Hell of a day

Story by Black_Fang on SoFurry

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It's been one hell of a day-

Starting so early in the morning you hear the annoyance of the alarm clock screeching in your ear. Time to get up and get moving, it's always the same routine. Find some clothes, shower, dry off, dress, eat, and leave for work. Your ride is uneventful as always, nothing really ever happens on the highways you happen to take. The scenery's been done to death, the same cheerful sunny farmlands to the left, the interspersed pastures and woods to the right. Your concentration isn't really directed anywhere in particular. It's all engraved in the never ending cycle of monotony you call 'supporting' yourself.

Your work is a business one; your cubicle matches the many others you see spanning across the many rows in your work area. The thought of a colony of bees or ants entertains you as you faintly notice the comparison from wilds of nature to the wilds of a corporation. You smile and wave at your co-workers as you prepare yet another 'great' day of crunching numbers and sipping coffee but, something flashes within your memory: He was there last night. You shake away your daydreams and continue to further bury yourself in the mounds of papers that need to be done by the time you leave. The hours drag on slowly as your eyes frantically glimpse from your monitor to the clock and back again. Why is it always so slow an hour before close, you ponder. What seems like an eternity finally slips by and before the minute hand can reach the 12, you already have your tail out the door.

It only takes moments for you to briskly walk to the parking lot and back into the comfort of your car. Even though you've been sitting all day whilst you worked, the gentle give of the leather coupled with the force you drop is sheer ecstasy. You collect your thoughts as you start your car. It hums to life and responds quickly as you back up, shift, and head to the exit of the lot. You groan in anguish as you watch car after car whiz by. With it being five, on top of work being near the busiest intersection in town, it was going to be a while before there was any hope of getting out. He saw me there, his eyes were so beautiful. You snap back to attention as your car lurches forward at top speed. You consider yourself lucky that there was an opening, despite having to cut off the fur behind you.

While keeping your eyes on the road ahead, your reach out to your glove compartment and fish around for something. You smile as your hand grasps a small white card. "Rugged Paw Gym" It was a promotional card with seven stampable spots, each good for one free day of training. There were already three stamps across the card, and you knew that you wouldn't quit until they were used up. The gym had a great feel to it; everyone was friendly and willing to work by your side with every aspect of your training. It was a new place, so everything was top of the line which was why you had decided to try it out in the first place.

The trip there is uneventful; same pasture, same woods, same everything. You pull into the parking lot and look up at the massive building. Butterflies assault your stomach as your mind reels into inner thoughts What if he's here again, I wonder if...I guess it's possible "no" you say slowly to yourself, as you brush away the thought and dismiss the butterflies. You advance into the gym, the smell of the new building wafts through the air, but that's not the only scent you catch. Sweat, and the smell of hard work dance across your nose, so many furs are here. The inside of the gym looks amazing, new age weight machines lined the first floor; the air shuddered with the sounds of clanking metal and defiant grunts. You look upward and see all of the cardiovascular machines lined up to take advantage of the large windows on either side of the facility. Your eye locks upon a fox taking his time on one of the exercise bikes. His muscular legs pumped back and forth in the rhythm of the cycle, you watch the white fur under his low cut shirt heave in and out; his eyes were narrow and he continued on in sheer defiance to fatigue. The third and final floor was merely a large track; you smile as you look up to see two teenage deer running along the track. It's obvious they're boyfriend and girlfriend by the way they look at one another; you can't help but giggle at the sight of the young lady scolding her beloved for his lack of physical fitness.

You begin your walk toward the front desk. Your mind soon settles down from its bewilderment and you set to work trying to find the reason you came here: the pool. You quickly get your ticket stamped and ask for directions. He receptionist points toward a door with a "men's" sign on it and explains how to get to the pool from there: "what you need to do is go through there and get yourself changed into your suit, from there you'll need to go to the back of the locker room and through the showering area, there's a door on your left right past it, you can't miss it." You thank her and head toward the locker room. Once inside you quickly remove your shirt and stuff it into a locker, making sure nobody was looking you quickly remove your pants and replace them with your trunks. You start toward the shower and gulp hard at the sound of a running spicket. You head back and begin to look for the door to the pool. Out of the corner of your eye, you see who it was that was bathing. A chestnut stallion was staring distractedly at the tiled wall gently lathering his short soft fur. He was too busy tending to himself to notice you looking at him. His hands moved in a circular motion further and further down his body, gently working in the shampoo he'd applied. The gentle hands soon reached between his legs, the horse rubbed his sheath slowly, you watch contently as his flaccid cock gradually slipped down and began to grow at his careful touch. You feel tightness in your trunks as your own meat throbs longingly for attention. Your attention is quickly averted when he turns your way. His face turns a light shade of pink as his hands move quickly back up his body. "Looking for the pool" he asks, you nod, and he gingerly points toward a door at the end of the shower room. You thank him and continue on your way.

The water's a bit cold, but it's something you've used to. It takes a few moments before you work up the resolve to fully immerse yourself in the water. Nobody else is there, aside from the lifeguard and you. It seems a little odd but you dismiss it on the assumption that it IS a new gym and perhaps not many people knew they had a pool, since it was fairly difficult to find. Back and forth your go, lap after lap go by. Your body is still at ideal temperature but soon you feel the strain of working so many muscles at once. You deem it rather lucky that the hot tub is roughly ten steps out of the pool. The warmth of the water and the powerful jets lull your body into a sublime state of comfort. You feel as though your aches and pains dissolved into the water itself. Despite how awesome it feels, you know that it can't last. You pick yourself out of the hot tub and leap headlong into the pool. The contrast in temperature snaps your eyes open, and sends your muscles into high gear. Your once aching arms now feel strong enough to continue for another mile if they had to. You swim away the hours and soon afternoon turns to evening and evening turns to dusk. Finally, you get out of the pool and shake the water from your fur. You feel worn out but there's just something missing. The hot tub was nice but it looks as though the lifeguard's calling it a night.

You mosey back through the showers; half hoping that horse would have still been there. It dawns on you that there's another room off to the side of the pool entrance. You peek your head inside, only to be greeted by a windy blast of warm steam. A sauna! The vacant room was a large square with a medium sized bed of coals sitting at the center. Lining the sides were large wooden benches for furs to sit back and relax in the warmth of the steam. At head level, there were several cubby's with fluffy white towels stacked neatly inside. The things were sealed, so no steam could get in to dampen the towels, you smile; impressed as well as grateful for something dry to go across your lap. You quickly shed your trunks and toss them aside, in favor for the warm towel. It doesn't take long before you find all of the necessities of the room, along with a nice comfy spot to sit. You lean back and enjoy the gentle but oppressive heat of the little wooden room.

Your head snaps forward as the door gently slides open, your jaw almost drops at what you see. It's him! I don't how this is happening...but he's here out from the door steps one of the most well muscled canine you'd ever seen. A grey and white husky, his muscles were perfectly shaped, perfectly toned. It was obvious that he'd been working out for years judging by how fit he truly was. He walks slowly past you, to the cubby. After picking out a towel for himself he returned to the other side of the room adjacent to where you were currently sitting. He gave you one mischievous look as he pulled down his pants to get into his towel. The pale blue sweat shorts slid slowly off along with the boxers underneath. Slowly his sheath revealed itself. It was proportional to his physique, truly large in girth; you could only imagine how big his cock was. It wasn't long till the shorts slipped past his equally large balls, which rustled back and forth from the swift removal of his pants. Something was odd though, you couldn't help but wonder why it was that he didn't turn away from you at the very least. You make your best effort to disguise your frequent peeks at his impressive package. It was almost as if he wanted you to see it though. You quickly dismissed the thought and feigned interest in getting more water on the coals. The canine wrapped his torso in the towel and sat there. His gentle blue eyes were like a beacon; quickly your eyes met his and couldn't look away. He smiled as his long tongue licked across his muzzle.

"Y'know, I've seen you eyeing me in the lockers now and again, you're new here aren't you?"

You freeze at the sound of his voice "y-yeah, I'm a new guy I guess...I don't really work out a whole lot though, it's a really nice place though...I'm definitely going to get a membership." You say.

The husky's smile broadened "That's good to hear, I'm one of the regulars who comes here, you've got a lot of potential with that body of yours"

You blush at his comment, but there's something about his smile that makes your fur stand on end, "Thanks", you reply back to him.

He continued to stare, as his voice got lower "but if you're going to roll with the big dogs, you need to learn your place in the pecking order"

Whatever it was you were planning on saying vanished immediately following the buff husky's comment. You watch with anxiety as the canine reaches down and pulls off the towel on his lap. His sheath emerged, again in plain view. You don't even attempt to hide your lust. You stare forward, completely transfixed at his sheath and balls sagging gently over the bench he lay propped on. You already feel your own cock hardening and emerging from it's sheath. He holds out and outstretched paw and beckons you over with a single finger.

"Well we haven't got all day, and it's not going to suck itself now is it?" the husky chided

You slowly walk forward, the towel wrapped around you instantly slides off revealing your own rock hard cock. The husky's crystal blue eyes stare down at your own package and then return to meet your gaze.

"Kneel" he said

You get down on one knee, and then the other. There, in front of your face is his gigantic sheath and balls. He looks at you impatiently and then up at the ceiling. His legs stretch fully open, inviting you to start at any time. You don't waste a second thought. Immediately one hand cups the furry balls, you feel their gentle warmth as you massage them tenderly. At the same time, you run your tongue up the length of his sheath, his body quivers as a tip of his cock emerges from the sheath. Your left hand continues to massage his balls as your take your right and wrap it around his throbbing sheath. You move it up and down, slowly at first; just to get his excited. You feel the warmth of the flesh within and the smoothness of his soft white fur as your hand slides up and down its length. More and more of his cock begins to emerge from the massive sheath. You decide to pick up the pace, moving your hand at a brisk pace, stopping to feel the growing of a throbbing knot at the base of the sheath. You continue until half of his cock's revealed itself. At that point you close your eyes and breathe. Opening your mouth you slide it around the husky's swollen and still growing member. You almost gag at first as you overestimated the first mouthful and let it's long shaft reach the far end of your throat. You move your tongue up and down his glans, noting with satisfaction that his body shuddered with each successive lick. It was warm and somewhat salty with a small hint of metal. You pause for a moment and remove his throbbing rod from your mouth. You smile in delight as you move your probing muzzle to where you were working with his balls. You gingerly wrap your muzzle around the two orbs and brush your tongue against his fur. He moans gently and you figure he must be near climax, your hands continue where your mouth had left off; gently massaging up and down his shaft. The gently slip and stick of pre met your hands, which you gladly massaged back into his throbbing cock. You finish with his balls and slowly slide them out of your muzzle, letting them ride across the entire length of your tongue. Immediately you go right back to sucking his penis. At this point he's gotten up and has placed his warm paws on your head. He grunts gently as he countermeasures your sucks with his own thrusts.

"ohh, ohhh" he moans to himself

You can feel it coming, more and more pre is oozing out of his tip. Any second now he'd reach climax. You brace yourself against his hips, eagerly accepting the giant cock that slides with ease in and out of your throat. His body shudders and you feel the jets of cum working their way into your gaping maw. His moans grew louder and louder as he emptied everything he had into your waiting muzzle. Finally his moans shrank to gentle murmurs as he pulled his member from your mouth. He slumps back on the bench, utterly spent from the ordeal. You take the opportunity to tend to your own needs. You wipe some of the cum that escaped off your cheeks and chest, gathering enough; you set to work on your own tool. To begin to pump your shaft while a pair of crystal blue eyes stare at you from behind. Without warning, a pair of strong arms grabs you from under your own two arms. The huskey hoists you up and sits you on his lap. Your lower body straddles his as you slowly slide toward his still engorged (and still growing) penis.

"You helped me" he whispered "I might as well return the favor"

A strong paw wraps around your cock. It trails up and down quickly. It's not unpleasant but you can tell by the way he's massaging you that this one is seldom the submissive type. The events prior and this new feeling are still more than enough stimulation. Your body becomes wracked with pleasure as the mounting sensation of bursting forth draws nearer and nearer. It finally hits the apex of pleasure, the husky gives a low growling chuckle as your moan loudly, and the pleasure is inescapable. Ropes of cum shoot from your cock and splatter across the floor. You and the husky lay spent; sprawled across the bench in the little sauna.

He leans forward and whispers in your ear "welcome to the gym"

-you were right...it's really been one hell of a day.