The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 3-Africa,1965,Part 2

Story by Steven Dalma on SoFurry

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"Stevo, what happened to you?!" Stevo turned around, only to see Kimba with a frightened look on his face.

"Kimba, I can explain!"

"Who done this to you? I bet the hyenas did it!"

"KIMBA! Please, calm down, nobody did this to me. I'm just an anthropomorph." Then Kimba looked confused.

"What's an anthropomorph?" Kimba asked.

"Kimba, I think you wanna sit down for this." Kimba did as he was told.

"Kimba, can you keep this conversation as a secret?" Kimba nodded.

"Okay. You see, Kimba, an anthromorph is a creature that is a cross of a human and an animal. And well, I'm not really an anthro, I'm just a human. I have a ring that lets me turn into an anthro. See?" He showed Kimba the ring.

"And, I know this seems strange, but I was sent here on a mission."

"What do you mean?" Kimba asked.

"I was sent here back in time to witness and experience past events by a unknown figure who gave me the ring."

"But what year did you come from?"

"Kimba, I live in the year, 2013." Kimba's eyes widened.

"And that explains why I am like this as of now." Then he and Kimba heard rustling in the bushes.

"Hey, who goes there?!" Stevo yelled. To them, it seemed there was nothing but the wind.

"So Kimba, got anymore of that rice?"

"Yeah, we've got plenty."

When they got to the restaurant, Dan'l and Pauley were in the middle of cleaning the wooden dishes and bowls. When they showed up, they turned and dropped the dishes they were cleaning and gasped.

"Stevo, what happened?" Dan'l asked.

"You don't look so good, Stevo. But don't worry, I learned some medicine back in the human world! Now let's se- OW!" Pauley yelled when Stevo knocked his beak, trying to keep him away.

"Nothing's wrong with me. I'm just an anthropomorph." Both of them looked at each other in confusion.

"What's an anthropomorph?" They both said in union.

"Ugh, let me explain."

Meanwhile, at the hunter's territory headquarters, a hunter named Viper Snakely came to his boss's office, tired and sweaty.

"What is it now, Snake?"

"Sir, I have a BIG find to tell you about. When I was hunting, I heard something in the forest. So I snuck behind some bushes and saw some weird creature that's a cross of a man and a dog."

"Is this one of your folk stories again?"

"No it isn't, sir! It spoke English!"

"It talked? In English?" Viper nodded. "That's amazing! Snakely, get some of your best hunters and FIND THAT CREATURE! It'll worth hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions!" His boss yelled, then Viper stormed out of the room.

"And that explains why I'm like this as of now." They were stunned about what Stevo said.

"So what you're saying, is that you have a ring that turns you into an animal?" Pauley questioned him.

"Yep." There was a short silence. Then Dan'l started to speak.

"Well, I must say, I-"

"HELP!" Bucky's yell interrupted Dan'l. Bucky came as fast as he could and stopped in front of them, panting like a horse.

"Kimba, *pants* the hunters have *pants* Dodie *pants*." Then Bucky collapsed in exhaustion.

"C'mon, we gotta stop them and save her! Dan'l, Pauley, take care of Bucky!" Kimba yelled. So Kimba and Stevo ran as fast as they could to find the hunters.

When they arrived, there was Dodie, surrounded by hunters and nowhere to run.

"Stevo, you know how to fight?" Kimba whispered to him.

"Yea, I've took some karate for a year or two."

"Okay then." So they both jumped in and started attacking. That is, when the hunters got a good grip on them both. Then Viper came up face to face with Stevo."

"So, you're the creature that can talk in English language, eh?" Stevo gave him a mad look.

"What do you want?"

"I only set this up so that I can capture and sell you and make millions."

"Stevo, help me!" Dodie yelled, but was muffled by the hand of a hunter.

"Let us go, you stupid hunter!"

"Tell you what, if you come with me, I'll let your friends go free. If you don't, I'll kill all of you instead." Then he looked at Kimba and Dodie for a few seconds, and then winked.

"I won't go."

"WHAT?!" They yelled as they were muffled. He winked again.

"Very well then. Men, kill them."

"Hold it."


"Actually... I was just... LION!" Viper and a few men yelled and ducked. Then Stevo scratched the face of the hunter that was holding him and ran to try to save them.

"Shoot him!" Viper yelled. The guns fired as he took off. He bit the hunter holding Kimba on the arm, and scratched the hunter holding Dodie in the face.

"Run!" They all took off as quick as their feet can hold.

"After them!" Viper yelled, then followed the three by jeep.

When they stopped at a tree to rest, Dodie looked behind them.

"I think we lost them." Dodie said. Then a jeep came fast towards them.

"Hey, you two hide, I got a plan."

As the jeep stopped, the hunters got out to look for them.

"Hm... The footprints stopped here, but where are they?" As Viper was looking, Stevo was up on a tree branch, holding a big tree branch.

"Hey Viper!" He looked up. He dropped the branch, which hit Viper on the head and knocked him out. Then the hunters looked and started shooting.

"AAAAYYYYAAAAAHHH!" yelled Stevo as he swinger on a vine, kicking the two hunters to the ground.

"Okay, lets go!"

When they arrived back, Bucky, Pauley and Dan'l were happy to see them.

"Thank goodness all of you are okay." said Dan'l.

"We thought you all got caught!" yelled Pauley. As they were celebrating, the figure showed up again.

"Well hello everyone." Everyone but Stevo looked quietly at the figure.

"Who are you? Are you-*gasps*" Bucky said, then figure took off his hood and showed his face.

"Yes, it is I. Stevo?"


"It's time for you to go on your next mission." Then the figure walked closer to him and whispered in his ear, "Your year will be 1986."

"Yes sir." The figure backed away.

"Well, I'm off. Goodbye!" Then the figure faded and left in a big flash of light.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Dodie asked.

"I guess so... Dan'l, Kimba, go get my clothes and suitcase ready." He took off the ring, which made him turn back to normal, and put the ring back in his pocket.

When he was all packed, they all gathered at the border between the forest and the Sahara desert.

"Well, guess this is goodbye." So he gave everyone a hug. When was going to hug Kimba, he whispered in his ear, "Kimba, thanks for everything."

Kimba whispered back, "It was a pleasure." Then they hugged a little harder and Kimba started having tears.

"It's okay, I'll come back if I can." Then he got back up and looked at the desert.

"Goodbye, everyone!" He waved as he walked. And they did the same thing back. Then a sandstorm appeared and started to make Stevo look as if he was fading. He closed his eyes as the sand blew harder and harder, which knocked him on his side. Then everything went quiet. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a bedroom. But it wasn't his own. He looked out the window to see that he was in a suburban neighborhood.

"Well, at least I'm home someway around."