Battlezone 2065

Story by warp_speed_975 on SoFurry

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Hey y'all, this story and characters are copyrighted by me (lady blue) and my friend Lynx, so hands off and stuff

Apart from that enjoy.

A lone scout class tank went zooming across the sandy landscape of a distant desert moon. Its pilot a young wolf named Warren, a first year Ensign, also a member of the Earth Space Defence Force.

The ESDF High Command had dropped an equine commander, fourteen human cadets and some support staff out on a moon four point six light years for earth for their final training mission and to set-up an outpost for the ESDF.

Warren looked out of his canopy at the vast desert landscape of JD 656, he couldn't believe the ESDF named this desert moon, at least it could support life, he also could not wait to get off this desert rock and back it space. How he long to take one of the ESDF's new KD 56 Endo/Exo-atmospheric attack fighters for a spin around this moon.

He could not believe he got selected for this mission and promoted to ensign. At least they got to pick what equipment that arrived with them, one standard recycler with many functions locked, one scavenger and access to a constructer for 24 hours with orders to build them three shelters and a power station.

For the last six weeks the human cadets have built, fought, explored, and worked as a team he was proud of every one of them, but today he was looking for one of them.

Laura had a fight with another cadet and took off in a light tank, he had to find her.

In about thirty-six hours an ESDF troopship would be arriving to get them, he had to find her and get back or be left behind for anytime up to 16 months, he hated that idea.

Meanwhile 10 miles away at the base, Commander Anna, the base's equine commander, was on radar duty watching for Warren or Laura's return, she turned away from the radar screen yawned, stretched her fingers.

Had she been watching the screen she would have seen the twelve red dots approaching the base at high speed.

When she did turn back and saw them they were only a few minutes away and in an attack formation. She hit the alarm and raced out the door to get to the hanger and joined the other cadets as they jumped into action to defend their base.

'Finally' warren thought as saw a blip on his HUD, he steered toward it and increased his speed, and it took less a minute to pull alongside Laura's speeding tank. Warren opened a radio channel with her tank, "Laura, fancy seeing you out here" he said, he waited a few seconds for a reply, there was none, "Oh come now Laura, I'm your friend, you can't run forever" he said.

"Yes I can" came the reply.

"Look Laura, the troopship is on its way and don't think you want to spend the next year and a half on this moon" he told her "stop and we can talk, face-to-face".

"Ok" she said and slowed her tank down to a stop.

Warren shocked that she gave-in so easily, he shot past her and had to pull a hard u-turn around a boulder that was in his way.

As he approached her, he could see that she had her canopy open and was waiting for him.

Back at the base the battle was in full swing; missiles, AT-stabber and pulse laser rounds flew everywhere hitting ground, buildings and other ships. The cadets had lost two ships their pilots ejected and were hiding the remains of a building nearby and the enemy had lost five, but still putting up one heck of a fight.

Anna know the cadets needed help, she hit the transmit button on her radio and called for help.

At the same time in middle of nowhere, two ships sat almost nose-to-nose their pilots standing nearby.

They had only been talking for a few seconds when Laura started crying; Warren went over to her and tried to give a hug but couldn't get his arms around her 'darn padded flight suits' he thought.

"Laura lets go home, I'm sure everyone is missing you, what do you say" Warren said,

"Ok, but can we stay here a little longer" She asked,

"Sure" he replied. He let her go and she stood up and tried to kiss him but her helmet banged against his. Warren took a step back "What are you doing, trying to damage your flight suit" He said,

"Sorry I forgot I was wearing my helmet" She replied sheepishly.

"Come on let's get back and when we get these helmets off I'm going to give a big sloppy kiss" He said smiling as walked back to his ship. She turned and watched him climb into his ship

"Is that a promise" She asked.

"You bet it is" he said as he strapped himself into his ship "Now you better in your ship-" he was cut-off by frantic voice.

"Under attack, return to base immediately, repeat Warren or Laura if you can hear me, return to base immediately we are under attack".

Hearing this Warren overrode his canopy controls and slammed his canopy shut, he watched as Laura climb into her ship and the canopy slid closed, rising off the ground they both set course for the base.

The cadets were in trouble with the supply depot destroyed and the recycler running low on scrap metal, Anna had to make a choice, either defend the remaining buildings and lose the recycler or defend the recycler and lost the remaining buildings.

She press the transmit button again "Warren, are you out there we need help badly" she said hoping to get a reply.

She got one "Yes Anna, we are closing fast, what is the best attack vector?"

"North-west vector" she reported, she happy to hear his voice and that he was not alone, 'He must have found Laura', she thought to herself 'Way to go Warren'.

Anna ordered the recycler to build a turret and rallied an offensive line with Warren and Laura swinging around to the north-west and the remaining cadets coming from the south the enemy would have to retreat to the east.

A few enemy tanks saw the cadets form up and know something was up and started heading north but saw two vehicles approaching from the north-west and realised they were trapped.

The cadets pounded the enemy with everything they had left, wiping out most of the enemy tanks and scouts, the remaining enemy forces retreated east and then north-east as fast as their engines could go.

Back in the hanger bay the cadets cheered and hi-5'd each other, helping Warren and Laura out of their cockpits, back slapping Warren as he moved towards Laura's ship, when he got there he grab Laura and gave her a long sloppy kiss on the cheek, the cadets all whooped and laughed.

Warren let Laura go and stepped back, Laura eyes were as large as saucers after a second she smiled "A promise is a promise" He said to her with a big smile and headed for the mess hall with the rest of the cadets in tow.

Laura just stood there too stunned to move; Anna spotted her and came over "You all right" she asked her "you look like you've just been kissed by a unbelievable animal".

Laura blushed and smiled sheepishly "Maybe I have" she replied and both girls headed for the mess to join in the celebrations.

The next day Warren sent a message to the ESDF Headquarters and told them of the events of the past few days.

A few hours later; Warren was reading through their reply. It outlined defence tactics and formations, Warren frowned this was not what he wanted to know, he wanted to know when reinforcements were going to arrive, he scrolled down the page to another message and then smiled.

Anna's husband Trent, an ESDF squadron commander aboard the ESDF Carrier Justice who Warren had met the equine on the flight-deck as they were boarding a drop ships at the start of the mission, he had sent them codes to unlock the recycler's other functions like building factories and an armoury.

But most important was the code to unlock the constructor, a very useful tool; for building defence, power and supply structures, Warren downloaded the codes to the command centre, thanked Trent for his help and rushed off to find the others.

Warren supervised the building of the base's new defence perimeter and replacement of the destroyed structures.

The defence perimeter consisted of eight gun towers with a range of four hundred metres as he walked around one tower he could almost feel the power emanating from it.

With supply and repair stations operational again and two scavengers cleaned up debris and filled the recycler with scrap metal, Warren and Anna set-up 4 hour patrol routes round the base; two flights of two ships would be on patrol at all times until either the enemy returned or reinforcements arrived. Everyone was hoping that the ESDF would get here soon.

The next day Warren, Laura, Anna and a few other cadets were having breakfast when a message arrived for Warren, he asked for it to be piped down to him, a nearby display came to life with the message from Trent.

As he read it his shoulders slumped. "What's wrong, Warren" asked Anna concerned.

"ESDF reinforcements won't be here for another eight days," he said "And they suggest we find the enemy base and launch a full-scale attack to destroy it, good luck and good hunting" He turned toward them "Fun eh".

He had no intention to attack an enemy he knows nothing about but he had to protect the base and its personnel, his friends. The people he came to know and respect, he found it hard to ask them to do something they could not understand.

They didn't have combat experience like him and Anna, they haven't seen death or have to take a life to protect a friend or even lost friends.

Anna couldn't ask them to do something so dangerous; he would rather have them reinforce base defences than launch an attack.

Two days later; Warren decided to go and find the enemy base himself, he would take one of the new scout tanks he had just been built and hunt for the enemy.

Once he found them he would radio back their position and the size of their forces, he wondered if they had any forces left after their losses in the attack on his base.

As he was suiting up, Anna poked her head through the doorway "Going out" She asked with one equine eyebrow raised.

"Yeah" He replied "Do you have a problem with that".

Anna shook her head, her mane swished sharply "No, but it would be good idea to take a wingman with you if you are going to find the enemy base". Warren stopped packing his flight bag and look at her

"How did you know I was going out to find their base" He asked surprised, his tail tucked between his legs.

"First" She said as she read from a PDA in her hand "You asked for a scout tank in a specific configuration increased engine power, reduced weapons load out and increased sensor power, not to mention the additional countermeasures".

Glancing at the PDA again "Second: there is no record of your flight plan anywhere and third; you haven't told anyone about your mission not even me" she pointed out.

"What chance will you have without a wingman to back you up if they do have anything left?" she said "What about Laura, what would she think about you running off on some darn-foolish crusade without a wingman. She would want to know everything wouldn't she, she does speak about you often".

Warren slowly sat down on his bunk he hadn't thought about it, he was too busy trying to protect the base he hadn't thought about everyone else's feelings, much less his own.

Seeing him sit on his bunk, Anna asked him the big question "You like her, don't you" Warren didn't answer but they both know what the answer was.

"I got to go" Warren said getting up grabbing his bag, squeezed past Anna into the corridor.

"OH, COME ON WARREN, YOU CANT RUN FROM HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT HER" Anna yelled behind him, possibly too loud.

Dan ran up to them "What's happening" He asked,

"Nothing" Warren replied "We were just talking about--stuff".

Dan turned to Anna who just glared at Warren "Ok if there is anything I can do just ask don't yell ok", Warren nodded, Dan looked once more at Anna who was still looking at Warren, he shook his head and left - quickly.

Warren turned around, looked at Anna and smiled "You're right I can't hide from my feelings but you can't ask them to do something so dangerous, can you" He said to her

"No, but if everyone agrees to It, you won't be doing this alone" She replied.

The cadets talked amongst themselves in the mess hall about why they thought they were there. Warren and Anna stepped out of the communication centre and looked at the cadets "QUIET!" He yelled.

The cadets quieted down--a little, so he started "We need volunteers for a dangerous attack mission we have put together, be warned all those who join us in this attack may not be returning home".

The cadets were suddenly quiet, Warren continued "We plan to find and attack the enemy's position, I know you haven't trained for this but we need you to assist in locating the enemy and radioing their position back here so we may launch this attack" he paused.

Looking at the stunned faces before him "We cannot order you to join this battle, we can only ask you, you will not be conceded a coward if you decline but if you want to join us, meet us in the hanger bay in two hours, dismissed".

Warren and Anna turned and left, leaving the shocked cadets behind. The cadets looked at each other hoping that the other knew what to do; Laura jumped up and ran after them. "Wait, what is this battle plan?" Laura yelled at the end of the hall, Anna stopped and turned, Warren kept walking.

"Warren" Anna said sternly, Warren stopped.

"What is this plan you pair have put together" Laura asked again impatiently,

"The battle plan will be outlined down in the hanger bay in a few hours" Warren told her "But I don't expect to see you there".

"Why not, I can fight just as well as you" She replied, Warren smiled and shook his head. "Don't mock me Warren I can do it".

"I have no doubt you can fight, it's just I would hate to see you get hurt in some operation we thought up, that is why we're putting you on base defence" Warren said to her.

"Base defence? I thought I had a choice in this, don't I" She said,

"You do but I don't think its right for you to be on the front lines flying headlong into battle, that's all" He said.

"I've been in battle before" She countered

"Yes you have but you have not seen what I've seen, I have taken on gun towers, turrets and tanks I just don't want to see you get killed" He replied then walked away.

"Killed! Who said I was going to get killed" She yelled, tears streaming down her face "he doesn't trust me in battle, I can fight".

"It's not that you can't fight we just doesn't want to see you get hurt that's all" Anna said.

Warren was in the hanger prepping his scout for battle, staring at the ordinance load out screen; which listed all available weapons he could put on his scout, he didn't hear Anna and Laura enter the hanger.

"How's it coming" Anna said loudly, Warren jumped and turned around

"Just fine until you arrived" He replied then looked at Laura "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings".

Laura nodded he put his furry hand on her shoulder, she reached up and grab his wrist and brought his hand up to her tear stained cheek and smiled, he smiled too, he took her hand and kissed it. Anna started shaking her head and smiling.

"What?" He asked,

"Oh nothing, nothing" Anna replied "I take it you're not putting her on base defence after that display, are you?"

"No" He said still smiling "but I have no idea what I'm going to do with you now". Laura's smile grew larger, just then a screen-beeped Warren turned to look and then turned back to the still smiling Laura.

"Laura how well did you at walker training" He asked her,

Her smile faded quickly "I passed, just, the first time I got in one I felt, well, fat". Warren started giggling, Laura promptly whack him on the arm with her fist. "It's not funny" She said angrily

"I'm sorry but I know the feeling, when I first got in a walker I felt the same" he answered "big, cumbersome and uncomfortable but I practiced everyday and eventually I was able to walk, run, jump and fight with the best pilots in the fleet".

"I have an idea how about you show me how good you are, what you say" he said, Laura shrugged "Anna, please inform the cadets that the attack has been postponed until tomorrow"

Laura could not believe she was in a walker again, she felt the same way too "After you" Warren's voice came though her headset. She started to move forward very, very slowly.

"Laura try to relax, no-one here is grading you, think of it as, well, as a larger version of yourself" he said watching her on the instructor's camera mounted in her cockpit he could see her and she could see him.

Easy for you to say you probably enjoy this' she said to herself

"No I don't enjoy this but it is fun" Warren said with a hint of amusement in his voice, she looked down and saw she was pressing the transmit button for her control stick, everyone probably heard her. She turned red with embarrassment and stopped her walker.

"What's the matter" Warren said as he stepped his walker around in front of hers "You are doing good so far",

"I just feel like you're making fun of me" She cried out, Warren's walker took a step forward and raised it's arms' towards her.

She instinctively pulled back on the controls causing her walker to step back and forcing a scout tank to take evasive action, "Sorry Leah" she called to the tank pilot as the pilot opened her canopy to shake her fists at them, closed it and left.

"She'll get over it and if she doesn't tell her you'll step on her next time" Warren said, Laura smiled "Now walk toward me" she tried but the walker wouldn't move, she heard a buzzing sound.

Laura started to panic "it won't move" She said panicking

"Laura, calm down and take a deep breath" He said,

She did.

"Feel better, ok, now look at your feet, tell me what is wrong with them" Warren said, she looked down at a display and saw they were too far apart. The walker was unstable and any movement could cause the walker to fall over.

She slowly started dragging one foot towards the other and soon her feet were together and the buzzer had stopped.

"Ok now try walking towards me" Warren instructed her, she took one step the walker moved forward one step, "Keep coming" she took another step and another, Warren started walking backward in front of her, his weapons pods almost touching hers, ready to catch her if she tripped.

In an hour she was walking by herself, in another she was running and they raced away from the base at almost top speed. "Now here is the fun part, jumping" Warren said and demonstrated how a walker can jump, "Now you try".

Laura's walker jumped up and came down almost falling but remain upright, Warren walked over to her "You ok in there" he asked concerned

"Yeah I think I skipped class the day they were teaching us jumping" She replied sheepishly.

"Well I think that is enough for today, let's get back before Anna accuses me of keeping you out past your bed-time" Warren said smiling as he moon-walked away from her.

Laura had a surprised expression on her face and then smiled "Race you" She said.

"You're on" He replied "On three" they turn toward home "One" Laura suddenly took off at full speed, Warren gave chase.

Anna watched as the two walkers came running towards her and stopped about four metres away and two figures landed softly on the ground in front of her. "It is past both your bedtimes" Anna said with your arms folded obviously she had heard them talking

"I take it you're not going to show her how to use the weapons systems on it then" pointing at the walkers.

"Of course I am" Warren replied "Tomorrow morning" Anna looked at Warren

"You're needed inside, there some messages for you too" She said.

"Oh ok" He said and then turned to Laura "I'll see you later, so we can discuss weapons operation" Laura smiled and nodded, Warren head back to his walker and took off back to base.

"He has a cute butt even in a walker" Anna said smiling, Laura just stared at her. "Oh like I haven't noticed you looking, look don't get too friendly with him, he has been offered a position on the Hercules brigade" Laura's mouth dropped open and she stared at the Anna.

"It almost sounds like he likes you or something" Laura replied turning to Anna who was looking up at the walker "He does, doesn't he" Anna shook her head and pointed a finger at Laura "Oh my god he likes me I didn't know" Laura hand went over her mouth.

Anna looked at her "Laura, he has been in battle before, lost friends, had to make difficult, hard choices, why do you think he went after you when you had that fight and you took off. He followed you for ten miles, he had a pretty good idea of which direction you went and he brought you back just when we need you the most. I think he is courageous and smart, funny, but can be very serious when he has to be and he won't leave anyone behind, that display in the hanger was the first indication you like eachother" Anna told her.

Tears ran down Laura's cheeks, Anna went over and wrapped her arms around Laura as she began to cry.

The Hercules brigade, an elite unit the best of the best, they go into extremely hostile situations and their job is to destroy everything in the target area that breaths, beeps or boils. It has a reputation of being very selective about its members; you have to be extremely good to be considered for a spot in the Hercules brigade.

The next day Laura was sitting the mess hall 'Wow' Laura thought 'Warren is being considered for the Hercules brigade, what an achievement'.

"Hey Laura, what's up" Dan said as he passed

"Nothing" she called back "have you seen Warren",

"Yeah he left in a walker about fifteen minutes ago with some heavy weaponry" Dan replied.

"Do you know which way he went" she asked

"I think he went south or maybe west" he said.

Laura got up and headed for hanger bay and ran into Leah "oh sorry about almost stepping on you yesterday" she said

"All is forgiven you have a lot of courage to get up in one of those things with Warren, where are you going" Leah asked as Laura kept moving past her.

"Out" Laura replied loudly and head into the hanger.

Anna was lying in a wing of a scout she was refitting for battle when Laura entered, she looked up "You looking for me" She called to Laura

"No" Laura called back "Do you know which direction Warren went".

Anna motioned for Laura to come closer, Laura approached the scout "I don't recommend you follow him, he took some heavy weapons with him and he's training for the Hercules brigade's evaluations" she whispered.

"I know that, what kind of weapons" Laura whispered back

"Guided missiles, guided mortars, SP-stabber and a flash cannon" Anna whispered, Laura nodded

"I think I'll catch some rack time, later" Laura said aloud and headed for her bunk room.

'Guided missiles' Laura thought probably hornet or a shadower missile systems, guided mortars possibly splinter or popgun mortars', she had seen a demonstration of the SP-stabber, two shot can take out a heavy tank she had no idea what a flash cannon was, she had never heard of it before.

Laura arrived at the bunkrooms and went into room one, it was empty, she found her bunk and sat down and thought where did he go I wonder' she looked around and spotted Warren's bunk in room two across the hall. She got up and walked over to it, she ran her fingers across it she could almost feel his kindness, his love, his warmth.

She sat down on it still running her fingers over it; she lay down and closed her eyes. Anna walked past the bunkrooms and looked in one and didn't see Laura, she looked in the other and saw Laura curled up asleep on Warren's bunk, Anna looked at her for a second and sighed, then headed toward communications, she had to make a call.

Warren almost ready to return to base, he had fired his last hornet missile and had used half his mortars and SP-stabber rounds. He walked up to a tall boulder and selected his flash cannon and fired, the concentrated beam of microwave energy hit the boulder. The flash cannon causes a target's v-thrusters to overheat.

Warren only wished he could have brought the TAG cannon with him (the TAG Cannon has two phases. the first phase shoots a homing device into the skin of the target craft. If the first round hits its mark, the TAG Cannon unleashes a salvo of guided missiles that will head toward the homing signal.) But it doesn't work on non-metallic things. Warren pleased with the flash cannon's operation and let go of the trigger, the cannon stopped firing and he started heading for home, then several blips appeared on his radar.

Warren thought it was Laura and Anna coming to see him testing out the weapons but then several AT-stabber rounds and a missile shot past his canopy and he knew he was under attack as he radioed for help, he turn toward the enemy and fired his SP-stabber at them.

One enemy fired a rocket at Warren and it found it mark slamming into his walker causing the right arm to be blown off his walker. Warren was now in great danger, with no missiles or anti-tank rounds, only his mortar and flash cannon left, he decided to run for it.

Back at the base anna was talking to her husband Trent on the Justice, when Warren's call for help arrived she practically leap at the alert button and hit it, alarms sounded throughout the base

Throughout the base as cadets raced for the hanger to prepare for battle. Anna ran pasted the bunkrooms, looking in she saw Laura still asleep "Laura" She yelled, Laura jumped up and stood next to Warren's bunk

"I was err...I was" Laura started but anna raced in and grabbed her hand and ran down the hall pulling Laura.

"What's happening" Laura asked as she ran

"Warren's in trouble, he taking fire from several enemy craft" Anna replied hearing this Laura ran down towards the hanger.

As she ran past Anna, she snatched the helmet from Anna's hand. Then jumped in the first scout on the line and floored it even before the canopy was fully closed and headed out of the hanger into battle.

Laura look out of her canopy I hope I'm looking in the right direction' she thought to herself just then a flash on the horizon at her right 'that's a popgun mortar' "I found him, on my lead" She yelled into her radio.

She changed course and spotted a walker running toward her minus an arm, she armed her weapons and engaged the enemy knowing Anna's tank group was only seconds behind her.

Enemy turned their attention to Laura, Warren saw this and turned around and fired his last four popgun mortars, all hit the ground between Laura and the enemy tanks. Warren crushed one scout under his foot and kicked another over on to it roof, now the enemy turned on him with everything they had left.

Alarms and buzzers sounded as round after round impacted his walker; Warren reached down between his legs and yanked the ejection handles.

The canopy around him exploded outward and he was launched out of his stricken vehicle as it started to sway and then toppled over landing on to two enemy tanks that Anna was engaging with her machine guns.

Warren looked down and saw no cover 'one hit and I'm a goner' he thought to himself, as he landed he dropped to his knees and notice a scout was approaching him. The canopy opened to reveal Laura smiling at him, she jumped out, he got up and ran to her, "You're going to have sit on my lap" She said as he approached the scout

"No way" he replied and climbed into the cockpit.

"Hey, you walking home or something get in" Warren said

"You'd better keep your paws to yourself" She said and she climbed in

"Or what" He said as the canopy closed. The scout slowly moved forward as they tried to pilot it together, Anna came along side she could see Warren had one hand on the throttle and an arm around Laura.

"He's not trying anything is he" Anna asked

"Not you too" came the replied, Anna laughed as she order some scavengers to the area and left two tanks behind to guard the area and the scavengers then they headed for home

No one saw the magnetic mine attached to the scout until it went off, the scout jumped 10 feet in to the air and buried it nose in the ground then broke in two. Warren didn't remember anything until he woke up in sickbay.

The first thing he saw was anna asleep holding his hand, he shook her awake "Warren, you're awake" She said,

"What happened, what time is it?" He asked taking a deep but painful breath.

"You ran over a magnetic mine as best as we can figure" She replied "It's after sixteen hundred hours, you've been out for seven hours.

Warren looked over at Laura's sleeping human figure in the next bed, Warren tried to get up but Anna stopped him. "She fine, just some bruises, you got the worst of it, cuts and bruises not to mention a heavy whack on the head and some bruised ribs, now lie down and get some rest".

Warren lay back down "Its cold in here" He said, Anna got a blanket and place it over him

"Better" She said, Warren gave her a weak smile then looked over at Laura again, then drifted off to sleep.

When Warren woke again, he notice sickbay was empty 'laura must be well enough to resume her duties' he thought to himself he drew in a deep breath, painful sat up and pulled a console close and typed a message to Anna. In communications she was talking to the Justice when a message flashed on the screen.

The message read 'I'm up, mother, where's breakfast' She smiled and sent one back 'no breakfast until you get better, sonny, now get some rest or else'. Back in sickbay Warren read Anna reply laughed then stopped because his sides hurt a lot, he sank back down and closed his eyes again.

That night Laura couldn't sleep she sat up and look over at Warren's empty bunk in the next room and felt alone, she thought of Warren in sickbay. She thought of how lonely he must be down there and decided to go keep him company, she got up without waking anyone and walked out into the hall and down to sickbay, she hadn't noticed Anna get up and follow her out.

When Laura reached sickbay, she went in and climbed onto Warren's bed and curled up to his furry body and let his warmth surround her and fill her dreams, Anna watched this from the dark doorway. Anna walked back to her bunk and sat down feeling lonely and fearful of the coming battle.

The next day Anna came in to sickbay and saw that Laura and Warren were awake and were talking about last night. "Did you get lonely last night Laura?" She asked

"I didn't know you were following me" Laura replied

"It is a bit hard not to notice a door being opened in the middle of the night" Anna said

"Look, sorry about that, I thought I'd keep Warren company last night" Laura said looking innocent.

"Look Laura, you and Leah are on patrol in fifteen minutes so you maybe want to get changed and report to the hanger" Anna said

"Oh, bye" she said to Warren, she took one step then turned around, kissed him on the muzzle and raced away.

Warren smiled "she was lonely" He said,

"I'm sure she was, what happened last night?" Anna asked

"Nothing, she thought I was lonely and decided to keep me company" He said,

"She comes down here, jumps into bed with you and you say nothing happens" She said pacing.

"That's the truth, I swear" He replied holding up his right hand

"I don't believe you" She said "Not for a second" and left.

"But it's the truth" Laura said as Leah asked about what her and Warren were doing in sickbay last night.

"Oh, I just can't believe nothing happened" Leah replied "You go down there in the middle of the night and sleep in the same bed with him and you say nothing happened, oh come on".

Laura just stood up, zipped up her flight suit, grabbed her helmet and headed for the hanger without saying another word.

Laura arrived just as a walker stepped into the hanger; it was just one of six that were being made at the machine factory on the other side of the base. She walked up to it and started climbing up its leg to reach the cockpit.

"No way I'm I taking one of those" yelled Leah as she saw Laura climbing into the cockpit

"Why not, it fun and besides we have to take them anna's orders" Laura said as she powered up the walker "You coming or not, chicken".

Leah growled and ran to another walker and climbed in.

Anna was back in communications watching the radar as Laura and Leah left the hanger. "Your patrol course is north-west ten clicks then east ten then south ten, when your done return to base but first report to the armoury on your way out and be careful" Anna instructed them.

"Roger" Laura said and she headed to the armoury with Leah right behind her.

The armoury staff had everything ready for them; Laura chose to load up with two AT-stabber anti-tank weapons, a popgun mortar with 10 rounds, a thermal hornet system with 8 missiles and an advanced radar array.

Leah chose to load two MAG's (Magnetic Acceleration Gun) and a splinter mortar with 12 rounds and a Shadower missile system with 6 missiles

"I hope you know what you're loading" Laura said watching from her walker

"Of course" Leah replied as her weapons were loaded on her walker and joined Laura at the base perimeter

"Base, this is patrol two, we're locked and loaded" Laura reported to Anna.

"Proceed to the first waypoint" anna said "Warren will be monitoring you if you have any problems, good luck, over", Laura felt herself go red

"Copy that, over" she replied and headed north-west towards their first waypoint.

As they approached the fourteenth waypoint "Hey laura, I've noticed that Warren hasn't talked to us at all on this patrol, maybe he doesn't like you" Leah said.

"Base, this is patrol two, status of monitor, over" Laura said into her radio

"Patrol two, this is monitor, read you five by five, what's the problem babe, over" Warren's amused voice came over their radios.

"Just testing my radios honey, over" Laura said smiling

"Oh, we read you loud and clear laura, leah can you hear us" Warren asked

"Of course I can hear bonehead, hey, shouldn't you be in sickbay" Leah said.

"No, I'm in the hanger, Anna had some engineers build a walker cockpit on the ground so I wouldn't have to climb up into one, it will also will act as a training sim for the pilots who want a refresher course or just hone their skills" Warren replied.

"Oh, lovely" Leah said sarcastically, but Laura was relaxed, she was thankful to have Warren on the line to help her with any problems that may arise during the patrol or with her walker.

"Patrol two say weapons status over" anna's voice came over Laura's radio

"Two AT-Stabbers, one popgun and a hornet, ammo level green, A.R. is green" Laura reported,

"Two M.A.G's, one splinter and a shadower, ammo level green" Leah reported,

"Ok Leah, your configuration is bad, we want to see you when you get back, Laura, configuration is very good, nice mix with the weapons and sensor package" Anna said, Leah mumbled something as they turned south.

"This is so boring" Leah said for the fiftieth time since the start of the patrol, Laura ignored her and studied her radar. When suddenly a few blips appeared and then disappeared they had been coming and going for several seconds.

Laura decided to call it in "Base, patrol two, I have intermittent blips on my radar" just then two blinking red lights on the up-link panel caught her attention; they weren't flashing a moment ago. Someone was watching her and was receiving data from her walker's systems.

"Laura, I have some blinking red lights here, do you have any" Leah asked

"Warren, are you receiving data, the lights on my up-link panel are flashing" Laura asked.

"Laura, I read you loud and clear" Warren's concerned voice came over the radio, "we have activated your data up-link systems and are studying your radar returns, please proceed with your patrol and be careful".

"I will" Laura replied as she increased her speed a little, Leah was having trouble keeping up with Laura because her walker was heavier than Laura's.

"Laura can you slow down" Leah said, Laura slowed her walker, focusing on her movements and navigation, leaving her sensors and radar operations to Warren and Anna to analyse the returns from the communication area.

"Well" Anna said to Warren as she walked into the hanger

"As far as I can tell, we have a good sized enemy force shadowing patrol two" Warren told her "Ten tanks, seven scouts and two APC's".

Anna pulled the PA microphone off the wall "Attention, Attention, all personnel report to the hanger, repeat all personnel report to the hanger, we have a hostile force approaching, ETA is thirty minutes".

Cadets came running into the hanger and jumped in to any available vehicle, the perimeter gun towers were brought on-line and turrets were deployed round vital structures and scattered along the eastern and southern flanks.

Laura and Leah still hadn't realised they had spotted an attack force closing on the base "Base, patrol two, what did you make of the radar returns" Leah asked.

They waited for a reply but none came "Base, do you copy", still nothing, still no reply "Laura, can you try to raise Warren or Anna" Leah said as she ejected her splinter mortar pack to make herself lighter. Then both girls hurried back to base.

The base was on full red alert, defences were ready to engage any hostiles, and tanks were hidden throughout the base ready to jump out as the enemy pasted by. Warren watched Laura's radar and instruments; they were moving fast to get back and would arrive several seconds ahead of the enemy.

The enemy had no clue that the cadets were ready for them as the first group of scouts approached the base. The towers didn't fire at them but were tracking them; waiting for the command to fire once the trap had been sprung.

Laura spotted the enemy as they enter the base, she turned toward them and fired off three popgun mortar rounds, and the rounds shot 350 metres into the sky and then nosed over and started falling back down. Locking onto their targets and firing their rocket boosters, the rounds came screaming down to obliterate their targets. All three tanks were destroyed; one landed onto another as it tried to pass its destroyed comrade.

"FIRE AT WILL" Anna yelled into her radio "FIRE AT WILL", all round her, gun towers and turrets opened fire on the enemy, the first three enemy scouts never had a chance to escape as the towers and turrets opened up on them, ripping them to shreds.

The cadets came out of hiding to engage the enemy scouts "Laura engage the tanks, Leah engage the APCs" Anna ordered.

"Roger" they replied Leah locked-on to one APC, holding the trigger on her M.A.Gs charging them up to maximum, when she released the trigger three energy bolts shot from both of her M.A.Gs.

The bolts slammed into the APC sending it rolling over and over before it exploded into a thousand pieces. Laura launched a hornet missile at a tank that was trying to sneak round behind the battle.

The missile hit the tank and stopped it dead in its tracks; she finished it off with a burst from her AT-stabbers. After about 10 minutes of fighting, the enemy was forced to flee with one scout and a heavily damaged APC.

The base had held up well to the attack with one power station destroyed and one gun tower damaged. Back in the hanger, the cadets cheered and talked about who-got-what, Laura jumped down off the leg of her walker and ran to Warren and gave him a hug, he stiffened with pain "Sorry" She said

"It's ok, I'm still a bit tender" He said smiling.

Anna walked up and grab him by the ear and started pulling him towards sickbay by his ear "Back to bed mister, you need to rest" She told him.

"Ow hey this isn't fair, how come you get to party and I don't" He replied, Laura just smiled and blew him a kiss as Anna pulled him through the door.

Once they were in the hall she let go of his ear "I need you to repair and replace all lost and damaged buildings, please" Anna said

"You think they are coming back, I have the same feeling," Warren said nodding "Ok I'm on it".

In communication Dan was watch the radar for the enemy's return when Warren entered, "No contacts" Dan reported, Warren looked over at a monitor and saw movement. He sat down and looked closer and saw it was two enemy pilots running past a gun tower.

"Attention in the hanger bay, two enemy pilots have breached the perimeter, man your ships" He said urgently over the PA speakers. He manually aimed one gun tower and fired.

The bolt hit the ground about ten metres in front of the pilots "Stop, drop any weapons and raise your hands" Warren said into the radio.

One pilot turned and fired his rifle at the gun tower; Warren fired again hitting the pilot dead-on blowing him into several dozen gory pieces. The other pilot stopped, dropped his rifle and raised his hands as best as he could. The cadets had him surrounded in seconds and escorted him back to the hanger.

In the hanger, Anna shook Warren's hand "Nice work Warren" she said "It mustn't have been easy to line up his friend and pull the trigger a second time"

"No" Warren said "It wasn't but finally we'll get some answers".

"Oh by the way I saw Laura sleeping on your bunk again" Anna whispered

"I know I'm ok with it" Warren whispered back.

In another area of the hanger bay the cadets took off their helmets, the enemy pilot did the same, she was human, she recognised Warren and he recognised her "Who are you and why did you attack us" Anna asked, her pistol pointed at the pilot. The pilot didn't say anything; she just looked at Warren. "Speak or suffer your friends' fate" Anna said.

"Save your hollow threats for someone who's afraid besides Warren wouldn't allow you to take such action against me without a fight, isn't that right Warren" She said in a matter-of-fact way.

Everyone turned and looked at Warren, he now held a rifle in his hands; pointed at the pilot, "You know this person" Anna asked.

"Yes I do" He replied "Her name is Sandy, she's an outcast" Warren said with a strong hint of hostility in his voice, fangs bared.

"Outcast, eh" Anna asked looking at Sandy' "How do you know Warren" She asked.

"Well I was Warren's girlfriend until he betrayed us to you four years ago in exchange for entry in to your pilots' program" Sandy said with a total hatred for Warren.

"I am not the same person I was four years ago and besides it was either betray you and 3 outcasts died or watch you blow up their cargo facilities orbiting earth and kill billions of innocent people below" He said. Hearing this Sandy elbowed Dan in the face and grabbed his rifle and swung it at Warren.

She had tried to shoot Warren and failed then she ran straight at him, she was too close for him to shoot; he grabbed the barrel of his rifle and swung it like a club, the stock connected with her head and shattered.

In communications Laura and Leah was watching for more pilots or vehicles, they both jump as shots rang out from the hanger,

They looked at each other then ran down to the hanger and looked in. The unconscious body of Sandy lay at Anna's feet "Take her to sickbay and keep her under guard" Anna said then she walked over to Warren, he was still standing with the broken rifle in his hand "May I have that rifle Warren".

Warren handed her the broken weapon "She always did have a thick skull" He replied.

"She's not going to hurt anyone now, you get some rest we'll watch her" Anna said putting a reassuring hand on Warren shoulder. Laura turned and ran to the bunkrooms.

Warren walked into bunkroom 2 and saw someone curled-up sleeping on his bunk; he sat on the end of his bunk picked up a foot and gently ran a claw up and down the bottom, the foot twitched and twisted.

"Stop it" she said

"You really should sleep in your own bunk, Laura" He replied

"But I will make an exception just for you", Laura sat up and wrapped her arms and legs around him and held him close.

"I wasn't sleeping, I was just waiting for you, and I'm scared" She said as he put his arms around her and lifted her onto his leg, drawing her closer.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I swear" He said, she felt safe and protected in his presence, she put her head on his shoulder and fell asleep in his embrace. Warren laid her down on the bunk, laid down beside her and went to sleep.

Meanwhile in communications, Anna was talking to the captain of the Justice; the Justice was only a day and a half away at current speed if they could hold out that long "Will do our best" She said to him.

Leah was on guard duty watching Sandy, when Sandy started convulsing Leah opened the door and went in to how she could help her. Sandy just clubbed Leah over the head with a med-kit and then threw her into a bank of monitors on a near-by wall, Leah fell to the floor unconscious, Sandy ran out the door toward the bunkrooms with a knife in her hand.

In her sleep Laura felt a different presence, an unknown presence and she opened an eye, just in time to see Sandy raise the knife above her head, Laura instinctively kicked out catching Sandy in the gut, knocking her to the floor and winding her. Warren was fully awake in a moment and rushed at Sandy just as she got to her feet.

Grabbing her knife hand, he yelled for Laura to get help, Sandy pushed Warren away and threw the knife at Laura but her aim was spoiled as Warren grabbed her and pull her off balance. The knife sailed at Laura's shoulder as she ran towards the door, she screamed in pain as the knife cut into her flesh, staggered but kept going she had to get help, she ran out the door.

Blood ran down Laura's arm as she ran to find help, she ran smack into Anna who was coming out of a storage room, she saw the knife wound on Laura's shoulder, Anna grabbed her, sat her down against the wall. Laura tried very hard to suppress her cries but one escaped her lips then she told Anna everything as Anna bandaged her wound and help her into a near-by cupboard to keep her safe then dashed off to help Warren.

Back in the bunkroom, it was a brutal all-out hand-to-hand fight between two skilled opponents, Sandy hit and scratched Warren, Warren kicked and scratched Sandy's face, each exchanged many viscous blows against the other.

Sandy pulled a knife from her boot "You should have killed me when you had the chance, just like you did my friend earlier" She said bleed running down her cheek and lunged at him and slashing him across the arm. Warren punched her wrist making her drop the knife then he elbowed her in the face then he landed an upwards open palm punch to the bottom of her nose.

Sandy sank to her knees then fell backward on the floor, Anna entered just in time to see her fall backward she went over and placed two fingers on Sandy's neck. "She's dead" Anna said looking at warren, he was breathing hard and looked like he just went three rounds against his former drill sergeant and lost.

He went over and picked up the knife and handed it to Anna. "Where's Laura" He asked holding his bleeding arm

"She's in the utility closet near storage room two" Anna replied

"I told you she was going to hurt us" Warren told her "And they'll come looking for her soon" and went to get Laura and took her to sickbay.

"Warren, look at what that bitch did to you" Laura said as she gently touch the small cuts on his muzzle, he didn't make a sound or ever flinch as the medic worked, Laura watched him breathe deeply as they shaved around the cut on his arm and stitched it up, she notice a patch of fur missing on his shoulder and thick black O tattoo.

"Now it your turn" the medic said. She put on a brave face but she couldn't hide the pain each time the needle pierced her skin as they stitched her up; she looked into his dark blue eyes and didn't see any warmth or kindness. She saw something dark and scary, something he was trying hard to hide deep inside himself and not wanted them to see it for fear they would not understand.

He turned away to check on her shoulder all stitched up and bandaged, "I'll see you later" He told her then he licked her bare shoulder and she smiled as goose-bumps sprung up all over her body.

Warren left sickbay to find Anna he had to talk to her. Anna found him she had a lot of questions for him, like how did he become an outcast, how the outcasts operated and why he betrayed them.

In sickbay they brought in sandy's body. Laura watched as they took off her flight suit. She saw the same black O mark on her shoulder as Warren had on his, her mouth dropped open with surprise 'Warren has that same tattoo' She thought to herself and went to find Anna.

As she approached communications she heard voices "-uads from the Justice will here in a day assist us with the attack on the outcast's base and then they will be arresting the survivors" Anna's voice.

"I'll have to be placed under arrest too" Warren's voice,

"But you have not done anything wrong you told us you betrayed the outcasts before the attack on the ESDF cargo facilities around earth saving hundreds of thousands of lives on the planet below" She heard Anna said.

"That was four years ago and it was billions, I also saved the lives of the 150 personnel stationed on the facilities but Trent will disagree, he'll say I've broken the agreement we had with the ESDF because I have come in contact with outcasts" Warren's voice again.

Laura slowly opened the door a crack "But you killed her in self-defence and you will continue to fight on our side, right" Anna said.

"Of course I'll continue to fight alongside my friends" she heard Warren say

"Is Laura ok" Anna asked him, he flicked an ear towards the door

"Yes but she needs rest, we all do, come in please, Laura" he said,

Laura pushed the door open and saw Warren standing with his hands clasped behind his back, his tattoo was exposed for the whole world to see; "So it is true you are an outcast" She asked.

"Yes" He replied

"When were you going to tell me" She said loudly as tears ran down her face.

"I tried to hide from my past, I was a different person back then but I cannot hide from it any more" Warren replied

"Do you still love me" She asked.

"I loved you from the moment you stepped in to the theory class for vehicle training, I gave the people sitting by the windows a right good scare didn't I" He said smiling.

"But that was two years ago" She said "That was you in that walker knelt down next to the classroom"

Warren nodded "I was looking at an angel I saw in there, I hoped she would make it through the training" Warren said. "You remember the first time we met"

"I fell as I recall and everyone was laughing as me" She said "And you picked me up and wiped away my tears".

"I did, didn't I, but I believe it was in your first jumping lesson, everyone was jumping on the spot and Holly pushed you causing you to stumble" He told her. "Sandbags are good fun for holding down misbehaving cadets like Holly during that jumping lesson, one shot and watch them stress out when they try to move".

"You didn't answer her question, do you still love her," Anna asked

"I will love you even if you went to the farthest reaches of the universe and I would always be there to protect you" he told Laura.

Laura walked over to him and looked into his eyes again, she saw he had learnt from the mistakes of his past, he was reborn from that painful past and now is a better person. She found she loved him even more now than she did before, she wrapped her arms around him and put her head against his furry shoulder, he held her.

She once again felt safe and protected in his arms "Your scout will be ready in thirty minutes for you" anna said to warren.

Twenty-five minutes later warren was sitting in his scout running though the power-up procedures "Where are you going" Warren heard on his radio, it was Laura.

"I'm going to find the outcast's base to see what they have and drop a nav-cam, try to get some rest I'll see you when I get back" he said "I will be careful".

"I love you," she said

"I know, I love you too," he said as his scout moved forward into the darkness of night.

As he came around the base he saw Laura in the hanger bay's control room window she had her hands on the window, Warren put a hand up to his canopy as he slowly passed her. She heard the engine of a scout pass nearby she waved but it was too dark to see anything "Be careful my love" she said but no one heard her then she headed for the bunkrooms.

Warren headed for his first waypoint at full speed, he set his radar to passive-scan and EW systems to maximum power range, his electronic warfare systems would record any electronic signatures in range of he's scout like search and tracking radar and will alert him to any and all electronic dangers.

Two hours and twenty minutes into his mission, the sun was just breaking the horizon. When his EW systems finally beeped, indicating it had detected an unknown radar signature, Warren stopped his scout behind a hill and got out to check it out, he climbed to the top of the hill and looked over.

Below him was the outcast's base by the number of tanks assembled they outnumbered the cadets at least three to one 'Not good' he thought to himself he went back to the scout and got the nav-cam and set it up on the hill top.

When he was finished he got back in the scout and headed home, once clear of the hill his EW systems went nuts with radar lock-on warnings they had seen him "Crap" he said and floored it.

Laura was still awake, Warren had been gone for hours and every second was agony for her and she feared the worst, but Anna assured her that he was alright; his scout was still transmitting its coded transponder signal.

Warren had managed to out-run the tanks but the scouts were still locked on him then they banked left and stopped, his radar showed the area was clear so he gunned it. "Wait a minute where are those scouts chasing him" he said to himself, Just then his EW system screamed as his scout was bracketed by gun tower fire.

Laura knew something was wrong as Anna walked in, "We lost Warren's transponder signal about three minutes ago" she said. Laura started crying, Anna went over and gave Laura a big hug endeavouring to take her pain away but knowing that only see Warren's furry face again could do that.

Anna didn't know how long she was holding Laura but it seemed like an eternity until the alarms brought her back to reality "Alert unknown vehicle approaching fast, no iff, no transponder, all pilots to your ships".

"Come on, it could be Warren" Anna said as she grabbed Laura by the arm and pulled her out the door.

Warren was never happier to see the base, his ship was so badly banged up just one bump and it could fall apart. As he approached the hanger he ran over a piece of debris, his tail scrapped the ground, seconds later one of his wings fell off. He closed his eyes as he slid in to the hanger, rolled over and over then crashed underside down against a tank.

When warren opened his eyes he found himself in sickbay again with Laura asleep in a chair next to him, he looked at her then without waking her got up, put the blanket around her and headed to communications to review his flight log recorders and EW logs.

Laura awoke to find Warren was gone "Warren" she said, she got up, threw the blanket on the bed and started looking for him, 'first place to look is communications' she thought to herself.

Anna was surprised to see Warren up so soon after last night "Warren, how many times do I have to tell you to get some rest" She said to him

"I've rested enough" He replied painfully "Where's the justice".

"She entered orbit fifty minutes ago, they are dropping squads down to us including members of the Hercules Brigade" She informed him "They'll been here in twenty minutes, it will be good to see my Trent again"

"There you are" Laura said as she entered communication "I've been looking for you, what's going on"

"The fleet is here" Anna said "with the Hercules Brigade, Warren you aren't nervous"

"Yes, very much so" He replied

On the deck of the Justice, Trent tapped his equine hoof on the deck, his squads were ready to leave they were just waiting for the hercules brigade to arrive, they were late as usual, Trent only hoped Warren was not going to be like them. Warren was always early for duty and to briefings.

Finally the Hercules Brigade arrived, "You're late, again" Trent yell at them as they boarded the transports

"Sorry Trent" said Emma, Emma was a white tigress and a lieutenant in the Hercules Brigade, leader of orange squad.

Orange squad boarded Trent's transport, red squad and their leader Ash, a white and grey husky boarded the other transport, both transports were moved into their drop areas, the inner airlock was closed behind them then the outer airlock was opened revealing their destination. Both ships were released and fell toward the moon to begin their turbulent ride to meet the cadets.

Both transports land gently on the landing pad in front of the hanger and are pulled into the hanger, "WARREN" Emma yelled as she jumped off the transport and gave him a hug "You still have that nice tattoo man".

"Yes I do Emma...I mean ma'am" Warren replied

"Please Warren you know darn well it just Emma to you" Emma said,

"Ok Emma" he said smiling, Trent and Anna hugged each other.

"So this Warren" ash said as she exited her transport "I am Major Ashley Husher commander of red squad, I see you know lieutenant White, just call me Major" she continued "I bestow on you the rank of lieutenant third class" she pinned some lieutenants bar on him "Congratulations".

"Thank you, major" Warren said and shook her hand.

"Anna, where are the rest of your cadets" Trent asked "Either on patrol or conducting repairs to the base" Anna replied "Now allow me to show you to your quarters" as everyone left, Warren and Emma stayed behind the group walking slowly.

"I get the feeling that the major doesn't like me" Warren said to Emma

"I think she loves you man she been looking at your service record all trip" Emma replied.

"Oh before I forget congrats on getting a squad" He said

"Thanks" she replied and they put an arm around one another, they talked and laughed as they followed the group.

"Warren" Warren and Emma turned to see Laura running towards them

"Laura" he called out releasing Emma and embraced Laura as she leapt into his arms, forcing him back a few steps.

"I heard that a Hercules Brigade was here" Laura said when he put her down again, she looked at Emma "Sorry lieutenant" she said as she stood up straight and saluted

"At ease cadet" Warren said before Emma could say it. "I just got promoted to lieutenant" Warren said

"So... this is good-bye then" Laura said sadly, looking down at the floor, her heart close to breaking, Warren reached out placing a furry finger under her chin and raised her gaze to meet his.

"No its not, what did I say to you in front of Anna" He asked

"That you would always be there to protect me" She replied, Warren nodded his head

"Yes I would and what about the other thing I said" he said, she just looked at him then smiled.

"Now I would like to introduce to you my friend, Lieutenant Emma White, commander of Hercules Brigade's orange squadron"

"Pleased to meet you" Emma said extending her hand, Laura looked shocked as she shook the tigress's hand, she felt bad energy, coming from the tigress she couldn't be an outcast, she's too nice' Laura thought.

"I was always told that Hercules Brigade members were pushy and always yelling at people especially cadets, but you are polite and nice...and pretty" Laura finally said to Emma.

"Well, thank you" Emma replied, Laura looked at Warren then at Emma then at Warren again, wondering if Warren can feel her energy too.

"I'm not going to take Warren away from you, he's always telling me about you, how much him loves you, how much he would like to take you away from here. He's been a bit annoying how he just talks about you all the time, you like that tattoo of his I hear" Emma said.

Warren put his arm around Laura as they continued to walk "I heard you saved his life when Sandy escaped" Emma said as they approached the bunkrooms

"How do you know her name and how do you know he has a tattoo" Laura asked.

"Let me show you something" she said putting her hand on Laura's shoulder as she directed them into bunk room two and closed the door. Laura felt a change in the tigress's energy, it felt more submissive now, towards warren. 'Is she submitting to warren?' she thought as Emma took off her jacket to revealing a black O on her bald right shoulder,

"You're one as well" Laura said shocked "An outcast, like Warren".

Emma pulled a knife from the small of her back and held it tightly in front of her "I will not challenge you" Emma said to Warren, then let the knife fall from her hand onto the floor, Laura almost screamed when Emma pulled out the knife then realised Warren was standing in front of her just to her right 'she dropped the knife, Warren must an alpha or something now' she thought to herself, he picked up the knife

"I accept your submission, I am the alpha" He said and handed the knife back to Emma, she placed it back in its holder.

"There are dozens of former outcasts in the ESDF, of course our engagements with the outcasts have put everyone in serious danger" Warren said as he motioned for Emma to move towards the door.

"The agreement" Laura said looking at Warren curiously

"Yes, the agreement states that any former outcasts namely us, if they come in contact with any current outcasts like Sandy, the ESDF will tear up the agreement and charge any and all former outcasts with past crimes against the ESDF" Warren said. Then turned to Emma who stepped behind the door. "We have to kill them all and quickly" he could smell someone at the door listening.

Suddenly the door flew open and Leah burst into the room and yelled, "I knew there was something up with you, you're an outcast, a criminal, I'm going to tell everyone" just then the door slammed closed. Leah spun to see a tigress with an identical O mark on her shoulder looking at her, the tigress's tail twitched about.

Leah tried to scream for help but someone was covering her mouth, it was Laura "Leah we are not the enemy, we are on the same side here" Warren said and motioned to Laura to release Leah. Then Laura went and sat down on Warren's bunk.

Leah just stood there "Why are you here" Leah asked

"Anna needed pilots with combat experience" Warren said to Leah.

"Ok so why is she here" She said pointing at Emma

"She's hercules brigade" Laura said.

There was a knock on the door, Warren threw Emma her jacket to put on, "Enter" He called, Anna entered with Trent

"Warren can we talk to you" Anna asked,

"Alone" He replied

"No, please close the door lieutenant" Emma looked at Warren who nodded once.

She closed the door "What can I do for you pair today" He asked as sat down on his bunk, Laura got up and knelt behind him putting her chin on his furry shoulder and wrapping her arms around his body.

"The agreement" Trent said "I thought you would want to talk about that" Warren replied

"Are we under arrest" Laura protectively tightened her grip on Warren's torso in a 'if you want him you'll have to take me too' gesture.

"We?" Anna asked

"Emma is a former outcast too" Warren said, Emma pulled off her jacket just enough to reveal her tattoo.

Trent continued "from what Anna has told me, you have not breached the agreement" Warren sighed and relaxed, but Laura maintained her grip on him just in case.

"Wait, you knew they were outcasts, sir, even after that thing with the knife" Leah asked Trent.

"What knife thing" Trent asked

"The rite of submission to a new leader, Sandy was it before Warren killed her" Emma replied "I pulled out my knife and dropped it to show Warren that I won't challenge him for the position as the new alpha".

"Really, it's a great honour to be in the presence of an alpha without an invitation or in handcuffs" Anna said, Leah cleared her throat.

"Yes, right, we needed pilots with combat experience. The ESDF gave me a name, former member of the outcasts currently be held but willing to be put on probation for as long as the mission lasts and then will be put back on the training program" She replied.

"So after this mission is over, Warren is going back on restricted duties" Laura asked from behind him

"Sort of, since I've been accepted into the Hercules Brigade I will be placed on inactive duty in the brigade's compound" Warren said to her "There I will stay until needed".

"Will I be able to still see you" Laura asked leaning against him

"I don't know" He replied

"Oh, I don't think that will be a problem" Emma said.

There was a pounding on the door, Emma opened it "The outcast are on the move" Dan said trying to catch his breath

"I hope you brought more firepower with you" Warren said unwrapping himself from Laura's grip

"We did" Emma replied "And more, sir".

"Can the justice help us, sir" Leah said

"She would have to drop into a lower orbit but I think it is possible" Trent said.

The cadets, Alpha squad and Hercules Brigade members gathered to plan their attack; the cadets would be given a crash course on the KD 56 Endo/Exo-atmospheric attack fighters to provide air support to the ground forces as they attack the outcast's base. "The cadets will get first crack at the enemy flying the KD56's they will drop ordinance in the enemy bases" Major Husher said pointing to a drawing "Then alpha squad will attack from the north, red squad will attack from the east and orange from the west".

"You ready to fly" Warren asked the cadets

"I'm ready" Leah said

"Can't, I have a turret with a bad sensor to attend to" Laura said

"A shame, its gonna be no fun without you, Leah lets go, just remember if you get into trouble don't hesitate to pull your ejection handles" He said.

"I'd hate to write to your parents telling them you weren't paying attention in class" Warren said, Leah laughed.

As they approached the fighters with the rest of the cadets in tow "Today you will do practice bombing runs, we will be using air retarded spikes, each fighter carries three lots" He yelled "And the spikes are uniquely coloured. So we will know who has hit the target and who did not".

He continued "If we think you are good enough the Hercules Brigade will teach you how to do a cannon strafing run with the pulsed blaster cannons" Warren yelled as he pointed at two square holes in the wing of a near-by fighter.

Warren went over to Leah "Just remember to squeeze the trigger just before you reach the target and you will score highly, I'll be on channel 4 in case you need help, good luck" He said then ran to his plane.

Leah climbed into hers, she looked over and saw Anna leaning into Warren cockpit, it looked as if they were talking then Anna left.

Warren waved to Leah and gave a thumbs-up she returned the gesture then closed the canopy and powered up her fighter then followed Warren out to the runway the Hercules Brigade had constructed in just an hour.

She watched him take-off and he stayed low, too low just a couple of dozen metres off the ground, she thought he might have crashed "Leah are you asleep, get going" Emma's voice came over her radio.

Leah could see a lone walker standing at the end of the runway; she jammed the throttles forward her plane raced down the runway toward the walker "Now pull back gently "Emma said. She pulled back gently the flight column within seconds she was at five hundred metres above the ground and travelling at five hundred and fifty knots.

"Please pull off the throttle Leah and begin a left hand orbit" Emma ordered her, Leah froze up with fear

"Warren will join your wing and escort you back into formation so we can begin this test". A fighter with yellow stripes behind the cockpit pulled alongside her left wing

"Ok Leah, just relax I'm here" Warren said.

"Let's begin a left hand turn with the rudders" She pushed the left rudder pedal in, gently began to turn, Warren was above her now and didn't appear to turn with her she swept under his plane from right to left then he began to turn with her. Soon they had rejoined the formation; Emma had set some waypoints for everyone's autopilots to follow.

"Warren, you're up, show'em how it done" Trent said.

Leah watched warren break formation and drop below her then he hugged the ground, she saw him drop his 'bombs' and pull up sharply then came round to see how he did and then rejoin her wing. "Well done Warren, good placement, 98 percent"

"98 percent" Leah asked

"I was a bit too fast, I missed my mark" Warren replied over a private channel. "Try 220 knots and you should score better than me"

"Leah you are next" Trent said

"Warren, you will stay on her wing, enable hands free com".

"Yes sir" warren answered flicking a switch on his controls

"Ok Leah you're up, let's go, back off the power and drop your nose, remember 220".

She pushed her nose down and lined up the 'target' she tried hard to keep her airspeed at 220 but when she dropped her 'bombs' her airspeed was 221 knots.

She then pulled up hard, too hard and her fighter stalled and began to sink, she shoved the throttles forward and she shot skyward almost vertical with Warren seconds behind her giving chase. "Leah, pull back on the throttles and activate your autopilot" Warren said, she reduced her speed and turn on her autopilot.

Her plane levelled off and began a shallow dive back to the programmed waypoint. "Are you alright" he said as he flicked the hands free off, he was looking up at her through his canopy, she looked up at him and realised he was inverted above her.

Canopies almost touching, matching her plane's movements, she couldn't speak she was too shocked by what she was seeing.

"Hey are you alright in there" he said as he climbed away from her and turned over, sliding back off her right wing

"I'm fine where did you learn to do that" She asked.

"Advanced flight training" He said "Cool eh"

"Very" She replied then he heard a continuous 'beep' tone coming though his radio, he looked down to confirm his weapons were offline.

"I got a missile lock warning here" Leah said "Are you locked on me" hearing this Warren slid behind her

"Countermeasures active" he said "Chaff, flare" behind his plane radar reflective chaff and phosphorus flares were released.

"What" Leah asked

"Leah drop down to a hundred metres FAST" He yelled at her "We're under attack".

Leah's fighter drop like a stone as she tried to get down to the deck but the surface-to-air missiles weren't interested in Warren's counter-measures they just glanced at them then followed Leah as she dived towards the ground.

The missiles were closing fast on Leah's plane as Warren pulled between them and fired his rear facing pulsed blasters at them; he hit one and completely missed the other. He dropped more chaff and flares in an effort to distract the missile's seeker head, the missile passed him, still closing fast on Leah.

Leah pulled up hard and then banked left; the missile stayed lock on her. Her turning gave Warren a chance to fire his forward pulsed blasters, the missile was blown into dozens of pieces, "You're clear leah" Warren said "Let's get out of here" Leah turned for home.

Warren dropped more chaff and flares to cover her exit then rejoin her wing as they raced for home.

"That is totally insane" Emma said as Warren and Leah came screaming over her doing more than 600 knots almost blowing her over with their wakes, "What happened out there",

"We were shot at" Leah said.

"By a SAM site" Warren added as they approached the base and landed, taxiing in to the hanger, they were told that Anna wanted to see them.

"You were attacked by a SAM site, where?" Anna asked

"About here" Warren said as he pointed to an area about fifteen kilometres north-west of the base

"How many units?" Emma asked.

"I didn't get to see but I think at least one" Warren said "I will double check our EW logs to see if they picked up anything",

"Ok also I want to see your flight data logs too," Anna said "meet back here in an hour, dismissed".

"I never did thank you for saving me" Leah said as they entered the hallway

"It was nothing, just trying to get back on your good side" Warren replied "Oh, before I forget, your bombing score, 98.7 percent". Leah reached up and kissed him on the cheek

"I hope you won't tell anyone" She said.

"Tell anyone about what" Warren said smiling

"That I was scared" She said

"Beside I have to take Laura up for her turn tomorrow, maybe we all can have dinner and talk after, if that's ok" He said.

"Its fine with me" Leah said and left, Laura came running up to Warren

"Ready" She said

"I'm sorry, our flight has been cancelled" He replied

"Why" She asked

"During the flight we were attacked by an enemy anti-aircraft unit" Warren replied "Anna has grounded all planes until this unit can be found and destroyed".

"Bummer," She said "Is Leah ok",

"Yeah, she maybe a bit shaken up though" He said

"What about you, my alpha" She said as she drew close to him and put her arms around him then put her head on his chest, she could hear his heart beating, it was very soothing.

He placed one arm around her and said "I'm fine; it's not the first time someone has taken a shot at me".

"I heard you shot down two missiles with your guns" She asked,

"It was difficult but It's true" He replied.

Anna looked at the map overlayed with known enemy positions 'They almost have us surrounded' she thought "Sir the Justice reports a massive explosion one hundred and ninety miles south-west, scanners say it's maybe nuclear" A technician reported "They recommend we evacuate now"

"Do it!" Anna yelled "Begin the evacuation, get everyone to the transports"

"EVACUATE REPEAT EVACUATE EVERYONE GET TO THE TRANSPORTS NOW" The PA speak blared, Warren and Laura both ran to the hanger. They were the first to arrive behind the Hercules Brigade, who were assisting people into the transports, Anna arrived behind them "Warren, the op has been cancelled, get to your fighter, take Laura with you, put her in one" Anna ordered.

"I can't fly a fighter" Laura said shocked

"Hey warren we got a two-seater available" Emma said as she ran up to them. "Evac's about half way though" Emma reported to Anna "The transports are waiting for someone to take out the SAMs";

"Warren will take the two-seater and take out the SAM in the north-west" Anna ordered. Warren nodded "Need a ride" He asked Laura

"Ok" She said jumping on his back and he ran most of the way to the plane with her on his back, laughing hard.

"You sure he can do it" Anna asked Emma

"I have no doubt he will smash the entire area" The tigeress replied, Anna hoped she was right.

Meanwhile on the runway "You comfy back there" He asked smiling

"No, I hate cramped spaces" She replied, he shook his head as they took off over the sandy desert.

Staying low to avoid enemy radar they flew fast, the transports followed closely behind them and were counting on them to take out the SAM site up ahead. At their current attitude it would be unwise to drop bombs "Ok Laura here we go, tally-ho" Warren said as they approached their target.

The SAM's commander could see the transports approaching though his telescopic targeting sights suddenly something green and white shot across his sights. He looked up over his sights in time to see something white and round with fins flying straight at him, the missile slammed into the launcher/command vehicle, flipping it upside down.

As soon as Warren dropped the missile he pulled up hard and flipped the fighter onto its back dumping flares all the way then levelled off at 16,000 metres "You ok" He asked Laura. She didn't reply Warren set the autopilot to take them up to the Justice; he twisted in his seat to look at Laura.

She was out cold, he reached back and patted her leg then shook it and she still didn't stir, 'she's still breathing probably just blacked-out' he thought as he turned back forward and increased their speed so they'd arrive sooner so Warren could get Laura out of the plane as soon as possible. As they landed on the Justice, Laura started to stir but still didn't wake.

Once on the deck Warren lifted her out of the plane and laid her on the deck "Is she hurt" asked a lioness carrying a medical bag

"No, she's just passed out from the trip up" Warren replied to the lioness.

"I'll just check her out anyway" the lioness said and quickly checked her out and nodded to Warren. He picked her up and carried her to Emma's cabin and placed her down on the bed then kissed her on the forehead, left a note for her when she woke up then went back to the flight deck.

When he got to the flight deck; two SAR units had landed with injured and died soldiers from first ground assault against the three outcast bases in the area. Looking at the covered stretchers of died and the wounded being cared for by medics.

He felt like it was four years ago like he was standing on the deck of the Yorktown watching his captured friends and the dead being brought up from the bloody battle that was being fought in the ESDF cargo facilities against the ESDF commandos. Suddenly he felt very sick to his stomach, his knees collapsed under him and he fell to the deck, knelling there, he wept.

Several hours later, Laura woke to find herself in a strange cabin with grey walls and she also saw a familiar face, Warren looked at her, she could see something was troubling him. She went over and hugged him, he hugged her back and then started crying onto her shoulder "There, there" she said "Tell me about your troubles, please".

"Watching the dead and wounded being brought up from the surface reminded me of a ferocious battle that took place at the ESDF cargo facilities four years ago" Warren said between sobs.

"You're lucky to still be here" She said holding him tighter and tears started running down her cheeks as well.

"I think I'm just lucky to have you here with me" He replied holding her tighter


"Can't they fight their battles without us for just one hour" Laura said smiling

"It doesn't sound like it" Warren replied wiping his eyes

"Well we mustn't keep them waiting" Laura smiled as she wiped her eyes and followed him to the flight deck.

"Emma" Warren yelled as they approached the flight deck "What's up".

"We have some bad news, the transports carrying red squad and the remaining cadets were caught in a nuclear cruise missile attack" Emma said looking at the deck

'No, not Leah' Laura thought as tears welled up again but she blinked them away.

"I'm sorry, but the ground forces need air cover bad, we're sending you pair in to suppress enemy defences at their last stronghold" Emma said

"Sounds like fun" He said. The tigeress ran her finger down his chest

"You handsome will be riding shotgun for Laura" She said,

"You can't be serious" He replied "But I'm ready",

"I can't do this, I can't fly" Laura cried.

"You won't have to" Warren said "If I keep you on target, you give them hell, ok", She looked at him and smiled.

Their bomber was picked up with an overhead crane and moved to the airlock; Laura sat behind warren and read through the check-list.

"Engines" Laura said.

"Ready" Warren replied.

"Nav" She said.

"Set" He replied.

"Bomb-bay door?" She asked.

"Closed and locked" He answered.

"Last item is ordinance" She said reading off the checklist.

"Consent switch, safe and weapon release, off" He replied.

"Ok, let's go blow stuff up" She said.

"You know leah would have been flying with you into combat if she could have" He said Laura looked out of the canopy and swore she saw Leah standing on the deck waving to her then saluted her, she saluted back.

"As long as you don't pass out like last time" she reached forward and smacked his helmet, she looked again but she didn't see Leah, the bomber was lowered into position, the outer doors opened, the drop was as turbulent as they remembered, down they dropped into the atmosphere.

Soon they were hugging the ground flying towards their target, and the electronic warfare system detected and recorded any electronic signals.

The enemy had all their air defence units active, making them easy targets for Laura's HARM missiles, Warren threw the bomber into a ninety degree bank lining up the base's power generators, Laura dropped two laser guided bombs that obliterated the generators.

Warren pulled up to a higher altitude over the base "It looks like mission accomplished" Laura said

"What do we have left" He asked

"Just two mavericks" She said

"Ok, let's target their command centre" He said

"Ok" She said arming the mavericks.

Warren brought the bomber around one more time lining up the command centre "Fire" He ordered, the mavericks dropped clear of the bomber and shot forward slamming into the building. As they overshot the base Warren put the bomber into a gentle turn "That was for Leah" He said,

"Look" Laura said.

Warren looked and saw people running around aimlessly "Justice, Bomber 1, mission accomplished" He radioed "Let's go home" He said pulling higher into the sky towards the Justice.

The crowd gathered on the flight deck, they cheered as the canopy opened, Warren and Laura stepped out of the bomber "SILENCE!" Trent yelled crowd grew quiet "Congratulations, to the both of you, you have help us evacuate our base and assisted us to victory against our enemies, we are-" Trent never finished his sentence for at that moment, Laura collapsed against Warren.

He caught her and gently laid her on the deck "Back up, back up" Warren said loudly Trent and Anna ran over and knelt down

"She ok" Trent asked

"This is sort of an overwhelming experience for her, with your permission I like to take her to her quarters, can we pick this up at a later date" Warren replied,

"Of course" the equine said smiling, Warren pick her up and walked out of the flight deck in a waiting lift.

The doors hissed open as he approached them and closed behind him, he gently placed Laura on the sofa by one of the star filled windows, she opened her eyes "That was brilliant, Laura, excellent timing" He said.

"I did learn from the best" She said sitting up, watching him walk in to the kitchen "I hate ceremonies".

"I'll drink to that" He said pouring something into some glasses she could not see what, he walked back to her and handed her a glass, she sniffed it, it smelt like apples then she took a sip, it tasted like apples

"Its apple juice" She said smiling, then gulped it down.

"Did you think I would give you alcohol?" He asked, she nodded, "Anna would toss me out the nearest airlock if I did" He replied.

The door chimed "Enter" Warren called, Laura stood, the doors parted Emma, Anna, Trent and Stuart the commander of the Justice walked in.

"I see your back on your feet again Laura" Trent said, Warren and Laura just looked at eachother, smiles burst out on their face, Laura grabbed Warren's shoulder as they started laughing.

"What's so funny" Trent asked

"Laura pretended to pass out on the flight deck" Emma said,

"Pretended? I think I need a drink" Trent said

"Coming right up" Warren said smiling; he went and got some more glasses and a bottle.

"Here" He said handing them a glass each and started to pour some into every glass, filling Laura's glass last of all

"Warren, you're not giving her booze, are you" Anna said

"Have a taste and you tell me" He said, Anna took a sip

"You are very lucky, I would have thrown you out the nearest airlock if you had" She said, Warren gave Laura a 'I told you so' look, Laura just smiled.

Warren raised his glass "To the friends, who are no longer with us but who died fighting with such great bravery and courage" everyone raised their glasses

"I have to ask you, do you have everything you need" Emma asked him,

He put his arm around Laura and said "Oh, I think I have everything I ever wanted right here".

Laura turned to him and they kissed eachother softly and deeply as the Justice began its journey for Earth.