Megalopolis - The Start of Chaos Theory

Story by GoliathWildcat on SoFurry

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#8 of Megalopolis

Seems there's a new vigilante in Megalopolis

The Start of Chaos Theory

By Chris Gilman

The bar is dark and the crashing sound of a band playing in the background drowns out most conversation. The young male cougar with short brown hair slouches at the bar, watching the TV behind it with golden eyes that miss nothing.

"The unknown villains were stopped in the theft of the military data in a very odd way by a male cougar known only as Chaos Cougar," the anchor vixen says. "Though authorities arrived at the scene early in the encounter the unknown renegade super swooped in and was seen to plant a small explosive on the computers containing the information the villains were trying to retrieve. He was seen leaping out of a tenth story window as the explosives destroyed the entire computer room. No injuries were reported and Chaos Cougar disappeared as with each of his previous sightings."

A picture appears to the left of the red haired, green eyed vixen and she turns to face it. "The Marshalls say this is the best photo of the unknown male." The image shows a blurred male cougar wearing military pants and a tight sleeveless shirt planting a brick of something against the computers. His face is obscured by the black visor of the helmet he wears, making identification almost impossible. "They have requested help in identifying this unknown male with the following statement." The words appear on the screen as the reporter reads them, "The individual known as Chaos Cougar does not seem to pose a threat to the law abiding citizens of Megalopolis. But we would still like to ask him a few questions about his methods."

The screen cuts back to the vixen. "While he has never helped a villain he has not helped the authorities either and is an unknown they claim. His actions seem to be for the greater good, but it is uncertain of his methods as they tend to be destructive to property. Any suspicious persons should be reported to the Marshalls from the nearest emergency call box. In other news..."

He looks down at his drink and knocks back the double shot of whiskey with a single gulp. Another glass is set in front of him and he looks up to the bartender. "I didn't order that," his voice flat and his eyes searching the polar bear's face for answers.

The rough looking polar bear behind the bar points behind the cougar, "It's from her."

The cougar doesn't turn to look where the bartender indicated he just reaches for the glass. "Thank you Miss."

The neatly trimmed, short, brown furred, female bear in a thigh length purple dress with a slit up her hip and high heel boots steps up next to him, " Lydia Rumblewave." She smiles while studying his profile. "And you're welcome, handsome," she says as she brushes her brown bangs with their streak of purple from her face. She broadens her smile, close cropped brown hair and strong bones shape his face, but one that clearly has seen the world judging by the faint scar over his left eye. "What a good looking male like you doing here alone?"

He lifts the glass to his lips and pauses to respond, "Drinking." With a quick movement he downs the double shot of whiskey and with tender care sets the glass back on the bar top as if it were delicate china, a short sigh slipping from his lips.

She reaches up and runs a delicate hand through his short hair, "Military?"

His ear twitches at her touch but he makes no move to stop her, "I was."

Her hand drifts behind one of the dark ears and gives a gentle scritch drawing a soft but vibrating purr from his throat and the closing of his golden eyes in pleasure. "But why drink alone? Surely you've got friends and a girl somewhere?"

He shakes his head which dislodges her hand and looking at the empty glass signals the bartender for another with a wave of his hand. "No one..." he quietly answers as he watches the amber liquid slosh into the small crystal glass. He takes it and raises it in a toast, his eyes closed and a pained frown creasing his features. "To lost companions," he says flatly and knocks back the liquor with a gulp, his ears flat against his skull.

"Lost them in the military?" she asks softly resting a comforting hand on his tan furred and muscled arm. She gives him a slight squeeze to let him know she's willing to listen.

His ears flatten as he growls out, "You could say that."

She waits for more but he is less than forthcoming about his past or private self. Biting her lower lip she changes tactics, "Can you dance soldier?"

With surprise he looks into her green eyes and gives the slightest of nods, "A bit."

Her smile brightens, "Then how about you show a girl a good time on the dance floor." Still holding his arm she stands and tries pulling him towards the crowded dance floor.

He hesitates before letting her pull him after her and into the crowd. He closes his eyes as he finds himself surrounded by gyrating bodies and pounding music. He feels the smaller bear fem shaking and weaving against and around him, more than once rubbing her perfect rear against his groin to get a reaction out of him, her flicking tail doing so with little effort. As the beat guides his body it also clears his mind of his brooding and he starts to enjoy the night. 'This is what I needed after all,' he thinks to himself as he wraps his arms briefly around the bear fem and leans in to lick her neck tenderly.

He is jerked around like a rag doll by a hulking grizzly male snarling down at him with anger flaring in his eyes and the stench of alcohol on his breath, "What makes a pussy like you think you can get with a pretty lady like this? You should know not to take the place of a true male you scrawny pussy."

The bear fem pokes the hulking brute in the chest as she looks up at him, her brows furrowed and eyes narrowed in anger, "Look here bozo, I didn't ask you to interfere with my night or my date. Fuck off!"

The grizzly snarls loudly, "How about I fuck you after I trash the pussy!" With a rough shove he pushes her out of the way and launches himself at the smaller cougar.

Time seems to slow for the cougar as he watches the hurtling bulk heading straight for him. He closes his eyes momentarily and opens them again to focus on his attacker. The golden irises flicker with an inner light and he swings his fist up in a vicious uppercut as the grizzly slips on a drink spilled by one of the dancers scattering away from the fight.

As the bear's jaw comes down the feline's fist comes up and connects with the combined momentum of both motions. The bear's head flies back and a counter from the cougar's elbow drives him into the ground with a loud crash of the grizzly impacting the wooden floor and several ribs breaking.

Stepping back into a combat crouch with a screech that cougars are well known for the cougar's thick tail whips around in agitation as the music stops and murmurs come from those who just watched him down a foe twice his mass. His eyes dart back and forth looking for the grizzly's friends to ambush him, but no one moves towards him except the bear fem he was dancing with before this all started.

"Come on; let's get out of here before they call the authorities," she says as she tugs at his arm.

He growls and bares his fangs at anyone who gets too close as she guides him off the dance floor and out the door, a wide isle opening up for them as the bouncers come to check on the unconscious bear but do nothing to stop their exit.

Outside in the cool night air she stops and looks up at him, "Where's your car?"

He shakes his head to clear it and mumbles, "I walked."

"Just as well, you shouldn't drive with the drinks and adrenaline coursing through your body right now." She looks back to the bar to see a handful of the bouncers watching them from the doorway. "Well, how about I give you a ride home in thanks for punching out that brute." She smiles and looks him over for any sign of injury, "That was impressive, I doubt even the famous Pridemount could drop a berserk grizzly with such ease." She examines his hands and gives each a soft kiss. "My hero," she says giving a cute giggle as she looks up at him with adoration.

He blushes slightly and follows her over to a small two seat sports car. She unlocks the doors with a keyless remote she pulls from her low cut cleavage and waves him towards the passenger side. Slipping into the car next to her he leans his head back and sighs softly. "Fourteen Twenty-six Wildhorse Lane," he says flatly as the car's engine roars to life in the quiet night.

"Roger," she says with a bright smile. Shifting the car into drive she leaves rubber on the road behind her as the car peals out.

Watching him out of the corner of her eye she says, "I never did ask your name soldier."

"Chris," he says after a brief pause, "Chris Catamount, at your service."

Pulling up in front of the old apartment building she frowns, "You live here?"

He steps out and looks up at the grungy edifice, "Yeah, for now. It's not much but I call it home."

Opening her door she looks up at the twenty story block of masonry and steel. "I know it's none of my business, but doesn't your military pension pay enough for you to live somewhere better?"

A slight shrug answers her, "This suits my needs."

Closing her door and strolling around to his side she pins him against her car and links her hands behind his neck, "How about you show me your place big fella?" She emphasizes the 'big' by grinding herself against his crotch and the still evident interest there from the earlier dancing.

Slowly he raises his hands to gently cup her cheeks, "You just met me, and you know nothing about me. Why would you want to go any further?"

She laughs musically and kisses his nose, "I know you're an honorable man. A lesser man would have backed down from that bully and run for the hills. Not stood up to him and defended me." She looks into his golden eyes and smiles, "And I want to, my choice, I want to."

He leans down to kiss her gently, her grip tightening behind his neck pulling him in for a deeper, passionate kiss, her short tongue slipping between his parting lips to explore the inside of his fanged maw. As her tongue retreats back into her own mouth his follows, chasing it to explore her own mouth. As the kiss slowly, reluctantly, separates she smiles up at him, "Did I mention you're a good kisses too?"

He gives her a shy grin and taking her hands from behind his neck leads her up to his apartment.

Entering the dark apartment he flicks on the lights with a finger. "Welcome to casa del cougar," he quips with another slight grin and a flourish of his arm.

She gives a slight frown, "A bit bare," she says as she walks in looking at the old couch and ancheint TV before returning to him, her hips swaying. "But I think I know how to liven things up a few notches." She takes his hand and guides it to the tie that holds the straps of her dress behind her neck.

With gentle fingers he pulls at the loose ends and lets the top fall to expose her perfect mounds. She takes his hands and cups them to her chest as she stands on tip toe to kiss him again, deeper and longer than before. As their tongues explore each other he massages her soft breasts with exploring hands, feeling her nipples turn into hard peaks under his palms.

Her hands leave his and slip under his tight shirt, feeling the tight muscles and the ridges of long healed scars under his silky smooth fur. She moans into the kiss as he gives her tits a playful tweak.

Wiggling her hips she lets her dress slip down till it lands on the floor at her feet and she steps out of it, the smell of her arousal filling the room as there is neither dress nor panties to contain it. With quick motions she tugs his shirt off him, forcing him to let go of her breasts and for their kiss to part for a moment before they continue, his shirt flung across the room. As her hands start to work on his belt he leans in and licks her neck with his long rough tongue. She lifts her chin and moans at the sensation of the gentle feline grooming. Finally getting his belt loose she drops his pants, pleased to see that like her, he hadn't been wearing any underwear.

Her hand immediately finds what she wants and is not displeased at the size of the package now overflowing her hands. "I don't know how you don't have a dozen ladies lining up for this big kitten maker," she moans softly into his ear as he continues to groom, working his way slowly down from her neck to her cleavage. She strokes the already rigid member and coos in pleasure as she feels it grow even harder in her hands.

As his rough tongue finally searches out one of her nipples she gasps in pleasure, "Oh gods!" and gives up her grip on his maleness to clutch his head to her breast. He purrs as he sucks the hard nipple into his maw and gently teases it between two fangs eliciting another gasp from her, her hands tightening in his short hair.

Gripping her butt and rubbing the base of her tail he lifts her with ease and carries her through the doorway into his bedroom. She giggles as he tosses her onto the large soft bed and smiles down at her, his tongue licking over his lips and fangs.

Leaning back she reaches down to spread her nether lips, "Does the kitty want a taste?"

With a growl he pounces with accuracy between her legs and buries his muzzle between her legs, his rough tongue snaking into her warm, wet folds. She squeals in pleasure as the rough top of his tongue rasps along the roof of her sex and over her clit. He pulls his head back slightly before opening his jaws wide and engulfing her sex again, his fangs pricking her fore and aft as his tongue snakes even further into her willing passage. An erotic dichotomy of the rough top and silky bottom explores its way into her much to her enjoyment.

At the sensation of those killing fangs pricking her as he ravishes her sex with his tongue is too much and she grips his short hair as her legs pull his head in tighter. Throwing her head backwards she screams in orgasm as her juices flow out of her tunnel. Managing to loosen her legs enough to pull his head back slightly he rubs at her dripping and twitching sex with his finger before slipping it into her tight passage and applying his tongue to her love button again.

Without a break from her first orgasm she cries out again and griping her breasts feels waves of orgasm flowing through her. Each rasp of his rough tongue over her overly sensitive clit leaves her gasping for breath and each wiggle of his finger makes her crave the real thing.

Slowly lifting his head from between her legs he licks his lips and looses a soft hunting growl, passionate fire still gleaming in his eyes.

Her eyes still slightly glazed from her string of orgasms the slight female turns and crawls along him as he stretches out on the bed. With teasing slowness she plants gentle kisses and love bites along his body till she reaches his groin and coos in pleasure at the rock hard member waiting for her, a dribble of thin pre leaking from the head. She runs her shorter velvet tongue along his length to lick up the salty fluid as she pushes against his hip till he lies on his back, eyes closed in pleasure and purring like a kitten with a saucer of cream.

Putting her hands together she slowly strokes them to the base of his rigid pole before she takes the rounded head into her burning mouth, enticing a moaning purr from the cougar. Slowly she takes him in, just an inch at first before backing out but she slowly works her way further along his thick pulsing shaft till she can feel the blunt head poking the back of her throat.

With a wicked grin she pulls him from her hot mouth, drawing a disappointed mewl from the big feline as he looks at her with questioning eyes. With a wink she slowly licks the head of his penis before ever so slowly sinking more and more of it into her mouth. He can feel the end of his member pause for only a fraction of a second at the back of her throat before she relaxes her throat muscles and he moans loudly at the sensation of her swallowing his member down her throat. "Oh gods above!!!" he cries and tries to hold back the flood he feels churning in his balls.

With over half of his length in her mouth she strokes the last few inches with both hands and growls in her throat, sending glorious vibrations though him in the process. Letting loose a roar that rattles the glass in the window his nuts contract, the head of his shaft flares in her throat, and creamy liquid flows down her throat as he orgasms hard, his fists clenching the sheets and claws tearing ragged strips from the material.

She gulps hungrily at the load of thick feline semen coursing down her throat and growls hungrily, the vibrations making him gasp for breath as his body arches in ecstasy, lifting her slight weight from the bed. As the last weak spurts erupt from his shaft she pulls him from her throat and takes them on her tongue before swallowing with a smile and a happy murr at his performance as one of her hands gently strokes the slick shaft as the other massages his scrotum with tender fingers. "Quite a load you carry there big fella," she coos as her tongue licks over her lips, searching for any missed drops of his seed. "I hope you can do that again soon, 'cause I want a ride."

He chuckles and sits up slowly, a hand cupping her cheek, the thumb stroking with light and tender care as a smile crosses his face, "I think I can accommodate you there little lady."

Rolling to his knees he grips her hips and flips her over onto her belly with a casual ease. She looses a soft gasp as she feels his still rigid and slick shaft sliding between her ass cheeks. Kneeling over her he leans in to bury his sensitive nose in her hair and inhale her aroma. Nuzzling her neck gently he supports himself with one arm while the other comes up to fondle her breasts with a feather gentle touch.

She moans in pleasure and wiggles her rear, feeling his length sliding along her ass cheeks and poking under her tail. "Oooooh..." she moans softly, "You are such a tease..." She bites her lower lip in pleasure as she feels him nip at her neck with his sharp teeth. Gasping as he pinches her nipples, "Please don't make me wait for it anymore..."

Pulling his head back from her hair he tilts his head quizzically at her with a sly grin. Scooting his hips back she moans as she feels the blunt head of his shaft slipping towards her soaking and needy entrance. Her eyes flash open as he gives a cougar's hunting squeal-roar and clamps his jaws on the back of her neck, his thick member sinking to the hilt in her at the exact same moment. Her body arches in pleasure; mouth wide, yet unable to cry out as she is taken by the large feline.

His fangs prod the flesh of her neck but never draw blood as he growls like a feral cat taking his mate. His hips piston his length into her depths and elicit soft gasps and squeals of pleasure that are able to squeeze past her throat. He moans to himself as he feels her soaking inner folds tightening spasmodically around him. Gripping both her large breasts in his hands he pulls her up to a kneeling position, his hips not pausing for a moment as his jaws release to change position. As his head tilts downward she tilts her head backwards exposing her vulnerable throat to his long fangs as he takes her throat in his jaws and holds her like that. The combination of pleasure from his hands and shaft mixed with the tangible threat of her throat in his jaws is more then she can stand and she orgasms harder then she has this night. A squeak all that slips from her throat as her inner walls tighten like a vise around his cock.

Releasing her throat he throws back his head and roars in pleasure, slamming his hips against hers a final time before she feels his spasms and burning jets of thick cougar seed fills her needy sex. Her neck finally released she cries out in a roar of her own pleasure, her shuddering sex milking the thick cougar cock in her sex, coaxing every drop from his family jewels as they give it to her willingly.

With mutual moans they collapse sideways onto the bed and he wraps his arms around her, holding her to his chest as he gently licks the spots where his fangs had held her neck.

A weary smile crosses her muzzle as she reaches up to hold onto his strong arms, "Thank you..."

"No... Thank you for giving me something to live for."

She blinks with confusion, "What do you mean by that?"

He nuzzles against her neck and murmurs, "I'll tell you in the morning."

A content smile says that's fine with her and in his warm arms she drifts to sleep to the quiet rhythm of his sleeping breaths.

There is a pounding outside in the hallway when she wakes to the empty bed. Jerking herself up she looks around in surprise to see Chris standing in the open window of his apartment, "What's going on out there?"

Without looking at her he says with a scoffing snort, "The military found me again, I'm sorry."

Wrapping a blanket from the bed around herself she approaches him but he holds up a hand to stop her and she hears the voices shouting in the hall. "Find him, we can't let him get away again. The General will have our heads!"

"Certainly there is a rational explanation for this," she tries to ask but stops when he shakes his head.

"The only thing certain is Chaos Theory..."

At the words she jerks in surprise as if she has been shocked by electricity. "What..."

He turns briefly to pull her into a deep kiss before looking into her green eyes with his golden eyes that glow with a strange inner light in the dark room. "You know who I am," he says before throwing himself out of the open window and towards the hard pavement below.

"NO!!!" she screams and lunges for him, too late. Looking out the twentieth story window with fear she sees... nothing. Her mouth open and eyes wide in shock she sees nothing outside the building but the street below and the few vehicles and pedestrians on it. Not a sign of the male cougar that had just leaped out of the window.

With a crash, booted feet kick in the heavy front door and a swarm of soldiers flood into the apartment. Guns and flashlight beams wave around the room, several focusing on Lydia standing by the window alone. The obvious leader of the assault team raises a hand and the others silently lower their guns and leave the apartment. Behind the obscuring mask the soldier's voice comes with a tinny accent, "Sorry for this Miss, we're looking for a dangerous renegade." Without another word the soldier turns away and leaves the apartment and its now lone occupant.

Looking back out the window Lydia scans the area for any sign of the male she had just spent an outstanding night with. "Chris Catamount," she whispers, "Chaos Cougar, who are you really?"

From the control room of his cloaked flying ship the young cougar settles into the command chair. "Theory, are all systems working correctly?"

A musical female voice responds, "Of course Chris, I am pleased to see I was able to warn you of the imminent military raid searching for you."

He watches Lydia turn from the still open window, a tear in her eye. "I'm sorry Lydia, I didn't mean for you to know."

"Should I open a door for the young lady to join you?" asks the musical voice, a hint of concern in it.

He leans forward and watches till the young lady is out of view. For a moment he is tempted to tell the sky craft's virtual intelligence to open up so he can call out to the girl and bring her onto the craft, but he knows it's for the best like this, "No. Set a course for our new hidden base. I don't want any of this to fall on her head."

"Yes Colonel Catamount. Course plotted and cloak is in full effect," the voice responds with a hint of relief.

Sitting back in the command chair he pulls on his flight helmet and slides the black visor down, "Do it Theory."

All characters unless otherwise stated are the property of Christopher Gilman.Story © Copyright Christopher Gilman 2008 all rights reservedPlasma © Copyright Goliath Thunderstep and used with permissionMegalopolis © Copyright Goliath Thunderstep and Emerald Cistern and used with permission mail me and tell me what you think at [email protected]

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