Nina and Kimmy

Story by Kinsmir on SoFurry

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Nina sighed as she sat in the living room, snuggled into her cuddle clothes, she reached for the remote control.

Nina is very lonely, she has no boy friend or girl friend, she doesn't look bad or anything, cause if she got something it is looks and brains, that is no doubt.

She stood up and pulled off her to large male t-shirt and looked at her self in the mirror, looking her self over, her small cute feet, perfect shaped thighs....she removed her panty shorts, blushing a bit as she did that, she kind of knew she was hot, but didn't want to admit it.

She traced a finger on her beautiful pussy, it was shaved, she turned around and looked at her butt, firm and perfect as the rest of her, her tummy is not to thin or to large, it is a bit smaller then average, her breasts is C cups, just one size from a D cup, her neck is slender, her face is cute, pretty and beautiful.

She sighed and just looked at her self, she cover her breasts and put on her panties again.

'Will I ever feel love?' she asked her self and answered 'no...probably not'

She sighed and got dressed, putting on her tight but fitting t-shirt, she then pulled on her blue jeans, and laid back down on the couch again, idly she rubbed her crotch.

She almost jumped as she heard the phone call, she hurried to pick it up and thought 'who could this be? I never get calls' she answered the phone


"Hi Nina, it is Kimmy, what you up to?"

"Nothing.....the same I do every day...."

" poor thing....Hey, can I come over?"

Nina blinked to this, a bit shocked that someone wanted to visit her, there was quiet a while


"hm? Oh, yeah,sure"

Nina smiled and hurried to clean the tiny there was to clean, soon the doorbell rang and she hurried to open up and there stood Kimmy, smiling her beautiful smile

"Hi Nina, how are you?"

"I am good" she smiled and said but added in thought 'now as you are here'

"Good, may I come in?"

"Yes, of course" Nina moved out off the way as she looked up and down Kimmy's body, Nina adored Kimmy, hir beautiful and perfect body, hir lovely curves, there was nothing wrong with Kimmy, reached out to touch hir soft, fluffy white and grey fur.

Kimmy is an chakat, a very pretty one even for chakat standards, hir breasts is D cups, hir hands small and cute, the rest is much like Nina.

Nina pulled her hand back to not bother the chakat with her self, but Kimmy noticed and smiled

"Go on" shi said warmly to her, Nina blushed at this, just looking at hir with a shocked face. Kimmy just stood there and smiled to Nina over hir shoulder

"If you want to, just do it Nina, I don't mind" Nina blushed more, but woke up from her shock, she moved a bit closer to the chakat and laid her hand on her back, stroking hir gently, Kimmy purred gently and smiled to Nina, and Nina softened in her face, smiling a tiny also

"Y-y-you like this?"

she asked

"mmmmm... of course mmmmm..."

Nina stopped petting a bit and looked to the chakat

"want to sit down?" the chakat nodded and smiled still, there where almost never any hard feelings hidden inside this creature, Nina knew this.

Nina led the way to the living room and motioned to the couched, a five seat.

"Please sit or lay down Kimmy" Kimmy giggled and laid down on the couch, taking all the place with purpose, Nina blinked and blushed, moving to sit down on the floor, but Kimmy took her paw in hirs

"No sweetie, sit with me" shi moved a tiny bit so Nina had some where to sit, Nina is a very shy person so she moved carefully to sit by Kimmy's lower torso, Kimmy curled around her and hir fluffy tail laid down in her lap.

"So Nina, what do you usually do?"

"I don't do anything....I don't have any friends except you Kimmy and even you I see rarely"

Kimmy sighed and looked at her

"I am sorry Nina....I got other friends to you know....though you are number 1" she sighed more and lowered hir ears, leaning closer to Nina

"I am sorry Nina.....I should visit you more often" shi looked into her eyes. Nina looked back and blushed as she stared into hir eyes, she suddenly tried to look away.

Kimmy saw this and laid her paw under Nina's chin and made her look at hir

"Why you shying away?" there came no answer from Nina, this made Kimmy smile "Weeeeeell....I could test you" still no response or emotion, Kimmy moved closer to Nina and kissed her lips deeply.

Nina blinked and her eyes went wide open as she was kissed....why did shi kiss her?....but Nina couldn't let this chance slip she kissed hir back just as deep.

Kimmy moved slowly out of the kiss, she had a very blushing face, Nina blinked, she had never seen her friend blush

"Kimmy...why are you blushing" this time shi didn't answer

"Kimmy?" she sounded worried and a long pause where there, a huge silence ".....Nina....I....I have...always.....loved you..." Nina blinked...suddenly everything went black.

Kimmy catched Nina and whimpered

"Nina....please don't do this...." Kimmy sobbed and softly got off the couch and laid Nina gently down and was about to leave as she had opened the door and taken a foot outside the door

"I have to...."Nina said with a faint voice, Kimmy blinked and looked back

"What? You have what?" she blinked confused, Nina blushed again

"I...have always loved you to...:" smiled gently, Kimmy blinked and blushed, drying her tears from her eyes as shi closed the door and went back to the couch.

Nina reached her arms out for hir, the chakat moved into the females arms and kissed her softly again

"mmmmmm....girlfriend" shi blushed at this, and so did Nina

"mmmmm yes?"

Kimmy didn't mean that as a question, just as a statement

"n-nothing" Nina blinked and smiled to her girlfriend

" want to go to bed, I am cold" she giggled and winked, faking a shiver.

Kimmy giggled to and licked her softly over her muzzle

"mmmmmm...sure Nina, why not" she picked Nina up in her arms, as of those who does not know, Chakats are very strong compared to their body size and other creatures.