Unexpected Temptations part 1
I sat there, pouting as we were taking off in the airplane, my father sitting next to me "you better get over it quick boy, your going to enjoy this vacation, we're paying good money to go see your Grandmother in Fairbanks, so quit acting like a baby"...
Keeping Up With The Thompson's Son part 2
It's been about 3 days since my encounter with Lakota, we had been hanging out with each other a lot. Meeting his friends, learning more about him and fooling around here and there. His parents were going to be home tomorrow, so I knew Lakota was only...
Keeping Up With The Thompson's Son
It had been a couple weeks since my experience with the Thompson's had happened. We had been fooling around off and on since then, Needless to say I was enjoying myself a lot. "Hey Ade" Mr. Thompson said to me from the other room. Me and the...
Keeping Up With The Thompson's
To start off I'll explain were I was and why I was there. I had been living in the big city for about 2 years with a couple of friends who were a married couple. I had always been gracious to the Thompson's for putting up with me for so long, it's a...
A first hand look at a lovely surprise Sex By: Ainoko Ironrose Dear Diary, I have to tell you about yesterday, please keep this a secret. If you tell I will never forgive you. My jaw nearly hit the floor when he dropped his pants...
Sex-Ed Sex Toy
Sex-Ed Sex Toy For Idesin By Draconicon "Alright, class, stop fondling our volunteer and sit down." Vicki chuckled to herself, shaking her head as her small class worked themselves towards their desks. Even now, they were...
Nasty Sex
 It was the usual routine, nothing too much out of the ordinary. Once again it was another night at Martin's favourite club,...
Nasty Sex
It was the usual routine, nothing too much out of the ordinary. Once again it was another night at Martin's favourite club, where the men were the brutish sort; the type to bloke smoke in your face after taking a huff of a cigar, guts muscled as they...
Sex in the Beach
I miss the ocean. There was a time in my life when I could get up from my bed, go outside my front walk, and see the beautiful blue Pacific staring back at me, and above it, brightly-colored sails from passing boats etched into the horizon, passing...
Sex Flight
_This is insane...I'm going to end up on Megan's List_ _ It's not insane, and you're not a pedophile, just... lonely. Besides, people do this kind of thing all the time._ _ Fly half way across the country to have sex with a teenager? I don't think...
Sex on the beach...
There he was. Daemon Knight, Poster boy for the gamers, Sporty, Funny, Competitive. And also one of the few boys who can pull off that childish attitude without coming off as stupid or obnoxious...well he was obnoxious...but in a good way I guess. He...
Birthday Sexings
A commission I got from Gruffy to celebrate my friend Ryan's Birthday. Today he is 24 and literally just got a new job and new apartment. So what better way to celebrate than with some naughty fun eh? Happy Birthday Ryan !!!! Story was written by...