Egg Filled Vixen - Revisited

Story by SourIstas on SoFurry

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#1 of Tentacles and Vixens

Egg Filled Vixen - Revisited

Warning - Story Contains Tentacles, Rape, Oviposition, Inflation, Anal, Vaginal, Oral, and Deep Penitration

Edit: I've gone back through this story and edited it from the original version! The original can be found here on Yiffstar

Here's the description of the character in the story. It's only her and the tentacle monster!

Kari stands at about 5'10 in height, the arctic vixen standing with a light smile on her muzzle. White medium length fur covers her entire body, a cute tuff of fur resting right over her breasts, long shoulder length of mixed red and black hair comes down to the small of her back. What you also see are strange tribal black markings littering her fur from her breasts all the way down her arms and legs.

One such marking spreads over the right side of her face and around her right eye. Red eyes stare deeply outwards, a long fluffy tail swishing back and forth curiously. The only pieces of clothing on her are fingerless black leather gloves on her paws, and a black loin cloth that seems to just barely keeping herself covered and a black silk cloth top.

She has breasts that are a respectable c-cup in size, perky, her nipples are actually white matching with her fur and there are slender rings pierced through each of them. On her belly button, a shimmering purple as her piercings flash from some light, almost seeming to glow on her. She flicks her long triangle ears, each are pierced with rings along the outer ridge.

Previous description lazily changed from my mIRC description for her! I'm lazy... sue me!

Anyways, hope you enjoy, and if you're under 18, turn back! Bad things... it'll... umm... destroy the fabric of all existence if you're under 18 eyes even glance at this text!

I will also warn, I'm an ellipse's slut and use it a lot

The vixen sighs as she glances up at the clock, "9pm... Slave drivers are what these people are." Putting what work she has away, she logs out of the system on her computer. Kari is just thankful that they let her wear whatever she wants at this secretary job, "Like they could get me to wear a stuffy business suit anyways." Picking up her purse, she waves to the janitor cleaning up the front area, "See you tomorrow Frank." The tiger just nods back at her as she leaves the office.

It was a fairly chilly night that evening, an evening Kari loves to walk in. The air swirling around her fur, she lets out a happy sigh as she walks down the park path, idly looking at the trees around. She never had a reason to get a car, and probably never will as she loves the 2 mile walk home. "Mmm, not quite Alaska, but its good enough..." Her tail swishes back and forth a bit as she walks.

As she reaches near the end of the park, her eyes glance towards a rare beautiful purple flower all by its lonesome near the sewer entrance, "Oh my, that will be perfect for my collection!" Smiling, she pads her way off the trail over to the flower, kneeling down besides it. As her tail swishes softly behind her, a black slimy tentacle is working its way through the water.

"Ah ha, gotcha you little flower!" She proudly holds it up above her head, managing to get most of the roots, but that's when the slimy tentacle wraps around her foot in the blink of an eye, tugging her up into the air, "Wha... AAHHHH!" She screams out, with no one around to hear, echoing off the concrete walls as she disappears into the dankness.

It pulls her into the dark sewer, with only a dim light every few feet giving her any idea what's going on. As she's pulled through the air, all that's going through her mind is this must be a dream, must have passed out at work. Her eyes remain shut tight while she moves, not seeing where the thing was taking her. Panting heavily in panic, she feels herself come to a stop, still held upside down in the air, her head feeling light. She slowly opens one eye, shrieking again as what she sees is a big shiny black blob sitting in front of her, with what looks like hundreds of small tentacles writhing around its body.

The blob vibrates as the vixen screams, immediately pushing a slimy tendril to the open muzzle, pushing it in deep, muffling the awful sound. Panicking more when it first pushed into her mouth, she tried to spit it out, biting it proved worthless... it was too tough to bite into, the slime was sickly sweet, her eyes seeming to droop a little as she slowly starts to suckle on it, her mind now even more confused..

Tentacles start to extend from the blob's body, wrapping around Kari's top, pulling it off painfully while another rips the loincloth away, and a third pulls the panties off of her legs. Two other tendrils slide out to wrap around her wrists, finally up righting the confused vixen as she shutters, growling as she tries to fight this... but can't help but feel horny, 'W...Why now... oh gods... th...this is.. all a dream' She screams in her mind, but her swollen mound aches with the need to be fucked, starting to fall back into suckling the sweet tentacle filling her mouth, seeming to drip thick globs of that sweetness down her throat.

As she rests suspended in the air, completely helpless, another tentacle wraps up her free leg, making sure the vixen is immobile now, slithering two tentacles out to run up her thighs, feeling the juices as they drip down into her fur, the blob seeming to enjoy that touch a lot.. Starting to lightly thrust the one filling her muzzle now as it presses one against her pussy, and the other against her tail hole... not even waiting as it starts to force the two slimy tentacles right up inside of her other holes, making her growl out in a mix of pain... and growing pleasure as her body finally starts being filled like it wants.

The slimy tentacles worm their way inside of her body, making her shutter and moan muffled sounds as she suckles wantonly on the thick tentacle in her mouth... Loving how the other two stretch her body, her whole body trembling as she hits a first mind blowing orgasm, feeling better then anything she's experienced so far in her life. Her thick nectar drips down the tentacle in her pussy, the blob seeming to grow a bit at that feeling, starting to thrust both tentacles deeper inside of the vixen.

Kari lets out a muffled growl of pain and pleasure, the tentacle pushing deeper into her pussy finally presses against her cervix, going harder and harder till it finally starts to stretch it out, globing hot slimy fluid right inside till it finally starts to go right into her womb. The one up her tail hole is worming its way through her anus, going further in then any male has ever tried with her, the feeling only making her body tremble more in pain and pleasure, tears falling from her eyes... scared since she doesn't know why she's loving this so much.

Another hard orgasm wracks her body, squeezing down around the tentacles, the blob growing a bit more as it seems to shake. Kari mmmphs as she opens her eyes wide, the tentacle in her mouth start to push down into her throat, spraying a bit thick jet of the slimy liquid down to her stomach, feeling it drip down inside of her throat... shivering... 'H...How is this... not hurting..' Her eyes looked glazed over as she started moaning more feeling her body wonderfully stretching around the thick tendrils working down her body. Her throat was almost comicly bulged with the one stuffed down there, dangling almost right in her stomach, while there was a noticeable bulge along your belly as the one squirming around her intestines pushed and squirmed. The one assaulting her womb thrusted in and out deeper inside the scared vixen, a very noticeable bulge moving up and down, but to Kari's disbelief nothing was tearing, nothing hurt as the slime was filling her body... It felt... so wonderful to be fucked by this monster...

Then her eyes glimpse something at the monster's body... as the three tentacles near the base to bulge... then she notices the bulges traveling up all three tentacles towards her different entrances. Her brain tells her to fight, to get away but her body is telling her that this is so wonderful, to stay, to feel those bulges stretch her body inevitably. So hot, not wanting to leave the tentacles, a soft murmur escaping her lips when the bulges reach halfway up the tentacles, more bulges form... Soft whimpering as she starts to feel all three squirting the thick slimy liquid into her womb, her anus, and down her throat... More tears falling from her eyes...

Growling from deep in her throat, her muzzle stretches almost painfully, but it is replaced with pleasure as the bulge as it travels into her muzzle, stretching it much like a snakes as it travels down the tendril to her throat, thinking.. it won't fit, but her eyes open wide as her body seems to stretch easily around it, a big ovoid shape pushing her throat out, still visible slightly down her chest.. Before plopping down into her stomach... The two bulges at her cunny and tailhole take a moment, making her groan as her entrances are stretched hard, feeling the pressure build and build, the slime oozing out of her pussy to help it inside, as well as her tailhole, her thighs absolutely covered in it. As the two ovids finally push open her already stretched entrances, she screams muffled into the tentacle as she climaxes right there, the bulges then traveling quickly up inside of her small body.

After about a half hour, she lost tracks of how many times she climaxed, her mind woozy as her belly is distained out, looking like she was 9 months pregnant... with two litters of cubs. After depositing the last of their load, the tentacles slowly set her down on the cool concrete, then start to slide free of her exhausted body, followed by large gushes of the sticky slime, which make her longer fur all gooey. Trembling, her eyes feel so very heavy, before they shut tight, passing out resting against the wall...

Opening her eyes slowly, her head aching, "Oh gods... what... did I drink last night." She mumbles out, trying to sit up but finding herself quite a bit heavier. Blinking at first, her eyes slowly travel down to her belly, even larger then it was last night, suddenly looking very scared... and half looking for the blob creature, which was no where to be seen... "Oh no... no, it... couldn't have... I... ohmmmph!?" She feels something stir in her belly before she feels like she's vomiting.. covering her mouth but can't stop it from coming up, the slime that filled her body last night coming up and out of her mouth, spilling over her paws and down her breasts. Panting, she groans as she feels a large gush between her legs, slime and something else spilling out of her pussy and over her thighs "Oh gods... n... noo.." Whimpering as her cervix starts to be pushed against the an ovoid object in her womb, groaning feeling something working it's way down her anus towards her tail hole...

Her eyes open wide... feeling like she was vomiting again, but a large bulge made it's way up her throat... She falls to her knees and hands, lowering her muzzle... Coughing up more slime, the object made it to her jaw, her eyes shut tight as she expected pain... but only felt pleasure as the large egg made it into her muzzle and out, coated in the thick sweet slime... Groaning out, one bulge made it to her tailhole, stretching it wide as she clentched, helping to push it free.. it hit the ground but didn't break, rolling back against the wall, and as it's brother stretched Kari's vaginal lips wide yet again, she climaxed, pushing it out in a wave of slime and her juices... She panted for but a moment before it started all over again...

Almost blacking out as the last egg made it up and out of her muzzle, she panted hard, '27 eggs...', her belly looked quite a bit smaller, but seemed to have some bulge left in it, the vixen believing it just to be from the extreme stretching her body over went. She forced herself up on wobbly legs, using the cement wall for support, her voice barely able to make out a whine as she stumbles off into the dank sewer to look for the exit.

As she leaves the dank corner of the sewer, the eggs start to crack... One by one, the shells break open and spill over, black ooze slides along the ground. Some of them push into one another forming a larger one, while others slides down into the water with a splash, getting swept up in the current towards the water treatment plant... And unknown to the Vixen, there was 1 of their brother's who didn't quite get out before she left in a huff...

Hope you enjoyed the revisit! I added more description that was lacking in a few spots, as well as made it possible for me to make a sequel at some point!