Getting Tamed. Chapter 4.

Story by Quasim on SoFurry

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#4 of Getting Tamed

Warning: Do not read this story unless you are over the age of 18. If you do so, don't let your parents walk in on you, ok?

Thats right, it's chapter 4!


James smirked as he pulled his speedo down, leaving himself naked in front of his new pet. He arched his back and stretched, his paws reaching for the ceiling, making sure his pet got a good view of his massive sheath and heavy sac.

Jason felt his tail tucking between his legs, ears folding down flat against his skull. It wasn't the fact that he didn't love the sight of his master's huge sheath. He was scared when he thought about getting what was in it shoved in him! The biggest thing he'd had up his tail was two of his fingers while he was showering...

James raised a brow and got down on one knee in front of his pet, reaching to stroke his cheek with his right paw. "What the matter, puppy? You're tail is between your legs." He said, leaning in and kissing his pet on his chin.

Jason blushed and wrapped his arms around his master's neck, whimpering softly. "I'm scared, master. I don't know if I can take you..." He whimpered, burying his face in his master's neck and seeming at the verge of crying.

James smiled and wrapped his left arm around his pet. "Oh, you're afraid master might be too big for you, is that it?" He asked, sighing softly as he felt his pet nodding. "Don't worry about it, pup. If you can't take me the first time, there are ways to make it less painful! We just have to stretch you a little." He said, hugging his pet close.

Usually, James was a heartless master. He had owned pets before, but it always turned out bad and he sold them off. There was just something with this pup that made him want to cuddle and spoil him. He was so innocent...

Jason perked his ears and pulled away from his master's shoulder, looking him in his deep. steel blue eyes. "I... I know... But I want to take you as a virgin..." He said, whining softly at him.

James smiled and kissed his pet's cheek. "Such a sweet pup, thinking about master... Well, we can just use a lot of lube. And if you can't take it, we'll stretch first." He said, smiling warmly at his pet.

Jason's tail wagged slowly behind him as he placed a kiss on his master's chin, a smile starting to spread across his lips. "Hey, master... can you fuck me right now?" He asked, making a puppyish pouting face.

James chuckled at the face his slave was making and shook his head. "Puppy, puppy... Master needs his cock cleaned first..." He said, grabbing the leash attached to Jason's collar and leading him towards the big bed, sitting down on the edge with Jason in front of him. "On your knees, pet." He ordered, his cock throbbing slightly inside it's sheath.

Jason giggled as he was lead over to the bed and obediently got on his knees between his master's legs. "Yes master..." He said as he leaned forward and sniffed deeply. His own ten inch long, three inch wide cock sliding out of his sheath as he took in his master's musky scent. This was the closest he'd been to an actual sheath in his life, and he liked it...

The thick, muscular scent. The huge set of balls in his master's sac. The way he was dominated and ordered around... He always thought he was a dominant husky, but was starting to have second thoughts about it now...

James grinned as he placed a paw at the back of his pet's head, pulling him closer to his sheath. "Mmm... Be a good boy and clean master's sheath first..." He said, putting his other paw on the bed behind him to keep himself steady, still holding his pet's leash in it.

Jason opened his muzzle slightly and slid his tongue out, instantly starting to lick at his master's sheath, licking from the top of the thing and down to his heavy sac. Jason had never done this to a real sheath, but the sounds coming from his master let him know he was doing a good job.

James purred deeply and tightened his grip on his pet's head, pressing his pet's muzzle against his sheath, which contained his huge, throbbing lion meat. All the attention his groin was getting started to stir a feeling deep in him... arousal, and the need to mate... But, he was gonna wait, at least until the pup got a good taste of him...

Jason whimpered softly, leaning up to sniff into the hole of his master's sheath. It was big enough for him to stick the tip of his muzzle in, and he did. He slowly slid the tip of his muzzle into his master's sheath, licking eagerly at the tip of his sheathed cock. The taste was... strange, but he loved it! He wanted more, and started licking faster, his tongue grinding and sliding across the head of his master's cock.

James tilted his head up and let out a soft moan as he felt his cock starting to grow within his sheath, but was blocked by his pet's muzzle. The feeling of his pet licking his cock while sheathed was new. It turned him on, and it felt like heaven as his cock pressed against his pet's lips and eager tongue.

Jason's eyes widened a bit as the huge fourteen inch long, four inch wide member hardened and pressed against his lips, opening his muzzle and letting his master's cock grow longer and thicker, taking the head of the cock into his muzzle as it grew.

James shivered with pleasure as his cock went straight from his sheath and into his pet's muzzle, pulling his head down rougher to shove his meat down his pet's throat. He knew he couldn't take much, but he was gonna make his pet take every inch he could.

Jason let out a muffled whimper around the cock as it poked the top of his throat. His natural instincts were telling him to pull off, but that strong paw held him there, forcing him to swallow the meat in fear of choking. And yet, he wasn't scared. He was sure that the lion wouldn't to harm him... He trusted him...

James let out a loud groan and let go of his pet's head, letting him pull off if he needed to. Though, he purred deeply as his pet didn't pull off, but didn't take any more in either. Only the head of his cock had gotten in, but that was more than enough for the horny lion.

Jason felt a bit of sweat starting to build in the fur on his forehead. He couldn't take any more of the huge member into his muzzle, so he figured he'd settle with what he could take and started grinding his tongue against his master's slit, wanting to hear him moan... Needing to hear him moan...

James bit his lower lip and muffled a moan as he grabbed the back of his slave's head again, slowly pulling his member out and shoving it back in. He was gonna face-fuck his pet, and give him a nice, big load. Probably his first too... which just made it all the better...

Jason's tail was wagging furiously behind him, his own cock rock hard and dripping pre.. This was actually happening! He was sucking someone off, and was gonna get a load down his throat! Only problem was that he'd never been face-fucked, and the meat was so thick! He choked a bit, but got used to the thrusting after a few of them, taking his master's humps with ease. He reached his paws to grab a hold of each of his master's nuts, both of them almost too big to fir in his paws. He carefully started rubbing them, and grinding them against each other.

He was gonna make sure he earned the lion's load...

James snarled a bit, his feral side taking control as he picked up pace, letting out loud, pleasure filled moans as he felt his pet playing with his sensitive nuts, fucking his pet's throat deeper and rougher. He tilted his head up and snarled up at the roof, his load of thick cum building up in his balls and slowly making it's way up his shaft, threatening to blow right away. Then he pulled his pet off his shaft and grabbed his own meat, jerking himself off furiously.

Jason whimpered loudly as he was pulled off that huge shaft, then licked his lips and grinned as he saw his master jerking off right in front of his face, letting go of his nuts and giving them a light slap as the skin of his master's sac tightened around them. He folded his ears down and giggled, licking his lips.

James snarled a bit louder as his balls got slapped. It didn't hurt, but sent a jolt of pleasure through him. "Open wide, puppy." He grunted as he tensed every muscle in his body, his load of lion-cum shot out of his cock and painted his pet's face. He tried to aim for his pet's mouth, but most of his ropes landed between his eyes or on top of his muzzle, some staining his cheeks too.

Jason closed his eyes and opened his mouth widely, wagging his tail as he felt the ropes of cum cover his face. He kept his mouth open until he couldn't feel any more ropes landing on his face, having gotten a good mouthful of the hot lion-cum. He close his mouth and swallowed. It tasted way better than he expected! His first taste of cum... He didn't imagine this was how he was gonna get it, but he was actually starting to like the idea of being this lion's pet, and let him do everything to him...

Jason didn't just like being there... He never wanted to leave...

As James calmed down from his climax, he panted softly and smiled down at his pet, who had his face covered in cum, yet only seemed eager for more. "Damn, you're really energetic, aren't you?" He asked, smiling down at his pet.

Jason smiled and nodded, perking his ears up. "Master... I need to release..." He said, only now feeling how badly he needed to cum. He looked up at his master and made his puppy eyes at him, whining like a real puppy would.

James scratched his chin and smirked. "If you really need it that bad, then you have permission to hump your master's leg, my sweet little puppy..." He said, grinning down at his pet. He'd never had someone cum on his leg, and wanted to try it out...

Jason blushed a bit, but then giggled and grabbed a hold of his master's right ankle, pulling himself closer to straddle his leg and slowly rub his pre-dripping meat against it. He closed his eyes and murred deeply, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he pleasured himself with his master's leg.

James chuckled at the feeling of his pet's meat against his leg. It felt strange, but was extremely arousing, feeling the husky's big meat rubbing all over his leg. He reached over and scratched his pet's head, smiling down at him. By the looks of it, he was winning his pet over, and his pet was liking it! All the other pet's he had owned were rebellious and defiant about being owned, but this one... this one wanted it...

Jason tilted his head up and moaned loudly, his load quickly working it's way up his throbbing cock. He clinged extra tightly to his master's leg and rubbed his cock as hard as he could against it. After a few more humps, his load was shoot out over his master's leg, painting it white with his thick seed. He let out soft moans all through his orgasm, his cum running down his master's leg, matting down the fur on it and making a small puddle on the floor around his footpaw.

James grinned and leaned down, kissing his pet gently on the lips as he rode out his orgasm grabbing the back of his head and pressing into the kiss a bit. It had been too long since he got his tongue into anyone else's muzzle.

Jason opened his eyes widely as his master suddenly kissed him, slowly parting his lips and moaning softly. His first real kiss. It seemed there was gonna be a lot of "First Time" tonight... and he was scared shitless about the next one...

James purred deeply as he shoved his tongue between his pet's lips and invaded his muzzle. His tongue was eagerly exploring every inch if his pet's muzzle, sliding over the roof of his mouth and carefully running along his row of sharp canines, massaging his tongue with his own.

Jason let out soft moans into his master's muzzle, still gently humping his master's legs. It just felt so good, having that soft fur brush along his sensitive meat, even with the slowly drying and stiffening cum on it.

After a few moments of suckling and tongue wrestling with his pet, James pulled his tongue out and smirked a bit. "You ready to take master's cock in that tight ass?" He asked, giving his pet another quick kiss on the lips. It didn't seem like he even cared that his leg was covered in husky-cum.

Jason shook his head a bit, almost dozing off, enjoying the kiss a bit too much. He wagged his tail a bit and nodded, licking his lips to make sure no cum or saliva was still there. "I think so, master. But we need lube. Do you have a bottle?"

James patted his pet's head and quickly unhooked the leash from his collar, standing up and walking over to a black drawer next to the TV. He searched through it for a while, then fished out a bottle of extra slick lubricant. "Only the best for my puppy..." He said, grinning as he stepped back over to the bed and sat down on the bed in front of his pet again.

Jason whimpered softly and stood up, leaning forward and licking his master's chin affectionately. His tail seemed to raise itself, almost like it knew what was coming, his tailhole gently clenching and unclenching in anticipation.

James smirked as he popped open the bottle and poured some of the stuff into his paw, rubbing it around with his thumb. "Turn around so master can lube you, pet." He ordered, waiting until his pet turned and then reached his paw to rub in his pet's crack, two fingers pressing against his virgin hole.

Jason gasped softly at the cold sensation between his cheeks, but murred deeply as he felt those fingers pressing against his tailhole, trying to relax himself as much as possible. He bent forward and put his paws on his knees, making it easier for his master to lube him up.

James purred softly as he slowly eased his two fingers into his pet's tight hole, feeling it tighten instantly as his fingers pressed in. It was gonna be painful for the pup to take him, but he was gonna make sure he did, even if he had to rape the little guy, and he was prepared to do that if he had to...

Jason whimpered as he felt his master's fingers press in, tightening his tailhole and closing his eyes as the fingers wiggled and squirmed around inside him, loosening him up for what was to gonna come.

James chuckled as he pulled out his fingers and placed his paw on his pet's shoulder, turning him around and handing him the bottle of lube. "Put some on your master's cock, if you please..." He ordered, placing his paws behind himself to keep steady.

Jason giggled and poured a big amount of lube into his paw, closing the bottle and dropping it to the floor. He rubbed it into his paws and reached for his master's soft cock, greasing up the head of his cock and slowly working his way down. All the while making his master moan and purr loudly, shivering with pleasure as his meat grew hard again.

James smirked as his pet finished and placed his paws under his arms, standing up and lifting his pet up. He turned around and put his pet down on in the bed, and chuckled as he saw him turn around and get on all four in the bed, crawling up and getting on his knees behind him. He put his paws on the insides of each of his pet's thighs and spread his legs apart.

Jason arched his back a bit, looking over his shoulder to his master. He giggled a bit as he felt his feet getting spread apart, getting lowered to the point where his balls were resting limply on the bed. "Breed me like a bitch in heat, master." He begged, raising his tail to let his master have full access to his virgin tailhole.

James purred as he leaned over his pet, crawling forward a bit until the huge head of his cock was poking his pet's ass. He placed his right paw on his pet's shoulder and wrapped his left arm around his waist. "Hmm... Tell you what, puppy. If you can take all of master's cock the first time, you'll be rewarded with another bath..." He purred into his ear, trying to soothe his pet.

Jason perked his ears and wagged his tail a bit. The thought of getting a bath like the one he'd already gotten seemed to brighten him up. Now he had to take the whole thing, no matter how much it hurt... "Will you join me in the tub, master?" He asked, giggling softly as he felt his master's cock poking at his ass.

James chuckled and slowly nodded. "Yea. If you take it all, then we can have a bath together." He promised. Not that it really mattered whether or not the husky could take him. He was gonna hilt himself no matter what, besides, a pet only lives to do as his master wants, and this master wanted a hilt... He managed to place the tip of his cock against his pet's tailhole, pressing it to the verge of penetrating.

Jason moaned softly as he felt that thick cockhead pressing against his hole, knowing that it would only take a little more force or a slight push to shove it in. "Give it to me..." And with those word, his master pushed in. The thick head of his cock spread Jason's tight tailhole open, making him clench his eyes shut and let out a sharp yelp.

James, on the other hand, moaned loudly as he felt his pet's tight rectum squeeze down around the head of his well lubed and throbbing meat, pre starting to shoot from the head to lube his pet's hole more. The lube he used made it easy for him to shove himself further in, though he had to use all his muscles and force, since his new virgin pet was exceptionally tight.

Jason leaned forward and pressed his forehead down onto the mattress, letting out a loud cry as the meat continued invading his tight, unused passage. Tears were starting to run down down from his eyes and soak the sheets of the bed, the pain in his ass almost being too much for him to handle.

James grunted as he gave a rough thrust, hilting himself half way into his crying pet. He stopped for a little while, wanting his pet to get used. "Shh, don't worry, sweetie, master is here..." He cooed, moving the paw he had on his pet's shoulder up to stroke through his hair, trying his best to soothe him.

Jason sniffled and blinked a few times as he felt that paw stroking his hair, whimpering up at his master. "It hurts so much... is it in yet?" He asked, but knew that it wasn't, since he didn't feel his master's lap pressing against his soft rump.

James chuckled and shook his head. "Not yet, only half way. Don't worry though, I'll make sure I hilt quick, ok puppy?" He asked, nuzzling his pet's neck with his nose. Even though he was prepared to force his pet to let him hilt, he wanted to avoid it and let his pet take him out of free will.

Jason sighed deeply as the pain subsided a bit, getting used to the hard meat being lodged inside him. "Ok, master. Please just shove it in, I want it over with..." He said, folding his ears down and pressing his forehead into the bed again, getting ready for the big push.

James smiled and grabbed his pet's shoulder again, tightening his grip around his waist. "I love you, my cute little puppy..." He said before he started shoving himself into his pet with as much force as he could, his cock easily making it's way in to the hilt with the extra force.

Jason perked his ears as he heard his master, then folded them down and arched his back, raising his head and tilting it up towards the ceiling, letting out a loud howl of pain as his master hilted himself. His tailhole was stinging like crazy, but as he felt that long, thick pole getting lodged deep inside of him, he started feeling pleasure build up somewhere around his groin. He sobbed a bit, then sniffled and looked over his shoulder. "I love you too, master..."

James smiled as he leaned forward and kissed his pet on his cheek, keeping his cock still to let him get used. "I'm proud of you, puppy, you definitely earned that bath." He said, smiling and chuckling softly as he felt his pets tail starting to wag, sliding across his stomach as it moved.

Jason perked his ears up and smiled, the tears stopped running from his eyes and he squeezed down around the hard meat in him. He couldn't help but let out soft moans with each movement his master made, the pleasure now starting to tone out the pain. "Fuck me like a horny lion in mating season." He said, giggling a bit at his own comment.

James raised a brow and smirked, slowly pulling his meat half way out. "It's gonna be mating season all year around for you." He replied, shoving his meat back in, being careful with the few first thrusts, but slowly starting to go faster, purring loudly as he claimed his pet.

Jason tilted his head up and let out a series of loud moans, filled with nothing but pure pleasure. "Fuck! Harder! Please master!" He yelled, his tailhole tightening even more around the huge meat as it worked it's way in and out of him. His claws were dug deep into the bed and his eyes clenched shut, sweat trickling down his forehead.

James leaned back, letting go of his pet's shoulder and waist. He grabbed a hold of the base of his pet's tail with his left paw, yanking him back to meet his hard thrusts. "You like this, dont'cha? Getting fucked like a little bitch." He moaned, tilting his head up and starting to go faster, his throbbing cock going deep into his pet. He raised his right paw and smacked his pet's soft ass, snarling a bit as he felt his second load starting to build.

Jason let out a yelp as his tail was yanked, but the pleasure underneath it toned it out and he started moaning up at the roof. "Yes, master! I love it so fucking much!" He moaned, pushing back against the hard meat invading his tight, virgin tailhole. His cock started throbbing, pre shooting out of his slit as his own load was building, the skin on his sac tightening around his balls.

James bent forward and tightened his muscles, giving a last, hard slam into his pets abused tailhole, shooting his biggest load so far into his pet's bowels. He grunted and started panting heavily, sweat dampening his fur as he rode out his orgasm.

Jason let out a loud howl up at the roof as he was filled by his master's hot cum, feeling it rush past his prostate and deep into him. His own cock spasmed and throbbed as he started shooting ropes of thick husky-cum all over the bedsheets. He clenched his teeth together and hissed loudly through them, feeling how rough his master had been with his hole.

James smiled as he leaned forward, laying down on top of his pet, who instantly broke under the weight and fell onto his belly in the bed, laying limply with a big, muscular lion panting on top of him. James purred deeply and started licking his pet's neck, his slowly softening cock still lodged deep within him. "So, my husky pet, how was your first time?" He asked.

Jason whimpered softly, his ex-virgin tailhole starting to sting. "I loved it, but it hurts like fuck, master..." He replied. The feeling of his master's heavy form pressing him down against the soft bed actually felt really good. He'd have to beg for him to do that if they were going to cuddle later...

James chuckled as he pulled out of his pet, his cock quickly making it's way back into it's protective sheath as it was freed. He got on his knees and slid further down the bed, getting on his knees on the edge of it. He leaned down, his maw directly above his pet's stretched, cum soaked hole. He quickly slid out his tongue and shoved it in, wiggling and squirming it around in his pet. He figured he'd do something nice for his puppy, just to show how much me loved him... after all, good puppies deserve rewards...

Jason perked his ears as he felt his master slide off him, then closed his eyes and moaned softly, feeling that wet muscle wiggling around inside his used hole. He lay limply on the bed, his belly soaked and covered in his own cum. The tongue felt like heaven, and it seemed to take all the pain away from under his tail. Another "First Time"...

James purred softly as he let his tongue squirm around his pet's widened rectum, easing his pet's obviously aching tailhole. After a while, he pulled out again and smiled, crawling back up to lay on top of his pet again. He sighed contently and kissed his cheek, his heavy form pressing the husky down onto the bed again.

Jason murred deeply and comfortably as he was pressed down again, giggling softly at the kiss to his cheek. "So... Do I have to sleep on a blanket or something, master?" He asked, closing his eyes and letting out a sleepy 'Mmm' sound as he rested his head against the soft bed.

James smiled and shook his head, giving his pet another kiss on the cheek. "No, I'm gonna spoil my pet. You're sleeping with me, in your master's bed." He said, sliding his paws underneath his pet and wrapping his arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Master loves his new puppy..." He whispered, closing his eyes and purring deeply into his pet's ear.

Jason smiled and let out a soft yawn, placing his paws underneath his head to use them as a pillow. "Puppy loves master..." He said, those being the last words coming out of his sleepy muzzle as both him and his master drifted off into a deep slumber. Jason smiling as he dreamed about the future with his master, and James as he dreamed about the the things he could do with his new pet...


In another room in the house


Carl was bent of the back of a couch, moaning loudly as Josh fucked his tight hole, working his thick meat in and out of his tight bitch. Josh grunted as he leaned forward, panting into Carl's ear. "Say it."

Carl clenched his eyes shut and yelped softly as he got an extra rough thrust, his claws digging into the couch. "No! Fuck!" He yelled, his cock shooting pre onto the back of the couch. He grinded his teeth together and hissed, clenching his tailhole around that thick meat in his ass.

Josh snarled and grabbed Carl's balls, giving them a rough squeeze, which made the moaning bitch yelp loudly. "Say it or you're not cumming!" He snarled, growling deeply as he grinded his lap against Carl's tight little ass.

Carl folded his ears down. He always thought of himself as the strong, badass guy who no one messed with, but this was proving the opposite. Deep inside, he was a bitch, always ready to start begging for someone to push him down and fuck his brains out. "Please, daddy! Give it to me! Make me your hyena bitch!" He cried out, tears of humiliation gathering in his eyes.

Josh grinned widely as his heavy balls slapped against the wolf's smaller set, his large cock shoving deep into him. This Wolfie was already his bitch, and they both knew it. "Good giiirl!" He said, slamming in to a hilt before he emptied his heavy, seed filled balls into his bitch. He titled his head up, tongue hanging from his muzzle as he filled the crying puppy.

Carl lowered his head and moaned, his own load shooting out, hitting the back of the couch. After riding out his orgasm, he looked back at the hyena with tear filled eyes. "Why do you always make me say that?" He asked, his voice shivering a bit.

Josh grinned and wrapped his arms around his bitch's chest, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You know it turns me on, baby. Whats amater? You know it's true anyway, why not say it?" He asked, slowly pulling out of Carl's tailhole.

Carl blinked a few times, sniffling. "I hate it when you make me say that, you know I do! Why can't we yiff one time without me having to say it?" He asked, pushing away from the couch and the hyena, walking over and sitting down on one of the two beds in the room.

Josh tilted his head and sighed, throwing off his white tank-top and pulling his black, unzipped jeans down, leaving himself naked. "Look, baby. I don't know why you're getting so upset about it! You didn't fuzz about it last time!" He said, grabbing his cock and stroking it a few times, cleaning off the cum that was still on it it.

Carl growled and glared at the big hyena, snarling. "Last time you tricked me into swallowing a pill and fucked me while I couldn't move, you asshole!" He shouted, laying stomach down on the bed, burying his face in his pillow.

For a guy that kidnapped people that were gonna be sold off as pets and slaves, Carl wasn't very tough... He blamed Sean for that...

Josh shook his head and walked over to the wolf, laying down on top of him. "Ok, tell you what. If it really bugs you that much, next time you can make me say something. Ok, baby?" He suggested, wrapping his arms around the wolf's stomach.

Carl looked up from the pillow and sniffled, his ears perking only the slightest bit. "Really? You would do that for me?" He asked, seeming to brighten up at the suggestion. His tail was slowly starting to wag between him and the hyena.

Josh smiled and nodded, kissing the wolf's cheek. "Of course I would! You know I'd do anything to make you happy!" He replied, his own tail swaying slowly above him. He really did want to keep the wolf happy.

Carl and Josh had been together for a while. In fact, they hooked up the first day Josh started working there.

Josh had been kicked out into the streets. Sean found him, and hired him to drive the van that they used to pick up the new merchandise. Thus, he met the wolf and they instantly got together.

Carl, believe it or not, had been brought in as a slave, and was kept as Sean's private fucktoy, which was probably why he was so sensitive about being humiliated. After a while, Sean got tired of his toy and decided to put him to more useful work. He had muscles, and an attitude, so there wasn't much question when they made him the collector.

Carl raised his head and smiled, kissing the hyena on his lips. "Thank you, hun. But I'd rather just have us make love without having to say... that, again." He said, putting his head back down on the bed.

Josh smirked a bit and leaned closer to his wolf's ear. "Maybe we could use Sean's new pet again, or the husky, James got to keep him." He whispered, murring deeply as he licked his wolf's cheek.

Carl giggled softly and tilted his head, grinning up at his hyena. "Mmm... I like the sound of that..." He said, smirking as he lay his head down on the pillow again, sighing contently.

Josh rolled off the wolf, laying on his side with his stomach pressed up against the wolf's back, still keeping him tightly locked in his grip. "How 'bout we sleep together tonight? It's been way too long since we did that..."

Carl smiled as he closed his eyes, pulling the sheets up to cover the two naked furs. "Sure, I'd love that..." He said, nuzzling his back up against the hyena's well toned stomach.

Josh smiled as he kissed the wolf's neck, closing his eyes and sighing sleepily. "Nighty night, baby."

"Night, sweetie..."


Next morning, in Sean and Connor's bedroom.


Robert yawned softly as he opened his eyes, rubbing them lightly as he slowly awoke from his surprisingly comfortable night of sleep. What woke him was the sound of the TV, and laughing. He lifted his head to see his little brother watching cartoons on the big TV at the right side of the room. He looked around, not seeing the big lion from yesterday, but noticing an envelope next to his basket. He took it and opened it, pulling out a small note.

"Good morning, pup. I've left on some business, so your brother will be your master while I'm gone. Oh, and don't forget: If you try telling him about you or your dad, it can have serious consequences. Be a good while master is away, and do everything the kid tells you, or else I'll make sure you regret it when I get back. PS. The kid is expecting you act like a puppy, so act like one, or master will have too punish you when he comes home..."

Robert sighed and folded his ears down, crumbling the note in his paw and throwing it to the floor. Fine... This guy wanted him to act like a dog, he'd act like a dog. He didn't want anything to happen to his brother... He was gonna get out of there anyway, no reason to make the time here uncomfortable. He got on his knees and then moved to the classic sitting dog style, all his paws and his rump resting the pillow below him. He started to whine loudly, letting out a few yips to get his brother's attention.

Connor perked his ears as he heard the whining and wagged his tail happily. His dad told him he'd get to own the puppy for the entire time he was gone, and he couldn't be more exited about it! He quickly stood up and walked over to the whining puppy, petting him on the head, not wearing anything but a pair of small boxers with a white wolfie on the right hip to cover himself. "Morning puppy! Daddy is gone for a while, so I get to play with you until he gets back! Isn't that great?!" He exclaimed happily.

Robert couldn't help but smile a bit as he saw his little brother so happy. He used to play house with his brother sometimes, and he'd always end up being the dog, so he had a good idea of how to act like one. He tilted his head and barked softly, wagging his tail a bit. He tried leaning up to lick at his brother's muzzle, but was held back by the chain hooked on his leash.

Connor giggled as he heard the puppy bark and quickly unhooked the chain, wrapping his arms around the puppy's neck and giving him a kiss on the forehead. "You're so cute! You wanna come watch TV with me?" He asked, smiling widely at the pup.

Robert quickly nodded and barked again, remembering how much fun he used to have when he played this game with his brother. He stood up, all paws still on the pillow, and started walking over to the couch, struggling a bit at first, but quickly getting used to walking on all four.

Connor smiled as he followed the puppy to the couch and quickly got the seat in the corner, smiling as he patted the seat next to him. "Come sit with me, puppy." He said, his tail thumping lightly against the couch.

Robert smiled as he climbed onto the couch and lay his paws and head into his brother's lap, nuzzling his belly with his nose. As weird as it was, he really loved playing like this with his brother. He loved hearing him laugh, no matter why he was laughing.

Connor giggled as his belly was nuzzled and wrapped an arm around the puppy's neck, stroking his black, short hair with his paw. "We can go see uncle James after this cartoon. He got a new puppy too, so you two can play together!" He said, leaning back in the couch as he settled in to watch the cartoon.

Robert's ears perked as he heard his brother mentioning James, remembering him from the office. If he went to see James, he'd see Jason too! He was wondering how his friend was doing, and wanted to go see him. Maybe he could help figure out a way to get out of here! He smiled and licked his brother's belly button, as a sign of approval.

Connor giggled and smiled down at the puppy. "Not yet, puppy! After the cartoon!" He said, stroking the puppy on his muzzle. He knew he was gonna have a lot of fun with the puppy while his dad was gone.

And Robert... thought he might have some fun too...


Hope ya liked it, cause I had lots of fun writing it!

I wasn't really sure about the part with Josh and Carl, just wanted to put something about them in, plus I needed to make my story just a wee bit longer, and thought I'd use them now, and maybe in the chapters to come ^^

So yea, leave comments, votes, and a few suggestions if ya got some!

Thanks reading!