Mathews plans: Chapter 3 Traps, Favors, and Deals: Part two

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#6 of Mathew's Plans

Finally part two of chapter three. I'm not sure if I will a a bit more here

and jump to chapter four or make a part three. Sorry not much yiffy here

the story needed to be fleshed out more and charaters asked to be developed.

Carla woke her two kids just after one pm, she had two sandwiches and a sliced apple on a large plate which Mathew took as he sat up. "First thing." Carla spoke, "I finished cleaning the shower." Mathew look at his mother, mouth full as he looked down to her large belly and back up. "Don't worry I still have a few tricks up my sleeve, Amanda's been feed but one of you should check on her soon." Ellen nodded, and Carla continued, "Mathew the shower bench still needs to be put away, and lastly I think you both should owe me a favor for today."

Mathew cleared the sandwich from his throat enough to answer, "Lunch at my work on Sunday my treat. I'll take everybody."

"Thank you Mathew I'll take the lunch but you still owe me a favor. If your taking everybody it isn't just for me is it?" Carla watched as her son shook his head. "Good, you two can get ready and get dressed, remember Mathew you have work in a few hours." Both sibling watch as their mother walked out.

Mathew quickly polished off his sandwich and the rest of the apple slices, hopping out of bed he told Ellen "I'm gonna take a quick shower."

"Wait Mat." Ellen called stopping him at the doorway. "I need to go to the bathroom, I think." Mathew was next to the bed in a flash helping Ellen all the way to the bathroom before she brushed him off. "I'll be ok, just go check on Amanda." Mathew spun Ellen back around before she got inside, he took her cheek in paw and placed a passionate kiss on her muzzle. They didn't wrestle tounges, it was more like long slow caresses back and forth between two muzzles. Mathew helped Ellen's towel to drop as he caressed her back, Ellen was the first to pull away, "I have to go."

"I know, I just needed to thank you, I know you probably didn't like it, and I should have waited, and your.." Mathew was interrupted by a gentle brush of her lips on his muzzle.

"It's fine, I know that was something you wanted, just remember," Ellen said stepping back lowering her voice, "you owe me for that."

"Anything you want." Mathew told his sister as she closed the door. He had already though up several ideas and things that he could do to make up for the debt she would try to collect. Mathew grabbed the towel and rushed back to his room upon hearing his mother coming through the living room.


Mathew having taken a bus, arrived at Spring Groves just before four thirty. Miranda greeted him in the lobby, "Your going to run the tables in the bar, Tom will serve any drinks, I also need you to run backup and buss tables in the patio, cleanup and help out." Mathew nodded listing to everything Miranda said, "Now half the bar is partitioned off, there is a soccer game starting at five, and a group of twenty plus to watch the game, get the appetizers out first. And if you have any problems Mathew, any, don't wait get help."

Mathew nodded again, waiting for any more instructions before turning to leave. "Mathew?" the hand on his shoulder stopped him before he walked away. "When do I get to she her?" Miranda asked.

Mathew turned smiling "I was going to have the whole family come on Sunday after the brunch."

"Really, when about one o'clock?" Miranda asked.

"I guess, ya that sound alright." Mathew replied.

"Good it will be nice to finally meet your mother, and I've been waiting to see your sister and her little cub." Miranda was smiling which had Mathew wonder if something wasn't going on. "Oh and when your done tonight come to the back office." Miranda left Mathew to wonder as he went and changed shirts in the break room.

After claiming the two warming pans from one of the bottom ovens and setting up the appetizers in the bar, Mathew had a whirlwind night, rushing back and forth between the front bar, side patio, and kitchen. Even though the game had ended, nearly the entire group was still present when Tom made a last call at ten minutes before 10 pm. Since the patio was already cleaned and closed just after nine, Mathew only had to cleanup and help mop the bar area by eleven he was in the back office talking with Miranda.

"I want to give you something," she told him while pulling out a large box. "It's and infant seat that hooks in to a car seat, you can use that later for your cub." Mathew pulled out a small curved seat part with several plastic pieces. "Don't worry the direction are in the bottom, also this is for you." Miranda handed over several bills. As Mathew counted, she continued, "Tom said he had plenty of tips from the parties drinks so you could keep the seventy dollar tip, plus just over thirty each from Robin and Allen your percent from the patio." Mathew pulled out his own tip money from the checks he had served in the bar. Closing his eyes he quickly added up the money and smiled, "Looks like you just spent that money." Miranda was chuckling when he looked over.

"A gift for Ellen." Mathew told her, "She deserves one."

"That's nice, but you should hurry up, Robin said she could give you a ride home if you didn't take to long." Miranda informed him. Mathew scrambled to haul the box out grabbing his shirt from the break room along the way.

Robin was still in the lobby, the vixen lightly flicking her tail against the window trying to make it snap while she was waiting, "Ready to go?" he nodded as she helped him get the box out by holding the front door open for him.


The next day went as a normal Saturday routine for most of the Warren family with the exception that Mathew left nearly two hours early telling his sister he had an extra errand to run before work. Taking a slightly altered bus route had Mathew to work on time, with two special jewelry boxes, costing him just under two hundred and ten dollars. Mathew ran though the same jobs as the previous night with the exception of the soccer game party, and the fact they closed the bar at nine pm. Making sure Mathew was able to clean up and be ready to leave by ten. Elroy had insisted that if Mathew was to be at work six am the next day, he had to leave by ten on Saturdays, and he would be waiting to drive Mathew home making sure he had a full eight hours off, and enough sleep.

It had worked wonderfully so far but none had yet taken in to account Amanda, the kit had been fussy and upset when Mathew arrived home and tried to go to sleep, then had the whole house awake before three am, and as life likes to teach its own lessons, only Mathew was able to finally to stop his kits wails by cradling her sometime after four. He had gotten little more sleep before the 5:15 buzz forced him awake again. Mathew took three snooze breaks, skipping everything that morning but a quick wash, dress, and a glass of juice before he meet his half dressed father in the car for a ride to work.

The Spring Grove was already busy by the time the Mathew had arrived he spent the first half hour hauling trays of fruit and hot covered serving pans up and down the back staircase since the champagne brunch was held on the second floor banquet hall. Even before the brunch was officially declared open at seven am, there was a large group that had arrived, Mathew helped with seating and serving drinks before he made several trips back downstairs to make sure the buffet was full when more customers started to show.

For the rest of the morning Mathew started a rotation of clearing and cleaning tables for ten to fifteen minutes, then running up and down the stairs restocking food on the way up while hauling dirty dishes down, then he was back to cleaning tables again. He was barely able to keep up with demand for fresh clean tables. During his one quick break to go desperately to the bathroom, Mathew noticed on his way back to the kitchen that Miranda was leaving in front of him, carrying an over sized, over loaded serving tray. He followed her back to the main dining room, looking around he saw the place was packed, nearly every table was full and even several tables out on the patio were occupied where people were relaxing in the cool yet sunny morning. Mathew went back to work upstairs with all the energy he could, this was the busiest he had ever seen the place so he tried working harder to help out. The entire morning seem to pass by in just over an hour instead of the several it really was, Mathew was surprised when the kitchen cooks said they had no more food to send up. Checking the time he saw it was already after eleven am and the brunch was now officially over.

Mathew trudged back upstairs and scanned the hall trying to figure out where to start. "Mathew can you get the left side window tables next." Robin called while passing by.

"Wait," Brian said stopping both, "Let the kid have a break Robin, he's been running non-stop."

"Oh sorry Mat, go take a break I'll get the tables in a minute." Robin said waving her tail at him while she walked off.

Mathew clomped back down to the break room and sat in a chair, he kicked off his left shoe to ease the painful paw inside. He stretched out his toes curling his paw some, before stretching out his entire body and leaning up against the wall.


"Mathew, Mathew are you alright?" the shaking of his leg had startled him back awake. Miranda's brush tail was lashing behind her as she squatted still shaking his leg.

"Oh gosh! Sorry, I'm so Sorry." Mathew said jumping up looking around for his shoe. "I'm really sorry."

"Mathew wait sit down." Miranda said while standing, "I'm just glad your ok, no one has seen you for a while."

"I'm so sorry Miranda I didn't mean to fall asleep, it wont happen.." Miranda had stop Mathews apology by placing her hands on his shoulders and shoving him back in to the chair.

"Relax!" She told him in a firm voice, "You can clock out in a moment and change your family should be here shortly. Stop!" She said trying to stall more of Mathews apologies. "Everyone here is tired, most likely would fall asleep if they had the chance and none of them has an infant at home, and they sure weren't running up and down the stairs for the entire morning. I am not upset with you, more worried I though maybe you had quit and left because it was to much."

"You though I quit?" Mathew questioned realizing now her seeming anger, and tail lashing was from worry not because she was going to fire him.

"Yes, it definitely would not be the first time, Robin said if you did leave at least you waited till the rush was over not in the middle, although she thought you were here somewhere." Miranda told him while nudging his shoe towards his paw. "Relax, change, clock out, it's about ten to one you family should be here soon, I can't wait to see your daughter." Miranda said stepping out of the room. Mathew shivered and changed, he could not afford to lose this job, especially not get fired, he needed to prove by both actions and words that he was old enough to be considered an adult. Filing for adulthood or sometimes called citizenship was automatic at twenty not hard at eighteen, but at sixteen even with your parents help, it could be difficult, and you had to be a citizen before you could file for a partership permit to get married, that was going to be even harder.

Mathew took his time and only had to wait a few minutes in the lobby before Ellen dashed across the room to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. By the time he had helped his mother out of the car and gotten his daughter and family back in the lobby, half the staff was waiting around to greet them, and then drool over tiny Amanda.

Miranda pulled Mathew back a few steps, "You can take your mom to the patio her chair is waiting."

Both Mathew and Elroy helped Carla to the patio, moving a few chairs out of the way, and got her seated in to the oversized but plush comfy chair, it had only one armrest which allowed for even the heaviest or the roundest, to have a comfortable place to sit. Amanda arrived a few minutes later carried by one of the cooks and followed by Ellen with the cradle.

Miranda shooed most back inside then introduced herself as the waiter for the afternoon. "Well it isn't often you get the owner as a waiter is it?" Carla asked.

"Only because I would like to thank all of you and Mathew, he has done such an excellent job, I would like to thank you for allowing him to work here, and it's and honor to meet all of you." Miranda shook both parents hands and gave a small hug to Ellen. Mathew turned around to check on his kit, Robin who was now off was holding Amanda, the vixen was using her tail tip to amuse the infant cub. "Mathew," Miranda's voice brought him back forward, "we have excellent cub sitting skills, please just relax and enjoy your meal." Miranda took drink orders then passed them along.

When the drinks were served, Elroy asked about a menu. "You may of course have a menu, but the cooks would like to serve you lunches specially made, you will have extra plates and can taste all the dishes." Miranda told them.

"We will take the specials." Carla replied. "Of Course." Elroy agreed.

The food was served with in minutes, with several extra servers who stayed to admire the little kit, a few stayed long enough to hold Amanda for just a minute. Mathew looked at the table then at Miranda when he recognized the dish, she winked at him before leaving the table telling them to enjoy themselves and the meal. Mathew began chuckling the meal was an upgraded 'double date special' normally the Grove would serve two large steaks for each couple to share and sides on the main plate for each. This was one big steak and on the second plate was two large fish fillets and two grilled breasts, each personal plate holding a generous helping of veggies and garlic sauce potato slices.

That wasn't what had Mathew chuckling, "It's nothing," he told his family when they looked at him, "I'm just happy that's all." but it was more than that, the way the table was served Mathew and his mother, then Ellen and their father were the dating couples, each with the main entree between them.

"Oh this smells just delicious." Carla exclaimed with a long 'mmmmm' with her first bite. The family shared and began eating, talking of simple things and remembering fond times, after everyone had a sample of each item and Miranda was returning their compliments to the cooks, Mathew decided to speak on a more specific matter.

"I was planning on getting the citizenship paperwork next week, you will both sign right?" Mouths full both his parents just nodded. "So if you both agree, then do you mind if I pick up and application for partnership?" Carla choked for a moment as Mathew finished speaking.

To try to stop any arguments Elroy said, "You can of course pick up any paperwork you want, but there will be some serious discussions later, on any extra paperwork you bring home." Carla had taken a drink and was just watching her son.

"You know I love her right?" Mathew asked his mother.

"All I'm going to say now Mathew is that it's a very big step, I'm not even sure you can find a magistrate who would accept an application from you." Carla told her son.

"If I might ask," Miranda said returning, "an application for what? I'd be more than willing to help with his adulthood papers if you need some help."

"No a partnership application." Mathew answered.

Miranda pulled a chair across and sat down. "Having a kitten is one thing Mathew but partnership, getting married, you would be better off just filing for a mated status."

Mathew sighed, but continued "Either way I supposed, I should get this over with." Mathew pulled out the smaller square jewelry box from under the table and pushed it across the table to his mother. "I want to really thank you mom for all you've done, even when you screamed and yelled it only makes me fight that much harder for what I want." Carla was only half listening to her son as she open the box with her husband looking over her shoulder. Inside were a small set of gold clipon earrings set with small emeralds at the center of the gold teardrop shape. Carla had never pierced her ears nor really ever wore any earrings, but these were stunningly bright in the afternoon sun. She turned the box so Elroy could see better, he nearly snatched the box from her hands, he pulled out the cardboard fold and removed the earring, clipping it near the top of the ear before repeating on the other ear.

"We owe you a favor you said." Carla twitched each ear as her son spoke the emeralds with in glittered nearly matching the color of her eyes, "you and dad pick a time and place to use those, Ellen and I will watch the kits." Carla was some what stunned by the gift and the offer, it wasn't even close to what she had been hoping to get out of her kids, but it would more than make up for having to listen to them that morning. Carla nodded showing she accepted the offer and Elroy smart man that he was, turned his wifes head and kissed her, telling her how beautiful she was.

"And now..." Mathew said pausing before pulling a longer box from under the table, "time for the real gift." Mathew turned towards Ellen and opened the slender box. Ellen's gasp was all that Mathew could hope for in a reaction. "I love you Elly with all my heart and soul. You make my life wonderful." He said reaching out to stroke her muzzle gently. Ellen's eyes were brimming with water, her cheeks nearly tearing apart with her smile.

"Oh, Mat," she breath out. Mathew watched his sister fumble to remove the necklace from the box, the pendant a thick outlined heart of gold, holding three small diamonds running down the left side, glittering when she finally removed it from the box. Mathew stood up leaning over Ellen taking the necklace and attaching it around her neck, Ellen couldn't let go of the pendant holding it at the end of her muzzle staring, as her brother sat back down.

"I got it yesterday, I really hope it's what you want. Do you like it?" Mathew asked

"Mat it's... it's beautiful." Ellen said getting up and dropping herself in his lap, she hugged her brother while snuggling her muzzle against his shirt.

"Ellen!" Carla hissed, "Get back in you seat, were in public!"

"Mom," Mathew held out a paw to his mother, she stared watching it as he beconded to her trying to get her paw, slowly she held out her own paw allowing him to grasp hers. "Let her have a minute, how well did you react the first time someone got you jewelry and said they loved you." Carla tried giving a quick glance around to see who might be watching.

Ellen mumbled only loud enough for her brother to hear, "I love you Mat, I will be by your side and always be ready to help you." she muzzled his chest again giving an extra squeeze around his middle.

Mathew looked around copying his mothers action, "You see Miranda," Mathew said nodding over his sisters head to where Robin was sitting, the vixen jaw was hanging like it had been dislocated.

"Robin" Miranda's voice brought her back from the slack jawed shocked expression, "your supposed to be watching Amanda."

Robin closed her mouth, then wrinkling her nose she said "She needs a change."

"Well I will handle that." Miranda said standing.

"Wait a moment," Mathew told her as he started easing his sister up, Ellen raised her head and locked muzzles with her brother forcing her tounge inside his mouth.

"Ellen!" Carla hissed again, Mathew gave a moment before breaking the kiss.

"Can you go to your seat?" Mathew asked his sister, he watched her every move as Ellen turned batting her tail on his chest then, she bent forward moving her chair back giving her ass a small shake before she turned around to sit.

"Honestly Ellen, were in public, Eating!" Carla scolded her daughter.

Mathew snapped his fingers drawing attention back to Robin where his finger was pointing. "That's why I want to be married. Not just some mated status where most are going to wonder about us. There should be no surprise, I love my sister, I don't want to hide it," and turning to his mother, "as far as the publics concerned I've seen far worse displays here." Mathew took a slow breath, before turning to look at Miranda, "She makes my heart fly when she is in my arms, do you really want to tell me I shouldn't bother trying?"

Miranda laid her hand on his shoulder. "It would be foolish to stop you from trying. But you have to realize it would be much easier with an agreement than a partnership, but if your set on trying I'll help if I can just," she squeezed his shoulder, "don't be to upset if you fail." Mathew nodded as Miranda stepped away.

"The pack is in the cradle." Ellen said reaching over to slide the cradle closer, then handing the pack over.

"I would like all of you to continue enjoying you meal we will be back in a few minutes." Miranda said before gesturing Robin to go in front of her.

Elroy watched as Carla's black tail slapped several times against the back of the one armed chair. "Carla." he said stroking her arm trying to calm her some, "Let's eat it's a meal to enjoy, we can leave the rest till later." Carla stilled her tail and smiled patting her husbands arm. She watched as her children cast glances back and forth twice sharing food of each others forks before she asked them to stop. She was having a hard time eating now, her son had once again played a little game which was sure to change everything again. Carla felt her ears twitch and was reminded by the slight extra weight. Mathew had all but promised her not one but possibly many many nights to be with her husband, and if he gained adulthood she wouldn't even have to worry about legal responsibilities of leaving a new born kit at home unattended.

"Ellen, Mathew, I will ask one more time, your in public stop." Both teens had on there best innocent looks. "Do I have to actually have to look under the table or will you two stop." Carla said. Mathew expression hadn't changed, but Ellen looked guilty now as she shifted in her chair straightening up.

Carla was glad when her husband helped out. "I want both of you to behave," Elroy said, but he continued, spoiling it for Carla by adding, "things like that can wait till your home."

Carla watched her kids closely while they behaved, she could not deny the fact that they were truly in love with each other, she had wondered several times what would happen if they ended up separated, they would likely be devastated, and maybe she though that was what would hold them together. Marriage was a life long commitment, if one died the other was never allowed to remarry, alone without your partner for the rest of you life, Carla tried imagining for a moment life without Elroy. The past two years had been full of joys, pain, and a damn lot of work from both of there jobs as well as home. But as a couple Carla and Elroy now were close to being exactly where they wanted, well maybe minus her kids entanglement, they had excellent well paying jobs and a good home, she even now had another little kit on the way. Carla realized how proud she felt working there way from a small trailer home nearly twenty years ago to where she was in life now. She looked at Mathew, where would he be in twenty years, she had to acknowledge he could be just about anywhere and he would keep Ellen at his side where ever life took them, a good possible partner.

"Carla you not eating," Elroy nudged her.

"It's fine am not very hungry now." Carla answered, her entire family was staring at her now. "No really it is fine, wonderfully good food but I've had enough." Miranda was returning with Amanda and a small group of woman in tow, among bubbling conversation of beautiful and adorable, one small canine walked straight to the table saying, "You kit is so precious she..." the dog had stopped dead seeing Carla, full term pregnant.

Ellen stood up, "Thank you." the lady looked towards Ellen

"Oh, I'm so sorry, these things happen you know but you have a beautiful kit." The canine said consolingly.

"Mathew!" Elroy near barked, "Stay seated."

The group had now reached the table and Mathew stopped standing, placing his but back in the chair, while Ellen took back her kit and stood at her brothers side. To say silence is awkward is not very true, an entire situation where people don't have a clue what to say is awkward. The surprise was Carla, she was the one to defend her children and end the problem. "They made their own decisions and now live with them. The fact they are both happy is a good thing especially for the kit. But we are still having a family meal, Ellen sit down please, and Miranda do you have something chocolate? I'd love some dessert."

"I have just the thing." Miranda said, watching as the small group of woman backed off. "I will return shortly." she said as she left.

Ellen sat down holding Amanda as Mathew said, "You should breast feed her here, it's a family meal."

"Mathew don't go looking for trouble," Elroy told his son, "you need to allow for other people, and the fact they might not accept the two of you."

Mathew looked at both parents for a moment. "They don't really matter, irritating as they can be, only you two matter and Ellen."

"I hope I matter," Miranda said as she walked back to their table, "I am sorry about that."

Mathew grinned at Miranda, "Any friend I have matters a great deal."

Miranda had pulled a chair next to Ellen. "May I?" she asked. Ellen passed over Amanda and they watched as the female squirrel gently cradled the tiny cub, lightly churring and gently puffing a light breath in to the kits face.

"You look like you want a cub of your own." Carla told her as the family continued watching the squirrel for several minutes.

"I would, to bad I can never have any." Miranda admitted, "I could cubsit but the restaurant requires a good deal of my time. I enjoy moments like today where I can spend a little time with a customers cub."

As four large chocolate cake slices were delivered to the table, Miranda sat back spending a little moment with a private dream, while the Warrens devoured their dessert.

In a short time all the leftovers had been packed, goodbyes were said after Miranda had refused any payment or tips stating that it was a thank you for bringing the entire family. After the family was then packed in to the car and driving home Carla spoke to Mathew and the rest. "Mathew you want us to help you get married, I can't, won't unless you can truly promise me one thing." Mathew stayed silent hoping to be able to give his mother what ever she wanted. "You two have mentioned a couple of times about promises you made, what are they?"

The sibling looked at each other then answered "Personal" Mathew said while Ellen answered "Private"

"I see, so are you able to make me a promise Mathew one which I expect you never to break." Carla said.

Mathew paused for a moment, "I told you Ellen is first as long as it doesn't interfere with that, then yes."

"The promise is about Ellen," Carla informed him, "I want your word, no matter what happens, marriage is for life," she stressed the word, "you have to take care of her even if you don't want to anymore."

"Like that would ever happen." Mathew told his mother.

"Mathew just listen and don't talk." Carla told him, "You can never remarry, nor will Ellen be able to, even if you or her fall in love with someone else, I want you promise, even if you end up hating your sister, no matter what, you will care for her for the rest of your life." Carla turned her round form enough to look at her son in the back seat. "Don't say anything now. But if you want our help, you need to make a promise we can both believe before I will allow anyone to help you." The rest of the ride home was short and quiet.


Mathew felt confident he could show his parents that he would never abandon Ellen, he just needed to figure out the best way. The family had been home for an hour of so when Mathew saw his first chance, Carla was leaning back in to the couch trying to find a comfortable spot, he knew his sister was in the nursery but was unsure where his father was. Deciding to start anyway Mathew sat down on the carpet in front of his mother and removed her shoes, Carla kept silent trying to guess what it was her son was up to. Mathew lifted her paw on to his knee and began kneading the pad and massaging the toes, after several minutes he gently placed the paw down and switched feet starting in on the other paw.

Elroy who had been watching for a moment walked around and sat on the couch next to his wife. When Mathew finished with the paw he moved upwards rubbing with his paws and fingers in to her lower leg, upon reaching her knee he stopped and again switched back to the first foot starting again at Carla's ankle and moving up. Mathew kept going till again he reached his mothers knee, then he gave a wicked little grin gently stroking the fabric of her skirt against her thigh. "Want me to continue?" Mathew asked

"That would be my job." Elroy said removing his son's paw from between his wife's legs.

"Dad a moment." Mathew said turning serious, "Would you tell the truth mom, does it feel good? Would you like it to continue? We won't.. but just answer." Carla sighed and nodded her head. "Well I want to continue too, but I would give all of that up. I would never touch you again, if it ment you would help me with Ellen. I don't understand why you want me to promise that, you have to see what she means to me. But if that is what you want.... Mom I swear, I will never leave my sister no matter what, there is nothing you or anyone else could do to stop that. There is only one who could separate us, Ellen, if she told me she hated me, if she told me to go and never be near her again, and she truly ment it, than I would." Mathew sat staring at his mother, waiting to see how she would answer.

"It would never happen." Ellen's voice came across the room, "I love him and even if something horrible happened, he is my brother!" She said while walking across the room to kneel behind Mathew hugging him, "I could never hate you, and I could never ask you to leave."

Carla watched the young teens waiting for her approval, Mathew had gone back to gently stroking her leg. Carla seriously considered for a moment trying to demand that Mathew never touch her again in agreement for her help. She realized this was the moment where she could regain some power with in the household reshaping the family some to what she believed it should be. "Alright I believe you." Carla heard herself answer, shuddering as his finger traced a few inches past her knee before drawing away.

Ellen squealed dragging her brother to the carpet and smothering him with a passionate kiss, Mathew's paws roamed till one found her crotch and roughly pawed and rubbed the fabric. Ellen moaned and crawled up on to her brother grinding there privates together as she hugged him, sucking hard on his tounge in her mouth.

"That is enough." Carla told her kids.

Ellen empowered by the fact Mathew now had their parents willing to help them get married, she couldn't resist asking on her own. "Mom you can join us, I would like it if you did." Carla sat wide eyed at her daughters suggestion, she open her mouth to try to reply/deny but nothing came out. Ellen was blushing inner ears and cheeks red under thin fur, she looked back at her brother trying to ignore her mothers look, she mumbled barely loud enough to hear, "I would like it if you to teach Mathew how to lick."

"Ellen you.." Carla lost her voice again trying to process what was happening before her, now somehow her daughter was trying to entice her.

"Elly up please." Mathew said, he sat up as his sister rolled over next to him. "I know your not ready yet mom." Mathew spoke to his mother, "and until after you kit, dad is probably more than enough." Mathew pointed at Elroy's crotch which was now bulging outwards. After Mathew stood up he offered a paw to help his sister stand, he looked back at his mother, "She asked me that days ago, she wants you to teach me since dad doesn't lick."

"He doesn't?" Carla looked questioningly at her husband surprised, she had gotten over the shock of where the conversation had lead and was now wondering why the kids would think that.

"Well we haven't, it was just." Elroy stammered under his wifes gaze lost at how the subject had changed and now he was trying to explain what had happened.

"You both need time, maybe you want to talk together, but I want to play." Ellen said giggling at her parents open mouths while dragging at her brothers paw, leading him toward their room.

Mathew stopped long enough to tell his parents, "Remember none of them matter," he said pointing out the window, "only we do. What we want, or what we don't want, only us." he turned squeezing his sister ass as she giggled running off down the hall ahead of him.

"What did we do?" Elroy asked his wife, stunned by both the conversation and the display that had just passed, "What on earth are we going to do?"

"Nothing." Carla answered him, Elroy was now having trouble with what his wife was telling him, Carla leaned in to her husband laying a paw on the bulge in his pants. "I won't say it's right, but if we do truly 'matter' to each other, each of us loving the other, is it really a bad thing?"


Mathew pounced on his sister when she reached the bed, knocking her down on to the blankets, he growled roughly and nipped at her shoulder, while she giggled and twisted under him. Mathew got enough leverage with a paw on the footboard and shoved both of them up the mattress rolling his sister on top hugging her back to his chest. "You were perfect El, truly perfect." Mathew purred under her squeezing her tight. Ellen relaxed in his arms allowing his rumble to lightly vibrate her body, she let out a deep satisfied sigh hugging the arms wrapped around her waist.

"We can really get married?" Ellen had to ask and needed to hear the answer.

"I promised you El." Mathew said rolling both on to their sides, "No matter what I'll find a way."

Ellen snuggled against her brothers chest glowing warmly from the answer. "Hey Mat," Ellen said, 'hnnn' he replied nuzzling her neck. "I kinda have to go to the bathroom."

Mathew released her both standing up on each side of the bed, "I kinda have to go as well." he told her. They met at the end of the bed, Mathew following his sister to the door. Mathew stopped just in time not to run his sister over, both siblings coming to a dead stop in the doorway, at the opposite end of the hall Carla and Elroy were breaking a heated embrace, Carla trying to wriggle her paw out of Elroy's pants. Both teens quietly watched their parents separate, Elroy and Carla were often intimate but always in the privacy of there own bedroom, this was the first time besides the first night of Carla's heat that the kids had seen there parents together beyond a simple hug and kiss on the cheek.

"We were just going to use the bathroom." Ellen said slipping down the hall, she motioned for Mathew to follow but he stopped at the door waving her in.

"I'll go next," he said as Ellen closed the door. "I'm sorry we interrupted you." Mathew told his parents.

"It's fine." Elroy said a bit embarrassed by getting caught in the hallway.

"Carla watched her son watch the two of them. "What are you thinking Mathew?" Carla asked, pausing before adding, "thinking about switching partners?"

"No." Mathew said.

"What are you thinking?" Carla persisted.

"Honestly?" Mathew asked, watching his mother nod he answered, "I was thinking if I would be able to watch you two have sex." Mathew watched his mother trying to gauge her reaction, but this time it seemed she gave nothing away, her near still tail, gently leaning on her husband, and thoughtful look like she was considering his request.

"You want to watch? Then join in?" Carla said slowly, Mathew shook his head, "Elroy that hurts," She told her husband placing a paw against his which had been crushing her forearm.

"Mom?" Mathew said questioningly, "are you, did you," Mathew fumbled for the words to ask his mother what was going on, as his mother finally cracked a huge smile, seeing it Mathew sighed, "You weren't at all serious." Mathew said turning as his sister opened the bathroom door.

"You think I wasn't serious?" Carla's voice stopped him cold. "I was just happy to finally see you flustered." Ellen stepped out of the bathroom far enough to look at her parents and be near Mathew. "Rule One: Do Not enter our bedroom if the door is closed or locked, is that understood?" Ellen grabbed her brothers arm as both siblings nodded. "Rule Two: You will not touch someone else with out their permission, I don't care who's bed your on, if someone says no you stop." Both children nodded again making sure to acknowledge their mother.

Ellen spoke up, "So if dad asks me now, it's ok?" Carla nudged her husband as she nodded, Elroy's mouth had hung open for the entire exchange, he stared at his wife like she had just sprouted extra arms and was doing some exotic pregnant belly dance.

"Are you sure?" he stammered at his wife, mind running wild with possibilities and trying to hide each one from his wife, while his member throbbed, unsure if she was really being serious.

Mathew turned and kissed his sister deeply, this day was turning in to one of the best ever, so much he had worked and worried over was finally coming together. Carla said, "Why don't you two go play, your father and I still have some talking to do, Also." she said as both turned to move, "I expect clothes on outside your bedroom still, and that you behave in public."

"And after we're married?" Mathew had to ask.

"We will talk about that later, your on your own for dinner, just remember don't forget Amanda you had better not tire yourselves out." Carla told her kids. Mathew and Ellen stared at each other for a moment before switching places, Mathew closing the bathroom door behind him.

It was a few minutes before Mathew had returned to his bedroom to find his sister/mate on the bed naked swaying her tail and ass at the door as he entered. Mathew shed pants, shirt, and underwear in the few steps it took him to reach his bed. Mathew used the footboard to launch himself to the bed landing on top of his sister growling, he grabbed one arm pulling it to her side and forcing her head to the mattress. Ellen flicked her tail to the side as he used a paw to line up with her folds and shove in full to the sheathe. Mathew was still growling, searching out both her paws and taking them in his, as he started thrusting he worked to cross both her arms over her chest, before he leaned forward pressing her upper half to the bed and began hammering at her folds. Mathew was far to excited and worked up to last long, he let go of her paws opting for her hips, slapping his crotch against her rear before forcing himself in as far as he could and ejaculated deep inside his sister, groaning out with his release.

Ellen felt it as he laid all his weight against her rump and back, she wiggled her arms and worked her paws under herself lifting both of them back up and supporting both of their weight. Ellen waited several minutes feeling her brother soften inside, she arched her back lifting her brother up just a few inches, "Your not going to just lay there are you?" she asked.

Mathew's paws sprang to life caressing the body beneath him, while purring at her neck. Mathew rolled his sister on to her side while climbing off the bed. She giggled as he grabbed her legs and dragged sideways till her legs were hanging off the side of the bed. He leaned over Ellen gently kissing her nose and lips, "Time for some practice." He told her, slowly kissing down her neck and body.

"Mmmmm yes please." Ellen responded spreading her legs wide while her brother knelt down, his muzzle tip was barely and inch from her folds blowing a hot breath across the sensitive skin. "Please Mat." She begged, Her brother gave her what she wanted a nice long lick from the bottom of her vulva all the way to the top. Mathew tasted her juices and a bit of his own musky seed as he continued long slow licks against her folds. Ellen raised her legs resting them against his shoulders pulling him forward slightly with her legs on his back, trying to encourage him to dig in. Mathew worked his tounge under her hood and circled her clitoris a few times making her moan out and drool a mixture of their fluids against his chin.

"More Mat." Ellen gasped as Mathew had already moved on, driving his flexible organ inside wiggling it back and forth as he slowly pressed in to her tunnel. Mathew took several minutes lapping at every side and in every direction he could think of, realizing she always gasped or moaned louder when he was pushing his tounge up and driving in. Mathew concentrated forcing his tounge in as deep as possible keeping it pressed to the top of her tunnel, he found a slightly firmer seeming spot and worked across it several times while his muzzle pressed firmly against her clit. That was to much for Ellen, she grabbed a pillow, screeching out her climax, while pressing the pillow to her face. She clamped her brothers head in her legs forcing his muzzle to say against her, as he struggled to free his tounge and try to swallow the juices that she had sprayed into his muzzle. Even minutes later when Ellen came down from her climax the siblings were still struggling, Mathew now trying to free his head, while she squeezed trying to keep him at her hole. Tired Ellen finally gave in releasing her hold on her brother and the pillow, closing her eyes and panting. Mathew though was still working between her legs, he had her tail and was rubbing the top and tip across her folds, thoroughly soaking it. Ellen squeaked as moaned out as she felt her lips spread by his paw and her own tail slip inside. Mathew worked till he had more than a pawlenght of tail inside, before he reached up and tweaked her clit. Ellen moaned and rocked as she tried flicking her trapped tail, riding the slow waves of pleasure, as her brother stood up watching his work.

Mathew leaned over the bed giving his sister a kiss. Ellen looked up at him as he leaned over her, "Did I do better?" he asked. "Much better" she gasped as her tail twitched again, "still not as good as mom though." Mathew grinned and kissed her nose before standing up.

"I'll be back." Mathew said, Ellen tried, straining to sit up, "Relax, I'm just going to check on Amanda and do a few things I'll be back soon." Mathew watch his sister flop back on to the bed, then slipped out down the hallway pausing for a moment to listen at his parents door hearing a grunt and several low moans that reached past the closed door. He stopped when he reached the middle of the living room looking over at the windows, there was only one small spot where he could have been seen from the street, and even though there was no one standing on the porch Mathew covered his erection and rushed to draw the curtains. Neither his parents nor himself would have friends come over with out calling but, remembering last Sunday, several of Ellen's friends from school had shown up hoping to see a newborn kit. They had not stayed long after seeing Ellen sleep deprived on the couch, nearly in tears because she needed help to get up and greet her friends.

Somehow feeling safe now Mathew went to the kitchen looking for the leftovers from lunch. He sliced the left over fish and chicken, and then left over veggies in to small pieces which he put onto a large plate, he searched the fridge for some cheese and pulled out an an apple to slice. Using most of the family's cheese and a second large apple Mathew had a chopped it all up, and heaped the plate with more than the two sibling could eat, looking at the pile Mathew made a decision and pulled down a second plate and split the food between the two plates. He pulled out a folding tray between the dishwasher and the wall and set it up placing both plates on top before making his way back to the hallway and leaving the tray and all the food outside his parents door before heading for the nursery.

Mathew checked on Amanda and once again had to resist the urge to pick up and cradle his daughter. He had a hard time understanding how often he wanted to do nothing more than hold the kit he had helped create, he was drawn to her each time he caught a glimpse of her fur. He settled for gently rubbing her ears since she was still sleeping and he didn't want to punish himself by waking her. Mathew glanced at the other crib wondering how much things would change when it was full too. Leaving his musing Mathew yawned and stretched, leaving the nursery to retrieve his plate of food.

Mathew knocked twice heavily on his parents door before moving back to his room not bothering to wait and see if they answered. Ellen was sprawled on the bed knees and a soak tail hanging off the side. "Enjoy yourself?" Mathew asked watching as she still panted on the bed. He walked around the bed and sat down waiting till she recovered enough, when she was he fed her bites of fish and cheese while she watched his every move. The finished the meal together and as Mathew went to place the plate on the dresser Ellen moved up waiting for him to lay down. Mathew crawled in and snuggled next to his sister stroking her chest as she scritched his ears. With in moments Mathew had feel asleep gently snoozing against his sisters side.

"Hey! Mathew come on wake up," Ellen said, Mathew startled awake, "your gonna sleep?"

"I'm sorry Elly I'm tired its been a long day," he said snuggling back against her side.

"Yes but I was up this morning too remember." She gently nudged his back.

"You didn't work, it was awful today. We had so many people and I had to constantly run up and down the stairs, even the regular dining room was full the whole morning, everyone was working hard..." Mathew was explaining to his sister about his job that day, only he had barely mumble out more than the first few words before he slipped off in to a dream, trying to convince his sister how hard he had worked and how tired he was. Ellen had readied herself to give him a shove over when her paw caught against the necklace she had forgotten to remove, she reached up to find the pendant and when she couldn't, sat up scrambling to find the catch and remove the necklace. The pendant was fine having slipped behind her neck, Ellen watched as the heart swayed gently back and forth remembering the afternoon and how her heart had lept when he showed her the gift. Ellen put the necklace on the night stand leaning over Mathew to do it, on the way back she kissed his forehead and snuggled in close. He was everything she needed and holding him close more than enough, besides he had the day off tomorrow!

Mathews Plans: Chapter 2 Entertaining the parents

Mathew's Plans Chapter two: Entertaining the parents Full version Carla arrived home at dusk nearly 7pm, as she turned in to the driveway she noticed none of the house lights were on. Grumbling to herself, Mathew obviously had not started any...

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Dreamer's Paradise: The begining

"TSG 8: TN 7 step forward." A simple formed light yellow cat stepped forward to the desk. "Please register your name." The white functionary firmly stated. "Nathaniel." The yellow cat said. "Negative." the white humanoid functionary behind the desk...

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Mathews Plans: Chapter 3 Traps, Favors, and Deals: Part 1

Amanda After a 8:10am wakeup call and hospital rush was born 2:16 pm at 4 lbs, 10 ounces mostly white with blended black brown stripes, also having a black bum its color running half way up the tail Mathew delicatly brushed the eartips of the tiny...

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