
Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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How far would you go for your heart desire. What would you over come to achieve that one wish you desire. See as Simon fights for his dream he wishes to achieve.

Author's notes : This has been a story I have been wanting to write for a while a love story in a sense. This is my fist one that I have wrote in a one shot and unlike my fanfics something original. Yes it has yiff but more for the story then just yiff. This is a long one I could have broken it into chapters but I felt it should be done as a whole one shot. Also 21K people XD

Disclaimer: this contains some sex not to much but some. If you don't like long stories then stop now other wise enjoy.

~5 years ago~

A orange feline grabs the ebony color feline by his arm and turns him around making the ebony one dropping his bag. " Damn it Simon I don't want you to go. Just because father left me the winery. Doesn't mean you have to go. Please you do so much here father is a fool for being so stubborn like he has since ..." The orange feline ears wilt a bit as his tails droops a bit his attire is a white shirt that that has splotches of various juices and wine. His leggings are also covered with the same stains. He is shaking with a small rage but sadness is in the orange feline's eyes.

" I am sorry Derek I truly am I ... I don't want to leave but being here... I can't do it anymore after...I can't I have to try and get ready for the tournament." Simon cups his brothers face and scratches near his neck making the younger one purr a bit. " You know full well my skills can become no better here. I have been training behind his back and you know what happen when he found out I was basically cut off from everything. I have nothing here anymore. You allowed me to have a job at least. Despite that I have felt empty because of that. The tournament is the only way. I need to find some one to train me more than I can be now . I have the basic skills, but I need more. This will be my only chance. I won't get another chance like this in my lifetime please understand. " Simon turns and leaves his brother who is now crying as if he was a new born kitten. Simon leaves with his own heart breaking knowing how much pain he is causing his family by being there at the winery. He has chosen his course and now must live with it. He prays that he will live to see the tournament.

~Present day~

Many warriors mull around the arena in the capital of Derhurst. The city is run by the kitsune family a very powerful and old family of all the kingdoms they actually have seem many of the neighboring kingdoms and cities rise and fall many times over as their kingdom has never really felt much strife. They live in harmony with the neighboring kingdoms and cities on a non interference pact.. Most would see this as a sign of weakness but many know how powerful the family is and many do not wish to invoke their wraith. Once in a while a kingdom or baron of a providence temps fate and challenges them and much to their dismay and folly they are crushed and all is taken into the kitsunes kingdom. Many of the kingdom have little to ask for as there land is fertile and there is always plenty for all. Though it is strange many do not see their rulers due to their reclusive nature. Their are many rumors about them yet many do not care really as long as they have much and care for little. To say their military strength is weak is also a folly many in the past have learned the hard way. As many of the warriors are hand pick of the elite. No race or age or sex are denied so thus the best are chosen from all.

The ruling family has held a tournament for the past 240 years in celebration of the first of their kind taking a mate outside of their line. Every 30 years of the celebration of their love and willingness to ignore the difference of race . This event is held to commemorate that. Though it has no real name besides the tournament. Many have called it the wish contest. The winner is granted what ever their hear desires. From fame to riches. Anything their heart desires. Many have fought for this right. Though not many have won. One would think it would be easy but it is not. The family has been know to throw their own champion in the mix. Many would see this as a insult. Though at one tournament they actually address the crowd and told them this.

"If you truly desire this wish. Then you should be able to defeat any and all who stand in your way. No matter how tall or difficult the odds are. If you truly desire it then you can over come anything."

Since then many have come here with the sole purpose of winning. The thing is no one really knows who the royal family's champion is. Every time it is someone different. Last one it was a a white lion who ripped through many challengers. Even the last opponent had bowed out though it seemed he might be the only one who could defeat the him.

Though as always their is a price to pay....money. Just because you could fight doesn't mean anyone could enter. If so everyone would fight for this right. The price was high to compete. Though it was said so they could bury you or heal you after you lost. Many have lost their lives fighting for this hope to have the wish. For this many of the higher class of the neighboring kingdoms and cities have had champions fight for that wish many mercenaries, criminals, and others fight in their stead. With the promises of freedom or riches for them to win that right. Still many others have enter on their own on hopes for the elusive prize.

The line slowly grows shorter as the golden collie grumbles as he registers the next contestant.

"Another for the slaughter I guess." He grumbles under his breath as he registers a brown and gray lynx in his full chain mail armor. His weapons clank as he walks away not hearing the canine's words. "NEXT!!"

The ground rumbles as he looks up to see a sight he thought he never see. A minotaur stands there in chains breathing hard with a fat looking cougar his clothes a bit tight looking but made of fine material. He smiles at the worker. " He is my champion. This year will be my year." He laughs a dark laugh which unnerves the collie. The minotaur looks at him with his beastly eyes as he sees the weapon it carries. A great axe that has seen it's share of battle still it looks like it would take many to lift. He sighs as it looks like their is no more to register as the time on the hourglass runs out slowly. He suddenly sees a robed figure walk up. He tosses the money on the table. He fills out the paper work for the contest. The collie notices something a bit different about this one. He is not as big as others. Nor does it seem to be with the heavy armor many wear for this. If anything he looks....weak.

"Excuse me sir if I may ask do you have a champion for you to battle for your cause?" He ask thinking he was a page or a minor lord who is trying to go unnoticed.

"I am battling. I have no ....champion." The cloaked figure states flatly.

He looks up into the collie's eyes he can see from the darkness of the hood his feline like eyes. Something was different about them. He has seen many warriors come through today and he could tell who has been through battle and who hasn't in this feline's eyes he could see the warriors eyes. Yet something was different about them. As if they hold a sadness within them.

He shudders a bit thinking what he must have done to make it this far and fight for this contest.

~A few months after he left home.~

Simon realizes fast that finding a master is harder than it looks. No one would give him a chance and those who did told him it would take years of intense training to achieve what he desired and saying he had no real chance of achieving that in the short time he had asked for. After the most recent rejection he sat in the local tavern thinking what would he have to do to get what he wanted. He looked at he sword thinking this dream he wanted seem further away than he thought.

Something caught his attention at the other end of the tavern as some furs and a human were ruffing up a fennec fox. His fur was a bit off color as he could see patches of gray mix in his brown fur. His clothing was nothing more than a few rags that he wore. As it made him an easy target. Simon knew no one would help the fennec fox so he would hope the local law would step in time if he could stall them.

Saying anything would be a waste so like he heard from his first teacher of the sword 'action speaks louder than words'. He walks up to group as he picks up a chair and smashes it across the head of the white wolf who drops like a sack of potatoes. After that it erupts into chaos As he is thrown into a table of angry looking hyenas who's dinner was just destroyed. To say it went from bad to worst is saying it mildly . Everyone got into the fight no one really caring who started. For Simon's part he fought well but in the end was over powered and just before he was about to be killed by the human warrior. The human stiffen ups and falls over with a dagger sticking out of his back. The Fennec fox is standing there looking at the human , then he rummages though his stuff. Basically robbing him. As the fennec fox starts to walk off he looks back at Simon. " Well fool you coming or not? I am not going to help you up." The older fox seems not to care about the dead body or that he robbed a dead body.

Simon gathers his wits about him self and follows the fox. What was amazing is how well the fox seems to avoid everything that was happening, a thrown chair, a flying body, and before he leaves out the door a swing of a sword that if it was anyone else who have been decapitated. Simon hurries after the fox as they head down the street. They finally arrive at the location of another tavern as he hears the local law braking up the fight at the other tavern that Simon had caused. The fox enters the other tavern without waiting and takes a seat at a table near the rear of the tavern as Simon also takes a seat at the same table. The fox eyes Simon as if he was trying to size him up. A female dalmatian in a tight and very reveling outfit comes up with two ales as she walks off the fox smacks her butt as she yips in pleasure and winks at the fox. As she leaves the fox demeanor changes a bit.

"So young one why did you interfere with my problem? I didn't need or want your help. So why shouldn't I just kill you right now?" His voice carried the threat yet he heard no malice to it. Yet from how he said it made it seem like a statement that he would carry out, not the kind of threat you would hear from a bully, but one who would say I was going to take the garbage out. As if it was another chore that needed to be done.

Simon sized him up and tried to think a way out of this. Nothing he could say that would be good. He was trying to help him but as he just heard he didn't need it and took his help as an insult. Drawing his sword would not help he had seen the old fox's speed and agility. It would be nothing for the fox to take him out. He had to weigh his options fighting would do no good maybe escape. That was bad also because where he was at the door or window was to far and he didn't know if he could keep the fox at bay until he got away. He couldn't think of a good way out of this. He closes his eyes and goes with his best option which is to run as soon as he formulates his plan and goes for his sword a hand grabs him on his shoulder. It's the fox he is already standing next to him.

"You're the first to try and run." he smiles at him with an wicked grin as if he was impressed by this. "many would try and talk their way out this or attack me you were going to run you understood your limits and decided to run." He smiles proudly.

" How did you know I wasn't going to attack you?" Simon ask still a bit shaken that he moved that fast. "Well boy I can sorta guess. I am a bit good at what I do. Still most would just attack but you closed your eyes and felt fear. You wanted to run. I can taste it off of you but also I sensed something else you had something more to worry about. You had other things you have to live for in a sense. " Before he can say anymore the fox is hit by the bartender on the back of his head.

"For the last time would you stop killing people in my establishment. I don't care how much you pay I am getting sick of covering for you!" The older otter huffs as his tail slams on the floor hard shaking the ales on the table a bit. He walks off grumbling curing the fox's existence.

" I am sorry about that. Well as I said I am ... a .. how should I put it an ex.....worker....yeah that sounds good." The fox smiles at his words as the otter rolls his eyes and the barmaid can be heard laughing and a few few furs in the tavern laugh a bit saying 'sure you are.'

Simon regains his composure and bows his head a bit " I am truly sorr.." He is cut off by the fox.

"No you're not boy. You were looking for a fight I could tell by the way you didn't say anything to them you just attacked you wanted to fight I was an excuse. If not me someone else would have done. Like I said I can see it your eyes. You wanted to hit something. What are you angry about boy?"

Simon sighs and figures what could the worst thing the fox could do him but laugh at his plight. He tells the fox of looking for a teacher and trying to get better in under five years time. Many telling him they would not teach him others saying he was to weak. That it was to little time to train for what he wanted.

The fox smiles at him and looks toward the otter."It's nearly that time again isn't it? I was wondering why there were so many fools as of late wandering around here. Trying to show off and the schools getting more crowed. Fools all of them and you're the biggest one of them all."The fox huffs a bit as he downs the ale and slams the mug on the table.

The otter sighs " I wonder if I should find out who is going this time and see who will last the longest and wager on them?"

Simon looks puzzled." I didn't say anything about the tournament?"

The fox smiles as he takes Simon's untouched ale and downs that one motioning the barmaid for another round. " Boy you have that look of wanting to fight, but not of anger that was for the moment. I can see you want something more. You are like so many like the last time." His face becomes sad but it fades as fast as it came. " You want that wish you want that glory. To have something you can't have. What is it boy? Fame riches, power, immortality, save your dying family? Well boy what is it you want? Most likely something stupid."

Simon breathes a bit trying to calm himself. " Nothing like that, if I wanted that I would have stayed home. My family is very well off and I really don't have need for such things. Fame money. I ..I need to get ...I want ...to have her..."

The fox bust out laughing " A female!!! You want a female. Hell just buy one if you really want one. If you're as rich as you say you are. Wait is it a lord's daughter. I bet you want to impress her. HA!!! You know their are better ways to do that you know. Go kill some orcs or find a diamond for her."

Simon mumbles something his voice can only be heard by the fox as he stops laughing when he hears it. He sets down the mug of ale and looks at Simon with a serious face. " Are you sure you want to go down that path. It is no wonder most told you not to go for it. To win this tournament you must defeat the best of the land. I look at you and I see no chance even if you trained for a hundred years. It's not about strength I am sure you can get that but you will be fighting others stronger than you. It will be about how good you can get. All those you seem to ask saw that your strength is lacking. I am sure you know that to. If you were of the other feline races or at least a half breed your might have chance. Yet you are just a cat. I am sure you know why I say that as you know your limits."

Simon looks at his mug of ale as the foam slowly vanishes. " I know this but I need to do this I can't let this go I ... I won't lose to the limits that are imposed on me. I won't lose to this hill that everyone has set before me." He begins to tear a bit as the fox sits there looking at him.

"If you want it really bad their is a way around that so called hill. You don't have to climb it per say. More like walk around it. Mind you since time is limited it will be the hardest thing for you do to . What you need are skills not strength . Your body is not meant for strength but speed., but you must commit to this with your heart and soul. If you chose this path you might not live through it and even if you do you might not be the same as you began."

Simon looks at the fox as he sits there wondering what he was offering. It could be the only chance he had to win he knew deep down he didn't have the power but if their was another way he would take it and make sure that he had a chance to do what needed to be done to win. He knew what the choice was even before the fox told him. He was going to take it he was going to do what ever it took.

"I am in."

"Good by the way my name is Flint. Remember it well you're going to be cursing my name over the next few years and my existence. You'll wish you never said yes you will wish that you never were born. I will make you cry for your mother. Beg for your father to save you. I will break you and remold you to be a warrior that can fight in the tournament. Whether you win or not will be up to you. I will give you the skills you need but in the end you will be the one who will fight not me, or anyone else. You will fight in the arena. You will fight for this dream you seek. In the end the question will be." 'will you do what is needed to do to win?' This will be your last time to back out are you sure? "

Simon sits there and breathes softly and looks at his sword. Then he turns his to looks deep into Flint's eyes knowing what he is going to do. To promise to make him a warrior in under fiver years. He was only 19 he had his life before him. He could live the life he wants he could go home to his brother and have the nice life. His eyes close and he sees what he is going for. She is there smiling at him. He smiles as he knows he had chosen the day she left from his life. When he saw the hurdle he had to get over to have her as his own. He opens his eyes and just nods at Flint. Flints smiles also and laughs loudly.

" I am going to so enjoy making you cry kitten."

~Present Day~

There were many warriors mulling around the arena. Simon looks around counting about a hundred or more warriors many looking ready to kill or attack any second. Many wondering how they would do this. It was said that they had elimination rounds until they had only enough for brackets like the last tournament. But back then their was only under 50 warriors who fought. Now so many had enter, how would they do this?

He scans the group to size up the warriors. Flint always told him as he would 'teach' him. More like as Simon saw it was torture what he went through as he shivered a bit thinking about what he went through. He brings his mind back as sees two anthro dragons. They were a rare sight in any lands as they live far from any kingdom or city. They were a private race who shun contact with many other races. The first one he looked at was a red on who had his wings spread wide making many stay at a distance. He was showing off his armor was different than he seen before it was made more for mobility The red dragon would flex his muscles as to impress the females in the crowd as he tail would drag a bit behind him but it look lite not as heavy as Simon would imagine. He saw the minotaur was distant from the group of warriors his chains on his wrist seem to glow a bit which Simon thought was weird. Maybe they were enchanted but why if he was to fight why was he out here at all. They were notorious for being violent and uncontrollable .

The other dragon he saw was a gold dragon He had spikes that went from his head that started small the grew larger until it reach the middle of his back that they seem to shrink till they were small to the tip of his tail. His chest was white scaled yet his scales seem smooth as a humans skin unless you were close to see that they were scales. His scales looked soft yet it was deceiving to all mostly because of the skin they have can take more damage than most humans or furs. Their strength alone stands above most trained warriors. Still to have both of them here was a bit over kill if they were vying for the prize. Another thing about the gold was that he was wingless. He heard some were but to see that made him wonder how skilled he was. Simon hand shook as he look at him. The gold dragon just look at him and smiled a knowing smile as he looked down at him as Simon was nothing more than a joke. He turned away in anger knowing he was baiting him, as he turn his attention to see the rest of the competition. From what Simon could tell the anthro dragons seem to be more distant from each other than anyone there, as they seem to be avoiding each other, which meant they might take each other out ..he hope.

Simon listen to the others making plans on how to win or over come the big threats. Some eyed him as the easy target. He knew this was going to happen as many wanted to attack him now. Before any more glaring or threats could be thrown. A voice silenced them all. It was the Queen Syndor. She was as beautiful as they said she was. Her fur was pale yellow as she wore a light blue robe that reveled much of her body, for she was not afraid to show off her beauty to all. Her tails could be seen by all as then seem to flutter in the air as if suspended by magic. It was said of their queen a kyuubi could rule the kingdom thru power alone. It was no wonder why so many wanted her. She had no guards to her side. Even if she didn't have them he knew her power was second to none. It would as some say suicide to actually attack her.

"Greeting warriors. I welcome you all... you who are about to die. The rules are simple this year since they're so many of you this year. Stay alive until they're only 8 of you left or until this hour glass runs out. Though I doubt many of you will live that long. BEGIN!!!"

It was chaos. Many attacking the one next to them as limbs and heads flew into the air. As trained warriors became savages. SO much for honor. Simon didn't draw his weapons as he duck dodge and weave through the chaos all around. He saw the red anthro dragon laugh as he flew above many of the warriors and attack them from the air butchering many. The minotaur chains were off and he was bellowing like the animal he was. His axe cleaved through the warriors like a hot knife though butter. Their armor provided little protection against the onslaught of his attacks. What trouble him the most was the gold dragon he had a few warriors dead around him but his weapon still sheath. He had killed those warriors with his hands. He looked at Simon who just avoided from being impaled by a spear. The gold dragon was watching him and his hand shook once more. He knew him yet he had other things to worry as many began to run from the minotaur who was on a rampage destroying all in his path. The screams of the dying was all around him he could do little but try and live until the number was low enough. His master told him the later rounds was when he needed to fight.

That's when fate decided to have fun as he tripped over a decapitated body of a tiger. He look up to see a grizzly bear raise his hatchet ready to cleave Simon in half. A loud sounding bell goes off. " Stop!!! Those who are still alive you have passed. I would say we will have the fights today but..." She scans the arena floor and the bodies of the slain painted the ground. The grizzly laughs as he helps Simon up.

"It seems you have nine lives kitten. You will need them all if you wish to win this. If you fight me I promise you a quick an clean death."He looks at the grizzly and sees his wounds many still bleeding but none look life threatening as the grizzly tries to patch them up as they wait for what will happen next.

As they wait for what will be the next battle. He sees who is left besides him and the grizzly. Of course he couldn't have been lucky as both dragons are alive. The gold looks at him smirks a bit and laughs as if he was looking at a joke. The red was getting the crowd in an uproar as if he needed the fanfare. He saw a Blue fur tiger who was kneeling on the ground as a Jackal who was bleeding from one eye, who seem to know the blue tiger; seem to be checking to make sure he was ok. The minotaur was being restrained by the chains. Their purpose was now know it was so he would be tied up like a barn animal when he wasn't being used. A bulldog who's muscles seemed to be flexing constantly as he had a few scars and some foam coming from his mouth as he look at the gold dragon and made a gesture at him. The made a cut across his own throat making sure the dragon knew he wanted him dead. The bulldog would have tried but it seemed they were being watched by the royal guard. Who began to move them away from the other warriors just in case they tried to kill the other to cut down the field.

The queen walks toward them all. This surprises them all. As they see her up close. What is more surprising is that her daughters are with her. The two are as different as day and night. The one to the queens left fur is a light blue and has three tails. Showing she has a long way to gain the power to achieve the throne as it was told to them. The one to the queens right looks away her face is covered with a veil as Simon tries to see if she...no it was best no to dwell on it now. Flint told him not to think about such things until he needed to.

His words echo in his head. ' Don' worry about your goal worry about your next target. They don't care about your goal. They have their own goal to achieve you're in their way. Never see them as a friend or anything but a step you have to climb over' he sees the guards near each of them expect the gold dragon who bows before the queen. Everyone knew who the royal family has as the key to make sure no one would win. It was not cheating just another hurdle to overcome. The others seeing him they all bowed. Expect Simon who just folded his arms across his chest. AS he glared at the the gold dragon. Many were actually surprised that he would be brash to ignore the queen as he did. She just laughed as her tails begin to glow yet many expect him to be killed as nothing happens.

" Young kitty you are brave to .." she looks at her daughter to her right as her daughter still looks away. " You have come a long way to achieve what you want." She moves closer to him as she reaches her hand out to caress his face. Out of instinct he was about to go for his weapon. A cold dread hit him as he felt cold grip of death closed around him. He knew then he had no chance to do anything to her. As a guard caught him from falling to the ground. He was shaking badly. Something he was told by Flint and his teacher back at the winery had told him. 'When in a fight you feel fear and your opponent has yet to do anything. It was your feral instincts to survive. It was not cowardly to feel it. Everyone feels it. It's how you control it will make you a better warrior.'

Simon shoves the guard away as he stands up shaking a bit. His scowl gets a bit softer but remains. He sees the queen smiling still as she is enjoying a private joke. It's then he realizes why the guards are there not to protect the queen but protect them from her. She was the true power here. They were there for her entertainment. Other wise why would she be here but to enjoy the slaughter. He knew his place to well. Yet he still was not going to back down.

She walks in front of all the survivors of the battle and smiles at each one in turn. Even the minotaur who was violent towards all was calm before her. " My fighters you're here for personal reasons. To achieve your hearts desires, or someone else desire. Yet you will fight for that right to have that heart desire. I will grant it as it is in my power of my people. Fight bravely for the audience give them a show to remember to tell their children. To know how bravely you fought for that dream you wish to achive." She turns to the audience and spreads her arms wide. "Isn't that what you want my fellow furs my people?" Her voice carries across the crowd as they go wild.

The red dragon raises his arm with his sword high into the air. " And I will give it to you all for you to know how I am the greatest warrior of them all!!!" The crowd cheers loudly at his statement. The others raise their weapons also expect the gold dragon and Simon. The minotaur just roars as he raises his chained arms.

She smiles at the crowds for this and then looks over her shoulder at Simon. In a low voice he could hear over the crowds cheering "Do you think you still can win?"

~that night ~

It was decided that the next part of the tournament would take place in two days. Tomorrow he would know who he would fight as he sits in the window looking out at the city as it parties over the first day of the tournament. His thoughts are of home and wondering if he could have had a simple life , if he had never met her maybe his life would be different.. No he still would carve for more that what he had deep down. Yet she brought it fourth those feelings to the surface. She was what he wanted. She showed him what love was . For they were each others first for love. He didn't want to lose her.

The door rattles to his room as he goes for his weapon under his cloak. In comes his teacher staggering in drunk as hell. He lets his hand relax as he looks once more out the window.

"You should be happy boy you're still alive and they still don't know your style yet. That will be your game changing piece As long as they don't know you will have an advantage over them all. Hic..burp...but hey you can get laid tonight I got a date with some sexy badger twins who are more willing to give it all." He almost falls over but catches him self. " If you want I saw a sexy busty mare who looks lonely tonight. I could you know hook you up you are after all a bit famous for standing up to the queen as you did . Even if she put the fear of god in you. " Simon tries to say something. "I saw it even if you tried to hide it. You know her power and that she can grant you that foolish dream you want. I still believe you should have stayed home you could have a nice litter back there. You are a fool chasing a dream that you can never have. I wonder if she still feels the same way for you?" He waits for answer but Simon looks back out the window. "Bah you're a fool always will be ,but try to make it as far to the final round the odds of you living that far will make me rich." He walks out the room laughing.

Simon does wonder does she care anymore she didn't even give him a glace back as he touches his back where she made him as hers the deep scars into his back of their many matings.

~10 Years ago ~

Simon was doing the grunt job of his family business. Not the lifting of the barrels of wine though he wishes he was at least time would go faster. No he had to check each barrel to make sure each was in tip top shape and no leakage. If their was he had to fix it or scrap the barrel for fire wood and have the workers make a new one. Such a menial task he had to do. Just because took up some lessons from the local sword smith of the town. His father had such plans for him. To one day to take over his family business. He didn't want his son picking up a sword. He wanted the winery to grow and and Simon to have a family by his 18th he had already tried to set him up with a the local baron's daughter she was a cougar. She was a bit younger than him and he actually wanted to find love not be forced into a arranged marriage. Though now his younger brother was now being hook up with her. It work out better since he was only a year older than the cougar. Also he was closer to her than Simon was. He was brought out of his daydream by a sound of the door closing. He looks up at the figure at the door thinking it might be Sara the tabby. She was always trying to get Simon alone trying to show him what a true woman was. He knew what she wanted to be knocked up by him so he would have to support her and her family. She was a money grubber.

It wasn't Sara. It was a fox...better yet he noticed she had 4 tails. She was a kitsune of the royal family . What was she doing here? Her dress was made of such fine material as it hug her body tightly he could see how chest went up and down her breast rise up and down. Her fur was like his black as the night her eyes what caught him the most they were blue as the sea it self. They held him in his own gaze as she was breathing hard her tails waving back and fourth as she seemed a bit stressed . He couldn't figure out why he couldn't catch his breath. His heart beating fast and he was starting to sweat. So of course he had to say something to her. To sweep this beauty off her feet to make her his.

"Can I help you ?" Oh yeah he thought real smooth.

She looked a bit startled when she actually noticed him. " I am sorry I am .. I just need to hide please let me hide here. I am getting sick being shown around a if I am some piece of meat for those vultures to eat. Also .." she looks around the room. " Where am I?"

Simon smiles as he gets a chair for her to sit. " this is where we keep the barrels for the wine . So we can store and age them for better taste. At least that's what my father told me, but you have to ask the actually workers here. I am just checking them to make sure they are still good to use other wise it's fire wood. A real important job." He says sarcastically.

She laughs a bit " I am sure you have a important job. You said father? Are you the owners son?"

Simon laughs " Yes I am. As you can see defying your elders comes with it's perks."

She looks away " I wish I could but ...my mother tells me that all is for my future." Her ears wilt a bit as her tails move across the ground shifting the dirt on it yet not getting any on it.

"How do you do that? Keep the dirt off of you?" Simon looks amazed as he can barley keep clean walking to the local market.

She giggles a bit " It is a simple spell but it takes much practice to do. I do thank you for letting me stay here....uh I am sorry what is your name?"

He smiles at her "My name is Simon fair lady, and may I have your name my pretty."

She blushes a bit. " My name is Sarah. It is a pleasure to meet you Simon."

He kneels before and takes her paw into his and kisses it gently inhaling her scent as he does he feels her begin to shake. " I am sorry I should no..."..

She cuts him off " No I enjoy that. Thank you for not making me feel as if I am untouchable. So many who meet me close to my age treat me like I am ..something fragile. I thank you Simon." Her smile sends shivers down his spine he moves closer to her as she does to him before their lips can meet they hear shouting as he pulls back and she moves abruptly from him. " I am sorry they are looking for me. Maybe I will see you again Simon. I will be living her at my mother's new spring home. I should say my home away from home she wanted me away from the kingdom. Political reasons she told me I think she is ashamed of me. I must go goodbye Simon. " she leaves her scent still strong in the musty room. He sees her leave. The images of her walking away her tails weaving though the air. Makes him forget that he was doing anything until one of the workers come to find him and tell him it's near dinner time. Simon freaks out that he forgot to finish up the work in on the barrels. Then he thinks screw dad it wasn't like it was a rush job anyway he just wanted to banish Simon to the storage room.

Simon became absent minded for the next few days forgetting to do many things he was suppose to be doing everyday but he couldn't get her out of his mind. The feel of her silk fur her scent that drove him wild. What made it worst was that had two wet dreams of her already. He hasn't even been with a female. Yet he was already having dreams of her and him together fucking like lupines in heat, and here he was feline. It was bad when he saw himself as something he wasn't yet he still lusted for her.

As he was finally finishing the storage room he headed back to the main house to sleep until dinner. A very built full armed tiger stood near the entrance of the house. He wonder what happen now. Yet The tiger didn't look like the local law. Nor any kingdom he had seen before. The tiger walks over to Simon. He glares at him and shoves a letter into his hands and walks off. He stands there for a second as he opens the letter to read.

_ To my dear Simon _

_ I would much appreciate your presence at my humble home for dinner. If it is to much of a hindrance of your time I understand. Yet I would love to have you over if you can. _

_ Sincerely Yours _

_ Sarah _

He didn't even give it a second though as he ran into the house and tell his mother he was going out and went to freshen up. The whole nine yards. As he felt he was groomed enough as he got the pack horse to head to her house. He picked up a small gift he saw a vendor selling as he passed though town to her home. It was then he felt dirty. If anything he felt plain compare to her. Even though he was in the best dressed clothes He still felt that he was still so out classed by her. He arrived at the house before he knew it. He wanted to turn around as soon as he saw it. It was the biggest house he had ever seen. It was bigger than his and land it was on made it look even more magnificent. Now he really wanted to leave. He tried to have the horse turn so he could head back home, but it was to late as a it seem a dalmatian dressed in butlers uniform coughs a bit. "Are you Sir Simon?" He gives Simon a quizzical look.

"Yes I am, uh where do I put my horse? " He looks for the stable. As the butler takes the reigns. " Do not worry I will put your horse by the stables. The mistress is waiting for you inside. Please do not keep her waiting. " He leads the horse off.

Simon stands there for a second before heading in. He is so terrified he can barley get it together to knock on the door, yet before he can do anything it opens and there stands Sarah. Her smile makes Simon heart skip. As he looks at her dress it is a thing of beauty as it seems to glow a bit a blue gown with white trimmings all over it. The way it hugs her body makes him swallow a bit. " I didn't think you come. " She takes his hand and pulls him into the house. He notices how extravagant it looks. His home didn't even come close as much as his mother took care of it. She leads him to the dinning room many maids and other butlers are there even the tiger warrior ,who is glaring at him. "Thank you for coming Simon. I didn't think you would come I was afraid...." A sadness came across her face.

" Of course I would you did ask. I would never turn an invitation from one as beautiful as you are . Also this is for you." She takes the gift from Simon and unwraps the crumple paper and it is a mutil color rose made of glass. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held the fragile glass rose in her hands.

" I know it's not much but I thought you should have something nice. I thought about flowers and well I didn't really know if you were allergic or not and well I .."she places her hand on Simon's mouth to silence him.

"It's perfect. Thank you . It shows you pick something from your heart. It means a lot. Please let us eat." They sit at a grand table that was made for a large hosting party Help had them sit at opposite ends of the grand table. It felt weird as it seem so empty bedside the maids and butlers getting the food for them until she asked him to sit next to her a bit closer. This made things better at least he didn't have to yell across the table to talk to her. As he did she asked much about his past and how it felt growing up in such a place where he lived at. Simon went on for an hour before he stop and realize she was watching him enjoying the tale he was telling. At first he though she was just being nice.

" I am sorry I tend to prattle on. What your life at the place? I am sure you have such a great life there." She looks a way sadden a bit. "No not really. I am always surround by teachers telling me I have so much learn if I am to take over one day. I am not allow to do much at all besides study study and go to these stupid functions. I think I got my mother mad at me for not giving much attention to many of the guest as it is we barley do anything at these foolish function besides talk about how to make more money and gah... they are such a bore." She says in a huff.

Simon takes her hand and holds it gently as he smiles at her. " I am sorry to trouble you with such thoughts. You talk about your mother did your father pass away.?"

She smiles " No my father is very much alive. He is the Duke of Elburg. "

Simon looks at her for a second and her tails." You don't seem to have many features of a lion. How is that possible?"

"Because of our blood line we are able to mate outside our species. In a sense to make sure we don't not thin our blood line to much I know it sounds weird. But if we mate among our own kind our power diminishes. So we mate many times outside our kind so we grow more powerful. One day I will have to take some wealthy or powerful lord. Who my mother picks out." She growls out the end.

" I am sorry to hear that. I wish I could do something to help." Simon holds her hand still feeling her hand shake in his own as blush appears on her face . She pulls away as he does at the same time.

"Did you like the dinner Simon ?" She changes the subject fast. As she seems to be fidgeting more. As if she was expecting him to say no or something else. That would be rude. Hell for her he would say dirt was the most wonderful thing he ever had.

"It was a wonderful meal. Thank you for having me over Sarah." She blushes badly with that. He looks out the window and notices the moon rising. "It's getting late. I should be going home." He starts to rise as she grabs his arm faster than he could have thought possible.

"It is late but I would like if you would stay the night . I would be sadden if something were to happen to you ." Her eyes said something else but Simon took it as concern for him.

" Then I will stay. I am sure my father won't care much." He mumbles " As if I cared about what he thinks. " She giggles a bit hearing what he said as he blushes not wanting her to hear that. As they turn in for the night he is shown to the guest room. It is a well furnished room. It even had it's own tube for bathing. He smiled as he laid on the bed. He thought if this was for guest then he would love to sleep on her bed. This bed felt so comfortable. He moved over to the candle and blew it out.

He was having such a good dream as he purred loudly. Sarah was giving him such a great blow job he shivered as she slowly raked her teeth across his hard cock. Her tongue ran slowly across his cock as she squeeze his furry sac every once in a while. He ran his fingers through the fur on her head as she growled softly. He felt it begin at his furry balls until it hit the tip of his erect cock, he was going to cum soon. As he began to thrust into her maw a bit until he could hold it no more as he held her head in place as he hissed loudly as he came. Man he though it was a wonderful dream but he just stained her sheets as he begin to open his eyes he hoped that he could get it cleaned before she found out. His eyes fully open he saw Sarah kneeling over his erect cum covered cock As she licked the cum that slowly dripped from her muzzle. Hey tails waive back and fourth in hypnotic way.

"It was a bit bitter and salty but still it was nice. Morning Simon. Did you sleep well?" She smiled at him with his cum dripping from her muzzle.

His eyes open wide as she was in a loose fitting robe. Reveling her amble breast. She moved over him as she kissed him with his cum in her mouth it did taste bitter. It also tasted weird to have his own cum in his mouth. But he kissed her back as best he could as this was his fist kiss he began to dance his tongue with her's. He went into motions he never thought about as he began to caress her face as he heard her murr a bit as he did that. She push him back onto the pillows as she began to straddle him rubbing his silken cock as if began to get hard once more. He wanted more than anything to push his cock into her. As she broke the kiss she led his hands to her breast and began to caress them with his hands he felt how fine her fur felt on her breast as he squeeze them making her whine a bit as he did that. She continue to rub his cock between her ass cheeks as to tease him. Her tails continue to sway back and fourth.

"Are you afraid kitty? Are you afraid to fuck me?" She asked him still grinding into him but not letting his cock go into her pussy.

"Why would I be Sarah? You are so lovely and willing to share your self with me. Why would I be afraid?" His hand caressed her muzzle as she growled softly to his touch as she nuzzled the caressing hand.

She look at him with sadness in her eyes "Because I do love you I know it has been a short time I have been with you but I feel something from you .I have seen inside your soul and seen the happiness when you think of me. I also know you want this as much as I do . Your body doesn't lie." She smiles mischievously as she can feel his hard cock rubbing against her furry ass.

" I will stay with you as long as you want me to. I will love you as long as you love me. I will never betray that which you give me, your heart." He caresses her face as she moves off of him moving a bit off of him as she gets on all four on the bed raising her tails.

She licks her muzzle " Then take me kitty make this kitsune howl."

Simon does as he is told but is actually afraid. Because she will be his first. He has heard how to do it but the only advice he hears in his head is from of all people his father. ' Son if a female offers you to take her never say no and just plunge in and enjoy the fucking.'

He did as she asked and slid his barbed cock into her as she shiver in excitement. He pushed in more until he felt something in the way . He always heard that when you have sex it was a simple push. She looks over her shoulder with a smile.

"It's ok it's my hymen just push through it will hurt but I will get better don't worry about it. I want this I want you to take me." She says with a pleading voice.

He was worried about it. He didn't want to hurt her but she wanted it as she looked at him with pleading eyes. He pulled back until the tip of his cock was the only thing in her. Then rammed it back in and felt it rip with his penetration. As she cried out in pain gripping the sheets trying to muffle the whines with the sheets she bit into them tightly. As her breath was labored panting hard as she closes her eyes tightly.

" Are you ok I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you . I ..I .." As he tries to pull out he felt the blood from taking her virginity slowly come over his cock. He was afraid he really hurt her badly. He was told about this but to see and feel it happen was different altogether.

"P..p.please don't stop I want this please Simon. I want it to be you as my first. Please take me." Sarah ask in a pleading voice as her tails caress his body. He sees her eyes looking at him wanting this.

He needed no more encouragement. As he push back into her slowly until he was buried in her warm folds as she hugs his cock with vaginal muscles he began to fuck her slowly. Her tails all waived back and fourth as he fuck her slowly. He hears moans of pleasure as it seem she was enjoying more than the pain she felt earlier. He grips her furry hips tighter. As he began to fuck her faster as his balls slapped against her ass. He purrs louder as he felt her clench his cock more as she was trying to milk it of his seed he has yet to release. He fucked her with a more frenzied pace digging his claws into her furry cheeks more. As she moaned his name louder. He feels her tails over his body as they caress him urging him to take her more and more. He felt his balls tighten as he knew he was about to cum he tried to say something as he couldn't as he came inside of her. Shooting his seed deep into her. As he felt her pussy convulse around his cock and she howled as she came also as she gripped his cock tightly trying to milk him for all he was worth.

She was panting hard as he tongue hang out of muzzle as she had a look of pleasure on her face. "Thank you Simon. I will always treasure our time together." He lays down next to her his pulling her close as his cock inside of her as she would clench her pussy around his cock making him purr loudly.

" I love you as much as I can. I want this to last forever." He nuzzles her neck as he gives her a nip on her neck.

She murrs a bit as she hides her tears from him as whispers in a low voice. " I wish it could last forever my kitten."

The years following up to Simon's 19th birthday was marred with them trying anytime they could have alone they were basically fucking anywhere. Her home his home even in the wine cellar which mind you was the place they used the most. Yet for some reason no matter how much he told her he loved her and would never leave her she was becoming more distant with Simon. It troubled him a lot. He would ask her but she would just smile and say it was nothing. Her smile was her greatest weapon. He always melted and gave into what ever she said.

If he had pay attention to the signs he could have been prepared for what was going to happen. He was invited to her home once more. When he arrived he noticed there were many carriages and a few more soldiers. He should have ran then.

~Present Day. ~

He still regrets that he was so blind then. He had to be ready for the match in two days he would find out his opponent tomorrow.

The crowds gather at the center of the town near the arena the next day. It was there he saw his opponent Belar. He heard someone laughing then it turned into coughing as he saw who it was. It was the grizzly who had helped him up the other day. At least it was someone who most likely wanted just to maim him not kill him out right Simon hoped. He saw on the scroll on the arena walls the names of the others it seem the blue tiger was named Jake was fighting the minotaur. He looked worried as he the jackal who he found out was named Cypher was battling the red dragon The bulldog was called Brick. Was going to fight the gold dragon. Which to Simon seem to suit the bulldog fine. The gold dragon was called Felix. It seem a bit weird for a dragon to be called a simple name like that . Then again he knew the red picked his own Cyan the great one. Yeah the red was the one who seem to be full of him self as he pointed out his name out there on the brackets. He had four females around him hanging on to his every word.

Simon had his own worries as many said the grizzly had the easiest match. The grizzly name Belar smiled at the compliments but told his many supporters that I still made it to round to fight him and he would give it his all as he would any opponent right before he fell over clutching his side his comrades seem to rush to his side as they help him off to the inn where he was sleeping at. Simon had other things to worry about then the grizzles health he had to prepare to fight finally tomorrow he was worried that he wasn't prepared for what will come he survived what was called the first round baptismal of pain. Yet he had not had to draw his weapons yet. His long sword was still at the inn hidden. Flint told him that he had to keep it close even though he trained in his new styles he still had some of his old style he still practiced just in case.

He always wonder if it was enough to win though he had his training, or torture depends on how you looked at it. Flint walked up on him smacking him on his back as he jumps a bit realizing he did it again. The wily old fox was like a silent wind. He never could figure out how he did that no matter how hard he tried to catch him Simon could never figure out how the old fox did it.

"Look at you boy. You seem like the prey before the carnivore is about to eat them. You should be happy that your first battle is easy ..so to say. The grizzly will put you through the ringer and see if you can really do it. Though I think you will be able to do it. Come boy back to the inn you need to meditate. To calm your self if you thought you were going to practice you're wrong you don't need to be tense you need to relax, and pray that your opponent will be drunk thinking he has a easy battle ahead. "He leads Simon back to the inn.

~3 Years ago~

The exhausted feline climbs the hill with weights on his arms and legs as he feels the the pain the all over his body he wants to cry out as his body is doing to him. Yet he grits and bares the pain. Flint walks near him smoking a thin pipe as he smiles. " Come boy I know the snail near you is going faster than you." He laughs a bit.

Simon wants to say 'WHERE!?!' Yet he holds his tongue knowing any bite back will get him more grief and at that more drills and training. His body has been though more pain he thought was possible. The only part of his body that was not in pain was his tail and he made sure he said nothing about it. He wanted something on his body that he actually felt no pain on. If he said anything about his whiskers he some how knew that Flint would do something to his whiskers and train them to if he thought it would help him get better. So better to just go with it. He wanted this more than anything to win. What he wanted right now was the pain to go away like every other day. He made it to the top and notices something different about camp today. There are some weapons leaning on the tree. He makes it to the old stump he is told to make it there everyday. He arrives at the stump and tries to lean on it and is stopped by the Flint.

"NO today is your last day doing that. Remove the weights. Your new regiment begins today. You will still do the weights but not as much as you will learn the blade , or in your case blades. Grab the twin swords over there and we will practice today I need to see where you are at so far."

Simon removes the weights as he heads towards the weapons and looks the twin swords. They look light but durable. He swings then a bit and tries to get a a feel for them as he swings them as he thinks that he should be using one as defense like a shield and the other as his offense. Flint looks at him already reading his thoughts.

"NO kitten you will know how to use them as offensive weapons. I know your first impulse is to use one as a weapon and the other to protect yourself from attack. It can work that way but most light weapons don't work that well like that. What I will teach will be speed. You have no real strength per say. Yes I have been making you weight train but it is so I can make you faster. You notice I have been making you walk with the weights then lifting. Your body is not made for pure strength. You could train but it would never net the results that you need or want. Now we begin." Flint leaps into the air with the large stick he has been carrying and attacks Simon.

Simon backs off as he clumsy readies his attack with the twin swords. Thus his true training begins as soon as he does he notices a change as his arms feel lighter and his movements a bit faster but more clumsy. As he is not use to fighting with this much speed. He feels lighter. Yet he needs to catch up to how his body feels as he to late sees Flint's weapon, the stick, smack him across his face as he slaps the swords from his hands and sweeps him off his feet.

"No this will not do you need to move more fluid , you need to stop thinking about it and just do it." Flint just turns and begins to walk away and sighs "At this rate I wonder if you can do it. You are still weak. You really have no ch.." before he can finish Simon has leaps from the ground and is on the offensive his blades swing with more intensity yet with more rage. Flint sees this. " Anger is good but .."Once again he makes it though Simon's barrage of blades and smacks him once more with the stick and swats the swords from his hands as he gets behind him and yanks his tail hard causing Simon to yowl and he kicks him forward into the dirt. "Never fight with anger never let emotions be your strength because you have already lost. No matter how much you hate someone or you want something. Never let emotion guide you because your opponent will use that opening and kill you." He taps Simon's throat with the stick so he knows he just died. " Now pick them up and come at me and this time use your head."The stick poke Simon hard on his forehead as the wily old fox laughs at him.

~Present Day. ~

Simon readies himself as he begins to get his gear ready and looks at his sword he first started with he has trained with but he was told to leave it until it was time. He hope what ever Flint had in mind would work because he didn't know what the old fox had in mind. Simon makes his way towards the arena alone his mentor left a message said he had a few bets to make also said that so he could rob Simon of his funds to make the bets with. Simon shakes his head knowing his mentor was all heart.

The crowds cheering and shouts can be heard as he is in the tunnels heading towards the arena floor. He closes his eyes as he pulls out a small pouch around his neck and kisses it. He places back under his leather armor and shirt. The guard near the entrance motions Simon to come closer. "Simon is it? I was told to make sure you are to wait till the queen arrives then you will be allowed to enter as your opponent will do the same. You will bow before the queen. Then salute each other then fight."

Simon shakes his head as he thinks about how he hates the queen for what has happen. Yet he still had two more rounds to fight before he could be cocky and defy the queen outright. The guard moves his lance and nods to him as many cheer for the queens entrance as many chant her name. It goes on for a few minutes then goes silent.

"Now you may enter Simon. Good luck."

He nods to the guard as he enters as many cheer once more many laugh at him he hears many still saying luck. Yet he looks for his opponent as he makes his way to the center of the ring. He notices some commotion at the other end of the ring and sees many guards gathering at the other entrance. He waits for a while as he watches the queen who looks bored then notices him looking at her. As she smiles at him mockingly. A guard walks up to her and whispers to her. Her eyes open in surprise. She stands up and raise her hand as the crowd was silenced as their voices were slowly growing louder. They fall silent as they look towards her.

" I am sorry my people, fellow visitors. I am sorry to say but Belar has passed due to his injuries from the first day of the tournament. Due to this Simon has won the first round of this brackets by default. Congratulations Simon advance to the next round may you have the luck you seem to have in abundance black cat."

Many jeer saying that it was rigged as many just bust out laughing as they begin to chant black cat. Simon just glares at her and walks out of the arena as he reaches the entrance he entered and sees the blue tiger who he knows his opponent was going to be by the tigers shaking body. He looks at Simon.

"I'll pay you 500,000 gold if you take my place."

"Sorry my friend but I am going for the main prize not third place. I'll wish you the luck it seems that they think I have. " He pats the tigers shoulder as his jackal friend keeps telling the tiger just dodge and stab.

The guard motions for the tiger to advance. He does as he still shaking. He walks in as the minotaur roars his chains already off he has knocked over his guard and charges at the tiger before they can do anything the minotaur attacks the tiger. The tiger warrior does his best to fend him off he tries his best to fight him head on but is outclassed as his friend yells out advice none that Simon thinks that will help him in this situation as the tiger loses an arm with a clean cut though his shield. He roars out in pain as he tries to surrender but to late as he tires to raise he sword to block as the minotaur cuts his head right off. It flies into the air. As the crowd goes silent as blood shoots out from the dead tiger. His body falls forward as the Minotaur picks up the fallen warriors head and holds it before the queen and roars in triumph. A mage and few guards restrain the raging monster as he is dragged off. Simon looks at the Jackal who looks sadden by his friend's lost but swallows his grief as he readjust a satchel hanging from his side. As he know he is next to fight The red dragon was his opponent and he had a long fight before him. He sees the bull dog a bit from where he is at he is watching though a looking hole as he is flexing his rippling muscles. The Jackal is looking nervous but more for the point that he has to wait. Until they remove the body his friend.

It is quite for the next few minutes until the next warriors are called fourth. The Jackal walks out more calmer now as the red dragon glides out there. Trying to show off as many females call out for him. Both arrive at the center of the ring and bow before the queen, and salute each other. Both take a stance and charge each other. The Jackal is already out class as the red dragon takes flight keeping out of his reach. Yet the jackal fought on despite the apparent disadvantage. Then the jackal pulled out a hook and rope from his side satchel. Very smart take the advantage from the flying foe their was no real rule about additional weapons. With a quick flick of his wrist he has the line around the dragon's leg as he flails a bit in the air before gravity takes it's hold. He is a great flier but he was not prepare for this out come. As soon as he the dragon hits the ground the jackal pounces his prey looking for a quick victory.

The crowd is enjoying as many cheer and boo as their favorite is winning or losing. Both warriors fight on, their swords creating sparks as the clash the red giving up on flight as he folds his wings and meets the jackal head on. Both giving no quarter as they fight on both nearly equal in power as the fight goes on you can see the sweat and blood from the various wounds on both. The jackal makes a mistake as he over swings and the dragon exposes the opening as he slashes at the jackal's exposed back. The dragons cut is deep in the open part of the jackal's armor as he falls over in pain. The jackal tries his best to get back up but is pinned by the red dragon. He holds his blade on the jackal's throat drawing a trickle of blood as he pierces his fur into his skin. The dragon whispers something to the jackal and the jackal lowers his head in defeat as the dragon stands on him despite his injuries.

" HE HAS SURRENDER !!! VICOTRY IS MINE!!" The dragon's arms raise in victory. As the crowd goes wild. Simon smiles a bit but fails to notice that the bulldog is next to him.

"If it was me I would have ripped him to shreds with my teeth. I would have drank his blood for all to see. Just you watch that fucking lizard is my next opponent. I am going to make him into my personal armor so I can wear it to fight my next victim. I will show you all how to fight. Be prepare kitty cat I will skin you and wear you like a loin cloth."

As he says that Simon backs up as some of the guards carry off the Jackal a cleric is trying to fix his wounded back as they carry him off.

" You were luck you didn't have me as a opponent CAT!!! I will show you all what a true warrior is" He pokes at Simon roughly in the chest then is pushed away by the guard.

"No fighting unless it is in the ring. Queens orders. Other wise you will be thrown out of the tournament."

The bulldog just growls at the guard as he heads out to the ring growling as he does his muscles ripples his chain mail is stretched around his body as it if looks like a tight fitting shirt. He raises his twin axes in the air as he howls loudly at the crowd. As he does this the gold dragon calmly walks out to the center of the ring. As he arrives he bows to the queen as she gives the dragon a slight nod. The bulldog roars as he bows roughly at the queen and charges at the dragon. Swinging his axes wildly at the dragon who moves with grace and dodges the axes. Yet during this whole time he has yet to draw his own weapon. The fight is one sides as the goes on like this for several minutes. The bulldog slowly grows weak as his swing grow heavy in their swing. The dragon seems to be as bored as the crowd as he finally side steps the bulldog and gets behind him. He strikes the bulldog's wrist making him drop one of the axes. The bulldog swings hoping to hit the dragon. He dodges that attack as he hits the other wrist making him drop his last weapon.

The gold dragon grabs the bulldog and begins to beat him as punch after punch collides with the exhausted bulldog. Blood begins to pool on the ground from the constant hitting. He stops finally as he has the bulldog kneel before the queens stand as he picks up an axe, and looks up to her. For a brief second he looks towards Simon who stands at the gateway of warriors entrance and smiles. With one swift movement he lops off the head of the bulldog with less gore the minotaur. As blood pours from the wound as the body falls to the ground the head of the canine rolls away with a trail of blood behind it. The gold dragon smiles at Simon and throws the axe at Simon. Simon does not move as it sails past his head and in embedded into the wall behind him. The queen's daughter stands quickly and looks like she is yelling at the queen as she points at the gold dragon. The queen looks away a bit as she makes a motion the guards come for the dragon. He leaves with them as he looks back at Simon with a sneer on his mouth.

Simon looks at the queen's daughter. As she looks at him for the first time. He sees the sadness in her eyes as she walks off. The queen sees this and just smiles as she leaves also after her daughter. If anything things are getting bad. His next opponent will be the minotaur. Not an easy opponent from what he has seen. No matter how he looks at it it will not be an easy fight. He heads off back to the inn.

Many in town are now convince that Simon has the ability to win, or at the very least make it to the final round. Many females vie for his attention. A busty looking jaguar her rust color fur and imposing height makes it hard for Simon to make his escape. He just wants to be alone . He finally breaks free as the inn keeper helps him escape from the 'fans' he has now. He gives a small thanks to the inn keeper. As he makes a mental note to tip him a bit more if he makes it to the end. Better yet if he don't he'll leave it with him before the final match. He is about to open the door and notices someone is already there. He steps back from the door and draws one of his swords. A voice comes from the room a voice he has not heard in a while.

"Do not worry Simon. I am not here to do you harm just deliver a message."

Simon keep his sword out as he nudges the door open and sees it's Sarah's bodyguard. He never knew his name. Yet he senses no malice from him. He takes the letter as he does the tiger warrior walks off , but stops as before he reaches the stairs.

"I do hope you do win I know what you are after but know this you are still consider the underdog. I hate to get her hopes up it pained her to much what happen last time. Please take what she has written under advisement. I don't want to see her as sad as she was when ....." He stops talking as he walks off abruptly. Simon walks into the room and opens the letter tears well up as he reads it. His body shakes as it seems to hit him all at once.

"I take it it is telling you that she does not love you and to leave before you get hurt right?" The gruff voice of his mentor is hard from the shadows making Simon jump a bit.

"Oh for the love of the gods above would you stop that. Damn it you're like a fucking ghost Flint!"

The older fox laughs a bit. " Are you going to give up? I won't blame you if you did. You still have two fights to win both not looking in your favor. I have taught you much but sometimes it is best to know when to quit. You done your best so far."

Simon says nothing as he looks at the letter once more. He holds it his trembling hands. Then holds it over the candle as it catches on fire he watches it burn then tosses the remains out the window. As they catch in the wind and vanish into the setting sun.

" I am going to practice a bit so I can sleep better later. I am still tense from not fighting Flint."

He walks past Flint without another word. As Flint chuckles a bit and takes another swig from his flask. "I thought that would be your answer kitten."

~The next day~

Simon makes his way out to the field near the outskirts of town. He begins to practice his moves as Flint taught each movement precise with little waste in them. His mentors voice comes to him.

'Don't swing wildly. Don't use to much strength in your movements. Make each attack with grace and fluid steps. Do over exert your self you will burn your self out if you do. You don't know how long a fight will be you need to make sure you last longer than your opponent.'

He stops as he still thinks about his choices. He is about to begin to stop these thoughts he has a fight to do any stray thought will be fatal. He needs to concentrate on the beast he will fight. As he is about to begin he hears someone approach from behind him. He turns and hope it isn't some female wanting to lay with him again. His words are caught as it was his brother Derek. He was puzzled by this. His brother ran up to him and hugged Simon tightly as the younger brother cries holding onto Simon.

"Simon I was afraid that you were dead I have heard nothing from you since you left. Now I find you here. Now you rush to your death. Please give up this dream. I don't want to lose you like I have father." Derek sobs bitterly.

Simon hears that but shows no real emotion as his father hated him more than anything why should he care about that old alley cat.

"Simon I know you and he parted on bad terms but he did regret in the end pushing you away. Please come home mother would be pleased to know you're still alive." Derek tries to pull his hand as they were younger. Simon looking at him as the image of his brother younger pulling Simon to show him something. The image breaks as he thinks about why he is here.

" I am sorry Derek I have yet to finish what I have come here to do . I do wish to see you and mother again...And your lovely bride. I do know you were mated . I am sorry I was not there for your joyous moment but as I told you those years ago I needed to do this, you know what I had wanted. To not have it was eating me alive. I was always going to be empty without...please go home and tell mother you did not see me. When I win I will come home then and tell her myself that I live. Please forget about me for now. I don't want you to mourn me until it is time to. Know this I do love you and mother. I will come home one day with my true prize." Before Derek can say anything. Simon leaves as he pulls his hood over his head to hide the tears coming form them. Knowing he does not know if he will see his bother or mother ever again.

Simon arrives at the stadium his mentor waiting. " I am surprise you came. I sure your brother found you?"

Simon glares at the fox as Flint just laughs. " Don't give that look kitten. You need to know why you are doing this. Focus is what you need now. That anger is there to make sure you know what you did to get here. I know that note set you off thinking about to the things but you need to keep your eye on the prize. Your opponent is a beast to say the least. Remember you're faster. " With that Flint walks off as Simon sees him leave. If that was his idea of a pep talk he hate to see ...never mind that he had to focus as Flint had said. He walks up once more to the entrance to the arena floor. The Guard smiles at him.

"I have some gold on you to live and win this fight many are calling you the black cat. A bit of a obvious statement. Yet I think it is because of the legends saying black cats have bad luck. It seems you are able to give it to other. Pray it works with your next opponent." The guard nods and moves his lance aside letting Simon enter the arena floor. As he walks out to meet his fate he hears the voices of the crowd saying he can still run and others saying stay alive long enough so they can make out in the odds of him living long. He ignores it all as he sees the minotaur with his axe in hand unchained but actually waiting for him. Simon sees the spit coming from his mouth as his nostrils flare as they are raw from his heavy breathing.

The queen enters the booth of the royal family as her daughters do also Sarah looks at him sadden he is there. Yet this please the queen. She looks at both warriors then raise her hand . "BEGIN!!"

Once more the minotaur roars loudly and charges at Simon looking to end this fast. With a amazingly fast attack He raises his axe and brings it down onto Simon it smashes the ground. Many thinking the feline is dead. As many gasp in horror. The minotaur smirks until the dust settles and he sees Simon next to the axe unharmed. The attack missed. He draws his blades and slashes into the arm of the minotaur. The beast roars in pain as he stumbles back with disbelief on his face as some how this small creature has injured him. He swing at Simon once more looking to cut the feline in half all he cuts is the end of Simon's cape as he jumps out of the way of the axe at the last moment. He charges once more between the legs of the minotaur. Slicing at his legs not deep but causing the beast to once more roar in anger. It goes on like this for a while. He cuts into the raging monster None of his hits are fatal but they are numerous. This goes on for several minutes until some how the beast grabs Simon by his tail and lifts him up and laughs in triumph. He holds onto the tail tightly as he raise with his free arm to bring down the axe to Simon looking to cleave him in half. Yet as he does he seems to look a bit dizzy as he arm begins to shakes his grip on the cats tail grows weak the minotaur looks confused on why he feels like this and then notices the various points on his body where blood is coming from. All those hits the cat made to him have caught up to him. He staggers a bit trying to swing his axe once more at the cat who seems to be more than one now. He swings at the images he sees before his eyes. Until he falls over to the ground with a loud thud. His body heaving as he tries to stand the blood dripping to the ground. As he tries to fight off the feeling of exhaustion until he falls to the ground once more. His breathing grows shallow until it stops.

The stadium is quite. Until some one starts to shout out black cat. It grows louder until the whole crowd chants it. He has the urge to raise his arms in victory. Until he catches himself. No he won't do that until he won. He simply bows to the queen then walks back to the entrance to the arena floor.. He see the red dragon clapping for Simon.

"If I win kitten I will just cut a limb from you then you must surrender I hate to have to kill such a popular kitten." He smirks at Simon. " Now I will show you how you get the crowd behind you." He flexes his muscles stretching his armor a bit. As he pushes the spear aside walking out not caring if they are not done with the removing the body of the minotaur. Simon also notices the gold dragon is already waling out there. Both arrive at the center and look towards the queen and bow without warning the red leaps into the air and tires to impale the gold. The gold sides steps it as he is cut across the chest as he was not fast enough to dodge the surprise attack. The fight begins yet the gold once again does not draw his weapon. It seems that he is out classed without his weapon yet the red is getting cocky saying that the gold is afraid. This does not even faze the gold as it seems he don't care for anything the red says. The red makes another run at the gold diving towards him and misses once more. As the red flies up into the air he makes a mistake by taking his eyes off the gold as he feels a weight on his back. The gold dragon has jumped onto the reds back. He grabs him in a strangle hold. The red fights with all his might trying to throw off the gold. Until they crash into the ground. The gold still has him in a tight vice like grip making the red struggle in vain to break free as the red sees spots before his eyes. As he gasp for air. The gold face is shows no real emotion until the red goes limp. He drop the red to the ground. As he walk away from him. Many in the crowd begin to cheer and some boo as they were fans of the red dragon anthro. He picks up the dropped sword of the red and walks back to his unconscious body and pulls his wings up and cuts one of the wings off after a few chops. He begins to do the same with the other waking the red in pain as he cries out trying to plead the gold not to do it as his pleas go unheard as the gold finishes lopping off the other wing blood slowly comes from the reds back as he crawls away in pain crying at the lost of his wings. The gold looks towards the queen and bows as he walks out of the arena laughing. The laughter send's a shiver down his spine knowing his next opponent is the gold anthro dragon.

The next battle is set as many treat Simon as he is on his way to his last day alive. As many treat him as if he was already dead saying many good things about him. Yet he cares little for it knowing it will not matter he will fight no matter what as long as he has a chance he will fight. His nerves once more are getting the better of him he puts his twin swords aside and pulls out his long sword . Not like many normal long sword more thinner and lighter. Yet as strong as any sword. He starts to head off and full expects to see Flint. Yet no sign of the crafty fox. A knock on the door brings him out of his thoughts. Thinking its him but to his surprise it is not. The princess bodyguard stands there.

"The queen wishes to see you. She will not take no for an answer." He says gravely.

Simon sighs in defeat and nods as he follows the tiger to a horse drawn carriage. After a brief ride they arrive at the castle. Never in his life had he expected to be here. Yet here he stood in the courtyard of the large castle many soldiers patrolled the area. Many look at Simon seeing him as nothing. Not that Simon cared he was not here for them but see the queen. The tiger warrior escorts Simon to the queens chamber. Something Simon also noticed that as soon as he enter the castles main building that there are little or no guards here. A few scribes or maids, yet little defense. Then he thinks about the queens power who in there right mind attack her. He knew from first hand experience. The bodyguard stops a bit before the entrance of the chambers .

"This is as far as I go unless I am invited to come closer to her means death. Good luck and please do not make her angry. " He leaves Simon alone.

Simon walks towards the twin doors. He is about to knock but the doors open. The sight that greets him is something he didn't expect. The queen sitting a large chair with many cushions and her clothing is non existent. As a think shawl covers her breast. As the rest is covered with nothing , at her feet is something he also didn't expect to see. The so called mate of the queen the great lion baron is kneeling before the queens kissing her foot as he licks it gently purring as he does. She sees Simon and acts like if this was an everyday thing. "Come kitten my mate won't bite he knows his place. Isn't that right my slave."

The lion looks up at the queen and nods and then goes back worshiping her feet as he rubs her feet over his face as to clean. Simon has no words to say as he walks closer to the queen. The chamber is full furnished as he notice behind the bed curtains are a few nude females and males of various species. The queen notices Simon look.

"Did you think I have one love or that I would leave my self with one sex partner. No with power means you can have what you want. Have who ever you want make all before you do what you want. Yet someone close to me defied me." She shoves the lion away with a push of her foot as he stumbles a bit and begins to whine a bit at being denied to worship the queen.

"My daughter fell in love with a commoner. Someone she thought that could love her. He was weak as I showed her. I think you remember that night quite well Simon.

Simon shakes with rage knowing exactly well what she was talking about.

~six years ago~

Simon felt he should really go back home despite being told to come to Sarah's house. With all the carriages he couldn't fathom who could it be. He regrets it to this day for not turning around and leaving. As he reaches the door it opens with dalmatian butler who looks visibly scared. He escorts Simon to the living room where he is greeted by the sight of Sarah crying and a another kitsune. Yet something was different about her a more power aura he has ever felt before comes form her as he is compelled to bow to her. Yet something else catches his eye was that her tails were more than Sarah's. She had nine tails, she was a kyubi. It was the queen her mother Sarah sees him and tries to say something but to late as Simon follows her eyes and sees a gold anthro dragon in chain armor and his fist comes down across his face he feels his jaw nearly breaking as he hits the ground hard. He can taste the iron of his blood in his mouth. The dragon picks him up and punches him in his stomach a few times then let's Simon drop to the ground. Sarah tries to run to him as she is stop by her bodyguard. She screams at the the golden furred kyubi to stop.

The kyubi queen raises her hand and the dragon stops. She walks over to Simon, and kneels before him her tails waving behind her like waves from the ocean.

"What can you give my daughter? What can you do for her? As you can see nothing.... You have nothing to give her. You cannot protect her or protect your self for that matter." She stands up. "Forget about her. You might live longer to pursue her will shorten your life. Come you're coming home Sarah and learning that you cannot always have what you want." she begins to leave but stops and looks at the gold dragon. "Also teach him a lesson "

Sarah cries out in protest as she is dragged away struggling with her bodyguard crying out Simon name. Simon is picked up roughly as he tries to swing on the gold dragon but does little to him as he begins to beat Simon to a pulp. He stops and drops Simon outside the house. Letting the feline lay on the ground bleeding from his various injuries. He kneels next to Simon and picks up his head and makes him watch the carriage head off .

"You see that. You will never see her again. To be honest to you I could kill you now. The queen won't mind but it might upset her daughter and one day she might be in charge and it would be bad for me. Still I could live with it." He lets Simon fall to the ground. as he slowly turns to leave he stops as he hears something he turns to see Simon struggling to stand up.

"Why not k..k..kil me *coughs *...." He can barley stand which surprises the dragon a bit. The gold dragon walks back to him and grabs him by his blood stain shirt and pulls him close.

" Because you are not worthy of death. You will live with the shame that you could do nothing. That is always what you will be nothing." He shoves Simon roughly back to the ground as this time Simon lays there crying as the words ring true. It was then he knew he had to change and prove them wrong.

~Present day~

Simon calms down as he sees the queen walk over to the bed many of the slaves begin to take care of her tails. She moves towards the center of the bed As one tigress is petted and she purrs loudly. She moves the tigress between her legs making her eat her out in front of Simon.

" You seem a bit distressed my dear Simon ah oh yes" She moans loudly. "if you want I could have one of my pets her relive you of that stress. Female or male it don't matter they will do as I tell them. Ahhh" her body shakes in pleasure as the tigress eats her out with vigor. The queen look at an arctic wolf who is laying to her side and motions him to mount the tigress he simply gets up and moves behind the tigress he plunges into her making the tigress stop her treatment of the queen and growl in pleasure. As the arctic wolf plows into the tigress. The queen begins to play with her self as she watches them fuck. " You could have that Simon dear. I could give any one of them to you or two if you want. They will obey you until the day you die or they do. I will also give you a million gold if you ..give up now. Don't worry I will tell the crowds you were unable to fight you were sick or something. All you must do is give up this quest you are on. It all can be yours ... ahhhh" She gasp in pleasure as her body shakes with pleasure she becomes damp between her legs as she cums. The tigress tries to move forward trying to get the juices coming from the queen. As the arctic wolf stops fucking the tigress as he looks at the queen who is being cleaned by the female. She nods as the arctic wolf slams his knot into the female and humps her wildly until he cums into her. Howling in pleasure. The queen watches as she looks at Simon expecting the feline to take her offer. Yet to her surprise his face is stoic, but the hatred burns in his eyes.

" I decline your offer my queen. Though I know many would have said yes. I must say no. I have one goal and you know what it is. I will not stray from that path. I bid you good night." He bows and takes his leave without even waiting for her to say anything.

"All of you leave now..." All the slaves get up to do that as her mate tries to console her. She pushes him away. " ALL OF YOU!!!" She roars as he and the others leave in a rush. Her body shakes in rage. "How dare he do that to me. Refuse my goodwill. WHAT MAKES HIM THINK HE CAN WIN!?!?" She roars loudly as many of the glass objects in the room and mirrors shatter from her rage. Emerging from the shadows comes the gold dragon looking at the destruction the queen rage has wrought and she has yet to use her actually power, he shivers at the thought of her true rage.

"He is stronger than he use to be he will be fun to fight tomorrow. My queen."

She looks at the dragon with a hate filled glare. "You said you broke his spirit back then. So why is he ready to fight you now?"

"Love my queen . Love. He will not quit until he has won or is dead. So your orders my majesty?"

She is quite for a second " Do as you see fit but make sure you break him for my daughter to see. Make him suffer. Do not kill him but make sure he is broken unable to do any more. I promised her that much that I would not kill him, but you will break him in front of her so she will be my child once more..." She mumbles the last part but the gold dragon can still hear her as she wraps her tails around her body as to hide from everything around her."She will love me once more and see I was right about him." She growls loudly as she grabs the sheets under her. "Now leave me."

The anthro dragon bows "By your command." As he leaves he can hear her crying.

~The next day.~

Simon greets the sunrise having slept little last night fully expected to die in his sleep. Yet he was alive most likely to entertain the crowd one last time. He draws his weapons and practices his moves once more he plays out what he has seen of the gold anthro dragon. No matter how he plays out each battle he only last until he over come by the strength of the dragon unlike the minotaur he has speed that almost matches Simon's own. He knows he has little chance to win this fight cutting him like the over grown bull would do nothing but make it worst as he would see thru that. He would need a new trick. Something the dragon would not see thru. He plays out more tricks and traps in his mind but they all end with him dead. The more he looked at it he wonder if he was setting himself for a loss. He stops he practice and drops his blades. They fall to the ground as he look back at what has he really accomplished. Nothing. He trained and fought and yet he still feels to far from his goal. He wonders if he was to hasty to say no to the queens offer.

"Going to call it quits after all you went though , you're going to call it quits now after so much grief you put me through. Making me teach your sorry ass. You're going to cry to your mother and hide behind her dress. You should have taken her up on her offer than you blasted feline. Pick up your weapons." Simon stands there not moving as the fox walks up to with his stick once more and smacks Simon's hand hard. Simon yelps as he moves from his mentor.

"What the hell was that for?!?" Simon rubs his stinging hand.

"I told you to defend yourself you do not question me you do not think you do as you have been taught. Fight or die as I have drilled into you. Now pick up your weapon and defend thy self. " He charges at Simon. Simon makes a dive for his weapon and readies him self for battle once more. He tries many attacks but is swatted or is smacked in the face with Flints stick. "No wonder your crying like a new born kitten mewling for it's mother. Such shoddy movement I know you can move better than this." He hits Simon a few more times in his face drawing a bit of blood from him. The stinging is making him lose himself as his attack become more reckless and more abrasive. Yet a few times he nearly impales Flint. Yet the wily old fox avoids deaths call.

"More you fucking feline. Know what you are fighting for. Your anger won't win the battle, but your goal you have trained for what you gave up all other paths you could have taken but you took the hardest path. Why was that for? So you could cry and go home when it was to hard? Is that the limit of your resolve!?" Flint stick seems to be everywhere hitting Simon in various parts of his body. He finally has had enough and tosses one of his swords and grabs the stick and pulls it from a surprised Flint. He tosses the stick that has caused him so much grief over the last five years and a smile grows on Flint's muzzle

"It took you long enough to figure that out I see."

Simon looks confused " What? What are talking about?" He tries to clam down and catch his breath.

" That you're over thinking things. You just disarmed me and I am your better. In a sense you won. You went and took my weapon so you won so to speak."

" I doubt that that the the dragon will let me just pull his sword away from him. "He says sarcastically

"No Simon . It's thinking out side the normal attacks. Look outside what you have been taught. Use something they do not expect. You see all you have been taught would have worked against your other opponents. Yet with him you are just out classes. What I am going to teach you is a ...you could say the last resort you will understand when I tell you why I didn't just teach you this move until now. Also you might not want to use it because it will be the most dangerous move you have learned."

Simon listens as Flint begins teach him his best bet at winning.

~At the arena~

Simon arrives at the warriors entrance some guards are there awaiting his arrival. They form ranks around him. As they march forward he realizes he is being given an honor guard to what might be his death as they enter the arena. He can see the crowd cheering as he sees the gold anthro dragon enter with the same honor guard escort. Both of them are in the same place as many the opponents that have fought here. For the last time until the next tournament they will fight once more for the crowd. Both look at each other as the guards leave the arena. The gold dragon just smirks as he stands there confidentially in his skills. Both turn to the queen as the crowd goes silent. She is in full regal form now he tails fully jeweled. As her gown is more elaborate than ever. Her jewels that hang form her tails look like they are worth a fortune. They alone could buy his family winery twice. She smiles at them both in turn.

"Now brave warriors who have come before my people seeking your hearts desire. You will fight until one of you are dead or unable to fight anymore. If you wish to leave now. No one will blame you . You may leave with your fur or scale intact. " She waits for either to answer . Neither say anything. "Good may the best warrior win." She turns to sit as both Simon and Felix both turn to face each other.

Silence comes over the crowd as all wait for the first move. Both warriors look at each other as the wind blows it is the only sound that is heard by all. Simon draws his weapons as he slowly takes a stance ready for an attack. Simon feel the sweat pour from his body as it runs through his fur . This old cloak smells musty and the smell of the minotaur's blood burns in his nose. He should have gotten a new cloak or at least wash it. Funny the stupid things you think about before what might be your last battle.

" So ...Felix is it... am I worthy now?" He tenses up as Felix draws his weapon. The ring of it echoes though the arena as he takes a stance also.

"That remains to be seen feline." Felix takes a stance with his drawn sword.

In an instant both charge at each other. No yelling or screaming the only sound that is heard is the ringing of the swords clash as they pass each other. Blood is seen on each other weapons. Blood has been drawn and there is no turning back.

Simon smiles as he got a cut into the dragon's side but so has Felix. Their will be no quarter given. Simon expects none to be given knowing he still has to fight. He turns in time to block the strike from Felix is relentless as he slashes at Simon. Simon blocks the attacks yet some still get through as he tries his best not to get cut to badly. Simon tries his best weapon ..speed. In a flash he is gone and appears at Felix's side slashing at him. Felix blocks but barely as Simon does this over and over Felix still blocks but still he is unable to keep up with Simon's speed. Yet Simon forgot Felix's other weapon, his tail. Felix's tail feels like an iron rod as it connects. He taste the blood in his mouth as he flies back across the ring he loses one of his blades as he stops his slide finally. He gets up slowly trying to shake the pain that is in his head. He forgot that the Felix's tail. Many other furs tail could never be used like this. Though all his planning he forgot that he has that strong tail. He looks up in time to see Felix descend from the sky ready to end the fight. Simon rolls away in time to avoid by being cut in half. Felix crushes the ground where Simon just was at, as Simon makes a mad dash for his other sword. He gets it in time. Yet it does little as Felix is upon him once more. Simon is fast but Felix is almost as fast as he is. With him not on the offensive Felix can exploit the stumbling feline. Felix slashes at Simon, he raises his blades to block the attack to no avail. As he breaks though the blades. Knocking Simon back as he slides across the arena floor. Simon looks at his weapons the shattered blades means he has only one weapon left on his side.


Felix looks at the feline as he tries to stand again. He knows that he has one other weapon today a long sword. Nothing he can't handle. Now it was time for fun but he will give him one chance to give up to embarrass him before the princess. He would break him physically but he wanted to make him beg. To give up he wanted him to under his foot.

"Simon I give you one chance. I will give you a chance to give up. I will let you live to show you my mercy. I have to commend you on your attempt to win this tournament. I will let you live and go home to your family and you can tell them how you fought but in the end you realized that you were not worthy to win. All you have to is kneel before me and kiss my foot as you say out loud that you surrender." He smiles at Simon knowing he has little choice and most likely give up as he smirks thinking it is in the bag until he sees the broken blades fly at his face.


Simon stops sliding as he looks at his broken weapons He knows he has little chance now. His plan was to try to win with speed even though he knew is was only a small chance to win. He hears Felix telling him to give up and he will live. He actually thinks about it maybe he should until he hears what he has to do. Kiss his feet.....hell no. He was not going to do something degrading like that. He knows the technique Flint taught him he has no choice but to use it . It will be hard but he will do what he wants just to wipe that smirk off Felix's face as he throws his broken blades at Felix as he slowly draws his sword it has been a long time but he has stay in practice with it. He knows the blade well. The twin swords were good but he loved his long sword. He charges at Felix with a roar something no one expected him to be able to do.


Felix swats the broken blades away as he is surprised by this as he is more startled by the point that he is charging at him with a wild yell. He readies his weapon. " I guess it's punishment time. He should have taken route b." Both weapons meet as a loud ring is heard as sparks fly from their clash. Simon attacks him with quick slashes trying to keep Felix off balance. Felix is confused the feline should know he has no chance of winning though a fight of strength. Yet he is a bit faster despite the larger weapon he blocks most his easily. Yet he is still using the same moves from before. He over slashes as he passes Felix side it looks like he over stepped his attack. And see an open back as if he could slash at him but to stab him would be better making him suffer. He stabs at Simon thinking he was open , yet he felt something was wrong something was shouting at him to stop but it was to late as he made contact with Simon and pierces him in the back. Though at the last second it seem that he moved. Yet he knows he has won because he still feels his sword pierce Simon. As it does he feel something pierce him .


Simon attacks the dragon anthro with the a fury of attacks to throw him off. He has little choice but to make an opening for Felix to exploit. He didn't want to but he had little choice but to give Felix that opening he need to exploit on Simon so he can trap him. He only has one chance. He follows the same pattern from before but with a long sword a bit clumsy due to the fact his moves are for the twin swords he was using earlier. He finally sees it and makes his move he over reaches with his attack and leaves him self open. He hopes he takes it as he feels him behind him. Simon feels the dragon behind him as he moves just a bit before he feels the blade of Felix pierce his back . In that instant everything flashes before his eyes the moments leading up to the fight.

~A short time ago. ~

"What I am about to tell you can't really be taught as it is hard to repeat in actually combat. I will tell you this it will hurt." He removes his coat followed by his shirt. Simon has seen the many scars before as Flint love to show off his victory scars. He point one on his left side of his stomach. "This is the move you must make your opponent attack you. I promise you this it will hurt and you will want to black out. You must grit and endure it. For in that instant he will be the most vulnerable. He must stab you though and through. He will not expect you to attack. You must at this time attack." He motions with the stick he has once more with a backwards thrust. " You will only have this time to attack. Don't waste it. That is why you still practiced with the long sword it has the length to attack him and remember you only have one shot don't miss it. This is my final lesson I teach you."

~At the arena ~

Felix taste the bitter taste of iron in his mouth. It has been a long time since he has tasted this. He has tasted others but you never forget the taste of your own blood. He looks down at his damage chain mail as Simon's sword has pierce his scaly hide. He laughs at this as he feels the warmth from his body slowly leave his body he grows weak suddenly from the wound that tries to change the color of his scales. This can't be happening he thinks. The world starts to spin as he feels the sword twist in his chest making the pain worst as he lets go of his weapon and stumbles back with Simon's sword still sticking out of his chest. He tries to pull it out but his body is growing weaker as his strength is fading fast. This can't be happening. He is a warrior of the queen. How could this be happening like this he looks at Simon once more as he falls on to his back gasping for air the blood slowly coming from his mouth. Thinking he was out done by the wiliness to do anything to win. He outmaneuver him, he did what it took to take him down. He watches Simon pull his sword from his side it was in at an angle where it did little damage to his internal body but he was still bleeding as he tries to warp his cloak around his body to try and slow the bleeding. "You...a..are worthy .." as his last words as the darkness claims him.


Simon feels some warmth leave his body as he sees the sword sticking out the side of his body he made the right choice to move a bit before he was pierce by Felix's weapon. He twist his sword into Felix's body hard making sure the dragon knows it is there. Simon feels the sword in his side go limp a bit cutting into Simon a bit more. Simon catches the blade before it does any more damage. He begins to pull it out trying not to do any more damage . He has to cover the wound as soon as it's out. With a clank of the sword it's out as he feels more of his life leave his body. 'Have to stop the bleeding.' He panics a bit feeling the coldness grip his body slowly He rips his cloak off and wraps it around his body tightly to stem the flow of his blood from his body many of the guard and some healers come to his aid he shoves them away as he walks towards the queen. The look on her face is nothing short of amazement. The same look are on her daughters. Especially Sarah who is crying her body shaking. The queen stands from her chair as she swallows hard.

"Speak warrior what is that you desire?" She states harshly but loud for everyone to hear.

Simon breathes calmly as he thinks of what he has practiced when he first heard about this tournament. " I Wish for your daughter Sarah of the Kingdom of Derhurst to be my mate!" With a voice that echoes throughout the arena.

The crowd is silent in waiting for queens answer. She stands there with no real expression on her face as she closes her eyes. It seems an eternity until she answers. "You have my blessings." she quickly turns and leaves.

Simon smiles as she he sees some how Sarah already on the arena floor running towards him but something was wrong his vision was blurred and he felt light headed. He stumble back as Sarah called out his name in panic the healers rushed to his side. Trying to do what they could. As she took his hand and held it tight. It was so warm and her grip was tight as if he was going to leave her. Her voice seemed so far away. As the darkness claimed him.


It was a dream he never thought he would have he was with his father who was sitting on a rocking chair at his home but he was dead right? His father looked at him with his yellow and black eyes that always scared all who he glared at expect Simon who always ignore them.

"Why the hell are you still sleeping fool. You fought all the way here and your going to sleep on her bed now. Wake up and tell her you love her you worthless good for nothing child." That was his father alright as he woke up slowly. It felt so comfortable where he laid. Something was touching his face running though his whiskers playing with them. It was a feminine voice humming as he reached out with his hand to hold hers. She yelps in shock as he opens his eyes to see Sarah.

"If this is heaven then I am happy to be with the most beautiful angel ever." He purrs loudly As she hugs him tightly. He fully expects it to hurt but notices nothing but a dull pain as if it was nothing more than a pulled muscle. "How long have I been out? " He look around and sees the rose he gave her so long ago in a glass dome in the middle of the room. He smiles knowing she did love him as much as he loved her. "You keep it?"

She smiles at him " of course I did silly. Like you keep this. " She pulls out the small pouch that contains a crudely made ring of ivory. He thinks back when she was trying to get something for Simon for his birthday once and she wanted it to come from her heart and he had seen her hands cut at times as she tried and failed badly at making it for him. She didn't want to give it to him when he found it. Yet he still took it, and told her it meant a lot to him that she went though the effort to make it instead of just buying something. It meant that she really did love him because it was from the heart.

"For us both my love I would never give up what you made no matter how it looks. You are my love and now my mate." He pulls her close and kisses her as she kisses him in return. With that he puts the crudely made ring on. She tries to stop him but Simon looks at her. "This is all I need from you I do not need anything but this sign of your love."

Sarah looks at him lovingly. As her tails curl around his body and his tail curl around one of hers as they kiss once more.

Unbeknownst to them the queen watches them thru her mirror. She sees her oldest daughter happy for once in her life. She was smiling and laughing. With of all things a feline. Yet now she was a bit envious of this as the queen never had this happiness. Earlier she told Simon that power was the true happiness. Yet they were happy and she hated that. She wanted her daughter to be happy with her. Yet she knows she keep her like a caged bird and refused to ever let her fly. Now seeing them happy it was then she knew what won the battle. Their love overcame all. That was the true power. She envied it. She was never given that chance to have that love. Now that her daughter was happy she would make sure she would stay happy. That was her gift to them to make sure the lovebirds would be happy. She raised her glass to the mirror. "To your health my daughter.....my son."