~Our Father who aRT IN HEAVEN!~ REVISED!!

Story by lonelywolvenuk on SoFurry

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OK, this story contains M/M and underage Yiff. If you are uncomfortable with this or underage (if you are underage just don't get caught...) leave now...

This may be true...or not... ;-)

It was an average Sunday evening..well that's how it started. Jon was a wolf pup between the ages of 10 and 12. He was average physically aside from being a bit well endowed for his age. He had white fur head-to-toe that blended beautifully into fresh snow and amber eyes that shone brightly. But sadly this poor pup was dragged to church every Sunday morning and night...The only good thing was meeting up with his friends there and generally mucking about after the meeting finished. There where 2 other furs that he got on well with. Two fox brothers called David and Sean. David was about Jon's age but a few months older and Sean was a few years younger. David and Sean where average foxes red fur with white belly fur and black ears and tail tips. Now Jon and David where rather curious for their age and this lead to a memorable experience...

After the meeting had finished tea,coffee and biscuits would be served and the adult furs would talk and the kids just ran about and played for about an hour until everyone left. As previously stated Jon and David where curious for their ages, however though Jon didn't know it then he was Bisexual but tonight would help him to see things in a different light. Jon and David had drunk too much tea and both left to go to the toilet at the same time. As they stood at the urinals relieving themselves David look over at Jon. He remembered hearing about 'Oral Sex' and had been curious about it, though at the time he had no idea what the consequences could be. David licked his lips lightly and decided to go for it. "Jon, come with me in here -he gestured to the open stall- theres something i wanna ask ya?" David said as he walked in after Jon and locked the door.

"Sooo what's up DJ?" (David's middle name was John so Jon called him DJ) Jon ask curiously. David paced a bit before speaking.

"Jonny ya ever hear of a 'blowjob'?" David said shakily. Jon shook his head for answer. "Well it's when one fur sucks on another furs pee-pee..."

"Oh...K..." Came Jon's response.

"I was wondering if we could try it...I've been kinda wondering what it'd be like ya know..." David said as he continued to pace around the stall. Jon thought for a few minutes. Now as far back as Jon could remember he'd had thoughts and rather peculiar daydreams. When he let his mind wander it would often result in bizarre scenes of male-male body rubbing even though he had no idea what being straight,gay or bi really was it had always been there. Jon's dad had told him the basics of reproduction and how it was done..he had also taught Jon that 'gay' meant two males engaged in anal sex. He didn't however tell him that oral or other forms of touching would also constitute it too, but he made sure to stress just how wrong it was according to the bible... After pondering for a while Jon decided on his answer...

"Sure..i guess,just don't ya dare bite me..." Jon said in an uncertain tone.

David smiled and slowly dropped to his knees. He reached up and undid Jon's button and zipper and pulled his jeans down to his ankles. He rubbed at Jon's wolfhood through his underwear, this caused to Jon to moan lightly. David slowly slid Jon's underwear down to his ankles and Jon stepped out of them. David looked at Jon's member, unlike David Jon had no sheath Jon's had been removed at birth for medical reasons. David lent forward and took a deep breath he couldn't really smell much as Jon was still a pup he didn't have much of a musk yet. David took hold of the wolven meat inches from his muzzle and licked it gently. It became hard very quickly. "That's been happening a lot lately i dunno why and it's really annoying..." Jon said. David smiled and began to lick it all over, every inch he could get at was licked tenderly. All the while Jon was whimpering gently in a state of bliss. After about five minutes David slid Jon's member into his muzzle. Now remember Jon and David where naive and hadn't been told all 'the facts of life' so neither really knew about any form of non-reproductive sex at this point. Jon hadn't experienced 'cuming' yet and it was unlikely David had either. David bobbed his muzzle up and down a few times puzzling on the taste of it and then he withdrew Jon's member completely. David paused for a moment and then slid it back in again, he began to pick up a rhythm and kept it up, all the while Jon's whimpers got louder and more excited in sounding. As David kept it up he began to enjoy it though he didn't fully understand what he was doing..."STOP!!" Jon yelped. David pulled back and looked up at him. "I've gotta pee BADLY.." Jon said as he turned and expelled a substance that wasn't pee...he didn't know it was in truth a large amount of pre at the time. After he had finished he turned and faced David.

"My turn?" Jon asked as David stood up. David nodded and Jon pulled up his jeans and underwear. Jon dropped to his knees and unbuttoned Davids trousers before he pulled them and his underwear down in one motion. Jon looked at Davids smaller but sheathed fox-hood. Jon paused for a few moments "I wonder what it would be like to have a sheath.." he thought to himself never having known his own. He slowly reached up and rubbed it a bit before giving it a long lick. David whimpered and Jon took this as a sign he was doing something good. David quickly went hard and emerged from his sheath. Jon lent forward and took a deep breath, once again not much could be smelled due to their young ages. He then slowly took David into his muzzle and was perplexed by it. It had a strong odor but tasted no different than his fingers. He bobbed his muzzle up and down a few times as David had done before with drawing Davids member completely. He paused and licked his lips before taking David in fully again. He followed what he had seen David do and picked up a rhythm.After about five minutes David looked at his watch.

"Ahhhhhh we better get back through there it's time to go." David said as he pushed Jon back and pulled up his trousers and underwear. Jon looked annoyed, he was though he didn't want to say it..enjoying it. He stood up and both adjusted themselves to hide their still ragging hardons. They heard others leaving and so left a few minutes a part to avoid suspicion.

A few weeks later David stayed at Jon's house... It was midnight and both where still awake. "Jonny, do you remember what we did a few weeks ago..." David said sitting up in his sleeping bag.

"Yeah, what about it?" Jon asked sleepily.

"Well it was fun wasn't it?" David asked. He saw Jon's silhouette nod in answer. " Well do you wanna do it again?". David was waiting for Jon's answer when he felt him land on the floor next to him. They sat there for a few minutes. It was as usual David who would start things going. "Well you where mid-way when we had to go so...you wanna carry on where you left off..." David said as he slipped out of his pajamas. Jon crawled over and pushed him on to his back. Jon lent down far and began to softly lick Davids small and barely hanging fox globes. "H-hey..that...t-t-tickles.." David giggled as Jon continued exploring the foxes crotch area. As Jon did this David began to grow nice and hard. Jon slowly licked his way up to Davids shaft and licked his way to the top. Jon paused to regain his breath before slowly once more taking in Davids member. He started out slowly and began to build up the rhythm again while David panted and whimpered. David scritched Jon behind his ears while trying to avoid moaning too loudly. After about ten minutes he decided he had had enough "OK, you can stop now.." David said and Jon slowly slid off and licked his lips. "Right your turn..." David said as Jon stood up,dropped his pajamas and sat on the edge of his bed. David lent in and began to lick Jon's thighs slowly moving towards his meat. He reached Jon's slightly larger globes and began to lap at them causing Jon to giggle and laugh quietly. As David did this Jon became hard and awaited what he knew would follow. David licked his way to the top and then slowly took him in again. He quickly picked up the rhythm again and Jon began to moan again. As David kept up his movements Jon felt his urge to pee build up again. Jon suppressed it until he could take no more.

"I gotta go.." Jon said as he pulled up his pajamas and ran full speed to the bathroom to relieve the odd feeling he had. As he let it flow he noticed it was odd how he felt like this after he'd been played with either by himself or another. After he was done he returned to his room. He went over and curled up next to David.

"Er..what are you doing Jon?.." David asked nervously as he got into the sleeping bag with him.

"I just feel like i want someone by my side tonight,i dunno why but i just do...is it OK with you?" Jon asked and David nodded in response. The pair curled up together and fell asleep happily in each others arms.At the time neither knew what they had done would be frowned upon...

About two weeks after the events at the Jon's house Jon was out with his dad dropping off a family member at the airport. While in the restrooms he saw a machine with flavored condoms in it. Now Jon's dad told him what condoms where for, but the purpose of flavored confused him. On the car ride home he asked his dad... "Dad...umm....i have a question.." Jon asked looking out the window at the passing buildings.

"Sure, what is it son?" Jon's dad said.

"Umm...in the airport toilets there was a machine with flavored condoms in it...why would furs want those?" Jon asked feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Oh..umm..you remember the talk we had about sex?" Jon's dad asked and Jon nodded. "Well, sometimes gay furs will suck on the penis of another fur. Do you understand now?". Once again Jon nodded. Jon felt like he had been hit in the chest by a hammer. It had hit him hard, the fact of now knowing he had done the worst 'sin'..but worst of all he had liked it and would do it again...yet, he still liked girls and didn't know what he was. Nobody had told this poor pup about bisexuality at the time. When he got home he told David his new knowledge and both agreed to keep it to themselves and to not do so again.While he now knew it had been wrong, as much as he didn't want to admit it even though it had been brief he had enjoyed being sucked and sucking...and if the option was there would gladly do so again...These thoughts would eat away at him until at the age of 17 he would finally accept himself as bi. As for David as far as Jon knows he has turned out straight even though Jon still thinks fondly of him from time to time.


I know this is story may seem rushed and doesn't go much into the characters feelings,however the events this is based on didn't have much in the way of feelings involved it was carried out in lust and that was all. I've tried to keep the accuracy correct and pad it out where needed. This ending is the proper one, the other one with the conversation was just something i stuck on to see how it would turn out. Feel free to post comments, good or bad all advice is welcome.