Ch.7 Disaster Breeds Opportunity

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#7 of A Serpent's Screams

Zasz just laid there soaked head to tail in cum. It was nearing two months by the time Khrast had decided to check up on her since last time, and it also marked the first time since then she's gone without being invaded by a man's privates. She ran her hands over her belly and chest, sliding them around on the slick coating of her scales. She didn't hear the hyena walk up next to her. "How's my little whore doing?" She asked. Zasz gasped and looked up as Khrast sat down next to her on the bed.

"I'm okay..." She lied in her childish voice. Ever since her spirit was broken her mind was locked in her child-like, regressed personality.

"That's wonderful!" Khrast told her. "Well, in just one more month you'll be out of this whole facility, like we talked about before." Zasz nodded excitedly. She couldn't wait to be out of the nightmare she was tossed into. "We've even found you a new home for when it's over." Zasz's cheer evaporated at the mention of being forever separated from Jake and Char. She felt Khrast's hand drop down to her crotch and began rubbing her slit, and then finally entering her fingers. "A friend of mine runs a brothel, and he seems quite interested in you, actually. It's a nice place too. Perfect for a cute little slut like you."

Zasz nodded weakly in response. Khrast smiled and pulled her fingers from the snake's privates. She put her cum-coated digits in front of Zasz's face, who opened her mouth as a reflex. She sucked the seed off of Khrast's fingers. "You like being a slut don't you?" Zasz nodded sadly. "Think of all the guys out there who need a fuck, and you can sate that need. You're going to do good, Zasz. Don't you worry." And with that the scientist left her to the whimsies of the guards once again.

Sadly for the snake life continued the next week as it had been. She spent all of her time getting raped from every angle and sucking down more than her fair share of cum. But she still no longer fought it. She lived her days with miserable acceptance. She had lost all hope of ever seeing any of her friends ever again, or even Illia, who she still loved with all her heart. That was, until one seemingly normal day her routine was severely broken up.

For a second the whole building shook on its foundation. Only moments later did the red alarm lights flick on and the siren wailed, "Class 5 emergency". All of the idle guards instantly jumped up and armed themselves, and a few of the ones using Zasz hurried to blow their load in her face before racing to catch up with their peers. The last guard slipped a collar over her neck, tightening it before joining his fellows as well. And for the first time in many months Zasz was finally all by herself, ready to rest.

Laying in her shallow pool of cum, her collar chained to a bedpost, she just rested and closed her weary eyes. It was actually quite nice for her. She looked around the bunkroom, which was different now that her sight wasn't being blocked by walls of men. She looked under one man's bed to find a small stash of discarded porn that she ignored. What caught her eye was the grate covering the vent behind the magazines. It was slightly skewed and was missing bolts. Her eyes teared up as she realized that it was her chance to flee.

She never thought she'd ever see it. She thought she'd never get the chance. But her body wouldn't move, still. All she could do is lay there and cry, which she did for almost fifteen minutes. She curled up, her mind racing. She thought back of all the things that she was missing. Her friends, her life. Suddenly a spark of her old self lit up. She sat up, staring at the chain holding her. It wasn't too sturdy, looking at it. She took a deep breath and mustered all the strength her sore muscles could offer. She tugged and tugged, crying as it started to feel pointless. She was about to give up when suddenly a link snapped, sending her back to the floor.

Her mind raced with that lucky break and she slid herself under the bed, knocking the smut out of the way along with the grate. It was a tight fit but her slim frame could make it. She put her arms in front of her and slid herself into the vent, uncomfortably. Her claws refused to dig into the smooth metal, however, and soon her legs were unable to push either. She was stuck in the vent, alone. She began crying again, even harder. She shook her head, trying to calm down and took a deep breath. She started flexing the muscles in her belly and tail, the ones she used to use for locomotion.

It worked, as she began inching deeper into the vent. The cum coating her body provided an excellent lubricant as well, making the trip easier. For another ten minutes she crawled, picking up speed as she got used to her old muscles again, and even using her new legs to push things along a little bit. During her trip she passed a few more grates, all of which had guards near them. "Damn it!" One said, "Tiamat's knocked all the cell locks offline!"

"That means we have to wrangle the damn slaves..." The other said, dismally.

Zasz continued to crawl onward, until another jolt to the building shook too hard. The metal roof caved partially, bending out the vent lining so sharply that it tore in two. Zasz screamed and slid out, sprawling to the floor. She looked around the red-hued hall, horribly frightened. With no guards in sight she got to her feet and began gingerly running down one of the halls. She hurt her ankle during the fall, so her limp slowed her pace far more than she liked, and her quiet sobbing was still fairly audible.

She thought she recognized the other hallway, but it was hard to tell with the lights flickering on and off and the red hue caused by the emergency lights. She limped down the next hall until suddenly she was forced to stop short as she was yanked back by her neck, sending her falling onto her back. She looked up, horrified, to see that none other than Deggoth had seized her by the chain still attached to the collar. "Hey there, bitch." The massive lizard sneered, holding a military revolver in his other hand.

She tried screaming but he clamped a strong hand over her mouth and dragged her back into the cell she knew was his. He threw her onto his bed, obviously depraved of sex since their last encounter. She noticed the dead bodies of several guards he had beaten or clawed to death, one of which he obviously took the gun from. He buried her in himself and wasted no time mounting her. He held her muzzle shut as he pumped himself in and out of her cunt, seemingly trying as hard as he could to be rough. He let go of her mouth for a moment and she let out a horrific cry, then screaming at him, "Please-unh! Sto-op!" He grinned and laughed as he continued to abuse her.

Suddenly he let out a hoarse choking sound, and dismounted her unexpectedly. She spun around to see Raynor's arm wrapped around the lizard's throat, trying to subdue him. But the dragon was still no match for the massive, steroid-fueled reptile, and he was tossed to the ground. Deggoth planted a foot on Raynor's chest, and the blue dragon's mouth opened wide, glowing with energy. A bright flash of lightning shot out of his maw and hit the lizard squarely, but it only angered the berserk slave. He raised his foot to stomp on him again, but stopped short when he heard a gunshot and a horrible pain coming from his loins.

Zasz, still holding the smoking revolver, had taken a pretty good aim at her target. Deggoth grabbed at his crotch, which now housed nothing but gore. But even the pain of the shot didn't make him fall. He turned towards her, his eyes going red with anger and blood. "You fucking bitch!" He roared. "I'll rip you in half and fuck your guts!" Zasz screamed and shot again, hitting him in the chest. But still he stood, beginning to stomp towards her. Raynor grabbed his leg, tripping him, and getting a kick to the chest from the massive lizard. She fired twice more, hitting him in the back and stomache. The last bullet was fired into the lizard's skull, but for a few more moments he still tried to make his way towards Zasz before his body finally gave out.

Zasz, stunned, tossed the gun away from her. Raynor leapt to his feet, running to her. "Zasz are you okay!?" He said, grabbing her shoulders. She only half-heartedly nodded, still shocked. "You have to leave here, now!"

"But Char and-" She sobbed, before she was interrupted.

"Are waiting!" He finished for her. "But we have to leave, NOW!" She nodded and he picked her up in his arms and dashed out the door, ignoring his own broken ribs. They found themselves in the lab where Zasz lost her masculinity, and where Char and Jake both stood, holding a few makeshift weapons and a few deceased guards littering the area.

Char had lost all of his feathers and appeared extremely emaciated, but the aura of his personality hadn't changed. Jake, however, was horrified and obviously panicking. "Zasz!" Jake screamed. Raynor pressed her into his hands.

"I have to go. I need to find a different way out. Char, you know what to do." The blue dragon said. Char nodded in response.

"Thanks, man." Jake returned, "Don't let Tiamat get you." Raynor nodded and dashed off, and then the three friends did the same.

"What's happening!?" Zasz almost-screamed.

"Tiamat got loose. She's tearing half the building apart looking for her lost mother, and if we do not get out we'll be free from life, let alone this prison." Char stated.

"She's gone crazy! But Raynor had a plan in case something like this came up. I don't trust him, but he's all we got."

"Why isn't he with us?" Zasz asked.

"If they found out he helped us he'll be arrested, or worse. He's fleeing with the other military personnel. But he did give us a good escape plan."

The three continued on, making sharp turns here and there and being led on by Char. Tiamat's horrific bellow of, "Mother!!!" echoed nearby. They ran towards a large door, and stopped in front of it. Char pressed a code in a nearby console and the doors slid open, slightly. They raced out of it and stopped dead in their tracks. They were... outside.

"The cold night air washed over them for the first time in what seemed to be forever. The stars twinkling above almost hypnotized Jake and Zasz, and the blind Char was being overwhelmed with the new stimulus of the nature around him. They snapped out of it when they realized how close they were. They ran towards the high fence and around to the back of the complex. Char moved a small portion of the fencing aside, revealing a hole no doubt cut by Raynor earlier. And with that last obstacle removed, they raced towards the hills to freedom.

It was only until they were a safe distance away did they stop and rest, Jake setting his female friend down on the grass, and collapsing there himself not much later. Char's attentions were still drawn to the battle-zone of Arkania Labs. The other two joined him in watching. Tiamat was standing atop the roof, her six great wings spread and flames of blue and red mixing in her mouth. She bellowed and head-butted another hole in the roof, searching for her lost loved one.

It was not long after that she began to tire, and collapsed into an inferno-filled hole in the building, exhausted. Her body was obscured by the flames, but they had no real affect on her, they all guessed. They sighed and picked themselves up before resuming their flight away from their ex-prison. They jogged for another half an hour before Char had to stop, only to be scooped up in Jake's other arm. The dragon was cheerful as could be with Zasz asleep in one arm, and his best friend still alive in his other. The steroids still circulating his system let him jog another hour before finally stopping, and drifting to sleep with his friends.

The sun was something they had not seen in a long time. They all stared at the blue skies and the green grass around them. They all felt as if a great weight had been lifted from their shoulders. Jake began laughing hysterically, followed by Zasz. The two hugged and pulled Char over to them to give him one too. They all laughed and cried, as happy as they ever had been. "Can you believe it!?" Jake shouted, "This is great! Oh man! Outside!" He dropped to a knee, his hands pressed together. "Hey, God. I know we don't talk much, but I just want to say... We're out! Thank you! Hah hah hah!"

They kept laughing and admiring the beauty that lied outside the labs. The caught up and consoled Zasz, who had regained a good portion of her old self with her freedom, even though it was probably only temporary freedom. Jake, happy with his new physique, was obviously the most pleased of the bunch. Char, despite having lost his feathers, was happy too. Zasz was possibly the most relieved, having escaped a living hell.

"It's a good thing Raynor aided us, else we would still be there or dead." Char said, sagely.

"Yep." Jake replied, "He seemed really intent on getting you out of there, Zasz."

"I know... I owe him so much..." Zasz said. "But right now I just want to go home..."

"We all do. But first we have to find a way to get clothes without showing our tattoos." Char said, thinking ahead.

"That'll be tough... Hey, I've been thinking... Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but why was Raynor so intent on getting us out?"

Zasz blushed deeply. "Well, he's kind of a sympathizer for our kind, and we well... slept together... a lot over one of the weekends... it was nice compared to the guard house..."

"I'm so sorry, buddy..." Jake replied. "But at least we're out now, eh? So sex IS good for something besides pleasure and breeding." He turned to Char, and jabbed a "Told you." at him. Char ignored it, thinking and staring intently at Zasz, who was becoming uncomfortable.

"Perhaps not." The falcon said, somberly. He walked over to a concerned Zasz, and put a hand over her belly. "I know you don't want to hear this, but Zasz... you're carrying his child." Zasz's eyes went wide with shock. Char took his hand away and she put her own hands in its place. She felt her tummy, where she could feel an almost undetectable added weight to it. Her eyes filled with tears and she started sniffling childishly.

"But how..?" She asked before remembering the answer. During their time together Raynor never gave her a pill. That meant birth control was out too. "No..." She cried. Char hugged her to him.

"It'll be alright." He consoled her.

"But... Illia..." She bawled.

"I know, Zasz, I know. But first we have to find out what to do with the here and now. After that we can figure out what to do with your pregnancy." Zasz nodded sadly. Char patted her on the back and released her. "Jake, we need to start moving further from the base. After they clean up Tiamat's mess they'll be after us as well."

"My ankle hurts..." She said, nursing it.

"Well it's a good thing I have enough energy for both of us eh?" He picked her up in his arms, carrying her like a child. "C'mon man. Let's get going. Maybe we can find a barbarian town or something." Char nodded in agreement and joined his friend in running off. Zasz continued to cry quietly to herself. She guessed it turned out she hadn't escaped her hell quite yet.