Mathews Plans: Chapter 3 Traps, Favors, and Deals: Part 1

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#5 of Mathew's Plans

First I have no idea how the story got away from me like it did I never

planned on writing anything with watersports. I was hoping for more

character development and I think Ellen has changed the most and the

fastest, with her brothers promises and confidence that he will make

everything right she has gotten to be quite grown up fast... I guess having

a cub would do that. Also this is getting way longer than I ever anticipated

so again I chopped the chapter because this is already over 10 pages and

its hard for me to change and catch mistakes. So read on at your own pleasure

when you come to ********* stop!! Unless you want to read anal and watersports.

There is very little story if you stop there just skip down and read the last

three paragraphs.

Amanda After a 8:10am wakeup call and hospital rush was born 2:16 pm at 4 lbs, 10 ounces mostly white with blended black brown stripes, also having a black bum its color running half way up the tail

Mathew delicatly brushed the eartips of the tiny kit, his kit. He watched as Amanda barely suckled on Ellen's nipple not because she needed to feed again, but more because it was there to be sucked on. "She really is beautiful." Mathew said.

Ellen looked to her brother whom she now considered her mate. "Thank you Mathew," Ellen said, as he moved his paw to caress her cheek, "for everything. I love you." Mathew grinned as he continued to stroke her cheek. This all, everything had been so much more than he had ever dreamed or planned, his sister and now his daughter filled him with more happiness than he had thought possible. He had worked so hard the past few months finishing school and working several odd jobs to earn money, then spending every other moment attending to or snuggling with his sister.

"Can I put her to bed?" Mathew asked. Ellen allowed her brother to take the cub and transfer her to the new crib, well almost new it had been a floor model at his mother department store, but he had paid for it not Carla or Elroy. He even had a new job now working as a bus boy on Friday and Saturday nights then back on Sunday mornings for the brunch. Miranda the owner of Spring Groves had given him a raise on his second day and called him back in for the Sunday champane brunch rush. The grey squirrel had almost told him to leave when he handed in his application, being 15 and not an adult put restrictions on what he could do at the restaurant. But with promises that his parents would sign for his adulthood when he turned 16, and the confession that his sister was pregnant and due soon, Miranda had reluctantly agreed to two days a week. Mathew had more than impressed his boss and coworkers, he had even gotten special mentions of thanks from some of the customers. Mathew had worked with determination and three weeks had passed with him not just busing tables but helping serve orders, running to fetch ketchup/steak sauce/sourcream/salt, it didn't matter Mathew worked hard to please every customer. He picked up Miranda's top rule the first day 'There is a clear look most customers give off when they want their waiter, if you see that fix it. I don't care if it's your table or not.' Miranda was all about 'See it, fix it' and Mathew had, fixing everything from an empty glass to a chipped plate set on the line to serve.

Mathew gently laid the sheet on top of Amanda. Ellen was beside him stroking the cubs back. "Go ahead and lay down you need some rest." Ellen's room had been transformed in to a nursery, two simple cribs on one side with a small bed opposite amd a bookcase full of baby books by the door, Mathew had thought the small bed near foolish till he had used it himself early that morning. After being up twice before 5am he decided he wouldn't wake Ellen again by climbing back in to his own bed. Ellen had been told by the doctor to rest up as much as possible this week and Carla had readily agreed "You'll learn," she had said "take every nap you can." Mathew tucked his sister in watching as she yawned and closed her eyes. It seemed like giving birth, difficult as it was, had been easier than the week leading up to it. Ellen had been getting less and less sleep barely a few hours each day, she had a hard time even walking, then there were the four false alarms rushing to the hospital, and then Ellen was contantly worrying and scared about her unborn kit. The hospital had sent her home Tuesday afternoon with the admonishment of rest and healthy foods.

Mathew quietly closed the door and let out a deep sigh before he had noticed his mother was standing there. Carla responded with a light chuckle. "Just wait a few more weeks and you'll really feel frazzled. Then again," she rubbed her own swollen middle, "this one will be borne by then."

"Yes mom." Mathew said, while considering again a way he might be able to hook up with his mother again. Days after Carla's heat ended the family had talked neither parent had balked when Mathew insisted taking Ellen in to his room. They had decided to keep things quite about her heat and all decided it was Elroy who was the father if Carla ended up pregnant. Carla had told everyone she expected it never to be mentioned that the kids had been in with the parents at the start of her heat.

After which she pulled Mathew aside and told him it would never happen again. Ellen though had told him later that night that Elroy was still interested, with Mathew's consent father and daughter had spent a few secret private moments together.

"Your work called." Carla interrupted Mathews thoughts, "they now need you tomorrow someone called in sick." Mathew shook his head sighing again, so much for the extra day off he thought, as he entered his room standing in front of the bigger bed, the only real change to his room. Elroy had brought home a massive wood frame with head and foot boards several months back, refusing to say where he got the queen frame from. "You could always call back and tell them No." Carla said following her son just a few feel inside the room.

"It's not that." Mathew replied keeping any trace of excitement out of his voice. This was the first time his mother had allowed herself to be in his presence in a bedroom alone since her heat. "It's been so hard for me to be with Ellen.

Concern for the newborn cub and her childrens well being drew Carla to her sons side. "What's wrong?" She said firmly. Mathew spun catching his mother by surprise as he hugged her close bending forward to allow room for her enlarged belly. Mathew counted silently and when he reached four thought this plan would fail as well, since Carla still hadn't moved. 'six' 'seven' Mathew thought before Carla reached her paws up to his shoulders.

Mathew just held his mother before finally speaking "It's been so hard on me, last week Ellen was a wreck, she wasn't much better the week before and now this week she is exhausted." Mathew allow a shiver to run up his back.

Carla gave another little chuckle patting her sons back, "That is normal, what, you probably thought this was going to be so easy. Ellen gets pregnant has a baby and it's all blissful family life."

Mathew gave a little shove pushing away from his mother and heading towards the door. "You don't understand." Mathew said using one of his mothers favorite phrases against her. Carla had a slight bit of worry wondering what her son was doing as she watched him nearly shut the door before turning back to her. Mathew turned Carla around at the shoulders before wrapping his arms under hers resting them on top of the unborn cub.

"Mathew what?" it only took a second for Carla to feel her sons bulge grind against her. Instantly she stepped forward but the large foot board of the bed blocked forward progress as Mathew kept pace against her rump. "Mathew STOP! Your father would kill me."

"No he wouldn't he's already been with Ellen a few times. Even you know that." Mathew told her.

"He said he wouldn't do that anymore." Carla retorted. "Mathew.."

"Mom Please," he interrupted, "it hurts. I can't have Ellen now I can't even get time to myself." Mathew exaggerated, "I can't take it anymore." He growled deep forcing her loose skirt in between the crack of her ass.

"No Mathew I .. I just can't. I won't." Carla told her son trying to wiggle our of his grasp.

"Then don't" Mathew began humping and bumping against his mother, "just stand there and let me."

"Mathew you aren't serious." Carla said shocked, she knew young men could get over excited but this was, "Mathew wait." she began struggling harder against his grip.

"Please mom. You want me to beg? Fine Pleeasee MOM, I'll do anything just let me finish." Mathew continued bumping against his mother for nearly a minute Carla trying to decide if she should resist more, till suddenly Mathew hissed lightly, dropping his pants and underwear in a flash. Carla looked over her shoulder seeing her son inspecting his member, she realize his underwear was probably to dry. "Please mom." Mathew whined again as he shuffled forward sighing as he now rubbed against the satin of her skirt. Carla didn't make a move to stop her son this time, she wasn't sure if it was his whining begging pleas, or her own secret arousal from her son wanting her but she made a decision to allow it again... just this once.

"Mathew back up." Carla used her elbow to give a light jab against his arm. Mathew shuffled back waiting on his mother watching her as she slid her skirt off, leaned against the wood of the bedframe, spread her legs out, then flicked her black tail up to expose herself. "Just hurry up." Carla said.

Mathew barely controlled the urge to scream and pounce on his mother, instead he dropped to his knees rammed his muzzle in to her butt and lapped all over Carla's folds. "Mathew just get it in and finish." Carla grunted as the tounge wiggled over her folds.

"Just a.." Mathew said between licks, "..sec." Between licks Mathew had peeled off his shoes so that when he stood back up he was able to step and kick off his pants. Mathew swiftly lined up and shoved in, two grunts and he was leaning over his mother hilted. "Oh god mom!" Mathew breathed in her ear as he began humping. Mathew kept his stroke short and deep and hard, trying for the least amount of stimulation while still appearing overeager. He purred and groaned against his mothers neck, licking her every so often. Mathew hadn't had sex in weeks and his hard shaft was giving out plentiful amounts of precum already making Carla's crotch damp as his backstrokes allowed it to leak out with just a hint of her own wetness. Mathew stood upright and began a barrage of thrusts that had slapping noises fill the room.

Carla was shocked with how fast her body was reacting to her son, she felt a paw fumble around her belly trying to find her clit while her back was worked at a furious pace. "No Mathew," she panted out "just finish." The questing paw continued rubbing passing her clit as she bit her lip refusing to moan, but at his pace his paw wasn't able to match the motion of their bodys so he kept rubbing to high, then low to his shaft, then back up high. Each pass sent a jolt though Carla, what set her moaning though was the piercing little pain on her tail tip as Mathew caught the swaying appendage in his mouth, sucking and teasing the tip with his mouth. Carla's deep throated moan caused Mathew's peak to leap forward he slapped up against his mother a few more times and held in. Carla felt the warmth of his seed as it flowed in to her tunnel washing up against her sealed cervix and spreading out till it oozed out of her so more could take its place. Carla shuddered thankful that she had outlasted her son, now she needed to get away with out anyone knowing.

Mathew pulled his paw away soaked with his cum, he grabbed the tail in his mouth and began adding more than spit to the tip making it slicker. "Almost done." Mathew panted grinding against his mother.

"That's enough" Carla said trying to straighten up causing Mathew to slide out, her back already feeling sore from the unborn cubs weight. Carla felt her sons paws on her vulva forcing her loose lips apart and dripping more cum on to her thighs. "Mathew what are you dooooo" Carla moaned as she lashed her tail in anger, only to feel the twitch was inside and moving deeper as Mathew forced more of her tail inside her slick walls. "Mathew youuu." Carla moaned again shuddering in pleasure, trying to stop her tail was like trying to unburn toast. "Mathew" she tried again panting.

"Don't worry mom." Mathew used his arms to support and guide her on to the bed, "I'll help you finish." The part of Carla that wasn't moaning and twitching in pleasure was now understanding the fact of how bad this idea had been. Mathew had Carla sitting on the bed helping her remove the large shirt and laying her on her side, he gave another shove making sure her tail was jammed in good and deep before he walked around the bed, slipping off his own shirt on the way, and crawled in behind his mother. Mathew gently rolled his mother back taking some of her weight against his body as he started stroking and kneeding Carla's chest slowly working down. He kissed and licked his his mothers ears and neck while his paw finally reached the connection between tail and vulva, he gave a gentle tug while tweeking Carla's clit before allowing his hand to move on to her thigh.

"Please!" Carla nearly wailed.

"Finish yourself" Mathew said whispering in her ear. Carla hissed grabbing her sons paw and tried ramming against her crotch. Mathew's change was instant growling and rolling his mother forward as he bit deep in to her neck scruff and tugging. "Do it." he growled though her fur. Carla shivered tail twitching inside madly as Mathew continued growling and giving light tugs. Carla, slightly squashed beneath her son twisted back and forth trying to lash her trapped tail, quickly finishing to her climax as her son growled at her neck. Carla rowled out finishing with a scream as Mathew drug her head backwards by the neck while his paw gripped her tail and yanked then rammed it back, in and out. Carla's orgasm continued as Mathew did his best to prolong her pleasure and drain her strength. "Remember mom my bed my rules." Mathew said while releasing her neck, as he slowly licked the four small puncture marks.

If Carla had been able to stiffen with worry she would have, her mind was able to register the words but her body was still gasping for air and riding the few aftershocks as she slowly tried draging her tail out, a few inches at a time.

"Well," Ellen said standing in the doorway. "I guess I can go get dinner started." Carla struggled to lift up, but she could barely even keep her head off the mattress, watched her daughter as she turned to leave the room.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of mom till then." Mathew answered grinning. Ellen turned back just to get one more look returning her brothers grin before leaving. Carla gave in for the moment resting against her son as he rolled her back towards him, she allowed her body to pant and shiver as he slowly drew the last few inches of her tail from her hole, and accepted the light caressing of his paw on her fur.

"We'll take a few minutes before we start again, how about we talk?" as Mathew traced his mothers bulging belly, "a few weeks and I have a new brother or sister. Dad said that, the doctor said, your carrying well but if you want another kit you should do it soon." Carla shifted to get a better look at her sons face. "This one is dads cub, but next time I want it to be mine." Mathew grabbed her middle gently rocking it.

"No way Mathew, do you have any idea what the Hell is wrong with you? I wasn't going..." Mathew used his paw to clamp his mothers muzzle shut.

"MY bed, MY rules! Your are not allow to complain. Besides I can think or say anything I want here. Also, " Mathew paused to make sure his mother was listening closely, "Ellen, well we plan to wait before she has another cub, but she said, she might be willing to carry dads." - "MMMUff uuuhh." Carla responded, as Mathew clamped down a little harder. "NO argument either! Just listen, besides saying it doesn't mean it will happen." Damn right Carla though she'd sooner give up her home and live on the streets before she would willingly allow anything like that to happen in her house.

Mathew gave a little shake of his mothers head to get her attention back. "Mom I want you to answer a question, you're only allowed to tell the truth. Did you ever think about having sex with me?" Carla bit on her lip as soon as her sons paw let go she wasn't about to answer that truthful or otherwise.

"Mathew things are different when a woman is in season." Carla spoke to her son.

"That is not what I asked mom." Mathew said he leaned in to lick his mothers cheek.

"Mathew your my son and you." Mathew placed his paw against Carla's nose silencing her.

"It's now a yes or no question. Have you ever thought about having sex with me, maybe even a fantasy?" Mathew asked. Carla stayed silent closing her eyes so she didn't have to see her son stare at her. "Mmmmmm a fantasy then right?" Mathew said, as Carla shook her head no. Mathew stroked his finger against his mothers muzzle slowly sliding a finger inside to caress her tounge while Carla did nothing to stop him. "You know your the problem with this family." Mathew stated.

"Don't you try to make this my fault." Carla said after spitting out his finger.

Mathew blew a gust of air against her nose, inserting a finger back in to her muzzle, "Hush, Everyone in this family, Everyone, except maybe Ellen, is obsessed with some one else even though we love another. As for ELlen she is glad to make dad happy." Mathew added a second finger while grinding his shaft against his Carla's leg. "We will start again soon, and you know what, no one is going to know, or even care society doesn't matter, only we do. You matter, dad and Ellen matter, and no one else should be telling us what to do. You know, I'd like to maybe try that other little hole of yours now mom."

Carla grabbed her sons paw from her mouth. "HELL NO!" She shoved against him gathering her strength and trying heave herself in to a sitting position, "I don't care if it's your bed or Elroy's I am never doing that!!" Mathew sat up holding tight to his mothers legs so she couldn't swing them off the bed and stand. Carla glared at her son. "You'll have better chance breathing water than taking me there."

"Ok!" Mathew agreed, "I won't do that unless you ask me to." Carla didn't like the grin on her sons face and frowned when he said, "Come on I'll move the pillows so you can lay on your stomach."

Carla wasn't sure why she allowed Mathew to position her so that she was on her knees, tail high, but somehow it seemed he was controlling her or atleast suppressing her will.

"Don't worry mom." Mathew said as he pressed his nose just below her tail hole and used his tounge to eat out his mother, "I promised, so we will just enjoy other things."

More than an hour later Carla found herself with a folded pillow propping her head up and a second pillow lifting her rear slightly which was at the edge of the bed. She had already worked though two more orgasms and was panting and moaning for her son who was between her legs holding them spread apart. Mathew was slowly rubbing his mothers pussy with his shaft keeping her slowly building hopefully to her fourth orgasm.

"I know your tired mom are you sure we should keep going?" Carla had not been able to fully catch her breath from her second orgasm, her son had kept her fully aroused and dripping, her juices were still leaking even though he had placed a pillow under her ass, she could feel the juice that had soaked her from her vagina all the way though to her tail base.

"Just do it. I'll rest after this one." she closed her eyes eager and panting, allowing pleasure to keep her in a near blissful state. She could feel muscles ache but the pain was so minimal to the waves of pleasure her son kept at a constant high.

"Hey dad, sorry we're busy now but we should be done for dinner." Mathew called out. Carla at first couldn't process what had just been said, then figuring her son had just played a rather cruel joke opened her eyes to scold him.

Shock jolted her as she saw Elroy was standing, mouth gaped, in the doorway. "Elroy... I.. We." Mathew put an end to his mothers stammering as he penetrated her pussy and slowly slid though her sloppy wet tunnel. Carla tried hissing at her son only to have it end more as a moan, her body reacted and she wrapped her legs around her son as he came to a stop hilted deep inside. It was to late Carla told herself her body wanting this more than her mind wanted to stop it.

"I just umm.. Amanda!" Elroy said quickly yanking the door close.

"See that wasn't so hard." Mathew said petting his mothers muzzle giving short seriously slow dragging strokes inside his mother. Carla growled snapping Mathew paw in to her mouth and biting hard enough to draw blood. "Mmmmmm.... Well if your gonna be rough we're gonna have to open that other hole." Mathew said while yanked back enough to slip out then rubbing his member lower."

"You said mmff." Carla was silenced again by Mathew's paw she had just spit out.

"I know what I said you don't have tell me. I won't take your tail hole unless you ask, and now mom your going to ask!" Mathew grinned as he leaned over his mother. "My bed." He kissed one nipple before giving it a gentle nip, "My rules." he kissed the other nipple the same way. "Don't worry mom I'll make sure you enjoy it. NOW ASK!" The order was one that left Carla shivering the thrill of her sons command battled with her own will. "Ask mom." he said repeating gentle pecks and nips on each nipple.

Mathew walked in to the kitchen forty minutes later. Elroy was cradling Amanda in one arm while eating with his other, while Ellen occupied another chair slowly eating and watching her father. Ellen saw her naked brother enter the kitchen crotch freshly washed and damp. Mathew motioned for his daughter, "Mom really needs you in the bathroom, she doesn't want me to help her clean up." Elroy handed over the cub and quickly exited the kitchen while Mathew took his seat.

"And?" Ellen prompted, picking up Elroy's plate and switching it with a fresh one for her brother.

"I know mom enjoyed herself, but she's likely to try to forget that. I may need your help to get her on my bed again. She isn't gonna change without more persuasion but I think we should wait till after the kit is born." Mathew sighed, it had been such work being with his mother, not that he didn't enjoy it every bit as much as she did, he gave a small grin at that thought, even if it had been like dragging stones to get her to comply to what he knew she wanted in the first place. "Time Elly that is what we need now, some time."

"Well if you can't get her to come around dad will never be with me again, he made a promise and I wont make him break it." Ellen moved closer to be able to touch the head fur of her kit.

"You want her?" Mathew offered, before carefully passing Amanda over. "We go slow then, I know that mom thinks about me especially since her heat, also part of her is really worried I might be the dad, but I know if we had sex a few more times she would admit she wants me and open up more."

"Hey Mathew? Ellen said quietly

"What's up?" Mathew answered

"Well can I be with mom too?" Mathew stopped eating to stare at his sister. "She umm well she licks better than you." Mathew smirked holding in a laugh while his sister blushed. They had done so many thing together over the past six months, exploring and experimenting that it surprised him to see her blushing.

"Yes Elly," Mathew said "I don't think you could ever get her in bed alone but together... she might go for that." A huge grin split his muzzle as Mathew added. "Especially if you told her to teach me how to lick."

Ellen stood up motioning her brother to slide a leg out so she could sit on it, holding Amanda close she snuggled against Mathew's chest. "Do we get some time tonight?"

Mathew sighed wrapping an arm around his sister, "Sorry El I'm really tired now, and tomorrow night I have to work they called me in." Ellen looked to her brothers face, Mathew tilted down so that their muzzles could lock, both drawing pleasure from the intimacy. Mathew knew her look she wasn't going to ask him, but he knew she wanted to. "I have an idea." Mathew whispered in her ear. "Tomorrow morning we ask mom to watch Amanda, then we go take a shower." Ellen grinned showing teeth, a hungry look that told Mathew he should spend more time with his sister/mate than mother.

Ellen woke Mathew the next morning with gentle nips on his arm and shoulder. Even though she had been up twice that morning, letting Mathew rest, any tiredness she felt was lost in the excitement of the mornings plans. "Good morning" Mathew said grinning at his sister.

"Morning." Ellen answered, "Now get up and talk with mom I'll go get the shower ready."

Mathew stretched and yawned, "We can take it easy." Ellen leaned in kissing Mathews muzzle while she let her hand glide down his body till it made contact with his sheath.

Without warning Ellen gripped on his sheath squeezing hard on the member inside. Mathew's eyes rocketed open and he gulped down a small whine. "I want you up now." Ellen hissed at him, "It's my turn!" She gave four small much lighter squeezes rubbing the sheath with her paw, trying to entice him. "I am not waiting, hurry up." She said getting off the bed and leaving the room.

Mathew quickly got up and went in search of his mother. Ellen was always careful when she reminded him of his promise, part of that promise was because he wanted her to agree to give him access to her when ever he wanted, and it seemed fair to allow her the same. He never expected her to ask or demand so many times from him, but like last night, if she had to wait she wouldn't let him argue. "Mom." Mathew called walking in to the kitchen

"Mathew, clothes what is wrong with you?" Carla said staring at her naked son who just waltzed in on her morning coffee.

"I'll be gone in a second I just need to ask for a favor." Mathew said.

"You think I should do a favor for you when you naked in my kitchen looking like that." Carla pointed.

Mathew followed her finger realizing he was now stiff and more than half pointed out of his sheath.

One of the few things Carla had insisted on, once she caught Mathew and Ellen together on the couch cuddling naked, was that everyone would be clothed outside of their bedroom. Mathew moved a paw down trying to cover himself for his mother. "Please mom I just need you to watch Amanda for a while." Mathew told her. Carla sat sipping her coffee considering the request. "Come on mom, Ellen's jealous and wants me for a while."

Carla almost choked on her coffee. "Jealous??" she sputtered.

"Well I'm sure if don't get to the bathroom in a few minutes she's gonna find me and drag me there." Carla made her son wait a moment watching as he stood in the doorway.

"Is she fed?" Carla asked and Mathew nodded. "Cleaned?" she continued.

"That I don't know about." Mathew answered

"Fine, but Mathew" Carla said as he turned to leave, "we are going to talk about what you did yesterday."

Mathew considered his answer, "It was my bed and my rules, if we were on your bed it would be different."

Carla flippantly said, "You better hope you never find yourself on my bed!" Carla knew the moment the words reached her son that something had changed, had she just... flirted with Mathew.

Mathew turned back closing his mouth to the first answer that came to mind, his answer now could change a lot of things. "Mom I love Ellen, and she will always be first. But anytime you want.. or need me on your bed you only have to ask." Carla tried to hid behind a far to small coffee cup while Mathew deliberately reached down to stroke his now full erect shaft as he turned to leave.

Mathew added as he walked out, "I only hope to enjoy it as much as you do."

Carla gave up trying to enjoy her alloted one cup of coffee, 'what had just happened' her body was just starting to respond even though she didn't want it to, Mathew had been right yesterday. She had drempt several erotic dreams involving her son, but never any daytime fantasies. Only Carla realized because she would never allow herself such thoughts, it was just a moment, but it was full of wild images of what she could do to her still somewhat uneducated son. Carla banged her coffee cup down on the table and heaved her body out of the chair, she took a moment to get her sore wobbly legs to move right. This was all her sons fault he had planned and trapped every member of the family, it was wrong, she had no way of stopping him either, every time she tried it seemed he was already a step ahead.

Like yesterday, he had drew her in and what seemed like her decision to help her desperate son hat turned in to... Carla shivered as she passed the bathroom, hearing her daughter moaning. She hurriedly closed the nursery door and flipped on the radio in the bookcase by the door. Soft soothing music spilled in to the room as she leaned over the crib watching her still sleeping granddaughter, one she hadn't expected for years. She felt a well of joy at the thought of having her own kit again, Mathew had forced something on her that she would never even realize that she wanted. Mathew had torn the family apart then pieced it back together as he wanted, he forced each person to evaluate themselves and other family members. Carla thought hard as she scooped up Amanda and cradled her granddaughter against her unborn cub. Everything was so wrong, mixed up, and yet like Elroy had reminded her on a few occasions, was what had happened truly bad, wasn't her family much closer now? Hadn't she spent hours yesterday morning, with her daughter close at her side purring now and then, talking in hushed tones about what it was really like to be a mother and how happy they were. Carla heard a screech of pleasure that made it past both doors and drowned out the music off the radio till fading back to be lost in the soft music. Carla sat wondering for the first time if she really was the one causing problems for the family.

Mathew watched as Ellen still shook under him, squeezing on his shaft causing one last spurt to exit his urethra. Ellen panted against the floor head pressed to the slowly warming tiles, while her ass was left high in the air. "You see," her brother said, "we couldn't have done that in the shower." Ellen had to mentally agree she had wanted him to take her, she had needed it. She was quickly recovering pushing back against Mathew and gripping the rod inside, "So you want more or would you like to play in the water now?" Mathew asked.

Ellen curled her tail around his waist resting the end against his back. "Just stay there for a minute." Mathew gave a little wiggle as she tried adding more pressure to entice him to stay inside. She was pleased with just the feeling of her brother filling her needy hole. "You didn't say why you closed the door Mat, wouldn't it be better if mom saw us?"

"I think mom has had enough of me right now, besides," Mathew answered, moving from a hunched over position to kneeling, "I wanted to concentrate on you." Making sure her tail was to the side Mathew watched as he slowly drew out of his sisters folds, watching the lips grip and hold every inch before it came free. "You still feel so good Elly." Feeling her squeeze again as he continued a slow withdraw. When his penis finally slide free he pushed forward giving a few prods before she reopened accepting him, Mathew kept taking his time now watching as he disappeared between her legs.

Ellen groaned after his second exit and next penetration, "Forget the shower Mat and just pound me again."

"Let's just take it easy." Mathew grinned repeating his morning statement still slowly drawing away.

Ellen pulled away spun and grabbing her brothers shoulder fur yanked him forward till they were face to face. "On the floor Mat now!" she growled. Mathew scrambled to comply grinning the whole time, he was barely flat before she flung herself on his crotch grabbing his shaft and slamming it home. Ellen lifted off and crashed down again pushing hard, grinding against him. "We can't do this in the shower either, but this is what I want!" Ellen took off riding her brother like she was in a sprint car race, forcefully taking the pounding she wanted. For his part Mathew stayed mostly still, it was to difficult matching the speed of her hips with out interrupting Ellen, something which he had no wish to do now. Ellen worked to an orgasm faster than Mathew could shouting out and rowling, her voice echoing about the bathroom. In the next minute she was screeching out as she slammed down hard one last time spilling her juice across his crotch.

Mathew pulled down his orgasming sister and with just enough room on the floor, rolled over till he was on top, and began dragging himself through her folds while she was still climaxing. Mathew worked up quickly trying to continue the same speed, mashing his sister's leg against the wall as he centered himself on her crotch driving deep, earning his own release. Mathew rowled out as he pumped his seed in to his sister again swiftly filling her and pumping semen down her ass crack. Mathew collapsed as his final shot left him, he laid on Ellen feeling drained. Ellen played with her brothers ears as he gasped for air since she was only panting now grinning and glowing with pleasure.

There were two loud raps against the door, Carla's voice came though "If you two aren't going to shower go to you bed. Your voices are echoing though the house, and you woke Amanda!" Ellen might have replied if was even a bit sorry, but she still felt way to good to apologize. Mathew had regained enough breath to suggest moving to the shower, and several minutes later found the pair in the same position they had taken just over seven months before, as Mathew grabbed the soap and began washing his sister, only this time hot steamy water rained down on the sibling.


Mathew took his time teasing Ellen using everything he had learned so far, licking her neck, nibbling ears, rubbing and tweeking nipples, gently using one nail to lightly tickle her side, and every once in a while rubbing his finger against her folds or clit, but making sure to not penetrate. "I think your plenty clean enough El. But now I want you." Ellen turned to kiss her brother a simple slow lip press, she nodded as she scooted forward and leaned against the wall wrapping her tail about her middle. Mathew soaped a finger and went to work on his sisters tail hole, she had denied him the few times he had asked, because it had left her rump sore for several days after, especially when she sat on the toliet.

Mathew grinned as she moaned and squeezed against the second finger he had just inserted, he was carefully working her open as he used his other paw to stroke down her back, scritching just about the tail before he started the pet again at her shoulders. "Are you ready?" Mathew saw his sisters ears bob though the raining water, she was so worked up this time she really wanted this as well.

Mathew used a bit of soap on his rock hard shaft, he had been so patient, and now he just had to be careful and he get what he wanted. Mathew closed his eyes listening to his sister groan as he slowly worked his way in to her clenching rear. He stopped and waited when she hissed; he had shifted down the bench to fast and jabbed to hard, he scooted forward just a bit more there was barely and inch left outside her warm rear. Mathew pulled his sister up to his chest, embracing her as he shoved his last bit inside, feeling close to exploding as Ellen clenched down hard against the base of his member. Mathew leaned back against the wall drawing Ellen with him, using a slight amount of gravity and the awkward angle to keep each bit of his throbbing shaft inside.

"Mathew," Ellen huffed "I'm so close." Ellen let her legs slide out and leaned further against her brother, clamping her mouth shut as his paw reached her crotch. Mathew drove two fingers in to her folds while rubbing her clit, he wiggled his paw keeping her twitching and trying to stifle her cries. The heat on his member was wonderful the but hard clenching at the base of his shaft was heaven.

"So close." he whispered in his sisters ear.

"Math Eeooowwwwww!!" Ellen yowled out sounding more canine for a moment than feline. The squeezing on his fingers, the clenching on his base, and the cry of his sister in his arms was more than Mathew could take. He tried bucking but was unable to do more than force a few inches of the bench twice before stopping allowing his twitching penis to flood his seed in to his sisters bowels.

"So much for keeping quiet" Mathew panted as Ellen took his paws and wrapped the around her middle of her heaving chest, she felt loved and blissful pleasure as hot wot water rained over her lower half, contented and happy with the morning she closed her eyes and snuggled against Mathew's chest. Mathew was panting and trying to recover, he wouldn't likely get a better chance than this and he wanted to try something out. Still buried full in Ellen, he held her close and tried to squeeze on his bladder. After several tries of nothing happening, he wondered if what he overheard was even possible, he tried again squeezing hard, Mathew felt a light spray before everything clamped down again. He started panting harder from holding his breath while he tried forcing his urine out, it took a few more tries but suddenly everything reversed. Mathew felt his shaft and urethra fill and he was now desperately trying to keep it in. Mathew let out a short spurt then another, then gripping Ellen tight released, spraying deep inside his sister.

Ellen was close to dozing off when she felt her brother hug her tighter, she gave a sleepy smile till she felt the need to go, she clamped down on her brother as the feelings intensified, the was also a strange spreading heat radiating in her stomach.

"Mathew I have to go." She said while trying to move one of his arms of her chest.

"No you don't, I do. Oh Elly your squeezing so hard." Mathew said shifting his arm down to fondle her folds. Ellen squirmed she was feeling so heavy and full, almost like she was carrying a kit again.

Ellen groaned, "Mat what uuh.." she groaned again, she had to go so bad, suddenly she realized why, he was.. Ellen's mind totally stopped shocked by what Mathew was doing to her. Ellen mewed when he pinched her clit mind leaping forward, and body as well as she tried to pull away. Her brother moved with her as she tried standing, she would have fallen forward smacking her face in to the plastic bench if it weren't for the arm she was able to get in front of her and Mathew's arm wrapped around her waist making sure they stayed connected. Ellen shuffled trying to get her legs underneath her while steadying her body with both paws on the bench. "Mathew what are you.." Ellen stopped biting her lip as he pulled back and drove forward almost making her lose her balance. "MAT Stop!" he froze. Ellen could tell by the arm around her waist, he wasn't going to let go at least not until he was finished.

Ellen tried standing up only to feel a firm paw against her back. "Just stay there."

Ellen spoke "Mat why? pissed inside me?"

Mathew gave a small jab and grinded against his sister her pucker feeling glorious pulses as it alternated between trying to force everything out, to clamping down and holding it all in. "Damn Elly it feels so good," he was panting, "I can't hold back long... Does it hurt?"

Ellen could feel a burning and stinging in her ass and a very near painful uncomfortable fullness, but compared with her recently acquired knowledge of giving birth she replied, "A little but not to bad."

"I'll help clean you after I'm done. I wanted to try this Elly, you probably won't let me do it again." Mathew said giving another short jab, "It's something I've always wanted to do."

Ellen looked back over her shoulder, water pounded across her back obscuring Mathew's face, she grunted as he pulled back and shoved forward again. "Mat," She watched as her brother leaned forward eyes closed against the water spray to nuzzle and lick on her cheek. "you so owe me for this." she finished making sure he understood she was allowing him to do this because it was something he really wanted.

"Thank you Elly." Mathew said standing up again, Ellen braced her paws on the bench as her brother pounded her tail hole. Ellen felt him slow and lengthen his stroke using every inch of his penis nearly drawing out before a smooth glide back in slapping against her rear. A few more thrusts and Mathew actually cleared anal ring feeling her squirt before drilling back inside. Mathew repeated and Ellen moaned out the sudden lightening of pressure before he clogged her back full again. Mathew had her so loose she oozed liquid shit as he plowed through her tail hole, the feel of her warmth after each each time he completely freed himself had Mathew right at the edge. "I'm so close." Mathew cried, mashing his crotch against her ass changing to quick short thrusts and clinging to her back before growling. Mathew ejaculated in his sisters bowels again but after a few squirts pulled back allowing a tidal gush of urine and fecal matter to splatter down coating his throbbing member and legs. Ellen felt the flow lessen so she took a breath and pushed squirting out like a punctured can of soda.

"I'm going back in." Mathew warned as Ellen felt the still firm shaft drive in full. "Now just relax and let it settle." Ellen squeezed trying to get more out. "Hey El just relax." he started scritching her lower back. Mathew waited a minute before telling her "Now as I pull out you push." Their efforts helped to evacuate a good portion of her lower colon before Mathew pushed his softening member back in. "Alright sit down with me." Ellen shook as she found herself back in his lap laying against his chest.

Ellen felt seriously tired as she let the weight off her legs and panted. Mathew gently traced her breasts slowly making random patterns across her body. "Sorry... I should have waited, your supposed to be resting this week." Ellen just relaxed accepting his apology, caress, and comfort.

The both heard the rolling rumble that echoed though Ellen's gut. "When your ready get up and push then sit back down." Mathew said. Ellen waited there was pressure building up again but she didn't want to stand. Finally feeling herself ooze out around Mathew's near soft penis she stood, her brothers paws helping support her butt cheeks as she rose. It was like a fountain at first splattering all over as her anal ring turned several inches inside out with her pushing. She felt Mathew's paw move as she lowered back down, guiding his soft penis perfectly in to her clenching hole while it tried to drag back in the soft tissue it slurped in his member as well. There was only light grumbles as the last of the fluids shifted inside Ellen working their way down to the exit, Ellen sighed leaning against Mathew as he massaged with his paws across her body and arms.

Finally Mathews paws came to a rest, Ellen felt so tired drained out in more ways than one, "When your ready slide forward and I'll start cleaning up." Ellen heaved forward and with her paws on the bench dragged herself forward feeling Mathew slide out along the way with a gush of fluid. Mathew stood up and adjusted the shower heads and water flow toning down the temperature some. Ellen moved to allow her nose and forehead to press against the wall while water flowed down her back, she was still working out short waterlogged farts and small spurts of fluid as Mathew went to work.

It took time but after several body adjustments and careful soap filled caresses Mathew finally had Ellen wrapped up in towels dozing off on the toliet seat. Mathew then took a several minutes swiftly cleaning the mess off his own body and the bench which he propped up against the back wall of the shower. Grabbing the bleach spray he used most of the bottle making sure everything was well coated.

He wrapped up in a towel and guided Ellen to their bed watching as she fell asleep while he dried off. Mathew checked the time surprised to find it wasn't even ten o'clock. What had seemed like the whole morning had been just under two hours.

Mathew crawled in behind Ellen cuddling next to her towel wrapped body, his mind was working on thoughts of what he could do make his sister happy and settle the debt she would try to claim, his mind also wandered to his mother and plans he tried to make for the future, it wasn't long before his mind slipped and he fell asleep.

Carla peeked in to her sons room a few minutes later after putting Amanda back in her crib, both her children were sound asleep. Mathew hugging tight to his sister, Carla had to wonder again as she had been for over an hour, was she the one keeping her family from being truly happy. Carla watched her exhausted kids, who seemed beond content and happy, fully in love with each other. She decided to try to just move on with the day for now, she closed the door and let her kids sleep.

Mathews Plans: Chapter 2 Entertaining the parents

Mathew's Plans Chapter two: Entertaining the parents Full version Carla arrived home at dusk nearly 7pm, as she turned in to the driveway she noticed none of the house lights were on. Grumbling to herself, Mathew obviously had not started any...

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Ken groaned trying to wake up, besides the constant jackhammering headache, his arm felt like it was on fire. With another groan worthy of a zombie flick, Ken tried dragging his are back up on to his chest. Ken was laying at the very edge of his...

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Mathew's plans Chapter two: Entertaining the Parents: part two

Carla woke the next morning just after nine cursing herself, it was Monday and both her and her husband Elroy had already called out from work today, but she had ment to be up early to make sure no more mistake were made by her children. Carla slipped...

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