I Think You Dropped This...

Story by JonathanFalmouth on SoFurry

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#2 of Fox Meets Wolf

Whoo! Sorry that took so long folks, my editor was on vacation! Anywho, hope you all enjoy this, I'm pleased with the way it turned out, and I hope you are too!


Fuzzy stood outside an ugly, stained green door set in an apartment complex in downtown Almond City. He pulled the brown leather wallet from his pocket and checked the little card inside once more.

"If found, return to Jonathan Falmouth, Sunset Avenue Apartments, Apartment 26b."

He looked back up and checked the number above the locked mailbox again. 26b. He nodded to himself and raised a paw, delivering a few smart raps to the door. He stood a moment and waited patiently. A few seconds later, he heard the patter of bare paws moving across carpet towards the door, and a muffled voice calling, "Just a second!"

The door opened inward and the fox started when he saw who had knocked. He blushed in slight embarrassment at his attire, which consisted of a pair of baggy sweatpants and a towel wrapped around his still-wet blond hair. Fuzzy's eyes swept appreciatively over the fluffy, cream-colored chest fur a moment before moving his gaze to the fox's eyes and holding up the leather wallet with a grin.

"You dropped this the other day."

"Ah, I see...well, thank you." The fox nodded dumbly, taking the wallet and tossing it onto a small table behind him. "Er...want to come inside?"

The fox moved aside, gesturing at his meager looking living room. The small area was dominated by a fairly nice computer on a raised coffee table in front of a ratty couch. There appeared to be piles of clothes next around everything. Apparently they were clean though, because the room didn't smell too bad, considering the building it was in. Some softcore alternative band was playing over the computer's speakers, giving the room a certain peacefulness amidst all the chaos.

"Sure." Fuzzy murmured with a lazy grin, and stepped over the threshold into the small apartment.

"It's not much, but, hey, it's only four hundred a month. I can't really complain." Jon said with a slight shrug, moving to the couch and shoving a stack of books off to the side, sending a few spilling to the floor. He straightened up and gestured to the couch, "You wanna sit down while I grab something to drink?"

"Alright." the wolf nodded and settled down onto the brownish couch.

The fox left for the kitchen with a slight hop-skip to his step, "Does he always walk like that?" the wolf asked himself, then blinked when the fox called from the kitchen, "You want something to drink?"

"Got anything strong, hon?" Fuzzy asked, a smile tugging at the corner of his muzzle.

"Er, well, not really. I don't drink much, so the only thing I've got is this bottle of vodka my brother gave me for my twenty-first birthday..."

"That'll do, grab that and some orange juice and we'll be in business." Fuzzy said with a grin.

Jon came bustling out of the kitchen with two shot glasses and two highball glasses (also presents from his brother) held precariously in one paw, a carton of orange juice in the other, and the bottle of vodka secured tentatively between his arm and his ribs. His now towel-less hair swung in the air as he made his way carefully over to the coffee table, sending droplets of water everywhere.

"Here." He said as he placed the items on the table and shifted around the table to plop down next to Fuzzy on the couch. "Orange juice is pulpless, hope you don't mind."

"Doesn't bother me." the wolf nodded as he picked up the bottle and twisted the cheap plastic cap off, then poured a shot in each glass. He put the cap back on and grabbed the juice carton, filling the highballs two thirds full before adding the vodka., "It's called a screwdriver, give it a try."

Jon took the glass and swirled it around for a moment, watching the liquid slosh around its glass prison. He frowned and looked up to Fuzzy, who just gave him a lazy smile and downed his drink with practiced ease. The fox took a deep breath and tossed his back in imitation of the wolf, and gagged, making a gruesome face, "That tastes terrible..."


"I feel nice." Jon mumbled, his face placid and stupidly content. His belly and toes felt warm, and the vile taste seemed to have faded since the last drink. He blinked in slight, general confusion and sort of tipped over, leaning his head on Fuzzy's arm, "Your arm feels comfy..."

Fuzzy smiled outwardly, but inside he was laughing. The fox had taken two shots, with almost a half an hour between them, and he was drunk. He was a lightweight. Jon suddenly hefted himself up from his restful position as the music died down, the playlist coming to an end.

"Dammit..." Jon mumbled as he stood up awkwardly, then promptly lost his balance and fell back onto the couch.

Fuzzy smiled and steadied him, putting a paw on his shoulder, "You okay Jon? You're looking a little...drunk."

"I'm no' drunk." Jon muttered shaking his head slowly, and struggling to rise to his feet again, "jus' a li'l dizzy..."

The wolf chuckled and pulled him back onto his seat, rubbing his shoulder soothingly, "I think maybe you should just sit down for a while then."

"Yeah..." Jon nodded, leaning against the wolf's arm again; his eyes slipped shut and he smiled, nuzzling against the gray arm supporting him. "You're nice Fuzzy..."

Fuzzy smiled softly and nodded, scritching the fox behind his largish ears.

"An'...an' I wish I hadn't chickened out...back at the club," the fox murmured, his tail wagging slowly as he tilted his head into the scritching, "I wish I'd stayed an'...you know...with you..."

"It's not too late.." the wolf whispered, his lips suddenly tantalizingly close to Jon's big, sensitive ears.

Jon suppressed a shudder of delight as he felt the warm breath wash over the inside of his perky ear, tickling the sparse hair and moistening the flesh. He gasped as he felt the wolf's long tongue sink into his ear, lapping all around the trembling orange triangle and sending electric jolts down his body. The wolf bit down gently and tugged on the fox's ear, his teeth pinching the skin and drawing a low moan from him, his small body melting against the wolf's muscular frame. Fuzzy smiled and pulled the fox into his lap, his lips and teeth playing over the ear as he ground his tongue inside it, hitting every wonderful nerve and leaving the fox gasping for breath.

Jon let out a soft moan as the wolf's deft paws found their way to his fluffy, tufted chest; the wolf's fingers ran through the cream-colored fur, hovering around the little pink nubs as he teased the fox unmercifully. Jon's nipples stiffened under the assault of those skilled black pads rubbing and pinching them until he squirmed in the larger fur's lap.

Jon gave a soft murmur as he felt of those wonderful paws begin sliding down his thin, undefined stomach and stop just above his swelling sheath, still obscured by his sweat pants. He rolled his hips slightly, a low whine spilling from him as his pink foxhood peeked its tip out and pushed against the constraining fabric.

"Not yet foxy...you've got to earn it..." The wolf whispered into the poor fox's ear, making him blush bright red to the tips of his ears.


"By being a good little fox." Fuzzy growled very softly and nipped his throat, sliding the slim frame down until the fox was kneeling between his legs His nose flooded with the musky scent of male arousal. It was a pungent, cloying scent that drove all thoughts of "decency" and safety from his mind. He didn't care anymore, all the fox wanted was to bury his nose in the wolf's crotch fur and breathe in the intoxicating aroma.

Jon stared at the bulging jeans, the tip of his pink tongue hanging out of his muzzle, as a droplet of drool hit the floor.

"Go on hon, I know you want to." Fuzzy smirked, his paws finding the small fox's ears and tugging gently on them, his thumbs massaging the insides.

Jon nodded dumbly and raised his trembling paws to the faded jeans. He pinched the zipper between two fingers and tugged it down slowly, shivering at the sound it made as it neared the bottom. Next, his clever little fingers quickly undid the button and pulled the flaps apart to reveal a pair of silky, black boxers with a small wet stain at the apex of the quivering bulge that distended them so beautifully.

The fox tugged the boxers down with sudden impatience, letting the rock-hard wolf cock swing free and slap against his chin, leaving a bit of precum on his tufted fur. He extended his tongue slowly, letting the end brush against the pleasantly warm head, gathering a droplet of precum and closing his eyes as he rolled it into his mouth. He heard a soft murmur from the wolf as his cute little tongue brushed over the pulsing flesh, "Good fox..."

Jon blushed and slipped his lips around the very end of it and probed at the cum-slit with this tongue-tip. He pursed his lips and suckled at it like a bottle, his trembling paws slipping up the baggy leg of the wolf's boxers to fondle the heavy sac there, still trapped beneath the fabric. The other paw wrapped around the base and gave the steadily forming knot a gentle squeeze, eliciting a groan from the wolf.

"Mmm, good so far foxy...keep going, and you'll get your treat." Fuzzy grinned as his cheeks flushed slightly and his paws continued to fondle and squeeze Jon's big ears.

Jon's spine tingled as he shut his eyes and began bobbing his head, slipping his wet, clamping muzzle over the length of the shaft until his lips pushed against the top of the lupine knot, kissing the swollen bulb. The feel of those hot, wet lips pressed against his knot caused the wolf to tip back his head and moan softly, his paws squeezing the fox's ears as he tugged the slick muzzle deeper, until the little black nose was pressed against his musky crotch, forcing the cute fox to fit the engorged bulb past his lips. With help from the wolf's controlling paws the fox began bobbing his muzzle up and down the thick shaft, nearly gagging every time the bloated head slipped down his throat.

Fuzzy felt an orgasm approaching, he felt his balls rolling up and his cock spasming, ready to release a sticky mess down the cute fox's throat. He tugged back, firmly, but gently and groaned as the small muzzle came off his knot with a pop and left his glistening shaft quivering, oozing precum that stuck to the fox's lips as he panted and looked up with a cute, almost innocent look on his face. Fuzzy almost blew his load there, images of the fox's cum-stained face, coated with his thick seed flashed through his mind, but he forced them down and kept himself under control.

"Climb up here Foxy." He commanded with a toothy, very wolfish smile as he pulled Jon up onto his lap and settled him down so his rump cheeks rested on either side of the hot, throbbing wolfhood.

"I bet you want this, don't you foxy?" He whispered in the fox's ear, tickling it once more with his tongue.

The fox nodded quickly, whimpering as he slid himself up and down the shaft between his cheeks, trying to get his tailhole over it. The wolf gripped his shoulder and rump, forcing him to stay still, "What do you say?"

"P...please..." Jon said quietly, lapping at the wolf's chest as he tried to hump the cock behind him.

"Louder hon, or else I can't here you."

"Please! Please, I need to f-feel you inside me!" Jon yelped suddenly, his green eyes staring up at the wolf, pleading, desperate.

Fuzzy smirked and kissed the fox between the ears, murmuring, "Good boy..." as he lifted the fox's slim hips, positioning him over the pulsing cock. The fox hiked his tail up, straight as he could, baring his tight pucker for the wolf. Fuzzy rumbled appreciatively at the feel of his sloppy cockhead rubbing against the ring of muscle, so tight and smooth. The wolf noticed how clean it felt, the fox must have made sure to wash himself out while he was showering. He grinned and slowly began pulling the fox down, impaling him steadily on the massive shaft.

Jon gave a moaning whimper, his body trembling as his cheek were forced apart and his backside was invaded. The wolf was so aroused from the muzzle job before that his prick was practically cumming already, making the entrance much easier, though no less tight. Both groaned in unison when the fat head popped inside, quickly followed by the length of wolf cock, all the way to the engorged knot.

Without another word, the fox began actively lifting his hips up and using the wolf's shoulders as leverage to shove himself back down, his stretched pucker pressing against the quivering knot each time. Fuzzy growled softly, closing his eyes as he grasped the skinny hips and helped the fox ride him, both delighting in the sucking sound the cock made every time it moved in and out. Each bob of the fox's small body over his wolfhood drove Fuzzy closer to orgasm, his balls roiling with imminent release.

He snarled suddenly and latched his fangs onto the fox's soft shoulder, sinking his teeth into the flesh. The fox gasped and threw his head back, crying out at the sudden mating bite. His muzzle fell to the wolf's shoulder, trembling violently as the wolf's knot was forced past the tight ring of muscle. With a few final thrusts of his hips, he tugged back, growling with lust as the fox's tight rear clamped down on the base of his knot. He threw his head back and howled sharply, his balls unloading ropes of sticky seed into the tight rear as the fox cried out and shot his own hot load onto the wolf's chest. The wolf wasn't finished though, and his arms squeezed the fox tight to his chest as his release continued, filling the fox with thick, musky cum until his stomach raised in a slight bulge.

Wolf and fox groan in unison as they slumped, the fox resting his muzzle on the wolf's chest, lapping gently at the fur there, still sticky with his own cum. Fuzzy stroked his back gently, cooing in his ear as he lapped at the blood spots welling up on the orange shoulder.

"Are you alright hon?" He murmured to the fox, kissing his cheek.

"Y-yeah...I'm fine." Jon said, smiling softly as he nuzzled Fuzzy's chest and murred. His tail wagged slowly behind him as the wolf stroked his back, planting a kiss between his large ears.

The fox yawned and let his eyes slips shut, mumbling something indistinct and curling his tail around his leg. His breathing slowed until it was even and calm, his fluffy chest rising and falling as he drifted off in the wolf's arms, still locked onto the slowly softening member inside him.

Fuzzy smiled, and settled back into the couch to let the little fox sleep. He'd certainly earned it. It would be a while before his knot came down anyways, so he just got comfortable and sat there, idly stroking the fox's head.

"Good boy..."