Changes-Chapter 2, The Morning After.

Story by FaidenAhvatari on SoFurry

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Insert usual boring disclaimer here, this story contains mature and explicit content. Do not read if you are under the age of 18 or whatever the age in your area is.

It's also probably a good idea to not read this story if gay sex isn't your cup of tea.

Also please forgive me if the spacing and lining are a bit "off." I haven't worked with the site's new layout recently.

Otherwise I hope you enjoy it.


I awoke to the feeling of Matt's arms wrapped around me. I couldn't even really remember what I had done last night for that matter either. I remember moving in to this new town, I remember my school day. That's right, I went home with him last night and what a great night it was. I couldn't believe this at all, I've been in this town less than one week and I've already gotten myself a boyfriend. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad experience after all.

Matt's eyes slowly flickered open as he gave me a groggy smile. I smiled back, probably just as groggily.

"Good morning." He said tiredly. "How did you sleep last night?"

I didn't have to think that hard about my answer. "Great." I replied non chalantly before stretching my arms out to yawn. The bright morning sun blasted through the windows, helping us both wake up just a little bit faster. I flung the blanket off from around me and took in the surroundings of the room again.

"So Al, any plans for today?" I stared blankly at the wall thinking. Today was saturday so it's not like we had to be in school or anything.

"Not really Matt I mean it's saturday, no school remember?"

He laughed a little at my response and thought to himself a bit before answering. "Well maybe I could show you the city a bit, since you just moved here yesterday."

A smile crept over my face at the idea of spending the day with Matt. "It'd probably be a good idea to get a hold of one of my parents first, but sure I'd love to."

With that I reached for my cellphone and the display was empty. No missed calls or texts or anything. I just hope my parents wouldn't be too ticked off at me. A bit of worry filled me as I punched in my Father's number. Then there was silence as I waited for the call to go through.

"Hey Al, what's up?" My Dad said with his usually cheerful voice. "Good Morning Dad, how's it going?" "It's going, your mom is just driving me a bit crazy trying to drag me along with her to some furniture shop." I grinned a little at that.

Sure my parents got along just fine. But my Dad wasn't exactly the type to enjoy shopping all that much, unless it was for something really important. Our house was already fully furnished, I don't know what else we'd really need, but when it comes to Mom she's never satisfied.

"I just spend the night over at my new friend's house, and I was going to spend the day with him again." "Alright." My dad laughed. "Sounds a lot more better than having to spend the day picking out new couch cushions or whatever it is your Mom is buying." "Have a good day Dad." "You too Al." We ended the call after that and I thought to myself about what Matt had planned for today.

A pair of furry paws rested on my shoulder as Matt started to rub them. "So then, where do you want to go?" I had no idea really, like Matt said. I didn't know a single thing about this place. "Why don't you just lead the way?" Matt continued to rub my shoulders. "Sure thing." He whispered in my ear.

Matt began to laugh again when he realized we were both standing in the nude. Still naked from last night's "festivities." I couldn't help but to laugh a little too. "It might be a good idea if we got showered and dressed first though." Matt replied wittedly. "I know you don't know that much about the city, but they frown upon public nudity."

I rolled my eyes at his witty remark. Even though I didn't mind seeing Matt in the nude either way he was right. I didn't think to bring any clothing over since I wasn't planning on sleeping over at somebody else's house last night. That was okay though, my outfit from last night wouldn't be that bad, it wasn't like it was incredibly dirty or anything.

After our shower Matt started talking about his plans with me today again.

"The city has a lot to offer, We've got a huge shopping mall, a park with a pool, the mall has a movie theater to and there's tons of coffee houses and things like that if you want." Matt seemed really happy actually about today. Even though I still didn't really know what I wanted to do.

I guess that makes me somewhat boring, I usually just sat in my room and listened to music or played guitar. Going out in the city like this would actually be something kind of new to me. It would be a good idea to just let Matt lead the way, like I said. I know nothing about this place.

"Matt, I think you should pick what we do today, you know this place a lot better than I do." He chuckled a bit.

"True, true, I'm thinking we get some coffee first then maybe I can show you the park." Matt said as he finished getting dressed. His outfit was a plaid shirt with one button still undone at the top, along with a pair of skinny black jeans. His hair was straightened just like yesterday.

For the first time since I came to this city I actually felt a bit happy. Even though I was a little nervous, truth be told I don't know Matt all that well, but at the same time I still trust him. It's not like he gives off a bad vibe or anything. I felt a strange type of comfort being near him.

"Are you ready to get going Al?" I looked over at him and nodded before following him out of his room and eventually into the garage.

We took his motorcycle again and we headed into a more business looking section of the city. On the way there I saw signs for all sorts of Restaurants, clubs and other places along with the sign for the coffee place that Matt wanted to make me to. "Robert's."

Matt parked in the shoulder of the road and we made our way into the quiet and dimly lit Coffee House. The place reminded me of one of those poetry halls, where classic rock fans would hang out at.

"Hey there, Matt." A young looking border collie from behind the front counter called. He flashed us both a bright looking smile. "Who's the new guy?"

"This is Al, he just moved into town about a week ago." The collie raised his eyebrows a bit. "Newcomer huh, well the town isn't that bad, just try to avoid some of the local trouble makers." He moved out from behind the counter and held his paw towards me.

I took it and shook it gently. "My name is Steve." He said as I smiled at him.

"Well, Matt already told you my name." I laughed lightly.

"That's true, anyway what can I get you two?" Steve asked.

Before I could answer Matt did for me. "Just get me two of my usuals." Steve nodded and went back behind his counter as Matt led me to a table. I gave him a pondering look.

"What exactly is the usual?"I asked. Matt looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry about it, I'm almost positive you'll like it." He answered. "That doesn't make me feel any better Matt." I replied testingly.

"Relax hun, it's nothing that bad." He assured me. I guess that was the best answer I was going to get. Soon Steve arrived with our drinks. "Here you guys go, I hope it isn't too sweet."

It smelled like cinnamon so maybe that was a good sign. Matt took his drink and pressed it to his muzzle without a second thought.

I pressed the drink to my muzzle too, I could smell cinnamon and what smelled like chocolate chip cookies. The drink was actually pretty amazing. "Matt what is this stuff, it's great?"

Matt smiled again. "It's just cookies and cream with a dash of cinnamon. I told you it wasn't anything bad."

After we finished our coffee we went to Steve to pay for it.

"Here Steve, for the coffee." Steve looked up at us from his seat. "No that's okay Matt, this one was on the house." Matt's eyes went a bit wide. "Thanks Steve but I still want to tip you." Matt happily accepeted the tip and winked at us. "I hope you two have a good day." He said teasingly.

Matt waved goodbye to Steve as he led me back outside to his motorcycle. "Where to next then?" He asked.

"I thought you wanted to show me the park?" Matt nodded before starting the bike and driving to the park. The park wasn't anything less than I had expected. Trees, trees everywhere and not a whole lot more. I mean there was a walking path and some benches strewn about the place but nothing else.

"Where is everyone Matt, this place is dead." Matt looked at the trail before responding. "People don't come here for the trees Al." I tilted my ears at his answer. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Follow me and you'll see." He took my paw in his and we started down the trail. What did he mean by what he said? We kept walking further into the forest and down the trail before I heard the soft running of a waterfall. Once we actually got there I saw what Matt meant.

Before us laid a crystal clear blue lake along with beautiful waterfall I just heard. For the rest of the day until into the evening we stayed there by the lake and the waterfall laying in the soft grass, just talking.

About my move here and what the trip was like, about how I was adjusting to living in a bigger city and going to a bigger school. We talked a bit more about our child hoods too. Matt told me about his parents a bit more. How his Dad was more accepting of the gay community than his Mother was and that he was afraid of his Mom ever finding out about him.

His father already knew, he explained. But they've always kept it a secret from his Mom. To be honest I kind of felt bad for him. I was lucky enough to have an accepting Mom and Dad. Life would've been a lot harder if it wasn't the way it was right now.

By now the Sun had fallen well beneath the horizon and we decided to head back to Matt's for the night. The cool night air felt great on the way back home as I rested my head on Matt's back. We pulled into Matt's garage a few moments later and locked up the house before making our way back into his room.

We laid in bed together, staring into each other's eyes. The same idea running through both of our minds. I was the first one to take action though as I found myself gently rubbing at his crotch before my paws found themselves undoing his pants.

Matt followed suit and took off his own shirt, revealing his toned and muscled abs and nice looking body. He grinned seductively at me as I slowly took off his boxers. I watched him lay there in his nude form, dreaming about what was about to take place.

It didn't last long though before Matt spoke softly. "I believe it's your turn now honey. " A light crimson blush brushed across my cheeks as I slowly started to strip out of my clothing as well. Halfway into taking my shirt off, Matt pulled me closer to him and brought me into a deep and passionate kiss. At first the kiss was, slow and gentle.

But our lustul states of mind brought the kiss to tongue wrestling and gentle moans and grunts. I worked my way down Matt's body, softly kissing at chest, abs and eventually the head of his cock. He let out a happy shudder as my kissing turned into licking and then sucking.

"Mmm...Al, that feels so n-nice." He stammered out in pleasure before bringing his paws to push down on my head. I moaned feminely as more of his girthy cock was fed into my muzzle. I loved the feeling of being dominated like this, by a bigger and stronger male.

His paws guided me up and down his lengthy meat before they brought me back up completely.

He gently caressed my cheek before whispering into my ear. "Why don't you turn around baby." Nervously but steadily I turned around for him on all fours now. My tail was raised up high in the air for him and his humping.

I gave a seductive shake of my rump for him before his strong paws came to rest on my cheeks, slowly spreading them apart as he firmly pushed into my tight ass. I could hear him groan out.

"Damn, you're just so tight Alister." I let out a sharp gasp of pain and pleasure escape my lips as he kept sinking inch after inch of meaty cock into me. Until finally he hilted deep inside of me and stopped at his engorged knot.

He gave me a few moments to adjust before he started to thrust in and out gently. By now I started to pant gently as he continued to fuck me. The room was filled with the scent of sex and musk as our frenzied fucking picked up in speed. The paws resting on my hips came up to wrap around my chest and waist as he laid his head on my back and his thrusts got deeper and more powerful.

"Ah...get ready hun." He whispered in a half moan as he pulled back all the way before pushing back in and knotting me and filling me with his hot and sticky cum.

A loud moan escaped my muzzle and filled the room as I too finished, cumming all over the sheet and bed. He laid himself gently down on top of me, panting happily as I laid under him now tired and ready for bed. He kissed me gently on the top of my head before we both closed our eyes and fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.