The Story of Xion

Created by Hideki Sautereau.All characters belong to Hideki Sautereau. Thanks. Creative Copyright. **- - - - T H E S T O R Y O F X I O N - - - -** Table of Contents: Chapter 1 Dreaming of Red Poppies ...

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Part 11 - Unexpected Happenings

"i'm ... in trouble now ... aren't i?" silver asked. "you can say that again." the principal responded with angry eyes. everyone turned around when they heard that. nobody would've thought that silver would get in trouble.

Please wish me luck

Please wish me luck tomorrow at school I'm going to be in a meeting About this dude who assaulted me and harassed me bc I'm a furry


Tower of Ancients Chapter 12~ Deadly Mistake

Chapter 12 Deadly Mistake Silence filled the air as Rebecca's eyes widen as a red color eye stared at her with fangs glaring. The blazing beast stood over Angelos body, his claws slowly crushing his skull. _"Mother'" the voice...


Life under watch

There is a town far far away where a wolf who might as well have changed the lives of everyone around him. His name is Shadow Senta the second or Shadow 2 for short. He's in the bottom of his class he's a very slow learner, but he loves to read and...

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Blog Posts

Well, shewet by The Fire Tiger, 28th March, 2014 at 04:13 PM Going back to Lima. Probably definitely this time. It's a long story... You see, we moved to Ica in search for a new life. We agreed to stay with my aunt and uncle for a month or so until...

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A simple story I ( 3/22 )

He saw, however, that the emergency was to get out of trouble in which he put himself. but how ? run away was impossible. gruff was already in the doorway. he went so fast that fj was certain that even the service door on his right was out of reach.

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Ten Century War:Chapter 3(draft)

I sigh quietly to myself but Korva overhears me. "What's wrong Drake?" he asks me. "What's wrong? To be honest I don't know, Korva." I tell him, "I guess I want to do what I've been telling Laraes, I want to go find what's left of Kaythos and I's...

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Capirulo 1.4 El comienzo de una larga travesia.

Perspectiva de Lightmind Soñaba que estaba en una cascada, el paisaje era increíble, no hubiera deseado soñar con nada mas, solo que en mi sueño estaba junto a Darkblaze, estábamos sentados frente a una fogata, parecía que estábamos acampando, en ese...

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Soul Shattered Chap. 5: Troubled

"christian daniele volar," my parents yelled, their voices thick with anger and frustration "you are in big trouble missy."             i had to stifle a sudden urge to roll my eyes when my dad said missy. 

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The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 7: The Pass of Secrets

This area was a popular hunting ground for these guys and now they were knee deep in trouble. they both grabbed spyro and helped him limp along.

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the trouble maker pt(1)

He would sometimes trick one of the parents or adults in the town to make his life more exciting and thrilling by causing trouble in stores at school at the park anywhere he can make a good joke from the outcome. but one day....he was caught...

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