a werewolfs love - chapter3

Story by Kendrick on SoFurry

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Things begin to heat up in this one

It must have been a while because to police man tapped Steve on the shoulder and said, "Hey kid you okay?" Steve quickly shook his head as if try to clear it, "yes I'm fine". The man looked thought full then said, "You seemed to be really interested in that shape is it...." Steve ignored the rest of what the man was saying and began to go back to what he was doing before the police man had interrupted him. In the middle of his house was an enormous carving in the floor, the carving was of a wolf eating the heart a wolf that he had killed. Parts of the image had blood dripping from it, his parent's blood. This image and the combined hatred of whatever did this began to make Steve very disoriented, and angry. After a few moments of trying to hold it back Steve decided that he should let his other half out of the cage. "Excuse me for a moment." Steve said in a slightly deeper voice. The police man looked like he wanted to argue, but Steve quickly said, "Please I have to be alone." The man sighed and nodded still shocked at the request, and how deep the boys' voice had gotten. Faster than Steve thought possible he ran to his room, and shut the door. The moment he heard the "click" letting him know the door was locked he morphed. His normal features changed his brown hair began to fall out and his normally green eyes began to get fogy, and his skin which had a nice tan began to get blotches. His back legs slowly turned to large muscular hind legs. Each foot became about three times its normal size, and his foot already being a size 13 became huge. As his body began to shift Steve felt the wearied sensation he always did when his chest began to expand as his ribs cracked only to re-morph even bigger. As this happened though Steve realized he had not undressed, and his clothes were ripping and falling of his body into pieces.

After about a minute Steve was in his wolf form. He carefully made his way over to the mirror to examine himself. The first thing he noticed as always was the color of his fur. He was a pitch black werewolf, his fur was a shade of black so dark that even running around on a starless night when the moon was giving no light he could still see himself. As he continued to look over his body he looked at his eyes which always where one of three colors. Red, black, or gold as they normally were, his eyes were red. His muzzle came about nine inches from his face with a black nose, and he had gleaming white fangs inside of his muzzle. His hands which were once small and smoothed, are know covered in fur with long three inch claws coming out of each finger. The pads on his palms were ruff and hard to break through so he could run around as much as he wanted, and on any surface. He stood at around twelve and a half to thirteen feet tall. He had a six pack, and was very, very muscular. He was around five feet in width and he could easily turn a truck over with one paw.

Steve now began to raise his room to the ground. First thing he did is going to his bed, and quickly shredded his mattress; leaving nothing but a pile of stuffing, foam, and fabric. He soon began to get carried away though, and threw his dresser at the window with enough force that it not only missed the window, but shattered against the wall above it leaving some pieces of wood sticking out of the wall. His clothes were every were some on the bed others on the destroyed carpet and some were shredded between his claws.

Eventually Steve calmed down enough that he was able to think clearly again. When he looked around his room he saw that it was in tatters. He gazed at the destruction that was once his room, he saw that his window was now shattered and his curtains were nowhere to be seen. When he looked toward the area where his desk normally was all he saw was an indent in the carpet. Some parts of the carpet were even gone. At the sight of this mess he nearly fell over laughing. 'Well the other me certainly knows how to relieve stress' he thought. He decided to relax for a bit and sit on his bed, or what was left of it.

As time went by Steve realized that his whole reason for coming back here was nearly forgotten. 'I have to get the scent of whoever did this.' As he stood up he took a deep breath in from his nose, but all he could smell was himself. 'Oh this is just great I have managed to destroy all the scent on this side of the house.' He decided it would be good ideas to check down stairs were the police man should be waiting. He got up, and began to make his way down the hall, but he stopped half way as he heard a strange noise. As he listened closer he realized it was a low rumbling growl; he quickly scanned the hall, but saw nothing. As the growl persisted Steve realized that it was coming from down stairs. 'What's happening!' he thought in panic; he felt a cold pit begin to spread in his stomach. 'What if the cop is what killed my parents.' He immediately felt his body start to shift but then begrudgingly he got himself back under control with one thought. 'The cop was the same one trying to talk to him when the creature was in my roof.'

Steve continued to make way down the hall till he reached the stairs. Just as he reached the stairs he heard a roar that was so loud he had to cover his ears. The moment the roar began there was a gun shot, then another, and another. He continued to here gunfire until he heard the cop yell, "No fuck... ahahaha." Then there was silence, even more cautious than before Steve began to walk down the stairs. When he reached the end he took a deep breath and peered around the corner. What he saw made him want to throw up. In the middle of the kitchen there was the carving and the cop lying in the center with his throat ripped out, and a steady stream of blood coming from it. The blood` was being funneled throughout the carving and meeting with his parent's blood to make the now dark crusted blood get lighter. As Steve surveyed the scene he noticed something. The cop's chest was also bloody, and on closer look you could see his ribs. Then the true horror appeared the creature that he had seen on his roof walked in, and it looked like it was grinning. In its right paw he could see something red and dripping blood. Then the creature bent down and put it next to the cop's body. Know Steve actually did puke. What the creature had put down was the cop's heart, and it was still beating. The creature appeared to have heard him puke because it quickly began to make its way to him. As fast as he could Steve ran up the stairs, and back into his room. The moment he closed the door there was an impact strong enough to not only make the door have a large crack, but the hinges began to fall off, and the doorknob fell off as well. Steve had to think fast a whirled around only to see the one thing that might keep him alive, his window. Fast as lightning Steve jumped out the window and landed on the ground with a large thud. Steve than ran into the bushes, and sat there wondering what to do next. Then it hit him, 'I'm a werewolf' he thought. He began to concentrate on changing, but he began to feel the same thing he had earlier, and he realized 'I can change!' He began to panic, what could he do know it was only a matter of moments before the creature realized he was down here, and came to kill him. Then he heard a soft voice barley addible say, "Steve it's your mentor, get the fuck over here!" Immediately Steve began to walk through the bushes until he came across a man. He had dirty blond hair, and green eyes just like Steve. His beard was short and he was crouched in a defensive position. "We have to get out of here." His mentor said, but Steve hesitated maybe his mentor could kill it. The man must have anticipated this because he said, "I understand you want revenge, but this neither the time, nor the place. We have to move!" Reluctantly Steve followed his mentor to his car which was three houses down from his. The moment Steve climbed into the passenger seat a wave of exestuation hit him. He looked at his mentor who had just climbed into the driver's seat, and the man nodded and said, "Get your rest." With that Steve closed his eyes, and let the familiar tug of his dreams take him.