A Short Essay on the Furry Culture

Story by Niku Cobalt on SoFurry

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Everyone questions the culture; it's time for some answers.

What does it mean to be in the furry culture? Why are people in it? What is the gain, the reasons for it? Why do people become furries? This is a question that many people have, including fellow furs themselves.

Many people simply believe that furries are people who are in fursuits. All we are is just a fetish. Most people would believe that talking about the culture in a public place--say a school, for instance, would be considered immoral. Many furries do indeed fall into the culture from sexual reasons, but that is seldom the true and only reason.

If we were to join the culture strictly for sex, then many questions wouldn't be able to arise. Questions such as, "Why do we continue to be active in the culture, even when not sexually active?" Such as, "Why do we seek companionship in the culture?" Such as, "Why do we seem to be a culture revolved around cheerfulness?" Although many furs may argue that we aren't, it's hard to picture a fur, at first thought, that isn't smiling in some shape or form.

So, we finally arrive to the answer. The answer that many furs don't outright like to say, but it is the truth nonetheless. The furry culture is a culture for people who have problems. Look around the culture, and speak to its inhabitants. Some of us have trouble finding love. Some of us are socially awkward. Some of us are lowlifes. Some of us have low self-esteem. Some of us need an escape.

But, isn't that everybody? Doesn't this lead to a greater point? That everyone has a problem, and really, the furry culture is just a way of dealing with that problem. Now some may argue that being in a culture won't solve your love problems. It may not make your life better; in fact chatting with members online, or looking up furry art, or attending furry conventions may delay important tasks further. It may not help you after you're done escaping. But, it is a support group. We are here for each other. Just like all groups, we have members that may not fall into that, and may say hurtful things. But in the end, being in our culture grants acceptance. If you're socially awkward, you can meet others who may be too, and be approached. If you can't find love, you can change your qualities, and find a companion online--which is better than having nothing at all. And if you have another problem, there is generally at least one fur in a community that is willing to listen. Whether it is at a site like F-list or Sofurry, or whether it is even at a furry convention, there is someone there for you.

Now I'm not saying that furs aren't about sex. We'll sexually roleplay online, we'll get into fursuits and do naughty things, and we'll create art for each other that will turn each other on. But the next time you think about our culture--whether you're in it, or not, stop to think about what's really bringing the members here.