Megalopolis - Henchwomen

Story by GoliathWildcat on SoFurry

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#7 of Megalopolis

How can the pets help their Master? We'll find out.


By Chris Gilman

A large black pegasus stands in his den going over some intelligence that he has put up on the large screen set into the wall. Rubbing his chin he frowns, "This isn't going to be an easy one."

A small female brown squirrel, her blond hair in a ponytail that hangs below her rear, peeks into the study and seeing him steps up beside him in a blue silk robe and a leather collar. She looks up at the large wall screen and quietly speaks, "Master John, what are you looking at?"

He gently wraps an arm around the young female's shoulders and pulls her gently to his side in a soft hug, "Just the intelligence for my next project my pet."

She frowns and tilts her head slightly to the left as she reads a few notes, "The Barnyard Bar? Master, if I may, aren't there better ways to get a drink?"

He chuckles, "I'm not going for a drink my pet." He looks down at her with a soft smile, "Remember the goons I rescued Shelly from three weeks ago?" At her nod he continues, "Well I got some information from that messenger bag I retrieved." He indicates the screen with a wave of his hand, "This bar is a front for their little organization. I'm sure I can find some nice and juicy secrets in there. But my research shows that they've got quite the security setup there. Even with my abilities I'm going to need to be careful, I'm not bullet proof like some Supers in this town."

A soft voice asks from the doorway, "We could help Master."

John and Daniele turn to see Shelly standing there, her red hair matching the silk robe she wears unbelted and open to show off her assets, the black leather collar around her neck standing out against her snow white fur. He enjoys the view but slowly shakes his head, "No Shelly, this would be far too dangerous for you both. I promised you security, not risking your lives with my night time forays. Besides, I'm expecting I might run into a few corrupt Supers this crime family might have hired to guard their place. And if the Government's goons get a view of Daniele here in the city they'll start looking for her with a vengeance." He squeezes Daniele protectively, "I don't want to risk either of you."

Shelly sways her hips as she walks towards John, a hand delicately touching the collar she wears, "Master... I made a promise when I let you put this collar on me. I made a commitment for life that I would stand with you and serve you. And I will serve you in every way I can." She wraps her arms around John's neck and kisses his nose gently before she looks to Daniele, a flash of determination in her eyes, "Can you help me?"

Daniele looks up at the equine and a determined look crosses her features, "Master, I know how we both can help you."

John looks from one to the other with a worried expression, "What do you have in mind exactly?"

Daniele takes one of his hands and gently pulls. "Come Master," the small squirrel says in her quiet voice as a smile crosses her short muzzle, "Let me show you."

Shelly follows along as Daniele leads the much larger winged horse into her lab before she lets his hand go and steps over to a bank of instruments. "I already have a solution to my helping you Master. I know you don't want armor and such for yourself, but I have taken my research into nanites to the next level with this." Reaching into a heavily shielded box she retrieves a vial of glowing blue liquid which she loads into an injection gun.

John looks at her with just a hint of worry, "Daniele, what are you doing?"

She holds the injection gun against her inner arm as her sky blue eyes look up at him without a hint of fear, "Helping you Master." She pulls the trigger and the glowing content of the whole vial streams into her body with a hiss of compressed air.

She jerks and grits her teeth in pain as her eyes shut in agony and her legs seem to have trouble holding her. "Daniele!" John cries out as he and Shelly leap forward to catch the small squirrel and ease her down to the floor. He looks up at Shelly, the whites of his eyes showing in fear for the young woman he had saved only months before as her body tenses in strain and is wracked by pain.

As suddenly as it started the crisis is over and Daniele goes limp on the floor, her head cushioned in John's lap and Shelly gently stroking her hand. With a flutter her eyes open and John is surprised to see the same blue glow from the vial appear in them briefly before they settle back into their normal color, "It's alright Master, the link is complete."

"Link... What did you just do Daniele? I didn't save you just to let you risk yourself like that." He says as he gently continues to cradle her head.

She tries to stand but John holds her down easily, "I'm sorry Master, but I want to help, and there was no risk. A little pain yes, but that won't happen again now that I've established the first link."

John finally lets her stand and looks her over, "Just what did you do?"

He looks into those sky blue eyes that had glowed for a moment and is shocked to see them do it again, "This Master." She closes her eyes and her clothing flashes with the blue light and for a micro second she is totally nude in front of him before clothing rematerializes around her and she stands there wearing a black fur tight body suit that while it covers her, doesn't hide her femininity in the least. Panels on the arms, legs, chest and back set into the material glow with the same blue energy that had filled the vial and her eyes. Thin lines of eerie light trace ghostly circuit patterns along her limbs and across her torso. What looked like a larger modified version of one of her headsets covers the right side of her head and pieces wrap around, under her long hair, and onto her left cheek. A tiny holo-display hovers over her right eye and she opens her eyes which continue to glow but not as bright. Her golden blond hair now has strange bluish highlight streaks in it. The only original piece of her outfit is the black leather collar around her neck, unchanged in any way. She gives him her familiar and charming smile, "What do you think Master?"

John closes his mouth which had been hanging open since she started the transformation. He clears his throat stands to walk around her, studying the strange suit she now wears. "Daniele, what is this?"

She bows her head to him, "A nano-armor I've been working on for the last month Master. Its defensive systems utilize magnetic and electrical forces to project fields of protection from the emitters," she indicates the glowing blue panels. "The nanites will allow me to interface with any form of firearm to alter it to my needs. I am no stronger or faster then I was before, I'm sorry Master if you are displeased with me..." her voice fades out as he stops in front of her again and she refuses to raise her gaze to look into his eyes.

"Look at me Daniele," he says quietly, but with a certain tone that makes it an order and she does so, tears forming at the corners of her strangely glowing eyes. He sighs and reaches out to gently wipe the tears away, "I am pleased that you would want to help me so much. But are you sure it was worth that pain you went through? Does this change you permanently?"

She looks into his eyes, her love clearly seen there without his mental powers, "My Master, anything is worth it if it aids you. And no, the change is not permanent. I can change back anytime I want, but I would have to inject a new colony of the nanites to put the armor back on." She lowers her gaze again, "I'm sorry I worried you Master, I didn't..."

John stops her by lifting her chin with a curled finger and leans in to kiss her. She closes her eyes in joy and wraps her arms around his neck. When they finally part from the kiss he speaks quietly to her, "If you truly want this, you can help. But you are not to let yourself come to harm out in the field. You save yourself first, always."

She holds herself happily to him, "Yes Master."

He looks over to where Shelly still kneels on the floor, her robe still open and her legs spread, giving a rather pornographic view of the young female's shapely body. "Now, how can we make it so that you can survive in the field?"

Daniele lets go of John and steps over to a computer screen. A few taps in the air before her and she steps aside and motions towards the screen, "Master? Will this be acceptable?"

He motions Shelly to look at the screen too and she comes to him as they look over the data. "Daniele, I'm not sure what you're planning here... Are you just planning on making her bigger?" Shelly tilts her head to the side, also confused as she studies the data and encircles John's muscular arm with her own more delicate arms.

The squirrel shakes her head as she taps a few more areas in the air in front of her, "No Master, the idea is that I can make it so she will automatically adjust her size to that of an opponent, so no one will ever be able to beat her based solely on size. Her strength will be adjusted along with her size, so strength shouldn't be much of an issue either." Daniele blushes as she adds, "And I have a few... um... items she might find useful for combat."

Shelly perks her ears in interest, "What kind of items?"

Daniele steps over to a cabinet and swinging the doors wide shows a wide variety of gadgets. Taking one down that looks like an odd flashlight she twirls it before hitting a button on the side. With a flash a flexible green energy beam comes from the emitter on one end and lashes to the deck. "You should be able to handle this from what you told me," she flicks the energy whip in demonstration before shutting it off and handing it to her. "Neural-whip, intensifies pain with little physical injury. The energy field goes right for the nervous system, so affects all living targets and even mechanicals that are not sufficiently shielded. Something without a defined nervous or electrical system might be resistant to it. Increase the power enough and you can render a target unconscious, but that will drain the power cells quickly."

Shelly flicks the beam to life and tries the whip a few times, smiling as it makes a loud crack with each flick of her wrist. "I think I can use this," she says as she suddenly snaps it out to wrap it around a table and pull it to her. Propping her bare foot on the table she grins evilly as she disengages the energy whip with a flick of her thumb and then casts a smile at Daniele, "Nice little gadget."

Daniele nods and pulls out a small ball and holds it up, "Force-Bolas." She throws the ball at the table that Shelly had pulled over to her and just after leaving her hand the solid looking ball splits into three pieces with energy beams connecting them. With surprising speed they tangle themselves around the legs of the table and tighten. As the energy beams tighten the three pieces of the ball reform into one solid ball, locking the beams of power into place and would easily immobilize any target. "The third button down on your whip deactivates them."

Shelly looks at the whip still in her hand and triggers the indicated button and the energy beams disengage and the now once again solid ball drops to the floor. Squatting down to pick up the ball she grins, "I like the way your mind works girl. Bondage and domination always was a specialty of mine."

Daniele bows her head to her before turning back to the cabinet. "For an outfit, I thought this would be fitting for you?" She hands a bundle to the vixen.

Opening the package she finds a leather bikini with a mesh under suit. Holding it up she grins, "Now that's what I call a sexy outfit girl."

"Oh, I knew you'd want such an outfit to go with such dominating equipment. It's not leather though, it's a similar material to those dresses we wore a couple of weeks ago." The squirrel pauses as she blushes in memory of that night before clearing her throat and continuing, "It's a nano-imbued material that will adjust with you. The mesh, while looking like nothing more than thin threads is stronger than steel, and will easily stop bladed weapons, and without impairing your flexibility."

Shelly looks back up towards the young squirrel, "And just how are you going to give me this size changing ability?"

Daniele waves a hand towards the large healing tank that had saved Shelly's life, "With the help of my healing tank here. With me at the controls I can perform minute alterations to your genetic code and induce the proper abilities."

Shelly bites her lip nervously, "And what are the chances this could have adverse effects?"

Daniele shakes her head and grins, "None, it's perfectly safe."

John looks at his two women and shakes his head, "I'm not going to force you to go through with this Shelly. You have to decide, but I will say, I don't want to see you harmed." He casts a glance at Daniele, "Either of you. You want to help me I understand, but I don't want you to suffer because of me." He turns back to face Shelly and sighs, "But ultimately I leave the decision to you."

Shelly looks up at him and smiles softly, "Master, I want to go through with this. I want to help you both in the field as well as here on your estate."

Daniele lowered her head and sighs softly as she disengages the nano-armor, letting it fall off like dust and leaving her standing in the buff. Taking a white lab coat to cover her nudity she smiles up at John with her normal sky blue eyes and the hint of blue gone from her long braid of blond hair, "I too wish to help you Master. I've wanted to research nanites for years, but the government scientists would never let me follow up on it. They kept me on such a short leash that I wasn't allowed to do anything they didn't authorize. You though Master, have let me study what I want since you saved me. That research has let me design the armor you just saw and the weapons for Shelly. I will not only help you in the field but I can provide useful tools for both of you."

John closes his eyes and sighs softly, "Very well. Daniele, if Shelly wants it you can do the alterations."

Daniele looks to the vixen and smiles eagerly, "Progress waits for nothing."

Shelly nods and sets the outfit on the table beside the hi-tech weaponry, "You're right." She stands there and rests her hands on her hips, "What do you need me to do?"

Daniele gets her control headset and engages it, the holo-display covering one of her eyes, "Well, for starters get out of that robe."

Shelly does so and waits for further instructions, showing no embarrassment at being nude in front of either of them. John has to admire her lovely body, the tight toned muscles of a dancer mixed with the shapely hips and large bosom of sexual appeal. He tries to resist the stirrings in his loins but finds it quite difficult under the circumstances and is glad he is at least dressed.

Daniele turns back from looking at the tank and sweeping her hand through the control air in front of her. She pauses as she sees Shelly standing there and a slight frown crosses her features. She coughs and points at her own collar, "The collar too."

Shelly looks upset for a moment but finally nods and turns to John, "Only you may remove the collar Master. But I'll ask for it back soon as I'm removed from the tank. Even without the collar, I ask that I continue to be your Pet, Master."

John gently strokes her cheek and reaches to remove the black leather collar, "Of course my Pet, you will always be my Pet no matter what you wear." He leans in to kiss her forehead before he steps back and folds the collar into his pocket.

Turning back to Daniele and nodding she takes a deep breath, making her ample breasts swell with her chest, "Ok, I'm ready."

Daniele takes a breathing mask from one of the cabinets and applies the sealant to its edge before holding it out to her, "You know how to put this on."

Shelly nods and taking the mask, secures it to her face. She takes a few breaths and nods to Daniele that she can breathe fine. Daniele nods and tapping the air in front of her concentrates as a set of thin robotic arms unfold from the ceiling to gently lift Shelly and set her into the thick liquid of the tank. Shelly feels the thick warm fluid soak through her thick fur and warm her skin with a tingling sensation. The small squirrel again taps the air with quick and sure flicks of her fingers. Shelly sees the interior arms coming towards her, and soon the cables and tubes are attached to her with little pricks of pain that fades quickly.

She closes her eyes as she listens to Daniele's voice come to her through speakers in the tank, "Going to give you a sedative to let you sleep through this." Shelly nods in agreement and lets out a soft sigh as she feels the sedative taking hold.

John watches Daniele's hands flashing through the air as she stands in front of the tank after knocking Shelly out for the procedure. He admires both of them, going through so much to help him. They might owe him their lives, but he had never expected them to go through this for him when he accepted them as his Pets. "How long will this take?" he asks softly as Daniele pauses in her motions.

Without looking away from the tank she shrugs, "Couple of hours Master, there is a lot to do. If you want to go back to what you were doing I'll come and get you before she's ready to come out of the tank."

He shakes his head and settles himself in a chair at one of the tables, "I'll just wait here." He takes one of the data uplinks that Daniele had designed and connects it to the computer back in the study. Bringing up the data on the holo-display he studies it and goes over revised plans on how to get into the criminal stronghold.

A couple of hours later he notices the small squirrel waiting patiently in front of him and he shuts down the holo-display to focus his attention on her, "Yes?"

She nods towards the tank, "I'm ready to lift her out of there Master. I thought it would be best if you were ready to accept her back as she wakes."

He nods and stands with her to walk over to the tank, "Go ahead then lil one, let's see if this plan of yours has worked."

Daniele starts rapidly tapping the air in front of her and the thin robotic arms reach into the tank to gently pull the still sleeping vixen from the tank and deposit her on an examination table. Daniele comes over and removes the mask from her muzzle as she runs a sensor over the vixen's nude body. "She seems to be awakening Master," she says as she looks up to John.

John gently strokes his hand through her wet hair, smoothing it from her damp forehead as he watches her eyelids start to flicker. As her eyes slowly start to open she sees John and smiles herself. "Master... my collar?"

Daniele holds out a similar collar to John, "This one will adjust with her size Master."

John nods and takes it from her before putting it gently around the vixen's neck, "There you are my Pet, you've got your collar back."

She smiles softly up at him and closes her eyes tiredly, still feeling the effects of the sedative that had kept her unconscious for the last few hours. "Thank you Master." She opens her eyes and turns to look at Daniele, "Did it work?"

Daniele nods, "According to my simulations you should be able to change your size to match an opponent's. It should be automatic, but of course that gives it a downside. A smaller person like me attacking you would result in you shrinking to my size." Shelly nods in understanding, "You might be able to learn how to bring this power under your full control in time. But that will take time and intense training."

Shelly looks back to her Master as she sits up slowly, "When can I try these powers in the field Master?"

John nods and rubs his hands together, "We'll try it tomorrow night." He motions her to lie back down, "For now you rest and recover." She settles back on the examination table and smiles as he gently strokes her cheek. "Soon as Daniele releases you, you can return to your room. Have a good meal and get some sleep and I'll talk to you both later."

Both of the women nod their heads to him and he leaves Daniele's research wing. Walking down the hallway and into the rest of his estate he smiles to himself as he finishes the last details of his plan. "Tomorrow night girls, tomorrow night we'll see what the three of us can do."

* * *

The big mutt of a canine outside the Barnyard Bar yawns, it is getting late and he hopes someone will come out to relieve him soon. No one but the regulars has been around tonight as usual. And this place was secret enough that the Marshals never came here to look for suspects. The bouncer saw a cab pull up a few dozen yards down the street and watches it suspiciously, "Now who could this be?"

A large winged horse steps out of the cab before turning to help a pair of females out, one a tiny brown squirrel and the other a stunning white vixen. They all wore coats on this cold night and wide brimmed hats hid their faces enough that he can't make out who they are. Though he admits to himself they look a bit too high class to be in this dingy warehouse district. As the horse leads the females towards the bouncer he notices both the females wear collars on their necks and he smiles to the dark winged horse who apparently owns this pair of females. And with how the big fella is dressed, he might be someone special coming to a meeting with the boss who hadn't left the stronghold since his oldest son had been attacked while teaching a young bitch her place.

The bouncer stands straight and stops the equine with a gesture, "Something I can help you with Mister?"

The equine smiles slightly, keeping his eyes shaded with the wide brimmed hat so the mutt doesn't get a good view of his face and the females keep their faces down so the hats hide their faces entirely. "Got a light?" the equine asks in a deep but soft voice.

Looking puzzled the bouncer pulls out a lighter and lights it but doesn't see a cigarette or cigar to needing to be lit. "What for?" he asks looking over the equine again.

"For this," the large black equine says as he reaches forward and suddenly the fire spreads along the black horses body to coat his wings, tail, mane and settling on his wrists and ankles. The fires flare and the mutt ducks, looking away to shield his eyes. When he turns back he sees the large flaming black pegasus standing before him in only a loincloth, a large silvery sword hanging from the chain that supports his loincloth. The smile on his features makes the canine's blood run cold as he looks into the flames.

The two female's outfits had changed while he was looking away and now glances to see their changes. The small squirrel is standing there in a black skin tight suit with odd glowing blue panels and glowing streams of ghostly light, a strange device on her head projecting an image over one eye. But the assault rifle she had somehow stashed under her coat was familiar enough for him to cry out in shock, despite the fact that the pulsing blue lines along its barrel and the strange glowing pieces made it look like no gun he'd ever seen.

The vixen had thrown off her own long coat to show she wears a mesh body suit with leather bra and panties over it. In her hand she holds something the size of a flashlight, but instead of a beam of light a glowing green coil of a whip extrudes from the end. The evil grin and glint in her eyes make him want to cower before such a dominating female.

Two more bouncers come storming out of the bar at his cry but they look at the three before them in shock. "What's going on out here?" a big doberman wearing a trench coat asks as he reaches inside his coat for the gun he keeps there. Suddenly he hears a voice screaming from the small com-bud in his ear and his eyes go wide, "IT'S HIM!!!"

As all three males pull their guns from their holsters the three facing them go into action. Daniele pulls the trigger of her rifle, but instead of bullets or the cracks of a normal gun the barrel spits blue balls of charged energy at the big doberman before he can fully draw his weapon and bring it to bear on anyone. The energy bolts strike him full in the chest and fling him back through the door he had just left as they explode with electrical forces beyond understanding.

Shelly grins evilly at the mutt as she gives the neural-whip a flick and with practiced ease lands it right between the legs of the mutt who had been guarding the door when they got there. With a scream he clutches at his crotch and whimpers from the intense pain the whip's energy field causes. The intense pain balls him up and removes him as a threat from the fight. The vixen sniffs in disgust, "Amateur."

The third gets his weapon free before he sees not Nightmare, but his father before him. "What are you doing you worthless piece of shit?" the large muscular dalmatian glares down at his son who isn't that much shorter than him, but it might as well be ten feet of difference with how the bouncer reacts to the visage of his father. "I said, what are you doing?! I told your mother she should have flushed a runt like you down the toilet when you were born. You are the load from my cock that your mother should have swallowed you puny runt!" The dalmatian whimpers as he curls in on himself, covering his head with his arms in fear. Seeing his father who'd been dead for ten years since he'd picked a drunken fight in some shady bar with a bobcat carrying a gun was too much for his mind to cope with.

Nightmare looks down at the cowering and whimpering form of the dalmatian and shakes his head sadly, "Some people have already faced their nightmares, but I can bring them back to life after they're believed long dead and gone."

The three of them step past the disabled bouncers through the door and into a bar full of scared and cowering patrons. The bartender comes up from behind the bar with a shotgun that he levels at Nightmare and pumps it before firing a round. The slug hits an invisible barrier and mushrooms. Shelly and Nightmare look back briefly to see Daniele concentrating and holding a hand palm outward to form an invisible field of protection in front of her Master.

Nightmare turns back to the bartender as he racks a second round into the chamber and tries again to shoot the looming dark figure of fire and shadow. He starts to scream instead and drops the shotgun as twin trails of fire fly around the shield to smash into the stock of high grade spirits behind the bar. With a woosh the bar bursts into flames and patrons scream as they try to outrun each other to escape the flames through the fire exits.

"Ignore them," Nightmare tells the white vixen who moves to stop the fleeing patrons. "We're not here for them. They're nothing." Shelly nods obediently to her Master and steps back into position behind him, her eyes flashing as she keeps an eye out for threats to her Master's safety.

As the bartender slaps at his shirt to put out the flames on it Nightmare steps forwards and extinguishes all the fires with a wave of his hand, "Now then." He reaches over the bar and grabbing the front of the bartender's shirt, drags the smaller ursine across the bar to look him in the face, "Open the door."

The bartender stammers, "I... I... I don't know what you mean...."

His flaming wings flare and the fire reflects in his dark eyes, "Don't lie to me. You can hide nothing from Nightmare." He holds up his other hand and draws some fire onto his clenched palm, "For instance, I know of your fear of fire. Now tell me or I, Nightmare, will make that fear a deadly reality."

The bear whimpers as he fumbles with the levers for the beer taps and finally finding the right one jerks it backwards to swing a section of the display behind the bar aside. "Good cub," Nightmare says as he drops the ursine to the ground with a crash.

Nightmare turns to Shelly and nods to her, "Stay here and be sure no one interferes."

She bows her head to him before turning to the rest of the bar with an evil grin. She playfully cracks her energy whip over the heads of the last few fleeing patrons and then looks around the empty bar. "This was too easy."

* * *

Nightmare and Daniele proceed down the dark hallway, his flames lighting their passage easily. "Master, will she be alright back there by herself?"

He nods reassuringly, "I think so little one. She is a lot tougher than she looks." He smiles briefly down to her, "Much like you."

Daniele blushes slightly but stays focused and engages her field as a gun drops from the ceiling and targets Nightmare. She grits her teeth to keep the field up as a hailstorm off lead pours into it, the large caliber rounds mushrooming against the invisible energy field. With an outstretched hand Nightmare takes over the small amount of fire generated by the rounds firing from the barrel and sends it backwards through the ammo feed and into the magazine. There is an explosion as the gun and a section of the roof explode and fall to the floor as rubble.

Daniele lowers her hand and gasps for breath, "Thank you Master, I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold that field against such a strong onslaught."

He looks down at her with a worried frown, "Are you ok?"

She nods and takes a small tube from a pouch that opens up at her belt and downs the contents. "High sugar energy solution Master, the armor's power uses my own metabolism for energy. I'm going to need to eat when we get back to the estate."

He eyes her worriedly, "Will you be alright?" At her nod he looks down the concrete corridor, "Let's finish this as quickly as possible then."

They both take off down the corridor at a run and jump over the rubble. Nightmare sends fireballs to blast any security devices he sees but pulls to a sudden stop at a pair of thick metal doors. Looking at the control panel to one side he forms a ball of flame in one hand and prepares to fling it before Daniele stops him. "Allow me Master, you need to conserve your strength. Scanner reports a large number of men on the other side of these doors."

He nods but increases the ball of flame in his hands till it takes both hands to restrain it, "Open it!"

She presses a hand to the electronic lock and there is a soft beep and a click as the doors swing open silently. Nightmare flings the ball into the room soon as the doors are open enough then turns and shields Daniele by wrapping them both with his flaming wings as it detonates inside the guard room on the other side of the doors. The flames wash over them but Daniele churrs happily in his embrace as he protects them from the very fires he creates with his mastery of fire.

When there is silence again he stands up, a hand on her shoulder as they look into the room. With a wave of his hand he extinguishes the few fires burning and sees six goons scattered behind their makeshift cover they had assembled. "Status?" he asks Daniele as he surveys the room.

She looks at each goon for a moment before shaking her head, "Scans indicate they'll live Master. A few have ruptured eardrums from the shockwave. But their wounds are not mortal. Some second degree burns and minor cuts and scrapes."

He nods satisfied, he hates killing. "Let's continue then."

With a quick blast from her assault rifle Daniele blasts the hinges off the door into the rest of the stronghold with casual ease. Pausing a moment to let her sensors sweep the hallway beyond she nods and lowers the weapon, "Clear Master."

He steps in and finds himself in a lush carpeted hallway. "We must be getting close."

* * *

Shelly walks around the bar, her boots kicking at scattered items. "Not as much fun as I thought it would be." She finds a bottle of vodka on the bar and smiling pours a measure into a shot glass and downs it with a gulp.

"I hope that was your last request bitch, 'cause you just fucked with the wrong organization," says a deep voice from behind.

Shelly turns and smiles evilly at the massive bulldog standing there just inside the door. "Well well, a new plaything. I'm a good dog trainer; I bet I can make you beg before we're done here."

He snarls at her as he flexes his huge arms, "No BITCH is going to make me do anything. I think I might just rape your tender ass before I kill you."

She smiles and starts to circle the bar, her hips and tail swinging teasingly, "Oh, I didn't realize you were into that. So how was the last cock you had up your ass?"

He growls and takes a step forward and flexes his muscles to intimidate her. She turns to face him as a real threat and smiles crookedly, "You have no idea what you're messing with." She can feel something click inside her gut and her body starts to change. She closes her eyes and smiles as she feels the new power taking effect through her body like spreading warmth.

She hears a laugh and opens her eyes to find she is now shorter than the she was, "What the..."

She looks up at the big bulldog as he chuckles and cracks his knuckles. "Oh, you are going to be one real tight fuck now bitch, too bad you won't enjoy it, but I will."

She smirks and brings the neural-whip to life with a press of her thumb, her finger sliding the energy setting towards maximum, "Oh you poor boy, didn't your momma ever tell you? It's not the size that counts," she slips a force-bolas into her hand from a pouch on her belt. "It's how you use it," she yells as she spins and releases the ball as the dog charges her. It deploys almost as soon as it leaves her fingers. The three spinning weights at the ends of their energy beams spinning towards the clueless fool.

The big hulking dog doesn't even know what hits him as the bolas tangle themselves around his legs. He cries out as his arms flail to catch him as he plunges headlong into the bar as Shelly steps aside. He grunts and tries to stand as she lashes him solidly across his back and he arches in pain, his voice screaming in agony as the neural-whip tears at his pain receptors. Giving a few more lightning fast swipes of the flexible green energy beam she see him go limp in total exhaustion from the ordeal with her whip and she hears him whimper, "Please stop... I beg you..."

She stands over him and kicks his rear dismissively as she pulls a pair of energy-binders from her belt and quickly cuffs the big dog's hands behind his back. With him trussed up she smiles, "So much for size." She steps around till the toe of her boot lifts the dog's chin, "I told you I'd make you beg." He looks at her in confusion till she knocks him into unconsciousness with a swift kick.

She bites her lip in confusion though as she tries to think what could have gone wrong. Why did she shrink when confronted by such a huge male? She suddenly notices something and squats to feel between his legs with a curious hand. She grins as a glimmer of understanding comes to her, "Compensating for a 'little' something I see." She stands and starts walking slowly around the bar again as she slowly returns to her normal size. Shelly looks at the clock near the door and mutters quietly under her breath, "Hurry Master, more might come."

* * *

Nightmare and Daniele stand in front of the last door standing in the long hallway and he nods, "I bet mister big is behind this one." He gently runs a finger down the edge of the frame, "At least a yard thick, he's got some serious protection here." He looks over at Daniele and frowns as he sees her downing another tube of what she said was little more than sugar-water. "Are you going to be ok? That's the third one of those you've taken."

She nods, "Yes Master, but I'm going to need a really big meal when we get out of here." At his worried look she gives him a brief smile, "At least I'll have no troubles keeping my girlish figure."

He smirks at her joke and turns back to the door and taps it lightly, "This door is too thick for my flames, a fire hot enough would suck all the air out of this hallway and suffocate us."

Daniele smiles and hefts her assault rifle as it changes slowly, a grenade launcher style mechanism appearing under the barrel of the weapon. "I think I can take care of that Master." He raises his eyebrows in surprise but backs up as she points the gun at the door. Setting the butt of the rifle against her hip she pulls a secondary trigger and an icy blue ball strikes the door and covers it in frost. With a second and a third pull she fires off two more of the chilling balls before she grins and he watches the blue lines on the gun change to a silvery gray. With a crack a single slug fires and the door shatters leaving a stunned black wolf sitting behind a large oaken desk looking out the remains of his doorway at the two Supers looking in at him.

He cries out and reaches for a gun but Nightmare flings a stream of fire that partly melts the rubber grip and the wolf looks up with wide and scared eyes. "What... What do you want? Why are you here?"

Nightmare steps in and looks around the plush office, "Information."

"What... What kind?" the wolf asks nervously as he looks past Nightmare to the rifle toting female behind him. He has seen what that tiny female can do with that strange glowing weapon, and he doesn't want to be the next thing to shatter. "Anything you want, it's yours."

Nightmare turns to face him, a smug grin on his face, "Of course it is." He recognizes the familial resemblance to the wolf that had raped and almost killed Shelly. "I'm sure your son told you what I can do?"

The wolf nods as the smell of fear fills the room, "Y... Y... Yes."

He suddenly reaches forward and grips the wolf's shoulder in a vice like grip and stares into his eyes. The wolf suddenly finds himself dressed in a few rags of cloth and covered in dirt. He looks around him in shock, seeing a bridge spanning over him and a few cardboard box shelters scattered around him. He looks down at the box nearest him and sees his wife and youngest sons huddled together inside for warmth as a cold wind blows past. The old black wolf throws his head back and howls a single word, "NOOOOOOO!!!"

Daniele watches the wolf throw his head back and howl that single word before he collapses in on himself, his face buried in his hands as he lives his worst nightmare. The horse stands and pats the shoulder as he lets go, "Some are so simple, you'd never think of them."

"Master?" Daniele asks, unsure of what she just saw.

He shakes his head and takes down a painting on the wall behind the desk to reveal a large safe. He quickly spins the three dials and the mechanism softly clicks open. Reaching in, he ignores the stacks of cash and the bars of gold. He takes only a small black book sized object and holds it up for Daniele to see, "What we came here for."

"A portable hard-drive Master?" she asks quietly.

He nods, "With all their family secrets on it; who they do business with, who hides their money, which victims they've killed and extorted." He chuckles softly, "I have a contact that will pay a very pretty penny for this information. Though I might make him bid on it, there will be many interested parties I think." He smirks at the crying wolf that is now just a shadow of the male he used to be, "If the authorities get their paws on this it will do more than just ruining him and his criminal empire. It will take several such organizations down in flames with him."

Daniele nods, "And it was this wolf whose son hurt Shelly?"

John nods, "Yes, and..." He stops as he turns to see Daniele raising the muzzle of her rifle to train it on the sobbing male, the lines of pulsing energy now an angry red. "NO!" he yells as he smacks the gun aside as she pulls the trigger and a bright red flash of energy blasts a crater in the solid concrete wall. He looks down at her as she hangs her head, the gun gripped limply in nerveless fingers, "Daniele..."

She slowly looks up to him, the tears already forming in her glowing blue eyes, "Master, he has caused so much pain and death. Is it not right to just this once kill such a one? Think of what this creature's son did to Shelly."

He slowly squats down and puts a hand on her shoulder, "I know it may feel right. But let us not bring ourselves to his level. Besides, as long as he lives he'll remember the day that Nightmare and..." he pauses as he thinks, "and Technophile blasted through his much valued security and showed him how weak he really is." He grins evilly down at her as he stands back up, "Which is more punishing to him? Dying quick or living to know you're not as powerful as you thought you were."

Daniele nods in understanding and the lines of energy on her rifle turn a calming blue, "Shall I stun him then Master so we can make our escape?"

He nods and Daniele raises the rifle to hit the wolf squarely in the chest with a three shot burst of blue energy rounds. He falls backwards in his chair, his eyes closed and the sobs finally stopped. Seeing his chest still rising and falling with breath he nods again and they turn to retrace their steps to the bar above.

* * *

Shelly is sitting on the bar, her booted foot propped on the back of a large stallion she had brought down a few minutes earlier as her size slowly settles back down to normal. She had finally faced an opponent who had made her grow in size and a quick grope had verified her beliefs in the reason. "Not as big as Master John, but still respectable," she thought to herself.

Looking at the three males bound on the floor she shakes her head of long red hair, "You boys really aren't good at taking out one little girl are you?" The bulldog had put up the most fight of the three. The muscle bound tiger had fallen with a quick kick to his knee and stallion had taken only a grazing blow from the whip to make him submit. "They just don't make men like they used to I guess," she says with a sigh and rests her chin in her hand, elbow resting on her knee.

She leaps off the bar with a spin and energizes her whip as she hears footsteps behind her but she shuts it down again as she sees Nightmare and Technophile exiting the secret passage into the underground strong hold of the crime syndicate. "Master, I think we need to talk about my size changing abilities."

Technophile shoulders her rifle, as Nightmare studies the three men tied up on the floor. "They seem to be working fine if you've taken out these three so easily."

She snorts, "These? I've seen submissive males who were more of a fight than these limp freaks." She nudges the bulldog with a booted foot and gets a grunt from him. "No, the problem seems to be in what governs the relative size. It's not based on their physical size, but rather the size of their assets."

Nightmare looks over to his other companion and raises an eyebrow, "Any ideas?"

She nods, "A few, but they'll have to wait till we're out of here for me to find out more."

Nightmare nods and looks to Shelly, "We've got what we came for, shall we get out of here my little Sizequeen?"

The vixen smiles at the name, "Very appropriate Master Nightmare. Yes, let's go before something really challenging shows up."

Nightmare takes the two smaller females in his arms and with a leap his wings carry them into the dark sky above. Ducking into a concealing valley he extinguishes his flaming wings and sets the two ladies down gently. Daniele collapses to her hands and knees, her head hanging low as the nano-armor that protects her sheds off as a fine dust to fall to the ground and blow away in the wind. Shelly kneels next to her and helps support her as she gasps for breath, "Daniele? Are you ok?"

The smaller squirrel nods as she brings her breathing under control, "Anyone got a granola bar, a snickers, anything, I'm starving."

John walks over to the car they had stashed in the valley and digging around for a few minutes finds a candy bar which he tosses to Shelly. Tearing the wrapper off, she holds the candy for Daniele as she weakly eats it. She lets out a sigh of relief and the vixen helps her stand and she smiles at the large pegasus, "I'm feeling better Master, but shouldn't we be getting out of here before someone comes along?"

He nods and hands her some clothing, her own having been used for her nano-armor and now is just dust in the wind. She takes it and starts dressing quickly as he hands another set of clothing to Shelly that she slips into quickly as well. Pulling a jacket and a pair of pants on himself he motions the girls towards the sedan waiting nearby and they all pile in.

Putting the key into the ignition he brings the car to life and drives out of their secluded hiding spot and towards his estate. "You did well today my Pets," he says with a quick glance in the rearview mirror.

Both girl blush and say in unison, "Thank you Master John."

* * *

As they pull into the garage at John's estate he closes the door with a remote before opening the door and signaling to the girls that it is safe to come out too. "Daniele, you and Shelly go down to your lab, see if you can figure out what's going on with her powers and get something to eat. You too Shelly, you both did a lot of work tonight and I don't want either of you being weak due to malnutrition. Don't worry about getting fat, you'll work it off." He gives them a playful grin they return it before they head towards Daniele's laboratory wing of the estate.

John walks into a small room in the center of his large estate, the foot thick titanium alloy door opening at his approach and sealing tight behind him. Sitting behind the lone desk in the room he plugs the drive into the computer there and smiles as the lightning fast computer uploads the entire terabyte of data in less than a minute. He smiles as he skims the information, "Very lucrative night."

He shuts the lights off and turns on a bright spot behind him before he activates the link to his black market agent. The screen in front of him remains blank for a few minutes before the face of an older silverback gorilla appears on it, pushing his glasses up on his face he smiles, "Ahhh Mister Night, were you able to acquire the data?"

John smiles knowing the old male can only see a silhouette of him and speaks using a voice modulator to change the voice pattern, "Yes my old friend. I think it will do well in one of your information auctions. Even the authorities will bid on this, not openly of course, but the information will shut down that small cartel like it was a Sunday school meeting."

The gorilla smiles and rubs his hands together in anticipation, "Good good, sample to show the bidders?"

John reaches over and punches a key on the desk in front of him, "Transmitting now."

The gorilla looks off camera and smiles as he receives the small bit of filtered data that will allow his clients to understand what they're buying. "This will do very well Mister Night." He turns back to the camera with a wide grin, "We'll make the usual deposit in the usual manor. What will you be going after next?"

John smiles to himself as he leans back a little, "I'll let you know soon. I have a few things to take care of before I go on another hunt. This one should bring in enough funds to keep you going for quite a while I think Garth, don't be too greedy."

The gorilla nods, "Indeed, even my own small cut of this should keep my needs satisfied for some time to come, but it's always good to pad the wallet for the cold times."

John lets loose a deep chuckle, "Indeed, but if you pad too much then it's harder to run when you need to." He reaches forward and hovers over the disconnect key, "I'll be in touch in a week." And with that he presses the button ending the conversation. Leaning back in the chair as the normal lights come up he smiles, "I know you'd gladly sell me out if you knew who I was old man. Good thing I've never had to meet you in person, it might have caused me to break my one rule."

Standing from the desk he leaves the shielded room and heads down the hallway to Daniele's lab. Entering he finds the young squirrel with a sandwich in one hand as her other taps the air in front of her as Shelly floats in the medical tank, her eye shut in repose wearing only her collar. Hearing the door open she turns suddenly and bows her head to him as she swallows her mouthful of sandwich before speaking, "Master, I think I may have an explanation to why her power focuses on the enemies' genitals."

He raises his eyebrow in curiosity, "Oh?" She nods and moves to put her food down but John waves dismissively, "Keep eating, just explain between mouthfuls."

She gives him a smile of thanks and taking another bite continues her explanation, "Master, you know she was a call-girl before you rescued her. Well most of her professional life has focused on that part of her adversary. She was paid well to dominate others, mostly male, but some female too. She would see them as a challenge, a fight of sorts. Her mind still focuses that way subconsciously and the first thing it measures is not the opponents size, but how well endowed they seem to be."

John tilts his head to one side and thinks, "So you're saying in essence it's all in her head?"

Daniele shrugs, "That's one way of looking at it Master, but I also can't find a way to counter it. She may be able to in time control her ability more, but now she'll be limited in that fashion."

John rubs his chin and nods, "Well, she seemed more then capable of taking on people bigger than her at the bar." He chuckles softly, "I guess her size won't be such an issue in the future."

She bows her head, "I'm sorry things didn't work out correctly Master."

He lifts her chin and kisses her nose, "It's ok my lil Pet, I forgive you. Now get Shelly out of the tank and dried off. Then you can both join me in the dining room for dinner."

She nods and turns to tap at the controls that hover in her holo-display but invisible to anyone else and John leaves and walks towards the kitchen. "Just time enough to order some food for dinner I think," he mumbles to himself as he walks down the hall to the rest of the house.

All characters unless otherwise stated are the property of Christopher Gilman.Story © Copyright Christopher Gilman 2008 all rights reservedMegalopolis © Copyright Goliath Thunderstep and Emerald Cistern mail me and tell me what you think at [email protected]