Races of Mundus-Felion

Story by MaxL8 on SoFurry

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Felion (fell-e-on)

A predominantly female race of hunters, the Felion is easily identified by their ears, which give them spectacular hearing ability, and their long tails, which result in an unparalleled sense of balance.


Like all cats, the Felion have great energy and curiosity and have being stereotyped as energetic mischief makers, whereby their inherent curiosity often gets them into trouble. Felion are not particularly brilliant, or charismatic, but due to their strength, dexterity, and agility, they are ideal for classes such as Ranger and Warrior.


Resembling humanoid cats and lions they have a brown fur color with ether browner strips or spots pattern and fur at the tip of their tail. The tails of the Felion give them an excellent sense of balance that no other race seems to be able to compare with. Their feline ears allow the Felion to possess an acute sense of hearing, and their ears also possess the ability to react in accordance to the Felion emotional state, much like cats. Stature wise the females are as tall as an average Human and males also as tall as their female counterparts.


Cunning and quick witted, the Felion have been Amazonian warriors and hunters since The Great Divide and their culture reflects this. The Felion form tribal communities, with each tribe overseen by a Chieftainess. Furthermore, these tribes are answerable to a single Tribal Chieftainess who acts as the society's ruler, governing the entire Felion community. Currently, there are two Tribal Chieftainesses, one in Wakomba and one in Ankh.

Due to the rarity of male Felion, the men stay at home to raise the children while the women formed the political and warrior classes.

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