The Toy Bag: The Red & Black Knife

Story by Jairdan on SoFurry

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#2 of The Toy Bag

As Jair and Mina prepare to open The Toy Bag, Mina attempts to pump Jair for information on her mysterious benefactor. They're interrupted by the arrival of The Toy Bag's second unique toy.

It was mid-morning and The Toy Bag had still not opened. This wasn't necessarily a problem for its proprietor, nor for the one who had invested into it. It had only been around for a scant few days. The stock had been put on the shelves, and a little bit of gold paint was starting to hit prices around the store. There was enough stock around the store that this in and of itself is enough of a task. But the store was beginning to look full and complete as these things were done. The sconces and their blue crystals had been shined, looking rather radiant in the walls and hanging from the ceiling. There was only one problem that had to be addressed before the store could actually be opened.

"What do you mean not enough stock?" Asked Mina. There was a slight whine in her voice as she asked the question.

Jair just gave a shrug and gestured behind the counter. It spoke for itself, really.

While the rest of the store had been filled with plenty of toys of various types, and the clothing racks had gotten plenty of outfits for those that liked a little costuming or role playing in their play, Jair's rack of specialty toys was sadly lacking. Having only that tri-colored knife left most of her shelves empty. They'd need at least one more toy to fully open the store.

She said so. "Jire is making a bunch of the black knives for us. It's just taking a while. They're very special, and if he makes them wrong there could be some problems."

"I don't like the sound of that, Jair... Problems aren't good for customers." The mouse looked sidelong at the hybrid. Almost as if she feared a rebuke for that kind of comment.

Jair had found over the course of the past couple of days that the mouse had remarkably good business sense. She herself simply knew sex. Lots about sex. Probably the only course she could pass in school. Hell, she'd probably be teaching the instructor some new tricks if it came to that. But simple things like the dance of coinage and supply and demand simply didn't tickle her fancy. Besides, she never did learn her numbers. It was Mina doing all the pricing. She herself was simply going to demonstrate things and be a show of force on the floor.

"Customers don't like problems. They don't like things not working. Just the... Other knife could be bad if it started having problems." Mina had come to like that knife after what it had done for her. But it took very little imagination to imagine what it could have done to her instead.

Jair pushed herself off the counter and started wandering around the store. Looking at various toys that they had. Nothing in the store was new to her, body or mind, but it was often fun to just look at them and picture what unique events they would get up to.

"I trust Jire to make the toys right. The ones he gave to me worked correctly every time. Even some of the really weird ones that he isn't doing yet. I trust him." There was absolute conviction in her voice, a trust and near worship that she had shown many times while talking about Jire.

Mina, as she had a few times when she heard Jire's praises in Jair's voice, just rolled her eyes and giggled. "I suppose I can't argue with you. I don't know him yet."

Jair pictured a potential meeting with Jire and giggled herself. "I don't think you're ready for that, Mina. You gotta get used to yourself before you're alone in a room with Jire."

The hybrid began to straighten things on various shelves. Getting back to work. Mina got back to cleaning the various parts of the store of dust bunnies. The building had been empty for quite some time, leaving colonies of the things to be found by a mouse later on. Even the excessive cleaning that had been done since the shelving had been completed hadn't quite eradicated the smaller populations. The mouse simply had to thank various deities that Jair had cleaned the shelves prior to putting the toys on them or she'd never get away from lift-item-dust-lower. It only took ten minutes for her to begin to grow bored with her work. After all, cleaning isn't exactly the most enjoyable of chores.

"Hey Jair?" She called out.

The hybrid glanced up from a large horse-shaped dildo she was looking at, and a little too closely too. "Yes?"

"What's the name of that woman who was here yesterday?"

"Oh, that's Sam."

"You said she paid for the store, right?"

Jair placed the toy on the shelf with a mental note to check it out later. A good horse dildo that doesn't bank entirely on size is hard to find.

"Well... Yes. She helped me get started."

This alone had the mouse curious. In several days Jair had talked a lot about Jire, about what her plans for the store were, and there was a lot of discussion about Jair's partners. But there had been little back and forth from either of them about their actual histories. The hybrid simply didn't seem to care about Mina's history or personal life and had yet to really volunteer anything on her own. It was starting to get a little off-putting. Not knowing anything about who you're working for just felt off. The mouse, so happy with Jair for making her whole, was feeling hurt about not being interesting. Maybe she could get Jair interested in her, and not the store, if she showed interest too?

"Why? A store is really expensive. She must have given you a lot of money." The mouse was also curious if Jair really didn't understand money. There had been hints about it, but...

"Sam didn't really give me money, really. She went and took care of everything on her own before coming back and giving me a piece of paper. She led me here, said this place was mine. A few women came over here to talk to me about buying things and getting toys regularly to sell. And that was it. She took care of everything."

This didn't sound right to the mouse. It was too... Convenient. A wolf being interested in Jair she could understand. The toys themselves were amazing, if she could judge on the knife alone. It would make a good business proposition. But paying for a building, stock, and then just letting Jair have it...?

"There has to be more to it than that, right? Are you giving her money back? Does she get free things from the store? What does she get from all of this?" Mina was looking for dirt. Scuttlebutt doesn't start from nothing.

Jair was all too happy to provide as her wandering attention caught some sparkly anal beads. "Sam gets a lot of things from me. She will come in every week and take some of the money we make for herself. She also gets some of the toys me and Jire make that she gets to test and keep. I hear her pet is rather happy about them." And that was it. The story ended right there.

Still not satisfied, the mouse called out, "Well, she's just getting paid back, right? She'll stop getting money from here eventually?"

"I don't know. I guess?"

The mouse looked absolutely dumbfounded. Jair guessed? That's not just a lack of good business sense, that's just a lack of sense. Jair could not be this ignorant, could she?

"Well, who is she? How did you meet?"

Jair set the beads back on the shelf before slipping on over towards where Mina was working behind the counter. Her hands got placed on the solid wood to lift her up and let her bend over it to look the curious mouse right in the eye from rather close range. The little herm was quite surprised by the sudden approach. Had she gone too far?

"You're rather curious about all of this, mousie. Why don't you just ask her next time she's around? She could tell you better than I could."

The mouse looked away when she was asked that question. She had seen how Sam had treated one of the delivery men that had come in the store to drop off the toys. The meeting had quickly turned to Sam running the guy off with a boot aimed at his crotch. This didn't inspire confidence in a pleasant meeting.

Mina eventually decided on, "If I'm working for her, I'd like to know about her first. To make sure she likes me."

The hybrid turned suddenly inquisitive. "But you're not working for her. You're working for me. It's my store, remember?"

This solidified the idea in Mina's mind that Jair didn't understand how this sort of thing worked. Perhaps she should be educated before the wolf took Jair for a ride? Before Mina could say anything about the situation, a buzzing sound caught her attention from the edge of the counter.

The tear in reality she had seen once before was reasserting itself. Quicker this time, since the connection had been established previously. She was in a better position to see inside of it this time. But it didn't help her too much. There was some sort of building on the other side that Jire was working in. There was a distinct feeling of color and of some sort of curved wall. That's as much as Mina got as a few new boxes were piled onto the counter, another note was slipped through. She could hear a kiss passing from Jair to Jire over her head. And then the rift closed again.

"Don't you ever want to talk to him, or anything?" Asked the mouse. "I always see you here, and you haven't tried to talk to him either time.

Jair looked confused at the question. There was obvious puzzlement on her features, and it even crept into her voice. "I talk to him all the time. We see each other every day, any time I'm not here."

The mouse checked the need to comment that Jair seemed to be up and rolling about the store every day, all day. So it had been since she had been hired. Instead she went to check on the boxes. A squeak of surprise preceded her quickly backing away. It took one misstep to trip over her cleaning solution and land unceremoniously on her rump.

Jair's eyes followed her as she stepped away from the boxes. "What's wrong with you? They're just boxes."

When she advanced she saw the carved wooden boxes, similar to those of the tri-colored knife from before. But the carving on the lid looked decidedly... Unpleasant. It wasn't the carving itself. That was rather well done. The picture of the contents was itself lacking in aesthetics. It was a carving of a knife, an evil looking knife. Curved and wicked, painted a dark black with some red highlights. The red even seemed to flash and glint in the light as if it was wet. As if it was blood. Completely unappetizing in its design. No wonder Jire had asked if they could change it.

"That knife looks evil! And not nice besides. Why would you sell something like that?" The mouse looked incredibly put off by the presence of the knives.

Jair, on the other hand, was already putting them up on the shelves alongside the Tri-color knives. The two products didn't exactly look like bosom buddies together. One would even look acceptable in a child's play pen. The other would be at home in an assassin's hands. Post mortem.

"Oh, it's what it does, not what it looks like. I wanted to make sure you would never mistake which one was which. It could be... Embarrassing." Jair grinned to herself, and the expression was barely visible from behind.

"What's so funny? Those don't belong in a sex shop!" Mina was slowly getting to her feet and rubbing her now-sore behind.

Jair's hand paused on the next one before opening the box. The knife inside was exactly as it said on the tin. A cold and evil-looking black metal knife with a wickedly curved blade, glinting a malevolent red tint in the light as if it has just been dipped in ichor.

"Well. I guess I'm just going to have to show you, huh?"

She left the empty box on the counter and reached out to grab the mouse's wrist. Dragging her along towards the 'testing' room in the back. The one with the soundproofing in it for occasions just like this. Mina's protests were shush'd repeatedly. The mouse just cooperated with the inevitable. While Jair had yet to force herself on the mouse, Mina had swiftly gathered from the stories that the hybrid didn't often let people get away from her when she found herself in one of these moods. She'd just have to learn to deal with it and go from there. Besides, after what had happened with the tri-color knife last time she was in this room, she may end up enjoying it.

It was worrying that there was a tri-color knife in a holder on the wall in the room. As if Jair planned to use the room a lot more often.

Once again she was ushered onto the table. It was but the work of a moment for Jair to get rid of the sundress and the panties beneath. The former was just lifted upwards until Mina took a hold of it. The latter were pulled down and off to reveal a lot of lovely thing. Mina had stuck by her decision to keep her male parts. A decision that Jair could not help but approve of. Mina still wasn't exactly sure why and Jair wasn't telling.

"Have you touched it yet?" Asked the hybrid. The question came almost out of nowhere.

The mouse looked down, mystified, until she realized that Jair was glancing at her still-new sex. "I... Haven't. I didn't think it was the right time."

The hybrid simply nodded and dropped the subject. Now wasn't the time to deflower a lovely mouse. That could happen another time. No, she'd teach the mouse what this knife did now. And, in doing so, probably learn her a healthy respect for not judging things by their appearances. First thing's first, though.

"Close your eyes." Ordered the hybrid.

"Why? What are you going to do?" The mouse was actually starting to sound fearful. After all, that knife...

"I'm going to do something rather lovely that I think you'll enjoy. But you have to have your eyes closed first. It's no fun if it's not a surprise!" Jair actually sounded petulant there.

The mouse gave in and closed her eyes. Trying to lay back on the table. At least it was comfortable. Jair had padded the thing with some sort of cushion since the last time she had been on it. She'd have to ask to get a daybed instead of this turned out to be a common thing. Her thoughts were therefore not entirely on current events when she felt something nice and warm blowing over her shaft.

Jair had leaned in to start working over the mouse's male bits. Slowly and carefully teasing her with just her breath. Gentle exhalations so that the warm air would wash over sensitive flesh and get blood flowing. It was working. Each breath got the mouse to twitch.

"J-jair? What are you doing?"

There was no answer. Jair's eyes were on the sheath. Watching and waiting for certain telltale signs that would let her know that her methods were working. They didn't take long. The mouse's sheath slowly started to swell. Content that Mina would soon be ready for fun and would definitely be in the mood, Jair leaned in and gave her sac a gentle nip. Just enough to get Mina to jump and her balls to pull in. The hybrid gave in to her love for balls and just nuzzled in. A gentle breath taken in to enjoy the masculine scent of them before she began to lick.

Just gentle stroking with her tongue to tease Mina just a little. To give her little tingles of pleasure while still working to arouse her. Her shaft hadn't hit full hardness, after all, and the hybrid needed that to actually use the knife. In order to accelerate the growth of Mina's length, Jair slowly started to lick upwards. Just the anticipation seemed to be enough for the mouse. Her shaft swiftly reached full hardness before Jair's tongue had even reached the flesh itself.

Mina was merely able to gasp when the tongue touched sensitive skin. Skin that hadn't actually felt a tongue, or a mouth, in quite a long time. Even the attention from Jair before, when the other knife was used, was barely a lick. A touch. Just enough to keep her occupied. Not enough to truly satisfy her. Having dealt with her own hand for so very long, Mina was definitely amenable to the attention. Jair's tongue was actually swiftly causing pre to accumulate at the tip of her shaft.

This is when Jair struck. With Mina's attention still on her licking, she brought up her evil-looking knife. The blade was set at the edge of Mina's sheath and, with one swift movement, the hybrid used the knife to cut Mina's bits clear off.

There was no shriek of pain from the mouse. There was no gushing of blood. In fact, one would be hard pressed to see if there was actually a shaft there in the first place. Where there was once a sheath and shaft, there was simply a fur-covered patch of flesh behind. As if Mina had been born female. But that shaft hadn't disappeared either; it was still in Jair's hand, pulsing in time to Mina's heartbeat. It was still hard, still slowly dribbling pre down its length. What's more, Mina was still enjoying the feeling of Jair's mouth on the shaft. Nothing had changed but the location. For all intents and purposes, it was never there, and was never separated either.

"Mina... Open your eyes..."

As Jair finished speaking she slowly took the shaft into her mouth. From head to base all in one fell swoop. This did little to help the mouse open her eyes. She had barely a chance to look at Jair before her eyes closed and her back arched. There was a jet of pre that landed on Jair's tongue, indicating how much the mouse enjoyed that sudden move. Several long seconds passed before Mina could actually force her eyes to open. Force her breathing to slow. And what she saw?

Jair had her cock in her hand. But it wasn't attached to her body. It was more like a living dildo than anything. Cock and balls in Jair's hand, in her mouth, a good foot or so away from the mouse's body. And there was nothing there.

For a moment, her breath caught in her chest. The idea that the knife had completely removed her shaft was both amazing and horrifying. It didn't take long for her to let her head fall back again as the sensations continued unabated. The gentle heat and wetness around her shaft slowly grew into suckling. And then sliding in and out. The hybrid seemed to be enjoying herself with the shaft. Mina had to agree with that; it was rather enjoyable.

It got more so when she felt the tip of her shaft pressing against a soft and yielding hole. Oddly enough, it seemed that Jair had gotten herself a dildo, as she felt something slowly pressing against her tailhole. Both feelings began to escalate at roughly the same rate. Mina's pleasure-addled mind simply didn't make the connection.

Jair was enjoying herself with all of this. It'd been a while since she had fun of this nature. She'd love to do it to Mina's sex to break her in, but the poor girl deserved a better deflowering than that. No, she'd simply take her backdoor with her own shaft and be happy with that. Mina's face looked better and better as it twisted in pleasure. Her eyes were screwing up in pleasure as her back started to arch. Jair kept up the subtle pressure with her hand. And, to add more fun for the girl, leaned in to slowly lick around the joining of shaft and gently-squirming girl.

When Mina felt the tongue on her shaft and her hole at the same time her eyes suddenly snapped open. She stared down at Jair between her legs. She saw her shaft disappearing between her legs at the same rate she felt something enter her and felt her shaft entering someone. The connection clicked. Suddenly there was a mewl of pleasure. Jair slowly angled the entry to ensure that the girl's inner pleasure-button would be hit with the tip of that shaft. And with Jair's anatomical expertise in this realm, it was a dead-on ram. Just the grind sent lightning up and down Mina's spine.

Mina was having trouble not cumming on the spot. She had a tight hole around her shaft that hadn't had any such thing in quite a long time. More than that, she had a sizable shaft sliding up into her, something else she hadn't had in forever. Her toes were beginning to curl already, her back beginning to arch. It didn't help that Jair seemed to tire of doing little more than thrusting her shaft in and out with her hand. So she wrapped her mouth around her balls and the base of her sheath to thrust with her mouth instead, all while licking at the sac as well.

It didn't take long for Mina to go off. The combined sensations of two bits of her getting pleasured in identical ways was simply too much. And Jair simply was not making it easy on her. Mouth on her as well as steady and aimed thrusting. Top that all with the hybrid's nose pushing against her sex with every thrust and well-timed exhales simply pushed her over. Her female sex didn't get off, but it was enough for her cock to do so. Filling herself up with such lovely seed that felt so hot and right inside of her body. Just the feeling of the filling helped to extend her climax a good ten to fifteen seconds.

With Mina well and truly dazed, Jair simply stood and looked down at her. There was a slight bit of amusement on her features. She reached out for the tri-colored knife and did some work on Mina's lower half. When she was all done, Mina had a shaft once more. A carbon copy of her original. And a gentle slice with the knife removed it. She wouldn't be able to get it that close, after all, and Mina may notice. Reapplying the original wasn't difficult at all, a simple backhand swipe of the knife reapplied it.

Jair took her new copy with her as she walked out. Sliding it into a rather convenient, if hidden, safe near the back of the store. Internally warmed to body temperature so that the owner wouldn't realize what was going on. She could think of good reasons to keep a copy of Mina's shaft that Mina could feel at all times.

As she returned to the front of the store, Jair couldn't help but grin. "I think she's going to be a fan of knives from now on."

Jairdan and Mina © Jairdan