Story by ice tiger on SoFurry

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Her arms bloody, she hung from the wall her body covered in welts. She was unconscious and it was probably for the best. A large beast stood circling her in self satisfaction.

One week earlier. "Soul? You will be back right?" she asked looking up at him then licked her stomach.

"Of course. I need to go to my village. I need to tell them about everything. You will need help giving birth." He said. "You are in no shape for this kind of traveling."

She sighed nudging her nose against him. "Don't be gone long please" she said watching him leave. He smiled at her before running off. She got up and decided to go for a short walk down to the stream for a drink. When she reached the water she noticed the area was awkwardly quiet. Bending down to take a sip she heard rustling and the sound of someone stepping on a stick. She turned around to see no one but decided that she needed to get back to the cave. She started to move but a whirling string came out of nowhere. It quickly wound around her bringing her to the ground. She cried out but with Soul long out of hearing her and no one else around but her attacker she felt hopeless.

A creature came out of the shadows and picked her up by her feet. She wiggled but it was no use he was too strong. She couldn't see his face from the angle she was out and before she could turn his fist had swung into her face knocking her unconscious. The monster picked her up. Carrying her over his shoulder, he traveled back to his home in the mountains. Then she was left on the ground.

Meanwhile, Soul had just reached his village and was greeted by his friends. Immediately he visited his mother's home and kissed her before telling her about his travels. "Mother I have something important to tell you. I have a mate. But she is not what you would expect." He said

His mother looked at him. "Is she female?" she asked curious.

He nodded and smiled. "She is a tiger." He said looking at his mother hopefully. "She is pregnant."

His mother looked at him surprised. "I do not care who it is you love. But you have brought me news I have been waiting for ten years to hear. Where is this mate of yours? Why is she not with you?" his mother asked him.

"She is at our home. It is close to the time and she will give birth soon. That is why I have come. I needed permission for her to get help here in the village to give birth. She cannot go to her home to get that. Could you help me to persuade the council to allow me to bring her here?" he asked.

His mother pondered his plea in her head. "I will help you my son but it will take time. How long does she have?" she asked

"One month." He said his ears beginning to flatten from the news. "Please we must act quickly so I can go and bring her here." His mother nodded as they both ran off to the council's home.

Back in the woods, Kida was just waking up from her sleep and found herself tied to the floor. A rouge wolf stepped into view. He smiled menacingly as he looked her over. She growled scooting back but feeling a wall behind her. "Who are you and why am I here?" she asked scooting again to protect her from his touch as he reached a paw out.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you...much." He said "you just looked so pretty and all alone that I thought I would take you home with me. Besides I have always wanted what my old friend had. This time I can actually take it." He said.

She thought for a moment then looked at him. "Soul is your so called friend is he not?" she asked making sure he had the right victim.

The wolf nodded. "A pleasure. I am Rigo." Banished from my tribe and living on my own. "He said. "Now why don't you show me what is so intriguing to that mutt huh?" he asked her advancing again.

Shrinking she looked at him. "Please don't I am to give birth soon. It is not good for my children to do anything like that." She said pleading.

The wolf laughed. "Well well I guess that wolf does have a good shot. I guess I will just have to have fun with you without taking you." He said pulling a whip and striking her back. She gave a loud scream that echoed in the forest.

In the wolf village the council gathered around Soul and his mother to discuss the matter. "I ask only for my mate to come here to give birth and give her enough time to rest before we can travel back to our home." The council thought. "We will allow you to give birth here but they will not be allowed to leave until the young ones are of age. You better go clean up your old home for her to stay." They said.

"No I think I will be getting home. Something doesn't feel right." He said bowing then kissing his mother. "I will be back I promise." He said. He took off very fast running towards home. Not stopping to even eat or drink he arrived home a day later. "Kida, I'm home." He said. But he heard no response. He ran down to the stream but found no trace of her. Quickly he returned back to the cave checking one more time for Kida then decided to follow the scent. Soon the scent became stronger as he reached the entrance of the cave.

Kida's head sunk low as she hung from the wall her body worn with the beatings. Rigo smiled at her as he started out of the cave. Soul was waiting for him. "Soul. So what do I owe this honor to?" he asked very coolly.

"You wouldn't happen to know where my mate is would you Rigo?" he asked. "I caught your scent near my cave so I came to ask that is why I am here. "

Rigo said nothing for a second then pretended to look sad. "No sorry I haven't seen her. But I hope you find her buddy." He said moving back into his cave. Inside Kida had been listening to the conversation and looked at Rigo. She smiled and remembered that Soul had taught her to howl in times of trouble.

As Soul started to walk away Kida let out a howl as loud as she could that echoed through the cave until Rigo silenced her. Soul quickly turned back running right into the cave and into Rigo. "You should learn to keep your women silent." He said as he removed seeing her body hanging with stuff across her mouth. "You be lucky I let her live." He said pushing Soul.

"You will be lucky if I let you live" Soul said showing his teeth and growling. "Now let her go."

Rigo laughed and looked back at her. "But she makes such a good pet. A little sassy but obedient when you threaten her young. Too bad they won't live to see their mother. I bet there dead after what they have been through." He said hoping to piss off Soul. "And maybe I will get some relief after all since I can't get any from your pretty little mate."

Soul couldn't take it any longer and lunged at Rigo rolling him over as he dug his fangs into Rigo's shoulder. Rigo jumped back and quickly grabbed Kida off the wall breaking her binds and causing her to bleed in the process. "You don't want to hurt her now do you?" he said holding her throat. "I wouldn't come closer if I were you." Rigo stood there calculating his next move and his escape. Then he continued backing up till he reached a small entrance. He ran as fast as he could into another nearby cave. "I may not be able to run from him forever but at least I can take something before I go. "He said throwing Kida to the ground and mounting on top of her. She screamed fearing for her babies as he rammed himself into her as hard as he could biting at her nipples making her scream more. Just as he had started to howl Soul came around the corner and leapt at him throwing him off as he was finishing.

Soul bit his neck digging deep and using it to throw Rigo into a hunters trap just outside. He fell in landing on the sharp spikes at the bottom. "Kida, Kida are you alright." He asked panting hard.

Kida just laid in tears the pain still flowing through her body. "He hurt them I can feel it." Was all she said Soul licked her wounds and curled around her crying.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you. I'm so stupid." He said. Kida got up and started to move limping towards the entrance.

"Let's go Soul. We are expected back at your village rite?" she asked. He just nodded following her closely and letting her lean on him for support. Soon they reached the village and were greeted by worried wolves.

"What happened?" his mother asked as they came in.

"Rigo. That's what happened mother" Soul said curling on the floor as his mother tended to her wounds. "She should be giving birth this week my son." She said looking over at him.

Kida limped over to him and placed her head on his. "There was nothing you could do. You didn't know this was going to happen." She said looking at him.

He just layed with her. Glad that she was still alive. Two days past and Kida was in the process of giving birth. The first baby came out with ease. "it's a boy" they said cheering as the women watched her clean of the baby. The next one was almost out but when it came out there was something wrong. There was no whimper. They layed the baby down next to Kida who licked it. Tears filled her eyes as she nudged the lifeless body of her baby girl. When the women tried to take it away she nipped at them and brought it closer. Finally Soul was allowed in after being warned of his mates condition. "she's got to be alive. She cant be dead." Kida said in misbelieve. Soul's ears flattened against his head as he saw this and layed down to lick the kitten also. He picked it up from her and rubbed his nose against it saying a small prayer then pressing lightly on its stomach. Some how the kitten twitched as something came out of its mouth when he pushed. Then she started whimpering and moving lightly. Kida excited licked the kitten and held it close as Soul curled around them all.

Soon the young ones were healthy and moving about enough to return home. They said farewell to his mother and traveled back to their cave. The little ones played infront of the cave while Kida and Soul shared some much needed alone time. "so I guess everything worked out ok huh" Kida said as she pinned down Soul. "would you mind having some more?" she said smiling as she licked his nose. He smiled.

"as you wish master." He said smiling as she layed on the ground to.

"its my turn to get some much needed relief." She said smiling as Soul layed on top of her licking and nibbling at her nipples. Then he proceeded to rub his cock over her. Then he rolled her over and slowly began to enter her other end. When she was comfortable he started to buck harder as she clawed the earth below her and moan.

He started to move faster and harder. "im going to howl master" he said panting.

"go ahead my mate." She said listening for his song. Then he let out a long howl as he filled her some of it leaking out of her. Then he slowly pulled out after his knot had retreated to normal size. She smiled playing with him to keep him hard as she pushed him on his back and mounted him rocking back and forth while he sucked on her nipples. She gripped him tighter as her breathing started to stutter. Finally she released orgasming on him and laying on him. She smiled looking at him as he stretched and covered them both up.

"maybe in a year." He said smiling at her as the kids came in and started pouncing on them. "I think we have enough to handle right now." He said laughing as they cuddled up watching the kids play.