Target Acquired Chapter 1: Target: Ryker Smith

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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Well I decieded to finally get around to posting something on here since I discovered this site a long time before I started writing. Well here is one of my more recent stories. get around to posting the rest later.

Target acquired: Name; Ryker Smith. Species; Cheetah. Age; 15. Location; MarLand. Event; Capture.

Ryker was sleeping in his in full size bed. He lived in a Beach side mansion that his Mother and Father own. He is the middle child of his parents. He is fifteen years old around 5'5 in height. He is a normal yellow cheetah with black spots. His spots however are shaped like diamonds instead of circles. He was having a very lovely dream which he hoped would never end but he would not get his wish.

"Travis Wake up!" His older brother called from downstairs. Ryker instantly came to himself and answered back. "I am awake."

"Good Get your brother up and get down here for breakfast. And take a shower before you come down. Do not make me throw another bucket of water over your head again!" His brother threatened. He knew he was not joking. He woke up late once and did not shower. His brother followed him to the gate of his school with a bucket of water and drenched him with it. He knew he would not hesitate to do it again.

He Got up out of his bed and looked around his room. Very spacious. King Size bed up against one wall with a 62' inch TV on the Wall below it; Complete with 5 game consoles DVD and Blu ray player and a small cabinet with all his games and. There was the door next to the TV and his workstation with a computer work station complete with his own printer. He continued scanning his room. Two doors were on the wall Adjacent to his bed. One went into his Walk-in closet the other into his Bathroom. Then finally there was a window bringing in the sunlight with some nice White curtains complimenting the white paint that covered his walls.

Ryker sighed and then finally resigned himself to get ready for school. He was fully naked since he hated clothes in the morning. If it was not for school he would not wear anything before twelve. He went into His closet and returned with some undergarments, his white Button shirt and Brown pants that were part of his School uniform. He stepped into his bathroom which was quite fancy. It had the Usual Shower, Toilet and basin all of those were on one side the other side had a few shelves to hold things and Bath and a Hot tub. His parents really went all out when they bought the house. He stepped into the shower nearly shutting the door on his tail.

He turned on the hot water and let his troubles relax. Or so he tried. He did not hear someone open the door over the noise of the rushing water and couldn't see thanks to the steam. He did however feel the cold air as the shower door swung open and a young cheetah with a video camera was taking pictures of him.

"Brandon Tyler Smith! What the hell are you doing?" He asked sounding furious. His Brother just giggled. Brandon was an eight year old Cheetah cub light blue fur with Black spots shaped like hearts. He was not even Close to 5'inches yet standing at 4'10. He was dressed in his School uniform. Brown shirt with Black pants and a crest that had an eagle and Pelican fused together.

"I wanted to try out this new camera I got yesterday!" Brandon answered sounding so innocent. His brother hated that no matter what he did he never got in trouble. Even with their strict older brother. Ryker just growled and Shut the shower door. "Get out of here. Ian wants us down stairs for breakfast"

His brother just skipped out with his new camera in tow. Ryker Sighed when he heard the door shut as his brother walked out... with the pictures! Ryker quickly finished his shower, got dressed and chased after his brother to make sure those pictures got nowhere. He Ran out of his room and looked around. His room was on the second Floor. A nice circular corridor connected this side of the floor with the other with three stairs one each side and one in the middle of the curve leading to the attic. His room was in between his older brother's room and Brandon's. On the Other side of the Floor were His parent's Room and 2 guest bedrooms. ON the curve were the Computer room and the entertainment area with the stairs to the attic separating them. He sighed and made his way down stairs. Like the upstairs it was divided into two. On the right were the laundry room storage room and the Dining room. On the left were the laboratory and then the kitchen. The kitchen was nice simple a nice wide black fridge, a nice electric stove and of course the kitchen sink. There was also a countertop with stools where his younger brother was there with taking pictures of something. He stared at the fridge noting it was open and his brother was bent over total naked showing his hole to both of his brothers. Ryker felt really annoyed now. His family was weird but his brother took the cake. When he was in the house he was always nude and never cared who saw. But at least in the kitchen he wore a pink apron. His brother closed the fridge and then went over to the stove to finish up breakfast. His brother was a nice ton cheetah with A darker yellow fur then he had and regular spots. His brother was over six feet standing at 6'2. He was a software programmer like their parents but he was more of a work from home kind of person. He is only 21 years of age but finished college when he was 15. He was a certified genius and continues to get many requests to work for different companies but he has chosen to stay and look after his younger brothers.

Ryker did not really like his older brother since his parenting style was over the top but he had not seen his parents in over four years now. Basically his older brother raised him for most of his life since his parents were at home about five days a year. He did not even talk to them anymore. After all at his age his brother had graduated college while he was struggling to get by in high school. His younger brother was only one grade behind and would probably be two grades above him by time this school year ended.

Ryker sat down next to Brandon and Swiped the camera from his paws. "Hey!"" his brother said in protest. He just ignored his brother then deleted the pictures of him in the shower. He did not delete the one of his older brother's butt. He handed the camera to Brandon who just began to pout.

"Terry! Ryker deleted my pictures!" Brandon complained to his older brother who just ignored him.

"I had a very good reason! You took pictures of me in the shower! Do you know the meaning of the word privacy?"

"Privacy; Noun, it means-"

"Do not answer! I swear having a walking dictionary for a little brother is the most annoying thing!" Ryker responded reaching his limit with his little brother. His younger brother had a total knack for getting on his nerves.

Terry brought over two plates with some nice eggs bacon and toast for them. He handed them both a fork and let the two brothers eat. He returned to the sink and started to wash the dishes. Ryker was happy that breakfasts were very quiet. His brother had a rule that would never be broken. No talking during breakfast at all. Breakfast was meant to be quiet and no one was allowed to talk until they finished their meal.

About ten minutes later Ryker and Brandon finished their meals, grab their bags and left for school. Terry was watching his brothers as they left and sighed as they finally went out the door. He gave up so much to look after his two younger brothers. But if he wanted to protect them from what their parents were trying to do them specifically Ryker. He would not let it happen at all.

Ryker walked out of the front of the house and was immediately greeted the sight of the morning sun reflecting of the beautiful sea. He saw a figure rising out of that sea and instantly knew who it was. It was a River blue otter, around his height, his name was Clarence von Williams. He was age 15 and in the same class as Ryker. He lived next door to Ryker all their lives and Ryker Had becomes friends with him quite quickly. Although if there was anyone to blame for his parents being so absent it would be Clarence's Father who employed his parents. On the other hand Clarence had not seen his Father from since the day he was born. He never visited and they only talked once in a while. "Morning C" Ryker finally said gathering his thoughts and bringing himself back to reality. "Hey Ry! Ready for school?" "Not really, who can be ready to get yelled at by those hounds we have as teachers" "can't argue with you there" Ryker just shook himself a bit to get the water out of his fur. He then walked past Ryker heading towards his house. "Well I got to get ready I meet you at School Ry" Ryker just sighed and responded "yea, yea, don't be late this time". Clarence just nodded and waved off Ryker who finally went on his way.

Ryker Walked for a few minutes before he managed to reach the parking lot that lead to a lovely bar and grill on the entrance to the beach. He was passing by a set of apartments that were rented to tourists so they could easily access the beach. He looked over to the apartment complex and observed the mango tree that hanged over the edge of the property. He continued on his way until he heard some noise coming from the mango tree. He turned around and sighed.

"Monkey! We are going to be late!"

He got response as a feline dropped out of the tree. He was dressed in the uniform but did it really not suit him. He was a mix breed of different feline species the one that showed the most was his cheetah like face. He had Bright red fur which really made it hard to look at him during the day time. He also had flaming spikey hair and flame patterns on the tip of his ears, tail and paws. He was a little shorter than Ryker at 5'4 but he was way stronger. He was pretty agile too being able to climb any tree. No one knows where he came from or his real name but the name monkey stuck when he and Ryker first met two years ago. Ryker also found something strange about monkey is that his eye colors changed every time he saw him. They were normally Red, green or blue but sometimes they white or orange.

"I am ready! So how things going Ryker"

Ryker just grunted in response. "Fine all things considered." Ryker eyes went wide as he caught a glimpse of an Otter that looked like an older version of Clarence walking by. The otter was a few inches taller than Clarence but had the same fur same eyes same build. Ryker knew he had seen this otter previously probably all his life but he never once spoke to him.

"Earth to Ryker!" Monkey yelled to snap his friend out of the trance.


"You were day dreaming again. Weren't you the one saying we need to get going or we are going to be late?"

"Yea. Let's go" The two Started on their way to school but as usual monkey had to run off somewhere leaving Ryker to continue the walk alone. As he walked along the shoreline sidewalk he was very much lost in thought. Many things were on his mind but mainly his Parents. His Older brother's birthday was tomorrow and he knew his parents once again would just ignore it. This time he needed to get his brother something. He was thinking about what he could get for his Brothers birthday since he knew nothing about his brothers interests. Then it struck him like a rock. A nice pink apron since his brother loved those. He would pick one up after school.

Meanwhile Back at Ryker's house. The otter that Ryker had seen earlier was entering the house to talk with Terry. Terry was still cleaning up the kitchen but had lost his apron and was now totally nude.

"Bashful as ever." Terry heard the voice of his fiancé say to him as he spun around to meet him. His fiancé's eyes locked on Terry's nice and thick sheathe. The otter looked to be in his early twenties. Exact same features as Clarence wearing just a plain blue T-shirt and some jeans.

"What brings you here Jonathon?" Terry asked blushing a little from being totally exposed.

"Can't I visit my future husband?" Jonathon said still not moving his eyes off Terry's sheathe.

"If that was the only thing you were here for I would be glad but I suspect it is not is it?" Jonathon had finally removed his eyes from his target as he held his head down and sighed. Terry walked over to him and they both sat down on two stool chairs.

"Your parents are on the move"

"What!" Terry barely caught himself as he nearly fell back off the chair.

"Their experiments have been found all over the place lately. One was spotted on the island Last week. I do not think its target was Ryker or Brandon. I think its target was Monkey."

"Monkey is one of yours isn't he?"

"He is. But they have no reason to target any of my experiments. Mine were never completed to their level. I broke off from the project after the Virus hit"

"Are you finally explaining everything to me?" Terry was not looking a bit annoyed and angry at Jonathon.

"Okay. 60 years ago I started project immortal. I started with a team of ten scientists. We were developing the ultimate body. One that could live for longer than the normal body would allow. After years of trying we were hitting nowhere and the project was about to be canceled. Then a breakthrough happened with Xavier. He managed to create cells that would never breakdown and that would continuously repair no matter how much damage they took. It took us forty years to create the first immortal body. After that we were combined with a team of Nano technicians lead by your parents. You were born just before I met your parents. About five years after your parents joined the team things started to go so fast that we could no longer keep researching with the substitute bodies we were given. We started to import young boys from ages 12 to 24 so we could continue our work. We got them from orphanages and from war torn countries. That is when I started to object to the project. I was furious about what we were doing and a lot of the colleagues were the same way. Then it happened. The Incident the American furs call the nuclear winter night."

Jonathon stopped to catch his breath as terry continued to listen attentively.

"An explosion at the lab happened and the Nano bot technology complete with the cells and their ability to take over and replace other cells along with radioactive chemicals got mixed together in the fire. All the researchers died except for five of us. I was given this immortal body and a few abilities of my own. I managed to save five of the boys and sent them to live different places. That night of the explosion my son was born. I could not let him see me like this and with the project spear heads covering everything up as small explosion at a lab where no one was I could remain alive and keep my son from finding out. Your parents did the same thing to you and your brother. They also survived but were infected with defective Nano bots. Two others survived but I only know who one of them is. Jones as we called him was a huge pervert. We were investigating some reports of sexual abuse of the young boys when the explosion happened. He took a few of the surviving boys as well as your parents. The final persons got the rest. There were about one hundred subjects at the lab at the time." Jonathon paused and held his head down while a few tears gathered in the corner of his eyes.

Terry patted Jonathon on the back and asked him to continue. "It was a few years after I met your parents again. They had just given birth to Brandon and you and your brother were living here already. Then it hit them. They got infected with a virus that used the Nano cells to alter their minds. Your father became power crazy and began to send the boys he had on espionage missions. He learned how to use the Nano cells to control people who did not have them. He right now has control of ten countries in the east and they are supplying him with subjects to continue his research. Your mom did not become corrupt as quick as your dad and sent me here with your younger brother and told me to protect you three from them. It was hard but your mother became corrupt as your father but she was concerned with money. As much as she could get her hands on. She sent her survivors to work in South America and began using them as errand boys for different gangs and dirty politicians. Jones also got infected and he became obsessed with getting Sex slaves for himself. He had access to the old research facility even though the area is now totally sealed off by the American government. He created a new lab and began to work on getting more boy toys for himself. As you know I came here and let my boys try and live normal lives here but to no avail. I do not know who the fifth survivor is, what he can do, how many of the boys he has or what his motive is. I still have not found the origin of this virus. All I know is someone has begun to target monkey for one or more reasons."

Terry pulled Jonathon closer to him as the recalling the story seemed to put Jonathon in a pretty bad mood.

"I know you hated the fact that the project ended up how it did but are you sure that you are the only one who knows about Ryker and Brandon's condition?"

Jonathon gathered himself again. "I Think so. Your parents lost most of their memories when the virus hit so I doubt they remember. Jones would have already attacked if he knew. The fifth survivor worries me. I think whoever it is might know and they have more of the original experiments on his side. Me and Jones managed to save five boys each. Your parents got twenty each. The fifth guy walked away with fifty of them"

Terry was getting a bit frustrated now. Something did not make sense. "How did he get away from a locked down area with fifty boys in tow and no one noticing?"

"I think he used one of the boys power. He could easily have made a tunnel with one their powers and gotten away and if he knew the control mechanisms he could easily command all fifty of them. The problem is the body count. The bodies were burned beyond recognition but they found enough to piece to together all but five bodies. They completely unidentifiable so there was no way I could find out who was the missing link by checking that. I know you expected more information but this is all I can tell you right now"

"I heard most of it already but this is the first time you mentioned the fifth guy I can tell he is a key player in this-" Terry was cut off by the sound of his cell phone in his pocket going off.

"Fuck! The Nano detector just picked up an extra signature."

Jonathon lost his sad face and became completely aware. He reached for his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

"I wonder what kind they sent and who sent it"

"Type?" terry asked him quizzically "Did you forget to tell me something again?"

"The Nano bot cells have different functions they can do. We gave each boy two or three primary areas of focus. Among those were five different types; Reconnaissance, Stealth, Healing, Defense and warfare. Offensive were Nano cells who had the ability create weapons out of their bodies and control elements around them. Defense have the ability to shield persons and objects from different weapons and attacks using their cells, they also can use them on their body to reduce the damage taken from attacks. Healing refers to cells that can turn into regular cells and heal regular furs or that can restore structures and objects. Stealth are a set of abilities that let the fur go anywhere without being detected. While reconnaissance deals with gathering Intel." Jonathon explained trying to get back on terry's good side.

Terry was a bit annoyed now. "Can stealth types evade my detection grid?"

Jonathon looked away and moved away from terry a bit as he responded. "They can if they know it is there. I invented to grid myself no one should know about it. I can tweak it to hone in on stealth types if they have infiltrated but they could slip in and out if they hide their Nano signature."

"Tell me these things before we reach crisis level! Sheesh man I need to know these things. This guy is heading towards Ryker's school. He could be going after him or getting to monkey. We need to move"

Jonathon had curled his tail around the feet of the chair he was sitting on as Terry rushed upstairs to get some clothes on and head out. A few seconds later Terry was back down dressed in Black shirt and black jeans.

"Let's go John!" Terry Said as he rushed out the door dragging John along with him. The exited the house and quickly ran across the beach to the parking lot where they bumped into Clarence who was waiting for a ride to school.

"Hello Terry! Who is that guy you dragging with you?" Clarence asked while raising an eyebrow. Jonathon got his feet after being dragged across the beach by Terry.

"This guy is-" Terry was caught off by a brown and black spotted hyena dropping in behind Clarence and grabbing him hostage.

"Ack! What the-" Clarence was cut off by the hyena as he squeezed his forearm harder on Clarence's throat. The hyena raised his head and stared at the two furs in front of him and began smiling.

"Hello Terry, Jonathon. My master requires an audience with you" he told the two in front of him

"Your master sent you here to distract us while someone else goes after my brother huh?" Terry respond really getting angry every muscle in his body was tensing up.

"No that vessel was sent by Mrs. Cassandra smith. I was sent by Mr. Jones Mcgrady." Terry and Jonathon's eyes went wide as not one but two of the experimental boys were sent after two different targets.

"We have no time for you then! What the hell do you want with that boy?" Jonathon asked him furious.

"I only need some information from you Jonathon von Williams. I know you will give me the information you want if you want to ensure nothing happens to your son here!" The hyena just pointed his index finger at Clarence's temple.

"Stop! What information do you want? I will tell you anything you want! Just do not hurt my boy!"

That got Clarence's attention as he struggled to look at the otter in front of him. No way could this otter be his father. He was still too young. But why would the hyena holding him say that. He was still barely breathing as the hyena held him firmly in a strong grip.

The hyena smiled his mission was going off without a hitch but he needed to get the information quickly and retreat.

"My master wants to know what the password for the file 'Control Doctrine' is" The hyena just chuckled as he waited to see the response from the two in front of him.

Terry just glanced over to Jonathon staring at the heavily shaking otter.

"I cannot tell you that it is too dangerous!" Jonathon exclaimed trying to stay as calm as he could. That file was the most dangerous aspect of their project. But terry's father had already gotten a copy of it and was using it. If it got into jones hand then it would be even more trouble.

"I guess your son here will have to die! I guess since you abandoned him when he was born you do not really care for what happens to him. I should have expected that. So he is totally expendable!" The hyena turned his index finger into a metal spike and made a move to strike it through Clarence's temple.

"Okay I give!" Jonathon screamed out. "The Password is First row Descendant! Now let my boy go!" Jonathon lowered his head in defeat not wanting to make eye contact with his son.

"Weak as ever." The Hyena smirked as he threw Clarence at his father. He then teleported out before anyone could find him.

Jonathon grabbed Clarence as he was thrown towards. He then carefully let Clarence get back to his feet. Clarence pushed him off once he got to his feet.

"Who the hell are you? Why the hell did that hyena think I was your son?" Ryker was yelling very hard and trying to hold back his tears. Jonathon could not even meet his eyes. Terry was getting annoyed again. He walked up to John and slapped him across the face.

"Stop being a coward! Just tell him! It is too late to hold anything back now!" Terry was getting fed up with Jonathon's cowardice.

"Tell me what! Terry who the hell is this guy!"

Terry went to respond but Jonathon stopped him. He wanted to answer himself. He cleared his throat and changed his voice to the one he used when he talked to Clarence on the phone. "I am your father."

Clarence jumped back the voice he heard all his life as his father was finally in front of him as his father. His real father. Not just some voice on the phone talking to him, the father that eluded him as his life.

"But why? I have seen you so many times before! How could you keep it from me that you were my father? How is it possible?" Jonathon still looked guilty. He had not a very good reason to keep the information from his son.

"I had my reasons which I can tell you while we get to your school. There is another one on the way attacking Ryker. We have to go now!" Jonathon had become more forceful to the end after starting off quiet. Clarence and terry took notice of the urgency and went to get the car.

Back at on the road to school. Ryker was there walking by himself. He was still lost in thought but had more about school on his mind. He did not even notice the Black wolf approaching him from behind.

As the wolf got close monkey got behind him and punched the wolf right out in the street causing a car to screech to a halt.

Ryker heard to tires screech and turn back around to see monkey walking over to a wolf in the street. Ryker ran back towards the scene only to be stopped by Monkey yelling at him. "Ryker stay where you are! Do not come any closer!" Ryker obeyed Monkey's warning albeit skeptically.

"What are you doing here? And who sent you?" Monkey asked the wolf who rose to his feet as monkey prepared himself for battle.

"I am here to retrieve that boy. Someone has put a 30 million dollar bounty on him. My mistress is interested in obtaining those funds!" The wolf responded with no emotion at all in his voice.

"I will not allow you to take him!" Monkey exclaimed as his eyes changed color to be bright red instead of green. The wolf just grinned evilly and raised his paw in air. The ground began to shake and cracks appeared in the road and the side walk. Monkey tried to keep his balance as the furs that had gathered around the scene started to flee. Ryker just fell with thump on his rump.

The wolf started laughing and the ground below monkey started to come apart. Monkey jumped back trying not to get caught between the raised and fallen earth. The ground was still ripping itself apart and Ryker was caught on a slab of earth that was rising out of the ground. Monkey managed to land perfectly and keep his balance. He tried to find a way to get to Ryker but the ground was still shaking and coming apart. Monkey had to do something but if he did he might get Ryker caught in the cross fire.

Before he could think of anything someone called out his name.

"Monkey Brace yourself!" Monkey looked around for the voice and saw Terry holding a grenade. He knew what was about to happen and it would really hurt. He braced himself for the incoming attack.

Terry was quickly approaching and had already pulled the pin on the grenade. He threw at the wolf who raised a piece of the broken earth to defend against it. The grenade exploded with a small explosion. The wolf looked on questioningly before he kneeled over in pain. Terry then fell over in pain with Monkey as well. The wolf struggled to focus but managed to teleport away. The grenade's effect wore off and Terry and Monkey regained their composure. Ryker was trying to remove a piece of rock that had him pinned down. Clarence and Jonathon came running from down the side walk. Jonathon went over to help Ryker and Clarence went over to Terry. Jonathon managed to get the boulder off of Ryker and helped him up. Monkey had regrouped with Terry and Clarence.

"John bring Ryker over here. That wolf will be back soon we need to get to the house. The shield there will protect us from them." Terry ordered. They quickly gathered everyone up and ran back towards the car parked down the road. Ryker and Clarence were told to remain quiet and wait until they get home to ask any questions they had.

About 15 minute later the managed to reach the beach. Terry and Jonathon quickly got everyone out of the car and hurrying their way to the house. The wolf had now reappeared behind them and began to chase them as they tried to get to the house. Jonathon took a remote out of his pocket and pressed a button on it to open the front gate of the beach house.

"Hurry up and get in! The shield is going to be up any second now!" Terry ordered as they started to enter the front gate. Ryker was still confused but his brother was really adamant about him not saying anything until they were in the house.

As the group ran into the house the wolf was stopped by an invisible force just outside the gate. Terry and Jonathon stopped and looked back at the furious wolf who was pounding away at the shield. They both gave a sigh of relief as the wolf was now stalled and could not get to them. Terry and Jonathon now walked in to talk to the boys inside.

Inside in the kitchen were a very angry Ryker and Brandon, who was also called home. Clarence was just looking on carefully and in anticipation of what these two had to say to them. Ryker was the first to speak.

"Who the hell was that? What the heck is going on?" Ryker could not even stop the saliva in his mouth from reaching the Two as they stood in the door way. Brandon was next to voice his frustrations.

"Big bro! Why did you pull me out I was going to take 22 tests today!"

"Calm down you two let us explain okay?" Terry responded trying to calm his brothers down.

"okay it all started-" Terry gave a rundown of the project, their parents and few other details before letting Ryker and Brandon speak again.

The two were stunned. They could not believe their brother could keep such a thing from them for so long. Their parents were evil and one of them wanted the millions of dollars on Ryker's head.

"Okay terry why would someone want to put a 30 million dollar bounty on my head?" Ryker asked having lost most of his anger. He was now listening attentively as Brandon was sobbing a bit after hearing his parents had abandoned him when he was born.

"They would do it for your blood. Our parents gave you immunity the Nano bot cells. Well a certain immunity to it. There are few persons who are naturally immune to the Nano bot cells. You have in your body the only known way to prevent the Nano bot cells from entering your body. If someone was to capture and find a way to get around the immunity no one would be safe anymore. Although there is a one in ten million chance of a person being immune it is not something we really could have planned for." Terry explained to Ryker trying to get him to understand his situation.

"So great." Ryker said while rolling his eyes

"Ryker it is a very big deal! If they get to you they will be able to control everyone in the world! Especially now that I had to give them access to the 'Control doctrine'" Jonathon added still being extremely concerned about what just happened.

"So if you have the Nano cells why don't you fight back?" Ryker asked Jonathon as Terry went over to the fridge and retrieved a few bottles of water from the fridge.

"I have no offensive cells in my body. I can only regenerate cells. I basically cannot die. It is not easy for me do so anyway. That is basically all my cells can do." Jonathon had just handed out the bottles of water to everyone.

"Okay I guess I believe you but I want to hear some more about this later. I am kind of tired right now" Ryker replied slowly lowering himself on the counter feeling albeit drained.

"Okay then. One last thing!" Jonathon said while all the boys started to drink their water. "Me and Terry here are getting married!"

That got a response from the three boys. All three did a spit take and Clarence and Ryker fell off their chairs. Brandon just tilted his head to the side and stared the two. Ryker managed to recover before Clarence yelled out something obscene and stormed off to his room. Clarence got back up and asked his Father something.

"Dad your Bi?"

"Nope. One-hundred percent gay. Never even seen a woman naked"

"Then what about me! How did you have me?"

Jonathon took a deep breath and then answered in a soft voice.

"You were created in the lab not born. You are basically a clone of me. One of the reasons I stayed away was to try and keep that a secret!" Jonathon once again could not meet his son's eyes. Clarence began to shake. Tears swelled up in his eyes and he ran way up to Ryker's room.

"I was hoping he would take that better"

"Do not worry John he should come around. Now why don't I take you up to my room and make sure to get you unstressed." Brandon took notice of the seductive tone his brother used and quickly scurried off to his room to study. Monkey just made his way to Ryker's room. The two lovers decided to take it to Terry's room.

They quickly moved upstairs and entered terry's room. Hearing lots of noise coming from Ryker's room as they passed. Jonathon entered the room first and let Terry in before locking the door behind them.

"Now how about we lose these horrible view blockers." Jonathon said as he started disrobing Terry instantly. Terry was fully nude having lost all his clothing so quickly it was un-real. He then took his turn about removing John's clothes. Terry quickly removed and tossed aside the clothes that were hampering the view of his otter's body.

"Mmm, always love seeing that nice blue body of yours"

John giggled a bit. "I know you do but I think there is something on this body that you would enjoy playing with"

"Oh yes there is" Terry reached down and took hold of John's erect member. Terry was about eight inches long while john was around seven. However john was a bit thicker than Terry. Terry started stroking his otter's shaft trying to coax out a bit precum. It did not take long for him to get some from the otter's throbbing member. John gave out a few moans as terry was picking up a rhythm. Terry let go of the dripping member leaving John whimpering in submission for him to continue. Terry Just grabbed John's arm and threw him on the bed. As john bounced up from being tossed Terry got right on top john and placed his muzzle right against his. John gave no resistance he felt Terry's tongue trying to enter his muzzle. The two just laid there and enjoyed the kiss they shared.

After a few minutes Terry broke the kiss and moved off John. He raised john's legs to expose the very used tail hole of john.

"Going down there already Terry?" John asked his eager boyfriend. His response was a quick hard tap on the muzzle. This was Terry's signal to be quiet and just enjoy it.

Terry just slowly rubbed his member up and down the crack of his now silent boyfriend trying to spread as much precum as he could there. He then lined himself up and quickly thrust in. John had prepared for that and braced himself for it.

"I not going easy on you now!"

Meanwhile back in Ryker's room. Clarence was Sulking with his head buried deep in a pillow on Ryker's bed. Monkey was lying on the floor just tossing a coin in the air. Ryker was on his computer.

Ryker started giggling a bit and that drew the attention of monkey.

"What you doing there Ryker?"

"Just getting a little payback."

Monkey's interest was piqued now. "Payback on whom?"

"Terry! I hacked the cameras in his room and they are giving me quite the show." Ryker giggled again and Monkey got up and went to see what Ryker had on his Computer screen. He was greeted by the sight of Terry really being rough with Jonathon. Monkey just burst out laughing at the scene. He fell to floor holding his side.

"I never thought Terry would be the one topping!" Monkey could barely contain his laughter while he said that.

"Easy it is not that funny! I mean is that the way someone normally reacts when they see someone eavesdropping on someone having sex?" Ryker had really been disturbed by Monkey just laughed but he glanced over realizing this was not helping Clarence at all. But was he really just depressed over Terry marrying his dad?

Ryker just sighed and returned to the computer minimizing the screen recording terry and Jonathon. He began to browse some old photos from his childhood.

The first one was a picture of him and his brothers on the beach when he was nine. The next one was of him when he was seven with five of his old friends. He decided to reflect on this picture a little more. He started thinking of his friends.

Caboose was White and yellow stripped snow tiger. He was always absent minded and was the guy who kept forgetting everything but was always cheerful and funny. Hoolio was purple and white striped feline. He was a hybrid of a jaguar and tiger and it showed. He was also the bold and fearless leader of the pack. James was a light green cougar. He was very quiet rarely ever talked but he was the smartest guy in the group knowing everything you needed to know. Finally there was Chad who was a grey and white fox. He was quite the flirt even at the age of eight. He fancied himself a ladies man but was totally reliable and dependable.

Ryker changed over to another group picture. It was one with all his friends including Clarence and himself. The picture was the last day they were together and since then they all fell out of contact.

"Clarence they are getting married. You cannot do anything about it, I know he is your father and you are taking in a lot but this is going overboard!" Ryker yelled out so his depressed friend could hear.

He got no response from his friend and that got him annoyed. Monkey decided to intervene. He got up off the floor again and whispered into Ryker's ear. "Ryker. He found out he was not born. He has no mother he is a clone of his father. His father kind of told him that in a pretty harsh way. Clarence did not take it well"

Ryker just grunted and waved off monkey. He clicked the print button and printed the picture of his friends at the airport. After it finally printed he took it and walked over to Clarence on the bed. He pulled Clarence up by the fur on the back of his head. Ryker then pulled Clarence right off the bed and threw him to the floor. Clarence got up in a fury and charged at Ryker. He grabbed Ryker by the collar.

"What was that for?"

"To get you to stop feeling sorry for yourself! Look at this!" Ryker held up the picture that he just printed. When Clarence saw it he let go of Ryker and took the picture from him. The tears started to swell up in Clarence's eyes when he stared at the picture.

"You remember what Hoolio said that day?" Ryker paused a bit. "No matter where we go. NO matter what we become, we will always be friend, we will always remember the good times, and we shall never forget we are who we are to the very end and we are friends. That is what he said. I still remember it do you?"

Clarence wiped his eyes and composed himself again. "I do. I am sorry there Ryker. I was overreacting."

"Hey it is something huge to learn. But I don't think of you any different and neither will any of our friends. New or old. Don't be so down on yourself. You are who you are" Ryker put his paw on his friend shoulder. "And that will never change!"

"Well Said Ryker!" Heard in the voice of Terry. The two turned around to see a naked Terry and Jonathon standing the doorway. Terry had his hand over Jonathon's shoulder. They both still mildly erect and still leaking. Clarence and Ryker's face turned red and monkey was back on the floor throwing up a coin and not even caring.

"Clarence we can talk at lunch and you can ask me anything. Right now I guess I got help this guy here get lunch ready."

Clarence lost some of his blush but still looked away from his dad. "Fine dad. But I won't be easy on you!"

Jonathon just chuckled. Terry took his arm of Jonathon and went over the Ryker's computer. He opened the window recording his room and deleted the video that Ryker made.

"That takes care of that" He turned around and stared at Ryker who was clearly fidgeting and trying to come up with an excuse. Terry just continued to stare at him as he and Jonathon left the room to go make lunch. When they shut the door behind them Ryker dropped to the floor and sighed in relief. Clarence and Monkey just both started laughing.

Somewhere in South America a few boys were training hard. They were furs of different species most of them in their teens. They were in a hidden compound. Overlooking them was a female cheetah. She was around 5'8 looked in her thirties. Her name was Cassandra Smith, Ryker's mother.

Behind her appeared James dressed in a swat outfit.

"Madam our agent has failed to secure the target. What are your orders?"

Cassandra snorted in disgust. She turned to face James. James shuddered a bit waiting for the inevitable yell. None came however instead Cassandra just motioned James to rise.

"The Bounty will increase tomorrow. So this set back is actually a blessing. I will not tolerate failure so I am sending you. Gather a team and head out!"

"Yes ma'am!" James responded then teleported out.

Elsewhere in a secret compound in the South African region. Another set of boys were training away as a Male cheetah overlooked them. He was 6'4 and appeared to be in his early forties with black hair. Behind him stood Caboose. He was Ryker's father Voltor.

"Caboose I am sending you and few others to retrieve my two youngest sons from their older brother. There is a bounty on them which means someone else wants them. They are crucial to my plans since the next country we are trying to conquer has a few members who are immune to my techniques. I need my son to test out how to get around these problems. Head out immediately!"

"Right away Sir!" Caboose replied before teleporting out himself.

Elsewhere in a secret compound in a rural part of the northern eastern part of North America a figure was watching a series of monitors in a very dark room.

The Hyena who attacked Clarence earlier had entered through a door behind the figure.

"Sir I retrieved the information from the target. The file has already been unlocked and the scientists have begun to work on the disperser. It should be operational soon."

The figure just snapped his fingers to add just a little light to the room enough to make out his features. He was a slightly muscular polar bear with five rings in both ears. One of his eyes has Yellow the other green. He was totally nude.

"Are you forgetting something?" The bear asked in a very predatory tone. The Hyena was stunned. He quickly disrobed and threw all his clothes away, revealing his sheathe to the polar bear.

"Much better! Now you can take it easy I will send my best spy to keep an eye on Jonathon's Movements. You are dismissed"

The hyena teleported in as the bear turned around to face the wall of monitors. They were showing different views of a small suburban area. The bear just smirked; now that he had access to the control doctrine he could put his plans to full fruition. Behind him Chad came in also fully nude.

"Chad my experiments must not disturbed. Head out and keep an eye on what Jonathon does now that he knows I have the control doctrine." Chad nodded and teleported out. The bear just smiled.

"Soon I shall claim that town as my own playground!" The bear just gave an evil laugh

Somewhere on a rocky beach was Hoolio. He was Just sitting on some rocks as waves came crashing in. He was staring a picture of him and all his friends. The same picture Ryker had of them in front the airport. He just smiled and then threw the picture into the ocean. He stood up watching the picture sink to the bottom of the ocean. A symbol of what was to come for him and his friends.