Dran and Mist - Chapter One - Everyday Everything

Story by SevenWingedDragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Transcender: Dran

Authors note: I got bored while writing some of my other stuff so spontaniously blasted this out in a night. As usual, its not proof read or I will edit it until I die. Enjoy.

Dran and Mist - Chapter One

Dran: As long as my blaze of life burns...

The forest was completely silent. The perfectly clear blue sky framed by the jade green boughs of numerous tree species; the air still, unstirred by an absent breeze. Mist covered the forset floor, a dense and ever thickening fog that obscured the prominent roots and dips in the bracken strewn undergrowth. There was an explosion of noise, the tear of reality itself rent as a black arc opened in the center of the clearing appearing as if slashed from the worlds canvas. From the crescent, a shape emerged, hands in pockets, touching down as the otherworldly wind emited from the gateway ceased, the world instantly returning to silence. The new arrival span a three-sixty, surveying his surroundings before withdrawing his right hand from his pocket, a silver item the size of a large ciggerette lighter resting on an open palm. He flipped it into the air, removing his second hand to catch it, raising the instrument to his face and speaking into it as he looked around. "Emerged at the designated point," He continiued staring around, standing in the middle of the clearing only dark wood pressed in from all sides, the silence a blanket threatening to smother him, "Current area appears to be uninhabited..." Lowering the item he placed his other hand across it, sliding the top half across as one would while using a cell phone: A screen blinked into life, markings akin to a radar yet the green pigment of the background focused in its southern section, "Target is currently out of range... Appears southbound." He lined the object to face his destination, no pathway to enable passage he instead eased his way between the trees, "Note to self: Kill Arc for requesting that I wear a Tuxedo." He clipped his scanner back together and dropped it into his pocket before venturing forth into the silent mist, shaking his head to get his long black hair from his eyes, securing it with a small cord.

Dran shook his head, leaning back against a giant oak, sliding down its branches before pulling himself into a sitting position at its base. He pulled his dictaphone - scanner hybrid from his pocket, talking to himself always having a calming effect on the human, "Its been almost three hours now... Maintained constant southward heading - Other than plants, this place seems devoid of li-" He was cut off as screams shattered the silence like a pane of glass. In an instant the object had returned to his pocket, returned to his feet he let his arms go limp, bowing down low and sprinting into the undergrowth, jumping and pushing off a tree with a leg, using the push and momentum to perform a full sidewards flip through the air: Diving from trunk to trunk, branch to branch and when possible simply running on the ground. Roars had accompanied the screams - shouts and what can only be described as deathcries. It had been less than a minute from the first scream yet already the voices were being cut off, some mid-sylable. He blasted into the clearing the moment that silence returned.

Blood splattered the leaves on the small patches of the ground that could be glimpsed through the ever-thick mist, the red liquid dripping from the trunks and branches of the surrounding trees, mutilated bodies dripping their contents. There were three of them - both the minced chunks of yellow fur, dyed red in most places and also the creatures circling an unconscious survivor. "B.A's..." They bore bodies akin to those of humans, yet their skin, their hair, even their statue-like eyes were charcoal black. Wings, almost like those of a raven, obsidian and spreading enormously from their shoulder blades; each hand grasping a longsword, each identical, almost four feet long, black to match them and bearing an elegent crossguard, their golden runes the only outstanding feature in each of the men. He jumped straight up, left leg bent as he pushed with his right; there was a noise, like a bowling ball striking a sheet of steel, echoing through the clearing yet contained by the fog and trees. For a brief moment it was as if he had dissapeared, yet almost instantaniously he was before them, his palm placed softly over the heart of their central attacker.

He smiled, "At least I'm dressed to kill." There was a second of silence before blue light erupted from his hand, blasting through the back of the grotesque creature and carrying most of its torso with it. With the smell of roasting flesh strong in his nose it fell to the ground, the other two turning to face him, jaws dropping to the point of dislocation as they roared (think of the film, 'The Mummy'), blank eyes impassive. He dove between them in a roll as their weapons sliced only air, them turning their back on the downed creature to confront him. Dran smiled. Placing his palms together he utilised the few meters of distance that he had put between himself and his opponents, muttering "Burgundy..." and seperating his hands as a ball of flame grew between them, engorging itself to the size of a tennis ball. The pair had stepped over the broken body of their comrade, simultaneously diving high into the air, swords held high, each thudding into the ground as he slammed his weight into the earth, rolling from his right shoulder to evade them, a narrow beam of energy blasting out from his cupped hands, blasting the last two apart. He sighed, getting to his feet and rubbing his shoulder. "I guess that's why the place was so quiet..." He kicked one of the bodies, pacing slowly towards the survivor, "I must have been walking past corpses all the way here... The mist..."

He dropped to examine two of the still shapes, recognising another black creature. A 'Bio-Angel', "These things were not ment to enter this dimension..." He gave the other a quick once over, summing it up as some yellow fox: It was difficult to tell if it was a humanoid or not given its condition.

"Oh..." He fell to a knee besides the creature that they were advancing upon, noting that these were human shaped indeed. He withdrew his Scanphone "Would like to record a new species..." The mist was beginning to clear, "Appearance akin to a fox... Humanoid... Light yellow fur..." He brushed his hand against an arm, "Soft... Like silk..." His eyes rested upon a slash wound on the curled up body, "Has high regeneration rate...?" He dabbed some of the blood away, taking a handkercheif from his mudstained tux and applying some pressure; its ragged breathing began to slow, the creature uncurling slightly. "Subject appears female... Wears only... Gauntlets?" He fumbled with his scanner, "Five foot... Thin face... Some black marks under the eyes... Chest, tail and ears are tipped with white... Ample sized br-" He closed his eyes and bowed his head, "Delete prior note." Dran lowered his scanner, tapping it a few times before placing it to her wound, a small metal stud, barely half a centimeter long touching the blood, "Bio-makeup appears to be..." His eyes widened, "Computer code?" He placed it to her a second time, "No mistake..." He dropped the Scanner into his pocket, turning away and taking a step- A groan cause enough for him to whirl around, arms raised in a combat posture.

The fox... Thing... Was staring at him, pupils overlarge, a thin iris of electric blue encircling them as they began to glaze over, blood leaking from the cut on its shoulder, reguardless of the handkercheif that her had left behind. "Help..." Dran lowered his guard, "Me..." It had already passed out, returned to that place of no pain. He gave an exasperated sigh, moving back over to it and lifting her, placing a furry arm about his neck to balance her and suppoting her weight with the other two. He glanced upwards, noting mountains nearby through the window of sky. Unable to sort his thoughts he simply faced them and began to walk.


Dran was unsure what woke him but knew that it was either the cold, the wet, or the sense of having a great pair of eyes staring an inch away from his face. Reguardless, this was what greeted his waking eyes, making him jump to his feet and nearly brain himself on the caves roof. It intruded upon the mountain by almost ten feet, a small opening giving way to the larger space within; water dripping from the short spires of the roof, snow flush to a line where the entrance stood. He dropped back down, leaning against the cave wall, his sudden movement having surprised her to the point of pushing herself against the opposite side. He sighed, the prior days events returning to mind, having bandaged the creature by shredding the jacket of his tuxedo he had simply passed out for the night. He raised his hands, showing that he ment no harm, "Uh..." *damn, I'm bad at this... At least I can presume that it speaks after those words yesterday.* "Hello?"

It seemed to relax slightly, cocking its head as it lowered itself from the wall, sitting the same way that he was, "Hello."

Dran placed his hand behind his neck nervously, many a question coming to mind, yet it was his very nature to start with the most important. "Are your wounds-" He noticed a small neatly folded pile of bloody, black material beside her, *Ok... So...* "Those things... The Bio-Angels. Why did they attack you?"

The creature hugged its legs up against itself, its confusion evident as she explained. Just a few days ago they had came: Filing out of black portals and killing anything that moved, anything that survived fleeing the forest, "So, me and the last few renamon left in the area... We were trying to escape and..." She trailed off into nothing, Dran unsure about how to comfort someone like this chose to pick up on something else instead.

"What's a renamon?"

She seemed to be relaxing once more - some 'know-all' spark kindled by his questions. "I am a renamon. It is what my race of digimon are called."

"Digi... What?"

"You do not know what a... Where are you from anyway?" She was leaning forward now, fixing him again with that piercing stare.

"...Somewhere else. So- What's a digi-thing?" Explaining everything took a considerable amount of time, the largest revolution for Dran being that there were other humans on this world, even if he would have to pass through some doorway to reach them - and they were bound! Like the pact-beasts and the Spiritdragon's back home. By the end of her monologues they were sat next to eachother, a small fire providing enough warmth to make the place more bearable - It's flickering light making the shadows of the walls dance.

"So... I take it you are not from this world?" She met his eyes.

As it was already evident from his severely limited knowledge of the digital and human worlds he simply sighed and nodded. Lying to something with claws and a stare like that is rarely the wisest option. "I'm just a regular guy... Well, a bit different to your humans due to my... Uh... Abilities."

She nodded, "And you came after those... 'Bio-Angel's?"

He smiled, "Perceptive. What's your name anyhow?"


"Isn't that your species? Don't you have a name? What people call you?" He looked away as she shook her head. Odd. He would make some notes on that later, the lack of named distinction between these 'digimon' a new factor.

There was silence for a few moments, then: "Why don't you name me?"


"It is not uncommon for a human to name a digimon. And as you are the first that I have come across, why not bless me with a word to call mine?"

"I-uh-I..." He floundered for a few moments, unsure of what to say, yet the serious constant stare and the expectant voice tone forced him to comment. "How about..." He considered the day before, a combination of her traits and their meeting may suffice? Her eye colour matched at least, "Mist."

"Mist..." She echoed him... As if realising something herself she snapped out of her trance, "I do not know your name yet."

"I am Dran." He smiled inwardly, somehow glad that he was now on personal terms with the odd creature beside him, "So... You have anywhere to go?" She shook her head glumly, "How about you take me to this human world?


They had been traveling for almost three days by the time they reached the lake; its great surface completely still, reflecting the clear sky and breaking the light of a sun about to set beautifully. Dran sighed happily as they broke the treeline, clearing the dead forrest a relief. Fortunately, some life had remained in those woods, enough to let them hunt enough food for the journey, sleeping side by side against a tree each night, fire blazing within range. It was quite inevitable that the pair would become close, both loners, both quite suddenly finding a companion to confide in. He smiled, "I wonder how the others are doing..."

Mist angled her walk to come closer, "Your friends? They went to other worlds too...?"

"Yeah. I hope they're doing as well..." He picked at a hole in his trousers, the torn, bloody and battered tuxedo had seen far better days.

"What were they like?" Not smalltalk but genuine curiosity - Dran always found the renamon's maner easy to read.

"Well, there was Rowen. The lady-killer has probably bedded half of the dimsension by now... He took the spiritdragons with him..." By now they were nearing the waters edge, the dense forest floor having ceased they now stood upon sand. Grass encircled the area, only a few jet boulders providing any colour. Some would card the area as undefinable, natural beauty yet to him it was just another attraction on the tourist route. Drab and lifeless as the woods, "Tone, he's the smart one, you can always count on him for answers, is taking the steel artifact to some kid..." He ducked down to the waters edge, cupping some of the liquid in his hands, "Then theres the guys back at headquarters... Master Arc... And me."

"So," She lowered her head to the water, lapping it up, "Which one are you?"

Dran sat down, not expecting one of those 'how do you define yourself?' questions, "I guess... I'm the loner of the group... Uh, I'm a little blunt so few usually stay with me long enough to talk about anything... Except Master Arc... And uh... You."

He leaned back, laying his head against the soft ground, aware that she was watching him, "So... This gate is here right? How do you know about it if you've never had need to leave this world?"

Mist sighed, lacing her paws together behind her head and lying back beside Dran, "I used to lay down here a lot... Staring at the portal... Hoping that a potential tamer would tumble out and take me back with them." She relaxed her legs, feet dangling into the waves, "It must be disused - in all that time I've never seen anyone pass through it." She leaned over to fix him with that now familiar stare, "What are you planning?"

He sighed, sitting up and crossing his legs, placing his right palm on the sand infront of him and closing his eyes, "I guess theres a LastBreath base somewhere in that world... Arc said that he started the organisation in all of the dimensions that he visited... I check in and try and figure out how to kill the rest of the Bio-Angels... You like fish by the way?" He opened his eyes as a small explosion in the lake forced up a torrent of boiling water, the droplets showering them as a few lightly charred bodies floated upwards.


Dran flipped his scan-phone idly between each of his hands, absently staring over the still water he brought it to his face, "No sign of any Bio-Angels other than the three that I defeated... Battling the renamon had dropped their power far enough for an easy kill..." He sighed, "The creature that I named Mist has accompanied me to the gateway as she agreed, now that we are here, I do not know if we are to part or-" A groan cut off his monologue. Once again he was instantly on his feet, sprinting along the treeline while trying to quell growing panic. Mist had left almost half an hour ago to hunt down any red meat that she could, his worries mounted as the noise came again, closer, a clearing to his right. He moved swiftly and silently, obtaining access to a high part of a nearby tree, turning, ready to dive into his assault before... *Hey, wait, she's alone... No sign of injury... Then what was that- Oh! My! God!*

She was relaxing from that quivering, groaning lump, what she was doing clearly visable from his position, *I can't get down without making a noise!* Even through his panic he couldn't help but find the situation arousing, a powerful scent hitting him, stuck there like a cat in a tree praying *Don't look up - God, please don't let her look up.* If the others found out about this, they would never let him live it down.

Mist groaned happily, bent over into the soft moss and lichen, ass raised into the air, gently probing herself, caressing her breasts with her other hand, only supported by her elbow and shoulder. Her tail was raised, its tip tickling the back of her on neck, her tempo slowly increasing as she began to murmer things unaudiable, her fur, already matted by sweat bore its own delicate sheen, reflecting the silvery night light, bathing her in that colour. She clasped one of her ample breasts, bringing it up to her face, craning her neck to allow herself to extend her tongue and place a lick upon it. She shuddered, wimpering as she hilted one of her large fingers in herself, the piece of shredded tuxedo that had once been used as a makeshift bandage now something for her to bite down on to stifle her moans. She was becoming higher in pitch, even Dran able to note that she would not last much longer, her body shifting in time to her thrusts, the renamon's eyes widening as it shuddered a final time, whining through her own gag, the wetness leaking out onto her paw becoming a flood. She fell to the ground, Dran heavilly resisting the urge to do what a certain one of his friends would have and instead taking the opportunity to slide down the reverse of the tree, taking in the sounds of her deep breathing, the musky, alluring smell that drifted to him and the sight of her, looking up to see - *Shit!*

He dove to the side, the soft, grass covered earth muffling the sound of his roll as he fled, putting as much distance between the clearing and himself as possible, "Ok, Ok, Ok," He waved his arms about franticly, "She can't have seem me! I was fast enough right?" He reached the campfire, a small break against the light wind, shielding the area, consisting of the same overlarge leaves that he had covered the ground in, a soft cover over the sand for them to sleep upon. He lay down rigidly on his back, desperately trying to fall into a convincing sleep before she returned, yet perhaps less than a minute later he could sense her there, surveying him from less than a foot away. He desperately tried to slow his breathing as he felt fur brush against his left arm, the warm weight failing to move. Cautiously he opened an eye, "Ok! I was there - I'm sor-" he cut off his own exclaimation as she interrupted him with a snore, rolling slightly to pin his arm underneath her. Dran winced, staring up at the sky, he could feel the dampness on her lower abdomen as her front locked his arm from movement, his elbow between breasts, the tip of his middle finger less than an inch away from... He picked up his scan-phone with his other hand. "The renamon is torturing me."


Dran sighed dejectedly, facing the gateway. Bearing a rectangular shape and less than a milimeter thick, black and grey swirled within, a faint wind alike to the portal from which he came flowing from it. He glanced to his side, Mist staring at him almost anxiously, *I should be the anxious one...* Turning his body, he took a half step closer, closing the distance between them.

"This is where we part?"

He looked down, "You-" An explosion on the other side of the lake delayed his question. *Why does something always cut me off? Have I got a pissed off god watching me or something!?* He moved with his usual speed, within just a few moments he was standing on the shoreline, the renamon raising back up from all fours as she drew level with him. An object had emerged from the smoke engulfing the opposite shore, streaking over the water at a speed that forced streaks of the liquid up behind it in the same way that a motorcyclist would deal without the built mudguards. "Move!" He and Mist dove either side of the monster as it flashed between them, pausing several meters away, turning to face them. "A... Class two?"

This Bio-Angel was different to the first, though bearing the same hue, it was wolf rather than human, the eyes remained blank yet actually moved. But... Its arms were disfigured, shards of sharpened metal slicing out from both of them, providing it with around two feet of blades all around. Its jaw dislocated as the others had as it roared, wings spreading, tail dropping as it flew at Dran, screaming all the way.

He jumped up, preparing to shift (his teleport skill) out of the way but he had already been struck, blasted back several meters and falling onto his back, blood blossoming from several chest wounds, staining what remained of his tuxedo crimson. He struggled to his feet, adopting a combat posture, shakilly supporting his weight on his front leg, waiting for it to come. The renamon was beside him, copying his stance and staring the beast down, "Let me fight too."

"No! He-" She had already jumped for it, making herself the closer target and forcing it to go for her instead. Dran moved even faster than it did, Mists breath catching in her throat as it seemed to just appear infront of her, the distance between them had closed in less time that it could take for her to blink an eye, its raised arm stabbing forward as- It pierced deep into the chest of... Dran.

Arm plunged through his stomach, the beast screamed with pleasure, blood trickling from the mans mouth has me moved his arm up the monsters chest, the renamon falling back in shock. "Go..." He placed his hand over its heart, "To..." His fingernails dug in, "HELL!" The same blue fire tore through the Bio-Angel's chest, tearing its body apart, ejecting the blade from him. Dran fell to a knee, falling to his side and lying on his back.

He smiled up at Mist as she looked down at him, tears already pearling from her eyes. She dropped onto his chest, furry cheek pressed against him as water ran into his bloodstained shirt, "Oh god - Y-you."

"You know... The only way to kill a Bio-Angel is to either destroy its heart..." He placed a hand on her back, "Or cut off its head..." He moved his other hand down past her, lifting his shirt to survey the wound, "And I'm..." The flesh was already knitting back together, the regeneration rate of the enemy useful for a change, "Part Bio-Angel."

She turned to face him, relief turning to confusion, and then, "Y-You bastard!" She wiped her eyes, "You made me think you were dying and-!" He folded his arms around her, the hug returned. Quite oddly, he felt something hard in his hand and leaned away to survey it.

"Looks like a tami-gotchi.... What's this?"

~ T3A) ~

Sorry for the lack of yiff - at least proper anyhow - This was more char development afterall... youll have to wait until the next installment. Hopefully this little side series will fill the holes of my other works...