MLP The Chronicles of Fierce Charge: Hearts and Hooves Day Massacre

Story by Jeremiah_Nightwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of My Little Pony: Honor in Courage

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony. I only call dibs on Fierce Charge and any other ponies I end up developing to fit my story line. All geographical references are credited to the most amazing map I saw on deviantart, and I will only ever use it for references within the boundaries of Equestria because the map was developed for another person's fan fic. This story is intended for the adult MLP fans due to violence and future events that are sure to occur.

Please enjoy the story, I spend a lot of time on it, and wrote despite a terrible case of summer flu I got at the hospital my niece was staying in. Rate and comment, especially if you have advice or opinions on my style. More is due to come as soon as possible so keep your eyes open if you like! ^_^

Story Promo: We enter on the monotonous life of a palace guard named Fierce Charge. His life is dull and he craves for the chance to climb to a higher station, but he has no drive. Then when he least expects it responsibility is thrust upon him when a new threat of immense evil casts a looming shadow over Equestria.

There's no day worse for a pony who is lonely than Hearts and Hooves day. That day is meant for each and every pony to find their special some pony and enjoy the day together. But, what if you have no special some pony? What if you are left alone to watch as every pony else gallops about with another pony at their side? Such is the case for one very lonely pony by the name of Fierce Charge. Fierce Charge, or Fi for short, was born in the bustling noble city of Canterlot: the seat of political power in Equestria. Being born a strong little Pegasus, Fi took to flying like any Pegasus would. With time he grew into a powerful winged stallion and fulfilled his dream of joining the Royal Guard.

The peaceful nature of Equestria consequently gave the job a very boring air of monotony. Every morning he would rise from bed at five. By seven he would be at his post protecting the repository in the palace Library, fully equipped in his armor and his fur and mane dyed the appropriate hues of gray. In all honesty he had always dreamed of becoming a guard of her Majesty Princess Celestia, or her younger sister Princess Luna, but as with many dreams it was not meant to be. For one thing he had never impressed the right pony, and for another he was far too quiet and obedient to demand a chance to show off. At seven in the evening he would be relieved by the night guard, a pony whose name he had never given much dedication to memorizing, and then he would fly home to his small one bedroom apartment in the middle class area of Canterlot. His sire and mother had left him their home when they went to live among the ponies of Ponyville five years prior.

His home was a flat located on the upper most floor of a three story building. He was glad for the higher altitude; it made it easier for him to just fly in a window rather than climb a bunch of stairs. Inside he had the necessary rooms: bedroom, privy, kitchen and living space. When not home he would visit the local park for a trot, or go out to eat at a nice small café down the road. Having a long work shift each day made it difficult to maintain friendships with ponies that spent their day out in the sun. He didn't even have friendships with his fellow guard ponies because of the strict discipline that was enforced among the ranks. The only thing that kept his mind off of his work was his books which he sometimes snuck from the repository he guarded. Nothing too sensitive of course, just out of date flying maneuver books and discarded scrolls on the proper use of the barrel roll or other such things.

Some would find such an existence comforting and in control. Others would find it a waste of time. For Fi, it was a silent, painless torture that was only worsened by holidays. The impending arrival of Hearts and Hooves day was no different. Canterlot was adorned with magnificent decorations hanging from everything, from the street lamp posts to the watch tower where the princesses would watch over their country during the day and night. Even Fi's own flat was laced with hanging ribbons and hearts carved out of rubies hanging from the balconies and roof. For days stallions had been running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to outdo their gifts from the previous year. Fi had even spotted a very unlucky colt delivering a massive diamond to some unknown estate in uptown.

It was currently the morning of the eve of Hearts and Hooves day. The alarm on Fierce's night stand would normally have gone off at four thirty, but because it was one of his rare days off it didn't ring until seven. When it finally did go off, Fi groaned his protest as he had been enjoying a rather exciting dream staring Daring Do. After smashing his alarm over the bells with his heavy hoof he slid out of bed and trotted over to the privy. Two minutes later he stood by his sink with his front hooves placed firmly on the sides of it. He peered into the mirror in front of him to admire himself. Being a palace guard his coat and mane were dyed grey and darker grey. It was dismal to be surrounded by so many beautiful colors, and be forced to wear such dull colors. But he didn't regret his career choice; guarding the palace was an honorable way to earn bits.

Naturally, his coat was much lighter silver and his mane was a bright fire red that changed to orange, yellow and then blue near the roots. When flying his natural colors would leave a most dazzling trail if he flew fast enough. It paled in comparison to the famous Rainbow Dash of course, but it was still a very appealing sight. Upon his flank he sported his cutie mark, a lance with lines trailing behind and flames on the tip to give the impression that it was being thrust with great force and velocity. Due to his military training and discipline his equine body was very thick and muscular. Unlike most of the noble ponies who each sported a sagging belly from their over indulgence, Fi was built for combat. He rubbed his hooves into his face once they were damp and rubbed away the sleep and fatigue. Once refreshed he made sure to apply the necessary dye to his mane to cover up what little of his roots had begun to show before he left his flat and flew off down the street. Other Pegasus ponies flew by either alone or in pairs and none of them even paid him any mind; one exceedingly busy Pegasus even flew into his side and nearly knocked him into the wall of a tall shop.

Once down the street he flew down to the ground and landed with the grace of a trained pony in front of a small, yet popular sweet shop. It was owned by a rather old couple of ponies named Mr. and Mrs. Tart. The Mr. was named Lime Tart and sported a nice light green coat with a darker forest green mane. His wife, Cherry Tart, was a light red color with a dark red mane that she usually kept in a long chain of neatly tied buns down the back of her neck. The two old equines had been married for 30 years and their love had burned brightly since their childhood. Even now their shop was the most decorated building on the block, which irked Fi severely, but because he cared for the two of them like family he let it slide.

As he entered the shop Fi became aware of two things immediately. The first thing was the utter mess the shop was in. The floor was laden with cakes, pies and candies like a storm had swept through the shop. The beautiful white curtains that usually gave the front window such a welcoming look were ripped and strewn across the floor. And the most frightening thing in the room that was out of place? The floor was spattered by blood. The second thing Fi became aware of was a strange green aura emanating from the kitchen through a lovely swinging door behind the counter. The door had been gored by what could only be a thick horn unlike those of the unicorns. Not even an Alicorn would have such a thick horn, and there were no other horned creatures within the high walls of Canterlot.

Fi made his way slowly to the counter and then shuffled behind it silently, trying his damnedest not to allow his hooves to clop too loudly. As he moved the sickening sound of soft suckling could be heard, along with the groaning of a pony in pain. He noticed a small trail of blood leading into the kitchen and he feared the worst. When he peeked his long face around into the kitchen through the broken door he was horrified by what he saw. The overall state of the kitchen was a complete wreck with tools and various foods spread haphazardly about the floor, much like the store front. The blood trail led over into a corner where the body of Mr. Tart lay limp but not entirely lifeless due to the occasional muscle spasm. He gave a groan as Fi stared helplessly at the monster hovering over him.

The monster, for that is all it could be with the grotesque figure it possessed, stood about a head taller than most ponies, and a half head shorter than the princess Celestia herself. The beast was hunched low with its front legs bent; its hind quarters were stuck straight up with a wiry haired tail hanging down and dusting the floor with its very tip. The body was covered in a very short, but thick coat of jet black fur. On its back were two very hideous wings made of the most sinister looking feathers I had ever seen. On the crown of its head a thick horn grew out and peaked at about a half foot from the skull. Judging by the thickness of the base of its horn Fi could tell this was what had destroyed the store front. The terrible, sickening sound was coming from the monster as it... chewed on poor Mr. Tart.

Fi had been trained to defend the castle from all manner of different malevolent creatures that would ever attempt a theft, assassination, or coup. He had never in his entire life, even during training, been told of such a beast. His first thought was of changelings. This creature certainly did possess certain similarities to that particular species. But to his knowledge they had no need to actually physically harm their prey, just feed off their emotion. From his position by the door he could tell the monstrosity was feasting on the elder pony's neck. As he watched the creature tore a small portion of flesh and fur from the neck it had been masticating which elicited a pained whine from Mr. Tart.

Outraged by the sound of one of the kind old ponies who had always treated him well as a customer and friend, Fierce Charge snorted and readied himself to live up to his name. With a fierce battle cry he charged around the door and into the kitchen and when he came upon the creature it had only enough time to gawk awkwardly. Fi drove both his front hooves into the side of the beast sending it crashing to the floor. Before it could recover Fi kicked back and neighed loudly before slamming his well manicured hooves into the beast's chest. The resulting crunch of bone resonated up Fi's legs, but his battle rage allowed him to show little remorse for the loss of life, regardless of the non-violent practices of his people. After kicking the lifeless body of the unknown creature to test for life, Fi found perverse satisfaction from the ass kicking he had just dealt. A pained groan from the corner of the room shook him from his reverie and drew his full attention.

Fi galloped carefully but hurriedly to Mr. Tart who still lay in the corner. Whether he had been knocked out or simply subdued was beyond Fi's reckoning, but Mr. Tart seemed to be more aware of his condition and surroundings by the time the young stallion was by his side. Mr. Tart gave a start as Fi came up to him, and then he whined loudly as his hoof drew up to his severely wounded neck. Fi quickly rushed about and found what first aid he could around the mess before he rejoined Mr. Tart. The elder pony had moved into a relaxed position lying on his belly with his legs nestled beneath him. His body gave small shudders as shock settled into his system. Fi did what he could as fast as he could to staunch the bleeding.

"Thanks young one..." Mr. Tart said once Fi had finished tying on the bandages he had torn from a table cloth.

"Hey I'm a guard, protecting every pony is what we do." Fi replied while giving the elder a reassuring smile.

"Where is my wife... where is Cherry?" Mr. Tart asked while scanning the kitchen.

"I don't know sir. When I got here the front was in shambles and so is the kitchen obviously. There was no sign of your wife or any injuries she may have taken from that... thing. Do you remember what exactly happened here?" Fi responded and added his own question in return.

"I remember opening the shop... The day had begun like any other. The first batch of the missus' famous cherry cheese tarts had just been taken out and put to cool. I gave her a peck on the cheek and went to the front while she saw to a bit of rubbish that needed to be taken out back. I heard a crash and then her screams. I hadn't been so scared since she gave me my first child. I ran back to see what in Equestria had befallen her, and then I was tackled to the ground by something heavy and black..." He trailed off as his eyes wandered over to the dark mass in the corner.

"I fear she has been taken sir. I have no idea what these beasts are nor where they are from but I swear on my station that I will find your mare." Fi said as he lowered his head and gave the old equine a gentle nuzzle.

The elder nuzzled back and placed a hoof on Fi's shoulder, "Bless you child. Be careful. Do not get yourself killed overdoing it. We have no idea what these beasts are fully capable of, or how many of them there are."

Fierce Charge nodded. It was true; he was clueless of their power and intent. He called for help from the shop front and, once he was sure that the ponies of the neighborhood would take care of his old friend, he made for the sky. He flew high and fast, beyond the crisscrossing sky roads where the civilian pegasi normally flew, to just below the clouds where ponies from Cloudsdale were diligently seeing to an afternoon shower that was scheduled for the flowers. As he flew through the pockets of condensed moisture, water clung to his body where it froze, making his coat look as if it were woven with hundreds of small diamonds. The cool air and water was soothing to the winged pony that had just been in a stuffy, blood scented kitchen. His eyes were glued to the kingdom below, scanning the streets, roof tops, towers, and walls for signs of more of the beasts. He could feel the presence of something below, it was like an itch in his chest, or a twist in his stomach. Just as he was about to twist his body for a turn he spotted it: a lone dark mass leaping from roof top to roof top carrying what looked to be a blue coated pony on its back.

Fi snorted angrily and flipped upside down on his back before he folded his wings close to his body. Gravity took hold at once and a small shift of his weight sent his body spinning in a nose dive barrel roll so that he cork screwed toward the ground. One might think this a mistake because any sane pony would assume he would become incredibly dizzy. Fi however enjoyed the feeling of his body piercing through the air and spinning so that the world around him blurred into what he could only describe as an oil pastel painting. Once to the altitude he desired he flung his wings out to catch the updraft so that he could end his spiral and level out. He did so just in time to see the beast leave the city over a wall, and then take off with the speed of five earth ponies. Fi sped off as fast as he could after the creature.

The day passed by very slowly. The sun in the sky bore down heavily on his brow as Fi flew through the sky. His eyes focused on the black figure that drove a serpentine path through the green country. They had left the mountains where Canterlot was perched and gone roughly south west. Fi could feel the air warming up the closer they got to Cloudsdale, and when it was within eyesight he considered stopping by to ask for aid, but the creature below was unrelenting and would go dangerously out of sight of the stallion. No, he would fly on and pursue his prey no matter what. An unknown number of ponies were relying on him, and he wasn't about to give up the fight because he was afraid to take on superior numbers. With Cloudsdale at his back he was unaware that the rain clouds were only just then being led to their destinations in the southern lands of Equestria, so when the sun became dimmed he was startled, but not enough to lose sight of the monster.

Within the hour he was within range of Ponyville so that he could see the rough shape of the cozy cottages and the superbly built town hall. He took little time to admire the quaint little town for he saw his target veer to the right and head in a more westerly direction toward the Everfree Forest. Whether the beast would continue on towards the thick tree line of the forest or switch again and head toward the Drackenridge Mountains was a mystery as of yet, but Fi would find his answer soon enough. The beast suddenly broke off into a hard gallop; the pounding of its large hooves, for the tainted quadruped had the hardened feet of a pony, loud enough for Fi to hear even over the rush of wind battering his ears. Fi dove quickly, forsaking his favored diving pattern for one more conventional, and by the time his hooves slammed into the ground the beast had already rushed into the thick darkness of the forest.

Fi strode cautiously to the forest and laid a hoof on the trunk of a nearby tree. As he did so he noticed that the dye he used to keep his coat and mane the regulation colors had been torn from his body. He chuckled to himself for a moment as he pictured the speed he had been going ripping the dye from him. That was, of course, not the case. The dye was a simple blend of natural ingredients that were safe for overall coverage without causing injury or negative reaction. During his flight he spent a great majority of it in the warm moist air near the clouds, so it would make sense that the dye would be rinsed away. He made a note to inform the ponies at the castle armory that the costume dye was unsuitable for over exposure to humidity. Once his trivial thoughts were set aside Fi finally gave the darkness more of his attention.

Tales of the Everfree Forest were all far-fetched and mostly hear-say. That aside however, many stories had been proven true by the residents of Ponyville. The forest housed creatures the likes of which many had no desire to see. Fi was no different. He gave a shudder as he imagined the Timber Wolves of lore, or the existence of Cockatrice dens. Pure terror slowly crept over the trained guard as he gave a small step back, but then he heard the distant cry of a female pony in pain. His heart thumped loudly, but not in fear, in renewed battle rage. What would he be if he gave up now after such a long chase? With a snort and a hard swallow of his spittle to wet his throat Fi crept slowly into the forest and then took off at a brisk trot.

They say that the first step is always the hardest. Fi grew to appreciate this phrase as each step he took made his decent into the forest easier to deal with. He feared his path might be leading him off the trail of the dark creature, but he found the evidence he needed to prove he had yet to lose his prey. On the forest floor a fresh trail of blood could be seen glistening in the nearly absent sunlight that fell from the ceiling of the forest. Fi doubled his pace so that he was galloping while his eyes kept a lock on the trail. As his hooves clopped on the mossy floor of the forest he couldn't help admiring the variety of plant life he was passing. He would pass by a leaf the size of his body on one tree, and then he would pass a tree with a trunk covered in vines and purple flowers. Every so often as he scanned his surroundings he caught glimpses of animal life hidden among the trees. On one of his perimeter checks Fi caught sight of a pair of large eyes in a tree, but he was relieved to see an owl swoop down from the dark shadows where it had been hiding.

After some time of wandering through the forest and following the small traces of blood that spattered the moss beneath his hooves, he finally came to a stop to rest in a small clearing. Leaning his forehead against a tree nearby he gave a groan as his legs felt like they were on fire, and don't even get him started on his wings. It was then that he heard the sound. It was familiar to him somehow. He looked around and the sound never grew louder, but stayed steady and almost monotonous. He then stomped his hoof down when he realized where he had heard it before. The sound was the same sickening sucking sound he had heard back at the Tarts' place, but this time it sounded like an orchestra rather than a solo act. Fi turned about in a circle trying to pin point which direction the sound was coming from. When he had it figured out he broke off at a run, but not a gallop, because the more sound he made the less chance of a surprise attack.

Fierce Charge finally worked his way through what he had counted as the tenth bush of what he assumed were berries when he froze dead in his tracks. He had found another clearing, but this one was not of natural origins, and it was made nearly as large as a city block in Fillydelphia. The edge of the grand circle was laden with felled trees and uprooted bushes and thickets. A few large fire pits had been made with crudely broken pieces of slate and large chucks of tree trunks burning in their centers. No pony-made pots or dishes were seen, but it was clear that the builders were not unintelligent. Large piles of stolen hay and barley were placed haphazardly about the large round clearing for what he could only assume was bedding. It wasn't until his eyes fell on the absolute center of the clearing that he felt the familiar sensation of horrified panic. There were over a dozen of the large beasts either standing or kneeling by a pile of pony bodies. So many ponies he had seen walking the streets or attending galas in the castle, now being fed on by these monsters. All of them suffered neck wounds and most had the cold touch of death about them. The poor ponies still alive were all suffering pain and even those not being fed on would moan or groan in agony.

Fi then caught sight of the light red body of Mrs. Tart lying near one fireside. She was giving off soft groans of pain, but unlike the others she seemingly suffered no injuries. In fact, she had not a single bite or scratch on her entire body. What then was causing her enough pain to stop her from attempting to flee? He wagered that she was poisoned, or suffering from an internal wound. As he contemplated her condition he was caught off guard when one of the beasts slowly made its way over to her with a look on its face that could only be hunger. Fi felt a rush of anger fill him and he couldn't continue to stand there idly while the poor ponies still alive there suffered. He gave a loud cry and burst from his place in the bushes. Several of the nearby beasts turned to watch him as his mane left a blazing trail behind him. His charge was boosted with the help of his flapping wings and when he made contact with the beast near Mrs. Tart it didn't matter that the creature had taken a defensive stance. The impact sent the monster flying into a tree at the edge of the clearing so hard that the entire tree gave a loud crack.

Fi felt the dazed feeling of running into a wall come over him, but it left him soon enough. Sadly, by then, the other remaining eleven monsters had readied themselves into fighting stances. Fi faced his foes with a steely grin and his heart racing. He regretted leaving Canterlot without any of his guard gear. Every hit he took would be full force. Every attack he would dish out would be less powerful than normal. But none of that mattered to him as he snorted and ground his right front hoof into the loose dirt of the clearing. The creatures finally gave in to the tense pressure of the atmosphere and two of their ranks rushed forward on the winged stallion. As the first of the two made contact with him he made sure the brunt of their power was absorbed by his shoulder. Once he had the beast locked against him he pushed him back and into his partner, knocking the foolish beasts over on top of each other.

Fi leaped forward and drove a hoof into the chest of the one on the top of the pile, knocking the air out of both the oversized creatures. In frustration the beast on the bottom threw his kin to the side, and into one of the large fires. Fi winced at the screams of pain the thing released as the fire ate away at its flesh. He didn't have a moment to feel remorse however, because the beast who had thrown his brother drove a hoof into the side of his face. Fi's vision went red as pain coursed through his head like a spike. He recoiled back to allow his body a chance to recover, but the beast followed and used its right wing to try and topple Fi over. The stallion had only a moment to react and he reacted well, because he ducked just in time to avoid the possibly deadly blow to his neck. He spun on his hooves and grabbed the wing in his mouth and immediately tasted the familiar flavor of earth as his teeth gnashed on the appendage. The beast roared out in an incoherent gibber gabber that resembled no language he had ever heard. Fi then flicked his head and felt the resounding snap of the wing in his maw breaking. It was possibly the most disgusting moment of his life, but it sure as hell wasn't about to be the last moment of his life.

Fi then flew up and pulled the beast up with him. High above the forest they flew as Fi held on tightly to the broken wing. During the ascent he felt the beast thrash and attempt to break free of his grip. Fi then did something he never suspected he would ever do... he let the beast drop. As he watched he felt a pang of pity, but then he remembered that the thing had probably killed some pony he recognized, and then he flew down fast to be sure his maneuver had worked properly. The beast fell hard and fast and when it made contact with the ground the sound of a water skin smashing the floor could be heard. Fi had little time to admire his handy work before a third monster was charging him. He turned as it got close and kicked back with his hind legs as hard as he could. He got a lucky hit on the thing's chin and he heard the audible click of the neck breaking.

The remaining beasts all gave surprised, almost fearful looks as they witnessed a fourth death of their kin. Fi turned slowly toward the bulk of their ranks and snorted. He was becoming exhausted but he would never back down. He had countless lives in his hooves and many to avenge on the ground before him. He also had a promise to keep, and he glanced over at the limp body of Mrs. Tart where she lay unconscious, or at least subdued by some strange force. He was just about to make his first offensive charge at their group when every pony was forced to their knees by a rather severe earth quake. Fi gasped and held his footing the best he could, but he too eventually fell prey to the swaying, shifting ground. When it ceased he stood back up slowly and then gave another sharp gasp as his eyes fell on something opposite him on the other side of the clearing.

Where the ground had once been smooth and clear there was now a tunnel resembling the small holes worms left in the earth after a rain storm. This hole was no worm hole, and was measured about the length of a carriage in diameter. Standing by the tunnel was a tall figure nearly two or three heads taller than princess Celestia. This new monster was a biped and had hooves for feet like the smaller creatures. The two legs were covered in what he assumed was shaggy black fur at first, but when he looked closer it billowed like black fire. The fire ended at the waist like a pair of liar's trousers, and from there up was... he didn't know how to describe it. There was no fur save for a line that led up the middle of the lightly tanned skin. The area was covered in muscles of types he had never seen and gave the air of tremendous strength. The skin led up to the neck of the creature and then broke off into that thick flaming fur again, but this time it formed what was clearly the head of a bull. The flames licked the air around new beast, but gave off no aura of heat. The new thing's eyes, two flickering orbs of bloody crimson in the depths of the dark flames, were honed in on Fi who felt an involuntary shudder course through his body. It then spoke with a voice so full of malice that it even gave the trees around them cause to shudder in fear.

"Hmm, we have returned then... back to Equestria... excellent."

Fierce Charge glared hotly at the demonic Minotaur before speaking, "Who are you then beast?"

The Minotaur gave a resounding boom of laughter that shook the ground beneath Fi's hooves before replying, "My name is Malvagio puny pony, master of these creatures that you have been slaying."

Fi could feel the power in the name, and he knew it was of dark origin. As he stood his ground Malvagio walked across the clearing toward him. Each step the Minotaur took left a lifeless patch of grass in his wake. He finally stopped when he stood near the pile of dead and dying ponies. Fi watched him reach down and remove a very dead young pony with a yellow coat and blue mane from the edge of the pile. Fi winced, horrified, as he watched Malvagio use his bare hands to rip the pony's chest asunder and then remove the heart. Fi thanked any pony above watching that the poor mare was dead already. Once the heart was free of its former body Malvagio threw the pony to his pets and they greedily crowded the body to have their way with the carcass. By that point Fi could feel his insides burning and his stomach churning all at once. He was then the unlucky audience to Malvagio's nth revolting act; Malvagio devoured the heart whole in his gaping maw.

"You... are a disgusting... evil... murderer!" Fi screamed before he let out a loud, roar like neigh. His hooves surged into the loose dust of the clearing floor as he charged forward toward the devil.

Malvagio gave a sinister smirk before vanishing into a swirl of black fire. Fi skidded to a stop as a rush of warm air washed over him. A loud omnipresent laugh filled the empty silence of the clearing. Without warning Fi was then hefted into the air and thrown high above the ground. Being airborne was nothing to the winged stallion, but when he attempted to use his wings for their intended purpose he found them bound to his back by an evil, dark, flaming magical aura. As he fell he twisted his body sideways so that his hooves would be ready to absorb the impact, but he never made it to the ground. He felt a white hot, almost frost biting feeling pierce into his belly. He neighed out in pain as he looked down to see himself gored by one of the horns atop the menacing head of the Minotaur. Fi coughed up spittle and blood that trickled down his chin and into the flaming fur of the beast's head where it vanished, possibly absorbed or evaporated. Malvagio gave his head a jerk and sent Fi flying onto the pile of ponies that had been collected.

Fi felt his body dying slowly as he peered through half closed eyes at the massive dark figure of his enemy. Just before darkness overwhelmed his senses he thought he heard distant bells or horns being blown...

A burning inside his body gave him cause to scream. His voice was not with him, and all he accomplished was exacerbating his pain. He wished the darkness wasn't so dark. He lifted a hoof to his face and saw nothing. How dark was it? Where had he been sleeping? Then he remembered the long chase. He remembered the horrors of the scene. He remembered the emergence of the large demon made of flesh and flames. And he remembered the feeling of his body being skewered by that same monstrosity. He gave a start and then his eyes fluttered open and a blinding light overwhelmed his senses. The brightness was so intense he nearly sneezed from an involuntary tickle that formed in his nose. He then raised a hoof to his eyes to shield them and in the absence of the light his eyes regained focus. When he finally got the confidence to remove his hoof he found himself staring at a smooth wood ceiling.

After a time he felt curiosity grab hold and his eyes dared to look beyond the light brown before him to the nearby wall. He was met with the upside down view of a large mask. It was crafted of fine wood and painted in brilliant colors. Fi drew up the strength to attempt a small shift of his weight, but found the action proved much more exhausting than it ought to be. He lifted his head to look down at his body and he was appalled at the sight of his own dried blood crusted in his shining coat. His flame like tail flicked angrily as he let out a defiant grunt. Then he looked over a snuggly tied on bandage that smelled of herbs and possibly vinegar. Fi closed his eyes and sighed; how in the hell did he end up in this situation. With more difficulty than it had ever taken since he was a foal, Fi slowly rose to a position where he was sitting on his rear with his front legs hanging loosely to his sides. It was an awkward position, but for the time being it was one of comfort for the young stallion. He rubbed his long cheeks softly to warm them and encourage blood flow, but stopped when he heard the clop of light hooves on the ground somewhere outside of the room he was in.

On further inspection Fi found that he was in a bed made with a very impressive blanket made of some unknown fur, possibly a skin of some unfortunate soul long passed. A lone candle was lit to the right of the bed on a small and simple bed side table. Chiseled into the wall on the far side of the room was a two tiered book shelf with a number of strange, possibly sinister texts and scrolls. Possibly the most ominous of all the décor was a small statue of a pony carved out of wood with strange markings all over its body. Female or male, the statue gave off a foreign air and gave him the itchy scratchies. The clopping soon grew louder and Fi found the sound coming from the nearby window of the room he was in. If his strength was with him he might have investigated, but the pain in his tummy was unbearable if he attempted to move. His head jerked as he heard the sound of a wooden door opening and closing, and then the trot of hooves on smooth stone or packed dirt. He reflexively recoiled when the door to the room he was in suddenly opened and he took a moment before looking back at the intruder.

Before him stood a pony the likes of which he had never seen before. She stood nearly a half head shorter than him, and her neck and legs were more slender and lithe. Her coat was an optical illusion of sorts with parallel stripes of light gray and black along her back and legs. For the most part her coat was the light shade of gray, but the black gave it a very nice balance so it was easy on the eyes. Her mane was well kept in a high arching Mohawk and also sported the stripes of conflicting colors. On her flank was the most amazing marking he had ever seen. Unlike most cutie marks that he had seen hers was not a picture of some mastered talent or personality trait. If anything, it was just one more thing to give her an air of exotic beauty. When her eyes met his Fi felt his mane bristle on the back of his neck, but he made no move to break the connection. Then she spoke, and her exotic façade was proven to be more than appearance.

"Ah I see, you are awake, your life it seems was not so easy to take."

"Erm... who are you?" Fi asked out of curiosity without a thought for gratitude.

"Zecora is my name, you proud young stallion. I brought you here this day. Your wounds were most grievous. But you have the spirit of a lion." She replied with an air of poetic beauty to her speech.

"How did you save me? Why did you save me?"

"Hush now and have some of my potion. Your wounds will not heal with all this commotion." Zecora ordered before she removed a flask from her saddle bag that she had strapped to her back.

Fierce Charge had always been told by his superiors to never trust food or drink from an unknown pony, because every pony was a potential threat. This time however, whether it was the loss of blood clouding his judgment, or the forceful nature of her command, he felt compelled to trust the foreigner. Placing the flask between his fore hooves he removed the stopper from the mouth with his teeth before gulping down the unknown substance. It smelled of raspberries and onions, and was colored a very sickly shade of green, but the taste was completely unknown to him. It wasn't altogether unpleasant, but he was fairly certain that he would never choose this over a good cup of water. He cringed as he finished off the "potion" and then handed the flask back to the two toned pony. She accepted it and carefully placed it back in her saddle bag before she smiled warmly at him. Fi felt a pang in his stomach then and the portion of his tummy under the dressings itched like a bad case of Everfree Fleas.

"Ugh... what was that?" Fi asked his savior.

"It's a special brew made with aged egg yolks; it will heal you in no time, and that is no joke." She replied with a deep laugh that gave Fi reason to pause.

"Tell me, Zecora, what of the creature that nearly killed me? And what of the ponies they had captured?"

"That was a sad sight to see. Celestia's guards came straight away to seek aid from me. There were many who passed on, many lives lost. And of those that got away, more paid the heavy cost. To survive besides you, there were only three. They are not here with me, because of the small size of my hut, you see."

"I do see... I cannot believe this happened. I wasn't strong enough to make a difference at all!" Fi gave a cry of pain as he jerked his hoof down to strike the mattress but only exacerbated the wound on his stomach.

Zecora moved close to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder in a comforting way. Fi looked at her when his pain subsided then his vision blurred as tears filled his eyes. Zecora gave him an understanding look and then nuzzled his cheek lightly. Fi sniffed then nuzzled back before wiping his eyes clear of the droplets of pain that had threatened to break him.

"Hush now I say, hush now, hush. Do not move so quickly, there is no cause for rush. Take what time you need to rest. I will be here until the potion restores you to your best." Zecora assured him before she left the bedroom and let the door close quietly behind her.

Fi took her advice and allowed his body to heal while he sat patiently. His mind wandered to the remaining survivors of the incident and he hoped that the small group included Cherry Tart. If not he knew that the conversation with her husband later on would be a sad one indeed, and his faith in himself would diminish dramatically. How could he continue to call himself a guard pony of Equestria when he couldn't keep a simple oath to a friend? The thought of it tortured him and made his insides crawl even more than the potion he had been given. He knew he had flown as fast as he could. He knew he fought as hard as he could. But there was just no way to justify his failure, no way to soften the blow of the reality of it all. With time his thoughts drifted to other things, and thankfully the crawling itch in his stomach died down and was replaced with comforting warmth that filled him with elation.

Roughly an hour after the healing potion had been administered Zecora rejoined him in the bed chamber and saw to his wound. After the dressings were carefully removed Fi was relieved to see that where he had assumed would be a huge, grotesque scar, was now flawless as the day he was born. He looked up from his belly to the face of the mysterious pony that had saved his life with reverence. She was much more than met the eye, and possessed a kind heart to boot. Fi got off the bed and stood on his hooves; his legs felt like jelly, but with time they grew steady.

"There now, you are repaired. It is truly a miracle how well you fared. For a while there you had many scared." She said with a pleasant smile on her narrow face.

"I don't know how to thank you properly Zecora. You are a miracle worker to be sure. As a guard of Equestria I swear to you that no matter the task I will repay the debt I owe you for this service." Fi said with pride and respect as he bowed his head low to her.

Zecora turned her head to the side out of embarrassment and when Fi looked at her once again he swore he saw a slight blush to her cheeks. She looked back at him out of the corner of her half closed eye before speaking, "You flatter me... you do. This debt you speak of... the idea of it is new. Never before have I been offered repayment so gallantly. Your actions show class, this spectacle of pageantry."

Fi blushed as he realized she was absolutely right. Yes, he was a Canterlot palace guard, but that didn't mean he had to act like such a noble, especially in such rustic surroundings. Chagrinned, he merely shuffled his hooves about in a casual manner while he searched his brain for a way to salvage the situation. His attention was then seized by the teal eyes of Zecora who was sporting a rather soft smile. Given her exotic appearance one would easily become intimidated by her, but Fi found her form pleasing in a way, almost enticing. Hold... was he really checking her out? Was he truly looking at a complete stranger, his savior, that way? He shook those thoughts from his head as his mane whipped back and forth casting a blur that resembled flames in the wake of his motions. Zecora gave a confused look and tilted her head ever so slightly before chuckling.

"You must go now and see the princesses. Discuss with them your encounter and all the distresses." Zecora remarked before adding, "To repay your debt... I will think on the matter. Return later when you can... and perhaps I will have my thoughts gathered."

Fierce Charge gave her his thanks one last time before leaving her small home and finding himself still within the dark trees of the Everfree Forest. He had given no thought to time, but judging by the sky a night and half day had passed. He stretched his body limb by limb, muscle by muscle, until he was sure that no pain would come. Once ready he crouched and then leapt with all his might into the air. He ascended over the forest and into the light blue sky as he took in the warmth of the sun, the moisture of the air after the rains that had passed over night, and the scent of the pines he had burst through on his way up. He scanned the forest below for signs of the monsters from the day before, but his search was pointless. Even the clearing was completely empty and devoid of all evidence of the event. Had it not been for his encounter with Zecora he would have thought it all a horrible nightmare, but in his heart he knew the real nightmare would come soon. Being of middle class birth he knew very little of the princesses beyond their royal duties, but he knew that they would never stand for such evil to be lurking so close by.

Without having to track a monster across the country the flight to Canterlot was a quick and painless journey. The northern wind's current always seemed to be steady towards the capital, something he had a feeling was the work of unicorn magic. As was the way of things in Canterlot, Fi found himself in a cue line waiting to be searched before entering the protective magic bubble put in place during times of emergency. The ponies in front of him and behind him in the line were chattering about this and that, but most were concerned why the city was on guard on Hearts and Hooves Day. Hearing this it dawned on him that perhaps the princesses had yet to disclose the events of the previous day to the public. That was a wise decision, considering how jumpy ponies could be.

When he reached the gate into the city his fellow guards regarded him with looks of awe, respect, and even jealousy. He didn't quite understand this. Had the guards been informed of the situation? Of course they had, they needed to know what they were guarding against. That didn't explain why they were looking at him like that. As far as he was concerned he had failed to protect the ponies he found pony napped, allowed one dead pony to be desecrated, and been nearly killed by a large, flaming Minotaur. What had they been told? He would find out soon enough when he met with the princesses. The gate guards, all clad in their uniform armor and dark grey fur coats, searched his wings, his tail and mane, and even his mouth for signs of deceit. When nothing was found, Fi was allowed entry to the city, but he only took five or so strides before hearing a loud call from the upper window of the guard tower built into the gate.

"Ho there! Wait!"

Fierce Charge stopped and spun around to face the small door leading into the short two floor tower. The sound of fast trotting hooves on stone drifted from the darkened windows before a fellow stallion marched out of the door. Fi recognized him as the captain of the guard himself: Shining Armor. His blue mane and tail flew behind him as he galloped over to Fi with the regal bearing of one married to royalty. Fi had been a trainee during the incident when the distinguished captain had nearly turned into the love slave of the evil changeling queen. He still remembered when he and his fellows had been lured into the barracks and then barricaded inside. As Shining stopped he gave his head a flick to adjust his mane before speaking in his usual commanding, yet charming voice.

"I am glad I caught you before you went too far into the city. First, let me commend your bravery. It is thanks to you that any of those poor ponies had a chance to survive. Second, I much apologize for my negligence. My guards posted around the castle had come to me with reports of ponies going missing, but I was so busy with preparations for today that I allowed the situation to escalate. And third, I must caution you to never, ever, ever, go off alone in pursuit of an unknown foe. That was reckless and you were lucky to survive."

"I understand sir. I take full responsibility for my actions and accept any punishment the princesses deem fit for my recklessness." Fi replied with his head hung low in a respective bow.

Fi had expected as much when he returned. He had gone off alone without even notifying the on duty guards. He had left the city without going through the proper procedures so his absence was nearly undetected. And to top everything he had engaged the unknown enemy in combat without proper protection so he nearly died. His punishment was surely going to be some form of dishonoring or public humiliation. Perhaps he would be placed in stocks near the center plaza. Maybe he would be banished from the city. Maybe he would be forced to undergo the training again to relearn the lessons he had recently thrown to the wind. Whatever his punishment he was willing and ready to endure as penance for breaking his promise to Mr. Tart. Thinking about the green pony cursing him for his ineptitude gave him cause to shift uncomfortably on his hooves.

"Their majesties have ordered me to escort you to the castle. Whatever punishment they have planned, if any, is as of yet unknown to me. Try not to worry about it so much." Shining said as he placed a reassuring hoof on Fi's shoulder.

Fi nodded before allowing the older stallion to lead on through the crowded streets of the city. Because of his protection spell all Pegasus residents were grounded until further notice adding a third more ponies to the cramped cobblestone paths. It felt tight, but it was also very welcoming to see all three breeds traveling amongst one another. The feel of the crowd was even warmer than usual due to the holiday. Couples could be spotted everywhere sharing sweet kisses or exchanging various packages. Due to the tense traffic carriages had been banned temporarily and guards were posted on many of the more bustling avenues. The looks these guards gave him as he passed didn't escape Fi's notice and he felt compelled to speak up about it.

"Sir, permission to speak freely?" Fi requested of his superior.

"Of course, you aren't in uniform right now. Speak however you like." Shining replied with a warm smile.

"Why in Equestria are the guards all looking at me so strangely?" Fi asked.

"Come on... you know as well as I do how gossip spreads through the guards. One of them must have heard the conversation between me and the princesses. They told me everything that had happened from what they had gathered."

"What did they tell you exactly?"

"You had better ask them yourself when you meet with them. No idea who is listening out here on the streets."

Fi gave the officer an understanding nod before he let his thoughts wander. He pictured the guards all spreading fanciful rumors of heroism. Then his thoughts drifted toward less appealing possibilities, like the guards spreading conspiracy theories around the castle. Perhaps what he had perceived as awe or jealousy was instead anger or... suspicion. The thought gave him physical pain in his heart because he knew that he had acted out of honor and duty, reckless or not. The pair eventually left the busy streets of Canterlot and entered into the gardens that surrounded the large stone building that loomed so beautifully over the bustling capital. Palace guards saluted their captain as they passed and some gave second glances at Fi once or twice once they had passed by. The looks had taken on a whole new feeling thanks to the thoughts racing through Fi's head.

Before long they had come to a set of oak doors that Fi vaguely remembered led to a small map room. During his training he had been shown the room along with his particular unit. He remembered the fine hoof drawn maps that were contained within and the sensitive materials stored in the scrolls locked inside. He watched Shining Armor walk up to the door and then knock his hoof firmly against it. The resounding booms were louder than Fi was expecting, but his captain seemed unaffected, and when they were told to enter by the unmistakable voice of the princess, there was no hint of surprise or anger. Shining Armor then pushed the heavy door open revealing the familiar small room to them both. Inside Fi recognized the hexagonal table used to display maps and important documents with the help of paper weights and the occasional set of push pins. Resting against the right hand wall was a set of shelves laden with all manner of scrolls, books and ornaments. The opposing wall sported a very fancy coat of arms given as a gift to the castle from a long standing noble family in Canterlot. Beneath that was a desk with a fine red velvet cushion. The cushion had gold trimming and seemed to be well worn, but still undeniably comfortable.

Opposite the door they had entered was a small group of ponies clustered around a warm glowing fireplace. The large form of the elegant Princess Celestia with her ever flowing pastel mane and tail was easily recognizable. Standing by her side was a much smaller unicorn pony with a light purple coat and darker purple mane and tail set. Near the right side of the fire stood the younger Princess Luna, her flowing starry mane and tail billowing gracefully from her deep blue coat. On further inspection of the area Fi spotted the slightly familiar form of the youngest princess, Cadance, who had obviously just replaced a book to the shelves where she had been standing to watch the ponies entering the room. She gave her husband the most loving look Fi has ever seen and as sweet as it was his stomach nearly turned. Once they had fully entered the room the door they had opened glowed with soft magic before closing snuggly and flashing as it locked itself.

"Thank you for escorting the young guard to us nephew." Princess Celestia said softly to Shining Armor who had clopped over to his wife and already settled next to. Shining gave her a nod before she turned her intimidating gaze on the young Pegasus.

Fierce Charge dared not look the princess in her eye. He had heard rumors that her anger and fury were impressive and deadly. Ponies said that she maintained her peaceful and pleasant demeanor in public by letting all of her rage run wild behind closed doors. Fi had always brushed such rumors aside as tactless hear-say. That was, of course, before he had allowed himself to get involved in the recent catastrophe. So far she had remained calm and kept her cool before him, but that could all change once her blood lust had finally taken hold. He began considering the success rate of forcing his way out of the room to flee. Could he escape the castle in time, or be subdued by the legendary magic of the royal family. He had never been surrounded by so many horned ponies in one room before, so he doubted he had any chance against their magic. All he could do was wait with bated breath for the coming storm.

"Welcome Fierce Charge, we are glad to see you have made a full recovery." Celestia said finally, a warm and caring smile spreading across her beautiful face.

"I... but... thank you." Fi replied, completely lost for words. He let his head hang low in a respectful bow as he was awed by her concern for his well being.

"You sound surprised. You took a great risk when you left our city to pursue those fiends. Had I not spotted you spiraling in the sky above the roof tops I would never have been aware anything was amiss. The city, nay, the entire country owes you a debt of gratitude young stallion." Celestia assured him, still wearing her caring smile to ease his trepidation.

"Yes young Pegasus, you are to be commended for your bravery and sacrifice!" Princess Luna announced with a voice that rang forth from her like the bellow of a banshee. Fi felt his mane blow back as well as his tail, and papers drifted by in the gust of wind. Every pony in the room gave a sigh save for Fi who was completely taken back by the act.

"Sister if you would please, we have had this conversation before, many times." Celestia said with a hint of exasperation.

"Oh... I'm sorry." Luna replied with a much more pleasant voice. The smallest pony, the purple mare, gave a soft giggle as Shining and Cadance joined in a moment later.

"Your highness..."

Princess Celestia turned her majestic equine head from the laughter towards Fi. He had spoken softly as he felt much more relaxed around the light hearted ponies around him.

"Yes my little pony?" Celestia replied sweetly.

"Am I not to be punished for my reckless behavior yesterday?"

"Is that what you have been so worried about? Of course not Fierce Charge, in fact, my sister, my niece and I have agreed that you are deserving of a reward. We have decided to appoint you to a new position among the guard. Your selflessness, bravery and sacrifice show your devotion to your duty as protector of our people. With this new threat looming in the darkness of our land we are in need of such ponies. You will be promoted to Captain of the new Imperial Guard Forces." Celestia declared, much to the amazement of Fi, the young unknown mare, and even Shining Armor who appeared to have no knowledge of the decision.

"But Princess, what is this 'Imperial Guard Force' exactly?" The mare asked.

"My dear Twilight Sparkle, we princesses are so well protected here in Canterlot. Our people are not. Even in our own home only one of our guards felt compelled to investigate the disturbance in the city. The others who have come forward were too worried about their duty to us to venture forth after the villains. To allow such a thing to continue would undermine our commitment to our people. The Imperial Guard Force will be a special unit of ponies trained to protect the people of our country, not just the royal family."

"With all due respect Princess, I do not think that appointing this colt to Captain of a newly established guard unit is such a good idea. We cannot do such a thing without properly assessing his leadership abilities, as well as his moral standing." Shining Armor interjected.

"Shining Armor my love, you forget that he flew for nearly a day tracking those beasts so that he could attempt to save the life of his friend's mate." Cadance said in response to her husband's objections.

"Excuse me your highnesses, but how do you all know of all this? I was expecting to be commanded to relive yesterday in defense of my actions... but you all seem to be very well informed." Fi interjected this time.

"When you vanished over the walls of the city I had my guards search for anything out of the ordinary. They found several ponies missing from their homes or businesses, and eventually they stumbled upon elder Tart who was cleaning his shop. When he was brought before me to explain the condition of his shop he told me of your oath, and your mission to save his mare. His reaction upon her return was very heartening." Celestia informed him.

Fi's heart gave a heavy thump as his hind end drifted to the floor. He closed his eyes tightly as a tear rolled down his cheek. So she had returned. She was alive. His oath was fulfilled. Fi had never felt relief so strong in his entire life. He had spent every moment since the chase first began wondering about the fate of Mrs. Tart. Princess Celestia had just given him a great gift by telling him such a small thing. Every pony in the room grew quiet and allowed him a moment to reflect, because all of them knew how he must have felt. Eventually he gathered himself up and rubbed the stray tears from his eyes before returning to a more presentable position on all his hooves.

"Forgive me your highnesses; I'll try not to let myself lose control like that again. I am just... very relieved." Fi confessed as he dipped his head in a small, quick bow.

"That's quite alright Fi; we understand how difficult things have been in the past twenty four hours." Celestia replied with a small, understanding smile.

"Perhaps he will do well after all. I withdraw my previous objection." Shining Armor said with a tone hinting that he felt regretful.

"You will be able to make up for it captain. He is to study directly under you." Celestia informed him, she added, "You are to teach him what it means to be a captain, and how to lead with authority."

"I will do my best your highness. How long will I have?" Shining Armor asked.

"It will take the length of a single month to construct the first Imperial Guard tower just outside the limits of Ponyville. Your sister, Twilight, will oversee the construction while you train the young officer for his position. During this time we will also be selecting those we think will do well as members of the new guard."

"As you say, auntie." Shining replied with a grin which elicited giggles from the mare Twilight and his wife, Cadance.

"Now if you will please excuse us, my sister and I have something we wish to discuss with the new captain in private."

Shining Armor was reluctant to comply, but he did so without incident. The mare Twilight was just as reluctant to leave Celestia's side, but again there was no incident regarding her eventual parting. Cadance happily complied commenting that it would give her time to spend with her husband. When the room was finally empty and the door completely sealed again, Celestia walked over to the desk and with the grace of a mule planted her flank upon the velvet cushion. Fi watched in suspense, wondering if now she would betray her calm demeanor and truly punish him, but he was met with the urge to chuckle when he saw how unceremoniously she sat upon her flank. She rested her front hooves on the desk in front of her and looked upon him with a new weariness in her eyes.

"It seems that no matter how long my magic should have kept something at bay, it always returns to haunt me." Celestia brought her well manicured hooves to her face and rubbed at her eyes rather uncouthly.

"At least I returned to take over, not to cause physical harm to any pony." Luna remarked as she took up position by the fire lying down on her belly.

"Excuse me highnesses-..." Fi began.

"There is no one here to impress Fi, so I would appreciate it if you used our names now." Celestia interjected, surprising Fi with her forwardness.

"Alright... wait, how is it you know that nickname?"

"As princesses it is our duty to know about our subjects. Did you think we sat on our perch all day and just watched over the passing of time? We know everything about you from the time of your birth. If you don't believe me you can quiz us, but sometimes it can be very disconcerting to know just how much we know." Celestia confessed.

"I'll... take your word for it, Celestia." Fi said and gave a small twitch, feeling as if he might get slapped by a ruler for being so casual with such a noble pony.

"Wise decision, now ask what it was that you were going to ask. I will be completely honest with you, no matter what." Celestia said, her voice nearly trembling but Fi couldn't be sure if he had heard it or not.

"First I would like to know if you have any idea what those things were... are..."

"Not even two seconds into the discussion and you already hone in on the most troublesome piece of information I have. The tale is old and apart from me, only three ponies may know of it in the entirety of Equestria. There are many evil things in this world we live in. Our little ponies know mostly peace, and I fear that their ignorance may lead to their downfall. Those creatures are an ancient ancestor of the changelings. Nearly 700 years ago, long after my younger sister was sent away to the moon, and longer still before her return, a powerful darkness sprang forth from one of the peaks of the Drackenridge Mountains. Beasts the likes of which I had never seen over took the land and attacked our many settlements. They can sense those with hearts full of love and unlike the changelings we know now, those beasts feed on the blood of those who feel the warmth of love."

"So that is why they were so drawn to Canterlot then? No wonder they came and took so many, being Hearts and Hooves Day's eve... but this doesn't explain why we have no record of them."

"It is because I used the Elements of Harmony to banish their master to the center of our world where he would never be able to return from... or so I had assumed. Records of their kind were destroyed to staunch the fear that they had spread... Obviously he has returned and begun his campaign against us once more... Did you see their leader? My guards saw only the dead and a few of the creatures fleeing when the battle horn was blown."

"I did. He was a most hideous thing. It was a Minotaur in form, but with flames for fur on his head and lower body-..." Fi dictated, but was cut short by the look of shock on his princess' face.

"That was their leader? Malvagio was his name?" Celestia asked, and when Fi gave his confirmation she sighed, "That was not the true leader, only his favorite pet. Dangerous he may be, but nowhere near as deadly as the true ring master. I only pray my magic has sealed him for good and his second is only leading in his absence."

"Sister we must take our leave if we are to make it to the meeting with the mayor of Ponyville this afternoon on time." Luna said to her sister as she stood up on her hooves by the fire.

"Ah yes, the meeting to verify the land we are allowed to construct the tower on. I leave you in the capable hooves of Shining Armor to begin your training immediately. I know you will make us proud, Captain Fierce Charge. Now, if you will excuse us." She took her leave with her sister trailing behind her.

Fierce Charge stood his ground as he absorbed the weight of the situation he was currently in. In one month's time he was expected to grasp the concepts of being a leader of ponies. He would then be charged with overseeing the security of all of Equestria from a base of operations built in the center of their vast kingdom. To think, he was worried about a silly holiday just yesterday morning, and now he was worried about a looming evil and all the other small troubles that were sure to be coming his way as leader of the newly founded Imperial Guard Force. He would need to find a good, hard drink... and soon!

Furry Tales from Liberty City Chapter 3: Dirty Sanchez

I woke to the feeling of the warm sun shining on my face. As sensations took hold of my senses a few things became immediately obvious. For one thing I was still wrapped not only in a warm blanket, but also the warm embrace of another fur. My nose took...

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Furry Tales from Liberty City Chapter 2: Seductive Complications

I stood up from the couch and pulled out the cell phone from my jeans pocket. I was receiving a call from an unknown number. I looked at Debra and her confused look mirrored the feelings I held inside perfectly. With a bit of hesitation I finally hit...

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Furry Tales from Liberty City Chapter 1: Descent Into Darkness

_There's no better place to disappear than_ _Liberty_ _City__. It doesn't matter whether you are running from your past, the police or responsibility..._ _Liberty_ _City_ _is full of places for rats to hide. Rats like me..._ _ _ _My name is Alex,...

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