Getting Tamed. Chapter 1

Story by Quasim on SoFurry

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#1 of Getting Tamed

Warning: Do not read this story unless you are over the age of 18. If you do so, I do not claim responsibility.

(First story, gonna write more if people like it)


Jason hummed happily to himself as he walked down the street, heading to the grocery store to pick up some dinner for him and his roommate. His fur was nicely groomed, the silver-gray tone almost shining in the sunlight. It was a great day. The sun was shining, birds were singing And in the distance, a wolf had his eye on the young husky, grinning widely to himself.

As Jason came back out of the store with a grocery bag in his paw, he looked around and felt a strange chill run down his spine. There was a presence, as if he was being watched... Of course he ignored the feeling and started walking back to his apartment building, where his roomie was probably about to die from starvation...

Jason figured that his roomie could wait five more minutes, and decided to sit down on a bench. Putting the bag down next to him and placing his elbows on the back of the bench, he leaned back and relaxed, taking a deep breath as he closed his eyes softly.

Meanwhile, the wolf still had his eyes on the husky. He used a gloved paw to fish out a bottle and a piece of cloth from his pocket, opening the bottle and taking a sniff of what was inside.

"Yes, this will do nicely..."

Jason, was on the verge of falling asleep where he sat. The wind felt so good and cooling as it ruffled his fur gently. He reached up a paw and scratched his chin a little, opening his eyes and shaking his head gently. He let out a soft yawn and stretched. How long had he been sitting there? He looked at his clock and jumped a bit. He should have been back at his apartment twenty minutes ago! Jason looked at where he had placed the bag and cursed under his breath as he noticed it wasn't there.

The mysterious wolf chuckled to himself as he watched the husky, holding the grocery bag in his hand. He stepped out from behind a nearby tree and walked over to the husky. "Hey! You! This your bag?!" He shouted at him and kept moving closer.

Jason turned around and tilted his head a bit as he saw the male with his bag in his paw, recognizing the brand of the store on it. "Uhh... Yea, it's mine alright... what are you doing with it?"

The wolf chuckled as he came to a stop directly in front of the husky. He was a wolf, wearing a black leather trench coat, thick black boots, and a pair of baggy black jeans. Though they weren't visible from under the coat.

"You gotta look after these things," the wolf said and held up the bag, "Never know who's lurking around..." He said and chuckled a bit, holding the bag up to Jayson.

"Oh... But you still didn't answer my question. What are YOU doing with it?" He asked , looking suspiciously at the wolf.

"I just got it back from a hobo for you... You're welcome..." He said and handed the bag to Jayson.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I thought maybe you had stolen it or something. Thanks big time!" He said and wagged his tail a softly, opening the bag to check that everything was there. "I better get going. My roomie was expecting me home with food like twenty minutes ago. Thanks again though!" Jayson said and turned away from the wolf, still looking over the contents of the bag.

The wolf perked his ears and arched a brow as he heard the husky, smirking a bit to himself. "Roomie, eh?" He said to himself and quickly walked after the other. "Hey, wait a second!" He said and placed a paw on the husky's shoulder. "You mind if I tag along? I haven't eaten in ages!" He said and whimpered a bit, pretending that he really was hungry.

Jayson startled a bit as the wolf put a paw on his shoulder and turned around, looking him in the eyes, or he would be, but the wolf was wearing a pair of dark shades that was impossible to see through. "Ummm... well, you did bring me back my bag... Sure, why not?" He said and smiled a bit at the wolf, figuring that he could at least give him a meal since he saved his bag. Or at least he thought he did...

"Great!" The wolf exclaimed, smiling widely and wagging his tail a bit, "Lead the way, pup." He said, and, to Jayson's surprise, held out a paw, as if he wanted to hold paws with Jayson.

Jayson tilted his head a bit as he saw the wolf holding out his paw, but smiled and took it with his own paw. The one he wasn't holding the bag with. "Umm... ok!" He said and blushed a bit. He wasn't used to being called pup, or holding paws with a stranger. Maybe this could be a chance for him to finally find a mate? The wolf did look good, and Jayson had been looking for someone to take his virginity. Maybe this was it...

The wolf, on the other hand, had other plans for the husky.

He was going to loose his virginity alright, but probably not the way he was expecting.


About five minutes later, outside the door to Jay's apartment.


"Ok, this is it." Jay said as he stood in front of his door, still holding the wolf's paw in his, and the bag in the other. He was kind of nervous about this whole thing, not being used to bring strangers into his apartment. And, of course, he had to think of how his roomie would react to the whole thing. He paid the rent after all.

The wolf had a smile on his face from when they started walking, and still had it on when they arrived.


Inside Jay's apartment


"Rob! I'm back! I got pizza!" Jay shouted as he closed the door, letting the wolf walk in and stand in the middle of the room.

'How can he afford this kinda place?' The wolf asked himself as he looked over the room. It was a kitchen and main room in one, the two being separated by the counter in the kitchen. There were a few doors, and a small stair leading up to a short hall.

Didn't really matter, the little husky wasn't going to have such luxury after the wolf did what he was paid to do.

He walked up behind the husky and grabbed him around the neck, holding him up as a shield.

Jay yelped a bit as he was suddenly grabbed, reaching his paws to grab the wolf's arm, not managing to pull it away.

The wolf pulled out a gun with his free hand and pointed it at the back of Jay's head.


A few minutes earlier in Rob's room


Robert was sitting in his room, talking to his dad on the phone.

"I'm just worried about you, that's all." Rob's dad spoke, sounding sincere and a little nervous.

"Dad, don't worry about a thing. If anything happens, I always have protection..." Rob said, opening a drawer in his desk and looking into it, looking at the 9mm gun. "I'll be fine, you just worry about that leg." He said and closed the drawer.

"Just promise you'll be careful. There's no telling what those people might do if they get you. Hell, they'd probably sell you off to someone. You and that husky friend of yours." Rob's dad said. He never cared for huskies, and me made sure his son knew it.

"I promise dad, don't worry about me."

"Rob! I'm back! I got pizza!"

"Alright dad, he's back. I'll talk to you later." Rob said and hung up. "About goddamn time..." He said to himself and stood up, walking out of his room and down the small stairs into the main room.

"What the hell took you so long? I could've frigging starved to death if you hadn't..." Rob stopped in the middle of the sentence as he saw the wolf holding his friend. And the gun in his paw. "Who the fuck are you? Let go of him!" He said and looked the wolf in the eyes... Well, through his shades anyways....

The wolf just grinned and tightened his grip around the husky's throat. "Look in the bag, and walk slowly, else your friend here wont be walking at all ..." He threatened and nodded towards the bag on the floor.

Rob was frozen for a while. Until the wolf pulled the trigger a bit, almost firing it. He walked slowly over to the bag and picked it up, keeping his eyes on the wolf and husky at all times. He opened the bag and looked in it, seeing a small bottle and a piece of cloth. He looked up at the wolf, a confused expression on his face.

"Pour some of it onto the cloth and sniff it." The wolf ordered and tightened his grip more, almost cutting of the husky's air.

Rob quickly grabbed the bottle and opened it, picking up the piece of cloth and pouring some of the liquid onto it. He hesitated for a bit, but knew that if he didn't do it his friend would die. These guys didn't make empty threats. His dad's leg was proof of that.

The wolf grinned widely as he saw the other wolf sniff the cloth. He loved the way that stuff worked. It dropped them almost instantly.

Now that Rob was unconscious, he turned his attention toward the husky. He let go of him and pushed him forward, sending him tumbling to the floor.

Jay landed on his side, getting the air knocked out of him. He gripped his own throat and gasped in the precious air. Suddenly, his scruff was grabbed and he was pulled to his feet, facing the wolf.

"Awww, did the little puppy hurt himself?" The wolf teased and dragged the husky over to Rob's unconscious form. "You're up, puppy." He said and forced the husky to his knees, picking up the piece of cloth and holding it in front of him. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt." He said and pressed it onto Jay's nose, holding it there until the husky went limp in his grip.

He stepped over to the grocery bag on the floor, grabbing the handles and carrying it over to the counter over by the kitchen part of the room. He opened it and looked inside, smiling a bit to himself. "Well, what do you know... He had pizza!" He said to himself and chuckled as he walked over to the oven and put it on heating.

While waiting for the oven to heat, he walked over to the couch and sat down, reaching into one of his pockets and fishing out a cellphone. He flipped it open and pressed a speed dial, raising it to his ear and waiting for an answer. "Hey, Jake. It's done. Got the kid, and another one too. Roomie," He spoke.

"Good, I'll send a car over right now. You did good, C."

The wolf flipped the phone closed, getting up to check on the oven. Damn, it was already heated. "What kinda hi-tech place is this?" He thought to himself, but didn't really ponder over it. He got the pizza box and opened it, putting the food in the oven and closing it, getting back on the couch. He put his feet on the table, sighing deeply. "Old fucker better give me a bonus for this..."


Meanwhile, somewhere outside the city.


"James, get a cage ready for some new merchandise. Make it a small one."

"Alright, Sir. Anything special for them?"

"Collar and leash, for both"

"I'll make sure it's ready for when they arrive."

"Good, get going then. Oh, and tell "Brand" to send up that new one. The kid, I want to meet him. How old was he again? And his name?"

"He's twelve. Don't have a name, just call him pup."

"Alright, now get going. I'm sure they'll be here soon."


About thirty minutes later, back at the apartment.


"So... We gotta carry 'em down the stairs?" A hyena asked.

He was the one who was coming to pick them up and drop them off back at the house.

"Yea, just let me finish here first." The wolf said, smirking over at the hyena as he ate the last bite of pizza and stood up. "Which one do you want?" He asked.

"I'll take the little one." The hyena replied, nodding over at the husky. He walked over and grabbed the husky's waist, tossing him over his shoulder. He groaned a bit and looked over at the wolf. "Well come on, lazy bastard."

The wolf smirked and flipped him off, then walked over to the other wolf and tossed him over his shoulder, following the hyena down the stairs and out into the parking lot. They walked over to a black van, parked just outside the entrance, laying the two canines down in the back.

They both got in and drove off, heading for the house where they stored all the slaves. Some just called it "The Market".


Back at "The Market"


"Damn, I had to get the heavy one." The hyena complained.

"Huskies have thicker coats, of course he's heavier, numbnuts..." The wolf replied, grinning a bit. The wolf he was carrying was pretty slim and not heavy at all.

"Whatever. Next time you get the heavy one." The hyena added, turning around a corner, stopping in front of a door. He opened it and stepped through, walking down the stairs beyond the frame.

The wolf shrugged and followed the hyena, walking down into a badly lighted room. "We gonna take 'em to the cages right away?" He asked.

"Hmm... I think I wanna have some fun with them first..." The hyena replied, a wide smirk spreading across his face.

"No. We're not supposed to damage the merchandise." The wolf said. "I think the husky is a virgin. Do you know how much money the boss gets for virgins?"

"How about the wolf? He doesn't look like a virgin..." The hyena smirked.

"Hmm... Is he stretched already?"

The hyena smirked wider, laying the husky down on the floor. "I'll check..."

"Hah! Right... Like I'd give you the pleasure..." The wolf said and laughed as he lay the wolf down on his stomach. He crouched down over him and grinned as he reached for the strap of his pants. He hooked his index fingers on either side of the wolf's waist and pulled his pants down just under his rump, grinning widely. "Damn... How firm is this? I could pound this little bitch all day." He murred. He grabbed the wolf's right asscheek with his paw, pulling it away from the other cheek. He reached his other paw to rub slowly, but roughly, in the wolf's crack, between those firm little cheeks. He put his index and middle finger together, slowly rubbing them against the wolf's tailhole. It was loose. The wolf had obviously been busy lately...

The wolf nodded, keeping that wide grin on his face. "Ok, but we gotta be quick. Boss is expecting them soon."

The hyena nodded, and without another word, he pulled down his pants, leaving the strap underneath his heavy sac. He got on his knees in front of the wolf, grabbing his limp muzzle and lifting it up. He eased his index finger and thumb between the wolf's teeth, grabbing his upper muzzle with his other paw to open his muzzle fully. He started rubbing the wolf's muzzle against his big sheat, feeling his cock throb wildly within it.

The wolf chuckled and gave the sleeping wolf a swap on his ass, grinning as he pulled down his pants as well, leaving them just above his knees, now kneeling behind the other wolf. He grabbed the wolf's hips and lifted him up, keeping his ass high. Slowly, he started rubbing his sheat between the wolf's cheeks. He moaned as his cock started working it's way out, giving the wolf's ass another swap.


Meanwhile, the unconscious wolf (Rob, for those who don't remember) was slowly waking up, feeling a sting in his asscheeks. As he opened his eyes, he felt something strange going on with his muzzle, and his ass. He didn't mind it. The feeling was familiar, and he loved it. He moaned softly, or, at least tried to. When he finally got his vision back he yelped a bit, seeing only some brown fur and black pubes. Worst thing was, he couldn't move! The liquid still hadn't worn off, and he couldn't move his arms, or his legs. He felt a sharp pain just below his tail.

He was being raped! And he couldn't even do anything!

"Well well, look who's finally waking up..." He heard someone say, but he couldn't look up. Hell, he could barely keep his eyes open!

"Just in time for our fun too. How lucky this little bitch is..." He heard someone else say. This voice coming from behind him.

He yelped out around the thick meat in his muzzle, feeling a huge member work it's way into his tight tailhole. Sure, he was stretched, but he still felt that exotic mix of pleasure and pain.

"Damn, the bitch likes it! Just look how much he relaxes." He heard that voice from behind say, and immediatley felt a rough slap hit his right asscheek. He let out a muffled yelp and pushed forward, taking more of the pre-dripping meat into his muzzle.

"Mmm... I think you're right..." He heard the voice from above say, feeling the grip on his muzzle tighten, the cock slowly working it's way in and out of his muzzle, and slowly gaining speed. He was getting muzzle-fucked.

What was weird was: He enjoyed it... He enjoyed being raped!

Rob closed his eyes and let out a muffled moan around the meat, tightening his tailhole and starting to suckle.

He let himself go, and didn't even try to stop what was happening.

The hyena was rolling his eyes and moaning loudly. His head was tilted upwards, his tongue hanging from hos muzzle. He was enjoying the sloppy blowjob he was getting from the limp bitch, and was going to take advantage of him for as long as he could. He grabbed his scruff and started to slam into the bitch's throat, feeling his climax approach rapidly.

The wolf was quickly gaining speed in his fucking, having hilted himself fully and pulled out many times. He groaned and moaned each time he hilted himself again, feeling the tight rectum of the bitch tightening even more around his meat was about to send him over the edge.

Rob himself was starting to feel his load build up. That familiar feeling of pressure starting to grow in the base of his cock. He was using his paws to steady himself now, having started to manage moving his arms now, pushing back against the thrusts of the horny wolf claiming him. The cock in his mouth was throbbing wildly, and he did his best to make it shoot that load of hot cum down his throat.

The first to go was the hyena. He pulled out of Rob's muzzle and shot his load all over the wolfs face, giving him a good mouthfull of his thick seed too. Which the wolf eagerly swallowed, moaning loudly as he licked his lips to get any remains of the cum into his muzzle.

The wolf was next. He pulled out and slammed himself in as hard as he could, grinding the tip of his cock against the Rob's prostate. His cock spasmed wildly before shooting it's huge load. He tilted his head back and let out a strangled howl, trying not to make too much noise so they wouldn't get detected.

Rob was last to go. The load he was building was bigger than the others, and it was quickly making it's way to the tip of his cock. Suddenly, he gasped and yelped as he felt his cock grabbed tightly. A paw was stopping his load from shooting. He looked over his shoulder to see the other wolf grinning at him.

"We don't leave any evidence, and I'm not about to clean the floor of Wolfie cum, bitch." The wolf said, tightening his grip even more, making Rob hiss loudly through his teeth.

He was so close to climaxing, but he just couldn't get sent over the edge.

Rob looked up at the hyena, almost begging for him to do something. All he got was a smirk and a teasefull slap across his face with the thick 'yena meat. "Hes right. We'd get in big trouble if anyone were to find out. And you don't want that, do you?" He asked, chuckling as he pulled out a napkin from his inner pocket, using it to clean the wolf's face.

Rob just whimpered and lowered his head, not wanting to think about what the two would do to him if anyone found out.

"Alright, let's get them to the cage." The wolf said. "You're gonna make a good pet, bitch." He added, slapping the Rob's ass again.

Rob moaned softly, his ass getting a little pink and soar from the slaps and pounding.


Later, in the pens.


Jason let out a soft whimper as he finally opened his eyes, having the worst head-ache he could remember. After shaking his head a bit, he tried looking around, but couldn't see anything. The room was completely dark. He shifted a bit and tried sitting up, but slammed his head into what felt like iron bars. He yelped and lay back down, rubbing his head.

He was confused, and scared. Where the hell was he?

Suddenly, a door opened.

Jason closed his eyes, the light stinging them.

"Well, look who's up..." He heard someone say.

When he opened his eyes again, he whimpered.

There was no way this could be good...