My Little Pony: Guardains of Equestria pt 2

Story by Eragon1093 on SoFurry

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#2 of MLP (Book two)

Hey all, Brandon Casey here with another chapter of my greatest story by far that I had ever written. Before I start this chapter off, I would like to thank all of you who had re-watched me, after I was banned from my old account here. It fill me with great joy that many of you are faithful readers and watcher of myself, again thank you. it's hard to think that I only started this story on a dare, I never truly thought that the chapter I thought was going to be a one time thing would bloom into another book, so far this is the longest story I have done that I did not get bored with and stop. But anyway, I guess I prolong the waiting a bit more, thank you all once more, and without further ado, I give you the newest chapter; enjoy. Ill also be putting in the info of each human/pony in each chapter, this one will have Brandon, just to see how far he had grown and his history as well. This will be done once in each chapter.

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Name: Brandon James Casey

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Blood Type: (Unknown)

Relationship: Married

Line(s) mostly used:"Shut the hell up Devon." "Fuck!" "Oh dear god..." "Why am I friends with you?" (Question/answer from last question) "Again...why is that?" "There are three types of people/ponies in the world, sane one, insane one; and Devon."

Release Sate: (Not yet known)

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Human/Alicorn

Skin tone: Tan

Eye color: Green (left red)

Hair: Black

Facial Hair: None

Height: 6:3 (Six foot three)

Build: Slightly ripped

Bodily Harm: Three scars over left eye (Others healed by magic)

Title(s): Prince of Equestria, Follower of the Night (Given by Princess Moon) Guardian of Wisdom, Sir Brandon of Equestria (knighted)

Theme Song: Tekken 5 - 007 - Moonlit Wilderness

Family: Twilight Sparkles (Wife) Sonic Flash (Son) Princess Celestia (Half Sister) Princess Luna (Half Sister) Sinbad (Father) Mother (Unknown name) Shiny Armor (Brother in Law) Princess Cadence (Sister in Law) Twilight's mother (Mother in Law) Twilight's father (Father in Law) Princess Nightmare Moon/Princess Moon (Half Sister) Prince Blue Blood (Nephew)

Friend(s): Fluttershy (Pegasus), Rainbow Dash (Pegasus), Applejack (Earth Pony), Pinkie Pie (Earth Pony), Rarity (Unicorn), Scootaloo (Pegasus), Sweetie Belle (Unicorn), Apple Bloom (Earth Pony), Big Mac (Earth Pony), Mike (Human), Devon (Humicorn)

Skill(s): Magic, Swordplay, Speed

Weapon(s) of Choice: Swords

Like(s): Nights, children, reading, training, family, candy and other such sweets (not as much as Pinkie Pie) friends

Hate(s): Darkness, Discord, Sinbad, green food (Anything good for him in a sense) Being weaker then his foes, Changeling Queen (In a sense)

History: After leaving his mother and father at a slightly young age of fifteen, Brandon set off into the world to prove that he could live a life of peace away from his father's evil ways. Though he knew he would never find true peace, it did not stop him from truly trying. At times, he felt as if he was being watched by his father's men, for his father Sinbad, did not want him to leave. In a sense, he believed that Brandon was his to use as he saw fit. So with the help of his fighting teachers (All female for he knew that women fighters were known to be the best in the world) he was taught the way of fighting with both his body, and swords.

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_ When Brandon was almost twenty, he was somehow brought to another world, this world filled with talking ponies, unicorns, Pegasus, dragons, and Alicorns. At first he was slightly shocked by this world, but with the help of his newfound friends, he learned to enjoy being in Equestria. After getting a job with his friend Pinkie Pie, and also a room in the place of work, he grew more and more loving of the small village that he now thought of his home. In the coming weeks, he was also brought to know he was invited to a party known as the Grand Galloping Gala, going as his friend Twilight's date. While at the party, he met up with Princess Celestia who welcomed Brandon, and also informed him that if he was to have any sort of feelings for a pony, to go with it._

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_ A few weeks after the GGG, Brandon was then invited to join three fillies known as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to join their club known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders so that they could help him find out his hidden skills so that he and one day them, gain a Cutie Mark. He had pretty much no choice after they pleaded him to join; also around this time, finding out that Twilight, had deep feelings for him. Brandon did not truly wish to jump into a relationship over night, for he had many past 'loves' that just used him. But after a day of thinking, he then asked the unicorn if she truly loved him, when she answered yes; he agreed to be her boyfriend, for he knew, that there would be none like Twilight._

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_ Some time after this, he was somehow sent back to his old world, not knowing how he got here, he got a letter from Twilight sating that he was very missed and they would do everything in their power to bring him back._

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_ His father also found him, coming to tell him that his mother was dead, that he himself killed her. In his blind rage, Brandon attacked his father, only to be beaten, and given three scars on his left eye, making said eye blood red._

_ When reawaking from being knocked out, he found himself in front of Celestia, she explained that it was she and Luna that brought him to their world, and also sent him back. He was enraged at first, but was soon calmed down enough to tell her that Equestria was his home, and to also make a deal. If any other humans were to come, that he ask them if any way they could return home; would they. The Princess of the Day agreed to his terms, as long as he told no one of the secret she had given him; to which he agreed._

_ Soon a new evil found his way toward Ponyvile, an Alicorn going by the name of Darkness who wished to bring the world to a never ending night. He also wished to take Twilight as his bride, Brandon fighting him; losing both the battle and Twilight. When Darkness told the others that he was truly the brother of Nightmare Moon, Brandon left for the castle of the mare that his lover and friends did battle, finding her nether dead or alive. When he told her of his ordeal she agreed to help him, doing so, Brandon also promised to make sure all knew of her as a changed pony; that she was misunderstood._

_ Brandon and Nightmare Moon fused, allowing the human to become a black Alicorn of which he named himself Lunar Eclipse. With his new found powers, he went off to fight Darkness, beating him and saving his friends and lover Twilight, but before he could do the last blow to kill off Darkness; the toll of using too much power took his body. Giving Darkness the time he needed to escape. Speaking on Nightmare Moon's behalf, Brandon sated that she could be trusted, and that if she did indeed turn, he would take the blame._

_ After the souls of the two were taken away from each other, Brandon was shocked to find the Cutie Mark he had as a pony now on his arm, and also that he could use magic._

_ Many weeks passed, and when he was kidnapped by the Changeling Queen, an Alicorn that was working for Darkness, Brandon met a new human, Devon. With his help, they were able to find Twilight, Brandon covering their escape and nearly escaping himself thanks to Shiny Armor; Twilight's older brother. Soon the Changeling Queen showed up once more, but to side along side to fight Darkness, for she needed love in order to live as well as her subjects. And then making a Deal with the now half brother of Celestia, Luna, and Nightmare Moon (who was killed by Darkness by then), to mate with her, in order for her to truly help in the fight; this all being a plan for Brandon to be under her control to use his Love for Twilight to feed both herself and her race._

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_ Soon another human was brought to the world of Equestria known as Mike, a farm boy. Easy enough they found him a home with Applejack, by then Devon was now with Rarity. As the days lingered on, Brandon was attacked with headaches on headaches, soon under the full control of the Changeling Queen._

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_ A pony of the future then came back to the past to help Twilight bring back Brandon to his normal self. Saying that if nothing was done to stop it; the world would truly be under the control of Darkness. Finding out later that Sonic Flash was indeed Brandon's and Twilight's son, his mission done; he was erased from the world, for the future was changed. The last Brandon spoke to the Changeling Queen, she gave him a warning, saying a human was brought and was working with Darkness._

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_ A party was then thrown for Mike, since a welcome party was not given to him when he first came to Ponyville. He was then hit in the chest by a black fireball after he got in the way of an attacked that was meant to hit Brandon, who dodged and it was then going for Applejack. Brandon was shocked to find the attacker to be his father, coming to bring both a warning and to also mess with Brandon's mind._

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_ After the attack, the Princess told the three humans of three old human cities deep within Everfree Forest, sating that a power deep within that could stop the Dark Beasts would be waiting for them there. With Shiny Armor, Brandon set off toward the city that he was told to go to, known as the City of Wisdom._

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_ Meeting with the spirit that guarded the Element of Wisdom, Brandon was then tested for the right to wield the Element. Come to find out after he guessed his answer right, that the fighter he was tested with; was his mother._

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_ Returning home, finding that his friends also gained the Elements of Power and Courage, and also telling their entire story, Brandon knew that they were truly ready._

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_ Soon the battle was on them, sending all the ponies to a hidden underground lair of which Mike and Big Mac (Applejack's older brother) made. Brandon, Devon, and Mike readied the Holy Sun Blade. A weapon used to fully stop the Dark Beasts. As Mike was charging sword, the others keeping him safe, news of some Dark Beasts going toward the farm where all the ponies were reached their ears; Brandon, taking Mike's place to allow him to go. And with the help of Devon, charged up the sword, destroying the Dark Beasts once and for all. Brandon fighting his father with the help of Devon, both burning his face and also giving a large gash over his face._

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_ Sinbad escape after a explosion was heard, shocked to see that it was Darkness, bloody and missing a wing with Mike releasing the power that was passed to him by Nova, the Guardian of Power, a sate of power only the Guardian of Power could control; using this new found power, Mike killed Darkness._

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_ Soon the three were then knighted by Celestia, also becoming the new Guardians of the Elements of Tri and also of Equestria. Brandon becoming a father as he found out that it was his and Twilight's son that came back to the past to save the world, and then also then marring Twilight._

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Waking up with the sunlight glaring though the curtains of Twilight's and my room, I groaned as I tried to cover my eyes with my arm and turning onto my side. The Unicorn that was my wife laid on her side as well, for I felt her back on my own as she slightly stirred in her sleep from me moving. Thinking I could go back asleep, I closed my eyes and prayed for sleep to once more take me, and guess what; it did not. Sighing I sat up in the bed, the blankets falling down toward my lap as I yawned slightly, stretching making my joints pop and crack as I smacked my lips slightly and rubbed my eyes as I jumped out of the bed, landing lightly on the balls of my feet.

Going downstairs toward the bathroom, I closed the door as I looked myself in the mirror, the bags under my eyes easily seen as I yawned once more and took off my boxers to get in the shower. The steam and hot water was slowly waking me up as I leaned on the fall, my forehead touching it, the mixture of cold tile and warm water slightly making me more and more alert. As I stood here, I started to think of my life. Wow, it's truly been almost three years since I came here to Equestria thanks to Celestia and Luna, so much had happened since then. Opening my eyes, I looked down to my hand as I traced the lines of my skin; I was prince of a land filled with talking different color ponies, the power to change on will to a Alicorn, husband to a Unicorn, and father to a Pegasus. And truly, that did not weird me out one bit.

Back home, I was truly never normal, I mostly went on my own, training with my different fighting masters in case...he ever came. Clutching my fist as I thought of the one man I needed to kill, I closed my eyes as well. Sinbad, the man that was my father, and the killer of my mother; he needed to die, he needed to be destroyed! But...would that make him as well? I dreamed of his death, thought of how I would kill him, rip his heart out, slash his head off, or make him female and then kill him. Was he right...was my heart truly as back as his? I shook my head, no; I was nothing like him. Sure maybe a little insane in the membrane; but nothing like him.

Turning off the water and getting out while drying myself, as well as trimming off the beard that was slightly growing. I came out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist as I went upstairs once more.

As I came upstairs to mine and Twilight room, I noticed that she was up, looking at a mirror; slowly brushing her hair with her brush, making it float with her magic. I smiled and came up from behind, kneeling down on the floor and embracing her from behind. She slightly smiled and nuzzled into my cheek as I embraced her.

"What's this for?" she asked me looking at me though the mirror as I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"What, I can't give my wife a hug?" she giggled slightly as she turned to look at me, the brush going to the table as she then kissed me softly on the lips, her hooves wrapping around my neck as my hand with to her lower back and the back of her head. When she broke the kiss she gave me a small smile.

"You know," she told me eyeing the bed. "You've been uptight for a while...and we haven't had any time to ourselves for a while..." I saw where she was going with this as I smiled and chuckled slightly.

"Really?" I asked her still only wearing a towel. "You sure sex this early in the morning is such a good idea?"

"Alright, then we don't have to then." She then turned to leave leaving me speechless slightly.

"H...hey I didn't say 'no' did I?" she looked back and laugh slightly as she went toward the bed, laying down on her back, her tail draping over the bed with her legs spread; allowing anyone in the room to see her lower lips.

Going toward her and dropping my towel, allowing her to see me fully hard now, her laying like this always got me very horny, that and I did have morning wood slightly still, even after getting out of the shower. My hands on ether side of her head, I leaned down to kiss her softly on her lips, her mouth opening allowing our tongues to meet each other. Licking each other's spit and the inside of each other's mouths, my hands trailed down her sides, causing her to slightly shiver at my touch; as my hands went to her flanks, giving them a soft squeeze. Her hooves went around my neck once more as we kissed her hind legs then wrapping themselves around my waist as she tried to push me down on her more. I held myself up still, breaking the kiss as I then kissed her cheeks and neck, my left hand then going between her legs to rub at her pussy lips.

She slightly sighed in our kiss as I rubbed her softly; feeling her moist lips on the palm of my hand as I slightly brought my middle tip finger inside of her. Breaking the kiss, she then looked up to me and pushed my hand away with one of her hooves. Knowing that she wanted to truly mate now, I only gave a cheeky smile and then lined myself up; before slowly pushing myself in.

Inch after inch, I made my way inside Twilight's body as she slightly moaned, her head resting on the pillow, on her cheek with her eyes closed; a noticeable blush on her face as I pushed my hips further and further inside of her. Halfway in, I brought myself back out, my cock slick with her natural lube as her tunneled tightened around me, trying to keep me inside; this causing me to slightly jerk at the feeling. With only the tip inside of her, I then pushed myself back in, our moans filling the air as soon I hilted her, the soft sound of our hips hitting each other slightly heard.

My hands went down to her hips as I started a slow movement at first, slowly pushing myself into her and slowly out, at times grinding my hips along her own as she would softly moan and call out my name softly in a whisper. Leaning myself down, I brought my left hand to her cheek, pushing it softly so she was looking at me as I kissed her softly once more. Our movements stopping for a moment as she then placed one of her hooves on my cheek, our tongues mingling slightly as we mouthed each other, her at times sucking on my lips as I did the same.

Soon my speed grew faster once I started up again, my hips meeting her own faster and faster, the bed slightly bouncing, but luckily not making any noise as I was forced to kiss my wife once more to make sure our moans and love making did not become to loud. I started to shot out some shots of pre into her; she no doubt felt it for each time she would jerk at the burst of pre that I would put into her.

Because it was early, I couldn't last as long as I normally would, groaning and moaning the unicorn's name that was under me, I hilted myself within her; cumming inside of her. Twilight also moaned as I felt her love tunnel shiver and quake around my member, her own release being let go as she grabbed onto my lips once more, and kissed me deeply as we rode out of blissful moment. After a while, we came down from our high, holding myself up, I looked down to Twilight as she panted slightly. Smiling up to me as I smiled down at her, slowly pulling myself out of her and laying on my back on the bed.

A little while later, after Sonic Flash and Spike woke up, Twilight was making us breakfast as Sonic spoke.

"Is Devon and them coming back today dad?" he asked me as Twilight then brought the plates over, as I helped place them in front of everyone.

"Yes," I answered taking my fork and picking up my fried egg and plopping it in my mouth and slightly chewed on it, before swallowing it. "They should be coming home soon, why do you ask?" I asked looking over at him as he took some of the egg and ate it off the plate before he looked away.

"It's Cloudy Skys," he answered as I sighed knowing what he was talking about. Cloudy Skys was Rarity's and Devon's daughter, she was always doing slightly perverted things to Sonic Flash mostly. Sometimes even more perverted then Devon; which shocked me greatly when I found out first hand. "She's always bugging me and Sapphire Bloom,"

"Bugging you both?" I asked as he nodded.

"She keeps singing that song Devon taught her, you know. 'Sonic and Sapphire sitting in a tree...'." Spike started to snicker slightly as the white colt turned to him and glared. "It's not funny! I don't see her like that, plus I think girls are icky!"

"Then why do you always hang with her then?" he asked as Sonic stuck his tongue out at him as I started to laugh.

"Look, I'll talk to Devon about her alright?" I told him rubbing his hair as he muttered under his breath. "Beside, me and Mike need to go somewhere for a bit."

"Oh! Can I come?" he asked, not truly knowing that I and Mike were going to meet the new human that my sisters were bringing. I was about to answer him when a knock came to the door, since I was done I stood up to answer, to find none other then Celestia standing there.

"Good morning everypony," she greeted us as she walked in after I stood to the side.

"Aunt Celestia!" Sonic Flash then got up and flew over to her and hugged her around the neck as she chuckled and hugged him back.

"Good morning Sonic Flash, are you ready for your studies?"

"Aw..." he moaned slightly hovering before her. "But I wanted to watch Uncle Armor train with the guards today, you promised!" I chuckled at this as Twilight came to stand next to me. It seemed that Sonic wanted to become a guard pony when he got older, and he would every time we went to Canterlot; go to watch them train; this being one of the reasons why he wanted to train with me a lot of the time.

"We will young one," she told him petting his head slightly. "But first you must study; a trained mind also makes for a train body." Sonic sighed and pouted slightly.

"Okay..." Celestia smiled and then turned to me and Twilight.

"I shall bring him back a little after four like always you two, maybe a little later if the guards are training a bit more today, is that alright?"

"It is no trouble at all Celestia," Twilight spoke; she had long since stopped called her 'teacher' or 'Princess Celestia' since after the wedding. "We know that Sonic is in good hooves." She smiled and nodded to her as she turned to me as Sonic left out of the building to wait for her. Giving me a small nod as I nodded back she left out as well before teleporting both herself and Sonic away toward the castle for his studies.

"So what do ya think this new human will be like?" Mike asked me as we made our way toward Everfree Forest, the forest being the only place where no pony would freak out the human coming in too much that they would run away. At least, that was unless we got there in time.

"I don't know," I answered him with a sigh. "I just hope he or she is not a dick." Mike slightly laughed at this, bringing a hand onto his hammer as he and I walked into the start of the forest. My sword was on my back like always as we made our way inside deeper and deeper. We didn't need to go that far, to see who we were looking for.

Right off the back, this human was different from us right from the start, seeing how this human, was a she. Her shoulder length hair was brown, but it was so dark that I thought for a second that it looked truly black in a way. Her clothing were dirty and torn in some places, ether she was a very unlucky girl, or was just to rough with her stuff to even care. When she turned to face us, I noticed that her skin was lightly pale, I mean, it did look slightly tanned, but compared to me, she looked pale. Once her brown eyes were turned to us, I could see it on her face, a sigh of relief, I knew she was a little weirded out how she was brought here; I mean I was too.

"Oh thank god," she let out a breath as she made her way over to us. "I was getting freaked out for a moment, I mean, I never seen this part of the forest before; where am I and who are you two?"

"Well," I placed my hand over my chest. "My name is Brandon, this here is Mike."

"Howdy," he gave a tilt of his hat as the women nodded toward us both. "And who might ya be?"

"My name? oh yes, it's Victoria, nice to meet you two as well; now...where are we; and what's with the sword and hammer?" she tilted her head to the side. "Are you two LARPing or something?" for any of you who don't know what LARP is, its means Live Action Role Play. I and Mike looked to each other as he pointed his chin to her and then to me, I guess he wanted me to explain everything to her. I sighed and sat down on the ground as did Mike.

"You may not believe it at first...but listen first and then we'll show you."

So for the next little bit, I explained as much as I could to Victoria, she listened and did not interrupt me at all, when I was done she just sat there on the ground, crossed legged as she blinked. And then started to laugh loudly; I waited with my arms crossed as Mike also waited.

"Wait...wait, so let me get this straight...this is a new world, a world were ponies talk, can fly, use magic...and you two have some powers and are trying to save the world Ha...ha ha ha!" when she sat back up she turned to look at us, as we just held unamused looks. " two isn't joking?"

"Look I should've done this before hand but..." I stood up and stretched, before I closed my eyes, feeling my body change and shift, as I slowly turned into my Alicorn self. When I opened my eyes she had her eyes wide with both shock and confusion. "As a said, it's a long story, as you stay here you'll find out more about me, Mike and the others when you meet them." I then brought myself back to my human self as I straggled a bit to stay on my feet, since transforming did still take a somewhat toll on me since I had not gone Alicorn in a while. After that she only dumbly nodded her head as I turned to Mike, we were about to leave when the sound of clapping was easily heard.

"My, my, that is a nice trick there; so you are the one they call Brandon?" I shot my head around at the voice as did Mike and Victoria. Pretty soon the sound of laughter was heard as a flash of light was seen before us as we took a step back. When the light faded, standing large, I don't know maybe double the height of Celestia, maybe double and a half when she is on all fours stood the god of chaos; Discord.

He had his arms crossed, which seemed to be a chicken arm on the left arm, and a lion's one of the right. Hell even his legs were different, that of being maybe a donkey or a ponies, and the other of a dragon's. His coat color seemed to be that of two shades, grey and a darker grey, his eyes being yellow where they should be white, and a deep red. He had a grey color goatee, and I think a deer's horn and a weird knot like horn on the other side. He wore a smug smile as me and Mike pulled out our weapons as Victoria backed away as he only chuckled waving his chicken arm at us.

"Now, now, no need for such ways likes that."

"Oh shut up!" I called out. "We know you're now working with my father to take over Equestria, so you can drop the act!"

"Oh don't go on with the hero speech," he rolled his eyes while snapping his fingers as a cloud came before him as he jumped on it and laid on it as if it was a hammock. "After all these hundreds of years of ponies trying to rid of me, not counted those accursed ones who imprisoned me; these speeches grow weary!" he brought his other hand to his face as he seemed to rub his eyes. "I mean really, the hero does a little speech, attacks, thinks he wins but I only leave and come back...blah, blah!" he then laid on his side to look at us, one arm draping off the end as he snapped his finger, a cup came to his hand as he took it and took a drink form it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded as he let out a loud sigh after throwing the cub away.

"Taking a drink, what? Even villains need a drink is I right?"

"Oh fuck this...!" I screamed and then ran toward him, sword up in the air as I slashed at where he was, but he was not there.

"Ohhh...too slow!"

"Brandon, behind ya!" I turned around to see Discord floating upside down as he flicked my nose and flew back as I growled and went to attack him again, but when I hit him, my sword did not cut him, my sword...was not a lollypop?!

"Seems someone has a sweet tooth?" Discord started to laugh as I started to shake with rage as I glared at him. "Oh look at you! You're becoming as red as the pony...what's his name...Big Mac?" I growled softly as I brought my hands out, crackling lightening as I shot at him. He only swiped the attack away like it was a fly as he laughed loudly.

I saw behind that Mike ran toward him, hammer up as he jumped and attacked him. But Discord poofed away and then kicked Mike toward me, as we collided and rolled away. Victoria running to our side and helping us up as I grunted and glare.

"What's the matter?" Discord asked laying on the same cloud again. "Hydra gotcha tongue? Your father was right, you do lose your're just like him."

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed as he only grinned. "I am nothing like that no good piece of god damn fucking ass whip whore licking ass rimming uncle fucker!" I saw Mike out of the corner of my eye give me a jaw shocking look as well as Victoria at my choice of words.

" many colorful words! Maybe I should get you some paper and draw something with those words!"

"That's it! I'm going to start beating you!"

"Well I hope you stop before it gets late, I do have to have dinner you know?"

"AGH!" I screamed and ran toward him, my arms engulfed in lightening as I tackled him to the ground, my arm up to attack before he pointed his chicken finger at me as my eyes grew wide as a blast of red beam hit my chest sending me flying.

"Brandon!" Mike ran over to me as well as Victoria as they helped me up, I panted and held onto my shoulder, it felt like it was popped out as I grunted and popped it back into place as I glared ready to attack the bugger again when Mike stopped me. "Whoa there, listen, remember what you read up on him. He's just messing with ya, that's what he does, gets in ya head and then does that weird Discord thing."

"Discord thing?" Victoria asked as I nodded.

"Yeah," I nodded remembering now. "It seems that...well lets say this, our friend Devon is perverted beyond belief, if he was Disaccorded, then he would be...oh god...the nicest person out there...I think that's more scary then he is now."

"I agree," Mike nodded as he stood beside me taking his hammer out. "And it seems his magic here can mess with our weapons."

"Well I don't want to risk you getting your hammer messed up. Take Victoria and get the others, maybe we can use the girls and the Element of Harmony to get rid of this guy."

"You sure you'll be alright?" I nodded me head as I snapped my fingers, once more my arms bursting into a fit of lightening. "Alright, Vicky, let's go."

"Uh...alright, hey Brandon you be safe." I chuckled turning to her and flicking the tip of my nose with my thumb.

"I always am, now go!"

After the two left I watched as Discord was waiting, smiling at me with that damn smug look. My 'sword' was laying off somewhere for it was not in my hands as I brought my arms out ready to fight.

"You're going down freak!" I shot my hands forward shooting the lightening at him as he poofed once more away, jumping away; I dodged an incoming kicking from behind. Rolling back to my feet I ran toward him, jumping up in the air and kicked him hard in the chest making him skid backwards a bit while holding onto his chest with his arms as he gave me a wide eye shocked look as I growled deeply in my chest and slowly lifted my arms in the air. The air around me shimmered as I ready another spell my eyes narrowing as I clutched my fists, the lightening I had around my wrist growing larger and larger as I slashed my arms over each other like a X, shooting the power toward him. The hit caused a large explosion as I heard a scream coming from it as I grinned; that shut him up good. But as the dust settled I took a step back to see that Discord did not take a single damage at all. This caused some sweat to pour down my face; I...wasn't strong enough to stop him?!

I yelped as I felt myself be lifted and brought over to me, his chicken hand pointed to me as a weird purple glowed covered my hand as it was brought up.

"Hey Brandon?" he asked with a grin as the magic on my hand made me hit my self in the face. "Stop hitting yourself," again he pushed me with his magic. "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself." When he stopped I spat out some blood as he then punched me in the face with his own fist a few times before slamming me to a tree and then another. I groaned as I slightly opened my eye to see a claw finger pointed at me. "Oh, before I forget, I have a message from your father."

"W...what?" I gasped as he smiled.

"He told me to tell you, 'like a bitch'." My eyes grew wide as I watched the finger glow the same purple like magic as he pointed it to my face, oh god...this was it!" but before anything could happen, a soft thud was heard as I looked over behind his shoulder as Discord also looked over. It was Devon, Devon of all people!

He was crouched low to the ground, still wearing his armor gloves. He took up wearing a blood red tuxedo suit, with a black bowtie. Still wearing the same headphones he got the first time coming to Ponyville, his hair still curly; his chin now hold a small beard. I looked back to see also Mike run up alone, he was panting slightly as he ran back and I could see far off that more help was coming. Looking back, I saw Devon slowly stand up, his face showing that of so much blankness, it was almost scary.

"Who are...?" Discord started as Devon then let out a huge grin and waved.

"Hey guys, what's up bitches?" I only blinked as he then brought his hands to his hips and looked to me and then to Discord. "Hey are you Discord or something?"

"Why yes I am, I am the god of Chaos, Discord!" my black skin friend smiled and punched his open fist before lifting it up.

"Wicked sweet, I'mma gonna deck you in the balls!" and with that, Discord just dropped me as I let out a small groan in pain as Mike came over to me to pull me away as Discord turned to look at Deon fully.

"I have yet to hear that be said to me before...just who are you?"

"Oh, well I'm Devon, that guy in the hat is Mike, and that's Brandon!" he pointed to me as Discord looked back. "He was a prison bitch!"

Did...did he really just say that? Now of all times! Discord laughed at this throwing his head back and howled into the air.

"Really now? My, and how was he? Chained up?"

"Oh yeah," Devon answered with a nod. "He was all chained up!"

"Hate you..." I groaned as I tried to stand up. "Hate you both..."

"Oh don't be like that Brandon, you know you love me!" Devon snickered before looking back at Discord. "But I know why you're so evil, I mean, someone as ugly as you has to be evil because of the way you look."

"What...?" Discord asked glaring at Devon.

"Well with your different body parts and weird eyes..." Discord then shot a beam at Devon as he just swatted it out of the way like it was nothing. "The two different horns and the one tooth that's showing..." again Discord shot more and more at Devon as he just blocked them each with one hand. "And the fact that your mother just fucked everything that moved, hell, maybe I'm your father, ZING!" he started to laugh as Discord eye twitched a bit.

"Why you have any idea who you're talking to?!"

"The son of like fifty different fathers?" Discord then screamed and ran toward Devon before he jumped up, kneeing his chin and then grabbing his horn and throwing him behind himself as Discord hit a tree on his head and then falling on his back; not moving at all. "That's why I never leave home without my magic coatd gloves bitches!"

After dusting his hands Devon made his way over to me and Mike as the cowboy helped me to my feet as I groaned, I felt sore all over as Devon then stopped before yes.

"Hey guys, man, you two having some fun without me so it seems?" he only snickered before looking at me, how the hell did he just knock out Discord like he was nothing, I mean, I was having so much trouble with him and Devon; he took him down with such ease! "Hey Brandon man, you look fucked didn't get beat up by that guy did you?" we all heard Discord groan slightly as I stood straight up.

"W...what no, I uh...I uh..." I tried to think of something good as I sighed. "I fell down some stairs." I saw Mike look over to me with a shock look.

"What, no ya didn't you..."

"Shut up before I throw you down a flight," I gave him a glare as I started to wobble a bit, still not back to my full self.

Hearing a loud roar we looked over to see Discord stand back up and shot a beam of magic once more, this one hitting me in the chest as I felt it go though, I coughed up some blood as I fell backwards with a grunt as Mike grew wide eye and tried to help me.

"Brandon!" Devon also cried. "Dude you alright?"

"I have..." I gasped out slightly. "A hole in my fucking chest...why didn't you stop that one?!" I screamed as I spat out some more blood.

"I thought you had it?"

"No!" I screamed trailing off the word. Soon the sound of wings were easily heard as I looked up slightly to see my guards who had changed their uniforms from the black color they once were to a deep white with black armor, their coats being ether black or white. Discord started to back away as he then snarled slightly.

"This isn't over you!" he pointed to Devon. "You're on my list now!"

"What list? You list of people you want to fuck your ass?"

"GAH!" the god of chaos screamed and teleported away as I groaned and fell on the floor, the world around me slowly growing dark.

I don't know how long I was out, maybe a few hours or so, ether way, when I turned my head over, and grunted in slight pain, I saw Twilight sitting on the bed beside me as I noticed I was back in our room.

"Oh thank Celestia you're alright," she sighed and brought a hoof to my cheek. "You passed out, Devon pretty much healed you as best as he could and they brought you back here." I rolled on my side, groaning a bit in pain as I noticed my sword laying on the wall, I guess the magic of Discord wears off after a while, or maybe it was because of my sisters magic on it to deflect magic; course I would've thought it would've stayed as a piece of candy until we imprison him like the girls did last time. "Hey take it easy," she told me placing a hoof on my chest to put me back on my back. "Yes we healed you more, but there are some things magic can't heal!"

"I...didn't even hurt him Twilight," I sighed looking up from where I was. "I threw everything I could, I did everything I could and I couldn't even fucking hurt him!" I slammed my fist on the right side of the bed as I growled in anger. "My father had no doubt gotten stronger as well, for why would Discord follow someone who was weaker then him! If I couldn't even hurt Discord, what will I do when I face Sinbad!" my body shook in pure rage as I clutched my fists tightly. "What if he comes for you or Sonic Flash and I can't be there to keep you both safe, what kind of husband and father am I when I can't keep my own family safe from harm?!"

"Hush, hush, Brandon," she climbed on the bed and laid over me, her face looking at me, her eyes so close I could see myself in them; seeing the worry in my eyes. "Brandon, you must know by now, you are not alone here. You have friends that will help as well though this; as well as the guards of Equestria." She then leaned closer to me and placed a soft tender kiss on my lips. "And you have me as well Brandon, and I know, that you will find a way to keep us safe; but don't forget, I have magic too you know."

"And you think I'm going to let you fight? HA!" I scoffed slightly at this. "There is no way you are fighting at all Twilight, forget it."

"Only the Element of Harmony can hope to imprison Discord, we can't kill him. Celestia and Luna said they tried, it's impossible!" I turned to look at her as she placed her hoof on my cheek softly with a smile. "Everything will work out for the better; you'll see."

I softly sighed and placed my hand over her hoof slightly as I closed my eyes and sighed once more.

"Did I ever tell you how I hate how you can change my mind like that?" she only smiled and nuzzled my face softly.

"Swag," Both of our eyes grew wide at that voice, Twilight turning her head behind her to see who it was as I looked over her shoulder; to see a small puffy cloud floating before us, with a small Pegasus resting on top of it.

Her coat color that being of a light shade of violet, her eyes a very dark blue; while her hair being that of a lovely natural waves of deep black and bright green streaks. I knew at once, seeing this little filly who was lying on her belly, her hooves under her chin as she wore a cheeky smile on her face; that this was Cloudy Skys.

"Am I going to see some hot human on pony porn yet? Come on, come on, this has to be good!" she held a large grin on her face as she closed her eyes as I only groaned at the way she was acting. After close to two years, you think I would've gotten use to her being like this, I mean, she was perverted like her father.

" did you get in here anyway?" I asked as she blinked at me.

"Door," she answered with a nod as she rolled on top of her cloud.

"And how did you get that cloud in?"

"Door," she answered again. I only sighed slightly, whenever I saw her, she was always on top of a cloud or at least on top of her father's head. "So come on, get to fucking!"

"Cloudy!" Twilight gasped as the young filly blinked. "Stop cussing this moment, it's not nice!"

"But I hear it all the time at night at home!" she cried out while hovering in the air. "I hear daddy go, 'oh fuck rarity, so fucking good!'!"

"Oh god!" I cried covering my ears. "Image of hot tub came back, gah, gah, gah!" Cloudy just laughed and flew off as Twilight tried to claim me down some; when I was I groaned and shook my head. "How is it that she is worst then Devon at time?!"

"Well...she is the child of Devon...what do you think would happen?" I only sighed and shook my head slightly.

"So true."

At last, the chapter is over! Well I have some slightly bad news, I have no idea what to write so far for the next chapter, I have some ideas, but until then I would like your help. I am making a sub story known as My Little Pony: Fucking is Magic where all the ponies and OC from this story will do...well what else FUCK! Anyway, in this story YOU will tell ME who fucks who, though at times I'll write my own no due, but anyway. The faster you tell me who you want to see fuck who, I might work on it tonight! I WILL NOT DO MEN ON MEN SEX! Unless it is a threesome with at least a chick in it.