Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 4.5

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#5 of Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion

Whoops! Sorry about this folks. I accidentally skipped a segment of the Burning Rebellion! So now here's part 4.5! As you can probably tell, I've got a healthy backlog of these and I intend to keep it that way so I keep you guys entertained at a reasonable schedule. Hiccups like these, however, demand apology and a quick fix.

So sorry again!


He called his realm 'The Burning Throne' and rightly so.

The world was awash with fire. Blackened ground flared up with angry flames between the cracks. A sea of fire bubbled around the small island where he sat on a throne of solid fire with painful spikes digging into his flesh. Enormous, black iron chains bound him to the seat of fire, spikes plunged into his exposed body. Four wings that had one stood proud were pinned to the chair and ground by nails that the chains curled around like iron snakes. A heavy, beaked mask held his face in position, unmoving and forever silent. High in the ashen skies was a break in the clouds just enough to show the angry, red sun eclipsed by a black, rotting planet.

"You're the one that united this world in hatred," Harm accused from where he stood several metres from the throne. "Hatred for the Darkened."

A deep, reverberating voice came from behind the mask, sounding hollow and distant. "I did what I had to, Chronos. My daughter would have died had I allowed the battle to continue as it did. The people of Incendius are destined to bicker and drawn lines of separation amongst themselves. Its history is rife of schisms."

Countless souls screamed for release in the pits of fire, reaching out from the burning flames with burned limbs. "That hatred cannot stand any longer to unite the world. The Darkened have become little more than myth in the wind and now they turn upon one another." He turned his eyes to the chained individual. "The change I foresee will bring the world to its knees."

Adramelech chuckled darkly, his voice ragged and pained but still filled with amusement. "Do non-humans deserve so little rights that they must remain forever subservient to humans?"

"That is not the change." He lifted his paw into the air, holding up the badge of Agares. "Valk is but a tool. This 'protest' is nothing more than a guise for a demon to enter Incendius. While the Church and its officials are busy thwarting the impending rebellion, the demons will slip through the cracks and plant their seed."

"One would think that their recent assault on the congregation would have spoiled their chances of such a daring foray."

Harm lowered the badge, tossing it into the air and catching it absently. "For the Church, yes. But for Valk, no. It is the Justitae Ignibus that is the goal here. If they were to become militant say because their leader was executed as a martyr or died for the cause, the Church would be forced to pool their attention away from the demonic assault and to the rebellion." He squeezed the badge tightly. "The purpose of that attack was to convince Valk that his cause was worth dying for."

"They succeeded, did they not?"

"They did. Valk now has the courage to die for his cause."

"Then you must do whatever in your power to ensure that these talks end as peacefully as possible and they turn their attention towards the true enemy. Incendius is united by hatred, Chronos. Where that hatred is directed is for you to decide."

Harm opened his eyes, finding himself away from the Burning Throne and in the branches of a tree on the outlying farmlands of Clockwork. Not too far away, the entire populace of the city had been evacuated and closely monitored by the Inquisition. Crude tents and camps had been erected and for a moment, human and non-human cowered in fear under the threat of demonic corruption.

"Will you stand by me no matter what I decide?" he asked softly.

"Depends on what you're deciding."

The Wulfun almost toppled off the branch at the sound of that familiar, gruff voice. He spun around, almost twisting his neck completely around as he watched Roran climb the branches and take up position on a branch just a little lower than himself. In his paws was a ceramic bowl filled with a grey gruel. The Tigris ignored Harm's annoyed expression and blissfully spooned some of the mush into his muzzle.

"Would you like some?" Roran asked, offering Harm the bowl.

Waving the offer away, he said, "I find myself unable to keep that stuff down."

The Tigris shrugged and continued to eat the bowl though each spoonful was slow and thoughtful. After the fifth, he stopped, letting the wooden spoon sink into the grey mush. "I still don't know who you really are or what you want but you stood by my side yesterday fighting demons. You're from the Church, that much I know, but you fought to protect Valk. In my books, that makes you a friend."

"A little trusting, aren't we?" Harm answered with a sly smile. "Who is to say I didn't orchestrate the demonic invasion so that I could get on your good side?"

Roran returned the smile. "You don't strike me as the type to plan to kill countless people just to impress someone."

"As I love to say, it's not about having a plan. It's making people think you have a plan."

"Isn't that a plan in itself?"

Harm flashed the Tigris a broad grin. "You know, you're the first one to get that." In over a thousand years, this one Tigris was the first to truly understand the meaning of his little motto.

"I find that hard to believe."

"You'd be surprised," Harm answered, gazing back towards the camp. "Most people I say it to just give a dismissive shrug or take it for face value."

Roran agreed with a soft grunt. "You're not one of those types that just comes up with a plan on the fly. I don't know how I know. Don't ask. It's just that whenever I see you, you give this aura of knowing what you're doing but I get this feeling that what you're doing isn't what you're doing. If that makes sense."

That made the Chronomancer laugh, throwing his head back in the gesture. Unfortunately, the tree trunk was right behind his head and he slammed his crown against it, bringing a soft wince from him and a soft chuckle from Roran.

"I think what you mean to say is that I seem determined to see my goals achieved but those very same goals are not as transparent as my determination."

"Sure. Let's go with that."

Harm rested his lightly throbbing head against the tree trunk, closing his eyes briefly and just letting the sights of the world fade into darkness. The calm, cool breeze rifled through his fur, caressing his flesh and bringing a soft shiver up his spine.

"Why are you fighting, Roran?" he asked. "What is it that keeps you fighting by Valk's side?"

Even without looking, he could feel the Tigris' smile. "I thought it would be obvious. My wife and child."

"You have a kid? Neat. So fighting for their future then, huh?"

"Actually, I'm still expecting," came the Tigris' voice. "Three months now."

"Three months," Harm chuckled. "Just about the time this protest began. That's what roped you in, huh? Trying to fight for the future of your family."

"That... and Valk is family."

This was the information Harm had been waiting for. Still, he pretended to be disinterested and kept his eyes closed, his ever-present smile on his muzzle. "You're that attached to your leader?"

"He's not just my leader." Roran sighed softly, letting the bowl in his paws sit on the branch. "Valk and I were friends when we were very young. Along with Lusia, a Wulfun, we were content with our lives. But Lusia... well... she is female and men have sick tastes."

Harm lifted his paw. "I get it. Say no more."

"No. You don't."

Feeling Roran's piercing gaze on him, he opened his eyes and found the Tigris giving him a penetrating stare.

"Lusia was raped when she came of age," Roran said in calm, even tones. His paws were clenched and shaking, barely containing the rage within. "But, she was always tough. When she came to, she killed the men who stole her virginity from her. The Custodia Solis came and arrested her. She was executed the next day! How is that fair, I ask you? How is it fair that she defended herself and yet she was executed for it!"

Harm's answer was simple and cold that Roran almost doubled over in shock. "Because she took a life while those men didn't."

"What!? They stole her dignity! That's irreplaceable!"

"So is a life. And from your description, she took more than one. I ask you, is one's dignity worth the lives of many?"

Roran slammed his fist into the tree trunk. "That's not the point!"

Harm laughed softly, only infuriating the Tigris further. Before blows could be exchanged, Harm lifted his paws in surrender. "It's hard knowing that what you fought for so feverishly can be dismissed so easily and readily, isn't it?"

"It will not be dismissed!" The Tigris angrily dropped down from the tree, storming towards the camp with heavy, stomping steps. "You wouldn't understand! You're a domesticated dog! The lapdog of a Church that keeps you well-fed and plump as long as you attack and bark when they want you to! You have no idea what it's like to be free and caged at the same time!"

Golden eyes briefly turned towards the horizon, Harm once again saw a burned planet with an eclipsed sun. The occupant of the Burning Throne wallowed in his own torment, the chains of guilt binding him to a prison of his own making.

Free... yet caged.

The force in his heart pushed him away from the vision and carried his feet through the grass. His paw seized Roran's shoulder and he stood his ground even as the Tigris knocked him back with a baleful glare.

"Let me show you something."


Night fell on and shadows grew long. In the perfectly circular clearing, Harm Chronos broke the underbrush alongside Roran. The Tigris' mood had only soured as the day progressed. It had been a miracle he had met Harm at that same tree and headed into the woods at all. Even that small fragment of trust was met with hostility as Roran carried his trusty bow and another longsword with him.

Harm stepped towards the centre of the clearing where he could feel Adramelech's presence the strongest to the point where he could actually feel the flames licking at his fur. Pushing the thoughts from his mind, Harm flicked his ears, roving the trees until...

"You can come out. It's okay."

Roran quietly drew his bow. "Who are you speaking to, Henry?"

"His name is not Henry." The voice came from their right where a hooded figure emerged from the shadows of the trees. Yulanda pulled back her hood and gave Roran a foul stare. One hand was on the reins of a gelding and the other held Sun Dancer. "You are speaking to Lord Harm Chronos, brother of the Propheticus Primoris, Hero of the Purge of Time and the Last Chronomancer."

The Tigris scoffed loudly. "And I am the Sun Goddesses' bastard son."

As the argument began, Harm removed his glasses and threw it aside. Piece by piece, he removed his disguise until he stood once more in front of Roran in full. From his pocket, he retrieved Timekeeper which Aria had been so kind as to retrieve for him. He unfolded the blade and embedded into its usual spot at the centre of the clearing.

Slowly, he turned his eyes towards the clear, starry sky. There were now more stars than ever. "Roran, she's right. My name is Harm Chronos. Brother to the Eternal Propheticus Primoris, veteran of the Purge of Time and the Last Chronomancer."

Truth pained everyone who had to hear it. Even though Harm had lived with the truth for centuries, speaking it tore open old wounds and poured anti-coagulant into the sores, keeping it from ever truly closing. Dreams of hope painted by the ink of recognition, fame and knowledge were shattered once more when the words of mockery, fear and accusations rang in his ears fresh after a millennium.

He waited the verdict from the judges once more only instead of the members of the Chronomancer Collective, it was from a rebellious, passionate Tigris and a similarly poised daughter.

Yulanda was first to speak, turning to Roran. "See? Told you."

Those words made him blink several times in confusion.

Roran turned back to Yulanda, foul look still on his face. "No one challenged you, child. I knew who he was."

Harm raised an eyebrow. "You did? But you said..."

"Do you believe myself blind or deaf?" the Tigris accused. "I am not so trusting as Valk. I am part of his personal guard. I investigated your origins. It takes very little digging to learn of you, Harm Chronos. I merely feigned ignorance because..." His voice trailed off and he twitched his jaw to the right very slightly. "Because I believed you believed in our cause."

"You're not turning to treason, are you, Lord Harm?" Yulanda asked.

"This is awkward," Harm murmured softly, scratching the base of his nape. "My loyalty rests with Tower Thirteen and always has. Valk has valid views and change is inevitable but must be managed correctly or we will have a true rebellion like the Dawn's Champion wants." He gestured at Roran and then at Yulanda. "Both of you stand as rebels for a cause. Both of you are free but at the same time caged. I brought you both here to see that both sides are more similar than you think."

"Only one side oppresses the other," Roran muttered gruffly.

Wincing slightly, Harm said, "Granted, there is that..."

"But I see your point," Yulanda sighed softly, slowly approaching Roran. The Tigris flinched and began to drawn an arrow but slowly relaxed as he spied Sun Dancer. "No matter what freedom we seek, there we must take care not to break out from one cage only to find ourselves in another. Is that not right, Lord Harm?"

He found their eyes regarding him intently, searching for the answer.

"Is this why you choose to run under a disguise around us?" Roran asked. "Are you trying to teach us to beware our wish for freedom?"

Harm kept his smile still. "Honestly, this turned out a lot better than I thought." He shrugged absently, reaching behind him and wrapping his fingers around Timekeeper. "I brought you two here because I figured that since you" - he pointed his free paw at Yulanda - "can't find a purpose behind your training beyond lust for freedom, then you might make beating me that purpose. And for that, you'll need help." He flicked his ears at Roran. "And who better to help you bring me down than the guy that wants my guts on a silver platter."

Both Yulanda and Roran seemed puzzled. Angry and puzzled.

"I honestly cannot tell if he is being truthful or saying that just to appear suave," Yulanda whispered to the Tigris.

"Would it surprise you if it was a little of both?" Roran's blue eyes lost their anger and was instead replaced with a degree of mirth. "I have this inkling this is exactly the game he likes to play."

The crack of a whip cut through the air followed by the soft stretching of a bowstring. The two stood in front Harm, weapons readied. Fire danced between Yulanda's fingers and Roran's tail twitched in anticipation.

Harm maintained his smile as he slowly plucked Timekeeper from where it rested. In that moment, he glanced over his shoulder at the Burning Throne.

"United in hatred," he whispered very softly. "But whom do they hate?"


Only top nobility and officials were allowed back into Clockwork. After a day out in the farmlands, the people of the town were already growing restless as the divide between human and non-human were once again made apparent. A swift resolution to what was required.

And Novallier had the solution.

"My flagship," the Apex Clericus Solis announced, slamming his staff of office on the large, metal floor of the hanger. "The Sunspot. Ten feet of reinforced metal, blessed by the Clericus Solis with the most holy of magics and retrofitted over a hundred times for every Apex Clericus to have claimed it as her own." Novallier spun to face the titanic ship that lay quietly and elegantly behind them.

The sleek, aerodynamic design of the main hull screamed elegance and speed while the enormous emblem of Incendius looming just above its six Alacrity-class engines continued the aura of fire that its red and silver paint scheme presented. Portholes hid the eight broadside beam cannons that would defend its flanks from capital ships while a primary beam cannon sat on the ship's tip. One hanger provided means for diplomatic envoys to come and go from the ship and a multitude of flak cannons and turrets covered most of the ship.

However, the Sunspot was far from a warship. The wings flaring from its flanks arrayed with fiery designs to unite just in front of the ship to form a sort of halo barred the line of sight of many of the turrets. To fire the primary cannon, the wings would have to be retracted and to reach its top speeds, the same had to be said plus the emblem had to be folded back. The Sunspot was designed to inspire and unite, not enter a battle and win.

"This is not wise, Your Holiness," Inquisitor Warton growled. "You wish to hold your peace talks outside the demon's reach and yet you fly into the Void where they are more prevalent? This is madness!"

"The demons were under the guise of a noble!" Novallier barked, slamming his staff hard into the ground. "Is it not within the Inquisition's reach to find and remove such threats!? Where were you, Inquisitor, during the events that nearly cost my daughter and son's lives!?"

Harm did not miss Novallier's omission of his own life.

"It was the Lady Templar's mission to guard the clock tower from intrusion," Warton protested.

It was an excuse. A poor and desperate man's excuse. Harm had to hide his wince as Warton had provoked the full wrath of the Apex Celricus Solis.

"Correct. It was her mission to prevent incursions into the clock tower. To which she succeeded. It was not her objective to root out threats already within the tower!" Novallier straightened, fixing Warton with a frightening, piecing stare. "I question your loyalty, Inquisitor. If not that, then your competence."

"My loyalty rests with the Church!" Warton snarled, gripping his power sword. "How dare you question me!? It is my task to question, not yours!"

"And it is my task to rule!" Novallier shouted, his voice ringing across the hanger. "I rule that you are not to lay another hand in these talks! Not that you have at all."

The Inquisitor ran his eyes over Novallier, his lip curling in a scowl. "You will regret this, Novallier."

With those words, the Inquisitor turned and stormed out with his Puria in tow. Harm respectfully stepped aside and watched the man storm by. He caught Leandros giving Warton a wary stare but dismissed it, turning instead towards Novallier.

"He poses a good question, Your Holiness," Aria said. "In the event of another demonic incursion, what are our options?"

Novallier visibly deflated, the weariness of his office showing on his brow and the bags beneath his eyes. It seemed he was leaning on his staff more than he was holding it. "Five other starships will be accompanying us. Lord Leandros and Phalgymr will be provided additional security on the Sunspot. I am not taking chances this time around. The Sunspot is blessed against demonic presences and no demon may enter its hull."

"Aren't you taking this to the extreme, Novallier?" Leandros growled. "You are both tempting fate and avoiding it by sailing into the Void on a starship so soon after demons sought your life. Why not hold the talks in Corona where we are strongest?"

"Because I will not be made a coward in front of the demons, this Dawn's Champion and the people I rule!" Novallier had started spitting. Aria and Harm were within firing range but as always, the spittle veered away from Aria and made a conscious effort to land on Harm's fur. "This whole exercise has been at my expense! I have become less of a ruler and more a jester! I cannot placate my own people, I cannot hold a peace talk without demonic influence and I cannot even reign in my own daughter!"

Harm was grateful Yulanda was not present to hear her father's remarks. She was still a little bruised from their sparring match with Roran the previous night. Tynvander was present, however, and he took a step away from his father.

"How can I inspire and rule when faith in my abilities waver?" Novallier demanded. "Already, the whispers in the wind crown me as the Apex Clericus to start a non-human rebellion. They are calling it the 'Burning Rebellion' for it starts in my Station, a Station proud of its heritage in fire." He swept his staff wide across the hanger. "No more. My daughter was right. The Sunspot shall be my mount and I shall stand at the forefront of the army to challenge the demons should they dare to oppose me!"

Leandros growled deeply and stepped forward, standing in front of the group. "Novallier, this is foolish bravado speaking. Take it from one with Wulfun blood. Insult has been dealt to your name but you must not let it sink into your heart and drive your actions. That is what your enemies wish."

"My mind is made up, Leandros." Novallier's jaw was set hard and his eyes steely. Nothing would guide him from this path. "If you are too craven to step onto my ship, then excuse yourself from the summit."

Harm immediately drew Timekeeper, pressing its blade against Leandros' chest before the werewolf king could even step forward. Aria had seen the same and hand Gungnir barring the Lupus' chest.

"You are but forty summers past, Novallier," the Lupus growled, fangs bared and fists clenched tightly. "I have lived since the Sunshadow War! If you will not heed my council then consider my 'excused' from the summit!"

"Then go with your tail between your legs!" Novallier shouted. Leandros spun and stormed away from the hanger. His Lupus guards followed him. "Anyone else!?"

Harm could already sense the other dignitaries' courage waver. That courage shattered when Phalgymr bowed respectfully and excused himself as well. None had the courage to deny Novallier like the two kings of the Custodia but it was in their eyes, their posture and the held breaths that they dared not release.

Satisfied with the grip he held on the remaining dignitaries, Novallier ordered everyone back to the Clericus Solis who would transport them back to Clockwork.

Harm turned to leave...

"Chronos, Lady Valkyrie, you are to stay."

Harm had to smirk even though his back was turned to the Apex Clericus Solis. As he turned back, he could feel Novallier's accusing eyes watching him closely.

"How can I be of service?" he asked, his voice teetering on the border between taunting and courtesy.

Novallier stormed up to him, pressing Tynvandar close to him. "Do not take me for a fool, Chronos. I know it was you who rigged several explosions in the warehouse district and detonated it several days ago."

"I didn't press the button. Aria -"

"Lady Valkyrie is who informed me of the events." Novallier's eyes narrowed dangerously. "What game are you playing, Chronos? That attack had my officials blaming Valk and his Justitae Ignibus while Valk's people blames us for orchestrating it! Considering how you gleefully flit between the two, I am unsure whom to blame!"

Harm paused for a moment, letting the long-drawn silence increase the severity of his answer.

"How about demons?"

Even Aria showed surprise and her stony expression was hardly ever broken.

"What?" Novallier demanded. "If you played a part in that incursion -"

"Perhaps indirectly," Harm interrupted, his eyes filled with mirth while his gentle smile tormenting Novallier. "Remember Riverflow? The demon lord Agares had infected the people in that village. Those demons and corrupted had the characteristic of blackened skin, pulsating red veins, red eyes and they exploded upon death. The more powerful demons obtained red spikes on their back that almost looked like wings." He inclined his head to the side, his smile growing ever so slightly broader. "Sound familiar?"

It was Aria who answered. "Those were the demons that attacked the summit."

"Right." Harm kept his eyes firmly placed on Novallier. "Agares has a lot of cultists in Incendius. This lord 'Eragas' clearly came from the Sunless Lands. What do you think would have happened if the cultists in that warehouse had been allowed to exist?"

The question was moot. The consequences were clear. In the chaos that followed, those cultists and corrupted would spread throughout the streets of Clockwork and corrupt as many as they could. Their numbers would easily overwhelm the defences. They would attack from two fronts, cutting off all escape and turning Clockwork into a festering hellhole of demonic corruption.

"And why did you not report this?" Novallier demanded, his anger ebbing though still simmering.

"Because the Dawn's Champion has clearly been corrupted by Agares."

"And what makes you say that? What proof do you have?"

"Eragas shouted something as he attacked Valk. He said, 'For the dawn'. What does that imply?"

Novallier shook his head, clearly in denial. "Implications does not make fact. They could simply be attempting to pin demonic corruption on the Champion. Perhaps the Champion is an ally and Agares is attempting to drive a wedge between us so we will not extend the hand of friendship."

"Now you're just making up excuses," Harm accused. He folded his arms, smiling slyly. "You know as well as I do that without the proper protection, even the smallest demonic artefact will corrupt any mortal. Even something as a ripped shirt from a cultist can turn a man into a demon if their resistance wavers. If the demons wanted the Champion on their side, they already have him."

Novallier's eyes darted from left to right, frightened. "They will come for the Sunspot... won't they? But I cannot back down now that I have called both Leandros and Phalgymr cowards. What am I to do?" Those same eyes pierced at Harm's impenetrable smile. "Why did you not tell me of this earlier!?"

"Because we want them to take the Sunspot."

Aria let out a long sigh, massing her temples. "Ah... Now I see what you are planning. This from the Wulfun who claims never to have plans."

"It's not a plan," Harm answered, smile obtaining a sinister edge. "It's a reaction. Allow me to elaborate." He unfolded his arms and pointed at the Sunspot. "Whoever this Dawn's Champion is seems very flashy. He instantly lost the element of surprise when he had Eragas step up to the dais and lunge at Valk. If he wanted Valk corrupted or you dead, he could have done so more discretely. Maybe slipping in a little artefact into Valk's pocket. Poisoning your soup. Anything. But that debacle at the clock tower? If he's planning to take down Incendius, he's going to do it in the flashiest way possible. Why not give him a stage?"

Novallier straightened, his gaze losing fear and instead filling with anger. "The Sunspot has been the flagship of the Apex Clericus Solis for generations. If you think I will allow you to use it as bait for your trap..."

Harm lifted one eyebrow tauntingly. "Well, it's not like you can retract your offer to host the next summit on the Sunspot now..." Harm lowered his eyebrow and widened his smile ever so slightly. "...can you?"

The Apex Clericus Solis fumed. "What game are you playing, Chronos? Who do you think you are to be manipulating my life and so many others like this!? Countless lives could have been lost!"

"And many more saved," Aria countered sharply. "Your Holiness, what Harm says is true. I personally investigated the explosion upon your instruction. Demonic presences were detected and from one of the surviving cultists, they were indeed planning to strike the city while those in the summit attacked."

Still quietly raging, Novallier turned his gaze towards the Sunspot. His teeth were clenched so tightly it almost looked like he had lockjaw. "What is your plan, Chronos?"

"I don't have one," Harm answered. "All plans go to hell the moment they are put into action. I just don't bother. I react."

"Your reaction times seems to be growing slower these days, Chronos."

Harm's smile just grew more sinister. "What a funny thing to say to a Chronomancer."

Novallier's jaw remained set hard. "Very well. What is to be done?"

The Chronomancer turned his back to Novallier, bringing a gasp from Tynvandar. Harm's white scarf billowed out behind him as he hid the glimmer in his eyes. "Just leave that little detail to me."


Yulanda dropped to the ground, letting out a gasp as the air rushed out of her lungs. Several blades of grass were unceremoniously uprooted beside her as Roran's boots scuffed the grass. The Tigris groped for another arrow but found his fingers only grasping air. A curse left his lips as he tossed his bow aside and slipped his longsword from its scabbard. He helped Yulanda to her feet and she snatched Sun Dancer from the ground.

At the centre of the clearing, Harm Chronos stood, a plain longsword in his paws while Timekeeper remained embedded in the ground just a foot behind him. He taunted them with his right paw in the pocket of his pinstriped pants. The gentle smile on his features burned their blood and the sweat that rolled off their brows would have evaporated with their rage.

"In a way, I am the worst kind of enemy you could ever face," Harm said slowly. He paused time for the briefest of moments, reappearing in front of both Yulanda and Roran. For a moment, there were two white Wulfuns standing in the clearing. "I get in your head. I seize your heart. I wear down your body. And I have all the time in the world to break you down."

The two Wulfuns stepped towards one another, merging into one. Harm vanished once more, standing again in front of Timekeeper. He swept his longsword in front of him. The air vibrated with the effects of Time Magic. Six versions of the longsword hung in the air, pointing dangerously at the two.

"They say that in battle, you should always keep your cool. I disagree."

On some unspoken command, the longswords sprang forward, hurtling towards the two. Roran dodged to the left, Yulanda to the right. The spinning blades missed them by a far margin. They pounced on the opportunity. Roran seized one of the blades and hurled it back. Yulanda cast fire through the air.

Harm smiled, finally lifting his right paw out of his pocket and holding his palm in the air. He slowed the movement of particles in front of him, killing the blade's momentum and the fire's blaze. The longsword dropped to the ground, unmoving, beside the arrows Roran had fired earlier. The flame fizzled out.

The cold touch of metal pressed up against his neck. Roran let out a triumphant 'ha!' from beside him.

"And just when you thought you had me figured out," Harm said, holding his right paw over the hilt of his borrowed longsword. Slowly, he drew his fingers along the blade. Golden flames ignited along the blade, wreathing it in a heavenly light. "I pull something out that just catches you off guard."

He purposefully waited until the surprise had all but gone from Roran's eyes before he lashed out. The Tigris dodged away in time but not without a light singing to his fur.

"That's not fair!" Yulanda cried. "Chronomancers sacrifice their use of the Illuminus Weizar when they are Time Locked! You can't use Fire Magic!"

Harm lifted the longsword for them to see. The golden flames burned brightly but slowly, the integrity of the blade began to fade. "This isn't Fire Magic. This is Chronomancy at its most complex. It's called Chronomancer's Fire invented by Pyrus Burnhaart." As he spoke, the flames eat away at the steel. Though it continued to burn brightly, the blade itself faded quicker with each passing moment. "It accelerates the particles of a metallic object using Time Magic, creating friction. This same friction ignites the oxygen in the air, creating flames. Touched by Time Magic as it is, it gives off a golden flame. However, the friction eats away at the atomic structure of the metal and over time it destroys the object."

"Why have we never heard of this?" Roran asked, bemused by the fading golden flames.

"It's a well-kept secret. As are the other ways Chronomancers can simulate the use of the other elements. For example..." Golden lightning arced around him, snapping at the grass and igniting it into red flames. Roran let out a cry and leapt back just in time to avoid the sudden still in the air. A chill fell over the ignited area. The flames died and the burnt grass instantly began to freeze.

"This is what made Chronomancers so dangerous," Harm said, picking up Timekeeper. "Where most of the other Clericus were focused on a single type of magic, Chronomancers could simulate countless based on their understanding of the use of time and matter. There were Chronomancers that could increase the pull of gravity to unbearable levels. Others that could pull chunks of earth from the ground and hurl it at foes at ungodly speeds. There were others still that could focus light and make beams that could cut through armies with ease."

Yulanda lowered her whip, slowly folding it up. "But you are the most dangerous of them all, are you not? You are the Chronomancer that devised ways to destroy other Chronomancers. You found ways to destroy Time."

Harm did not respond to that, instead watching Yulanda pack her belongings and take a bite out of a Fire Flour Bun. Her injuries began to heal quickly and there was a strength and confidence in her stand that he had not seen before. Strength had filled her body, more so than before. Purpose guided her steps now.


"Yullie," she insisted. "Only my good friends have the honour of addressing me as such."

"Am I one?" Roran taunted.

"You may address me as, 'Your Grace' or 'Princess'." Seeing the mischievous glint in Roran's eyes, she said, "Wait! I take that back!"

"Too late, Princess."

Yulanda let out an exasperated sigh and chose to ignore the statement. "Was there something you wished to say to me, Lord Chronos."

Harm let no hesitation step into his words. "Your father will be hosting the next summit on his flagship, the Sunspot."

"What!?" Roran exclaimed, seizing Harm's shoulder. "Why wasn't Valk told?"

"Because Novallier still views Valk as the enemy. He's got it in his head that Valk and the Dawn's Champion are incahoots."

"That is absurd! The Dawn's Champion -"

Harm raised a paw for silence. "I know. I'll brief you afterwards. But first..." His eyes fell back to Yulanda. "You won't be coming."

Yulanda surprisingly remained quite composed. Her voice, however, dripped with incredulity. "As the striped cat said, 'That is absurd'! How could he -"

"It was my suggestion."

The silence in the clearing seemed to steal all their breaths.

Somehow, through her shock, Yulanda managed to say, "Why?"

"Because your father is painting a very big target on his back. He's hosting a summit to ease this 'Burning Rebellion' that has been interrupted by demons before on a starship floating in the Void, a place notorious for its demonic populace. It would be safer for you not to be on board."

Sadly, she still had her wits about her despite the beating she had suffered. "But my brother is going, isn't he?"


In one instant, she unfurled Sun Dancer. "What game are you playing, Chronos? Why would you endanger my brother and leave me on the ground to watch while my father is attacked by demons?"

"Funny. Your father said something similar." Harm folded Timekeeper and tucked it into his pocket. "I'm dividing their attention. You're going to be as big a target as Novallier. I don't want demons swarming him but I want most of their attention on the Sunspot. Some will be directed here. At you. You were kidnapped by the Dawn's Champion before and I am fairly certain he was behind the attack at the clock tower. That means you were a target before. You still are. If I divide their forces, they will be easier to manage."

"You are using both myself and my family as bait," she lowered Sun Dancer, letting the three pronged whip hang limply by her side. "I do not know how to react to that." Her left hand gripped her right shoulder, a nervous habit he had observed from her. "I would feel more comfortable if I were able to activate Sun Dancer, but I can see the necessity of this..."

Harm gripped her other shoulder, quietly turning her around away from Roran though he knew the Tigris would be able to hear nonetheless. "Let me tell you something about a Valour's activation phrase." He took her hands in his paws, holding them tightly. "It doesn't matter what it is as long as the conviction is behind them. I once knew this Paladin who changed his activation phrase every week because it was tactically sound. It meant his foes couldn't guess when his Valour was active. In fact, there was another Paladin whose activation phrase was 'gulmarphungus'."

She yanked her hands away from his. "What?"

"That's what I said," he answered, rolling his eyes. "But apparently, it stood for something to him." He took one of Sun Dancer's prongs and shook it lightly. "My point is, they're just words, Yulanda. It's the meaning behind them that give them power. Just like the Illuminus Weizar, it is open to interpretation but when they are spoke with strength and purpose, the resonate with the Valour and the Mother Goddess listens. Think about that."

Yulanda regarded Sun Dancer, pursing her lips. A short nod took her one more step towards activating her Valour. The smile she gave him was still filled with doubt but it was filled with more strength than he had ever seen before. "Thank you, Lord Harm. And it is 'Yullie'. That is an order."

"Of course."

She turned and returned to her horse. They were gone a moment later, disappearing into the shadows of the night.

Harm allowed himself a momentary edge of giddiness in his ever-present smile before turning around to face Roran. "Now what shall I do with you?"

"Impart some of your age old wisdom?" the Tigris answered, crouching on the ground with his legs splayed wide.

"Ah. So being a Chronomancer who has survived the Purge of Time, I am now old." He sauntered over to Roran and sat beside him, legs crossed.

"I figure your fur isn't white by choice. You're just so old that it's bleached completely. What was your original fur colour? Was it black?"

"My fur was white, thank you very much." Harm batted his eyes at Roran. "In fact, the only thing that has ever physically changes for a Chronomancer when they are Time Locked is the colour of their eyes. It becomes gold."

"Oh? What colour were your eyes before you became Time Locked?" the Tigris snorted.

"Green. My eyes were green. In fact, you can tell a Chronomancer's remaining strength by the colour of their eyes. The closer they are to its original colour, the less power they have."

Roran flicked his ears at the Wulfun. "I thought you Chronomancers had unlimited strength."

Harm waved off the remark. "That's just a common rumour and myth. Chronomancers have the potential for unlimited strength. We basically regenerate our reserves of energy over time much faster than anyone else without having to consume food or rest. Just let us stand still for a couple of seconds and we can be as good as new."

An evil gleam entered the Tigris' blue eyes. "So for future reference, I should never let you stand still."

Harm lifted a finger, waggling it playfully. "First rule of fighting a Chronomancer. If they're standing still, it's bad news."

That gleam was replaced with worry. "Should I be taking notes? Do you foresee me fighting a Chronomancer in the future?"

Harm had no outright answer to that and peered at the grass for a long moment. He could feel the flames of the Burning Throne creeping into his consciousness once more but he pushed them away. The time was not right to be conversing with guilt-ridden friend.

"Don't mistake me for a friend, Roran. I would extend the same warning to Yulanda but I doubt she will listen." He locked gazes with the Tigris, running a finger along the scarf he wore. "Do you know why I wear this?"

Roran shrugged. "It is somewhat fashionable where you come from?"

"Cute. But no. During the Purge of Time, when I defected to the Church, no one trusted me. Not even Aria who was an Inquisitor instead of a Templar. They insisted that I wear a collar. One that tracked my movements wherever I went. I wore that collar for the entire duration of the war. When it was over, Lumire had to petition six times before I could have the collar removed. The Propheticus Primoris was overruled five times before they finally conceded to the removal of the collar. But I still wear a scarf because it gives the officials comfort to think that they control me in some way, shape or form.

"I am not their friend," he said gravely. "I am not their ally. I simply work along the same lines as they because what they do is for the good of Tower Thirteen."

Roran's fists tightened and his tail curled around himself. A defensive stance. "And you would turn on them, turn on us, the moment our goals change." Before Harm could reply, Roran said, "Who gave you the right to judge what is for the good of the world? Who is to say that both sides cannot work for the benefit of the world? Who will you side with then?"

Harm offered Roran his gentle smile. "Why do you think I maintain a presence on both sides?" He gazed towards where Yulanda had vanished. "Both sides have a point and both sides can work together to bring about a great change that could benefit Tower Thirteen. They're just a little too obsessed with gaining the advantage over the other to realise that."

"Valk isn't like that!" Roran protested. "He just wants equality!"

"If that's the case, why did he hide Alliance from everyone? Why did he choose to bring it to the summit?" Harm locked gazes with the Tigris. "I don't know your relationship with him. Family or not, Valk isn't as perfect as you may like to think. He's got plans."

The ensuing reaction was just as he had expected. Roran bolted to his feet, swinging his longsword at Harm. The blade bit deep into Harm's chest, coming dangerously close to his jugular. Blood seeped freely across his shirt and vest. He didn't so much as move.

For a moment, Roran was horrified but he visibly pushed aside his shock and spoke with conviction. "Valk isn't like that! You do not know him! I have been with him since childhood! Me, Lusia and Valk... We were... We were a team. I know him!"

Harm slowly rose to his feet, taking Roran's blade with him. The Tigris was forced to let go of the blade as Harm's body pushed the weapon out of his body and healed all wounds. The steel weapon dropped to the ground, clean and untainted by blood.

"Nothing lasts forever, Roran. Not even those who supposedly claim to be eternal last. The Chronomancers faced their end. Eventually, even a tight friendship will change as the members grow."

"And how long will you last, Chronos?" Roran spat. "When will your eternity end? Until when will your end finally come?"

Harm found himself unable to look Roran in the eye. Instead, he found his eyes travelling to the enormous crystal spire that stood visible even in the darkness of night. Chrysalis shone, a symbol that united Tower Thirteen by the barest of threads. His mind wandered to Haven and to his brother who stood on the throne of the Church, guiding its people with two hands when there were so many Stations.

His own words came to haunt him.

"I am your left hand, Lumire. I'll do what you can't do. I'll bloody my hands when you can't. After all... It'll just jump right off in the end. All for the good of Tower Thirteen."

"Well?" Roran demanded. "How long, Chronos?"

Harm closed his eyes briefly. "Till the end of time."

"Well that's fair," the Tigris sneered, snatching his blade from the ground. "You have until the universe comes to a halt and we have seventy, eighty years?"

Still keeping his gaze on Chrysalis, Harm said, "Tigris are notoriously long lived. You have an average of about a hundred."

"Whatever." Roran turned with a huff, stomping towards the edge of the clearing. "For the 'notoriously long lived' like yourself, nothing may last but for those of us with a single lifetime, we like to make things last. At least then we can die with a smile on our face. You probably just get bored in your eternity and crave something new. I wish we all had that luxury."

Before Harm could speak, the Tigris spun back around, raising a finger at him. "Actually, I take that back. I would rather none of us had that luxury. Then we would lose the value of life and those things we can hold onto. Because eternity to you may seem like a given gift but to the rest of us, it's something to aspire you." He shook his head in disgust. "I pity you, Harm Chronos. You have all the time in the world and you spend it bringing misery to those of us whose lives can be snuffed out with a cough or a bowel infection. Then when you get bored, you move on." Roran wrinkled his nose and cast one last appalled look at Harm. "You are truly a pitiful creature."

The Tigris spun, each step he took a thunderous bang in Harm's ears.

"Roran, wait."

"Why should I? I'm dying after all."

Harm chose his words carefully.

"Let me show you something."