Maybe it wont get better...

Story by NeverAngel on SoFurry

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She can't really see the surroundings, everything is so dark, and that smell... she shakes her head but regret it immediately, as an incredible pain spread like lightning through her head when she does. When she tries to lift her hands to her head, she feels something around her wrists, clod like metal.

She tries to move her body, and realize that her ankles have been chained too. Her sight becomes somewhat clearer, and she looks down at her body, and gasps loudly. The clothes she's wearing are ripped to treads, barley covering her grey, furry body at all. As panic start to spread through her, she inhales deeply and closes her eyes for a moment, trying to keep calm. But the air leaves a foul taste in her mouth, and she opens her eyes to look around, but it's too dark for her too see what that smell is coming from, so sweet she wants to throw up, dirt from a long time back ad other things she can't really recognize. Taking small breaths she tries to ignore the smell, which is easier said then done.

She hears something, from outside, and a light appears in front of her, and the shadow of another creature who stands in the middle of the light gives her mixed feelings. A savoir, or the one who put her here?

When the light comes on in the room, she falls back and closes her eyes as they'd almost gotten used to the dark. She hears the door, close, and the footsteps of the unknown creature coming nearer, but can't open her eyes to see as the light hurt her eyes.

But she feels how a paw grabs her chin, and feels how the claws buries in her flesh. She begin to whimper, as the fear is taking her mind, and looks up into the eyes of this unknown fox.

Because it is a fox, with a red back and lighter stomach, blue eyes and black ears. She's forced to look into those eyes, as the fox holds her head close to his own, and she can feel it's breath on her face.

It's a he, she notices, as he doesn't have any shirt on him and the face just couldn't be a female. He let go of her face, and she tries to get as far away from him as possible when he stands up to look down at her. But her paws are chained to the wall behind her, and she can't move away from him. She looks at him, while trying to hide her body from his eyes, which seemed to be made out of flames when they look at her, inspecting every little part of her. His breathing gets heavier, and then he looks her in the eyes.

"You're a pretty little bitch, aren't you? If we're gonna have some fun with you, oh we will..."

He bends down to her once again, and she can't help whining a bit as he sits down in front of her, stroking her body while doing something with his other paw. It doesn't take long for her to realize that it's a knife he's holding, and when he begins to stroke her furry body with the blade she whines loudly.

"Shut up!" he screams before slapping her in the face. She looks down at the floor, feeling the knife slowly cut into her flesh just above her breast, but she does all she can to keep quiet.

"Look at this body... she's so nice, so beautiful... this one's really gonna be some fun." He seems to talk to himself more then to her, and slowly he stretch out her legs on the floor, and she doesn't fight him. She feels the pain from the knife, still cutting deeper into her flesh, as she knows that she can't do much to stop him.

"Please... please don't kill me... I haven't done anything..." she tries to beg to him, with tears now streaming down her face, and he removes the knife from her body, looking at her face now. She looks back at him, believing he may have some mercy after all, and almost smiles as he moves closer to her face.

But he places the knife at her lips, looks at her, and then cut a wound on her lip. She gasps, and he moves forward and kisses her bleeding lips, putting his tongue into her mouth. First she tries to fight him of, when he press his tongue into her wound, but he places the knife under her head and she holds still, whimpering a bit as it hurts when he kiss her.

When he move back, he licks the blood of his lips and looks at her.

"Wow, you taste good..." Then he looks at her body, while undoing his belt.

She leans away from him as much as she can, and drags her legs close to her body while he takes of his pants, showing his big dick which is fully erected now. He laughs when he hears her whining, and draws out her legs once again to take of the chains around her ankles. She tries to fight him off, but he snarls angry at her, and she freezes when he separates her legs, looking right into her special place.

His breath grows deeper when looking right into her cut, and he reaches forward to touch it. Sliding one finger into her dry insides, she wriggles uncomfortable and scared, and he signs unhappy before looking at her.

"Not you either? Guess we have to do something about it then."

Showing the knife in front of her eyes, before lowering it down between her legs, makes her terrified, and she whines loudly and wriggles to get away. But he holds her legs spread, and places the knife carefully just outside her cut. She can feel the cold metal and the wet blood covering it, and begins to beg him to let her go while tears are flowing down her face. But he just laughs at her.

"Don't your like it, bitch? Isn't this what you wanted, you slut?"

Whit great force he push the knife inside her, and she screams in pain as the blood begin to flow out of her, out of the wounds the knife created. She cries to him, but all he do is laugh and to take out the knife of her bleeding cut. Whining and crying he lays her down on the floor, with her paws over her head still in chains stuck to the wall, but she wriggles as much as she can when he lays himself on top of her.

He just laughs as he seem to think this is a game, and let go of the knife to grab her body instead, before forcing himself into her bleeding place, and begin to move harshly inside her.

She feels the pain, and screams out for him to stop, begs him, but that only makes him more brutal. When she realizes that, she tries to just ignore him, but it's too hard as every movement he makes just increases the pain, and she can't help screaming.

But after some time he draws himself out of her, and she wants to smiles because it's over. But she feels how his hands grab her waist once again, and now he's turning her around, placing her on her stomach and still with her legs spread. She paralyzes when he lays down on top of her again, and hear how he's laughing at her.

"You didn't think I was finished yet, did you slut?" he whispers into her ear, before pressing himself inside her again, grabbing the fur on her head to reach even deeper, and once again she screams out in vain. She actually thought this would end... that it maybe would get better...

This time it just seems to be a hundred times worse.

She can't tell how long she lays there, in pain and with him still inside of her, but then he grabs her head-fur even harder, and presses himself into her harder then before, every time with a loud moan, and a painful scream from her, until he just stops, deeps inside of her. Feeling his body shiver like that, she knows he's reached climax, and cries out to the dirt covered floor. Finally it's over; finally he'll let her go.

He moans one more time, before drawing his cock out of her wounded and bleeding cut, and she just falls down on the floor, still in great pain and with blood flowing down her legs. She draws herself up into sitting position, curl her tail around her and wonders if it's only blood that's flowing out of her.

He smiles down at her, satisfied and happy it seems. She can't almost see because of the tears in her eyes, still running down her face, wetting her fur, but she doesn't dare to look at him anyway.

"I liked you, my little girl, I really do" he said and bent down in front of her, she leaned back and shivered, as he carefully stroke her face, and his voice where incredibly gently compared to what he'd just done to her. "You're not like the others, they're not like you... I think I'll keep you. Make you mine. My own little girl... my own, precious little fox."

Kissing her gently on her lips, which had almost stop bleeding now, he stood up again and looked at her with a gentle smile, and walked out through the door. Before he closed it, he turned of the light, leaving her in complete darkness, with the smell that had to be blood, old blood, and something else she didn't want to think of.