The Princess Canine: Chapter 5: The Party After

Story by Ether Simmons on SoFurry

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#5 of The Princess Canine

If you're still reading, then this is where a lot of plot plops out. Enjoy.

With a little over two weeks of practice, the dance team managed to adjust to the new leadership of Jonnie Concat very well. After all, she was a favorite of all of the dancers. The dancers didn't need much guidance from her, but she polished their performance to a new level of professionalism.

The Metro City Ballet Company performed their one night tribute to the Worthy family of 'The Princess Canine' to the special invite audience. The 'second-tier' dancers performed with a professional grace that deeply impressed the audience, whether they were devoted ballet fans, or casual viewers. At the end of the performance, the entire dance crew bowed to the audience, and the audience gave an enthusiastic standing ovation. Lexter spotted Alexander Worthy applauding in his wheelchair. Lexter gave him a direct wave to him, and Alexander gave him back a weak thumbs-up, very happy.

After the performance, Jonnie Concat and her husband held a private party at their lavish estate for the dancers, support crew, the Worthy family, and a few invited guests. Since Jonnie and her husband never had kids, they spent their considerable wealth on a variety of projects and community events. One of their projects was their lavish estate in the city. Sitting on five acres of sprawling woods and land, a luxurious mansion housed Jonnie Concat and her husband.

Sara Alley drove the car for Gary, her son and his girlfriend. When Lexter told his mother that Jonnie specifically invited her and her husband, they were very elated. Lexter also invited his girlfriend Jamie. She told Lexter that (with permission from the host and hostess) she was assigned the task of writing a story for the newspaper she worked for. When the four of them parked and walked to the mansion, the view took all of their breaths away.

The mansion was custom built ten years ago to the Concats specification. It featured an upstairs living area, and a large lavish downstairs area for parties and events. There was plenty of parking along the driveway for the numerous guests. To say the mansion was grand was an understatement. It was royal, and not overdone. Obviously the Concats were wealthy, but they also possessed good taste that appealed to all who viewed the house and estate.

Lexter led his troop to the front door, where a doorman checked them against the guest list, and let them in.

The party was hosted in the main banquet room, and hired waiters served drinks and food. A string quartet played a light medley in the corner. Guests mingled around the room and in adjacent rooms.

Jamie spoke up. "Excuse me, but I need to talk to Mr. Concat and get permission to write my story." And with that, she departed their company.

Lexter spotted Jonnie, waved to her, and guided his mother and Gary over to her. "There is Jonnie Concat." he said to his mother. Sara's face lit up.

Jonnie met Lexter with a hug and a kiss. "Lexter. Your performance tonight was truly epic." she said with enthusiasm. "You are the wolf prince."

Lexter beamed from the compliment. "Thank you, ma'am."

Jonnie brushed off his reply with a sincere smile. "Please, none of that ma'am formality. Call me Jonnie."

Lexter bobbed his head. "I will, Jonnie." He turned to his mother next to him and presented her. "Jonnie, I believe you know my mother, Sara Alley."

Jonnie eyes lit up with merriment as she gazed on the husky. "Is this really 'In-your-face' Sara?" She leaned forward to give Sara a kiss and a hug.

Sara Alley seemed to grow more confident, and the years seemed to melt away as she became that young feisty ballet dancer eager to prove herself. "Jonnie!" She returned the kiss and hug.

Lexter looked at the two of them, confused. "'In-your-face Sara'?" he asked.

Jonnie faced Lexter while she held Sara's paw. "As I told you, Sara was one of the best dancers I've ever seen, and..." Sara radiated happiness from the compliment, and smiled with the biggest of grins. "...she was one of a kind. She did so much more than go through the movements or steps." She faced Sara. "She lived the energy of a dancer. When she danced a role, she became that essence." Jonnie laughed as she remembered times gone by. "We called her 'In-your-face' Sara because her dancing energy penetrated everyone who watched her."

Lexter looked at his mother with new eyes. To him, she was always mommy, the one who kissed his knee when he hurt it, or the one who made sure he got to school. Or, she was his ballet teacher, someone who instructed him to express his energy through movement, who drew from past experience. But now, Lexter got a glimpse of that eager-to-prove-herself-worthy husky ballet dancer, waiting with vibrant energy to shine on the dance floor. "Wow... I never knew..." Without thinking, he hugged not his mother, but that high energy dancer.

When they parted, Sara spoke to Lexter. "Thanks Lexter, this means a lot to me." She said to Jonnie "Thank you, Jonnie."

Jonnie took her paw. "Come Sara, I'd like to catch up with you. And I'd like to introduce you to a few of my friends." She led Sara away.

Lexter and Gary watched the couple mingle. Gary said "Thanks Lexter, this means a lot to your mother." He patted his back.

Lexter glanced at Gary fondly. "Of course."

Gary's eyes lit up as he spotted the food. "Now, if you will excuse me..." and walked to the buffet table to make himself useful.

On his own now, Lexter wondered what to do. He had been to a lot of post-dance parties at college, but those were usually informal events that involved loud music at a dorm room and a lot of cheap wine. This kind of party was something he heard about, but never attended. He felt like a novice at an adult event, and wanted to desperately fit in. He looked about the room and spotted Spika and Wally standing next to the makeshift bar. He walked toward them.

Wally danced the part of the prince of the foxes, and Spika portrayed his brother. When the cheetah and leopard performed, they had make-up applied to their fur, and even wore fake fox tails. Right now, they dressed in nice clothes and stood next to the bar. Wally appeared to be a bit drunk, while his friend Spika comforted him.

Wally sipped his drink and whimpered to Spika "Why, oh why didn't he come? Why? *sniff*..." He held himself in sorrow, with his lifeless tail hanging down.

Spika glanced about the room, apparently wanting to be elsewhere. "I don't know Wally." He sipped his bottled water.

Lexter approached the both of them with a smile. He addressed Wally "Hello, prince of foxes. How fares it?"

Wally looked at Lexter with sorrowful kitty eyes. "Oh Lexter, it goes not well, alas... *sniff*..."

Lexter's nose wrinkled as he smelled the potent alcohol on his breath. "Why not?"

Wally glanced at Spika and then back to the husky with a very sad demeanor. "I mean... *slurp*... I... uh... inviteyed him... as my special supremo guest buddy..."

Spika spotted someone he knew across the room and smiled, but did not leave. "I know, honey." he replied as he comforted Wally.

Feeling obligated to find out what this was about, Lexter asked "What happened?"

Eager to tell his tale, Wally perked up at once. "Well, that den of yours... *sip*... kinda grows on ya... ya know... and... I enjoyed the aumbiiience of it... and all... and... he... ya know..." His speech pattern drifted from thought to thought like a leaf in the wind.

Lexter looked at Wally confused. He turned to Spika for help on understanding. "Huh?"

Spika translated for Wally. "Wally met a wolf at 'The Den'." He glanced about the room again.

Wally bobbed his head in agreement. "Yeah, yeah, and, that night, I eeeexamined his... thing... and..." He ended the statement with another sip and a smile.

Lexter looked to Spika for another translation, although he guessed what he meant.

Spika rolled his eyes in annoyance. "He gave that wolf a blow job."

Wally enthusiastically bobbed his head again. "Oooooh... yeah... and there was... lots of... stuff... and..." He eagerly emphasized that point with paw motions.

Lexter backed away from Wally's paw motions in his face. Although he didn't want to, he got the idea.

Spika nodded toward a friend across the room, and returned his attention to here. Again he translated. "Wally couldn't swallow everything that came out... of... you know..." He cringed as a certain memory flashed in his head.

Wally smiled even bigger. "Yeah... dribble dribble... anyhoo... the next day... we... uh... we met aaaaat that coffee shop, to talk... and...we..." He took another sip of his drink and set his glass onto the bar counter. He seemed very happy at his point.

Lexter soooo did not want to listen to the rest of the story, but stayed anyway.

Spika rolled his eyes with impatience. "They met at the coffee shop, and Wally gave him another blow job in the bathroom." He fidgeted about as the leopard's drama played out.

Wally snapped at Spika. "He said he liked it!" He turned back to Lexter with a look of sorrow. "And, I asked him to be my invite, but... *sniff*... he never showed up..."

Spika translated again. "The wolf blew Wally off."

Lexter did his best to suppress a snort of laughter.

Wally looked at Spika, annoyed.

Spika hemmed and hawed as he attempted to choose his words more carefully. "I mean... that..." He finished off his drink and set the bottle on the bar. " get the picture."

Lexter quickly nodded his head.

Wally, whose speech became a bit more slurred, faced Lexter and said "Well, at least you don' go away... from a good doooggie grope... when I giveya da monee..." His paw came out to cup Lexter's groin.

Lexter danced away from Wally's paw. I get enough of this at the bar, Lexter thought to himself.

Wally draped his arm around Spika and slurred out "Well Spikeee... at least aaayyyeee got you, you... you... you pussy!" And with that, he kissed Spika on the cheek.

Spika rolled his eyes up in annoyance.

Lexter covered up a smile with his paw, as the corners of his mouth turned up. He's a good straight friend, Lexter thought.

Spika took off Wally's arm and fished out his car keys. "Come on sweetie spots, we're goin' home." He guided Wally to the doorway.

As Spika and Wally meandered toward the exit, Lexter heard Wally blurt out "Hey Spika, lets drop by 'The Den' and seeee if wolfie is there. Then I can find out his name." They both exited the door.

Hooookay, Lexter thought. The college parties he went to were usually cheap excuses to get drunk while partying, which was perfectly fine for Lexter. And, this wasn't much different. He glanced about the banquet room and spotted Sandra and a group of dancers in their own clique. He walked toward them.

A tall brown furred rabbit dancer named Rebecca talked to everyone with a jovial attitude. "And there he was, saying that they should have changed the dance to accommodate his broken leg." The others laughed at the joke.

Lexter guessed that they were talking about the prior dancer who portrayed the part of the wolf prince. Lexter met the dancer a few times, and liked him.

Sandra's eyes lit up when she saw the husky join their group. "Lex! I'm glad you're here!" She beamed at him. "You were incredible tonight." The other dancers agreed.

"Thanks. That means a lot to me." Lexter felt great to receive praise from his peers. "But I was part of an incredible crew. We all performed grand tonight. I'm glad I could fit in."

The others took the compliment with merriment. "Thanks." they said.

He faced Sandra and held her paws. "And of course, we pay tribute to the main star, The Princess Canine." The others cheered and gave her their praise.

Sandra blushed under the attention. "Thanks everyone."

A french poodle spoke up. "I am grateful that Jonnie took over from that... idiot Bilby." She grimaced. "He may be able to dance, but to lead?"

Another dancer answered. "I know. The company needs new fur, new leaders. But anyone would do better than him." The others in the clique nodded their heads in agreement.

Sandra shrugged. "I hope Jonnie finds more qualified choreographers, but who?"

Lexter spoke up. "Personally, I would like to know why he was such an ass to me. Just for my own sake of mind. Remember, I'm not part of the regular cast here, I'm a substitute. So, what the fur was his problem?"

Sandra's eyes lit up in surprise as she caught a glimpse behind Lexter. "Oh fur, you just may find out." She pointed behind Lexter. The group turned to where Sandra directed their attention.

In the middle of the banquet room strode Bilby Hoffman, prim and proper. He dressed in a clean and sharp suit, and stood in the center of the room as if the world was his to view.

Lexter winced, but steeled himself. "Might as well get this over with. I'll go ask him."

Sandra tensed up in anger. "After what he did to you? Well, you are a bigger fur than I am." And with that, she gave a sharp turn and left.

Lexter readied himself for the inevitable confrontation, and walked up to the dalmatian.

Bilby saw Lexter, and a spark of anger flashed in his eyes, but he kept his composure as the husky approached. "Lexter." Bilby calmly said.

Lexter asked "I need to know something..."

In a superior tone of voice, Bilby cut off Lexter. "I don't have time to waste on the likes of you..."

Lexter snapped back. "Excuse me!" He said that a bit too loudly, and forced his voice to go to a calmer level. "I just... need to know something. Why were you so hard on me, when..."

Bilby cut him off. "Maybe simpletons like you are just not cut out for dancing. If you can't take it, I suggest you quit."

Very steamed, Lexter tensed up and yelled back "I can take it!" He glanced about himself and noticed his shout drew attention from others. He forced his voice to calm down again. "I can take it. When Jonnie coached us, she was hard on all of us, but fair. But you had it out for me. Why?"

Bilby's eyes narrowed on Lexter in raw anger. "I don't have to take this from you." He turned to leave.

Lexter caught Bilby's shoulder and forced him to stop. "Just because my mom rejected you down doesn't mean you have to take it out on me!"

Bilby smacked away Lexter's paw from his shoulder. "Listen you..." he said, shaking a finger at him. His voice tapered off to silence as what Lexter said impacted him. A look of surprise spread out on his face. "Lexter Alley... wait a minute... you're Sara Alley's son?"

Now Lexter looked confused. "Well, yeah. Isn't this what this is about?"

Bilby continued with his surprise. "I never knew..." he gasped out.

Lexter liked being one up on his nemesis. "Well, yeah. She's here tonight." Immediately, he regretted saying that, considering what his mother told him of Bilby.

Bilby's eyes lit up as he glanced about the room. "Really? Where?" While his eyes danced from guest to guest, he mumbled out "You just remind me of someone... who treated me wrong..." He spotted her across the room, and broke out into a smile. "There she is!" and without so much as a goodbye, he walked toward her.

Lexter winced as he watched Bilby pace off. He hoped Bilby behaved himself. He watched as Bilby approached Sara and tap her on the shoulder. She turned, and jerked in surprise. But she didn't run. Lexter felt relief that it seemed to go OK.

Near the two of them, Lexter spotted Alexander Worthy slumping in his wheelchair. He looked intently at his Sara. Might as well say hi to him, he thought to himself.

Lexter came up behind Alex and cleared his throat. "Sir? Alexander Worthy?"

Alexander glanced over his shoulder and lit up when he saw who it was. "Lex... my boy... *cough cough*... come en'... *gasp*... let me see ya..."

Lexter walked in front of Alexander, knelt down and smiled at him. "Sir. It's good to see you."

The husky looked even weaker than when Lexter saw him in the bar. He seemed to have trouble breathing, but was very happy. "Lexter... you dance well... *cough*... when ya held the princess... I could see the love... *cough cough*..." He was genuinely happy.

Lexter smiled with the biggest of smiles. "Thanks sir. The dancer who played the princess canine and I worked hard on our parts."

Alexander nodded again. "Good... good... you are the wolf prince..." he mumbled out, and breathed deep.

Lexter remembered back to their conversation at 'The Den', and asked "So, do you still feel like the wolf prince?"

Alexander laughed, and then hacked. Once he got it cleared up, he said "Yes I do... son..."

Again, Lexter hated that 'son' reference, but didn't want to diminish Alexander's spirit. "Did I help you, sir?"

Alexander smiled broadly. "Yes you did... *cough cough*... yes... you did..."

Lexter started to ask something else, when Alexander glanced over Lexter's shoulder and frowned. "I think ya mother needs help..."

Lexter looked over his shoulder, and saw Bilby holding tightly onto Sara's paws and pleading with her. Sara looked a bit panicky and struggled to get away, but tried to not make a scene. Lexter bolted upright and marched over, a growl rumbled from his throat. All the crap he had to endure from Bilby bubbled to the surface as the fur on the back of his neck stood on end.

Sara tried to gently pull away from Bilby "Please, let me go." she said.

Bilby tightened his grip on her as he desperately pleaded. "But, we have passion that we share, no?" He got more panicky with her. "We were meant to be together!"

Lexter came up and smacked Bilby's paws away. "Leave her alone!" he said to the Dalmatian. He drew himself up to his full height and glared at the spotted canine. "I'm warning you!"

Sara got behind Lexter and glared at Bilby from behind her son. "I didn't like you back then, and I don't like you now."

Bilby growled back at Lexter, not yielding a cm. "This doesn't concern you little one, no?"

Lexter took a menacing step toward Bilby. In a loud and very intimidating tone, he growled out "This is my mother! It involves me!"

All noise in the room stopped as all eyes turned toward the confrontation drama. Lexter didn't care about the onlookers; he only cared about his mother, and the dreaded Bilby.

Bilby looked at Sara and made another grab for her. "Sara! Please!"

Lexter blocked him, and gave him a small push back. In an even louder voice, he growled out "I'm warning you!"

Bilby glared at Lexter with absolute hate. "You dumb pup! You have been a sore spot in my side! I'll teach you a lesson!" He heaved a sharp blow aimed toward Lexter's muzzle.

Lexter's dirty little secret is that he knew how to fight very well. He took an early interest in ballet when he was young. Unfortunately for him, he and his mother lived in not too good of a neighborhood. Other furs picked on him for his dancing. So, he learned early on how to defend himself. A few of his fighting moves came directly from the ballet he practiced daily. It also didn't hurt that he was tall and very muscled.

Lexter easily blocked the blow with one arm, and shot out a fist to Bilby's chest. The force threw Bilby back a meter, and he lay gasping for breath sprawled on the floor.

The crowd watching gasped at the violent behavior, and Lexter realized where he was. He kept guard as he glared down on Bilby.

Immediately, Jonnie came up to the situation. She exclaimed "What the fur happened here?" She glanced from Bilby to Lexter and Sara.

Lexter slowly opened his mouth to speak, but Sara spoke first. "Bilby tried to grab me, but my son defended me."

Bilby slowly recovered, and began to stand up.

Jonnie glared at Bilby. "Bilby, I do not appreciate your behavior at my party. So I'm going to ask you to leave." She pointed at the door. "Both my party, and the ballet company."

Bilby gasped at her words. He started to say something, but Jonnie pointed at the door again. He slouched down, and humbly walked to the door, defeated.

Jonnie told everyone looking at the scene. "OK, show's over." She stepped to Lexter and Sara and said "Well, you two do make interesting party guests."

Lexter spoke up. "I'm sorry... about this, Jonnie..."

Jonnie grabbed his paw and laughed. "Don't worry about it. After all, you were defending her, and that should always take precedence." She paused, as she glanced at the retreating Bilby. "I'm actually surprised you didn't pummel him sooner, considering the things he did to you." She turned to Sara and asked "Are you alright, dear?"

Sara chuckled and took Lexter's arm. "I'm always OK, as long as my son is with me."

Jonnie nodded. "Good, I'm glad, Sara." She glanced at the door. "I'm going to check and make sure our unwelcome visitor leaves." With that, she went to the door.

Lexter and Sara heard a weak voice behind them gasp out "Ya know toots... you're beautiful when you're angry..."

Lexter smiled as he recognized Alexander's voice. He turned to face him. "Mom, I'd like you to meet Alexander Worthy, the one we did the dance for."

Sara faced the husky in the wheelchair and smiled at him. "Hello, Mr. Worthy."

Alexander sat up straighter in his wheelchair, as he took in the sight of Sara. "Yer just beautiful... Sara..." He smiled with happiness as he looked at her.

Sara's face slowly turned to fear. "Oh fur... oh dear..." she stepped back as she gasped. "You... you're Alex..." She walked backward from Alexander, as if he had a contagious disease. "You're... Alex... Worthy..."

Lexter watched his mother with a great deal of confusion. "Mom? What's wrong?"

Sara backed out of the room completely, visibly shaken up.

Lexter turned to Alexander. "What was that about?"

Alexander smiled at Lexter. He had a glint in his eye as he viewed the husky. "Think about it... *cough*... think about it... my son..."

Lexter glanced back at the way his mother went, and back at Alexander. There goes that 'son' reference, he thought to himself. As he looked at Alexander, he suddenly noticed the husky's wolf features... he remembered that his mother said he possessed wolf features from his father... A slow realization dawned on him as he stared at the husky in the wheelchair. He took a step back from Alexander.

Alexander smiled at Lexter. "I don't care who knows... *gasp*... son..." he said.

Lexter stepped back again in shock. "No..." He felt revulsion at Alexander, as years of hating his father rushed back to him in a titanic flood. "No..." he said as he stepped back again.

Alexander sat up straight, as he looked at Lexter with a definite smile.

Hatred flooded his being. At the top of his voice, Lexter yelled out "I hate you!!!"

Alexander looked at Lexter shocked. He slumped down in his chair, dejected.

Tears sprang forth, and he turned to run out the door. Lexter sped away from the mansion, as his emotions churned inside of him.