Deadly Heat: chapter one - Heatwave

Story by Midnights_Dreamer on SoFurry

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Heat... She was burning inside with a heat so intense it made her miserable and restless. Zena paced restlessly, the moonlight illuminating her fur with a blue-black iridescence. She wanted to sleep; the weariness radiated through her every muscle, settling deep within her very bones. A panting growl was continuously vocalized from her throat; her blue eyes were dilated to pick up every nuance of light. Blood stained the ground, her claws, she paused in an attempt to lick them clean, but almost as soon as she sat down on her haunches she started to pace once again.

She was missing something, needing something so badly that it was nearly tearing her mind to shreds. Tearing her thoughts as easily as she tore those other felines that dared get too close. It was their blood that permeated the area, and it was the burning in her blood that attracted them, the same burning that nearly drove her to murder. She let out a keening cry, to human ears the cry would have a chilling quality, one that would make any sensible creature run for its' very life.

Not that Alec was ever considered sensible. The golden jaguar made his way toward the scent that was drawing him along, a teasing scent that nearly drove him wild. But he wasn't a simple beast, far from it. Just as the one who let loose that keening cry, was not a simple beast. Her scent told him that she was a true feline, a creature that could assume a partial human shape if she so wished. A few dozen more steps and the scent of blood reached him, and he froze. His lips curled back from the long fangs, and he breathed in deeply, tasting the scents on the air. She was definitely in Heat.... And she was scared. The fear that permeated the air was as acrid as human sweat, and he sneezed, pawing at his nose to clear the scent from it.

It was then that his green eyes picked out her pacing form in the clearing ahead. She paused and attempted to curl up on the ground, shivering, trembling with the affliction that she had no real idea on how to assuage. The heady scent of both the female before him and the blood that stained the ground was as intoxicating as any alcohol or drug that he could have found, and he found himself moving along as if his body had overcome his will.

It was motion alone that told Zena that she wasn't alone, and immediately leapt to her feet, claws digging furrows into the rich earth beneath her paws. He wasn't like the others, the mindless others who merely tried to force her into submission. He moved with a careful step, his emerald eyes fixed on her, not the blood that stained the ground under his paws. Golden he was, his spots pale and sparse, unlike her own, which were so dark, and close together that she seemed entirely black. She began to pace again, his mere presence nearly driving her out of her mind.

Alec stood opposite of her, his gaze tracking her progress. Watching her pace restlessly, as the Heat spread. Alec closed his eyes, holding trust that she wouldn't attack him when he broke eye contact. Zena did stop her pacing, but she held herself in check, waiting to see what he would do. To her astonishment, he changed. Feline still, there was no doubt about that, but he was like her... holding an ability to walk on two legs instead of four, to look almost human....

He smiled when he saw the look of shock on the female's face. He sat down cross-legged on the ground, taking great joy in stretching out his muscles and joints. She still hadn't moved from where she stood, but he could see the curiosity in her gaze, the potential violence that she practically promised in every motion faded somewhat.

"Come on, I'm not going to try and harm you... I know you're like I am. I can help you with your little... um... Problem." He coaxed.

Zena's eyes narrowed in distrust, every muscle tensing. Alec saw this and shook his head.

"Come now... if I had any real intention to harm you, I would have done it already... just like the others. But I am not like them... and neither are you." He said calmly, his voice pitched low, soothing.

The ruff of fur that had raised along her neck and shoulders began to smooth out, and she slowly relaxed. Her ice-blue eyes closed for one brief moment, though she was terrified to do so. When she opened them next, she was sitting down, her arms propping her torso off of the cool earthen floor, but the heat within her intensified, and she half groaned with the sensation. Her hands curled into fists, her claws extended to bite into her palms, the pain clearing her thoughts.

"Who are you?" She gasped, brushing the mane of black hair away from her eyes. She watched the male with wary anticipation. He hadn't moved, but she could tell just by the way he tensed at the sight of her that he was struggling to control himself.

Struggling he was, the urge to mate with her right there raced through his body, the adrenaline rush made him slightly dizzy and disoriented. He took a deep shuddering breath before he spoke again, but she could still hear the strain in his deep voice.

"My name is Alec. I want to help you.... But first, you don't even know what is happening to you do you?"

Zena shook her head, suddenly miserable. "My parents died when I was young, this isn't the first time this has happened, and each time it only gets worse..." She cried, the miserable tone of her voice was heartbreaking.

"How old are you?" He asked softly, keeping his voice low and even.

"Nineteen... These have been occurring at least twice a turning, so I've gotten this infliction ten times now." She whispered hesitantly.

Alec felt his face heat as he posed his next question. "You don't necessarily have to answer this... but have you ever been with a male? Or, um... pleasured yourself?"

Zena felt her own cheeks grow hot, and she ducked her head, refusing to meet his gaze, but she shook her head all the same. Alec could only assume that she meant no to both of his questions. "What is your name?"

"Zena..." She whispered,

"Zena, I can ease the discomfort, the heat... For that really is what you're going through, Heat. It's not your first, but since it wasn't attended to then, it only got worse, right?" He asked, and he moved closer to her.

Zena looked up and noted him moving closer. She didn't flinch, but she did tense up a bit. She nodded once, and returned to examining her claws, though her gaze flicked upward several times to check his progress. When he was three yards away, he stopped, and waited.

"Do you want me to help you?" He asked, as he struggled to hold the urge at bay. "I can, and you know darned well you can stop me at any time..." He said, gesturing at her claws.

She glanced from him to her bloodstained claws, and at once was shamed of attacking those others. She hid her hands behind her back, but she nodded once, and raised her fear-darkened gaze to meet his. His golden coloring held her gaze transfixed as he lightly brushed her cheek with one knuckle. "Do not feel shamed for attacking them Zena, they weren't exactly of your kind, it's instinct to distrust most males...." He whispered as he pulled her closer.

Just having Alec close eased the heat that burned within her. He retracted his claws and ran his fingertips along her shoulders, and gently kneaded the flesh there. Slowly, second by second, she relaxed. She leaned back towards his chest, and his hands came up, drawing intricate circled along her arms, and belly, tracing each faintly discernable black rosette there, making Zena shiver. The scent of her heat was driving him wild, but he held himself back.... Knowing what she could do to him, and unwilling to harm her in any way.

"How does that feel?" He murmured in her ear. This time his hands began making slow, concentric circles around her breasts, finally rubbing and teasing each nipple, lightly pinching them into peaks.

A soft purr escaped her throat, and his hand drifted down, encouraged by the unconscious purr that escaped her. The sensitive pads of his fingers encountered the wetness between her legs, and he gently began to rub her thighs, kneading the flesh slowly, deeply, practically forcing her to relax.

"Will you lie down, Zena?" He asked softly, and she shifted so that he could move away. She lay back, her mane of black hair spread about her head, her gaze glassy as she stared at the canopy of leaves above them and the moon beyond that. The purr was still unconscious, but he kept on with the massage, only occasionally did he allow his hands near her sex. She let loose a soft, but pleading growl every time he did, but he bided his time, making sure she was completely ready... those claws were formidable.

Only when he noted that her claws were preoccupied with the earth at her sides did he continue. His fingers were deft and quick, enticing a yowl of surprise and pleasure from her, but those claws only dug in deeper, burying themselves in the earth. He paused and smiled. "And now?" He almost purred himself.

"The Heat is fading.... Please don't stop...." She moaned. He leaned down, continuing with his fingers, teasing and rubbing. When her cries became more audible, he lapped at the slit with his tongue. The rough surface of his tongue contouring to every curve and dip, making her let loose in a yowl that silenced the forest around them. He tensed, waiting to see what she would do, all the time wary of her claws.

"Alec... please...." She moaned, feeling the heat return all the stronger once he stopped. He was purring now, completely content with her pleas. And dipping his head again, he took pleasure in complying. It didn't take long for her to climax, the heat receding from her body. She lay panting, eyes closed in complete trust as her breathing began to slow.

He straightened and waited, controlling his own urges. She glanced at him questioningly. "Why have you stopped?" She whispered, instinctively knowing that he hadn't satisfied himself.

He offered her a smile and gazed at her fondly. "First Time can be traumatic, very painful..." He whispered. She thought his words over, then thought of the other felines that she had attacked.... Could her experience with Alec be any worse than what they were going to do, and she voiced this opinion.

Alec shook his head. "No, I doubt you would have felt even half of the pleasure that I've given you...they would have just taken theirs, not caring what it did to you physically or emotionally. But there is a good chance that you could end up carrying my cubs, as it is what the Heat was designed to condition your body for... are you sure you are ready for such a thing?" He asked softly. Her eyes grew round and slightly fearful at the thought, but as she gazed at Alec across from her, she smiled.

"You haven't treated me like a possession, as something to be had and then forgotten.... You've done more for me this night than anyone has ever done for me since my parents died. To repay you for this kindness I would gladly bear your cubs for you if it comes to that." She said the words calmly, completely accepting whatever fate had in store.

He stared at her with his steady emerald gaze, attempting to judge the sincerity of her words. Their gazes met and held. Ice blue and Emerald green. Finally he nodded, and moved towards her, kissing her gently, again rubbing at her sex. Knowing well that it would take a bit of skilled timing to make this as painless as possible.

"This will cause you some pain, Zena..." He murmured, as he lowered his weight on top of her, guiding his swollen member to slowly ease himself into her. He had managed to get about an inch when she winced, and gasped. He reached back, and slipped his fingers between them, again gently rubbing at the small raised nodule there.

She gasped again, the purr rumbling in her throat, just below the threshold of his hearing and he pulled back slowly till he was almost out, then he pushed back in, moving in this slow cadence till he finally met the barrier that protected her innocence. He held himself perfectly still, propped up on his muscular arms. She looked up at him questioningly.

"This is the point of no return, Zena... if you choose to stop now; we can, with no repercussions. If you want me to go on, this will hurt, quite a bit.... But I can ease through it, or make it fast... it's up to you now...." He was panting with the exertion.

She met his gaze and reached up, her claws lightly scratching his chest. "I want you to continue and I will hold no regrets. Make it quick. It will hurt more I am quite sure, but it won't last...." She murmured. He nodded and pulled back a bit, once again rubbing that node, The pleading tone of her ensuing cries was all the invitation he needed, and he surged forward, breaking the thin barrier.

She screamed the same panther scream that made most humans run in terror, again silencing the night around them. Her teeth were bared, and he felt himself go completely still, awaiting further reaction. She waited for the pain to pass, before opening her eyes and nodding. At her indication, he pulled back, this time all the way. The heady scent of her blood filled his nose and mouth, as a thin trickle flowed out of her.

Again he eased himself in, and though she winced, the pain was lessening with each stroke. Before long, he noticed that her legs were cramping, and he pulled back, easing her legs to the ground. "Roll on over..." he whispered. She started to comply, but not before she reached out and grasped him firmly in her hands. His groan was immediate, and he winced as he fought to maintain control.

"Holy light!" He exclaimed. "Zena you're playing with fire here...." He growled. His fangs bared in a grimace of strain. Complete bliss permeated his very being as her mouth closed over him, her rough tongue rasping along his length. Before he lost complete control, he reached down and tilted her head up. His kiss was insistent and fierce, forcing her to discontinue. When their kiss ended, he gently forced her down to her hands and knees, his hands gently kneading the flesh of her buttocks. She moaned softly, and with a swish of her tail, granted him access.

His claws raked shallow furrows into her flesh as he dragged her toward him, impaling her. Her keening cries increased with each thrust, only to be replaced by a pleasurable purr as he pulled back. He felt himself finally on that edge, and his pace quickened, each thrust coming fast and hard. The purr had faded, but as she hadn't reached back to practically claw off of his face, he continued without fear. She began to move back towards him at a pace he fought to meet, rutting against him in a frenzy that made him lean forward, and bite down on the scruff of her neck, pinning her down.

Her cries quickened as his pace became almost brutal, cries of desperate pain and pleasure, at once screaming for him to stop and begging him to continue... It was those cries that drove him over the edge. He came with a bestial cry that scattered the sleeping birds and made any feline in the area run for cover. She screamed her pleasure as he continued to pin her, keeping her still as he ensured that she take his seed. He trembled with each spasmodic ejaculation, his teeth clenching unconsciously, tearing into her scruff, and he tasted blood.

She shook with release as she climaxed again, the pain that he caused as his teeth tore into her ruff only enhanced it, and she gasped for breath as she slowly came down from that high... Just as slowly, he let go of her scruff, gently licking the wounds he had caused, truly regretting them. He lapped at the blood, rasping the wounds clean, allowing them to bleed as he slowly disengaged from her. She gasped as he pulled away, a fresh rivulet of blood flowing from her.

She collapsed where she was kneeling, unwilling to move another step. She was sore, but the heat was gone, and she felt his seed mingle with her blood as it slowly seeped between her legs. She changed, reverting to her full feline form, and she lifted her head towards him. The Heat would return perhaps a few more times this night before she would be done with it this turning. But he would be there, he silently vowed this as he changed as well, curling up behind her, gently licking her wounds, reveling in the taste of her blood as she dozed beside him.

Their meeting had changed their lives forever, and this was just the beginning.