Friday Morning

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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Friday Morning..

Inspired by Teiran and his characters in High School Days.

All characters within are copywrited by Teiran

I gave this as a gift to Teiran after he published Part 7 (Study Sessions) of High School Days.

At that time I did not know that Nick was gay (I wrote this back in 2004) but I was inspired to write a gift story. Teiran has mentioned several times that he would put it up on his website for others to enjoy also.. Well :> here it is.

Timeline - the day after 7 - Study Sessions

Friday Morning..

Kevin awoke, stretches and looked at the clock. It was still early and his thoughts roamed to the previous night.

Did he really blow Nick.. The thought of Nick's muscular body and ample groin brought Kevin's own member to hard attention. Looking across from him he saw the mesh tank top the Nick had given him. "Yeah" Kevin though "I did.. It was not a dream."

Then the realisation set in "Oh Shit.. what going happen at school today." Previously when he had blown one of the jocks the next day had been hell. Some jocks seem to think that he was their personal fuck toy and made life hell.. And Nick was huge. What happened if he decided during the night that he didn't like getting blown by a gay."

Kevin whimpered - his erection softening as his tail slunk between his legs.. "Well.. I could call in sick and avoid the issue. I've a pretty good record so one day would not be missed."

"Kevin - Time to get up" his mother called from out side the room

"Mum - I'm really not feeling well.. can I give it a miss today.."

"Ok.. I'm going out now.. I'll phone in a few hours to see how you are."

Saturday was fine. Kevin caught up on some emails and watched some TV. As the afternoon wore on the phone rang and his mother answered it.

"Kevin - its for you.. somebody called Nick Thompson"

Kevin blanched under his fur and went over to the phone.

"Kev... Here" he stammered

Nicks deep voice came over the phone sounding warm and cheerful but with a hint of concern "Hi there Kev.. You ok. I didn't see you as school yesterday and wondered if you were Ok?"

"Err.. Yeah Nick.. I had a bad headache.. I'll bring your shirt to school on Monday if that's ok"

"Oh. The shirt.. You can keep it if you want. I've a few of them. Look I'm thinking of heading down to the mall with a couple of friends to catch a movie.. Want to come along?"

Kevin chewed his lip and glanced around to see if his mother was still around. Fortunately she had gone to the other end of the apartment.

"Nick - look.. I need to talk with you.."

"Sure - you still want to catch a movie?"

"Yeah - I'll think about it.. but I want to talk first.."

"No probs Kev - I'll pick you up and we can talk before we head off if you want to do that?"

Kevin spent the rest of the afternoon pondering. A movie with some of Nicks friends. Gang Bang?.. Thou he did not think the big wolf was like that. He always seemed to be very nice but.. That was before he got blown. And some straights changed a lot after that.

He revere was broken but a knock at the door. He went to answer it.

If was Nick - Kevin again admired the muscular black furred form this time clad in jeans and a tank top.

"Hi Kevin.. Ya ready to go?"

Kevin nodded and followed Nick down to his car. Nick obviously had not picked up anyone else yet so the car was mercifully empty of other passengers.

They drove for a while.. Nick making small talk and Kevin giving brief answers. He was nervous and even more so when Nick pull the car over at a quiet spot.

Turning to Kevin Nick looked at the small Dalmatian. Noting the sadness and nervousness of the smaller framed dog.

"Kev.. What's up buddy.. You really don't look that good. Want to tell me?"

"err.. Nick.. About last Thursday"

"Hmm.. Oh - the study sessions.. Sure what of it. Its still on for next Thursday I hope as we have exams in about a month and I need to get some swat time in."

Kevin was a little puzzled "I.. know.. but what bout after the study session when I err.."

"Blew me.." Nick chuckled "What of it. "

Nick looked at Kevin and realization crept in.

"You think I asked you out because of that? That's I am going to demand that you blow me again.. and maybe my buddies?"

Kevin nodded quietly.. This is it he though.. Something I enjoy doing turned against me.

Nick turn back in his seat and laughed gently

"Kev.. I can get blown when ever I want.. Heck there a row of girls I just have to indicate that I am horny to get laid. Hey - you have a great muzzle.. best I ever had.. But.." and he turned to Kevin with a serious look on his face "If you think I asked you out just do I can hump your face.. No.. I like you as a friend. You a nice guy.. Little quiet. I've seen the way the other jocks treat both you and some of the other gays.. Makes me angry.. So what if you like cock.. Does not make you any less of a person. And you blowing me does not make me gay either"

Kevin was a little shocked at this. This was a deeper part of Nick that he had not thought about but it did make sense the way the larger wolf carried himself thought the school.

Kevin signed in relief "So you asking me out really has nothing to do with what I did on Thursday"

Nick nodded "That's right. " his voice softened. "Kev.. if we are to be friends.. I'd prefer is its not set because you blew me.. Ok.."

Kevin brightened at that. Nick seemed sincere that the friendship was open and that it was just two guys going to catch up with a movie..

Nick looked at Kevin and smiled "Kev.. My offer of friendship and going out was made before you blew me. It still stands, regardless of whether you blow me again or not. " he chuckled for a moment "It be nice to get good head once in a while but I can also live without that too."

"So. You really just asked me out to.. see movie with your friends.. that's all."

"Yep.. that's all.. no ties attached. Something away from books and school."

Kevin brightened at that. Nick seemed sincere that the friendship was open and that it was just two guys going to catch up with a movie..

"So.. who else are we meeting " Kevin asked as Nick started the car.

"Well - Kyle would be there too. "

Kevin smiles at the thought of the big buff tiger.. and then frowned "Do he know what we.."

Nick cut him off "No.. and that is between you and me.. I don't need to keep of scorecard of who I fucked or have blown me."

Kevin's feelings toward the big wolf went up. Nick did indeed seem to be a fur who was genuine.

Nick and Kevin arrives at the theatre and spotted a tall tiger waiting there

"Hi Kyle - you know Kevin for school"

Kyle smiles and nodded - patting Kevin on the shoulder "Hi Kev.. So what you been doing lately"

Kevin stammered for a moment "err.. Helping Nick"

Nick nodded "Yep - been helping me with my History studies. Been a big help too"

Kyle grinned "Hey - great, maybe you can help me with that too?. I really need to pass this year" Kevin relaxed and smiled at the tiger's open grin 'Sure.. if I can"

Kyle already had his ticket so they wandered over to the line of people waiting to get tickets. The queue moved slowly and Nick and Kevin chatted about the movie they were seeing when a loud voice cut in behind them

":Shit Nick Thompson - I never thought you were a Fag!!!"

Nick spun around to look at a large lion with a puma girl hanging off his arm.

"Why you say that? Jeff" he growled

"Cause you got your faggy boyfriend standing next to you"

Kevin cringed and tried to back away but could not due to the crowd of interested onlookers.

Nick growled louder "And that make me a Fag cause I stand next to one"

Jeff grinning having made his point "Yeah.. your what company you keep"

Nick smiled very evilly "Well - if I'm a fag cause I stand next to one.. Its far better that being a PUSSY!!, like the one hanging off your arm"

Jeff roared in anger but didn't want to take on the larger more muscular wolf "Fuck You Nick.. "

Nick laughed it off "Any time.. that's if your ever man enough" and moved through the crowd - pushing Kevin ahead of him.

The crowd started to laugh at Jeff's discomfort including his companion. Turning to her he snarled "What are you laughing at Bitch!!" and at that she stalked off leaving Jeff even more angry.

After they got the tickets they returned to where Kyle was waiting

"Shheeh. That's one arsehole" Kyle commented about the Jeff who was still sending poisoned glares in their direction. Nick just shrugged "Yeah.. but he's all noise.. unless your back is turned. Be careful of him. He fights sneaky". Kyle nodded at that.

They all entered into the movie and sat down. Kevin found himself sandwiched between the two larger furs, their musky scent almost overwhelming in the close confines. It still puzzled him how Nick seemed to be so nonplussed by his presence. And Kyle also seemed to be openly friendly. Maybe it was that these two furs had nothing to prove to themselves or others.

As the movie went on Kevin felt more and more uncomfortable , desperately needing a good piss. He turned to Kyle who was closer to the aisle and whispered that he had to get out for a moment.

Kyle shifted his feet in the darkness and close confines as Kevin stood, and promptly tripped over Kyle's tail.

Kyle gave a muffled yowl as Kevin toppled - putting a hand out to support himself, and ended up collapsed in Kyle's lap, his hand firmly planted on the spongy mass of Kyle's jean clad groin.

Nick whispered "You ok Kev" and Kevin paused for a moment and nodded, very aware of exactly WHERE his hand was, but Kyle treated it like an accident and made neither comment nor movement whilst Kevin struggled to his feet and made his way out.

Kevin almost ran up the aisle and through the doors, round the corner to the rest rooms. Standing in the white tiles light he took a couple of deep breaths and tried to compose himself. His own erection throbbing in his boxers. Fortunately it receded so he could make his way over to the urinal and relaxed, groaning in relief as the stream of yellow piss hit the porcelain.

He heard the door open and close behind him, but could not turn to see who it was, but he suddenly felt a presence behind him and with a loud growl a massive paw gripped him behind his neck.

"You little faggot. You ain't got your boyfriend to protect you now.. Your going to wish you were never born. Embarrassing me in front of my girl"

Kevin was spun around and hurled to the floor, to be kicked by the huge lion

He tried to curl up and protect himself but it was no good against the more powerful fur. Jeff kicked him several times leaving his muzzle bleeding and a vicious kick landed right into his balls. Kevin screamed in pain and the lion picked him up

"Maybe you want to find our what it likes to be fucked by a real man " Jeff sneered and dragged Kevin to one to the stalls.

Throwing the smaller dog on the seat the lion closed the door and unbuckled his belt , dropping his trousers to reveal his throbbing erection. He obviously had gotten off on hitting Kevin.

"Ok you little fag.. suck it.. Make it slick before I ram it up your arse"

Kevin whimpered as the lion slapped his muzzle hard, causing Kevin to bite his tongue. "I said Suck Boy!!" Kevin opened his jaws as the lion gripped his head, ramming his cock down Kevin's throat.

Kevin tried to breath but it was no good.. Jeff obviously knew this and laughed "Too muck cock for you?", and then pulled Kevin off his cock so that the dog could take a gasp.. Then plunged it in again.. "Don't pass out on me fag.. I want to hear you scream when hilt you.."

In the background Kevin heard the main door open, and Nick call out "Kev.. You there, you ok buddy"

Kevin managed one weak "Help" before the lion rammed his cock down his throat, effectively silencing him. And that was when the stall door exploded inwards by seven foot of angry wolf.

Grabbing the lion he hurl him backwards , skittling him across the floor. "Kev.. Oh Shit.. " Nick exclaimed, looking at the battered dog, and then turned to confront the Jeff who was just starting to get up off the floor.

"Your fag boy got a sweet mouth.. What's it like when you.." and that was all the sneer the lion got out before Nick pile drove his fist into Jeff's gut, and then another under the chin effectively knocking him out.

Nick turned growling and padded over to Kevin, who was trying to mop up the blood dripping from his mouth. "Oh shit Kevin.. " Nick said and he knelt down next to him "We'd better get you to a hospital"

Kevin shook his head "No.. Please.. I don't want my folks to know"

Nick nodded and growled "Heck - he practically raped ya.. at least call security. "

Kevin shook his head and that was when Kyle came in to see where his two friends had got to.

"What happening here.." he growled looking at the groggy lion on the floor and Nick crouching in a stall.

"That arsehole on the floor tried to rape Kev here" Nick replied

Kyle growled and picked up Jeff by the scruff of his neck "You two get out of here. I'm going to teach this.. Moron some manners"

Kevin stood and started toward one of the basins when Nick came up and wrapped a strong arm around him "You ok buddy.. Let me help you"

Kevin nodded "I just want to wash my mouth out", gratefully clinging to the large wolf and splashed cold water onto his face, whimpering at his cut lips and wincing at the pain in his ribs.

Kevin started towards the door and slipped, only to be caught but Nick who picked him up. "Lets go Kev. Do you want to go back to your place?" Kevin shook his head "Or mine.. I can call a doc over and he can look at you." Kevin nodded at this, feeling secure against Nick muscular furred chest.

Back at the car Nick put Kevin into the front seat jumped into the other side. Turning he looked with concern at Kevin "Kev.. I'm really sorry. I was hoping that you'd have a great time out.. Not this.. Man.. I'm Sorry"

Kevin reached over and gripped Nicks hand , squeezing it "No Nick.. its not your fault.. I'm really thankful you came in when you did."

Nick nodded "Don't worry - If Jeff ever thinks of touching you or another gay again - he'll be dead.. Kyle and I will make sure of that! Come on - lets get going"

The trip back was a blur for Kevin as he was lost in his thoughts, until the realization came that they were pulling up next to Nick's pool house.

They walked in, Kevin gratefully collapsing onto the couch there whilst Nick padded into the kitchen area. A few moments late he came back with an icepack and a towel "You might want to use this on your face. - It will help stop the bruises. You still want a Doc?"

Kevin shook his head.

Looking up at the big wolf Kevin was heartened by the genuine concern written across Nick's muzzle. He lingered there for a few moments - almost unsure what to do then he grinned "Well - whilst we are here.. want to watch a movie. I can promise you there are no Jeff's around.."

Kevin tried to smile at Nick's attempt at humour and nodded, starting to feel a little better from the stressful experience.

"Ok man.. great.. be back in a moment" and wandered into his room. A few moments he came out having stripped off his shirt and jeans, and was now clad only in a pair of shorts. "I hope you don't mine me getting comfy" he smiles

Kevin only nodded, enjoying the sight of the wolfs muscular body and watched as Nick knelt down next to the TV and sorted through the stack of DVD's there.. His tail wagging happily

"Nightmare on Elm Street, Jason rises Again, " he turn and looked at Kevin "Sorry - I'm a horror movie buff.."

Kevin smiled "I have not seen the Jason one yet"

"Ok.. Jason it is" Nick chuckles and slipped the disc into the drive and hit the button, and flopped down next to Kevin, his still wagging tail squeezing between them both.

As the credits started Nicks started to fidget.. "Forgot something" he muttered.. "Ah.. BEER!!.. Want one Kev?" he called as he sprung back over the couch and returned with two bottles and a bag of pop-corn.

It was a great movie. Kevin found himself snuggling closer to Nick during the more intense parts and Nick just looked down at Kevin and smiled. At the end Kevin found himself gripping Nick's fur. Realizing what he was doing he looked up at Nick who grinned and put a friendly arm around the smaller dog.

"Not your movie Kev?" "No.. it was great though its not one I would watch alone."

Nick dialled out for pizza's and they both ate with gusto. Kevin by now was feeling very relaxed and comfortable around Nick. The wolf was just.. openly friendly by nature and accepted Kevin without reservation.

During the next movie Kevin found himself again resting next to Nick.. just enjoying the warmth and closeness to the handsome hunk.. Without realizing it he reached over and started to rub the wolf stomach, enjoying the thick fur and the play of the muscles under it. Nick smiled and stretched out chuckling. "Oh.. sorry Nick I!!" "Nah.. it's fine Kev.. you give great belly rubs"

Kevin smiles and was surprised with Nick looked at him again and grinned

"Thou I must say Kev. that was a clever move on Kyle."

"What.. what do you mean.."

"You know - feeling him up at the movies"

"I never.. I tripped"

"Sure.. Sure.. great trip.. you got you hand right on his.."

"Nooo.. I tripped Really I"

Kevin then realized the big wolf was teasing him when Nick burst out laughing.

"You rotten bastard " Kevin punched Nick's arm as the wolf curled over, sides heaving.. Then he turned and grabbed Kevin - foozling his head fur with his knuckles

"I've always wanted a little brother " he laughed and hugged Kevin

Kevin smiled and blushed.. just enjoying the companionship. He was feeling very fond of Nick and was not sure if he wanted a lover.. or just a friend. He was not even sure what Nick thought of.. well that aspect of himself. Sure Nick had accepted a blow job but lots of furs did that without taking it any further.. But he did cuddle and jerk Kevin off afterwards without being asked, and did not seem at all self conscious about doing that either.

The evening wore on and Nick yawned loudly.. "Ohh.. I need a sleep.. Kev - want to help me set up your bed" Kevin smiled.. a little saddened that the closeness had to end and stood, letting Nick pull out the couch, and started to tidy the bedclothes there. "Sorry - I think Kyle was the last to use these and his scent is all over them. I can try and dig up some clean ones for you" "No that's ok.. I can put up with that." Kevin smiles.. also starting to feel very tired.

Nick helped made the bed and then stood , yawning again "Ok.. - I'll be in there is you need anything, oh - bathroom is in there too, first door on the left.. Sorry - only one john in the joint. Night Kev, sleep well buddy", then turning he walked into his room.

Kevin watches as he shed his own clothes, seeing the shadows from Nicks room. He could see the play of light as wolf shed his shorts and stretched, scratching his belly and then, his balls and cock. Then the shadows disappeared as the light went out and softly Kevin heard the sound of the bed and sheets moving.

Crawling into his own bed he lay there.. His erection already throbbing in his boxers as he tried to find a comfortable position. Even worse there was the lingering scent of Kyle, and damd.. the smell of musk. Kyle must have jerked off in these sheets.

To add to his misery he desperately needed a piss and the john was in THERE with Nick.

Standing he made his way in the darkness and though the door, trying to make his way across the room as quietly as possible. Listening he could hear quiet breathing to his right as Nick slept. Taking another step his feet tangled in something and he fell..

Suddenly the light came on and Nick sat up - looking at Kevin lying on the floor - his feet tangled in Nicks shorts.

"What whats up Kev.. you ok buddy?"

"Sorry Nick - I needed to go to the john.."

"Oh.. right - through there, I'll keep the light on for you."

Kevin walked in and gratefully relieved himself, flushing the cistern and stepped out.

"Oh.. that was better"

"Good.. see you in the morning then.. Kev"

As Kevin turned to walk out he was hit in the back of the head by Nick's shorts and a chuckling voice echoed behind him "And I though you were coming in lusting after my body!"

Kevin turned to the grinning wolf and leapt onto the bed, tackling the wolf and trying to tickle his ribs.. Nick rolled over - pinning Kevin down and playfully nibbling his ears..

After a few minutes Kevin called a truce and Nick let him up, that was when Kevin realized that Nick was naked. Kevin blushed and looked away whilst Nick looked at him puzzled


"Your Naked!"

"So.. I was in bed.. Besides.. You've seen it before.. Heck - You've even sucked it"

Kevin blushed even more and realized that the tone of the wolf was joking and not a come on.

"Ok ok " Nick muttered and pulled the sheet over his groin "Better"

Kevin laughed and grabbed at the sheet "Aww.. come on - least let me look"

Nick shook his head still chuckling "Nah, you'll only want to practice sword swallowing and besides - I do need to sleep"

Kevin nodded laughing and stood turning to go back to his own room, then paused for a moment.



"Can.. Can I crash in with you tonight. I don't mean sex, I just want to be close to someone, anyone"

There was a moments silence whilst Nick thought it over.. His ears flicking around.

"Sure.. what the heck.. Kev.. Hop in.

Nick shifted off to one side as Kevin slipped under the sheet, only to be surprised when the wolf scooted close and wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling Kevin's ears

Kevin tensed for a moment as he felt the large wolf's chest, belly, and groin press against him but it quickly became apparent that Nick was not aroused.

Settling down next to the wolf Kevin smiled and rubbed at the large hand that rested against his chest. "Night Nick.."

"Night Bro" Nick replied and settled into silence.

Morning came and gently lit the room. Kevin woke and found himself still in the wolf embrace. Carefully extricating himself he stretched and relieved his bladder mentally cursing the beer the night before, and returned to the bed.

But this time Nick had stirred and was now sleeping on his back, the sheet draped over his lower body highlighting his morning wood. Kevin sat on the bed and looked at the sleeping wolf, enjoying the sight of the muscles and sleek black fur. Reaching over he rested his hand on the wolf's belly, letting the warmth and soft fur tickle his palm.

Nick slumbered as Kevin's started to stroke the muscular torso. By this time Kevin had already worked out that the wolf was a heavy sleeper and was now staring that the tented sheet in front of him.

Curiosity and lust overcame his reticence and he reached down to pull the sheet away from Nick's groin. Finally freed from the sheet Nick's 10 inch member bobbed gently in time with his steady heart beat. Kevin stared, studying Nick's maleness and noting the smaller details. The veins along the shaft, the heavy balls with a plush of short black fur, the ridge running up the under shaft. Nick was un-cut and Kevin had a chance to study an intact cock, the foreskin outlining the glans beneath. From the tighter ring of skin at the tip Nick's purple head emerged.

Running his finger tips over the shaft Kevin revelling in his explorations. Nick slept on, softly occasionally murring and murmuring in his sleep when Kevin pressed harder to grip the shaft. Hefting it away from the black furred groin he massaged the massive cock gently, tugging on the loose skin and causing the foreskin to slip back to reveal the wolf's throbbing head, the ridge behind it already swelling to capture the foreskin behind it, and his natural musky secretions filling the air with his scent.

Kevin froze as Nick groaned and stretched in his sleep, tensing his erection and causing his balls to pull up against his crotch. The smaller dog watched as a glistening bead of pre-cum seeped from the wolf's pisshole.

Taking courage Kevin rubbed a little more and lowered his head to lap gently at the broad head, closing his eyes in enjoyment. Realizing that the wolf was no longer murring he looked up to gaze into Nicks brown eyes and expressionless face.

He froze.. not sure what to do. "Err.. it woke up before you did"

Nick broke into a smile "It always does.."

"What to you do with it?"

"Same as you " Nick laughed "Except twice to make sure"

Kevin laughed at this and was surprised when Nick reached down to pull him closer cuddling him.


"Hmm.." Kevin replied, cuddling next to the wolf, his hand rubbing gently on Nick's hard on

"Whats it like to be gay.. I mean what turns ya on"

Kevin was surprised by this, he had not expected Nick to be this deep or curious.

"Well. You for starters"

Nick laughed at this but continued "I mean.. well.. for me with females.. I like their breasts, their scent, going down on them, the feeling of their pussy's and mouths, and their flavours.."

Kevin nodded, not having really thought on this before "I suppose for me.. this " and squeezed Nicks hard-on, "A great body. Nice personality" Kevin could not deny by this time he was falling for the wolf in a big way. "Scent, like you smell very strong and masculine. I like to suck cock and love the taste, and.. " at this he blushed "I like it when I'm mounted too."

Nick nodded, thinking this over

"Why Nick.. you think you might be gay?"

Nick smiled "Well - you ARE the first guy I ever jerked off "

Kevin looked in surprise "Really, never when you were younger"

Nick shook his head as Kevin continued "You and Kyle ever.."

"No.. well - we've watched porno together and jerked off but never touched. I don't think that counts" causing Kevin to chuckle "And Kev, you were also the first guy who ever gave me head. You seem to enjoy it"

Kevin smiled and blushed "Yeah.. it was fantastic, now That really turned me on.."

"What was it that you liked"

Kevin thought, his forehead furrowing. Nick was being very inquisitive and he was not sure why

"Well.. Your taste and scent, the feeling of you in my mouth and you did not try and hump my tonsils out either. You as in your masculinity, I felt like I had a lot of control."

Nick nodded gently and then surprised Kevin by reaching down and pulling out the waistband of Kevin's boxers, revealing Kevin's 6 inch length. He looked at it as in thinking of something and then ran his palm over it gently.

Kevin closed his eyes and leant back moaning at the soft touches.

Nick watched and smiles.. He knew of Kevin's kinks, and for him that was not a bad thing as he knew he had some of his own. He loved to make his partners and friends happy. Certainly none of his lovers ever had any complains and he was always careful to make sure that the experience was fantastic for the both of them. With Kevin thou, he was still coming to terms that letting the smaller dog suck him off was such a big turn on for him, and wondered what else the smaller dog enjoyed.

Kevin opened his eyes and kissed Nick, who responded with a gently play of tongues. After a few minutes Kevin broke the kiss and looked into Nick eyes. "Nick.. will you do me a favour?"

"Anything buddy" and at this Kevin smiles, he knew now that anything really meant anything with Nick.

"Will you.. well.. take me.. Fuck me.. please"

"You sure.. I mean.. I have not done anal before and I don't want to hurt you"

"Nick.. I don't think you would ever hurt me.. and I DO want to.. experience you"

The wolf turned slightly and opened a drawer, and retrieved a tube of Lube. Kevin grinned at that as Nick looked abashed "errr.. some of my girlfriends are a little tight.. it helps, and well.. makes a great hand job"

Nick knelt down, his maleness resting on his thighs as Kevin quickly shed his boxers and laid down with his knees in the air. What surprised him neck was when Nick lay on top of him and kissed him, nibbling along his jaw line and this throat.. Working his way down Kevin's chest he nibbled and licked, playfully attacking the dog's nipples on the way.

Kevin by now was panting in excitement, and almost howled when he felt the plush of Nicks chin brush against his cock head.

Nick paused and looked at Kevin's cock, studying the lines and veins, and the trickle of pre that was pooling on Kevin's belly. Steeling himself he extended his tongue and gave the throbbing maleness a long slow lick.

Kevin howled and almost came at this, gripping the wolves ears and pulling him closer. Nick opened his jaw and took the smaller cock into his mouth, letting it rest on his tongue and then bobbed his head gently, licking and sucking on it. Kevin was in heaven and although it was Nicks first time he was gentle and was taking the time to ensure that his teeth were out of the way.

Nick on the other hand was enjoying feeling the tensions and movements of Kevin's excitement, realizing now how much he could read the smaller dogs pleasures. The taste was not bad either, sweeter than his own which he had tasted in curiosity. Kevin tensed and moaned, shuddering as his cock strained, and with a soft howl he unloaded his seed into Nick's mouth.

Nick felt the cock stiffen and then pulse, sending jet after jet of salty liquid over his tongue and down his throat. He paused, unsure of the taste and then decided to swallow the rest of it after realizing that the taste was not that bad at all.

"Oh Nick.. that's was fantastic.. " Kevin moaned , coming down from the peak. Nick looked up and grinned, enjoying having given the little dog so much pleasure.

Then Kevin lifted his hips, showing his pink ring "Nick.. please.. "

Nick nodded and lubed himself up, then took a generous dollop he rubbed it on the puckered flesh.. Kevin moaned and pressed back causing one of Nicks fingers to slip inside of him.. Nick paused as Kevin moaned loudly in happiness and squirmed harder onto the finger.. "Yes Nick.. that it.. loosen me.. get me ready for you"

Nick was still unsure but rubbed his finger in and out of the smaller dog, then tried another finger which made Kevin howl in pleasure. Deciding that Kevin was looser and that his own need was great he removed his fingers and knelt forwards resting his broad head against Kevin's entrance.

"Ready Kev?"

"Yeessss... Take me.."

Nick pressed forward gently.. feeling some resistance as his head spread Kevin open, and then with a snap the tight ring slipped over his glans . He stopped looking at Kevin who panted and moved his head around in pleasure.. His hips bucking slightly in excitement from the penetration..

It was a mutual effort.. Nick pressing forward and Kevin whining as he pressed back.. Nick was amazed when seven inches of himself disappeared into Kevin, and then eight... Kevin paws were frantic on the bed and crying "Yes.. Yes.. ", until finally they both rested as Nick finished hilting himself..

Pulling back a few inches he paused looking at the smaller dog's excitement and then pressed back.. Kevin moaning at the emptiness and then the wonderful feeling of being fill to his limits.

Slowly Nick built up a steady thrusting, hilting Kevin and then pulling out almost to the tip to press in again. It was wonderful, so different from his girlfriends and even more exciting as each thrust caused Kevin's cock to tense and jet pre onto his belly. Seeing the dog get off on this was a incredible turn-on for the wolf.

After a little experimentation with movement Nick angled his cock upward and hit the jackpot as Kevin opened his eyes and mouth wide in a silent 'O' - feeling the big wolfs cock massaging his prostate.

Kevin was at such a state of excitement it did not take long for him to cum, and with a loud howl he tensed and coated his chest and belly with jet after jet of sticky fluids.

Nick looked down in wonder, never realizing that he would feel every pulse and heartbeat of Kevin's climax, but he himself was not yet close to cumming. Bending over he licked Kevin's still spurting cock eliciting a yelp of pleasure from the over sensitive flesh, and then with long broad strokes he washed Kevin's belly, and chest, now enjoying the sweet salty cum..

For a few moments they both rested. Kevin leaning upwards to kiss Nick tenderly, enjoying his own flavours and that of the big wolf's.

"Oh.. Nick.. that was incredible.. I've never cum that hard before."

This time it was Nicks turn to blush, very happy that he had not hurt his friend in any way... then Kevin realized Nicks situation

"Oh man.. you have not cum yet."

Nick grin and thrust a little "No yet.. but Christ Kev.. I will be soon..."

Kevin grinned at this and was puzzled when a quick look of concern ran across Nicks face

"What's up Nick.."

Nick hmmmed for a second.. as much as he enjoyed making his partners happy he also loved to mount in a very instinctive way. His wolven instincts were very strong and he knew when he was extremely excited he even had a faint residual knot at the base of his cock. Something more than one of his lovers would comment about.

"Kev.. can I err. mount you.. you know.. you kneeling and me on top.. Sorry but.. Its"

He did not have a chance to finish before Kevin kissed him again and swivelled on his cock, tucking his legs up and managing to turn kneeling in front of Nick.

Wrapping his strong arms around the dog's waist he slipped his legs on either side of Kevin's hips. Feeling something bump against his hand he realized it was to dog's still throbbing erection so he wrapped his sizeable fist around it, encasing it in his slick palm.

Kevin Ohhh.. and squirmed as the hyper sensitive cock was rubbed and squeezed, and then moaned deeply as Nick thrust slowly but surely to the hilt.

Nick was trying to keep control of his feelings. Mounting another male was turning him in a major way and he was close to loosing it.

Kevin could feel Nicks breathing deepen and a soft growling started to come with each breath.. Nick was humping like a mad thing.. each hilting caused Kevin's cock to fuck the wolf's palm. Suddenly Kevin felt Nick shift and then a set of jaws locked around the back of his neck as Nick seem to try and turn himself inside of him.. He could also feel something else. A stretching as the wolf hilted him deeply and it was becoming more and more apparent.. Suddenly Nick lifted hic chest from Kevin's back and with a couple of sharp short thrust howled loudly and shuddered, unloading jet after jet of his cum into the willing dogs bowels.

Kevin felt wonderfully filled. Not just by the size of Nick, but also the sheer quantity of his seed. It filled him,, seeping out from his ring and trickled down his balls..

Nick just rested, panting heavily above him . He knew that he had knotted. Nothing like his ancestors but still a sizeable lump that increased his girth by a couple on inches.. And that would take a few minutes before he could pull out.. Not that he wanted to just yet..

"Oh Nick.. thank you.. thanks you.. that's was wonderful " Kevin moaned softly as Nick silently kissed and licked his ears, neck and face

"You are ok.. I'm sorry - I lost it for a while, you were so tight and" but that was all he got before Kevin gripped him muzzle and silenced him "Nick.. I'm ok.. believe me.. I just want to lie here with you for a while. Can I do that?"

Nick smiles and nodded, still wrapped up in the afterglow of incredible sex.. He thought bout things too..

Was he gay?.. No , he enjoyed females to much, and he also wanted one day to have cubs he could love and watch grow up. Was he entirely straight. He was not sure, certainly males had not excited him much before. He could definitely appreciate a good body.. like Kyle's... He thoughts wandered for a moment and he dragged them back. Better not go there.. What about Kevin. A friend yes.. A lover?, he mused at this for a moment, he did not know, perhaps a close friend where closeness was possible.. He could enjoy that.

The phone rang next to the bed and Nick picked it up

"Hi Nick " came Kyles voice "mind if I pop by in about an hour , I need that wrestling DVD of yours.."

Nick looked at the clock and saw it was already 10 in the morning. They had been fucking for nearly 4 hours!!!

"err.. Yeah.. we should be up by then.."

"Ya lazy sleepyhead.. We?? oh , did Kevin crash the night.."

"Yeah, he was still shaken from what happened man.."

"I can understand that.. Jeff will not be doing anything like that for a long wile. Security came in just as I was about to start with Jeff. He spilled the beans to them trying to save his hide. Of course omitting what he did to get bashed in the first place. Fortunately the guard was my uncle and believed the correct version so Jeff is in very deep shit"

Kevin looked at Nick, obviously hearing the conversation.

"I'll let Kevin know that when he wakes up" Nick replies , batting Kevin's ears as the dog started to giggle under him.

"Ok.. what that in the background" Kyle asked..

"Nothing.. just my stomach.. I need food, catch you later..."

Kevin quaked in mirth under Nick who tried to be serious before his good nature got the better of him, and he collapsed laughing..

"Could.. could you imagine Kyle's face is he saw us now" Nick laughed.

"What he do.. would he want a piece of the action"

"Not sure.. I know that he can get pretty horny sometimes, I KNOW that he has jerked off in the spare bed on more than one occasion. I know that yowl from anywhere."

"Well you better hope he does not appear then Nick"

"Hmm.. Why?"

"Cause my arse is filled and your is Not!!"

Nick chuckled and gave a few playful humps and then sighed. "We better get up.. Kev, look, I'm still a little tight in you.. Do you think I can carry you to the shower, if I pull out now I could hurt you and also it make a real mess of the bed."

Carefully standing Nick cradled and supported Kevin as they made there way into the shower, and then rested as Nick adjusted the water. After a minute of enjoying the warm water Nick gave a groan and pulled back gently, and Kevin yipped as something larger popped out of him. Looking down at Nicks cock he could see the slight swelling at the base.

"Nick you've got a"

Yeah.. I know.. its vestigial, like an appendix or little toe"

Kevin nodded at this. He had heard of some wolves having this, it was a standard locker room joke about the differences of various species, like the big cats having bumps behinds their cock heads.

Kevin reaches down and caresses it - feeling it soften in his grip.. "Does it always get like that Nick"

"Nah.. only when I am super horny or very excited.. "

"You mean that you were getting that way with me?"

Nick was glad that the smaller fur could not see how red the inside of his ears were getting. But he was surprised when Kevin stepped up and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you Nick.. I really appreciate knowing how much you enjoyed being with me.."

Nick nodded, waiting for the inevitable questions.

"Nick".. what do you think of me?"

Nick sighed.. He had had the same conversation with several of his girlfriends and it was one he preferred to avoid.

"I like you as a friend, I enjoy being around you Kev. I've always wanted a brother and I suppose in a way - I see you as that."

He waited for Kevin's reaction, the "Us.. we" part, but it did not happen.

"Thanks Nick.. I really appreciate that.. and I do enjoy being around you.. Not cause your hot, but you have always been fair to me."

Nick hugged back, still a little unsure if they were over this emotional crossroads

"Nick.. will we ever.. do this again"

Nick thought hard, he wanted to be fair to Kevin, not get his hopes up. He DID enjoy the sex but commitment. Well.. no.

"Kev.. what if we don't?"

Kevin sighed but still hugged "That's ok Nick.. It was great but well.. if its not you.. then that's fine. I'd still like you as a friend."

Nick smiled, unseen by Kevin "Kev.. I'd like to do it again sometime.. But here.. not in school. Just.. you and me.. here.. Ok., and not that often either."

Kevin smiles "No problems Nick.. I understand, I'm fine with than err.. what about giving you head?"

Nick laughs "Ohh.. well.. that.. Yeah, you still have the best muzzle I've ever had so maybe a little more often."

Grabbing a bottle of soap Nick lathered himself up and passed it to Kevin. Rubbing the soap into his groin Nick winced a little, his cock tender from the sensations and his balls hurt.. He had some good fucking before but this one.. well. He did not really want to let Kevin know how good it was incase Kevin wanted more than Nick was willing to give. But Kevin had accepted that Nick was essentially straight with no qualms or reservations.

Kevin on the other hand was thinking about Nick.. The wolf was hot and he's gladly go down for and on him anytime. But he also understood that Nick would want to keep what happened between him and Kevin. If he was to choose a fur for a boyfriend then the wolf was definitely up there. But, if all that Nick wanted to offer was friendship. He could live with that. At least it was better than being discarded like a used condom after the event. At least Nick had not said no to other.. interludes.

Finishing the shower they dried, taking turns in front of the fur-dryer, and Kevin borrowed Nick brushes to get the tangles out of his head fur. They were both quiet, each thinking their own thoughts of the morning's events

Walking back into the bedroom Nick opened the window to try and clear the scent of sex, and started to get the bedclothes into the laundry basket.

Kevin helped, a little quiet and Nick watched him move around.

Nick finally sat down on the bed and looked at his smaller friend.

"Kev. Come here.. please"

Kevin walked over and stood in front of Nick looking at him and was surprised when Nick took his hands in his.

"Look buddy.. I'm not gay. I want to have kids some day and that is something I don't think another male can give me. I also enjoy females as well. What we did was wonderful and I want to thank you for letting me find out about males. Wonderful.. heck - it was the best fuck I've can remember having"

Kevin brightened and smiled at this

"Its ok Nick I understand"

No.. it not ok.. I want to you know that its not you. If you were female then we'd be dating from this moment on.. Ok. Kev..its that... well.. you are male. And that's the only reason. Please.. understand.. it's the only reason."

Kevin nodded "You can still be Bi you know.. Enjoy what both males and females can offer"

Nick thought on this.. It was a halfway that he had not really thought about and perhaps.. yes.. its was a balance that could fit him comfortably

"Maybe.. I don't know.. I'll have to think about that." he said nodding

And then he surprised Kevin by pulling him close and kissing him tenderly, lingering each tongue stroke and caressing Kevin's teeth and mouth with his broad length.

Kevin blushed and hugged back, glancing down to see the wolf maleness thicken and start to bob.

"On no you don't " Nick growled down at it. "You had your fill for the day.. or week. And I've got to get dressed and I don't want to have to fight with you trying to get you comfortable.."

Kevin laughed at Nicks mock anger "Maybe it wants some more?"

"No.. besides, the last thing I want to do is to say hi to Kyle with this monster peeking over my waistband"

Kevin laughed as he grabbed his own boxers and slipped them on, hiding his own blossoming erection and watched as Nick pulled on his own shorts, fighting to get his maleness under control.

Its was good timing as a few moments later they heard Kyle call from in the lounge

"Hey - sleepyhead, you up yet?"

Nick walked out and playfully punched Kyle on the arm "Yes.. I'm up.., and so is Kev too"

Kevin wandered feeling a little embarrassed and unsure what Kyle would think or try and think up something re the mornings activities"

"Hi Kev, how are you feeling?"

"Much better Kyle, thanks for helping me yesterday."

"That's ok.. I supposed Nick has told you re Jeff"

Kevin nodded "Yes.. Thanks for that. I really do appreciate it"

Kyle moved the bedclothes from the couch, noting that they were cold "So.. Kev? Where do you sleep last night?" he laughed

"err.. well " Kevin stammered

"He crashed in with me " Nick growled coming to Kevin's rescue "Because some Scrummy Cat I know blew all over the sheets and didn't tell me, and I could not let Kev here sleep with THAT!!", and he picked up the pillow and hurled it at Kyle.

Kevin watched and smiled as the two larger furs tackled each other in mock battle, enjoying the play of muscles and the good humour between them, and then with his stomach growling wandered into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee..

Meanwhile Kyle and Nick had collapsed onto the couch and were discussing various wrestlers and their techniques. Glancing over to Kevin and then back to Nick Kyle asked quietly so Kevin could not hear, his ears pricked forwards in humorous curiosity, nose wrinkling "So Nick. What really Did happen last night between you two?"

A small smile lifted the corner of Nick mouth..
