Moving Up (Intro)

Story by Uldar on SoFurry

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#1 of Moving Up

The intro to two young men who have just left colledge for a new and hectic but exciting life...

Moving Up

Andrew lay staring at the white ceiling of his apartment. The air was cool on his scales and bare chest that was of a faded sky blue, tracing from his neck down to beneath the tracksuit pants he was wearing. From the sides of his fit stomach, flat and slight abs could be seen with prominent pecks that too faded into a dark ocean blue. He was a dragon.

He had come back from his jog, now resting on his couch, not yet showered. He was wondering; about Kevin and Andy. Kevin was his close friend, a young grey wolf also 21 years old; Andy was a stunning female brown wolf that was 20 years old. Both on his mind, he had been walking with Kevin at the mall when they stumbled upon the young female sitting alone at a restaurant. She was the first one that caught his attention. Someone he could admire, much like Kevin, he had a yearning to know her and he wanted to see her again. Kevin was the only one who understood Andrews yearn.

With a sigh and now fully relaxed but uncomfortable in his pants, Andrew lifted up his legs and pulled them off. He proceeded to throw them into the wash basket near the bathroom door when Kevin came through its threshold and into the firing line. He stumbled with surprise "Hey!"

"That would have been a perfect shot!"

Kevin pulled his friends pants from his shoulder and tossed it into the basket "It would have been another epic fail as always" he smiled at him, before looking him over and began to frown "Should you be sitting on our couch with all your glorified nakedness like that?"

Andrew grinned and rubbed his stomach "I need to show off my oncoming six-pack to someone"

"Yes well, that someone doesn't always have to be me. Why not get that Andy girl to come over and have a good gawking"

Andrew ignored his friend and proceeded to look at the ceiling, a moment later he began to smile as Kevin groaned "Could you please not get a hard on in the public living space? You have a room!"

Andrew looked at him "that's the benefits of living a life finally free of rules and regulations my dear friend"


Take two young men fresh out of college and living together in an apartment, free form rules and regulations only to have them begin a life that would let them grow in many aspects and ways.

Finding themselves in the most incredible situations and with the most amazing people while they slowly move up in the world.
