The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 39 - Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#57 of The Twelve Talismans

And we leave the Pinky and the Brain universe! Made sure that this time? We used the Rat power to its fullest! Hope that made everyone happy. And Deadpool was fun to write!

Deadpool was also a suggestion by Draegwolf. The guy's like the funniest character ever. Whether he shows up in a game, comic, youtube... he's just awesome.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels

Chapter 39: Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?


"Uhh Gomamon..." Gatomon wrapped her arms tighter around the seal. Yellow gloved paws held on tightly around his back, as if afraid to let him go.

Gomamon panted harder. His hot breath washed over the feline's face as he moved faster. His slim red dick slipped in and out of her hot wanting pussy. His own flippers held onto her neck, black claws interlocking in a crisscross pattern. He didn't say anything as he relentlessly continued.

"More, more!" The feline screamed loudly. Her fur glistened with sweat and her tail whipped around like a striking cobra. She could hardly control her hormones-wracked body as she succumbed to the primal lust. "Please Gomamon, I need you! Oh gods I need you!"

The seal did not say anything, eyes half-lidded from exertion. He pounded away in powerful strokes. The smell of sex filled the air alongside the climbing crescendo of incoming orgasm.

"Gods!" She could feel it growing in her, getting closer and closer. She had no idea how it came to this, but she had longed for it, desired it ever since that fateful day way back when. It seemed like a lifetime had gone by. So many worlds, so many enemies, so many dimension had come and gone. At least some friends along the lines to compensate. "Come on, don't hold back!" She screamed even louder. Her mouth was open wide. Her sharp white fangs glistened with saliva as she howled in bliss. Even more so when the Gomamon suddenly bit down hard on the side of her neck. She squealed in a mix of emotion. Her entire body shaking... Her body convulsing out of control as she could no longer hold back. Her eyes actually rolled in the back of her head as she totally lost herself... She couldn't even breathe. She had lost all control. She didn't even know where she was... Just ...

She had no idea how long her pleasure lasted. Time seemed to have lost all meaning. She just felt the warm furry chest of her lover press against her own, their heartbeats seemingly in sync. "Oh... That was..." Gatomon had her eyes tightly shut as she just enjoyed the warm embrace. I...I..." She tried to choke out those three words she had never said again since then. "I..."

"Love me? Really?" A deep female voice purred, her voice, but she was not the one talking. "Why... I am touched."

Gatomon's eyes shot open. Temptation, that dark grey-furred doppelganger, was cuddling against her, tail wrapped around Gomamon's. "Ohhh... Gato honey... I am touched."

"Get AWAY!" Gatomon screamed in utter terror. She pushed hard with both palm and sent her dark twin flying in the... Nothingness? For the first time she realized she was... nowhere? And alone? "What did you DO with Gomamon?" The white feline hissed, spittle flying from her maw.

"Where's Gomamon?" The dark kitten flapped her wings slowly in midair. "Not... 'Where is this?' Or 'What are you doing here?'" Temptation put a claw to her chin. "Funny how you first thing of him, above your own concerns even."

That flustered the digimon for a moment, then her eyes narrowed. "Don't you try playing mind games on me..."

"Oh please! I am still part of you. You can't lie to me: it's just lying to yourself. Though I'll admit: you are good at it." Temptation purred loudly. "Why, you are living the lie so well it's almost become the truth!"

"I don't know what you're babbling about." Gatomon sneered, but her paws were shaking a bit.

"Of course, you do!" Temptation hovered in a lazy circle around the white cat. "This isn't you..." Her claws reached over and slowly ran through the fur of Gatomon's chest. "You aren't this cute, sweet lil' thing that everyone thinks you are..."

"I... I am..."

"What? A hero? Because of the last seven years? You're thousands of years old!" Temptation continued to drag her claws over Gatomon's body. "And what were you doing while Gomamon, not to mention your other friends were sunning themselves on File Island?"

Gatomon Could only let out the tiniest squeak.

"You know why you've been pushing Gomamon--and any boy for that matter--away?" Temptation purred softly. "Because you couldn't bear to tell them the truth. Tell them what Myotismon did... Not to mention how much you enjoyed it..."

Tears were now welling up in Gatomon's eyes. "I... I changed..."

"Then tell Gomamon! Tell him everything! See if he can look at you the same way after that..." Temptation's voice dropped to a low whisper. "See if he can love a monster... When you can't even [i]like[/i] yourself."

Gatomon said nothing... she couldn't... she... Temptation was right... The grey cat smiled sweetly and pressed her lips to Gatomon's ear. She then spoke in the faintest voice. "You can wake up screaming now."


"Gaaahhhh!" Gatomon sat right up. Or rather tried to. His flippers were tightly bound in his back, so all he managed was to flop about pathetically like a fish. It took his a moment to realize he really was awake.

"Good, you're awake."

Gatomon needed a few moments to regain his composure. His original cat body, with Gomamon still inside, was siting on her butt in a cage on the other side of the room with her long striped tail still violently twitching. "Gomamon?" He panted. "S... sorry I was just having...a nightmare..." He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Where are we?"

"Some warehouse I guess. Deadpool knocked us out... I woke up some time ago while you enjoyed your... 'nightmare'." The cat couldn't help but smirk. "Looked more like a wet dream to me, just saying."

"What's a wet..." The seal looked down at himself, and more particularly his semen-coated underside and his limp dick hanging out of his sheath, plastered to his thigh by the sticky fluids. "Ewww!" He tried to clean it up, but his bound limbs prevented it . "How do you control this thing?!"

"[i]Used to[/i] beat off, mostly. For the rest... well you saw the tapes." Gomamon joked before getting more serious again. "Can you get free? These bars are too hard for your body to do anything with, and too tight to slip through."

Gatomon struggled a bit. At least that got his mind off his dream. It had shaken him up more than he wished to admit. "I... don't think so... Whoever this Deadpool guy is, he knows his ropes." The seal sighed. "Who is he anyway?"

"Pretty much the craziest guy in the entire Marvel universe." All that got her was a blank look. "Same place that Spiderman and the X-men came from."

"Oh." Those were characters Gatomon had heard of. "So, what makes him crazy exactly?"

"He knows he is a comic book character." Gomamon replied as he tried raking his claws over the bars for the umpteenth time. Tempered steel. Claws weren't going to get through that anytime soon.

"But... he is a comic book character, right?" Gatomon seemed quite confused now.

"Well, yeah... but he's not supposed to know that!"

"So... he's a comic book character, and he knows he is one... and that makes him crazy?" Gatomon cocked an eye at his traveling partner.

"Okay, so maybe it's hard to explain in a way that doesn't sound crazy." The feline sighed.

"Nah... that shit ain't crazy. Calling the guy with the rocket launcher 'crazy'? Now that is crazy!"

Both digimon heads whipped around when the antihero spoke, though they couldn't see him in the poorly lit warehouse, or even pinpoint him thanks to the echoes. "Good point." Gomamon had to admit. "So, what now? You turn us in for the reward?"

"Are you kidding?!" The voice echoed throughout the entire complex. "Dude, this is a badly written crossover fan fiction. The reward wouldn't even be canon! What's the point?"

"Canon? Fan-whatsit?" Gatomon was only getting further confused. "Fine, if you don't want a reward... what do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The mercenary dropped two stories from the rafters to land between the cages.

"Oh dear god..." Gomamon gasped when she finally got a good look.

"I'm still dreaming... There is no way this is not a nightmare." Gatomon covered his eyes.

Deadpool's costume was gone. Instead? He was wearing a pair of brown shorts and a blue T-shirt with yellow stars on the sleeves, and a pair of oversized goggles on his heavily pocked mark head. "You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a toy digivice in an alternate dimension on such short notice!" The held out an obviously fake plastic digivice. "And a mint season one version? Don't even get me started!"

"Season one? What?" Gatomon looked across the cage. "Okay, I take that back, he [i]is[/i] insane!"

"Now sadly I left my DVDs in my pants in another universe..." Deadpool walked over to Gomamon's cage. "Original Japanese first run, of course! Not that crappy bad dub they aired in the US." He smiled. "I mean, geeze. What was wrong with 'Tailmon'? You'd think the translators would be able to tell you're a chick!"

"Geeze, You enjoy listening to your own voice even more than Gomamon does!" Gatomon sighed a bit. He was starting to get a headache trying to follow this. "That still doesn't tell us what you want."

"If it is kinky role-play, give me two seconds so I can swallow my tongue!" Gomamon piped, ignoring the seal's barb.

"Geeze, rule 34 much?" Deadpool shook his head. "Nah, you're not my type! I got a way better idea!"

It was Gatomon's turn to pale: "Okay, I'm the one who needs two seconds to swallow his tongue!"

"We are going to act out the entire first season of Digimon!" Lights came on by some unseen cue. The Digimon pair looked around in utter disbelief. Backdrops of the Digital World, Tokyo, and all the places they knew and loved had been spread across the walls. Mannequins and stuffed animals of their friends and foes alike lined the walls. From their closest friends like Agumon and Patamon to their worst enemies like Devimon and Piedmon... Gatomon couldn't help but cringe at the Myotismon mannequin. The craftwork was of disturbingly high quality.

"Where did you get all this?" Gomamon asked in disbelief.

"You'd be surprised how quickly a group of art students will work when asked the right way. The right way just happened to involve a gun-toting maniac." Said maniac smiled as he stroked the black metal of said gun like it was a cherished pet.

"But...this makes no..." Gatomon just closed her eyes. "Ugh... you want us to... act out our lives?"

"Just from File Island to Apocalymon's defeat. Shan't take more than... two, three days!" Deadpool held out his fingers. "Well... maybe five. A week, tops."

"And if we refuse?" Gomamon could not help but ask.

"Gun toting madman?" The mercenary held out his AK-47. "Also, As much as that eyepatch looks badass on you, it would look out of place. So I got you this!" He reached into a pocket and carefully lobbed a small round object at Gatomon.

The seal caught the object and at first almost jumped out of his skin when he realized he was holding an eye. With a yelp he dropping it to the floor where it made a sharp sound. "Uh?"

"Careful! That's fragile!"

Gatomon looked closer and noticed it was in fact a glass eye, which like the rest of deadpool's stuff was disturbingly lifelike. "How'd you get that made?"

The antihero simply waved his gun: "I repeat: gun-toting madman?"

Gomamon sighed as Gatomon fiddled to get the eye in place. "So... let's see. Around seven years ago, on File Island..."


The show was a success, insofar as Deadpool didn't shoot anyone. It was awkward at times: both digimon being in the wrong bodies meant they had top play through events they had not lived through. Finally, after a couple picture and autographs, Deadpool let them go on their merry way.

Gatomon was... rather shook up. "Gatomon?" Gomamon placed a paw on his back. "Are... you okay?"

"Yeah..." He tried to lie.

"No... Even I could tell this was not easy for you." He took a deep breath. He had been on the receiving hand of some of the things Gatomon had done, and the seal now had to literally watch himself do it all over again. When she attacked them with an army of demons, when she tried to kill Kari, when her only friend sacrificed himself...

"I... guess it wasn't easy actually seeing myself do all that." Gatomon sniffled a little. "It just looked..."

"When I first came to the human world?" Gomamon interrupted suddenly. "And lived in Joe's apartment with his family? I slept in the toilet."

"Guh?" The seal blinked his eyes. "What... I mean..."

"Well I never saw a toilet before! I didn't know what they were for! I thought... Well, I actually thought it was really nice how they had taken the time to make something that would be a perfect bed for me. I'm a seal!" Gomamon looked down at her body. "Well, normally I'm a seal... anyway... that went on until that one night when Joe's mom had to take a leak... and um... It was dark, and she was sleepy..."

Gatomon's eyes went wide, and then she let out a snort. "Oh my gods, she didn't!" He placed his flippers to his mouth and started to giggle madly.

Gomamon rubbed the back of her head with a nervous chuckle. "She did... I woke up... there was screaming... Well at least I learnt what a toilet was for!"

Gatomon suddenly burst out into laughter. He laughed... a good long laugh that lasted several minutes. He couldn't stop... the very idea was just so ridiculous! Gomamon let him laugh, standing there and blushing a bit. Eventually the seal's breathing slowed down to low chuckles. "Why..." He had to take a deep breath to regain herself. "Why'd you tell me that? Why now of all times?"

"I guess... I didn't think it was right that I know all of your secrets. Things you wouldn't want others to know... I figured... You should at least know [i]one[/i] of mine... you know?"

Gatomon just lay there on the ground, mouth slightly open. "Goma..."

"Umm. Yeah... guess it was kinda stupid..." Gomamon turnedaway. "I'm... gonna go get some supplies. We still need to get our asses over to D.C. Why don't you just relax. You know... get your head together?" She said as she turned back into the warehouse to see if she could scrounge up some food, maybe some money or something.

"Oh... yeah..." Gatomon watched her body go back into the warehouse. And for the briefest moment, she swore she felt her heart flutter.


Washington DC, a few days later...

The Brain sat on a golden throne, dressed in velvet. The Whitehouse had been completely redecorated in ancient chinese style, with the Brain's portrait prominently adorning the walls. A thousand warriors carved from stone and armed with spears, swords, and bows stood at every corners inside and outside. Bullets could do little more than chip their surface; their strength was unbeatable, their stamina unequaled: short of bombing the city--and there was no guarantee even [i]that[/i] would work--, they were unstoppable.

"Narf!" Pinky, dressed in a jester's outfit, carthweeled across the room. "All hail Emperor Brain!" His bell-tipped cap briefly jingled when a trap door opened under him, sending him tumbling into the darkness.

"Quiet Pinky." The Brain turned around to look at the warriors massed around the building. A thousand of them were enough to take over a city, but the entire world? "We shall have to construct more stone warriors. Perhaps craft some of metal as well." He twirled the stolen jade dragon statue in his hand. It made an appropriately royal scepter, and its design fitted to a T the Chinese air of royalty he was trying to bestow. The mouse set down the red carpet to the Whitehouse main doors, then proceeded to stroll down the front lawn between rows of his minions. "Let's see... if we have half the warriors began work now... Assuming a statue can duplicate itself in 48 hours, we exponentially derive... we should have 1 452 908 statues in...

"Surrender, evildoers!"

The call had come from the Treasury Annex, across Pennsylvania Avenue. The Brain had to squint to spot the pair of tiny silhouettes. He briefly wondered how the voice had reached across the distance so clearly before he noticed the bullhorn.

"Seriously?" Gatomon looked up at his former body--an action he still couldn't get used to. "'Evildoers'?" Travelling to DC had not been to hard: not with everyone trying to get away from the city. This was the culmination of another half day of surveillance as they waited for the Brain to leave his new little stronghold. The stone guards were strong, but they were not observant.

"Are you seriously telling me you never wanted to say something like that?" Gomamon flashed her fangs n a smile. "'sides you're loaded up with a ton of magical powers remember? I think we can handle them fine."

"Oh right." Gatomon had again forgotten the seal's body was flowing with weird magic. He was too distracted being a he, having his head level with Gomamon's crotch, and avoiding getting stepped on.

"Typical." Brain held up a finger. "Bring them to me my soldiers." The statues instantly came to life and marched off in perfect unison to an unheard beat.

"All right, mice, time for some dragon eyes!" Gatomon shouted as he hit the dragon symbol on the flipper. His flippers immediately glowed with energy.

"Wait, no!" Gomamon tried to warn the seal, but all she could do was watch as the explosion sent Gatomon caterwauling down from the roof and into a full dumpster. There was a brief moment of silence, then the rustling of garbage.

"Uhhh son of a..." Gatomon moaned, a banana peel laid across his mohawk. He peeled it of head with a disgusted look on his face.

"Dragon is flippers. Pig is eye!" Gomamon screamed the correction as she bounced down the sculpted walls.

"Why do you even need two different fire attacks??" The seal shouted back. He crawled out of the dumpster and landed in a heap on the broken pavement. Gatomon wrinkled her nose a bit... the smell was even worse than the seal piss even through the seal's nose.

"Hey, it wasn't like I bought them at Best Buy!" The cat slid down the wall, using her claws to slow down her descent.

The seal shook his head, but could not shake off some coffee grounds from his shoulder. "Fine, fine, let's try some super speed then!" Gatomon slammed his flipper down on the rabbit. His body shot off like a rocket toward the park... but he was still in place. He had apparently hit the sheep, so he had no control of the seal body, which promptly slammed into a lamppost with a painful crack and a metallic ringing noise when the steel structure bent from the shock.

"Azulongmon's balls! That body's a loner, y'know!" Gomamon screamed in protest.

Gatomon was out of his body... and seemingly back into her cat looks, while Gomamon's seal body lay unconscious across the street. The feline had tried to explain how the powers worked, but they did not have the time to properly try them out, at least not without attracting unwanted attention. It took her several seconds to realize what had happened (though looking at her paw, or more accurate through it, helped), and quickly dove back into Gomamon's body, which felt like diving into a pool of knives. "Ye-OUCH!" A he once more, he grabbed his throbbing head with his flippers and growled, rolling back and forth on the ground.

Gomamon came over with a sigh and helped the seal upright. "This could be going better, y'know!"

"These things are so... fiddly! I mean the sheep actually makes you useless in battle!" He growled, head still pounding.

"You need to make them work for you... and stop confus- ACK!" Gomamon jumped back, a stone sword leaving a good-sized dent in the lamp post behind him. "Okay, let's see what your powers can do." The feline looked over to the Chinese statue. "Lightning PAW!" She shouted. The powerful blow to the stomach of the ancient artifact caused a resounding noise.

"GeYAH!" She cried loudly once the pain registered, jumping up and down and holding her right paw. The entire limb was throbbing, and the wrist was probably sprained. The stature just stood there and looked down with confusion and mild annoyance. Ever her champion-level attack had failed to so much as crack the warrior's hide.

Gatomon reached op to grab the other digimon's arm. "Lock the wrist! And keep the fingers tight!" He barked. "Don't you know how to make a fist?" He lectured as he bent the fingers into the correct position. The solider just stood there, as if awaiting the next part, but the swordswas slowly raising while the pair argued.

"You fucking need fingers to make a fist!" Gomamon snarled back, still waving her injured paw around. "I'm not used to this whole 'multiple digits' thing! As if you were one to talk, you can't even put a claw on a specific spot of your own flipper!"

"Hey!" Gatomon wiggled his black claws at Gomamon. "I can't even feel where these are, and they're five times too long! Haven't you ever heard of a nail clipper?"


The pair looked at the tiny emperor mouse who had walked right up to them without the bickering digimon noticing. "While I find you two marginally more amusing then my current jester..."

"Narf!" As if on cue, the tiny yet taller lab mouse pinky swung down by his tail from the lamppost Gomamon had totalled, hanging there like a noisy Christmas ornament..

The Brain groaned. "My point is, as amusing as you are, I need the seal." He turned back to Gomamon's body. "The powers you described, by my calculations, will shorten my conquest of the world by 87%, and will put me in a good place to launch my universal conquest"

"You and what army?!" Gomamon shouted with another dramatic fingerpoint

The silky sound of weapons being drawn filled the air. Pinky chuckled and walked away between rows of archers aiming at the two mind-swapped digimon. More statues had unwavering spears pointed at them, not to mention the swordsman standing right next to them.

"Really? 'You and what army'?" Gatomon hissed, pulling himself up to smack the feline lightly across the bacl of the head.

Gomamon snickered nervously. "It was a reflex! I couldn't help it!" He protested.

"Great. you're going to kill us both with a single bad joke." Gatomon looked at the impressive display of ancient weaponry. Not only were the stone figures almost physically indestructible, but they were also clarly very dangerous warriors.

"Don't worry." The brain had made his way back to the digimon. "I shall be a benevolent superior ultimate overlord god. I am not so callous as to destroy someone merely because they are an annoyance." Another high-pitched "narf" accompanied Pink bounding up and down between the unmoving stone legs of the soldiers. "As tempting as it may be." At the snap of his fingers two soldiers restrained Gatomon and Gomamon, while a third sent Pinkie flying away with a flick.

"Hey!" Gomamon tried to escape, but her tail had wrapped around her legs in nervousness and she tripped over it right into the unforgiving stone arms. Before she had realized she was being held upside. The statue only needed two fingers to hold her. She had to admit that was somewhat embarrassing.

Gatomon had even less luck: not only was the form less agile to begin with, but he lacked a life of moving in it. "At the mercy of a mouse with a god complex... how humiliating..." He growled, then paused, brows knitting. God? "Wait a minute... These statues think you are some... Chinese God, right?" She remembered these soldiers being built to defend their emperor.

"I am the reincarnated spirit of Brain Foo young, and I have brought them all to life with my powers." The mouse made a sweeping gesture behind him. "Is that not proof enough?"

"Okay then, quick question." Gatomon looked to the statues around him. "If you really are the soul of some Chinese Emperor..." The sentence ended in a different language: "<Why are you not speaking in Chinese?>"

"Errr ummmm..." Brain's eyes went wide while the lines of soldiers all looked at one another, stone heads, turning to look at one another with a grinding of rock filling the air. "What was..."

"Oh I am sorry." The seal grinned ear to ear. "Do you not speak Chinese?" Gatomon switched back. "<Hey, foot soldiers... don't you think your so-called god should be able to at least say 'hi' in your tongue?>"

More grinding of stone against stone... there seemed to be some unspoken dialogue between them... And that is when all the soldiers pointed their weapons at the mouse.

"Ummm ummm." A bead of sweat dripped down the Brain's ample brow. "Hail to your leader?"


They were all back were it had all started: Acme Labs, and the Brain, back into his old cage, was talking to himself. "Mental note: learn all world languages past and present in case magical imbued sea life once again enters our dimension."

Gatomon kept glaring at the cage, which they had locked in as many different ways as they could think of. "You realize if I had not told them you were just a harmless trickster spirit, they would have turned you into the smallest ever sword pincushion?."

Pinky had reverted all the statues back to mere museum displays. It had taken a lot more tracking work than convincing to get him to change all the bounty hunters back to marionettes and mannequins.

"Enough talk." The seal glared at the cage. "The only reason I didn't turn you over to the terracotta army is that we need you to switch our bodies back."

"Are you sure?" Gomamon snickered. "I mean, you sure you don't want to test-drive my body a little more? Give it a bit more of a... run through?" She made a lewd gesture.

"Unless you want me to get it run through with a cock, shut up!" Gatomon snarled back, managing to shut up the feline for once. He turned back to the rodent pair: "Just switch us back. We'll take our power, leave this world..." He glared at Gomamon who was [i]still[/i] moving her paw up and down. "And we shall never speak of this universe again."

"The machine you smashed was rather... complex, but working day and night... and assuming I can find another flux capacitor, I could build another in... four years."

"FOUR YEARS?" The Digimon chorused.

"Four years, six days, and five hours... Plus or minus seven months and a half..."

"That does it... I'm eating him!" Gatomon snarled, grabbing the cage and rattling it as he struggled to get it open.

"You're not a cat right now!" The cat reminded her old friend.

"I'm making an exception!"

"Excuse me, but before you go looking for mustard..." Brain interrupted with his usual monotone. "Correct me if I am mistaken, but one of your... magical powers?" Now that he was not controlling it, he was using 'magical' as if it were a dirty word.. "Is it not an incorporeal transference of your neural patterns?" That got him two blank stares. "It turns you into a ghost, right?"

Gatomon and Gomamon looked at each others. "Oh... don't tell me..." The seal wrapped a flipper around Gomamon's paw then reached with the other paw to tap the sheep symbol, and as their body promptly collapsed the ghosts looked at each others.

"I almost wish this won't work..." Gomamon whined as they both dove back into their true bodies.

A second later they were getting up. Gomamon recoiled from the female whose hissing soon turned to screaming: "You're telling me... We could have SWITCHED BODIES AT ANY TIME!"

Gomamon eeped, pointing at the mouse.

"I didn't! He did!" But then his nature took over: "But look on the bright side! You got to experience life with a dick."

More hissing.

"If you are interested, ma'am." Brain interjected. "My giant laser and examination table have been left relatively undamaged, if you wish to use them."


The transfer of the power was quick, but left Gomamon out worse than ever.

Gomamon was out for several minutes this time. He felt like his empty socket was filled, but with pain. "Damn..." He got up after a bit.

Gatomon had constructed a small fire and was roasting some fish. She had stocked up on supplies in the last world. "Morning. How are you doing?"

"Ugh... Stupid magic hangover..." The seal flipped on to his belly. "I can't wait to get the horse again if it can help with that... At this point I'll consider getting my eye back a bonus!" He rubbed his temples with his claws.

Gatomon smiled a bit. "Well... only two powers left... right?"

"Yes... The monkey and horse." The headache started to subside. "Listen, sorry about messing around with your body... I didn't mean to..." Gomamon started to say.

"Hey I wasn't exactly the best behaved." Gatomon sat down next to the fire. She watched the fire crackle and the fish start to sizzle on the sticks. "I mean... you did catch me jerking off." She snickered softly.

"Doesn't come close to me getting laid... But I'll say one thing." Gomamon flashed an embarrassed grin. "I can see why you like barbed cocks though... and I cannot lie."

They both burst into laughter.


In another universe...

"No please... don't... show mercy..." Mimi sobbed, holding tightly onto Palmon. The Digimon was injured, the dozen or so wounds oozing an odd green sap. "We... didn't do anything wrong... We just were helping children..."

The screeching from the swarm of bats that surrounded covered any noise they made as the pleas were snuffed. When the swarm dissipated there was no trace of the pair. A tall albino humanoid slowly walked where they had stood. "Helping them, was precisely your crime." Myotismon smiled. A beeping on his belt interrupted his little soliloquy. "Yes, mein führer?"

The screen buzzed to life, revealing a wizened, almost crumpled man with greying hair but a meticulously dyed black toothbrush moustache. "Did you find the rebels?"

Myotismon smiled at his superior, flashing his fangs. "Yes. Mimi and Lillymon are dead, along with the rest of her group. With this the last of the resistance is destroyed. National Socialism reigns supreme." Myotismon clicked his heels together and raised his arm high. "Heil Hitler!"


And we leave the Pinky and the Brain verse. Next one is going to be a bit more drama like. Nothing like the zombie verse! And yes I know that a dream sequence was kinda cheesy. Like the biggest cop out in ANY comic, TV show or movie.

Feel free to contact me for previews of upcoming stories, or simply to chat with me about stories. I do find a lot if inspiration from my fans. I've been known to add chapters, characters, and so on based on fan input.

Msn is[email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]