And Then Came the Storm

Story by theonehowl on SoFurry

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Sequel to What's In There? It's leaves the reader hanging greatly, but nothing in comparison to if I left the other Part in. It will take a few weeks to get around to the final installment that I designed for this little mini series. Written for a contest on FA(it's over, but will be another so go over there and check my Journal if you're curious)

I edited most of this myself, so excuse any mistakes or funky wording(note me if you want to help clean it up or you'd like to point something out). Comment on how you like the story!

The storm shook the exteriors with a hungry rumble, wanting inside the comfort of Dalewaven's quarters so that maybe the whole mansion may know what a hard rain felt like opposed to the quilted pink pillows and satin curtains adorning the interior. The night hated how well lit the inside was, by all the chandeliers and bright-colored slaves wielding broad-bladed leafy fans to which they used to blow on the higher ranked Madonnas and the Head of the House. It took a constant breeze from all those fans in order to keep the place cool against the electric wonderland that the hundred light bulbs close to the ceiling emitted. The harsh weather envied the great and magnificent kingdom brought up by Dalewaven's influence. No one inside retained a mind for questioning how and where such magnificent luxurious sprung forth.

The occupants in the house distanced themselves from the chaotic storm. They were following a well-established curriculum of hair-braiding, brushing fur and tails alike, lipstick applying, eye lash colorations, eye shadowing, dressing, and just as much undressing. They worked in cycles, the few dozen residents, beside the wavering speaker pouring in high-frequency mood dampeners in every part of the house. Their deeds drove any regular person to the edge of insanity by such continuous monotony, that routine everyday, yet, with a fierce determination to think about Dalewaven as a goddess, these living beings showed a different side of consciousness in which sanity had little to do with. It was a glassy-eyed pleasantness they showed where ever they carried out Her commands. The obedience smelled like roses, lavender, and various pungent perfumes, insulated inside their drifting, floating minds. It was Dalewaven's Way: the way of a true femininity. The only way to true peace of mind and burning love in the heart. These words and many more showered the insides of these girl-ified followers, the ones who people knew as friends or family lost and photographed on the back of milk cartons or grocery mart poster boards. Their pictures, if any of Dalewaven's Devout were to ever see those reminiscent images of themselves, only would register as strangers with a familiar twinge.

Small giggles fluttered about the room without concern for what was to come, the unexpected visitor who approached. The One who knew the harsh wetness outside their heavy wooden doors came from down a long road, and even a farther away place. He pressed the white button as the inside hummed with a musical tune, a tune only befitting those pampered bottoms and blushed faces. Pairs of ears; two foxes', a sensual lemur's, one skunk's, one lanky lizard tilted its head to hear without ears, and the mansion Mistress stood still and listened... The Mistress was an Anubis with her ears standing highest and hearing the outside steps patting. The lemur didn't wait long before searching for her Mistress and, upon finding her attentive to an unexpected newcomer, became secretly jealous of these long ears that he longed to touch and feel. He coveted them, to nibble them and feel Mistress wiggle under her, but that would be out of the ranks and Dalewaven gave them their ranks for good reason. It would be fine, after more teachings, he understood. A goddess chooses wisely, and he would just work harder and obey stronger to gain rank of his Mistress.

A musical bell rang from the door, and the Anubis snapped her chops to wake the foxes from a mild stupor in which they fell while applying purple nail polish. They blew with haste on the Mistress' lightly painted toe nails. The toes dried on the doorbell's second ring, and the Anubis rose with the lemur bringing her a long, flowing robe that hovered lighter than a ghost and did little to hide the contents it covered. It was a whimsical clothing who wished nothing more than to whisper its little secrets, the naughty interiors below, to any on-looker capable of appreciating a slender, ebony body... a strong runner's frame, and the silk white boy shorts with lace trimming, very short and withstanding a heavy sheath pressing at the front, thick as one's fist.

This was the state Mistress Mona answered the door in, fearless of whoever stood outside the door during a rainy, dark night. When she opened the door, a blue husky was there standing out of the rain under the front door's overhang.

Denni, soaked in his jeans and wearing a Hi-C t-shirt, waited while the door opened for him, tucked heavily inside his brown hoody to protect against the shivering wetness. The grand opening was like a golden shower from heaven, the sheer lighting and the perfumes waded out thick around his ankles from where the tall Anubis stood. His nose told him the scents were floating like a fog along the elegant tiled floors inside the mansion. It was the lights at the windows who wanted him, just as he wanted inside the mansion. The husky pulled down his curly tail between his legs in worry and confusion when he looked up at the dark furred figure wearing what could only be a very expensive gown. He imagined it was luxurious enough to be at some kind of wedding. Here, he witnessed its use as a bedroom cloth. The intimidated thoughts resigned a little by the barest of smiles from that elegant, ebony creature.

"I..." Denni said, with a bad case of stage fright. The light beaming down made it believable enough to be on stage. "I don't mean to intrude so late. I was driving home from my parents' place. They live in Warder- then, uh." She nodded while stopping with one hand held up.

"Your car broke down, yes?" Denni believed her to be female, at first. The voice was soft like a female's, but still a certain level or depth in it sounded off. Something didn't fit in that soft, sweetness. Except the smile and sparkling dark eyes prevented any pilfering in to those suspicions. It was her sensual slits of jewelry eyes that plundered back against his own private wondering thoughts.

"Yes... I would only need to use a phone," Denni spoke as his feet started dangling off a cloud, somewhere far off in his mind. It was the sensation upstairs, behind those eyes where a tornado turned and scooped away the essence of his consciousness. "Just one call..." But he wasn't thinking about who he'd call. He listened with his ears wavering. Why was it so hard keeping them lifted? Not for a lack of interest, he never dreamed of pulling away from these kind eyes, and there was no telling where the shy anxiety vanished to. "Am I too wet?" The fear dawned on him that he might be too wet to take in.

"You're wet." Her eyebrows jumped. Denni said, uh-huh and nodded. "But we could dry you. We could help you. Can't make a call so wet. Not in this House." Denni swore that behind the doors giggles could be heard. "We have different rules. If you come in, you will abide by them. Agreed?"

"I will... I will abide by your rules," he said and blinked some, finding the lids to be heavier and less responsive. There was no denying the feeling of safety coming on like a deep, longing love. Then, she softened that tone, with an unidentifiable aftertaste of gender the the husky didn't care to think of anymore.

"Tonya, Tiffy," she barked back, behind the door. "Towels"

Fox pads pattered to and fro, but the husky heard only rain pattering on his hoody, and a little voice deep within saying her in a decisive tone. Those pretty eyes returned, and Denni found himself catching a breath in his throat. "Wait here, please." The husky nodded with a clueless parting in his lips, where the Mistress might have witnessed the piercing, a ruby jewel hanging inside, on his tonge. The metal was white and indistinguishable, completely unnoticeable unless someone kissed him.

Then, two foxes brought towels stacked high over their heads and laid them down, near the door's entrance. They wore baggy brown robes, much like the Anubis' but heavier, thick with wool, and less exquisite. The two foxes, dressed far more feminine underneath the robes than Denni was use to seeing. They beckoned him inside with friendly smiles. As Denni entered, he saw they both wore eye shadow on their lovely, bouncy lids with black accents, one a light, bubble gum pink and the other a very soft, mellow green. They told him about the rules as they both stripped him.

"Where are we...?" the husky was about to ask. "Who owns this place? Is it the Anubs?"

"Oh, my..." the pink fox said and wrinkled his muzzle. "Rules of the House of Dalewaven state:

there will not be foul breath in doors."

"Or wet huskies," the green lidded fox chimed.

Denni looked confused and tested his breath on his paw.

"If you want to make a call in this house, you will have to have a mint." After the Pink finished, the green lidded fox held up a pink tin, and offered mints colored violet and shaped like flowers. Pink reached across and pricked a flower by the tips of his claws and moved it in front of Denni's lips. The fox then imitated with his mouth opened and tongue held out. The husky didn't trust them, at first, and fought with a tight lip, but he was losing sight at what brought him here to this point, to such complacency. Was this still about a phone call? Thoughts about leaving crept in. This place wasn't right and... something had him stick his tongue.

"There we go," Pink said and fed the husky. "I'm glad you made that easy. Especially for you." He winked at Denni.

The more quiet fox with green eye shadow smiled and moved away while shrugging off the robe, nothing else on but a sheer, black baby doll hugging up and down the fox's torso, leaving the shoulder regions bear in the most sensual way; all the while, Denni swirled a candy taste in his mouth and watched with concern... and then interest. The husky's eyes floated down on the rounded ass as familiar heat crept up his body and in his loins, watching where the bushy fox tail swept left and right, silver thong running up the crack and around the pulsing thighs. The husky lost view to a hazy corruption in his sight. His vision swam as the mansion began tipping back and forth, which reminded him about leaving. Yet, there was no reason to despite losing his balance some. He felt much more relaxed and found nothing to fear or find escape from. He needed to follow the rules for his phone call. He decided to try and remember who he was supposed to call while he went through the Rules. Yet, every time he was close to realizing, those Anubis eyes crept up in his mind in the most soothing of ways.

"Wet clothes are wet," Pink said as he also discarded the brown robe. The fox was a boy not even trying to disguise his voice. It carried a hint of intellect. "Rules state you must be in proper attire or none at all in Dalewaven's house." The husky understood what the fox said, finding the pink-lidded one dressed in nothing but a one piece swimsuit. It was a mono-kini, strapless at the top and ruffled skirt edge down near the crotch, the region where a bit of "expanding" occurred from the thick, possibly aroused, sheath.

"Is that why you are both wearing... those?" Denni meant to have more clarity but the mint burned in a nice tingly way and left his breath with a heady, numbing smell. The smell was finding its way into the air and back through his nostrils. It was numbing his nose and also his awareness without him even knowing it. The fox sounded so serious, and it felt right to obey the rules just as the fox did. He even began appreciating such loyalty, and slowly began envying it.

"You have agreed to these rules. Please, your clothes."

He didn't have time to counter, despite being attracted to the idea. Pink was on him, slowly running paws up under his hoody and shirt. It brought a quick "eep" as a warm sexual energy crept up the husky after those warm paws spread underneath his shirt. He went to stop the fox in the blue mono-kini.

"Don't," the fox said with a scary intensity. The eyes glared up. The fox was leaning in and made the husky feel taller, yet that didn't help defy the fox's contemptible command. Denni moved his arms up when those wet clothes tugged. He blushed when the fox pulled it off and revealed his blue primary and white middle fur from under those nasty, wet clothes. The creamy chest was small but tight. His body size, in comparison to the foxes, was more of a twink. They knew it, too, when they both swapped looks between themselves before resuming.

"Woah, hey!" Pink was fiddling with Denni's pants but wasn't interrupted. The husky twitched in his tennis shoes.

"Aww, don't be shy, sweety," the green one finally said. The fox stayed out of the husky's view from behind. He was rubbing a powdery substance into his fur on his shoulders. A strange aroma fluttered up into the husky's sensitive canine nose, mingling and mixing in a confusing and overwhelming way with the mint's potency. "This will get the wet dog smell out of your fur. Never fear, cutey. We're here to help you abide by our rules." The word brought a strange smile to Denni's muzzle. Whatever they rubbed on his chest, it caused him to worry less, as his muscles warmed under every trace of aromatic powder. A soft buzzing began when Pink took the powder and smothered in on his sheath. It made him tingle on the inside. Like butterflies flapped over every part of his body they touched. His tail wagged and toes curled. He slowly gained the realization that he was grinning and something vaguely bubbling to the surface. It was his sheath filling out. Things grew hard to process. He wondered why his mind played catch-up with what's happening.

Did he hear music? No, it was the doorbell broken, he thought. Music wasn't so monotonous as this buzzing melody that hung so subtle in the air.

"More, Tonya," the pink lidded fox, Tiffy, said. Then came more rubbing, more powder. And then, the whole area had an air thick with pink mist and the scent of burning, hot cherries, almost a spicy smell but so alluring and mind-meltingly sweet.

Denni giggled. That doorbell gave the husky a sensual dulling, like the feelings lighting up his whole body were only mellowing his senses rather than heightening them, and it became harder to think of anything other than where those duel pairs of fox paws roamed. Everywhere. They didn't leave any place untouched. The husky noticed how much they liked rubbing that pink- what a cute color, his thought interrupted ... Denni enjoyed their fixation on his thickening sheath. The member grew and protruded outward. A nice warmth that made the husky want a blanket, just as pink as the powder they put on him. He panted and relaxed further, feeling fine with whatever those foxes did to him. His shoes were coming off, and he lifted the legs to help the foxes out. Then came another powdering to the smooth, soft skin of his strong erection, like a reward. A reward for following rules.

"He's such a good doggy, now, Sis."

"Yes," green said. "He's become very... domesticated."

"Who doesn't like being domesticated?" They talked as if the husky wasn't there. To Denni, he knew in a way that he wasn't. "It's a pleasant surprise he showed up."

"Yes, very pleasant." Something was being done. "Lift your feet, doggy." Denni wavered in a dull stupor. Then, he realized he was the doggy. Of course, he thought, I'm so ditsy. He giggled some more, thinking, these pretty foxes are so silly, rubbing more pink into his foot paws and their pads. The way the husky giggled set both foxes' ears standing up. They let out a soft laugh of their own, finding it pleasant. It reminded them of their first powdering. Of course, they were familiar with this powder. They put it on every day after showering.

"This stuff's so nice," Denni slurred. "Do you know where it comes from?" The foxes ignored the husky, concentrating on the task till it was finally done.

"There. He's finished. Let's give him a makeover." The pink boy's voice caused Denni to shiver. Another set of giggling mania overcame him.

"Oh, gosh," the husky said. His voice came out as a moan and much more attuned with the pink powder and the foxes' female attire. He was began understand the rules. "I haaave to get a make over, now... mmm, just like you guys... It's time for one. Please. Get me a tube of lipstick, stat." The husky flushed and continued with his laughter, more high pitched and gaining the foxes approval.

"He's taking so well to the powder. Usually, they become much more tame," said pink.

"He can chatter all he likes. He's cooperating... Very well, I might add," green replied and slowly gave a soft rubbing underneath Denni's fluffy white ball sac, then turned it into a gentle massage with tender fingers and pads, while pink lay on the floor fiddling with the feet and toes. Pink finally stood up and gave the next order.

"Come on, little doggy. There's a phone this way. Do you remember the phone call?" The husky, with a face slack and dulled by all the pleasure and relaxation, shook his head. "Well, just follow me anyways, okay?" Denni nodded.

"Mmm... that's niissse..." The husky shivered as he tried to move but couldn't due to Tonya's fiddling with his white, fluffy ball sac.

"Stop playing with him," Tonya said. "Can you wait till we get him to the couch." Green ignored his companion as they struggled to move to the couches.

"He's... so soft... I can't stop touching him." Green meant it more than the other fox knew. His paws were roaming over the husky's back while the other still tickled and rubbed those furry orbs. It was appealing in a way that reminded him of the first day he ever heard the words Dalewaven. "Feel him. He's like... the softest thing... Mmm... You won't be able to stop touching him."

They got closer to the couch. Denni tripped a little as the green-lidded fox playing with him accidentally stepped on the back of his heel. Pink was about to give the order and noticed them falling forward.

"Wait..." But all three fell to the couch. "At least... we made it to the couch." Pink lost his voice. Once the husky fell on top, their fur mixed, the powder squirted like dust in the air, and the fox understood what his counterpart said. The soft fur was so warm. His eyes hooded as if a magical blanket fell on him to induce a peaceful half-sleep. It was more an erotic version of wallowing in the sheets during the morning. He began licking at the husky's neck, and shot out a sudden gasp before applying the tongue more diligently. "He's... mmm... so fuckin'... lickable, too." The green-lidded fox from behind switched to reaching under the stiff, curly tail to hold on to the husky-jewels and used the other arm for balance as he pressed a fiercely erect fox cock against the husky's side.

The naked husky didn't mind. He rocked in the sweet bliss of the powder's effects and two foxes fumbling with his body. He panted, and the air filled with whatever it was they rubbed on him. It made the world soft and gooey like pink bubble gum. Pink bubble gum sounded good, and that made him giggle. Because pink gum was like all the brains in his head, chewy and sticky. It was so stupid that he couldn't resist the laughter bubbling through his chest.

"Looks like he's getting the joke," green said from behind, in a quiet and absorbed voice. A lot of the lust still lingered in the crossdressing-fox's voice. "At least he finds it funny how's here and won't ever leave."

"Hahaha! Yes! He is funny, and never leaving!" Pink laughed, but more from Denni licking him in the neck, a ticklish part for the fox. It was a strange combination with the tickling licks on the neck and the warm, thick poking sensation pressing against his own, sliding up to his taut stomach fur. He wiggled away from the tickling sensation, and his cock was now sliding back in husky fur. They both moaned on time with the sensation of bare skin brushing along soft canine fur. Their mouths opened with panting breaths as they took to humping each other. Noticing the little connection and pleasure-sharing, Pink took the husky's muzzle and made a supple, long kiss as they enjoyed a mutual fur-humping with their heated shafts profusely rubbing the other's fur.

"Tonya! Tiffy!" The stern voice shocked them out of their reverie. Mona, the Anubis from before, stood beside the stairs with a paw resting and holding the post, wearing almost nothing. Her long legs showed muscled through the clinging white shining latex leggings. Her flat chest was accented by an equally pure white corset that shined with a glossy sheen amongst the well-lit ceilings. "Our guests is ready for the training program." She approached them. The foxes said nothing, only panting like naughty sissies. The green lidded fox, Tiffy, stood finally. He slowly pulled the husky off Tonya. The two foxes knelt down and worshiped the Mistress' presence with closed eyes and soft words dedicated to the obedience in Dalewaven's honor.

"We're sorry, but Mistress... he's adorably soft and cuddly."

"That so?" Mona's feet lightly tapped the ground as she grew closer. Those long fingers took the fox's chin, who stared with full absorption as his ears fell back. "A teddy, a new one, always comes to my chambers first." The Mistress pulled out a tube, from no where it seemed, and began applying red lipstick to the fox. Tonya began quivering and grew dull in the eyes. "Then, if I desire... you will have him." Both nodded and agreed with a 'Yes, Mistress Mona'. Pink, with his newly applied lipstick that tingled and sizzled on his lips, continued nodding and starring off in the distance long after the Anubs turned away from him. "Good. And you..." The husky wavered in mid standing on his feet, naked and his canine shaft jutting out with all the heat and musk interfering with the sissy powder smell and the Mistress' perfume. Until he got closer, the smell wasn't so strong or noticeable. Then, he grew closer, and it was like the Mistress brought a new, stronger presence to the smell. She looked down on him from her platform, white high-heeled shoes, the kind worth dancing around a pole and stripping in. "You're about to have the greatest and most important night of your life." Her fingers felt soft and affectionate when they touched his face, cupping his muzzle as she did the fox. Denni lost himself in her thin fingers playing over his cheek scruff and sliding along his long muzzle. His smile was content and blissful. His mind popping bubble gum like memories, logic, and reasoning; or maybe that was backwards. It didn't matter to Denni. His purpose was malleable servitude. "Here, you look like you need this," she said in a way that made the husky think he really really needed it, whatever it was. Then he felt the cool, waxy tip of the lipstick on his lips. He gasped at the coolness, and the fireworks popping off inside his brain. His lip quivered. "Be still, or you'll smear it... Yes. You needed that." Denni made a long, loving sigh. Every breath was extended and heavy with pleasure.

The Anubis whispered softly in his ear as those long, languid fingers gripped his head with a dominant but loving need. "Come with me, pup."

Denni followed Mistress Mona up the bright, wide stair case as he mashed his lips together, finding a tingling, numbing sensation developing in the most pleasant and arousing ways. The white shoes clicked with such a petite sound that the husky's foot paws fell into rhythm behind, as if walking through a dream. The foxes below watched with eager, knowing eyes, the kind of curiosity that shines, but none of their eyes shined, anymore. Just as the husky's eyes would eventually be dulled over by Dalewaven's perfect will, they knew. That new existence waited behind the pink door with white trim upstairs, where the young lemur stood beside it as commanded. The room was a dark but neutral red with a large television screen set evenly on the wall, blu-ray player under it, incredible stereo speakers placed on all sides, a single leather chair that sat low to the floor with a built-in headset and LEDs parallel with the headphones but lower, and a small vent carefully placed under the chair, aimed forward to go wafting up in the chair's passenger's face.

The lemur bowed when they both arrived. Denni looked at the lemur's light pink body stocking, sheer fabric with the floral designs covering that whole lithe frame, forming a 'V' shape from the neck and an opening for a thin, stub of an erection to stand at attention with the foreskin hooded over the tip.

The husky murred and said, "Hey there..." with soft eyes and amused smile. Then looked confused by his fast forwardness. The confusion was quickly alleviated by rubbing and mashing his own red lips together. The lemur blushed and looked to Mistress. The Anubis shook her head. That settled it for the lemur as he took the husky from Mistress and placed him in the soft chair. He settled back with a sigh while starring with a greedy smile at the slave.

"This needs a little fixing up, Ela. Brena's going to dress me in the mean time. This sissy better be done by then. Understand?" Ela nodded and estimated fifty minutes through many previous times like this. The slave remembered when that order wasn't fulfilled as the Mistress required, and the punishment became kitchen duties for a whole week, hooked up to vibrators gags and pole harnesses in the most exhausting positions. She cringed and rushed the husky inside the room

"Yes, Mistress," Ela spoke, the most light and girly voice of them all by Denni's judgment. The Anubis closed the door behind.

The lemur spun with the long striped tail rubbing under the husky's neck, then down his pecs, and into his lap where those tiny, gentle tail bristles smothered the aching husky's pole. "Listen carefully, pup. You have a lot to learn, and it's so important to learn in this house. Nothing is more important than Dalewaven's lessons. You must follow the rules int his house." A soft, almost inaudible hiss came from behind the lemur. Soon after that canine nose noticed a smell in the room that wasn't there before. It was a spicy scent that left the head in a rush just from that single sample.

Denni sat and wiggled his nose, looking tired from all the powder fun already. It was easy to relax in that soft, cool leather. The air flowed onto his face, and that spicy scent was suddenly a piercing spirit, like a strong drink poured right into the brain via air current. His senses drifted, eyes losing focus in the fuzzy field of view. That sweet lemur ass wavered in his view as Ela did something. His eyes widened just as fat as his dick grew in girth, a drop of pre peeling from the head and a build-up of spittle on the corner of his lipstick lips. An 'oh my god' sense overcame him as that ass engulfed his total reality. He worshiped it with the mere scanning of his eyes, memorizing but feeling like his mind was too slow for anything like that. The muzzle drooped down, and the tongue fell out with dead weight as he panted, feeling more exhausted and thoughtless than ever in his life. After a few seconds, drool dangled down in a spider-crawl down on his chest and never stopped flowing. The lemur ass left his vision, but nothing changed for the husky, no reaction or spike in the senseless mind. Just the soft glow of a television in his eyes with flowing... curvy lines. He suddenly liked the curves, the spiral taking such a... curvy motion. I should have curves like that, Denni thought. The curves were so girly... And girly was nice, especially when girly curves made such a nice-looking, inviting, mind-numbing spiral.. Then, no thoughts came, just a curvy inspiration to listen to Marie Dalewaven's voice.

Ela listened from behind, firmly effected by the gas and the conditioning on the screen, Dalewaven's soft and slithery voice, perfect words from perfect lizard lips. It was difficult to stand, but the slave's senses heightened in unresolved obedience and curvy ideas on what to do next to achieve full curvy sissification. The sissy lemur knew deep down he was dutifully working his way there.

Then, after the lemur rested the black-glove pattern hands on the husky's blue shoulders, the fur touched Ela's palm pads and sent a warm, lightning bolt sensation up the arms. Nothing Ela experienced ever felt this soft... It was beyond the description of silk and latex. These little fibers Ela was feeling, the husky's supposed fur, dug into every pore and melted the sensors on the inside, just the right warmth and tingling sensation to calm a giant, but here was the lithe lemur, with gangly, thin legs and a small body frame, especially between those legs. It was too much, so much, and not enough all at once. It was one second in time and instantaneous, and the hours dragged on with every popping pleasure sensor, like the bulbs blowing out and breaking from high voltage. Ela was on an unexplainable high and couldn't get off, the stiff pole between the slave's legs twitching and dripping with an overburdened lust, that lust drooling down the back of the leather chair.

It had only been ten minutes after touching the husky's shoulders that Ela began to sink to those bony knees and drool on the the blue-furred shoulder, but it wasn't blue anymore. The deep, regular blue now was a very light sky blue. The translucent blue slithered around Ela's arms, like a living jelly fluid, popping more of those sensors and chilling the lemur out while it took over more of his arms. It melted up the shoulders. There, tendrils went up the neck, translucent blue veins, piling around the short muzzle, the nostrils, eyes, and ears. It went deep, leaking through the crevices with a icy tinge, into the little lemur's head and caused the slave's eyes to roll up from the freezing effects. Ela could only grunt in his girly voice as ecstasy took hold. The chair soon had white, sticky strands added to its back.

While the husky sat in front, wearing the same dazed look and drool as when he started the conditioning with Ela, who suffered a losing battle with a mysterious latex creature gathering heavy on his chest and down. The symbiote consumed the sheer leotard body stocking, then the tired penis dripping spunk, and down even further until the toes curled from total take-over. Once the blue held nothing but a lemur-shaped coating, like a body loosely shrink-wrapped, it faded and became skin-deep. It evaporated. Only the original Ela stayed behind except that the slave was not worried about the smell pouring in the room or the deeply rooted orders of Mistress Mona. Like Denni, thick latex walls in the mind blocked off the conditioning, leaving only the mechanical portions of the mind to be influenced while the essential core remained in the control of a Seed.

The Seed felt a thrill at the new ideas. Its own ideas.

It reached down with a thin, dainty black lemur hand and ran tender fingers under a heavily mesmerized husky's chin, drugged and with all those mental capacities practically leaking from those folded ears. The blank-slate eyes looked adoringly up into Seed's eyes. The short lemur muzzle dove into the husky's longer muzzle and those red lips, where It suckled on that long tongue.

It wanted to do that ever since taking the body at the train station yesterday, to feel a long muzzle's kiss on the receiving end. Their tongues curled and swelled the lust inside them. Like a dance, the Seed used it's teeth to sensually remove that ruby jewel stud on the husky's tongue, and pulled it inside and studded the Seed's own tongue with a knack and ability only a symbiote possessed. It gave the good pup one more long, lavishing kiss for good behavior.

Seed pulled away and walked around to the front of the chair, climbing up in to the husky's lap and looking down on the innocent, malleable canine. The colors of the screen played around the lemur's form as it stood dominant above. The long tail swept behind, rubbing the volume dial on the receiver and winding it down where the conditioning beats and subtle word could no longer be heard. The lemur's bedroom eyes got closer until the husky faced them with nothing but an empty void waiting to be filled.

"Looky-looky... a cute husky," said Seed with big, focused eyes. "What's your favorite color?"

"Pink," Denni said, the little drip of saliva bouncing.

"Is that the sissy waiting to be programmed in there?"


"Sissy needs only to listen to me. Sissy listens to me and obeys me."

"Listen... obey..." Denni spoke with a blank stare and fearful eyes as if Ela's eyes were television screens. The voice flooding his ears, senses, and conscious heard nothing but the foundation of existence. Ela was to be listened to and obeyed.

"Sissy, look." Seed stood and pointed at the lemur's own cock with the foreskin hooding the tip. "It's small, but you won't suck any other cock. Do you think it's small?"


"Is it the only one you will suck?"

"Yesss..." No other cock sounded nearly as tasty as the small cock in front of him.

"That's because when you suck on it, you become a stupid ditz. That's all you want in life, to be a silly ditzy sissy. You're a ditz with a tape recorder in her head, and you're recording everything I say when you suck on this cock." The husky panted softly, a brief smile trying to lift in the corner of his lips. He was imagining sucking on it and began recording those condescending words out of the lemur's mouth. "How do you feel, sissy?"

"Mmm, so gooey... I just think I should, like... ohhh. Wow, I really like saying like... I should like... say that a lot more." Denni giggled with his paws touching his muzzle and hiding those candy-coated tones of laughter. "I'm like- saying it so much now! I should sooooo-mmm... stop. Like, I sooo want to stop... but the like is Likeable!" More giggles. "Whatever, I can't even like- think right... I need that..." He pointed at the little cock lazily.

Seed twitched his head side ways in curiosity. "Need? Sissy needs my cock?" He slid fingers through the husky's head fur.

"Oh, yes. I love it."

"But it's so small, sissy. Don't you like bigger cocks?" The lemur thought for a second. "Love it like what?"

"Oh, yea! I so dig big cocks, but that's the only one I suck. Like... in every way possible. That's how much I love your cock."

"You love it like the way I tell you what to love. You love it like you love being called a sissy. You really just love it more than anything."

"Mmm... yeah," the husky sighed. His head lifted upwards as if some great paw was petting him to the core. "Love what you love..."

"You love everything I love. You know why?" Denni shook his head. "Are you too dumb to notice?" The husky's ears pinned down, and he whimpered out a cute touch of the sting caused by the lemur's harsh words. "It's okay, sissy, you love everything I say, like you love my cock. Like you love everything about me." The husky perked up, then, sighed happily after being relieved of those weird feelings. The wounded spirit dissipated. How could his feelings hurt when he loved everything the lemur said? It was just dumb to feel hurt since the lemur was always right and stuff... Just like he loved the cock. Just like he loved everything the lemur said. "It should be obvious, sissy. You're in love with me."

"Yes. It's so obvious..." Denni's eyes widened a little, mostly in awe than surprise. His tone broke away from the bubbly expression and then he melted back like sweet ice cream sitting out in the sun. "How could I not see it before?"

"Because you're the ditz, and I'm the love of your life. The smart one. That's why you love me, because you need someone to think for a sissy like you. See? I'm helping you remember things you forgot... Very important things that you should never forget."

"Absolutely right, my love," he said in soft, sincere words. "Like, I don't know what I'd do if... if you weren't here." Denni shook his head in a slow, dreamy disbelief. "I'm sorry to forget. Like.. I never will forget, again. I totally swear. I promise!"

"It's okay, sissy. You won't forget now. Not with me around. That's why you love everything about me, especially my small cock."

"Especially your sexy cock." Denni sniffed teasingly at the stiff pole and panted like a good pet husky. He sighed in happiness when the lemur took his head and began sliding the rigid shaft against his cheek fur, coating the fluff in some of the dangling pre cum. There was a fulfillment for the husky, in the act of being a sexual fur scrubby to such a smooth, warm dick. All the while, Seed sighed when it wanted to moan, growing warmer and finding an untapped pleasure, enjoying how much this small package made such a big impression on the sissified husky.

"Can you come without my cock?" The question had more purpose than just the mere dominance to hold over Denni's head. The husky shook his head, just as the Seed thought he would. "You need me there, don't you? To help your ditzy, girly cock come." The husky nodded. "Good. Your honesty pleases me, and you've been very good."

Denni moaned in the softest and most tender voices, believing it would please his lover more if he acted as a true sissy should. It was amazingly easy and felt appropriate while enjoying the feel of the slender thickness rubbing into his face. Nothing in the world was as easy as being under the lemur's guidance and loving bond. Then, it slipped into his mouth, and the world shook into darkness. A great wide hole opened up in his mind. His eyes, which were awe-struck... now grew as wide as they could, white and caught in the headlights of something important and uncontrollable. A soft buzzing began in his mind and nothing could ever be forgotten from then on. His ears heard the words, but his mind etched them into permanent existence. The shrinking light bulb of brilliance inside Denni's mind, the one covered and smothered by a pink sheet of sissy ditzy-hood, began cracking under the pressure and leaving something stronger than his conscious. It was an unforgettable love.

Outside Cold, Warm Inside

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Halloween Treat

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Zakcat's Ambush

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