Mutual Appreciation

Story by K.M. Hirosaki on SoFurry

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One of my "Shorts for Summer" series, inspired by a (pointedly) naughty conversation I was involved in.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story and all characters are copyright © 2012 K.M. Hirosaki.

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Kuype looked over his shoulder to make sure that Urbe was still following him. He didn't think the younger fennec would have shirked away from his duties, of course, but he was so perfectly silent that Kuype couldn't help the urge to check just to make sure.

Of course, Urbe was a mere two steps behind him, deferring as he often did to the older and larger fennec leading the way. He smiled at Kuype, hiding any nervousness he might be feeling, keeping the exact poise and demeanor that was required of him. With a slight nod of his head, he motioned for Kuype to keep his eyes forward. By the time they were in the chamber, they wouldn't be expected to speak much.

They would, in fact, be expected to act as though they were perfectly in sync without uttering a single word. Which was the entire reason that the two of them had been paired together today, as they so often had before. Kuype knew that their being the same species and looking superficially similar made clients think (or at least wonder if) they were brothers, and that surely helped, too.

With hardly any effort at all, Kuype synched his footsteps with Urbe's, then likewise matched up the broad, slow swish of his tail. Working together for as long as they had, the motions came naturally to them; granted, that was easier here in the halls, before making their entrance, but everything had to start somewhere, even behind the scenes.

Still taking the lead, Kuype reached the silk curtain first. His arm swept it aside with a sweeping, elegant gesture, and he held it open so that Urbe could step inside ahead of him. He then fell into step behind the shorter fox, so that the people inside would see double for a fleeting moment. Urbe's ears were large enough that Kuype couldn't clearly see over the other fox's head, but he knew that if he kept step, he'd be fine. Urbe was good at what he did, after all.

Three paces into the chamber, Urbe stepped to the left, and Kuype stepped to the right so that the two fennecs were side by side, their scantily clad bodies on display to the doubtless discerning gazes of their guests. Kuype quickly reversed the direction of his tail so that the tip brushed Urbe's, and then he flashed a very vulpine and not-at-all subtle smile.

Seated on the large divan near the center of the room, set just before the babbling fountain, were the two guests. To the right was a black leopard who had already stripped down to nothing, and Kuype couldn't help but admire his athletic physique; such a body would have served any number of the fennec's comrades well in their line of work. To the left sat a small jackal, shorter, scrawnier, and more modest than the panther, having taken off his top but nothing else.

"Ylescu said that she had a pair of pretty foxes on hand." It was the panther who spoke first, which didn't surprise Kuype in the least. "To think I almost thought she was overselling herself."

"Her boys are not to be oversold," Kuype replied. When it came to cats, he had a hard time not playing up some haughtiness, at least to start. Ylescu wouldn't approve, he knew, but so long as he didn't overstep his bounds too much, the guests wouldn't complain, and she would never know.

The jackal, though still radiating shyness, nevertheless cracked a smile at the fennec's reply. With the tension broken, his eyes wandered more openly across Kuype's and Urbe's bodies, starting at their chests, then moving down to their stomachs and further down to their ornamented loincloths. "You like them?" the panther asked him, leaning in to ask the question, but not quite whispering it.

"They're lovely," the jackal replied, and though his voice was softer, Kuype could still make it out thanks to his keen hearing. The smallish canine then exchanged a look with the panther, but the fennec found it a hard one to read.

A brief flick of his left ear signaled Urbe to step forward in tandem with Kuype, the two foxes approaching to just beyond arm's reach of the divan. The panther's eyes gleamed with interest--lust, yes, but an excited craving beyond the mere physical, as well. A soft thump came from the divan as the jackal's tail wagged up and down once, betraying his own excitement despite his averted gaze. "Shall I help you with those?" Kuype offered, extending a leg to brush his toes against the jackal's sirwal.

At once, the jackal tensed, meeting first Kuype's eyes, and then the panther's again. The panther gave a nod of assent--to the fennec, not the jackal--and Kuype said no more, instead going right to work. He knelt down in front of the divan, set both paws against the jackal's hips, and proceeded to carefully disrobe him. Even through the fabric, the fox could smell the jackal's growing excitement, and he allowed himself a private smile while he had his head turned down.

"Meanwhile," Urbe chimed in as he, too, got to his knees, "I should help you with this." The sharp hiss of a quick breath was all Kuype needed to tell that his partner had begun to work on the panther's sheath; a moment later, the redirection of the jackal's gaze confirmed it.

Kuype was happy to take the jackal under his auspices. The panther hadn't shown a real preference between him or Urbe, and if Kuype was going to be the proactive one, then the feline's jackal friend needed that far more. "Oh, wow," the small canine said with a trembling sigh as Kuype finished stripping him, the exposed sheath between his legs already quite full.

"Relax," the panther said, the single word drawn out as he leaned back and spread his legs further. Kuype turned his head ever so slightly and spared a quick look out of one eye, seeing the cat's black-skinned shaft rapidly coming into view as Urbe rubbed and stroked that retracting sheath. Timing wasn't as crucial, at this point, since no two men ever got aroused the same way, but all the same, Kuype turned his attention back to the jackal, giving him the same treatment.

He soon got very similar results, too. Inch by inch, the jackal's shaft emerged, his musk clean and quite striking; if Kuype were still an amateur at this, he might have even found it distracting. Instead, he just enjoyed its pleasant nature, and allowed the pads on his fingertips to gently caress the jackal's bared flesh as he got harder by the moment. Shy or not, there was no denying his natural urges, at this point.

"Just paws for now," the jackal said, before adding an insecure, "please?" He then leaned over, set a paw on the panther's shoulder, and drew him into a deep kiss.

Both Kuype and Urbe looked up. That was the thing Kuype hadn't been able to figure out. He'd assumed that the jackal had been some friend the panther had dragged along, someone without much or any experience with receiving paid services. It wasn't that kind of nervousness, though--not quite--and now the fennec understood why.

The canine and feline had their eyes scrunched closed as they kissed passionately, and so neither of them saw the two fennecs staring for a few moments at the sight before them. The foxes kept their paws moving, of course (as they'd been instructed, no less), but it was nice to see a display of raw, honest affection in the midst of pleasure that had been purchased. Oh, it was up to Kuype and Urbe to make what they did look real, but seeing the actual real thing was rare enough under Ylescu's service.

Urbe turned his head and flashed Kuype a smile. The smaller fennec reached over to the larger one, brushing free paw against free paw, for a fleeting moment where their guests had their attentions elsewhere. Then Urbe turned his own attention more properly toward where it belonged, and Kuype did the same, his thumb and forefinger teasing the jackal's tapered tip, soft pads smearing around musky drizzle, finding the sensitive spots in that flesh and then following along them, back and forth.

A soft, tender whine came from the jackal's throat. He started to break away from the kiss with the panther, but the panther reached out, grabbed the back of his head, and forced him back into it. Kuype's ears tingled at the subsonic hum of the panther's possessive growl, and he felt the shuddering in the jackal's legs that accompanied it. With the jackal caught up in the intense immediacy of the moment, Kuype sprung into action, wrapping his slender fingers around the base of the whimpering canine's cock and squeezing, good and hard, feeling a surge where his knot would swell before too long.

The panther, meanwhile, had taken to rubbing and massaging Urbe's ears, switching back and forth between them at random intervals. Though the small fennec made no sound, Kuype could see his tail flicking spasmodically, and he knew that his companion was having to put a lot of effort to not react overtly to the stimulus. If the panther said he wanted to hear Urbe make some noise, then Kuype was sure he'd be happy to oblige, but in the meantime, the two foxes needed to act like they were in complete control of their faculties.

Once again, the jackal moved to pull away from the kiss, and this time, he succeeded. He panted openly, staring back into his lover's face for several seconds before turning his gaze down toward the pair of kneeling fennecs busily working their paws. With his muzzle hanging open, he took rapid breaths that matched time with the throbbing pulse that Kuype could feel in his shaft. Kuype leaned in a little closer, offering a subtle smile, his paw working up and down at an uneven rhythm, his pinky finger occasionally glancing over the growing bulb near the root of that dribbling shaft.

The position of Kuype's face and the angle of his muzzle were no accident, and the jackal caught on, even if it took him a few seconds. He stared down at the fennec with the same rapt expression, then set his ears back and looked to the panther. "I... Can I?" he asked.

The panther smiled a sweet smile. "Of course you can," he said simply, and then his paw came down to push at the back of Kuype's head.

Kuype reacted smoothly, parting his lips and taking the jackal's shaft into his muzzle as the panther pushed him down. The panther's paw came away before Kuype was all the way at the base, but the fox willingly went the rest of the way on his own, his tongue soaking up the taste of the jackal, his nose filled with musk. It wasn't unpleasant; the jackal was young, healthy, and quite leaky in the way many canids tended to be.

"You too," Kuype heard the panther say, followed by a dull moan coming from Urbe as the other fennec presumably had his head pulled into position likewise. Kuype swung his tail back and forth a few times until it 'accidentally' found Urbe's, and then let it curl up and rest by one of his own ankles.

The familiar sound of the jackal's needy whimpering got louder for a moment, then grew more muffled as Kuype felt the panther's weight shift on the divan, and he knew the pair was kissing again. He could hear the two rubbing their paws over each other's bodies as they locked muzzles, and he let their passion spur him on as he worked his muzzle along the jackal's length, taking extreme care in letting just the very tips of his teeth graze that flesh for a tiny moment or two. It got the reaction the fennec wanted: another surge of drizzle against his tongue, and another muffled groan of pleasure.

Kuype could already tell that the jackal wasn't going to last long. Whether it was because he had a short fuse or just because he was so turned on at what was happening didn't matter; what mattered was that Kuype did his best to treat that short fuse very, very carefully. The panther didn't seem like he'd be nearly so quick to get off, but it was the fennecs' duty to time things as properly as possible. Since Kuype couldn't exactly pull off of the jackal's cock and ask Urbe, "Hey, how long do you think your guy is going to take?", that meant relying on other cues.

A loud, throaty groan from Urbe signaled to the other fox that he'd perhaps been too quick to judge about the panther having too long of a fuse. Kuype responded with a quiet 'mm-hmm' of his own from around the jackal's shaft. The jackal and panther, for their parts, were too caught up in making out with each other to either notice or care.

"Oh, honey," the jackal blurted out as he tore away from the kiss. "I'm not... I don't think..."

"Let it happen," the panther purred, reaching out to stroke the jackal on the cheek. "Be a good dog and just let it happen, yeah?"

The jackal nodded his head, the all-over tension evident in even his simple movements. His breathing got quicker, and the pitch of his excited panting got higher and higher. The panther giving him permission to get off gave Kuype permission, in turn, to focus less on timing things up with Urbe and more on finishing the immediate task at hand. He went at it with gusto, burying his nose into the coarse fur of the jackal's groin, his lips actually kissing the canine's knot, his tongue swirling around in a deft and practiced spiral.

The divan shifted again as the jackal lurched over, clutching the panther's side as he cried out, shuddered, and then came. Kuype was ready for it, and his nostrils flared so that he could get in one last good breath before turning his attention to swallowing the jackal's load as it was pumped into his mouth, spurt after thick, energetic spurt. The jackal's wagging tail slapped against the cushion in an excited rhythm, setting a soft, pattering beat to his orgasmic whimpering as he buried his face against the panther's chest.

Kuype waited until he was sure that the jackal was finished, swallowed one last time, and then pulled off, leaving that spent cock clean and shiny with a faint patina of saliva. It bobbed as it came free of the fennec's muzzle, the knot ensuring that it would stay full and hard for some time to come.

With the jackal distracted by his afterglow, Kuype was free to let his attention roam some. He turned to the right and watched Urbe at work, the smaller fox still very diligent at work with his muzzle buried in the panther's lap. It was always nice getting to watch Urbe work, Kuype thought, and not just because it offered a chance for them to better pair their technique. Urbe was a fox who radiated enjoyment at what he did, and even Kuype had a hard time telling where reality ended and the acting began.

The panther gave both of Urbe's ears a soft tug, and the fox lifted his head up, licking the tip of that large, black shaft as it popped out from between his lips. "Ylescu said I can paint you," the feline murmured, already beginning to stroke his cock before the kneeling fennec confirmed or denied that.

And Urbe stayed silent, too, his assent given in the fact that he stayed put on his knees, ears perked as he gazed up into his charge's eyes. His tail gave one or two flicks, and then his eyelids drifted softly shut as the panther let out a grunt and started to get off all over the fox's face. There were no submissive whimpers from Urbe, just quiet acquiescence as his muzzle, cheeks, whiskers, forehead and ears were streaked with white. The panther didn't say anything, either; no declarations that the fox was his bitch, no throaty grunts, no repeated chorus of 'yeah' ad infinitum.

Almost as abruptly as it had begun, the panther's climax tapered off to a close. Urbe kept his eyes shut, at least one strand of semen having lanced right across an eyelid. Though it was a far cry from saying that the fennec's face was drenched, there was almost an impressive sort of artistry behind the splatter pattern, and Kuype had to wonder if this cat got a lot of practice with his jackal.

"Can you clean him?" the panther asked, turning to Kuype. He asked the question as though he wasn't sure if it was a legitimate request. In truth, Kuype had licked Urbe clean in more risque places, more than once, and instead of replying with words, he gently took hold of Urbe's shoulders, turned the smaller fox to face him, and then leaned in towards his face.

He started by licking that one eyelid clean, allowing the other fox to open his eyes again. Urbe looked back at Kuype, and Kuype tried to stare back at him in the same way the jackal had stared at the panther in between their kisses. The larger fennec then went back to his duties, taking his time in sensually licking his partner's sticky fur clean. The panther tasted sweeter than the jackal, somehow, the consistency of his semen not as thick. Kuype allowed himself a few quiet moans as he got the taste, figuring that the panther might appreciate it.

Urbe let out a few tiny squeaks of his own as he tilted his head this way and that, angling his cheeks and ears in such a way as to let Kuype do a thorough cleanup job. While perhaps not as extreme as licking Urbe clean beneath the tail or between the legs, this was far more intimate, in a way that neither the panther nor jackal could probably ever know.

Soon, Urbe's face was clean--or, at least, as clean as Kuype was going to get it with his tongue. The two fennecs shared a furtive smile, then turned in tandem to look up at their guests again. "Would you like some privacy, sirs?" Kuype asked.

The panther nodded, a hint of a smile on his dark muzzle. "If you would," he said. "And thank you." He gently nudged the jackal in the shoulder. "You say thank you, too. Ylescu's boys treated you well."

"Thank you," the jackal said. A soft chuckle, laden with relief, marked his voice, and Kuype smiled at that. "We can ring the bell--"

"--if you need anything, yes," Kuype finished for him. "As I understand it, there should be refreshments waiting for you as you need them."

Kuype then stood up and offered Urbe his paw. The smaller fennec took it, then rose to his feet. On the divan, the panther and jackal snuggled lazily, and so Kuype gave Urbe's paw a tug and led the other fox back out of the chamber, slipping silently back out through the silk curtain.

"I'll have to wash up," Urbe said once they were out of earshot of the chamber. "I doubt my next guest today will want me smelling of panther."

Kuype chuckled. "No need to worry," he said. "I've seen to it that we have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves, today." He patted the other fox on the hip and smiled again. "So, I mean, you can spend that time washing up, if you like, but I for one don't really mind you smelling like that."

"You didn't seem to mind cleaning me, yourself," Urbe murmured as he pressed in closer to the taller fennec, leaning up to rub muzzles with him. "In fact, I was starting to worry you were almost going to get too into it."

"They were both done; I knew neither of them was going to go after our tails," Kuype replied. "And I know how self-conscious you get when I want to have you after someone else has."

Urbe gave him a playful shove to the chest and then continued walking back toward his personal quarters. "Oh, please. After the performance you just gave, you're not getting my tail until I've had yours." Despite the taunt, he wagged his tail invitingly back at Kuype as he walked down the hall.

Kuype took a second to admire the sight, then trotted after him, this time putting no effort into trying to match step with the other fox. "Sounds like a fair price of admission to me," he called back.