. I couldn't help but be skeptical of the concept, considering everything I've been going through. I wanted nothing more than to share the warm embrace of a caring lover; however, I had myself convinced that it would never happen. I suppose in the end, I'm just a hopeless romantic; and believe you me, that's not something I admit to easily. If you'd ever met me in person, I would NEVER talk about romance. It doesn't fit with my facade.

I suppose that's where this story really started. I stopped spending a ludicrous number of hours playing video games and was finally able to motivate myself to be a little more active. I'd also been keeping in touch with an old friend from the on-line game. We talked a lot -- just about every night, actually. I'd never been able to be so open with anyone before; the guy was clearly the best friend I'd ever had, off-line or not.

I think the reason I played that on-line game was for anonymity. I was able to just be myself, without worrying about what everyone else thought about me. If someone didn't like my calm and sensitive nature, I could just block them from communicating with me. The people who accepted me for who I am became my close friends. Over all, I think the experience was pretty healthy. It taught me not to be so ashamed of who I am, even though apparently I knew next to NOTHING about who I really am...

My old friend from the on-line game (I think I mentioned him a few paragraphs up) hit me with an interesting proposition. "Let's meet," he said. Believe you me, I've never been one to blindly trust someone over the internet. I take every presented "fact" with a grain of salt. This guy (he's been my friend for well over a year, mind you) claims that he's a twenty-year-old wolf that lives by himself in his own apartment. He doesn't live too far away, a three hour drive at the most (two hours for me, since I'd be the one driving). Of course, my "what's the point?" equation kicked in, and I started pondering -- honestly -- if there was any point in me visiting this guy. However, the equation reversed itself on me; is there any point to NOT visit him?

I couldn't defeat that logic...

The two hour drive to the guy's house had been a worrysome one. He'd planned to order us a pizza and have it arrive by the time I got there. In spite of the fact that I have pizza nearly every day I work, I decided to make it easy on him and agree with the meal choice; he was ordering from a different company anyway. I suppose the pizza from other companies doesn't bother me as much as the pizza from the one I work for. I suppose when it's free, you can't complain either way.

I got to the guy's apartment, and it certainly wasn't a crummy one at all. The complex was beautiful; it looked like something out of a safari. Honestly, I expected to see a wild tiger or elephant walking by at any given moment. Needless to say, the place was fancy. I could only imagine what the rent must be like; if this guy really does live alone, then he must make plenty of money to be able to afford a place like this.

I pulled up to the guy's building in my old sunfire, but I had to make myself get out of the car. Who was I going to fool, I was a nervous wreck! If any of you have ever driven to meet someone you'd gotten to know over the internet, you'll know EXACTLY how I felt. I realized that, perhaps, I should've asked him to meet me in a public place for the first few times. However, the equation kicked in and I decided there wasn't much of a point to it. Seriously, he could simply play a role (we both came from a role-playing game, after all) for the first few meetings and then drastically change the time I end up at his pad.

Each step up to his door was a labored one. I felt my knees quivering nervously as I walked up the stairs to the second floor. It was horrible, and it was all I could do just to keep my wolven teeth from chattering. As I reached the door, it probably took me ten minutes to knock on it. Instead of getting inside the apartment, I was staring down at my clothes. I'd worn a royal-blue, button-down silk shirt for the occasion, and had it tucked into a pair of black slacks with a belt to hold it all together. The shirt was a little wrinkled from wearing the seat-belt for so long, but I supposed it really didn't matter considering I was only visiting a friend.

Finally, I grew a pair and knocked on the door. That was it -- my nervousness was gone. Perhaps I went into "career mode" and convinced myself I was just delivering another pizza. Most apartments don't have doorbells in my delivery area anyway (either they don't have them, or they don't work), so I usually ended up knocking anyway. However, I had a horrible sense of foreboding. I guess I really wished I WAS just delivering a pizza. I wonder if I'd have gotten a nice tip from this guy? It looked like the kind of apartment complex that would house nice tips.

The door opened, and I sighed with relief; my friend was just as he'd described. He was 6'1" in height, and couldn't weigh more than 170 pounds (including the weight of his fur, of course). His fur was completely gray -- about the same shade as mine, only without the white covering the bottom half of his face and his neck. He was wearing a white shirt -- the kind of shirt you'd wear when you were going to work out -- and a pair of denim shorts. "You must be Aaidin, then?" he said

I nodded. My personality was showing its true colors now. This person knew me for who I really am, so there simply was no need to pull up the barriers. I left my facade back at home when I got into the car, and I intended for it to stay there. The result was that this experience thus far was the most real thing to me in my life. I was REALLY going to meet someone in person that I'd previously only known from type and text.

"Welcome to my den, then. Come on in." My friend stood aside and gave me room to walk through the doorway. The inside wasn't very tidy, to say the least. Hell, it didn't bother me. I'm the wolf who has twenty cans of root-beer stacked up on his desk on any given day -- not ALL of them are empty either. I think what got me the most was the odd scent about the place. I just couldn't place it for anything, and it made me nervous just trying to understand it. The whole situation made me wary, and the scent itself made me a bit light-headed.

"Nice place." The words just sort of rolled out of my muzzle. I was pretty overwhelmed by the whole ordeal, and while the apartment itself was a nice place there was just something weird that I couldn't put my pads on. "So... where's the pizza? I'm starved!"

"Eh.. it hasn't gotten here yet. Being a Friday night and all, they're pretty busy. Oh, how long will you be able to stay? I've got an extra room, so if you wanna stay the night, feel free."

A tempting thought, provided I hated driving long distances. You think that's odd for a pizza delivery guy? Let me explain, really. I suffer from high-way hypnosis; it's a known factor for causing accidents in driving long distances. Basically, it makes me drowsy to the point that I'm capable of falling asleep behind the wheel. This just isn't the case with delivering pizzas, because in-town traffic is a lot more dangerous (unless I actually DO fall asleep behind the wheel on a highway).

Wait a minute -- he said he had an extra room? The thought crossed my mind, and instantly I wondered HOW he could afford this place on his own. A one bedroom apartment was feasible, but two rooms? Doesn't that add another 40% onto the rent? I didn't want to bring it up, really, because it's not my business to know what kind of money the guy makes.

Needless to say, the apartment was BIG. The living room itself was twice the size of my bedroom back at my mom's house. He had a pair of couches, both two-seaters. In front of them and in the corner of the living room was a GIANT television set. Wow, I could just imagine watching an action flik on that thing. I won't even begin to describe the surround sound system he had... just thinking about it makes me drool.

Well, we both took a seat on different couches, and he flipped on the television to some anime station. An entire station devoted to anime... what an ingenius idea! Honestly, I've always been partial to anime; I barely even watched the real stuff anymore aside from the occasional action film. I live in a world of real people; why would I want to watch real people on television?

"I bet you're pretty nervous, huh," he said. "Oh, by the way, the name's Dan."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that. My name's actually Aaidin; I didn't see a point to making up a name on the internet." Perhaps it was a dumb idea, but honestly who's going to think that's my real name when they meet me on the net? It's a very, very unusual name after all. Come to think of it, I have no idea where my parents got it from.

"AI-yih-din... so that's how you pronounce it. I'd often wondered, since I'd actually never heard of it before." Dan actually said it a few more times as he got the feel for it.

"I'm curious... how did you pronounce it?"

"Nothin' tellin'," Dan laughed. Shortly after, the doorbell rang. "Ah, good, the food's here. I was about to call 'em and see what was taking so long." The younger wolf stood from his couch and approached the door. It opened slowly, and the familiar smell of pizza entered the apartment. "Here you go, kid. Keep the change."

"Wow! THANKS mister!" the pizza guy all but yelped enthusiastically. Dan must've given him a pretty big tip now that I think about it. At the time, I couldn't imagine how the guy had so much money to throw around so frivolously. He had a NICE two-bedroom apartment, a NICE television, a NICE stereo system, and even gave the pizza guy a NICE tip. I suppose once I finished paying off the enormous debt of money I owe my parents (you really don't want to know how much), I'd end up having plenty of money to throw around too. I bet it feels nice.

The food was set down in front of me, and I drooled just from the scent of it. I was a bit surprised though -- I knew he'd probably order two pizzas, but I certainly didn't expect to see FIVE pizzas (large ones, no less) come to rest on the small table between the couches and the television.

"Geez dude," I said, staring at the mountain of cheesy goodness, "I hope you don't expect me to eat my share of all that. I've got room for half of ONE at the most..."

Dan shrugged. "I've got a habit of eating a lot of pizza. When I order, I order enough for an army. What I don't eat now can be reheated later, right?"

Geez... I thought, my boss would love to have customers like him. Judging by the tip he gave to the pizza guy, I imagine I'D like to have customers like him, too!

One thing I've noticed about delivering pizzas, though, is that friends don't give the best tips. I've delivered to friends before, and every single one of them expects some kind of a discount. They fail to understand that my name-tag says "Delivery Driver Aaidin" and not "Store Manager Aaidin". I really don't have the authority to give those kind of discounts. But hey, you're not reading this to know how pizza delivery works, so I'm going to cut the rest of that out of my story.

When I say there was a lot of pizza left over, I mean there was a LOT of pizza left over. I was surprised even half of what was left could fit into the fridge. Of course, being the nice guy that I am, I helped him clean up. Actually, I was the one who loaded the pizzas into the fridge, and I was frankly shocked by what I saw. When I opened the fridge door, there were two whole twelve-packs of my favorite brand of rootbeer. "You drink root-beer, too?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually, no," Dan shrugged. "I bought 'em for you to drink. You mentioned how many soda cans you leave empty on your desk, and I figured you drank a lot of soda." Now, I'm sure you can understand my concern. Yes, I do drink plenty of soda; but 24 cans in one day is a LOT of soda to drink. I think my record for cans of soda in a day was six, and I was feeling pretty well nausiated by the time I hit the hay. At the most now, I only drink three a day. For those of you who hate math, that's eight days worth of soda for me in this guy's fridge.

The phone rang. We both looked at each other for a moment before he answered it. "Dan here, what's up?" ... "You're kidding?" ... "No, I can't work tonight! I have a guest from out of town at my apartment! I told you I was..." ... "God... fine. I'll give you two hours, tops."

I chuckled, but actually felt very awkward at the same time. After Dan hung the phone up, he growled angrily. "Don't worry about it," I laughed. "I'll watch after the place while you're gone; I'll probably just be glued to that anime station the whole time anyway."

"It's not just that..." he paused. "Look, we've known each other for a year, but this is the first time I've actually met you. I'm a little worried about leaving you alone in my apartment, you know?"

"You know where I live... and it's not far. If I run off with anything, you'll know where to find me." It's the truth... at first I'd planned to have him come visit me. I figured that if the guy was going to try something funny, he wouldn't dare do it in my own house. I'd actually messaged him my address and directions to my house before we decided it'd be best that I drive to visit him.

"Alright," he said, sighing. "I'll be back in two hours or less. And pal, I'm really sorry about this. One of my co-workers was in an accident, and two others called out. I'm really their last light of hope."

As if I didn't know what that was like... but I promised that I'm not going into my work life anymore. "Don't worry about it. That anime station will keep me busy."

What can I say? That anime station was great. The whole time Dan was gone, I spent watching a really neat movie. I guess going into the details of the movie would be pretty off-topic, so I won't bother with it. I think, describing my work life in the detail that I have, I've strayed from the topic enough. The point of the matter now is what happened when Dan came home. All of my questions were answered the minute my friend walked through the door... with two other wolves.

I stared a bit oddly at them, and they pretty much returned the gesture. They ranged in height from just a little shorter than me (I didn't know that was possible) to even taller than Dan. The shortest one had stark white fur and grey eyes. At first I thought he was an albino, but his dark gray headfur ruled that out.

The other one was a couple inches taller than Dan. He seemed to be a bit timid -- a lot like me -- and looked everywhere BUT at me when I took the chance to examine him. His fur was gray like mine, and in the same pattern, too. It was a little odd, but honestly the guy could've been my brother. Of course he wasn't my brother, though; my family only has two pups -- myself and my sister (the bitch that she is... I'm GLAD she moved out nine years ago).

"This the one you told us about, Dan?" the white wolf raised an eyebrow at me. The first thing that startled me was his lisp. This wolf was gay, and if he wasn't he sure was going a good job pretending. His movements and everything were effeminate, and he was "pretty" to boot. Don't get me wrong, I've never been homophobic, but this whole situation had my fur standing on edge.

I shook nervously as I stood; oh, I knew something wasn't right here. It all started to add up -- the strange scent I couldn't place (three wolves' worth instead of just one being the part that confused me), the four seats worth of couches, the big screen t.v., the stereo system, the expensive apartment (that NO twenty-year-old living on his own could afford), and all the pizzas. I felt stupid that I hadn't figured it out sooner. This was one hell of a trap.

"Guys, meet Aaidin. He's a hundred percent honest, loyal to his friends, and quite the tail-bender if I must say so myself. He probably doesn't even realize it yet." Dan smiled. It wasn't the mischievous smile I was expecting at all; instead, it was more of a relieved smile.

"Uh... I'm a what?" Oh, I know all too well what that "new" word means now. Don't let me define it for you if you haven't figured it out, keep listening to my story and you'll see just how obvious it is.

"You're right, Dan," the white wolf chuckled, "he has no idea. He doesn't even know why he's here, does he? You really should inform people before you bring them into our apartment." So I got the feeling this wasn't the first time it'd happened. Was this some regular week-end ritual they did, that I was now forced to be a part of?

"Our... apartment?" the words escaped my muzzle beyond my control. I was still surprised by the whole thing, and I didn't have the insight that I do now. Boy, was I one scared little pup. If my tail could've gone any further between my legs, it'd be stuck up my ass.

"No, OUR apartment," Dan grinned. "You're just a guest. Now, be a good pup and take your clothes off for us, hmm?"

Stop! Just a second! At about that time, the only sounds I could imagine were the sound of a record coming to a screeching halt accompanied by the sound of a car crash. This is the part where my jaw hits the floor. O, the cold and miserable truth. Dan wasn't JUST gay, but he and his "friends" were aggressively so. Guess what? I was fresh meat. I never thought being a 24-year-old virgin was so much of a curse until today. Yes, you heard me right... 24-year-old virgin -- okay okay, provided pawing-off doesn't count. Anyway, continue on.

"Y-you're serious...?" I stammered out. I glared at Dan pleadingly, but he only stared back with a very devilish grin. This had been a plan, and it hadn't been planned only from the minute Dan and I decided to meet. No, I was suckered into this one, and I was certainly powerless against it.

The largest of the wolves -- the one that could've been my brother -- picked me up and hefted me over his shoulder. Oh, I kicked and screamed all right, but a fat lot of good it did me. The guy was a block of titanium if he had a muscle, and all my kicks left me with aching paws. By the time they threw me into one of the two rooms in the apartment, I had all but given up hope.

Dan approached me finally as the other wolves stood back and stared. "Come on, Aaidin, take it all off. Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

"I... I trusted you..." I whimpered out as I began to shed my clothes. My shirt came off first, obviously followed by my pants. Oh, I hesitated with the boxers. Who wouldn't? I was standing in the midst of three very gay, very horny wolves, and I was about to enter a new world of suffering.

"You still can, Aaidin," my old "friend" shrugged. "I think you'll have a much different understanding of things when we're done with you. As I said, you're very obviously a tail-bender. You may not be effeminate like our white-furred friend over there, but you very certainly are one. Now come on, let's see that beautiful piece of wolf meat you're packing."

Oh, they saw it alright, but they certainly didn't see it out of its sheath. I have to admit, whether I was a "tail-bender" or not remained to be seen. But you know what? The thought of being gang-raped by numerous wolves really didn't tickle my fancy. I won't say I hadn't pawed-off to the thought of sexual relations with another man, but from what I understand that's not as uncommon as you'd think.

I suppose I gave up by the time I finally pulled my boxers down and stepped out of them. I tossed them aside, and in an instant the wolves surrounded me. I shuddered when they took off THEIR clothes -- I was seriously trapped here, and there was no way out but through them. I closed my eyes and whimpered -- a preemptive whimper for what was going to come.

However... I didn't get what I expected. I felt something very soft against my furry wolven balls. The touch was gentle, caressing the orbs and finally my sheath as well. I bravely opened my eyes and looked down to see the largest of the three wolves fondling my man-parts. He wasn't forcing himself under my tail at all, and was simply and gently doing his best to arouse me.

I won't lie, it didn't take long. I'm a 24-year-old virgin, so believe you me it REALLY didn't take long for the large wolf's gentle touch to bring my wolfhood out of its sheath. I'd never seen it so large and hard before, either. I suppose pawing-off just doesn't compare with the real thing...

In the next few minutes, I was in heaven. The large wolf took me in his muzzle and sucked me off like a professional. My vision became blurry as I tilted my head back; that filmy sort of a second eye-lid half-way covered my eyes. Now, I'd managed that to happen just once without being deathly ill -- and yes, the same thing happens when a wolf (or a dog for that matter) is ill.

Regardless, the feeling was wonderful. The large wolf's maw was a new kind of warmth, the likes of which I'd never experienced in all my life. My jaw dropped open, and I knew my tongue was hanging out. However, the ecstacy subsided when I felt a paw on my back, pushing me forward. My tail was lifted and I turned around to see the shortest of the three wolves -- the white-furred one -- loading his pipe underneath my tail. I felt the warm touch of lubed skin against my tail-hole, and then felt it press inside.

I yipped, and words can't describe my embarrassment. My ears flared up like never before, even after they lay flat against my head. However, the senstation wasn't as painful as I'd always expected it to be. The white wolf, like the larger one, was surprisingly gentle. Sure, it hurt and was very uncomfortable; however, at the same time it was very oddly relaxing. I don't really have words to describe it, but if I absolutely have to (and I suppose I do), it felt... natural.

A paw grabbed my head and turned my nose around to face forward. Another wolf's cock stood just in front of my muzzle. There was only one wolf left that hadn't been accounted for -- my old "friend" Dan. "Can I trust you to keep your teeth off me?" Dan said.

At that point, the large wolf ran his slippery tongue right along the tip of my cock. I lurched forward from that pleasure and bumped my nose square against Dan's erect wolfhood. I felt a warm drop of Dan's pre-cum got smeared across my wolven nose. I pulled back embarrassingly, then said, "You mean... the same way I trusted you when I drove all the way out here?"

That response didn't go over well. I felt the white wolf thrust very suddenly into my back-end, forcing in his entire length. I hadn't caught a glimpse of HIS cock, but judging by the depth it had to be longer than mine. Let's just say that, at the time being, mine was certainly above average. I yipped again, and sighed.

I rested my paws on the big wolf's shoulders, then obediantly took Dan's wolfhood into my own muzzle. I decided I wasn't in the best of predicaments to be spiteful, and did my job the way it was supposed to be done. Dan's meat wasn't anything to be ashamed of, and my muzzle certainly couldn't take the whole thing at once. I gagged when I felt the tip reach the back of my throat, and I could feel my old "pal"'s pre-cum oozing out of him. O, but that large wolf's maw felt good between my legs. If anything was pleasurable about the night, it was that solvering beast's muzzle caressing my very sensitive cock.

Hell, even the white wolf's intrusion under my tail had started to feel good. By this time, he'd leaned over and rested his chest on my back. He was thrusting himself pretty regularly, making his way up past my prostate and to who knows how deep. Well, I figured out what he meant when he said I was a tail-bender -- my tail was bent pretty badly right now, and I knew I probably wouldn't be able to sit for a month. Regardless of that discomfort, I was surprised to learn that I really enjoyed this captivity. The large wolf's muzzle making love to my wolfhood and the white wolf's cock doing the same under my tail... Maybe I really AM gay... But that doesn't explain a lot of things. I've NEVER fallen in love with another man, but I've always managed to develop a crush on some random female, especially while I was in grade school.

Oh, I can just imagine the phone call I'd be making to work tomorrow. "Yeah Thomas, sorry I'm not going to be able to work for the next week or so. I was just gang-raped by three wolves, and I swear to god everytime I sit down I want to cry..." Yeah, that'd go over well.

A new sensation came to me -- the uncomfortable swelling I was all too accustomed with began to form at the base of my cock. However, I certainly wasn't used to the feel of a paw gripping it. THAt felt nice, and I'd never even thought of it. The large wolf milked me like a farmer milks a cow's utter, and I never thought I'd be so pleased to be in that situation. At the same time... oh... that wonderful muzzle of his worked a nasty spell on me indeed. As if it weren't bad enough that my prostate screamed at me with every loving caress of the white wolf's wolfhood, that very wonderful maw made love to me. I could feel the white wolf's knot pushing firmly against my tail-hole, but he gave no indication that he planned on tying me. The feeling of it pushing against my ring, though... I never expected that to set me off the way it did. I think my body temperature rose to a level that would even kill off the common cold. Even now, I'm surprised I didn't just melt.

I can just imagine what a group-sex scene with four male wolves would look like. Hell, I was the center of it, and it really wasn't so non-consensual anymore. I put forth every bit of effort I had onto Dan's enormous erection, sliding my long wolven tongue along the base. I wanted to do something with his knot, but I couldn't figure out what... sucks being an ameteur. It's not like I could reach the thing with my tongue with his cock in my mouth, and I certainly couldn't spare a paw. No, those were firmly planted on the large wolf's shoulder so I didn't collapse.

I just couldn't take it anymore. I would've howled if Dan's meat weren't filling my mouth and his knot weren't pressing firmly against my nose. Instead, it came out as some sort of a stifled moan. Regardless, I filled the large wolf's muzzle with my cum. My entire length tingled delightfully from the pleasure, and the feeling didn't stop there. Oh no, my prostate and tail-hole were experiencing that same sensation as the white wolf (ironically) painted my bowels with the same color. The warmth of the ever increasing pool of wolven fluids that were trapped in my back-end felt wonderful. Just the other day, I would've been disgusted by the thought of it, but it felt simply amazing. He'd filled me up, and I swear I could feel some of it oozing out from around his wolfhood...

There was only one wolf left, and the realization came to me that I was about to injest a large amount of wolf cum. Again, I would've been disgusted by the thought only three hours ago, but now I WANTED it. I wanted to taste it, and there was some sort of lingering horniness about the thought... I felt increadibly naughty, I suppose. I suppose something so simple would appear as a naughty thing when you're raised by a prude of an older sister... Within moments, my own muzzle was filled with puppy-seeds. The white fluids leaked from my muzzle as the sheer amount of it burst into my mouth. I swallowed what I could, but I could feel it running like drool over a hot steak dinner and all over the large wolf whose shoulders I'd rested my paws on.

So... I was no longer a virgin. I never expected it to end like this, but in a way I was glad. I really enjoyed the evening. However, the drive home (THAT NIGHT, highway hypnosis or not), was spent entirely in contemplation of what had just happened. I was increadibly confused by my enjoyment of the whole thing. The event was certainly non-consensual, but I didn't leave the apartment with the feeling that I'd been raped. They'd all been far too gentle for that to be considered rape. I'd have to say that, at best, their fun hadn't happened without taking my well-being into consideration. However... I'd never been attracted to males. All my life, I'd always drooled over the thought of having a female wolf (hell, or any other species for that matter (a 24-year-old virgin can't be picky)) in my bed for the night.

I'd felt a little bad, I realized, when I left their apartment without saying a word. Dan had pleaded with me to stay the night, but I was far too concerned and confused to hear what he had to say. I wasn't even so much offended by the fact that I hadn't had a say in the matter of this sexual exploration; I guess it didn't matter in the end since I enjoyed it so much. Regardless... I had a lot of thinking to do. There was a lot I had to sort out, and a lot of things I needed to decide.

I think, what I felt the most, was that the way to my long desired happiness was finally open to me. I'd learned a vital fact about myself that may just be the key to forgetting the issues with my slightly disfunctional family and well... moving on. Perhaps the reason I've been single all my life is that I've always been looking at the wrong gender...?

Well, I suppose only time will tell. And as they say, time heals all wounds. I've been wasting four years of my life looking back on some minor event that happened between my parents, and I'm overly concerned about the constant emotional abuse from a control-freak of a sister that acted as my parent in my parents' stead. Well, I'm done rambling. Maybe there'll be more story to tell in the future. For now, however, I desperately need a shower.

-Aaidin McLaine

~The Lone Wolf~