Escape (3)

Story by Typh Wolfie on SoFurry

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Seriously, what's up with that guy? Is this place that isolated from the outside world or something? The bear is a little... clingy. I don't have time to spare, do I? Who knows how fast the humans will track me down? Unless... they believe I'm dead or something.

I can't help but feel uncomfortable staying put here. But I can't go against my words. I'm just returning a favour... which places him in a risk of getting hurt. Argh. I'm trying to save him here, but he wants me to stay here and put him in danger?!

I have given my word to stay, I cannot go against it. I don't know why I won't; it's just not right to do so.

Still, I shouldn't just judge him so harshly like that. I barely know this bear over here, for all I know; he really needs a companion right now.

Musa gives an audible sigh, "That was pathetic... but I won't keep your time here wasted, I can tell you what I know, hopefully it can jog up your memory?"

"Sounds fair," I reply, "Though I'm curious, why are you alone here? Where is this place? You said your parents moved to the city... So why didn't you go with them?"

The bear shifts uncomfortably, "It's a long story... Well, here is the forested area along the Gorken River. If you travel down this river, you will reach the city which is also a harbour, Port Gorken. Umm, you can say that we're at the north-eastern side of the world now."

That didn't give me any help to spark any memory.

"So... how do I travel to the south? Do you have a map or something...?" I ask.

"Hmm," he says, scratching his head, "I don't have one... but I can try to draw..."

Musa grabs my wrist and pull me into one of the room, opposite of the one that I was in earlier. He searches around the room for something. I wait as he gets his materials. I assume this is his room? It's plain, much like the other one but with bookshelf, a desk table, a few drawers and a mirror.

"Here," he says, pulling a chair to sit. I follow after him and watch as he draws a very rough sketch of a map.

"This is the World, made up of 6 main continents," he says, pointing at the circles, "Starting from the top, going clockwise, we have Musca, Vulpecula, Lynciis, Apodis, Orionis, and Corvus in the center. We are now somewhere near the border between Lynciis and Corvus. Musca is the only continent separated from the others by the waters, but it's located far north, so you don't have to worry. The tribal are at the south, shrouded by nature, so the continent you're looking for is Apodis."

"Uh, so all I have to do is just to travel in the... south-west direction?"

"Not really. The point is that you can't cross the border to Corvus. Corvus, the heart of the World, is where the Central lays... the organisation that's planning for your capture right now. Because they are in a strategic position in the centre of the World, they spread their influences easily. People from different continents usually travel and by-pass Corvus to the other continents, you see," the bear explains.

"You say we are now near the borders? Then isn't it dangerous?! It means we're very near my captured site, some dungeon on a cliff!" I exclaim, "How can you be so calm?!"

Musa raises an eyebrow at me, "Look, I'm not stupid. I obviously know what I've gotten myself into, being associated with you. The thing is I've never seen Central troops around this area ever. It's pretty secluded here..."

"That reminds me," I say, "Why do you want to stick with me? It's so weird for someone ordinary like you to put yourself in danger. What are you hiding?"

The bear shakes his head vehemently and sighs, "It's not like that. I'm not hiding anything; neither do I work for the Central... The thing is I... How do I put it? You can say I'm looking for a change in my life? I... I'm alone here. Okay. My parents used to live here; this place was built by my granddad himself. My granddad does a fish trading business... When city life stresses him too much, he would travel down the river and stay here for a few days to take a break. When my parents got married, granddad gave this house as a gift... But when my granddad passed on... my dad had to take over the business with my uncles. My mum went along, naturally. As for me, I..." he pauses, "you can say I'm very attached to this house. I've no interest in continuing the business either. I did go along with my parents to the city, initially. My dad tries to teach me in running the business, but I just can't excel in it. I know my parents were frustrated then... So I just decided for them that I'll come back here and support myself instead. There's no point in me staying in the city. My dad will just force me to try and pick up the business. I'll rather stay here... Where things are freer, and more into the wilderness... but it makes me feel alone sometimes, too."

"You see, I know that my parents are very disappointed with me," he continues, "And now, when I met you, I can have a change in my life... I can go out and explore, I've always wanted to anyway and now is the chance. So why not have a go in an adventure and help you at the same time?"

That last part made me angry, "Hey, you think this is some field trip? I'm a wanted person!! This is dangerous!! What will happen if the Central knows about you helping me? Have you thought about that? What if you were captured, tortured for information?"

I bang the table in anger, "You're taking this far too lightly. You think the Central fight using their fists? Capture magical folks who are supposedly stronger than them with their bare hands? You think I can bear for you to be hurt?!"

I huff and fold my arms while the bear looks down and says quietly, "But you do need me."

I glare at him, "I do. I seriously do for someone who has no recollections. But I don't want you to get into any danger."

"Why do you care so much?"

I growl at him, "Are you nuts? It's because you're innocent to my affairs and you're my saviour!"

"Look," Musa says, tapping a claw on the table, "I don't take this lightly. I know this is going to be tough; deadly even. But there's this feeling, that it's time for me to move on. You get what I mean?"

"No," I sigh. Why doesn't he get it to his head that he this isn't going to be easy? He seems dead-on determined to go with me. I don't even know why he will risk his life for someone whom he met for a few hours. Just because I have magic? Or is it that he takes pity on someone who has no memories like me?

"I'm not going to argue with you already, I'm tired of that. It's getting late, Frost."

My ears flick at the new name that I was given not long ago. Funny how my ears react to the name so easily. "Fine," I say, "I'll go and rest for the day. Risk yourself in danger for all you want."

Isn't it ironic that I'm the one trying to push my only source of information away?

I move back to the other room where I had woke up earlier. I sit down on the wooden bed, curling into a ball, pondering.

Pondering about how to go on from here. How the ruddy hell did I become like that? Who am I? Where are my family? How do I go about finding back my past? Am I... alone now?

I feel funny not being all scared about all these; being a wanted person, having no memories and not knowing anything about the world outside. Musa is right; I do need him right now. Even better if he follows me simply because he knows the world more than I do and he can guide me.

Everything here is foreign. Even my body feels foreign to me. It's like... I don't even know the capabilities of my body. Then there are all these specks of memories... How did I instinctively know how to conjure freezing ability? How about the mental exhaustion that ran through my mind earlier? Am I actually slowly recovering my memories?

All the uncertainties make me feel uncomfortable... Especially the idea that I instinctively know something... It makes me feel like I was programmed to do this. I didn't even freak out when I shot ice at people. It seems normal to me; like I've done this all the time.

I keep trying to recall something new... But I can't seem to find any... Minutes drag to hours, and I think I fell asleep at some point. Nothing surfaced by the time it's morning.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I sensed something. It's like a mini spark running through my mind, telling me someone is coming. I turn my neck at the door and stare at it.

Seconds later, the door slowly opens... with Musa poking his head in. The moment the bear sees me staring straight right at his direction he jumps, slamming the door open and cursing under his breath. I guess I was pretty scary...

"Yes?" I ask.

"Don't scare me like that!" the bear scowls at me.

"Huh," I snort, look back at the window, "How are you going to defend yourself if you are scared so easily?"

"Hey, this is different!" he retorts.

"Whatever. You didn't come here to tell me this, did you?"

"No... I just wanted to check on you. You know, like you're going through a lot right now..." he explains.

"I don't need your pity," I growl at him.

"You don't, but you can't shut yourself here forever either. Why won't you just accept my help?" he says, then shoots his finger up, cutting me when I open my mouth to answer him, "Ahh, anyway, I'm going to a nearby village to run some errands, you want to come along?"

Nearby village? I guess I need to go out and see the world at some point of time anyway. Maybe I might find out something new...

I stretch my body and reply, "Okay."

The surprise on his face was funny.


The village isn't very far off from his house. In fact, it was only a short walk there. The bear didn't say much throughout the journey. I guess he is a little angry for my attitude towards him, but I'm just trying to protect him...

The first thing I notice about this village is that it isn't very well off. It's small, simple, yet self-sustainable. Wooden huts and stalls all scattered around, it is like a small marketplace. You have meat hanging on hooks on one side, assortment of different coloured vegetables on another. I try to see as much as I can while following Musa to wherever he is heading.

"Careful!" I hear him say. I turn towards him and see him carrying a large basket of bread with an elderly leopard.

"Ah, it's you again, big boy," the leopard says.

"You shouldn't carry such heavy weight... Come, let me help you," Musa says.

"Oh no no, I'm fine, big boy. My legs still can handle this, go get busy," the elderly tries to shoo the bear away.

But the bear refuses to listen. I follow Musa and this leopard to a wooden hut at the back of the village. On his way there, people around the village occasionally give him a quick hello or a wave. Seems like he is rather well-known here, being friendly around here and stuff like that. Musa introduces me when we arrive at what I assume to be the elderly's home.

"This is Frost; he is one of my friends... His fur condition is quite bad, so he is hooded, don't mind him for that, I'll go put the bread down," Musa explains before moving to the back of the hut. Yeah, I was given a baggy shirt and a hood to cover myself just in case anyone manages to recognise me. So far I've never seen my wanted poster around here, though.

"Hey there, little one," the elderly speaks to me.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you," I reply.

"So you're one of his friends from out there eh? Heh heh. That big boy rarely hangs out with his friends. He always comes to the village to help out, you know that?" the leopard says.

"I can see he is very close to the villagers, sir."

"Ah, no need to be so formal, little one. Call me Sam. That big boy has been always a help to us... helping us carry heavy load and never charges for anything... such a kind boy," he chuckles.

"Hahah, Sam," Musa says, walking back, "Don't get too comfortable, now. I'm going to leave my place for a while..."

"Are you now?" Sam says, "With this little one here? Ahh... You should go around and about, big boy. Staying here in the village is only going to waste your precious youth... As a courier, I encourage you to go and explore around while you are still young, big boy."

"Courier?" I ask.

"Hmm?" Sam replies, "Messenger, signaller, strider, relay runner, whichever you like to use. Don't look at me like that; I used to be one of the best couriers in the continent!"

"Have you been to the south, then?"

"South? I've been everywhere before! Okay, maybe not where the tribal are... But I've seen enough," Sam boasts with pride.

"Do you know where the tribal are?"

"Ahh, little one. Seeking the tribal? You are an ambitious one. They are far down south in Apodis. I suggest you not to keep your hopes high in actually finding them. Even the Central are unable to find them for so long. People are beginning to doubt their existence..."

I sigh as I hear about that. I guess finding the tribal is going to be more than a tough nut to crack.

"But then again, little one," Sam continues, "I've personally seen one myself. The tribal. You might not believe me, but I swear I've seen one before! A few years back just before I retired, I travelled in Apodis. There is this place called the Kyudesh, I was resting in an inn when I saw a tribal near the forested area. It was a wolf in nothing but a loincloth standing on top of a tree. There was this tattoo on his arm. But the next moment I try to find him, he is no longer there. People don't seem to believe me when I tell them... And I'm not silly enough to tell the Central. Keep this a secret between us, yes?"

I nod in reply. Musa cuts in, "Okay, now. We shouldn't disturb you too long Sam, might not see you in a while though. Rest well!"

Sam chuckles, "It's always nice to have youngsters here. You and your friends are always welcomed here, big boy."

Musa pushes me out of the hut. "Don't discuss about it so freely," he warns, "You don't know when someone is listening. Remember I told you that some things are a taboo?"

"I'm sure Sam knows about it as well... He knows that I'm not with the Central," I say.

"Just be careful," the bear replies, "I still need to do my stuff anyway."

Turns out he was buying some new robes for me to wear, some accessories and supplies. He seems to have a lot of gold to spare. He won't let me reject, too.

"Where did you get your gold?" I ask.

"Hmm?" Musa replies, "I sell my fish, of course. I usually do trading and restocking my supplies here. This place may be small, but it has quite a variety of things. This place isn't very big, you should see Gorken."

The next place we walk to looks like an armoury. At the side there is a sign written in charcoal, 'ROB THE BLACKSMITH'

Musa enters the room calling out, "Rob!"

"Hey there!" a rough voice rings out.

I turn to see a large lion with his mane tied into a goatee and a ponytail at the back, wearing a usual black smithing apron.

"Rob, this is Frost. Frost, Rob. Local blacksmith."

"Hello, Frost. Nice ter meet ya," Rob grunts, patting my back.

"I need a weapon, Rob," Musa says.

"Oh? Why so all of a sudden? Well, yer know what limited stuff I have 'ere, Musa," Rob says.

"I'm going to travel and I realise I don't have a weapon to defend myself, so I need something... How about that greatsword?" Musa points.

"Sure... But you're leaving? With this... guy over 'ere?" Rob raises his eyebrows, "I'll give it to you, but you have to spar with me... for the last time."

"It's not like I'm not coming back, Rob... and- woah!" Musa ducks as Rob throws a swift punch. Musa has good reflexes, at least.

Blow by blow, the both of them exchange punches and kicks at each other. If I don't know that they knew each other in the first place, I would have thought they are fighting to knockout the other.

"Getting soft, Musa?" Rob sneers.

I watch as I contemplate whether to stop them from trying to kill each other with their fists, or smash up the entire shop.

But I didn't have to worry much. Musa takes two steps back all of a sudden and ducks when the Rob throws the next jab. The bear steps into Rob's space, turns around and pulls the outstretched arm. In a swift motion, he lifts the lion over his shoulder and tosses him on the table, smashing the wooden table to bits.

Rob stops moving for a while before laughing. "That's the fastest fight I've ever been in!"

"Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you? I didn't mean to..." Musa asks, worried. He reaches his hand out to Rob.

"Might have a little cut from the splinters, but it's good yer didn't hold back," Rob says, standing up with Musa's support, "Go get the greatsword, it is my gift. Use it well!"

"Do you usually fight with him like that often?" I ask Musa after we left Rob's.

"Nope, but we do spar once in a while," Musa says, "I told you I can fight. Rob is a very fun person, actually. He is like a brother to me..."

"I can see from the looks that he doesn't really want you to go with a stranger like... me," I say. It was pretty bad; I know Musa is close to the lion, even if Rob urges Musa to go on travelling. I'm sure the entire village will miss Musa, actually.

I guess Musa is really going to stay and travel with me for a while... even if I don't want him to.